ALL PACKAGES [CHANNEL PEAR.PHP.NET]: ==================================== PACKAGE LATEST LOCAL pear/Archive_Tar 1.4.14 Tar file management class pear/Archive_Zip 0.1.2 Zip file archiving management class pear/Auth 1.6.4 Creating an authentication system. pear/Auth_HTTP 2.1.8 HTTP authentication pear/Auth_PrefManager 1.2.2 Preferences management class pear/Auth_PrefManager2 2.0.0dev1 Preferences management class pear/Auth_RADIUS 1.1.0 Wrapper Classes for the RADIUS PECL. pear/Auth_SASL 1.1.0 Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses pear/Auth_SASL2 0.2.0 Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses pear/Benchmark 1.2.9 Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls. pear/Cache 1.5.6 Framework for caching of arbitrary data. pear/Cache_Lite 1.8.3 Fast and Safe little cache system pear/Calendar 0.5.5 A package for building Calendar data structures (irrespective of output) pear/CodeGen 1.0.7 Tool to create Code generaters that operate on XML descriptions pear/CodeGen_MySQL 1.0.0RC1 Abstract base package for MySQL code generators pear/CodeGen_MySQL_Plugin 0.9.2 Tool to generate MySQL Pugins from an XML description pear/CodeGen_MySQL_UDF 1.0.0RC1 Tool to generate MySQL UDF extensions from an XML description pear/CodeGen_PECL 1.1.3 Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description pear/Config 1.10.12 Your configuration's swiss-army knife. pear/Config_Lite 0.2.6 a lightweight and fast Config class for ini style text configuration files. pear/Console_Color 1.0.3 This Class allows you to easily use ANSI console colors in your application. pear/Console_Color2 0.1.2 This Class allows you to easily use ANSI console colors in your application. pear/Console_CommandLine 1.2.2 A full featured command line options and arguments parser pear/Console_Getargs 1.4.0 A command-line arguments parser pear/Console_Getopt 1.4.3 Command-line option parser pear/Console_GetoptPlus 1.0.0RC1 Command-line option parser - Console Getopt+ (Getopt Plus) pear/Console_ProgressBar 0.5.2beta This class provides you with an easy-to-use interface to progress bars. pear/Console_Table 1.3.1 Library that makes it easy to build console style tables pear/Contact_AddressBook 0.5.1 Address book export-import class pear/Contact_Vcard_Build 1.1.2 Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks. pear/Contact_Vcard_Parse 1.32.0 Parse vCard 2.1 and 3.0 files. pear/Crypt_Blowfish 1.1.0RC2 Allows for quick two-way blowfish encryption without requiring the MCrypt PHP extension. pear/Crypt_CBC 1.0.1 A class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module. pear/Crypt_CHAP 1.5.0 Generating CHAP packets. pear/Crypt_DiffieHellman 0.2.6 Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange cryptographic protocol for PHP5 pear/Crypt_GPG 1.6.7 GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) pear/Crypt_HMAC 1.0.1 A class to calculate RFC 2104 compliant hashes. pear/Crypt_HMAC2 1.0.0 Implementation of Hashed Message Authentication Code for PHP5 pear/Crypt_MicroID 0.1.0 PHP MicroID library. pear/Crypt_RC4 1.0.3 Encryption class for RC4 encryption. Users are highly encourages to migrate to Crypt_RC42 (Crypt RC4 2.0); a PHP5 compatible release with multiple bug fixes. pear/Crypt_RC42 0.9.0 Encryption class for RC4 encryption for PHP 5 pear/Crypt_RSA 1.2.1 Provides RSA-like key generation, encryption/decryption, signing and signature checking. Users are strongly advised to migrate to phpseclib's Crypt_RSA; which is better maintained and less vulnerable to security issues. pear/Crypt_Xtea 1.1.0 A class that implements the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) (New Variant). pear/Crypt_XXTEA 0.9.0 An implementation of the XXTEA encryption algorithm. NOTICE: unregular default behavior. pear/Date 1.5.0a4 Generic date/time handling class for PEAR pear/Date_Holidays 0.21.8 Driver based class to calculate holidays. pear/Date_Holidays_Australia 0.2.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Australia. pear/Date_Holidays_Austria 0.1.6 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Austria. pear/Date_Holidays_Brazil 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Brazil. pear/Date_Holidays_Chile 0.1.0 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Chile. pear/Date_Holidays_Croatia 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Croatia. pear/Date_Holidays_Czech 0.1.0 Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Czech Republic. pear/Date_Holidays_Denmark 0.1.3 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Denmark. pear/Date_Holidays_Discordian 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate Discordian holidays. pear/Date_Holidays_EnglandWales 0.1.5 Driver based class to calculate holidays in England and Wales. pear/Date_Holidays_Finland 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Finland. pear/Date_Holidays_France 0.1.0 Driver based class to calculate holidays in France. pear/Date_Holidays_Germany 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Germany. pear/Date_Holidays_Iceland 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Iceland. pear/Date_Holidays_Ireland 0.1.3 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Ireland. pear/Date_Holidays_Italy 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy. pear/Date_Holidays_Japan 0.1.3 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Japan. pear/Date_Holidays_Netherlands 0.1.4 Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Netherlands. pear/Date_Holidays_Norway 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Norway. pear/Date_Holidays_Peru 0.1.0 Date_Holidays Driver for Holidays for Peru pear/Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate birthdays of some members of the community. pear/Date_Holidays_Portugal 