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�����e|���a�3����7���	L�������%1$s (%2$s min / %3$s max)%1$s Field %2$s%1$s These messages are displayed to the users as they fill out a form in real-time. Messages can include plain text and/or %2$sSmart Tags%3$s.%1$s is not supported by AMP and is currently disabled.<br><a href="%2$s" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Upgrade to reCAPTCHA v3</a> for full AMP support. <br><em>Please note: this message is only displayed to site administrators.</em>%1$s vs %2$s%d form was successfully duplicated.%d forms were successfully duplicated.%s (First)%s (Full)%s (Last)%s (Middle)%s Field%s Preview%s addon%s has been enabled for this form. Don't forget to save your form!%s remaining%s template%s verification failed, please try again later.(copy)(empty)--- Select Choice ------ Select Field ------ Select Form Field ---0.41 Site3 Sites5 Sites<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read our walk through</a> to learn more and for step-by-step directions.<a href="%s">Go to the full page</a> to view and submit the form.<b>Heads up!</b> Don't forget to test your form. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our complete guide!</a><b>You haven't created a form yet.</b><br> What are you waiting for?<h4>Images are not cropped or resized.</h4><p>For best results, they should be the same size and 250x250 pixels or smaller.</p><strong>Bonus:</strong> WPForms Lite users get <span class="green">50% off regular price</span>, automatically applied at checkout.<strong>Bonus:</strong> WPForms Lite users get <span>50% off</span> regular price, automatically applied at checkout.<strong>Email converts</strong> - People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who don't receive email offers.<strong>Email is still #1</strong> - At least 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis. You get direct access to your subscribers, without having to play by social media's rules and algorithms.<strong>Note:</strong> The WPForms plugin is disabled on your site until you fix the issue. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more for additional information.</a><strong>You own your email list</strong> - Unlike with social media, your list is your property and no one can revoke your access to it.<strong>v2 Checkbox reCAPTCHA</strong>: Prompts users to check a box to prove they're human.<strong>v2 Invisible reCAPTCHA</strong>: Uses advanced technology to detect real users without requiring any input.<strong>v3 reCAPTCHA</strong>: Uses a behind-the-scenes scoring system to detect abusive traffic, and lets you decide the minimum passing score. Recommended for advanced use only (or if using Google AMP).A CAPTCHA is an anti-spam technique which helps to protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease. WPForms supports two popular services.A Complete Guide to WPForms SettingsA Website or BlogA preview of your CAPTCHA is displayed below. Please view to verify the CAPTCHA settings are correct.AIOSEOAIOSEO ProAPI list error: Constant API errorAbout UsAbout WPFormsAccept user-submitted content with the Post Submissions addonAcceptance FieldAccessAccess ControlsAccess controls allows you to manage and customize access to WPForms functionality.Account NicknameActivateActivate MonsterInsightsActivate NowActivate WP Mail SMTPActivatedActivating...ActiveAddAdd AnotherAdd Choices (one per line)Add Custom ValueAdd FieldsAdd Fields to Your FormAdd FormAdd NewAdd New %sAdd New AccountAdd New ChoicesAdd New ConfirmationAdd New ConnectionAdd New GroupAdd New NotificationAdd Notes / CommentsAdd a BlockAdd choices for the form field.Add your formAdd your new form to any post, page, or sidebar.Additional Marketing IntegrationsAddon activated.Addon deactivated.Addon installed & activated.Addon installed.AddonsAddressAddress AutocompleteAddress Autocomplete FieldAdvanced FieldsAdvanced Form FeaturesAfghanistanAgreementAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlgeriaAll Addons IncludedAll Advanced FeaturesAll FormsAll LogsAll Marketing IntegrationsAllow Usage TrackingAllow users to select multiple choices in this field.AllowlistAllowlist / DenylistAlmost DoneAlready purchased?American SamoaAn empty form was submitted.AnalyticsAnalytics screenshotAnalyzing <span class="form-current">1</span> of <span class="form-total">0</span> forms from %s.AndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApplyAprilAre you sure you want to delete %s entry(s) and all the information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete ALL entries and all their information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete this choice?Are you sure you want to delete this confirmation?Are you sure you want to delete this connection?Are you sure you want to delete this entry and all its information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete this field?Are you sure you want to delete this form and all its entries?Are you sure you want to delete this note?Are you sure you want to delete this notification?Are you sure you want to disable %s for this form?Are you sure you want to disable conditional logic? This will remove the rules for this field or setting.Are you sure you want to disconnect this account?Are you sure you want to duplicate this field?Are you sure you want to duplicate this form?Are you sure you want to leave? You have unsaved changesAre you wondering which form fields you have access to in WPForms and what each field does? WPForms has lots of field types to make creating and filling out forms easy. In this tutorial, we’ll cover all of the fields available in WPForms.ArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmeniaArubaAs a business owner, time is my most valuable asset. WPForms allow me to create smart online forms with just a few clicks. With their pre-built form templates and the drag & drop builder, I can create a new form that works in less than 2 minutes without writing a single line of code. Well worth the investment.As a valued WPForms Lite user you receive <strong>50% off</strong>, automatically applied at checkout!Ask a question or search the docs...AugustAustraliaAustriaAuthor EmailAuthor IDAuthor NameAuthorization CodeAuthorize.NetAutomatic integration with WPForms.Automatically scroll to the confirmation messageAvailable FieldsAvailable Form FieldsAvailable FormsAzerbaijanBackground ColorBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBase and form theme stylingBase styling onlyBasic Form TemplatesBecause Constant Contact requires external authentication, you will need to register WPForms with Constant Contact before you can proceed.Beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form builder to create your WordPress forms.BelarusBelgiumBelizeBelow is the list of form fields that may be impacted:BeninBermudaBhutanBlank FormBlue
GreenBolivia (Plurinational State of)Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and SabaBonus: WPForms Lite users get <span class="price-20-off">50% off regular price</span>, automatically applied at checkout.Boost your sales and conversions by up to 15% with real-time social proof notifications. TrustPulse helps you show live user activity and purchases to help convince other users to purchase.Bosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowse documentation, reference material, and tutorials for WPForms.Brunei DarussalamBuild your form from scratch or use one of our pre-made templates.BulgariaBulk AddBurkina FasoBurundiBut when you combine WPForms with Constant Contact, you can nurture your contacts and engage with them even after they leave your website. When you use Constant Contact + WPForms together, you can:By allowing us to track usage data, we can better help you, as we will know which WordPress configurations, themes, and plugins we should test.CAPTCHACCCSS ClassesCabo VerdeCaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCancel challengeCarbon CopyCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChallenge CompleteChanging templates on an existing form will DELETE existing form fields. Are you sure you want apply the new template?Character LimitCharactersCheck Notification SettingsCheck NotificationsCheck out <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">our documentation</a> for step-by-step instructions.Check out our complete guide!Check this option to adjust the field styling to support Disclaimers and Terms of Service type agreements.Check this option to ask users to provide an email address twice.Check this option to enable GDPR related features and enhancements. