# Last updated Wed Apr 14 21:34:43 2021 (UTC)
# Explanation of the syntax:
# your.domain.name:
# frequency = "daily|twice daily" or like "1d|24h|12h|8h|6h"
# or "instant" if you use "instant mirroring"
# dst_ftp = "ftp://your.host.name:/CPAN/mirror/directory/"
# dst_http = "http://your.host.name:/CPAN/mirror/directory/"
# dst_rsync = "rsync://your.host.name/CPAN/"
# dst_location = "city, (area,)? country, continent (lat long)"
# dst_organisation = "full organisation name"
# dst_timezone = "[+-]n(.dd)?"
# dst_bandwidth = "Approximate connection speed in Mb/s"
# dst_contact = "email.address.to.contact@for.this.mirror"
# dst_src = "host.that.you.mirror.from"
# dst_loadbal = "Y" or "N" Join the DNS load balancing pool for ftp.cpan.org
# Notes:
# - This file is UTF-8 encoded.
# - dst_location :
# - The "(lat long)" is required. It is the latitude and longtitude
# in degrees.minutes_IN_DECIMAL (45 minutes = 0.75) ; North and East
# are positive.
# To find your location, use the yellow button on the CPAN map :
# http://mirrors.cpan.org/map.html
# - The "area" is optional. It is the state (United States), county,
# prefecture, district etc.
# - The continent is : Africa, Asia, Europe, North America,
# Oceania or South America.
# - dst_organisation :
# - The language is usually "native (english)" but for example
# in Canada, well, is native English or French?
# - The contact email address is obfuscated.
frequency = "instant"
dst_http = "http://www.cpan.org/"
dst_location = "Everywhere, Global, Global (0 0)"
dst_organisation = "Global CPAN CDN"
dst_bandwidth = "100.0 Gb/s"
dst_contact = "perl.org)cpan"
dst_src = "rsync://cpan-rsync.perl.org/CPAN/"
# dst_dst = "http://www.cpan.org/"