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Portugal. pear/Date_Holidays_Romania 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Romania. pear/Date_Holidays_Russia 0.1.0 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Russia. pear/Date_Holidays_SanMarino 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in San Marino. pear/Date_Holidays_Serbia 0.1.0 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Serbia. pear/Date_Holidays_Slovenia 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Slovenia. pear/Date_Holidays_Spain 0.1.4 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Spain. pear/Date_Holidays_Sweden 0.1.3 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Sweden. pear/Date_Holidays_Turkey 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Turkey. pear/Date_Holidays_Ukraine 0.1.2 Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Ukraine. pear/Date_Holidays_UNO 0.1.3 Driver based class to calculate holidays in UNO. pear/Date_Holidays_USA 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in USA. pear/Date_Holidays_Venezuela 0.1.1 Driver based class to calculate holidays in Venezuela. pear/Date_HumanDiff 0.5.0 Generate textual time differences that are easily understandable by humans pear/DB 1.11.0 Database Abstraction Layer pear/DBA 1.1.1 Berkely-style database abstraction class pear/DBA_Relational 0.2.0 Berkely-style database abstraction class pear/DB_ado 1.3.1 DB driver which use MS ADODB library pear/DB_DataObject 1.11.5 An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables pear/DB_DataObject_FormBuilder 1.0.2 Class to automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects from a DB_DataObject-derived class pear/DB_ldap 1.2.1 DB interface to LDAP server pear/DB_ldap2 0.5.1 DB drivers for LDAP v2 and v3 database pear/DB_NestedSet 1.4.1 API to build and query nested sets pear/DB_NestedSet2 API to build and query nested sets pear/DB_odbtp 1.0.4 DB interface for ODBTP pear/DB_Pager 0.7.2 Retrieve and return information of database result sets pear/DB_QueryTool 1.1.2 An OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB. pear/DB_Sqlite_Tools 0.1.7 DB_Sqlite_Tools is an object oriented interface to effectively manage and backup Sqlite databases. pear/DB_Table 1.5.6 An object oriented interface to, and model of, a database. Integrates with HTML_QuickForm. pear/Event_Dispatcher 1.1.0 Dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks pear/Event_SignalEmitter 0.3.2 Generic signal emitting class with the same API as GObject. pear/File 1.4.1 Common file and directory routines pear/File_Archive 1.5.5 File_Archive will let you manipulate easily the tar, gz, tgz, bz2, tbz, zip, ar (or deb) files pear/File_Bittorrent 1.1.0 Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format pear/File_Bittorrent2 1.3.1 Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format pear/File_Cabinet 0.1.0 Microsoft Cabinet file extraction using either cabextract or expand pear/File_CSV 1.0.0 Read and write of CSV files pear/File_CSV_DataSource 1.0.1 Simple data access object for csv files in php5. pear/File_DeliciousLibrary 0.1.1 Parser for the library database of the Delicious Library software. pear/File_DICOM 0.3 Package for reading and modifying DICOM files pear/File_DNS 0.1.0 Manipulate RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles pear/File_Find 1.3.3 A Class the facilitates the search of filesystems pear/File_Fortune 1.0.0 File_Fortune provides an interface for reading from and writing to fortune files. pear/File_Fstab 2.0.3 Read and write fstab files pear/File_Gettext 0.4.2 GNU Gettext file parser pear/File_HtAccess 1.2.1 Manipulate .htaccess files pear/File_IMC 0.5.0 Create and parse Internet Mail Consortium-style files (like vCard and vCalendar) pear/File_Infopath 0.1.0 A package to read the schema and views in html from a Microsoft Infopath file pear/File_MARC 1.4.1 Parse, modify, and create MARC records pear/File_Mogile 0.2.0 PHP interface to MogileFS pear/File_Ogg 0.3.1 Retrieves metadata from Ogg files. pear/File_Passwd 1.1.7 Manipulate many kinds of password files pear/File_PDF 0.3.3 PDF generation using only PHP. pear/File_SearchReplace 1.1.4 Performs search and replace routines.The package always perform replace and doesn't provide separate functions for search. pear/File_Sitemap 0.1.4 Create and manage sitemap files. pear/File_SMBPasswd 1.0.3 Class for managing SAMBA style password files. pear/File_Therion 0.4.1 File_Therion provides an object oriented interface to Therions .th cave-data files. pear/File_Util 1.0.0 Common file and directory utility functions pear/File_XSPF 0.3.1 Package for Manipulating XSPF Playlists pear/FSM 1.4.0 Finite State Machine pear/Games_Chess 1.0.1 Construct and validate a logical chess game, does not display pear/Genealogy_Gedcom 1.0.1 Gedcom parser pear/Gtk2_EntryDialog 1.0.0 Message box with text entry field pear/Gtk2_ExceptionDump 1.1.1 Analyze exceptions, php and PEAR errors visually pear/Gtk2_FileDrop 1.0.0 Make Gtk widgets accept file drops pear/Gtk2_IndexedComboBox 1.1.0 Indexed Gtk2 combo box similar to the HTML select box. pear/Gtk2_PHPConfig 1.0.0RC2 GUI Interface to the php.ini file pear/Gtk2_ScrollingLabel 0.4.1 A Scrolling label for PHP-Gtk2 pear/Gtk2_VarDump 1.0.0 A simple GUI to examine php data trees pear/Gtk_FileDrop 1.0.3 Make Gtk widgets accept file drops pear/Gtk_MDB_Designer 0.1 An Gtk Database schema designer pear/Gtk_ScrollingLabel 1.0.0 A scrolling label for PHP-Gtk pear/Gtk_Styled 1.0.0 PHP-GTK pseudo-widgets that mimic GtkData based objects and allow the look and feel to be controlled by the programmer. pear/Gtk_VarDump 1.0.1 A simple GUI to example php data trees pear/HTML_AJAX 0.5.8 PHP and JavaScript AJAX library