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read our GDPR documentation</a> to learn more.Check this option to enable the ability to CC: email addresses in the form notification settings.Check this option to enable using images with the choices.Check this option to forcefully remove other CAPTCHA occurrences in order to prevent conflicts. Only enable this option if your site is having compatibility issues or instructed by support.Check this option to hide plugin announcements and update details.Check this option to hide the WPForms admin bar menu.Check this option to hide the form field label.Check this option to hide the form field sublabel.Check this option to limit text length by characters or words count.Check this option to load WPForms assets site-wide. Only check if your site is having compatibility issues or instructed to by support.Check this option to manually set form field values.Check this option to mark the field required. A form will not submit unless all required fields are provided.Check this option to randomize the order of the choices.Check this option to remove ALL WPForms data upon plugin deletion. All forms and settings will be unrecoverable.Check this option to remove ALL WPForms data upon plugin deletion. All forms, entries, and uploaded files will be unrecoverable.Check this option to start logging WPForms-related events. This is recommended only while debugging.Checkbox ItemsCheckbox Selection LimitCheckbox reCAPTCHA v2CheckboxesCheckedChileChinaChoice %dChoice %sChoice LayoutChoice LimitChoicesChoose a file&hellip;Christmas IslandCityClassicClassic style is the default one generated by your browser. Modern has a fresh look and displays all selected options in a single row.ClearClick here for documentation on connecting WPForms with Constant Contact.Click here to register with Constant ContactClick the button below to verify your web server can perform SSL connections successfully.Click the plus button, search for WPForms, click the block to<br>embed it. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More</a>.Click the “Add Form” button, select your form, then add the embed code.Click to accept this suggestion.CloseClose this windowCocos (Keeling) IslandsCodeColombiaColoradoComment or MessageCommunityComorosComplete Entry Management inside WordPressComplete UTM tracking with form entries.Complete the <b>WPForms Challenge</b> and get up and running within %1$d&nbsp;%2$s.Conditional LogicConfirm EmailConfirm ValueConfirmation MessageConfirmation PageConfirmation Placeholder TextConfirmation Redirect URLConfirmation TypeConfirmationsCongoCongo (Democratic Republic of the)Congrats, the import process has finished! We have successfully imported <span class="forms-completed"></span> forms. You can review the results below.ConnectConnect to %sConnect your Constant Contact email list.Connect your existing accountConnectedConnected on: %sConnecticutConnectionConnection missingConnection missing.Constant Contact onlyContentContinueContinue Import without UpgradingConversational FormsCook IslandsCopy embed code to clipboardCosta RicaCould not activate the addon. Please activate it on the Plugins page.Could not activate the plugin. Please activate it on the <a href="%s">Plugins page</a>.Could not authenticate with the provider.Could not connect to the provider.Could not deactivate the addon. Please deactivate from the Plugins page.Could not disconnect this account.Could not install the plugin. Please download and install it manually.CountriesCountries Postal CodeCountryCountryGeorgiaCreate FormsCreate New PageCreate Payment FormsCreate Your First FormCreate Your First Form to Start Collecting LeadsCreate Your FormCreate a formCreate and send professional email newslettersCreate interactive Surveys and Polls with beautiful reportsCreate new ruleCreate subscription forms and connect with your email marketing service.Create user registration and login formsCreate your first form with our guided setup wizard in less than 5 minutes to experience the WPForms difference.CreatedCreating Your First FormCroatiaCubaCuraçaoCustom CaptchaCustom Captcha Addon includedCustom Field NameCustom access to the following capabilities…Customer SupportCustomize and extend WPForms with code. Our comprehensive developer resources include tutorials, snippets, and documentation on core actions, filters, functions, and more.Customize the background color of the HTML email template.CyprusCzech RepublicCôte d'IvoireDB tablesDateDate / TimeDaysDeactivateDecemberDefaultDefault ConfirmationDefault FormDefault NotificationDefault ValueDefine the minimum and the maximum values for the slider.DelawareDeleteDelete All LogsDelete FieldDelete FormsDelete Forms EntriesDelete Others FormsDelete Others Forms EntriesDelete ruleDenmarkDenylistDescriptionDetermines how email notifications will be formatted. HTML Templates are the default.Determines the increment between selectable values on the slider.Did You Know?Disable Email SummariesDisable Email Summaries weekly delivery.Disabling entry storage for this form will completely prevent any new submissions from getting saved to your site. If you still intend to keep a record of entries through notification emails, then please <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">test your form</a> to ensure emails send reliably.DisconnectDismiss this messageDismiss this message.Display Form DescriptionDisplay Form NameDisplay OptionsDisplays the currently selected value below the slider.Displays to users who fail the verification process.District of ColumbiaDjiboutiDo not forget to test your form.Do you have an idea or suggestion for WPForms? If you have thoughts on features, integrations, addons, or improvements - we want to hear it! We appreciate all feedback and insight from our users.Do you need to check that your forms are compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation? The best way to ensure GDPR compliance for your specific site is always to consult legal counsel. In this guide, we’ll discuss general considerations for GDPR compliance in your WordPress forms.Do you want to learn more about visitors who fill out your online forms? Our geolocation addon allows you to collect and store your website visitors geolocation data along with their form submission. This insight can help you to be better informed and turn more leads into customers. Furthermore, add a smart address field that autocompletes using the Google Places API.DocsDominicaDominican RepublicDoneDownload NowDrag &amp; Drop Form BuilderDrag and drop any field you want onto your signup form.DropdownDropdown ItemsDue to form changes, conditional logic rules will be removed or updated:DuplicateDuplicate FieldDuplicate this formDynamic %s SourceDynamic ChoicesEasily collect payments, donations, and online orders without hiring a developer.Easily create an amazing form in just a few minutes without writing any code.Easily create high performance forms with our smart conditional logic.Easily display Facebook content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to embed albums, group content, reviews, live videos, comments, and reactions.Easily display Instagram content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites.Easily display Twitter content in WordPress without writing any code. Comes with multiple layouts, ability to combine multiple Twitter feeds, Twitter card support, tweet moderation, and more.Easily display YouTube videos on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple layouts, ability to embed live streams, video filtering, ability to combine multiple channel videos, and more.Easily embed your forms in blog posts, pages, sidebar widgets, footer, etc.Easy to EmbedEcuadorEditEdit FormEdit FormsEdit Forms EntriesEdit Others FormsEdit Others Forms EntriesEdit This FormEg: Alternative ConfirmationEg: Newsletter OptinEg: User ConfirmationEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail Marketing Addons includedEmail RestrictedEmail SuggestionEmail is hands-down the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers, with a return on investment (ROI) of <strong>$44 back for every $1 spent</strong> according to DMA.EmbedEmbed FormEmbed in a PageEmbedded Map in FormsEmbedded Post/Page IDEmbedded Post/Page TitleEmbedded Post/Page URLEmptyEnable AJAX form submissionEnable Address AutocompleteEnable Disclaimer / Terms of Service DisplayEnable Email ConfirmationEnable Google Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHAEnable Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHAEnable Google v3 reCAPTCHAEnable LogsEnable anti-spam honeypotEnable anti-spam protectionEnable hCaptchaEnabledEnables form submission without page reload.End ChallengeEnter CSS class names for the form field container. Class names should be separated with spaces.Enter CSS class names for the form submit button. Multiple names should be separated with spaces.Enter CSS class names for the form wrapper. Multiple class names should be separated with spaces.Enter a confirmation nameEnter a default value for this field.Enter a notification nameEnter code for the form field.Enter text for the confirmation field placeholder.Enter