package Wx::Perl::Imagick;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.02';
use Wx qw(wxNullBitmap);
use Image::Magick;
use IO::Scalar;
use Wx::Perl::Carp qw(cluck);
use base 'Clone';
# Compatibility methods for Wx::Image
sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
$self->{_im} = Image::Magick->new();
# When we convert the Wx::Perl::Imagick object to a Wx::Bitmap we convert
# it to PNG we need the PNGHandler
bless $self, $class;
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Wx::Bitmap'))
my $bitmap = shift;
my $img = $bitmap->ConvertToImage;
if (defined $img)
$self->{_index} = 0;
$self->MagickError($self->Set(size => $img->GetWidth."x".$img->GetHeight));
return undef unless $self->GetLoadedImageCount;
print STDERR "Could not convert this Wx::Bitmap to Wx::Perl::Imagick";
return undef;
elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Wx::Icon'))
my $img = Wx::Bitmap->new(shift)->ConvertToImage;
if (defined $img)
$self->{_index} = 0;
$self->MagickError($self->Set(size => $img->GetWidth."x".$img->GetHeight));
return undef unless $self->GetLoadedImageCount;
print STDERR "Could not convert this Wx::Icon to Wx::Perl::Imagick";
return undef;
elsif (($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) && ($_[1] =~ /^\d+$/))
$self->{_width} = shift;
$self->{_height} = shift;
$self->{_data} = shift;
$self->{_index} = 0;
$self->MagickError($self->Set(size => "$self->{_width}x$self->{_height}"));
if ($self->{_data})
$self->Set(magick => 'PNG');
return undef unless $self->GetLoadedImageCount;
$self->{_file} = shift;
if (defined $_[0])
print STDERR "The supplied type or mimetype is ignored";
$self->{_index} = shift || 0;
if ($self->{_index} == -1)
$self->{_index} = 0;
return undef unless $self->GetLoadedImageCount;
return $self;
sub SetData
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $oldmagick = $self->Get('magick');
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => 'RGB') );
$self->MagickError( $self->BlobToImage(pack("C*", map{ord($_)} split //, $data)) );
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => $oldmagick) ) if $oldmagick;
sub GetData
my $self = shift;
my $oldmagick = $self->Get('magick') || 'PNG';
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => 'RGB') );
my $data;
$data = unpack "C*", $self->ImageToBlob();
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => $oldmagick) ) if $oldmagick;
return $data;
sub ConvertToBitmap
my $self = shift;
my $bmp;
if (my $imgs = $self->GetLoadedImageCount)
my $oldmagick = $self->Get('magick');
# Convert the image to some format that Wx::Image can handle...I just chose PNG
# because it also ensures preservation of transparency
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => 'PNG') );
my $data;
$data = $self->ImageToBlob();
$bmp = Wx::Bitmap->new(Wx::Image->newStreamMIME(IO::Scalar->new(\$data), $self->Get('mime')));
$self->MagickError( $self->Set(magick => $oldmagick) ) if $oldmagick;
$bmp = wxNullBitmap;
return $bmp;
sub AddHandler
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub CleanupHandlers
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub ComputeHistogram
sub ConvertToMono
my $self = shift;
sub Copy
return $_[0]->clone();
sub Destroy
$_[0] = undef;
sub FindHandler
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub GetHandlers
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub GetBlue
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
my @pixel = split(/,/, $self->Get("pixel[$x,$y]"));
return $pixel[2];
sub GetGreen
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
my @pixel = split(/,/, $self->Get("pixel[$x,$y]"));
return $pixel[1];
sub GetRed
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
my @pixel = split(/,/, $self->Get("pixel[$x,$y]"));
return $pixel[0];
sub GetMaskBlue
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->ImageToBlob(magick => 'RGBA');
my @rgba = split(//,$data);
while ( my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = splice(@rgba, 0, 4))
if (ord($a) == 0 )
return ord($b);
sub GetMaskGreen
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->ImageToBlob(magick => 'RGBA');
my @rgba = split(//,$data);
while ( my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = splice(@rgba, 0, 4))
if (ord($a) == 0 )
return ord($g);
sub GetMaskRed
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->ImageToBlob(magick => 'RGBA');
my @rgba = split(//,$data);
while ( my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = splice(@rgba, 0, 4))
if (ord($a) == 0 )
return ord($r);
sub GetHeight
my $self = shift;
return $self->Get('rows');
sub GetPalette