pear/HTML_BBCodeParser 1.2.4 This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents. pear/HTML_BBCodeParser2 0.1.0 A PHP5 replacement for HTML_BBCodeParser. This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents. pear/HTML_Common 1.2.5 PEAR::HTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes. pear/HTML_Common2 2.3.1 Abstract base class for HTML classes (PHP5 port of HTML_Common package). pear/HTML_Crypt 1.3.4 Encrypts text which is later decoded using javascript on the client side pear/HTML_CSS 1.5.4 Provides a simple interface for validate, handle and generate cascading style sheets pear/HTML_Entities 0.2.2 Convert text to/from HTML entities. pear/HTML_Form 1.3.1 Simple HTML form package pear/HTML_Javascript 1.1.2 Provides an interface for creating simple JS scripts. pear/HTML_Menu 2.2.0 Generates HTML menus from multidimensional hashes. pear/HTML_Page 2.0.0RC2 PEAR::HTML_Page is a base class for XHTML page generation. pear/HTML_Page2 0.6.5 PEAR::HTML_Page2 is a base class for XHTML page generation. pear/HTML_Progress 1.2.6 How to include a loading bar in your XHTML documents quickly and easily. pear/HTML_Progress2 2.4.2 How to include a loading bar in your XHTML documents quickly and easily. pear/HTML_QuickForm 3.2.16 The PEAR::HTML_QuickForm package provides methods for creating, validating, processing HTML forms. pear/HTML_QuickForm2 2.3.1 PHP5 rewrite of HTML_QuickForm package pear/HTML_QuickForm2_Captcha 0.1.2 Captcha package for QuickForm2 pear/HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.5.1 Element for HTML_QuickForm that emulate a multi-select. pear/HTML_QuickForm_altselect 1.1.1 An alternative to HTML_QuickForm_select using radio buttons and checkboxes pear/HTML_QuickForm_CAPTCHA 0.3.0 Drop-in CAPTCHA element for QuickForm forms pear/HTML_QuickForm_Controller 1.0.10 The add-on to HTML_QuickForm package that allows building of multipage forms pear/HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless 0.3.3 DHTML replacement for the standard JavaScript alert window for client-side validation using the tableless renderer pear/HTML_QuickForm_ElementGrid 0.1.2 An HTML_QuickForm meta-element which holds any other element in a grid pear/HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch 0.4.1 Element for HTML_QuickForm to enable a suggest search. pear/HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless 0.6.2 Replacement for the default renderer that doesn't use table tags, and generates fully valid XHTML output. pear/HTML_QuickForm_Rule_Spelling 0.2.0 A HTML_QuickForm rule plugin that checks the spelling of its values pear/HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter 1.0.0RC1 Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm that defines dynamic filters on the client side for select elements. pear/HTML_Safe 0.10.1 This parser strips down all potentially dangerous content within HTML pear/HTML_Select 1.3.1 HTML_Select is a class for generating HTML form select elements. pear/HTML_Select_Common 1.2.0 Some small classes to handle common <select> lists pear/HTML_Table 1.8.4 PEAR::HTML_Table makes the design of HTML tables easy, flexible, reusable and efficient. pear/HTML_Table_Matrix 1.0.10 Autofill a table with data pear/HTML_TagCloud 1.0.0 Generate a "Tag Cloud" in HTML and visualize tags by their frequency. Additionally visualizes each tag's age. pear/HTML_Template_Flexy 1.3.13 An extremely powerful Tokenizer driven Template engine pear/HTML_Template_IT 1.3.1 Integrated Templates pear/HTML_Template_PHPLIB 1.6.1 preg_* based template system. pear/HTML_Template_PHPTAL Templating engine for XHTML and HTML5 with XML syntax and protection against XSS. pear/HTML_Template_Sigma 1.3.0 An implementation of Integrated Templates API with template 'compilation' added pear/HTML_Template_Xipe 1.7.6 A simple, fast and powerful template engine. pear/HTML_TreeMenu 1.2.2 Provides an api to create a HTML tree pear/HTTP 1.4.1 Miscellaneous HTTP utilities pear/HTTP2 1.1.2 Miscellaneous HTTP utilities pear/HTTP_Client 1.2.1 Easy way to perform multiple HTTP requests and process their results pear/HTTP_Download 1.1.4 Send HTTP Downloads pear/HTTP_Download2 A fork of HTTP_Download for PHP5+ pear/HTTP_FloodControl 0.1.1 Detect and protect from attempts to flood a site pear/HTTP_Header 1.2.1 OO interface to modify and handle HTTP headers and status codes. PEAR QA would recommend Symfony HTTP_Foundation for PHP 5.3+ users. See pear/HTTP_Header2 0.1.0 A fork of HTTP_Header for PHP5+ pear/HTTP_OAuth 0.3.2 PEAR implementation of the OAuth 1.0a specification pear/HTTP_Request 1.4.4 Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests pear/HTTP_Request2 2.5.1 Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests. pear/HTTP_Server 0.4.1 HTTP server class. pear/HTTP_Session 0.5.6 Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions pear/HTTP_Session2 0.7.3 PHP5 Session Handler pear/HTTP_SessionServer 0.5.0 Daemon to store session data that can be accessed via a simple protocol. pear/HTTP_Upload 1.0.0b4 Easy and secure managment of files submitted via HTML Forms pear/HTTP_WebDAV_Client 1.0.2 WebDAV stream wrapper class pear/HTTP_WebDAV_Server 1.0.0RC8 WebDAV Server Baseclass. pear/I18N 1.0.0 Internationalization package pear/I18Nv2 0.11.4 Internationalization pear/I18N_UnicodeNormalizer 1.0.0 Unicode Normalizer pear/I18N_UnicodeString 0.3.1 Provides a way to work with self contained multibyte strings pear/Image_3D 0.4.2 This class allows the rendering of 3 dimensional objects utilizing PHP. pear/Image_Barcode 1.1.3 Barcode generation pear/Image_Barcode2 0.2.3 Barcode generation pear/Image_Canvas 0.3.5 A package providing a common interface to image drawing, making image source code independent on the