text for the default form field value.Enter text for the form field description.Enter text for the form field label. Field labels are recommended and can be hidden in the Advanced Settings.Enter text for the form field placeholder.Enter the email address to receive form entry notifications. For multiple notifications, separate email addresses with a comma.Enter the submit button text you would like the button display while the form submit is processing.Enter your custom input mask.Enter your form name here&hellip;EntriesEntries Field ColumnsEntries via Email OnlyEntry IDEntry ManagementEntry storage is currently disabled, but is required to accept payments. Please enable in your form settings.Equatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError creating form.Error updating form template.ErrorsEstoniaEswatini (Kingdom of)EthiopiaExitExportExport Entries in a CSV FileExport TemplateExtendingFail MessageFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fancy FieldsFaroe IslandsFeatureFebruaryFieldField #%dField HTML IDField IDField ID #%dField LockedField NameField OptionsField SizeField ValueField requiredField values do not match.FieldsFijiFile UploadFile UploadsFinlandFirstFirst ChoiceFirst LastFirst Middle LastFirst NameFirst name field advanced options.FloridaFor form testing tips, check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">complete guide!</a>For more details on how hCaptcha works, as well as a step by step setup guide, please check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">documentation</a>.For more details, see this guide on <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">why building your email list is so important</a>.For more information <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">see our documentation</a>.FormForm AbandonmentForm CSS ClassForm DescriptionForm EntriesForm ExportForm Field ValueForm FieldsForm IDForm ID: %dForm ImportForm NameForm SettingsForm Template ExportForm TemplatesForm data cannot be imported.Form entries are not stored in Lite.Form entries are not stored in WPForms Lite.Form entries reports are not available.Form exports files can be used to create a backup of your forms or to import forms into another site.Form has not been submitted, please see the errors below.Form token is invalid. Please refresh the page.FormatForms OverviewForms to ImportFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFridayFrom EmailFrom NameFunctionalityGDPRGDPR AgreementGDPR EnhancementsGabonGambiaGeneralGeolocationGermanyGet Form Conversion TrackingGet Started with Constant Contact for FreeGet SupportGet WPForms %s Today and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet WPForms Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet WPForms Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful Features »Get WPForms Pro and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet expert marketing and supportGet the most out of WPForms by upgrading to Pro and unlocking all of the powerful features.Get the most out of the <strong>WPForms</strong> plugin &mdash; use it with an active Constant Contact account.Getting StartedGhanaGibraltarGive your form a name so you can easily identify it.Go backGo to Plugins pageGo to SMTP settingsGo to URL (Redirect)Go to WPForms Settings pageGoogle Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHAGoogle Invisible v2 reCAPTCHAGoogle Places APIGoogle offers 3 versions of reCAPTCHA (all supported within WPForms):Google reCAPTCHA v2Google reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again later.Google v3 reCAPTCHAGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGrow Your Website with WPForms + Email MarketingGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHTMLHTML TemplateHaitiHang out with other WordPress experts and like minded website owners such as yourself! Hosted by WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress site for beginners.HawaiiHeader ImageHeads Up!Heads up!Heads up! Don't forget to test your form. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our complete guide</a>!Heads up! WPForms has detected an issue with JavaScript on this page. JavaScript is required for this form to work properly, so this form may not work as expected. See our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">troubleshooting guide</a> to learn more or contact support.Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHello and welcome to WPForms, the most beginner friendly drag & drop WordPress forms plugin. At WPForms, we build software that helps you create beautiful responsive online forms for your website in minutes.HelpHelp us improve WPFormsHere are 3 big reasons why every smart business in the world has an email list:Here are the 3 things you need to build an email list:Hey, I noticed you collected over 50 entries from WPForms - that’s awesome! Could you please do me a BIG favor and give it a 5-star rating on WordPress to help us spread the word and boost our motivation?Hey, I noticed you created a contact form with WPForms - that’s awesome! Could you please do me a BIG favor and give it a 5-star rating on WordPress to help us spread the word and boost our motivation?Hi there!Hidden FieldHideHide Admin Bar MenuHide AnnouncementsHide Bulk AddHide Empty FieldsHide LabelHide LayoutsHide Smart TagsHide SublabelsHide presetsHigh-Converting Form BuilderHondurasHong KongHow to Add a New FormHow to Choose the Right Form FieldHow to Create GDPR Compliant FormsHow to Customize Form FieldsHow to Display Forms on Your SiteHow to Install and Activate WPForms AddonsHungaryI already didI consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.IcelandIdahoIf you have any questions or issues just <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">let us know</a>.IllinoisImage Choice StyleImportImport from Other Form PluginsImport was successfully finished.Importing <span class="form-current">1</span> of <span class="form-total">0</span> forms from %s.In order to complete your form's %s integration, please check that the dropdowns for all required (*) List Fields have been filled out.In the Forms Overview page, the forms list will be empty because there are no forms yet. To create a new form, click on the Add New button, and this will launch the WPForms Form Builder.InactiveInclude Form StylingIncrementIncrement value should be greater than zero. Decimal fractions allowed.IndiaIndianaIndonesiaInfoInlineInput MaskInput Mask IncompleteInsert FormInstallInstall & ActivateInstall & Activate MonsterInsightsInstall AddonInstall MonsterInsightsInstall NowInstall PluginInstall WP Mail SMTPInstall WP Mail SMTP from the WordPress.org plugin repository.Install Your Marketing IntegrationInstall Your Payment IntegrationInstall and ActivateInstall and Activate WP Mail SMTPInstalling...Instant NotificationsInstantly get more subscribers, leads, and sales with the #1 conversion optimization toolkit. Create high converting popups, announcement bars, spin a wheel, and more with smart targeting and personalization.Integrate %s with WPFormsIntegrationsInvalid form.Invisible reCAPTCHA v2IowaIran (Islamic Republic of)IraqIreland (Republic of)Isle of ManIsraelIt appears you do not have any form entries yet.It doesn't matter what kind of business you run, what kind of website you have, or what industry you are in - you need to start building your email list today.It looks like you haven’t created any forms yet.It seems you do not have any marketing addons activated. You can head over to the <a href="%s">Addons page</a> to install and activate the addon for your provider.It seems you do not have any payment addons activated. You can head over to the <a href="%s">Addons page</a> to install and activate the addon for your payment service.It seems you don't have any payment addons activated. Click one of the available addons and start accepting payments today!ItalyItemsJamaicaJanuaryJapanJerseyJoin Our CommunityJoin WPBeginner EngageJoin WPForms VIP CircleJordanJulyJuneKansasKazakhstanKentuckyKenyaKiribatiKorea (Democratic People's Republic of)Korea (Republic of)KosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLabelLao People's Democratic RepublicLargeLastLast NameLast name field advanced options.Latitude/LongitudeLatviaLearn MoreLearn More about the <a href="%s">power of email marketing</a>Learn how to disable: %s.Learn moreLebanonLesothoLet’s Go!Let’s see how your forms performed in the past week.Let’s see how your forms performed.LiberiaLibyaLicenseLicense KeyLiechtensteinLikert ScaleLimit LengthLimit the number of checkboxes a user can select. Leave empty for unlimited.Limited Advanced FeaturesLimited Marketing IntegrationLimited SupportList FieldsLite install dateLithuaniaLoad Assets GloballyLoadingLoading...Location Info in EntriesLogLog IDLog TitleLog TypesLog events for specific users only. All users are logged by default.Login