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick::GetPalette is not implemented";
sub GetSubImage
my $self = shift;
my $rect = shift;
my $x = $rect->x;
my $y = $rect->y;
my $width = $rect->width;
my $height = $rect->height;
my $clone = $self->clone;
my $geo = $width."x".$height."+".$x."+".$y;
return $clone;
sub GetWidth
my $self = shift;
return $self->Get('columns');
sub HasMask
my $self = shift;
return $self->Get('matte');
sub GetOption
my $self = shift;
my $option = shift;
return $self->Get($option);
sub GetOptionInt
my $self = shift;
my $option = shift;
return $self->Get($option);
sub HasOption
my $self = shift;
my $option = shift;
my $x = $self->Get($option);
return defined $x;
sub InitStandardHandlers
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub InsertHandler
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub LoadFile
my $self = shift;
sub Ok
my $self = shift;
return 1 if $self->GetLoadedImageCount();
return 0;
sub RemoveHandler
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick doesn't use wxWidget's imagehandlers";
sub SaveFile
my $self = shift;
sub Mirror
my $self = shift;
my $horizontally = shift;
$horizontally = 1 unless defined $horizontally;
my $clone = $self->clone;
$clone->Flop() if $horizontally;
$clone->Flip() unless $horizontally;
return $clone;
sub Replace
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick::Replace has not yet been implemented";
sub Rescale
my $self = shift;
sub Rotate90
my $self = shift;
my $clockwise = shift;
$clockwise = 1 if not defined $clockwise;
my $degrees = $clockwise ? 90 : -90;
my $clone = $self->clone;
MagickError($clone->Rotate(degrees => $degrees));
return $clone;
sub SetMask
my $self = shift;
my $mask = shift;
$mask = 1 unless defined $mask;
$self->Set('matte' => $mask == 1 ? 'True' : 'False');
sub SetMaskColour
my ($self, $r, $g, $b) = @_;
$self->Transparent(color => sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $r,$g,$b));
sub SetMaskFromImage
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick::SetMaskFromImage is not implemented";
sub SetOption
my $self = shift;
return $self->Set(@_);
sub SetPalette
print STDERR "Wx::Perl::Imagick::SetPalette is not implemented";
sub SetRGB
my ($self, $x, $y, $r, $g, $b) = @_;
$self->Set("pixel[$x,$y]", sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $r,$g,$b));
# Compatibility methods for Image::Magick
our ($AUTOLOAD);
my $self = shift;
my @params = @_;
(my $auto = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
my $obj;
if ((exists $self->{_im}->[$self->{_index}]) && ($auto ne 'Read'))
$obj = $self->{_im}->[$self->{_index}];
$obj = $self->{_im};
if ($obj->can($auto))
return $obj->$auto(@params);
print STDERR "Unknown method $auto called";
# Convenience methods
sub MagickError
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
cluck "Image::Magick returned an error: \n$error" if $error;
sub SetIndex
$_[0]->{_index} = $_[1];
sub GetIndex
sub GetLoadedImageCount
return $#{$_[0]->{_im}}+1;
=head1 NAME
Wx::Perl::Imagick - A drop-in replacement for Wx::Image with all functionality of Image::Magick
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.01
use Wx::Perl::Imagick;
# Load an imagefile that contains more than one image
my $image = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new('pvoice.ico');
my $bmp = Wx::StaticBitmap->new($panel, -1, $image->ConvertToBitmap);
# Select the next image in the file
$bmp = Wx::StaticBitmap->new($panel, -1, $image->ConvertToBitmap, [100,100]);
# We can also create an image from a Wx::Image
my $img = Wx::Image->new('car.jpg','image/jpeg');
my $magick = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new($img->GetWidth, $img->GetHeight, $img->GetData);
my $bitmap = $magick->ConvertToBitmap;
my $bmp2 = Wx::StaticBitmap->new($panel, -1, $bitmap, [300,300]) if $bitmap->Ok;
# Or we can create an image from a Wx::Bitmap
my $frombmp = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new($bitmap);
my $newbitmap = $newbitmap->ConvertToBitmap;
$bmp = Wx::StaticBitmap->new($panel, -1, $newbitmap, [400,400]) if $newbitmap->Ok;
# And we can create an image from a Wx::Icon
my $icon = Wx::Icon->new('pvoice.ico',wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO, 16,16 );
my $fromicon = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new($icon);
my $anotherbitmap = $fromicon->ConvertToBitmap;
$bmp = Wx::StaticBitmap->new($panel, -1, $anotherbitmap, [500,500]) if $anotherbitmap->Ok;
# Now it's also possible to use Image::Magick's conversions and filters
This class is meant to be a replacement for Wx::Image, adding all functionality of Image::Magick. Hence
the name Wx::Perl::Imagick.