library used. pear/Image_Color 1.0.4 Manage and handles color data and conversions. pear/Image_Color2 0.1.5 Color conversion and mixing for PHP5 pear/Image_GIS 1.1.2 Visualization of GIS data. pear/Image_GIS2 0.1.0 Visualization of GIS data. pear/Image_Graph 0.8.0 A package for displaying (numerical) data as a graph/chart/plot. pear/Image_GraphViz 1.3.0 Interface to AT&T's GraphViz tools pear/Image_IPTC 1.0.2 Extract, modify, and save IPTC data pear/Image_JpegMarkerReader 0.5.0 Read arbitrary markers from JPEG files. pear/Image_JpegXmpReader 0.5.3 Read Photoshop-style XMP metadata from JPEG files. pear/Image_MonoBMP 0.1.0 Manipulate monochrome BMP images pear/Image_Puzzle 0.2.2 Generates puzzle pieces from image file pear/Image_QRCode 0.1.3 A QR (2D) barcode image generator. pear/Image_Remote 1.0.2 Retrieve information on remote image files. pear/Image_Text 0.7.0 Image_Text - Advanced text maipulations in images. pear/Image_Tools 1.0.0RC1 Tools collection for image manipulation. pear/Image_Transform 0.9.5 Provides a standard interface to manipulate images using different libraries pear/Image_WBMP 0.1.0 Manipulate WBMP images pear/Image_XBM 0.9.0RC1 Manipulate XBM images pear/Inline_C 0.1 Allows inline inclusion of function definitions in C pear/LiveUser 0.16.14 User authentication and permission management framework pear/LiveUser_Admin 0.4.0 User authentication and permission management framework pear/Log 1.13.3 Logging Framework pear/Mail 1.5.0 Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails pear/Mail2 0.1.1 Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails pear/Mail_IMAP 1.1.0RC2 Provides a c-client backend for webmail. pear/Mail_IMAPv2 0.2.1 Provides a c-client backend for webmail. pear/Mail_Mbox 0.6.3 Read and modify Unix MBOXes pear/Mail_Mime 1.10.11 Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages. pear/Mail_Mime2 Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages. pear/Mail_mimeDecode 1.5.6 Provides a class to decode mime messages. pear/Mail_Queue 1.2.7 Class for put mails in queue and send them later in background. pear/Math_Basex 0.3.1 Simple class for converting base set of numbers with a customizable character base set. pear/Math_BigInteger 1.0.3 Pure-PHP arbitrary precission integer arithmetic library pear/Math_BinaryUtils 0.3.0 Collection of helper methods for easy handling of binary data. pear/Math_Combinatorics 1.0.0 A package that produces combinations and permutations pear/Math_Complex 0.8.6 Classes that define complex numbers and their operations pear/Math_Derivative 1.0.0RC1 Calculate the derivative of a mathematical expression pear/Math_Fibonacci 0.8 Package to calculate and manipulate Fibonacci numbers pear/Math_Finance 1.0.1 Financial functions pear/Math_Fraction 0.4.1 Classes that represent and manipulate fractions. pear/Math_Histogram 0.9.0 Classes to calculate histogram distributions pear/Math_Integer 0.9.0 Package to represent and manipulate integers pear/Math_Matrix 0.8.7 Class to represent matrices and matrix operations pear/Math_Numerical_RootFinding 1.1.0a2 Numerical Root-Finding methods package in PHP pear/Math_Polynomial 0.1.0 Package to represent and manipulate Polynomial equations pear/Math_Quaternion 0.8.0 Classes that define Quaternions and their operations pear/Math_RPN 1.1.2 Reverse Polish Notation. pear/Math_Stats 0.9.1 Classes to calculate statistical parameters pear/Math_TrigOp 1.0 Supplementary trigonometric functions pear/Math_Vector 0.7.0 Vector and vector operation classes pear/MDB 1.3.0 database abstraction layer pear/MDB2 2.5.0b5 database abstraction layer pear/MDB2_Driver_fbsql 0.3.0 fbsql MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_ibase 1.5.0b5 ibase MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_mssql 1.5.0b4 mssql MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_mysql 1.5.0b4 mysql MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_mysqli 1.5.0b4 mysqli MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_oci8 1.5.0b4 oci8 MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_odbc 0.2.0 ODBC Driver for MDB2 pear/MDB2_Driver_pgsql 1.5.0b4 pgsql MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_querysim 0.7.0 querysim MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_sqlite 1.5.0b4 sqlite MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Driver_sqlsrv 1.5.0b5 sqlsrv MDB2 driver pear/MDB2_Schema 0.8.6 XML based database schema manager pear/MDB2_TableBrowser 0.1.3 Database table abstraction library pear/MDB_QueryTool 1.2.3 An OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB. pear/Message 0.6 Message hash and digest (HMAC) generation methods and classes pear/MIME_Type 1.4.1 Utility class for dealing with MIME types pear/MP3_Id 1.2.2 Read/Write MP3-Tags pear/MP3_IDv2 0.1.8 Read/Write IDv2-Tags pear/MP3_Playlist 0.5.2 Library to create MP3 playlists on the fly, several formats supported including XML, RSS and XHTML pear/Net_AsteriskManager Control an Asterisk PBX server from PHP pear/Net_CDDB 0.3.0 Package to access and query, and build CDDB audio-CD servers pear/Net_CheckIP 1.2.2 Check the syntax of IPv4 addresses pear/Net_CheckIP2 1.0.0RC3 A package to determine if an IP (v4) is valid. pear/Net_Curl 1.2.5 Net_Curl provides an OO interface to PHP's cURL extension pear/Net_Cyrus 0.3.2 provides an API for the administration of Cyrus IMAP servers. pear/Net_Dict 1.0.7 Interface to the DICT Protocol pear/Net_Dig 0.1 The PEAR::Net_Dig class should be a nice, friendly OO interface to the dig command pear/Net_DIME 1.0.2 The Net_DIME package implements DIME encoding and decoding pear/Net_DNS 1.0.7 Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server. pear/Net_DNS2 1.5.0 PHP5 Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server. pear/Net_DNSBL 