URLLogout URLLogsLost Password URLLouisianaLuxembourgMacaoMadagascarMaineMaking Email Deliverability Easy for WordPressMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaManage integrations with popular providers such as Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Zapier, and more.Map custom fields (or properties) to form fields values.MarchMark Read / UnreadMark entry readMark entry unreadMarketingMarketing &amp; SubscriptionsMarketing IntegrationsMarketing provider connectionMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMassachusettsMauritaniaMauritiusMaximumMayMayotteMediumMembers IntegrationMessageMexicoMichiganMicronesia (Federated States of)MiddleMiddle NameMiddle name field advanced options.MinimumMinnesotaMiscMissing dataMissing data.Missing required data in payload.MississippiMissouriModernMoldova (Republic of)MonacoMondayMongoliaMonsterInsightsMonsterInsights Installed & ActivatedMonsterInsights ProMonsterInsights connects WPForms to Google Analytics, providing a powerful integration with their Forms addon. MonsterInsights is a sister company of WPForms.MonsterInsights has an intuitive setup wizard to guide you through the setup process.MonsterInsights on WordPress.orgMontanaMontenegroMonthsMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMultiple ChoiceMultiple ItemsMultiple Options SelectionMultiple confirmationsMultiple notificationsMyanmarN/ANameName Your FormName Your PageName field advanced options.NamibiaNauruNebraskaNeed some help? Check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">comprehensive guide</a>.Need to make changes? <a href="#">Edit the selected form.</a>NepalNet Promoter ScoreNetherlandsNevadaNew %s EntryNew CaledoniaNew Entry: %sNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew ZealandNew formNext messageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo Addons IncludedNo Advanced FeaturesNo LabelNo choices to choose fromNo docs foundNo email fieldsNo entries were submitted yet.No field type foundNo fields availableNo file chosenNo form ID foundNo form ID found.No form ID provided.No form fields found.No form importers are currently enabled.No form name provided.No forms foundNo forms found.No key provided.No logs found.No results foundNo stylingNo-Conflict ModeNoneNope, maybe laterNorfolk IslandNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth Macedonia (Republic of)Northern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot ActiveNot AvailableNot InstalledNot availableNot foundNot happy with other WordPress contact form plugins?Not writableNotificationNotification 1Notification 2NotificationsNovemberNow editingNumberNumber PositiveNumber SliderNumber of SitesNumber of forms per page:NumbersOKOctoberOffOhioOkOk, you deserve itOklahomaOmanOnOn this page, you can enable and configure the logging functionality while debugging behavior of various parts of the plugin, including forms and entries processing.Once you upgrade to WPForms Pro, all future form entries will be stored in your WordPress database and displayed on this Entries screen.One ColumnOne or more of your forms contain fields that are not available in WPForms Lite. To properly import these fields, we recommend upgrading to WPForms Pro.Only the Lite version can be upgraded.Oops!Open Setup WizardOptimize Email SendingOptinMonsterOregonOtherOur form builder is a full-screen, distraction-free experience where you manage your forms. The following steps will walk you through essential areas.Our goal is to take the pain out of creating online forms and make it easy.Our smart captcha and spam protection automatically prevents spam submissions.Over the years, we found that most WordPress contact form plugins were bloated, buggy, slow, and very hard to use. So we started with a simple goal: build a WordPress forms plugin that’s both easy and powerful.PROPage BreakPakistanPalauPalestine (State of)PanamaPapua New GuineaParagraph TextParaguayPasswordPaste license key herePausePayPal StandardPaymentPayment FieldsPayment FormsPayment is required.PaymentsPayments Made EasyPennsylvaniaPeruPhilippinesPhonePitcairnPlaceholderPlaceholder TextPlain textPlease check out our %1$stroubleshooting guide%2$s for details on resolving this issue.Please contact the plugin support team if this behavior persists.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enter a form name.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid number.Please enter a valid positive number.Please enter your license key to connect.Please fill out all blanks.Please fill out all of the fields below to add your new provider account.Please fill out all of the fields below to register your new Constant Contact account.Please provide a valid value.Please save settings to generate a preview of your CAPTCHA here.Please select at least one form to import.Please specify a section.Please upload a valid .json form export file.Plugin activated.Plugin activation is disabled for you on this site.Plugin deactivated.Plugin deactivation is disabled for you on this site.Plugin installed & activated.Plugin installed.Plugin unavailable.PolandPortugalPost TypePostal/Zip CodePowered by the community, for the community. Anything and everything WPForms: Discussions. Questions. Tutorials. Insights and sneak peaks. Also, exclusive giveaways!Powerful Form Logic for Building Smart FormsPowerful location-based insights and features…Premium SupportPress to selectPreviewPreviousPrevious messagePrint EntriesPriority SupportPro Addons IncludedPro Features:Pro install datePro version installed but needs to be activated on the Plugins page inside your WordPress admin.Pro+ProvidersPuerto RicoPushEngageQatarQuery String VariableRafflePressRafflePress ProRandomize ChoicesRate WPForms on WordPress.orgRatingRead DocumentationRead the Full GuideRecommended Plugin:Redirecting…Referrer URLRegister URLRemoveRemove ImageReply-ToRequiredResend NotificationsRespond to leads quickly with our instant form notification feature for your team.Responsive Mobile FriendlyRestrict which email addresses are allowed. Be sure to separate each email address with a comma.Rhode IslandRomaniaRun Setup WizardRussian FederationRwandaRéunionSMTPSaint BarthélemySaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (French part)Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave Favorite EntriesSave FormSave SettingsSave and EmbedSave and ExitSave and RefreshSaved!Saving ...Scheduled ActionsScore ThresholdSeamlessly add new contacts to your email listSearch AddonsSearch LogsSearch results for "%s"Searching AddonsSecond ChoiceSecret KeySection DividerSecurity check failed. Please try again.See All FeaturesSee Examples & DocsSee Geolocation DataSee Quick LinksSeedProdSeedProd ProSelect %s to use for auto-populating field choices.Select AccountSelect AllSelect Existing PageSelect Form(s)Select GroupsSelect ListSelect Your Marketing IntegrationSelect a FormSelect a TemplateSelect a WPForms export file.Select a formSelect a form below to insertSelect a form to add it to your post or page.Select a form to displaySelect a form to generate PHP code that can be used to register a custom form template.Select and configure your mailer.Select and display one of your forms.Select auto-populate method to use.Select formSelect format to use for the name form fieldSelect from our pre-built templates, or create a form from scratch.Select previous contact form plugin...Select the default form field size.Select the forms you would like to import.Select the layout for displaying field choices.Select the page you would like to embed your form in.Select the style for the image choices.Select the types of events you want to log. Everything is logged by default.Select the user roles you want to log. All roles are logged by default.Select your columnSelect your email marketing service provider or CRM from the options on the left. If you don't see your email marketing service listed, then let us know and we'll do our best to get it added as fast as possible.Select your layoutSelectedSelected Value: {value}Send To Email AddressSendingSending...SenegalSent from %sSeptemberSerbiaSet Up WP Mail SMTPSettingsSettings were successfully saved.SetupSetup CompleteSetup MonsterInsightsSeychellesShortcodeShowShow AccountsShow DescriptionShow Empty FieldsShow LayoutsShow LessShow MoreShow PageShow Smart TagsShow TitleShow ValuesShow all formsShow form descriptionShow form nameShow presetsShowing the first 20 choices.