Most of the API of Wx::Image has been copied for backwards compatibility, but you can also call any method
of Image::Magick on a constructed Wx::Perl::Magick instance. This will greatly improve the possibilities
you have with an image in wxPerl.
While I've tried to keep all methodcalls that Wx::Image knows the same for Wx::Perl::Imagick, there are
some incompatible differences. You can find these differences in the 'Wx::Image compatible METHODS' section below.
=head1 Wx::Image compatible METHODS
=head2 new
There are several ways to construct a new Wx::Perl::Imagick object. These are:
=over 4
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new(bitmap)
Simply supply a Wx::Bitmap and it will create a Wx::Perl::Imagick object from it.
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new(icon)
Simply supply a Wx::Icon and it will create a Wx::Perl::Imagick object from it.
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new(width, height)
This will create a new, empty Wx::Perl::Imagick object with the given width and height.
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new(width, height, data)
This will create a new Wx::Perl::Imagick object from the supplied data (which can be -for example-
generated from Wx::Image's GetData), using the given width and height.
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new(file, (mime)type, index = 0)
This will load the file indicated. If a mimetype or type is supplied, the constructor will
generate a print STDERRing, because Wx::Perl::Imagick lets Image::Magick figure out the type of the file, and
ignores this parameter.
The index points out which of the images that the indicated file provides will be the default one.
To use this form without print STDERRings, you'd better call it like this:
Wx::Perl::Imagick->new('somefile.jpg', undef, 0); # you can omit the last two parameters if you like
=item Wx::Perl::Imagick->new( stream, (mime)type, index )
This form IS NOT SUPPORTED. Therefore it's an incompatible difference between Wx::Image and Wx::Perl::Imagick.
=head2 AddHandler
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 CleanupHandlers
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 ComputeHistogram
Unlike wxPerl, Wx::Perl::Imagick does implement it, albeit just an alias for Image::Magick's Histogram() method.
It returns the unique colors in the image and a count for each one. The returned values are an array of
red, green, blue, opacity, and count values.
=head2 ConvertToBitmap
Unlike wxPerl, Wx::Perl::Imagick does implement this, because we need a way to convert between
Wx::Perl::Imagick objects and Wx::Bitmap objects. Since Wx::Bitmap does not know about Wx::Perl::Magick,
we need to make Wx::Perl::Magick aware of a Wx::Bitmap...
It does just what it suggests, it returns a bitmap from the currently loaded image.
=head2 ConvertToMono
Returns monochromatic version of the image. The returned image has white colour where the original
has (r,g,b) colour and black colour everywhere else.
=head2 Copy
Returns an identical copy of the image.
=head2 Create
Not implemented. Use new() instead.
=head2 Destroy
Destroys the image data
=head2 FindFirstUnusedColour
Not implemented in wxPerl, not here either
=head2 FindHandler
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 GetBlue(x, y)
Returns the blue intensity at the given coordinate.
=head2 GetData
Returns the image data as an array. This is most often used when doing direct image
manipulation. The return value points to an array of characters in RGBRGBRGB... format.
=head2 GetGreen(x, y)
Returns the green intensity at the given coordinate.
=head2 GetImageCount
Not implemented. See GetLoadedImageCount below
=head2 GetHandlers
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 GetHeight
Gets the height of the image in pixels.
=head2 GetMaskBlue
Gets the blue value of the transparent colour.
=head2 GetMaskGreen
Gets the green value of the transparent colour.
=head2 GetMaskRed
Gets the red value of the transparent colour.
=head2 GetPalette
Not implemented.
=head2 GetRed(x, y)
Returns the red intensity at the given coordinate.
=head2 GetSubImage(rect)
Returns a sub image of the current one as long as the rect (of type Wx::Rect) belongs entirely to the image.