1.3.7 Easy way to check if a given Host or URL is listed on a DNSBL or SURBL pear/Net_Finger 1.0.1 The PEAR::Net_Finger class provides a tool for querying Finger Servers pear/Net_FTP 1.4.1 Net_FTP provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions pear/Net_GameServerQuery 0.3.0 An interface to query and return information from a game server pear/Net_Gearman 0.2.3 A PHP interface to Gearman pear/Net_Geo 1.0.5 Geographical locations based on Internet address pear/Net_GeoIP 1.0.0 Library to perform geo-location lookups of IP addresses. pear/Net_Growl 2.7.0 Send notifications to Growl from PHP on MACOSX and WINDOWS pear/Net_HL7 0.1.1 HL7 messaging API. pear/Net_Ident 1.1.0 Identification Protocol implementation pear/Net_IDNA 0.8.1 Punycode encoding and decoding. pear/Net_IDNA2 0.2.0 Punycode encoding and decoding. pear/Net_IMAP 1.1.3 Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol pear/Net_IPv4 1.3.5 IPv4 network calculations and validation. pear/Net_IPv6 1.3.0b4 Check and validate IPv6 addresses pear/Net_IRC 0.0.7 IRC Client Class pear/Net_LDAP 1.1.5 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries pear/Net_LDAP2 2.2.0 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries pear/Net_LMTP 1.0.2 Provides an implementation of the RFC2033 LMTP protocol pear/Net_MAC 0.1.5 Validates and formats MAC addresses pear/Net_Monitor 0.3.0 Remote Service Monitor pear/Net_MPD 1.0.2 Music Player Daemon interaction API pear/Net_Nmap 1.0.5 A simple wrapper class for the Nmap utility pear/Net_NNTP 1.5.2 NNTP implementation pear/Net_Ping 2.4.5 Execute ping pear/Net_POP3 1.3.8 Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server. pear/Net_Portscan 1.0.3 Portscanner utilities. pear/Net_Server 1.0.3 Generic server class pear/Net_Sieve 1.4.6 Handles talking to a sieve server. pear/Net_SmartIRC 1.1.14 Helps you communicate with IRC networks in whatever way you might need, whether in a CLI program or as part of a web page. Also well-suited for bot development. pear/Net_SMPP 0.4.5 SMPP v3.4 protocol implementation pear/Net_SMPP_Client 0.4.1 SMPP v3.4 client pear/Net_SMS 0.2.1 SMS functionality. pear/Net_SMTP 1.10.1 An implementation of the SMTP protocol pear/Net_SMTP2 0.1.0 Net_SMTP w/PHP5 compatibility pear/Net_Socket 1.2.2 Network Socket Interface pear/Net_Socket2 0.1.1 Network Socket Interface pear/Net_SSH2 ssh2 client abstraction layer pear/Net_Traceroute 0.21.3 Execute traceroute pear/Net_URL 1.0.15 Easy parsing of Urls pear/Net_URL2 2.1.2 Class for parsing and handling URL. pear/Net_URL_Mapper 0.9.1 Provides a simple and flexible way to build nice URLs for web applications. pear/Net_UserAgent_Detect 2.5.2 Net_UserAgent_Detect determines the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string pear/Net_UserAgent_Mobile 1.0.0 HTTP mobile user agent string parser pear/Net_UserAgent_Mobile_GPS 0.1.1 Interface for GPS pear/Net_Vpopmaild 0.3.2 Class for accessing Vpopmail's vpopmaild daemon pear/Net_WebFinger 0.4.0 WebFinger client library for PHP pear/Net_Whois 1.0.6 The PEAR::Net_Whois class provides a tool to query internet domain name and network number directory services pear/Net_Wifi 1.3.0 Scans for wireless networks pear/Numbers_Roman 1.0.2 Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals. pear/Numbers_Words 0.18.2 The PEAR Numbers_Words package provides methods for spelling numerals in words. pear/OLE 1.0.0RC3 Package for reading and writing OLE containers pear/OpenDocument 0.2.1 Read, create and modify OASIS OpenDocument office files. pear/OpenID 0.4.0 PHP implementation of OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 pear/Pager 2.5.1 Data paging class pear/Pager_Sliding 1.6 Sliding Window Pager. pear/Payment_Clieop 0.2.0 These classes can create a clieop03 file for you which you can send to a Dutch Bank. Ofcourse you need also a Dutch bank account. pear/Payment_DTA 1.4.3 Creates and reads DTA and DTAZV files containing money transaction data (Germany). pear/Payment_PagamentoCerto 0.2.3 PHP client to Brazilian payment gateway PagamentoCerto pear/Payment_PayPal_SOAP 0.5.1 PayPal SOAP API client pear/Payment_Process 0.6.8 Unified payment processor pear/Payment_Process2 0.3.1 A PHP5 Payment process API pear/PEAR 1.10.13 PEAR Base System pear/pearweb 1.32.0 The source code for the PEAR website pear/pearweb_channelxml 1.15.2 channel.xml and DTD for channel pear/pearweb_election 1.0.2 The source code for the PEAR website election pear/pearweb_gopear 1.1.7 go-pear script for pear/pearweb_index 1.24.0 The source code for the PEAR website, informational front pages pear/pearweb_manual 1.3.0 The source code for the PEAR website manual bits pear/pearweb_pepr 1.0.5 The source code for the PEAR website package voting pear/pearweb_phars 1.10.21 The source code for the PEAR website: go-pear.phar/install-pear-nozlib.phar pear/pearweb_qa 1.0.3 The source code for the PEAR website QA scripts pear/PEAR_Command_Packaging 0.3.0 make-rpm-spec command for managing RPM .spec files for PEAR packages pear/PEAR_Delegator 0.1.0 Delegation for PHP pear/PEAR_Exception 1.0.2 The PEAR Exception base class pear/PEAR_Frontend_Gtk 0.4.0 Depreciated - Use PEAR_Frontend_Gtk2 pear/PEAR_Frontend_Gtk2 1.1.0 Graphical PEAR installer based on PHP-Gtk2 pear/PEAR_Frontend_Web 0.7.5 Webbased PEAR Package Manager pear/PEAR_Info 1.9.2 Show Information about your PEAR install and its packages pear/PEAR_Manpages 1.10.0 PEAR man pages pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager 1.7.2 PEAR_PackageFileManager takes an existing v1 package.xml file and updates it with a new filelist and changelog pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager2 1.0.4 PEAR_PackageFileManager2 takes an existing v2 package.xml file and updates it