<br> All %s choices will be displayed when viewing the form.Sierra LeoneSignatureSignaturesSimpleSimple Built-in ControlsSimple Contact FormSingaporeSingle Checkbox FieldSingle ItemSingle Line TextSint Maarten (Dutch part)Site Administrator EmailSite KeySites already using one type of reCAPTCHA will need to create new site keys before switching to a different option.Skip challengeSlovakiaSloveniaSmallSmart Address FieldSmart Conditional LogicSmash Balloon Facebook FeedsSmash Balloon Facebook Feeds ProSmash Balloon Instagram FeedsSmash Balloon Instagram Feeds ProSmash Balloon Twitter FeedsSmash Balloon Twitter Feeds ProSmash Balloon YouTube FeedsSmash Balloon YouTube Feeds ProSolomon IslandsSomaliaSomething went wrong while performing an AJAX request.Something went wrong while performing this action.Something went wrong while saving the form.Something went wrong while saving the form. Please reload the page and try again.Something wrong. Please try again later.Something wrong. Please, try again later.Sorry, you are not allowed to create new forms.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this form.South AfricaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth SudanSpainSpamSpam Entry Spam ProtectionSri LankaStandard FieldsStandard SupportStar entryStart ChallengeStart SetupStart the WPForms ChallengeStart with pre-built form templates to save even more time.StatesStates Postal CodeStatus: %sStep 1Step 2Step 3StripeStyleStylingSubmitSubmit Button CSS ClassSubmit Button Processing TextSubmit Button TextSubmit FeedbackSubmit a Support TicketSubmit a ticket and our world class support team will be in touch soon.Success! Your server can make SSL connections.SudanSuggest a FeatureSullie the WPForms mascotSundaySupportSupport & DocsSurinameSurvey ResultsSurveys & PollsSvalbard and Jan MayenSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicSystem InfoSystem InformationTajikistanTake the WPForms ChallengeTake your pick from our wide variety of fields and start building out your form!Tanzania (United Republic of)TaxonomyTemplateTennesseeTest ConnectionTest SSL ConnectionsTestimonialsTestingTexasText can't exceed %d character.Text can't exceed %d characters.Text can't exceed %d word.Text can't exceed %d words.ThailandThank you for choosing WPForms - the most powerful drag & drop WordPress form builder in the market.Thanks for being a loyal WPForms Lite user. <strong>Upgrade to WPForms Pro</strong> to unlock all the awesome features and experience<br>why WPForms is consistently rated the best WordPress form builder.Thanks for being a loyal WPForms Lite user. Upgrade to WPForms Pro to unlock all the awesome features and experience why WPForms is consistently rated the best WordPress form builder.Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.Thanks for your interest in WPForms Pro!That's why it's crucial to start collecting email addresses and building your list as soon as possible.The %1$s %2$s contains over %3$s items (%4$s). This may make the field difficult for your visitors to use and/or cause the form to be slow.The %3$s settings have not been configured yet. Please complete the setup in your <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">WPForms Settings</a>, and check out our <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">step by step tutorial</a> for full details.The Best Email Marketing ServiceThe Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPressThe WPForms TeamThe WPForms Team photoThe blank form allows you to create any type of form using our drag & drop builder.The callback function used for the %s setting is missing.The default notification settings might be sufficient, but double&#8209;check to be sure.The fastest drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress. Create custom landing pages without writing code, connect them with your CRM, collect subscribers, and grow your audience. Trusted by 1 million sites.The following code can be used to register your custom form template. Copy and paste the following code to your theme's functions.php file or include it within an external file.The following fields are available in PRO and were imported as text fields:The following fields are available in PRO and were not imported:The following fields are not supported and were not imported:The form cannot be displayed.The form was unable to submit. Please contact the site administrator.The form you are trying to import does not exist.The leading WordPress analytics plugin that shows you how people find and use your website, so you can make data driven decisions to grow your business. Properly set up Google Analytics without writing code.The original WordPress SEO plugin and toolkit that improves your website's search rankings. Comes with all the SEO features like Local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, sitemaps, SEO optimizer, schema, and more.The provided email is not valid.The provided emails do not match.There was an error and the connection failed. Please contact your web host with the technical details below.There was an error installing WPForms Pro. Please try again.There was an error while creating a new form.There was an error while installing an upgrade. Please check file system permissions and try again. Also, you can download the plugin from wpforms.com and install it manually.There was an error while installing an upgrade. Please download the plugin from wpforms.com and install it manually.There was an error while performing your request.Third ChoiceThis CAPTCHA is generated using your site and secret keys. If an error is displayed, please double-check your keys.This email address is not allowed.This email was auto-generated and sent from %1$s. Learn <a href="%2$s">how to disable</a>.This email was auto-generated and sent from %s.This field cannot be deleted or duplicated.This field is required.This form is currently accepting payments. Entry storage is required to accept payments. To disable entry storage, please first disable payments.This item must contain at least one choice.This message is only displayed to site administrators.This page isn't loading JavaScript properly, and the form will not be able to submit.This setting is disabled because you have the "Force From Email" setting enabled in the <a href="%s" target="_blank">WP Mail SMTP</a> plugin.This setting is disabled because you have the "Force From Name" setting enabled in the <a href="%s" target="_blank">WP Mail SMTP</a> plugin.Three ColumnsThursdayTimor-LesteTo display all form fields, use the %s Smart Tag.To unlock more features consider <strong><a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="wpforms-upgrade-modal">upgrading to PRO</a></strong>.Toggle listTogoTokelauTongaToolsTotalTotal Entries by FormTotal formsTotal submissions (since v1.5.0)Track form impressions and conversions.Trinidad and TobagoTrustPulseTry Constant Contact TodayTry Constant Contact for FreeTuesdayTunisiaTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTurn your website visitors into brand ambassadors! Easily grow your email list, website traffic, and social media followers with the most powerful giveaways & contests plugin for WordPress.TuvaluTwo ColumnsTypeTypesUS StateGeorgiaUgandaUkraineUnfortunately the error occurred while downloading help data.Unfortunately there was a server connection error.Unfortunately, the %s field is not available and will be ignored on the front end.Uninstall WPFormsUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States of AmericaUnknown AddonUnknown FormUnlimited SitesUnstar entryUpgrade NowUpgrade to EliteUpgrade to PROUpgrade to ProUpgrade to Pro and get access to the reports.Upgrade to WPForms ProUpgrade to WPForms Pro NowUpgrade to WPForms Pro to access our world class customer support.Upgrade to the PRO plan to import these fields.Upgrade was successfully completed!Upload ImageUpload or Choose Your ImageUpload or choose a logo to be displayed at the top of email notifications.<br>Recommended size is 300x100 or smaller for best support on all devices.Uploaded files combined size exceeds allowed maximum.Uploads directoryUruguayUse ImageUse TemplateUse image choicesUser Display NameUser EmailUser First NameUser Full NameUser IDUser IP AddressUser Last NameUser MetaUser RegistrationUser Role Editor IntegrationUser RolesUsersUtahUzbekistanValidationValidation MessagesValueValue DisplayVanuatuVatican City StateVenezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)Verify KeyVermontVersionVietnamView AllView All DocumentationView DocumentationView Email Summary ExampleView EntriesView Entries in DashboardView FormsView Forms EntriesView LogsView Others FormsView Others Forms EntriesView WPForms Dev DocsView all your leads in one place to streamline your workflow.View entriesView form conversion rates from WordPress.View previewVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)VirginiaWP Mail SMTPWP Mail SMTP Installed & ActivatedWP Mail SMTP ProWP Mail SMTP on WordPress.orgWP Mail SMTP screenshotWPBeginner Engage Facebook GroupWPFormsWPForms AddonsWPForms Addons are a PRO featureWPForms BuilderWPForms ChallengeWPForms Developer DocumentationWPForms Features &amp; AddonsWPForms ImportWPForms LiteWPForms Makes List Building EasyWPForms Pro is installed but not activated.WPForms SettingsWPForms ToolsWPForms VIP Circle Facebook