=head2 GetWidth
Gets the width of the image in pixels
=head2 HasMask
Returns 1 if there is a mask active, 0 otherwise.
=head2 GetOption
This is implemented in a different manner than in Wx::Image. It is in fact an alias for Image::Magick's
Get() method. The suggested option 'quality' in the Wx::Image documentation works perfectly with GetOption('quality').
Since this method not documented any further in the wxWidgets documentation, I implemented it this way.
It can however return anything that Image::Magick returns (being a string or an integer)
=head2 GetOptionInt
See GetOption.
=head2 HasOption
=head2 InitStandardHandlers
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 InsertHandler
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 LoadFile(filename)
This loads the file indicated by filename. The second parameter that Wx::Image specifies is ignored (the filetype),
since Image::Magick doesn't need any specification of the filetype.
=head2 Ok
This returns 1 if an image has been loaded. Returns 0 otherwise.
=head2 RemoveHandler
This method does nothing. Wx::Perl::Magick does not use wxWidget's ImageHandlers;
=head2 SaveFile
This saves the image to a file named filename. The second parameter that Wx::Image specifies is ignored (the filetype),
since Image::Magick doesn't need any specification of the filetype.
=head2 Mirror(horizontally = 1)
Returns a mirrored copy of the image. The parameter horizontally indicates the orientation.
=head2 Replace
This has not yet been implemented.
=head2 Rescale
see Scale();
=head2 Rotate
Rotate is an Image::Magick method. To prevent name conflicts, the Wx::Image compatibility function
has not been implemented. Image::Magick's Rotate knows the following parameters:
=over 4
=item degrees => double
=item color => colorname
=head2 Rotate90(clockwise = 1)
Returns a copy of the image rotated 90 degrees in the direction indicated by clockwise.
=head2 Scale
Scale is an Image::Magick method. To prevent name conflicts, the Wx::Image compatibility function
has not been implemented. Image::Magick's Scale knows the following parameters:
=over 4
=item geometry => geometry
=item width => integer
=item height => integer
=head2 SetData
Sets the image data without performing checks. The data given must have the size (width*height*3)
or results will be unexpected. Don't use this method if you aren't sure you know what you are doing.
=head2 SetMask(HasMask = 1)
Specifies whether there is a mask or not.
=head2 SetMaskColour
This sets the transparent color of the current image. For some reason, after setting the MaskColour you
cannot retrieve the color you just set with GetMaskRed, GetMaskGreen and GetMaskBlue. This seems to be a bug in Image::Magick.
If you save the image after setting the MaskColour, it does use the color you indicated for transparency.
=head2 SetMaskFromImage
Not implemented
=head2 SetOption
This is implemented in a different manner than in Wx::Image. It is in fact an alias for Image::Magick's
Set() method. The suggested option 'quality' in the Wx::Image documentation works perfectly with SetOption(quality => 100).
Since this method not documented any further in the wxWidgets documentation, I implemented it this way.
=head2 SetPalette
Not implemented
=head2 SetRGB(x, y, red, green, blue)
Sets the pixel at the given coordinate to the given red, green and blue values.
=head1 Image::Magick compatible METHODS
You can call any Image::Magick method on any Wx::Perl::Imagick object. The module tries to AUTOLOAD the
Image::Magick method and returns the output immediately. See the documentation of Image::Magick at
There are a few methods I've added that are neither part of Wx::Image, nor of Image::Magick.
They are just for convenience:
=head2 MagickError
If you perform an Image::Magick operation, you may want to call it like this:
my $img = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new('someimage.jpg');
$img->MagickError( $img->Resize(geometry => '100x100');
This will output the error if Image::Magick encounters anything.
=head2 SetIndex
If you load an imagefile that contains multiple images, you can call SetIndex to indicate
on which of the images you want to perform the action. For example:
my $img = Wx::Perl::Imagick->new('pvoice.ico'); # contains 3 different icons
$img->SetIndex(2); # we want to use the third icon
my $data = $img->GetData; # now we get only the data from the third icon
=head2 GetIndex
This returns the index we set earlier with SetIndex.
=head2 GetLoadedImageCount
If we have loaded more than one image, this will return the number of images loaded.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jouke Visser, C<< <> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
Copyright 2005 Jouke Visser, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Wx::Perl::Imagick