with a new filelist and changelog pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli 0.4.0 A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_Frontend 0.8.0 PEAR_PackageFileManager_Frontend, the singleton-based frontend for user input/output. pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_Frontend_Web 0.6.0 A Web GUI frontend for the PEAR_PackageFileManager2 class. pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_GUI_Gtk 1.0.1 A PHP-GTK frontend for the PEAR_PackageFileManager class. pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_Plugins 1.0.4 The plugins for PEAR_PackageFileManager to pick up what files to use, supported are File, CVS, SVN, Git, Perforce pear/PEAR_PackageUpdate 1.1.0RC1 A simple way to update packages at run time. pear/PEAR_PackageUpdate_Gtk2 0.3.2 A PHP-GTK 2 front end for PEAR_PackageUpdate pear/PEAR_PackageUpdate_Web 1.0.1 A Web front end for PEAR_PackageUpdate pear/PEAR_RemoteInstaller 0.3.2 PEAR Remote installation plugin through FTP, SFTP, and FTPS pear/PEAR_Size 1.0.0RC2 Determine and list how much filespace each installed package consumes. pear/PHPDoc 0.1.0 Tool to generate documentation from the source pear/PhpDocumentor 1.5.0a1 The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of php api directly from the source. pear/PHPUnit 1.3.2 Regression testing framework for unit tests. pear/PHPUnit2 2.3.6 Regression testing framework for unit tests. pear/PHP_Archive 0.14.0 Create and Use PHP Archive files pear/PHP_ArrayOf 0.2.1 Abstract class package to create arrays of specific element types pear/PHP_Beautifier 0.1.15 Beautifier for Php pear/PHP_CodeSniffer 3.7.2 PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect and fix violations of a defined set of coding standards. pear/PHP_Compat 1.6.0a3 Provides components to achieve PHP version independence pear/PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0 Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run pear/PHP_Debug 1.0.3 PHP_Debug provides assistance in debugging PHP code pear/PHP_DocBlockGenerator 1.1.2 DocBlock Generator pear/PHP_Fork 0.4.0 PHP_Fork class. Wrapper around the pcntl_fork() stuff with a API set like Java language pear/PHP_FunctionCallTracer 1.0.0 Function Call Tracer pear/PHP_LexerGenerator 0.4.0 translate lexer files in lex2php format into a PHP 5 lexer pear/PHP_Parser 0.2.2 A PHP Grammar Parser pear/PHP_ParserGenerator 0.1.7 translate grammar files in Lemon Parser Generator format into a PHP 5 parser pear/PHP_Parser_DocblockParser 0.1.1 A /** docblock */ parser pear/PHP_Shell 0.3.2 a interactive PHP Shell pear/PHP_UML 1.6.2 A reverse-engineering package that scans PHP files and directories, and delivers an UML/XMI representation of the classes and packages found. pear/QA_Peardoc_Coverage 1.1.1 PEAR documentation coverage analysis. pear/RDF 0.2.0 Port of the core RAP API pear/RDF_N3 0.2.0 Port of the RAP N3 parser/serializer pear/RDF_NTriple 0.2.0 Port of the RAP NTriple serializer pear/RDF_RDQL 0.2.0 Port of the RAP RDQL API pear/Science_Chemistry 1.1.2 Classes to manipulate chemical objects: atoms, molecules, etc. pear/ScriptReorganizer 0.4.0 Library/Tool focusing exclusively on the file size aspect of PHP script optimization. pear/Search_Mnogosearch 0.1.1 Wrapper classes for the mnoGoSearch extention pear/Services_Akismet 1.0.1 PHP client for the Akismet REST API pear/Services_Akismet2 0.3.1 PHP client for the Akismet REST API pear/Services_Amazon 0.9.0 PHP interface to Amazon Product Advertising API pear/Services_Amazon_S3 0.4.0 PHP API for Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) pear/Services_Amazon_SQS 0.3.0 PHP API and tools for Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) pear/Services_Apns 0.1.0 Apple Push Notifications Service communication pear/Services_Atlassian_Crowd 0.9.5 Services_Atlassian_Crowd is a package to use Atlassian Crowd from PHP pear/Services_Blogging 0.2.4 Access your blog with PHP pear/Services_Compete 0.1.0 Compete API pear/Services_Delicious 0.6.0 Client for the web service. pear/Services_Digg 0.4.7 PHP interface to Digg's API pear/Services_Digg2 0.3.2 Second generation Digg API client pear/Services_DynDNS 0.3.1 Provides access to the DynDNS web service pear/Services_Ebay 0.13.1 Interface to eBay's XML-API. pear/Services_ExchangeRates 0.8.0 Performs currency conversion pear/Services_Facebook 0.2.14 PHP interface to Facebook's API pear/Services_GeoNames 1.0.1 A PHP5 interface to the GeoNames public API pear/Services_Google 0.2.0 Provides access to the Google SOAP Web APIs pear/Services_Hatena 0.1.5 WebServices for Hatena pear/Services_JSON 1.0.3 PHP implementaion of json_encode/decode pear/Services_Libravatar 0.2.3 API interfacing class for pear/Services_Mailman 0.1.0 Integrates Mailman into a website using PHP pear/Services_oEmbed 0.2.1 A package for consuming oEmbed pear/Services_OpenSearch 0.2.0 Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines. pear/Services_OpenStreetMap 1.0.0RC2 OpenStreetMap Services pear/Services_PageRank_[OBSOLETE] [OBSOLETE] pear/Services_Pingback 0.2.2 A Pingback User-Agent class. pear/Services_ProjectHoneyPot 0.6.0 A package to interface the http:bl API of pear/Services_ReCaptcha 1.0.3 PHP5 interface to the reCATCHA and the reCATCHA Mailhide API pear/Services_Scribd 0.2.0 Interface for Scribd's public API. pear/Services_SharedBook 0.2.6 PHP wrapper for SharedBook Open API pear/Services_ShortURL 0.3.1 Abstract PHP5 interface for shortening and expanding short URLs pear/Services_Technorati 0.7.1beta A class for interacting with the Technorati API pear/Services_TinyURL 0.1.2 PHP interface to TinyURL's API pear/Services_Trackback 0.7.1 Trackback - A generic class for sending and receiving trackbacks. pear/Services_TwitPic 0.1.0 