GroupWPForms honeypot field triggered.WPForms is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.WPForms is both easy to use and extremely powerful. We have tons of helpful features that allow us to give you everything you need from a form builder.WPForms is brought to you by the same team that’s behind the largest WordPress resource site, <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WPBeginner</a>, the most popular lead-generation software, <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OptinMonster</a>, the best WordPress analytics plugin, <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MonsterInsights</a>, and more!WPForms is by far the easiest form plugin to use. My clients love it – it’s one of the few plugins they can use without any training. As a developer I appreciate how fast, modern, clean and extensible it is.WPForms makes it easy for you to switch by allowing you import your third-party forms with a single click.WPForms makes it easy to create forms in WordPress. You can watch the video tutorial or read our guide on how create your first form.WPForms plugin makes it fast and easy to capture all kinds of visitor information right from your WordPress site - even if you don't have a Constant Contact account.WPForms ♥ MonsterInsightsWPForms ♥ WP Mail SMTPWallis and FutunaWant to get started creating your first form with WPForms? By following the step by step instructions in this walkthrough, you can easily publish your first form on your site.WashingtonWatch how to create your first formWe also noticed that you have some segments in your list. You can select specific list segments below if needed. This is optional.We can help embed your form with just a few clicks!We made the form creation process extremely intuitive, so you can create a form to start capturing emails within 5 minutes or less.We need to save your progress to continue to the Marketing panel. Is that OK?We're sorry that it took longer than %1$d %2$s to create a form. Our goal is to create the most beginner friendly WordPress form plugin. Please take a moment to let us know how we can improve WPForms.We're sorry, Address Autocomplete is part of the Geolocation Addon and not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the PRO plan to unlock all these awesome features.We're sorry, the %s is not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the Elite plan to unlock all these awesome features.We're sorry, the %s is not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the PRO plan to unlock all these awesome features.Website / URLWednesdayWeekly WPForms Email SummariesWelcome to WPFormsWelcome to the Form BuilderWest VirginiaWestern SaharaWhat would you like to call the new page?When creating WPForms, our goal was to make a WordPress forms plugin that's both EASY and POWERFUL.Whoops, you haven't created a form yet. Want to <a href="%s">give it a go</a>?WidgetDisplay a form.WidgetDisplay form descriptionWidgetDisplay form nameWidgetForm:WidgetNo formsWidgetSelect your formWidgetTitle:WidgetWPFormsWisconsinWith Constant Contact + WPForms, growing your list is easy.With a powerful email marketing service like Constant Contact, you can instantly send out mass notifications and beautifully designed newsletters to engage your subscribers.With the MonsterInsights Form addon you can easily track your form views, entries, conversion rates, and more.Wondering if email marketing is really worth your time?Word LimitWordPress.orgWordsWould you like to access WPForms addons to extend the functionality of your forms? The first thing you need to do is install WPForms. Once that’s done, let’s go ahead and look at the process of activating addons.Would you like to display the form description?Would you like to display the forms name?Would you like to embed your form in an existing page, or create a new one?Would you like to learn more about all of the settings available in WPForms? In addition to tons of customization options within the form builder, WPForms has an extensive list of plugin-wide options available. This includes choosing your currency, adding GDPR enhancements, setting up integrations.WritableWyomingYemenYesYes, I give WPForms permission to contact me for any follow up questions.You are not allowed to install plugins.You are not allowed to perform this action.You can add additional fields to your form, if you need them.You can also <a href="#" class="%1$s">embed your form manually</a> or <a href="#" class="%2$s">use a shortcode</a>You can continue with the import without upgrading, and we will do our best to match the fields. However, some of them will be omitted due to compatibility issues.You can easily grant or restrict access using the simple built-in controls, or use our official integrations with Members and User Role Editor plugins.You can go and <a href="%s">check your forms</a>.You can have multiple confirmations with conditional logic.You can have multiple notifications with conditional logic.You can use <b>WPForms</b> to build contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more with just a few clicks.You can use WPForms to build contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more with just a few clicks.You cannot send emails with WPForms\Emails\Mailer until init/admin_init has been reached.You cannot send emails with WPForms_WP_Emails() until init/admin_init has been reached.You completed the WPForms Challenge in <b>%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s</b>. Share your success story with other WPForms users and help us spread the word <b>by giving WPForms a 5-star rating (%5$s) on WordPress.org</b>. Thanks for your support and we look forward to bringing you more awesome features.You do not have permissionYou do not have permission to perform this action.You do not have permission to perform this operation.You do not have permission.You do not have permissions.You don't have any fields yet.You don't have any fields yet. Add some!You have exceeded the number of allowed selections: {#}.You must provide a confirmation nameYou must provide a connection nickname.You must provide a notification nameYou need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage the fields.You need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage the settings.You need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage these settings.You need to create a form before you can generate a template.You need to create a form before you can use form export.You should enter a valid absolute address to the Confirmation Redirect URL field.You're using WPForms Lite - no license needed. Enjoy!You've just turned off notification emails for this form. Since entries are not stored in WPForms Lite, notification emails are recommended for collecting entry details. For setup steps, <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">please see our notification tutorial</a>.You've selected <strong>Base Styling Only</strong>, which may result in styling issues. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Please check out our tutorial</a> for common issues and recommendations.You've selected <strong>No Styling</strong>, which will likely result in significant styling issues and is recommended only for developers. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Please check out our tutorial</a> for more details and recommendations.Your Weekly WPForms Summary for %sYour form contains unsaved changes. Would you like to save your changes first.Your license key provides access to updates and addons.Your session expired. Please reload the builder.Your session expired. Please reload the page.Your site already has WPForms Pro activated. If you want to switch to WPForms Lite, please first go to Plugins → Installed Plugins and deactivate WPForms. Then, you can activate WPForms Lite.Your site is running an <strong>insecure version</strong> of PHP that is no longer supported. Please contact your web hosting provider to update your PHP version or switch to a <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">recommended WordPress hosting company</a>.Your site is running an outdated version of PHP that is no longer supported and may cause issues with %1$s. <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more</a> for additional information.Yup, we know a thing or two about building awesome products that customers love.ZambiaZimbabwecontactcontainsdoes not containemptyends withfiles selectedformgreater thanhCaptchahCaptcha is a free and privacy-oriented spam prevention service. Within your forms, hCaptcha will display a checkbox asking users to prove they're human (much like Google's v2 Checkbox reCAPTCHA). This is a simple step for legitimate site visitors, but is extremely effective at blocking spam.hCaptcha verification failed, please try again later.https://wpforms.comisis a PRO Featureis an Elite Featureis notless thanminuteminutesneeds to be activated to import its forms. Would you like us to activate it for you?needs to be installed and activated to import its forms. Would you like us to install and activate it for you?not emptyorper yearpost typereCAPTCHA is a free anti-spam service from Google which helps to protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.reCAPTCHA v3reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). If the score less than or equal to this threshold, the form submission will be blocked and the message above will be displayed.secondsecondsstarts withsurveytaxonomy~ Syed Balkhi<br>Co-Founder of WPFormsÅland IslandsPO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-07 14:11:10+0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;
X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.0-alpha.4
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Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Contact Form by WPForms &#8211; Drag &amp; Drop Form Builder for WordPress - Stable (latest release)
%1$s (%2$s min / %3$s max)%1$s Field %2$s%1$s These messages are displayed to the users as they fill out a form in real-time. Messages can include plain text and/or %2$sSmart Tags%3$s.%1$s is not supported by AMP and is currently disabled.<br><a href="%2$s" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Upgrade to reCAPTCHA v3</a> for full AMP support. <br><em>Please note: this message is only displayed to site administrators.</em>%1$s vs %2$s%d form was successfully duplicated.%s forms were successfully duplicated.%s (First)%s (Full)%s (Last)%s (Middle)%s Field%s Preview%s addon%s has been enabled for this form. Don't forget to save your form!%s remaining%s template%s verification failed, please try again later.(copy)(empty)--- Select Choice ------ Select Field ------ Select Form Field ---0.41 Site3 Sites5 Sites<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read our walk through</a> to learn more and for step-by-step directions.<a href="%s">Go to the full page</a> to view and submit the form.<b>Heads up!</b> Don't forget to test your form. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our complete guide!</a><b>You haven't created a form yet.</b><br> What are you waiting for?<h4>Images are not cropped or resized.</h4><p>For best results, they should be the same size and 250x250 pixels or smaller.</p><strong>Bonus:</strong> WPForms Lite users get <span class="green">50% off regular price</span>, automatically applied at checkout.<strong>Bonus:</strong> WPForms Lite users get <span>50% off</span> regular price, automatically applied at checkout.<strong>Email converts</strong> - People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who don't receive email offers.<strong>Email is still #1</strong> - At least 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis. You get direct access to your subscribers, without having to play by social media's rules and algorithms.<strong>Note:</strong> The WPForms plugin is disabled on your site until you fix the issue. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more for additional information.</a><strong>You own your email list</strong> - Unlike with social media, your list is your property and no one can revoke your access to it.<strong>v2 Checkbox reCAPTCHA</strong>: Prompts users to check a box to prove they're human.<strong>v2 Invisible reCAPTCHA</strong>: Uses advanced technology to detect real users without requiring any input.<strong>v3 reCAPTCHA</strong>: Uses a behind-the-scenes scoring system to detect abusive traffic, and lets you decide the minimum passing score. Recommended for advanced use only (or if using Google AMP).A CAPTCHA is an anti-spam technique which helps to protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease. WPForms supports two popular services.A Complete Guide to WPForms SettingsA Website or BlogA preview of your CAPTCHA is displayed below. Please view to verify the CAPTCHA settings are correct.AIOSEOAIOSEO ProAPI list error: Constant API errorAbout UsAbout WPFormsAccept user-submitted content with the Post Submissions addonAcceptance FieldAccessAccess ControlsAccess controls allows you to manage and customize access to WPForms functionality.Account NicknameActivateActivate MonsterInsightsActivate NowActivate WP Mail SMTPActivatedActivating...ActiveAddAdd AnotherAdd Choices (one per line)Add Custom ValueAdd FieldsAdd Fields to Your FormAdd FormAdd NewAdd New %sAdd New AccountAdd New ChoicesAdd New ConfirmationAdd New ConnectionAdd New GroupAdd New NotificationAdd Notes / CommentsAdd a BlockAdd choices for the form field.Add your formAdd your new form to any post, page, or sidebar.Additional Marketing IntegrationsAddon activated.Addon deactivated.Addon installed & activated.Addon installed.AddonsAddressAddress AutocompleteAddress Autocomplete FieldAdvanced FieldsAdvanced Form FeaturesAfghanistanAgreementAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlgeriaAll Addons IncludedAll Advanced FeaturesAll FormsAll LogsAll Marketing IntegrationsAllow Usage TrackingAllow users to select multiple choices in this field.AllowlistAllowlist / DenylistAlmost DoneAlready purchased?American SamoaAn empty form was submitted.AnalyticsAnalytics screenshotAnalyzing <span class="form-current">1</span> of <span class="form-total">0</span> forms from %s.AndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApplyAprilAre you sure you want to delete %s entry(s) and all the information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete ALL entries and all their information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete this choice?Are you sure you want to delete this confirmation?Are you sure you want to delete this connection?Are you sure you want to delete this entry and all its information (files, notes, logs, etc.)?Are you sure you want to delete this field?Are you sure you want to delete this form and all its entries?Are you sure you want to delete this note?Are you sure you want to delete this notification?Are you sure you want to disable %s for this form?Are you sure you want to disable conditional logic? This will remove the rules for this field or setting.Are you sure you want to disconnect this account?Are you sure you want to duplicate this field?Are you sure you want to duplicate this form?Are you sure you want to leave? You have unsaved changesAre you wondering which form fields you have access to in WPForms and what each field does? WPForms has lots of field types to make creating and filling out forms easy. In this tutorial, we’ll cover all of the fields available in WPForms.ArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmeniaArubaAs a business owner, time is my most valuable asset. WPForms allow me to create smart online forms with just a few clicks. With their pre-built form templates and the drag & drop builder, I can create a new form that works in less than 2 minutes without writing a single line of code. Well worth the investment.As a valued WPForms Lite user you receive <strong>50% off</strong>, automatically applied at checkout!Ask a question or search the docs...AugustAustraliaAustriaAuthor EmailAuthor IDAuthor NameAuthorization CodeAuthorize.NetAutomatic integration with WPForms.Automatically scroll to the confirmation messageAvailable FieldsAvailable Form FieldsAvailable FormsAzerbaijanBackground ColourBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBase and form theme stylingBase styling onlyBasic Form TemplatesBecause Constant Contact requires external authentication, you will need to register WPForms with Constant Contact before you can proceed.Beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form builder to create your WordPress forms.BelarusBelgiumBelizeBelow is the list of form fields that may be impacted:BeninBermudaBhutanBlank FormBlue