PHP Interface to TwitPic's API pear/Services_Twitter 0.7.0 PHP interface to Twitter's API pear/Services_Twitter_Uploader 0.1.0 OAuth echo uploader utility. pear/Services_urlTea 0.1.0 PHP interface to urlTea's API pear/Services_UseKetchup 0.1.0 An API wrapper to the web service. pear/Services_W3C_CSSValidator 0.2.3 An Object Oriented Interface to the W3C CSS Validator service. pear/Services_W3C_HTMLValidator 1.0.0 An Object Oriented Interface to the W3C HTML Validator service. pear/Services_Weather 1.4.7 This class acts as an interface to various online weather-services. pear/Services_Webservice 0.6.0 Create webservices pear/Services_Yadis 0.5.3 Implementation of the Yadis Specification 1.0 protocol pear/Services_Yahoo 0.2.0 Provides access to the Yahoo! Web Services pear/Services_Yahoo_JP 0.1.1 WebServices for Yahoo!JAPAN pear/Services_YouTube 0.2.2 PHP Client for YouTube API pear/SOAP 0.14.0 **Use PHP's in-built SOAP client!** SOAP Client/Server for PHP pear/SOAP_Interop 0.8.2 SOAP Interop Test Application pear/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer 0.9.4 Package for generating Excel spreadsheets pear/SQL_Parser 0.7.0 An SQL parser pear/Stream_SHM 1.0.0 Shared Memory Stream pear/Stream_Var 1.2.0 Allows stream based access to any variable. pear/Structures_BibTex 1.0.0RC6 Handling of BibTex Data. pear/Structures_DataGrid 0.9.3 Render a data table with automatic pagination and sorting pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array 0.2.0dev1 DataSource driver using arrays pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV 0.1.6 DataSource driver using CSV files pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject 0.2.2dev1 DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DB 0.1.1 DataSource driver using PEAR::DB result objects pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBQuery 0.1.11 DataSource driver using PEAR::DB and an SQL query pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBTable 0.1.7 DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_Table pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Excel 0.1.2 DataSource driver using Excel spreadsheets pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2 0.1.11 DataSource driver using PEAR::MDB2 and an SQL query pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_PDO 0.2.0 DataSource driver using PHP Data Objects (PDO) and an SQL query pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_RSS 0.1.1 DataSource driver using RSS files pear/Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML 0.2.1dev1 DataSource driver using XML files pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Console 0.1.1 Renderer driver using PEAR::Console_Table pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_CSV 0.1.5dev1 Renderer driver that generates a CSV string pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Flexy 0.1.4 Renderer driver using Flexy pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLSortForm 0.1.3 Sorting form renderer for Structures_DataGrid pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable 0.1.6 Renderer driver using PEAR::HTML_Table pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager 0.1.3 Renderer driver using PEAR::Pager pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty 0.1.5 Renderer driver using Smarty pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XLS 0.1.3 Renderer driver using PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML 0.1.4dev1 Renderer driver that generates a XML string pear/Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XUL 0.1.3 Renderer driver that generates the XML string for a XUL listbox pear/Structures_Form 0.8.0devel A package designed to make creating input forms easy for packages and applications regardless of their user interface. pear/Structures_Form_Gtk2 0.8.0devel A collection of elements, groups and renderers for creating PHP-GTK 2 forms using Structures_Form. pear/Structures_Graph 1.1.1 Graph datastructure manipulation library pear/Structures_LinkedList 0.2.2 Implements singly and doubly-linked lists pear/System_Command 1.0.8 PEAR::System_Command is a commandline execution interface. pear/System_Daemon 1.0.0 Turn PHP scripts into Linux daemons pear/System_Folders 1.0.5 Location of system folders pear/System_Launcher 0.6.2 Launch files with associated applications pear/System_Mount 1.0.1 Mount and unmount devices in fstab pear/System_ProcWatch 0.4.3 Monitor Processes pear/System_SharedMemory 0.9.0RC1 common OO-style shared memory API pear/System_Socket 0.4.1 OO socket API pear/System_WinDrives 1.0.0 List files drives on windows systems pear/test test pear/Testing_DocTest 0.6.0 A Unit Test framework for writing tests in your php code docstrings. pear/Testing_FIT 0.2.2 FIT: Framework for Integrated Test pear/Testing_Selenium 0.4.4 PHP Client for Selenium RC pear/Text_CAPTCHA 1.0.2 Generation of CAPTCHAs pear/Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral 1.3.2 Generation of numeral maths captchas pear/Text_Diff 1.2.2 Engine for performing and rendering text diffs pear/Text_Figlet 1.0.2 Render text using FIGlet fonts pear/Text_Highlighter 0.8.0 Syntax highlighting pear/Text_Huffman 0.2.0 Huffman compression pear/Text_LanguageDetect 1.0.0 Language detection class pear/Text_Password 1.2.1 Creating passwords with PHP. pear/Text_PathNavigator 0.2.0 Facilitates navigation of path strings pear/Text_Spell_Audio 0.1.0 Generates a sound clip saying the contents of a string of characters. pear/Text_Statistics 1.0.1 Compute readability indexes for documents. pear/Text_TeXHyphen 0.1.0 Automated word hyphenation with the TeX algorithm. pear/Text_Wiki 1.2.3 Transforms Wiki and BBCode markup into XHTML, LaTeX or plain text markup. This is the base engine for all of the Text_Wiki sub-classes. pear/Text_Wiki2 A PHP5 port of Text_Wiki. pear/Text_Wiki_BBCode 0.0.4 BBCode parser for Text_Wiki pear/Text_Wiki_Cowiki 0.0.2 Cowiki parser and renderer for Text_Wiki pear/Text_Wiki_Creole 1.0.2 Creole parser and renderer for Text_Wiki pear/Text_Wiki_Doku 0.0.1 Doku parser and renderer for Text_Wiki pear/Text_Wiki_Mediawiki 0.2.0 Mediawiki parser for Text_Wiki pear/Text_Wiki_Tiki 0.1.0 Tiki parser and renderer for Text_Wiki pear/Translation 1.2.6pl1 Class for creating multilingual websites. pear/Translation2 2.0.4 Class for multilingual applications management. pear/Tree 0.3.7 Generic tree management, currently supports databases (via DB, MDB and MDB2) and XML as data sources pear/UDDI 0.2.4 UDDI for PHP pear/URI_Template 0.3.3 Parser for URI Templates. pear/Validate 0.8.6 Validation class pear/Validate_AR 0.1.2 Validation class for Argentina pear/Validate_AT 0.5.2 Validation class for AT pear/Validate_AU 0.1.4 Data validation class for Australia. pear/Validate_BE 0.1.4 Validation class for Belgium pear/Validate_CA 0.2.0 Validation class for Canada pear/Validate_CH 0.6.0 Validation class for CH pear/Validate_DE 0.5.2 Validation class for DE pear/Validate_DK 0.2.0 Validation class for Denmark pear/Validate_ES 0.6.2 Validation class for ES pear/Validate_FI 1.0.0 Validation class for Finland pear/Validate_Finance 0.5.6 Validation class for Finance pear/Validate_Finance_CreditCard 0.7.0 Validation class for Credit Cards pear/Validate_FR 0.6.0 Validation class for FR pear/Validate_HU 0.1.1 Validation class for Hungary pear/Validate_IE 1.1.1 Validation class for Ireland pear/Validate_IN 0.1.1 Validation class for the Republic of India pear/Validate_IR 0.1.0 Data validation class for Iran. pear/Validate_IS 0.3.1 Validation class for Iceland pear/Validate_ISPN 0.8.0 Validation class for ISPN (International Standard Product Numbers) pear/Validate_IT 0.2.0 Validation class for Italy pear/Validate_LI 0.1.0 Validation class for Liechtenstein pear/Validate_LU 0.1.0 Validation class for Luxembourg pear/Validate_LV 1.0.0RC2 Validation class for Latvia pear/Validate_NL 0.5.2 Validation class for NL pear/Validate_NO 0.1.0 Validation class for Norway pear/Validate_NZ 0.1.6 Validation class for NZ pear/Validate_PL 0.5.2 Validation class for PL pear/Validate_ptBR 0.5.5 Validation class for Brazilian Portuguese pear/Validate_RU local russian Validate methods pear/Validate_SE 0.1.1 Validation class for Sweden pear/Validate_UK 0.5.4 Validation class for UK pear/Validate_US 0.5.5 Validation class for US pear/Validate_ZA 0.2.2 Validation class for ZA pear/Var_Dump 1.0.4 Provides methods for dumping structured information about a variable. pear/VersionControl_Git 0.5.0 Provides OO interface to handle Git repository pear/VersionControl_SVN 0.5.2 Simple OO wrapper interface for the Subversion command-line client. pear/VFS 0.3.0 Virtual File System API pear/XML_Beautifier 1.2.2 Class to format XML documents. pear/XML_CSSML 1.1.1 The PEAR::XML_CSSML package provides methods for creating cascading style sheets (CSS) from an XML standard called CSSML. pear/XML_DTD 0.5.2 Parsing of DTD files and DTD validation of XML files pear/XML_FastCreate 1.0.4 Fast creation of valid XML with DTD control. pear/XML_Feed_Parser 1.0.5 Providing a unified API for handling Atom/RSS pear/XML_fo2pdf 0.98 Converts a xsl-fo file to pdf/ps/pcl/text/etc with the help of apache-fop pear/XML_FOAF 0.4.0 Provides the ability to manipulate FOAF RDF/XML pear/XML_GRDDL 0.2.0 A PHP library for dealing with GRDDL. pear/XML_HTMLSax 2.1.2 A SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents pear/XML_HTMLSax3 3.0.0 A SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents pear/XML_image2svg 0.1.1 Image to SVG conversion pear/XML_Indexing 0.3.6 XML Indexing support pear/XML_MXML 0.3.0 Framework to build Macromedia Flex applications. pear/XML_NITF 1.1.1 Parse NITF documents. pear/XML_Parser 1.3.8 XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat pear/XML_Parser2 0.1.0 PHP5+ version of XML_Parser - an XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat pear/XML_Query2XML 1.7.2 Creates XML data from SQL queries pear/XML_RDDL 0.9 Class to read RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language) documents. pear/XML_RPC 1.5.5 PHP implementation of the XML-RPC protocol pear/XML_RPC2 1.1.5 XML-RPC client/server library pear/XML_RSS 1.1.0 RSS parser pear/XML_SaxFilters 0.3.0 A framework for building XML filters using the SAX API pear/XML_Serializer 0.21.0 Swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML files. Creates XML files from data structures and vice versa. pear/XML_sql2xml 0.3.4 Returns XML from a SQL-Query. pear/XML_Statistics 0.2.0 Class to obtain statistical information from an XML documents. pear/XML_SVG 1.1.0 XML_SVG API pear/XML_svg2image 0.2.0 Converts a svg file to a png/jpeg image. pear/XML_Transformer 1.1.2 XML Transformations in PHP pear/XML_Tree 2.0.0RC3 *** PHP5 now comes with very good XML handling, consider using it if possible. Otherwise, use XML_Serializer *** Represent XML data in a tree structure pear/XML_Util 1.4.5 XML utility class pear/XML_Util2 0.2.0 XML utility class pear/XML_Wddx 1.0.2 Wddx pretty serializer and deserializer pear/XML_XPath 1.2.4 The PEAR::XML_XPath class provided an XPath/DOM XML manipulation, maneuvering and query interface. pear/XML_XPath2 The PEAR::XML_XPath2 package provided an XPath/DOM XML manipulation, maneuvering and query interface. pear/XML_XRD 0.3.1 PHP library to parse and generate "Extensible Resource Descriptor" (XRD + JRD) files pear/XML_XSLT_Wrapper 0.2.2 Provides a single interface to the different XSLT interface or commands pear/XML_XUL 0.9.1 Class to build Mozilla XUL applications.