GreenBolivia (Plurinational State of)Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and SabaBonus: WPForms Lite users get <span class="price-20-off">50% off regular price</span>, automatically applied at checkout.Boost your sales and conversions by up to 15% with real-time social proof notifications. TrustPulse helps you show live user activity and purchases to help convince other users to purchase.Bosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowse documentation, reference material, and tutorials for WPForms.Brunei DarussalamBuild your form from scratch or use one of our pre-made templates.BulgariaBulk AddBurkina FasoBurundiBut when you combine WPForms with Constant Contact, you can nurture your contacts and engage with them even after they leave your website. When you use Constant Contact + WPForms together, you can:By allowing us to track usage data, we can better help you, as we will know which WordPress configurations, themes, and plugins we should test.CAPTCHACCCSS ClassesCabo VerdeCaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCancel challengeCarbon CopyCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChallenge CompleteChanging templates on an existing form will DELETE existing form fields. Are you sure you want apply the new template?Character LimitCharactersCheck Notification SettingsCheck NotificationsCheck out <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">our documentation</a> for step-by-step instructions.Check out our complete guide!Check this option to adjust the field styling to support Disclaimers and Terms of Service type agreements.Check this option to ask users to provide an email address twice.Check this option to enable GDPR related features and enhancements. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read our GDPR documentation</a> to learn more.Check this option to enable the ability to CC: email addresses in the form notification settings.Check this option to enable using images with the choices.Check this option to forcefully remove other CAPTCHA occurrences in order to prevent conflicts. Only enable this option if your site is having compatibility issues or instructed by support.Check this option to hide plugin announcements and update details.Check this option to hide the WPForms admin bar menu.Check this option to hide the form field label.Check this option to hide the form field sublabel.Check this option to limit text length by characters or words count.Check this option to load WPForms assets site-wide. Only check if your site is having compatibility issues or instructed to by support.Check this option to manually set form field values.Check this option to mark the field required. A form will not submit unless all required fields are provided.Check this option to randomize the order of the choices.Check this option to remove ALL WPForms data upon plugin deletion. All forms and settings will be unrecoverable.Check this option to remove ALL WPForms data upon plugin deletion. All forms, entries, and uploaded files will be unrecoverable.Check this option to start logging WPForms-related events. This is recommended only while debugging.Checkbox ItemsCheckbox Selection LimitCheckbox reCAPTCHA v2CheckboxesCheckedChileChinaChoice %dChoice %sChoice LayoutChoice LimitChoicesChoose a file&hellip;Christmas IslandCityClassicClassic style is the default one generated by your browser. Modern has a fresh look and displays all selected options in a single row.ClearClick here for documentation on connecting WPForms with Constant Contact.Click here to register with Constant ContactClick the button below to verify your web server can perform SSL connections successfully.Click the plus button, search for WPForms, click the block to<br>embed it. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More</a>.Click the “Add Form” button, select your form, then add the embed code.Click to accept this suggestion.CloseClose this windowCocos (Keeling) IslandsCodeColombiaColoradoComment or MessageCommunityComorosComplete Entry Management inside WordPressComplete UTM tracking with form entries.Complete the <b>WPForms Challenge</b> and get up and running within %1$d&nbsp;%2$s.Conditional LogicConfirm EmailConfirm ValueConfirmation MessageConfirmation PageConfirmation Placeholder TextConfirmation Redirect URLConfirmation TypeConfirmationsCongoCongo (Democratic Republic of the)Congrats, the import process has finished! We have successfully imported <span class="forms-completed"></span> forms. You can review the results below.ConnectConnect to %sConnect your Constant Contact email list.Connect your existing accountConnectedConnected on: %sConnecticutConnectionConnection missingConnection missing.Constant Contact onlyContentContinueContinue Import without UpgradingConversational FormsCook IslandsCopy embed code to clipboardCosta RicaCould not activate the addon. Please activate it on the Plugins page.Could not activate the plugin. Please activate it on the <a href="%s">Plugins page</a>.Could not authenticate with the provider.Could not connect to the provider.Could not deactivate the addon. Please deactivate from the Plugins page.Could not disconnect this account.Could not install the plugin. Please download and install it manually.CountriesCountries Postal CodeCountryGeorgiaCreate FormsCreate New PageCreate Payment FormsCreate Your First FormCreate Your First Form to Start Collecting LeadsCreate Your FormCreate a formCreate and send professional email newslettersCreate interactive Surveys and Polls with beautiful reportsCreate new ruleCreate subscription forms and connect with your email marketing service.Create user registration and login formsCreate your first form with our guided setup wizard in less than 5 minutes to experience the WPForms difference.CreatedCreating Your First FormCroatiaCubaCuraçaoCustom CaptchaCustom Captcha Addon includedCustom Field NameCustom access to the following capabilities…Customer SupportCustomize and extend WPForms with code. Our comprehensive developer resources include tutorials, snippets, and documentation on core actions, filters, functions, and more.Customize the background colour of the HTML email template.CyprusCzech RepublicCôte d'IvoireDB tablesDateDate / TimeDaysDeactivateDecemberDefaultDefault ConfirmationDefault FormDefault NotificationDefault ValueDefine the minimum and the maximum values for the slider.DelawareDeleteDelete All LogsDelete FieldDelete FormsDelete Forms EntriesDelete Others FormsDelete Others Forms EntriesDelete ruleDenmarkDenylistDescriptionDetermines how email notifications will be formatted. HTML Templates are the default.Determines the increment between selectable values on the slider.Did You Know?Disable Email SummariesDisable Email Summaries weekly delivery.Disabling entry storage for this form will completely prevent any new submissions from getting saved to your site. If you still intend to keep a record of entries through notification emails, then please <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">test your form</a> to ensure emails send reliably.DisconnectDismiss this messageDismiss this message.Display Form DescriptionDisplay Form NameDisplay OptionsDisplays the currently selected value below the slider.Displays to users who fail the verification process.District of ColumbiaDjiboutiDo not forget to test your form.Do you have an idea or suggestion for WPForms? If you have thoughts on features, integrations, addons, or improvements - we want to hear it! We appreciate all feedback and insight from our users.Do you need to check that your forms are compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation? The best way to ensure GDPR compliance for your specific site is always to consult legal counsel. In this guide, we’ll discuss general considerations for GDPR compliance in your WordPress forms.Do you want to learn more about visitors who fill out your online forms? Our geolocation addon allows you to collect and store your website visitors geolocation data along with their form submission. This insight can help you to be better informed and turn more leads into customers. Furthermore, add a smart address field that autocompletes using the Google Places API.DocsDominicaDominican RepublicDoneDownload NowDrag &amp; Drop Form BuilderDrag and drop any field you want onto your signup form.DropdownDropdown ItemsDue to form changes, conditional logic rules will be removed or updated:DuplicateDuplicate FieldDuplicate this formDynamic %s SourceDynamic ChoicesEasily collect payments, donations, and online orders without hiring a developer.Easily create an amazing form in just a few minutes without writing any code.Easily create high performance forms with our smart conditional logic.Easily display Facebook content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to embed albums, group content, reviews, live videos, comments, and reactions.Easily display Instagram content on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple templates, ability to show content from multiple accounts, hashtags, and more. Trusted by 1 million websites.Easily display Twitter content in WordPress without writing any code. Comes with multiple layouts, ability to combine multiple Twitter feeds, Twitter card support, tweet moderation, and more.Easily display YouTube videos on your WordPress site without writing any code. Comes with multiple layouts, ability to embed live streams, video filtering, ability to combine multiple channel videos, and more.Easily embed your forms in blog posts, pages, sidebar widgets, footer, etc.Easy to EmbedEcuadorEditEdit FormEdit FormsEdit Forms EntriesEdit Others FormsEdit Others Forms EntriesEdit This FormEg: Alternative ConfirmationEg: Newsletter OptinEg: User ConfirmationEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail Marketing Addons includedEmail RestrictedEmail SuggestionEmail is hands-down the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers, with a return on investment (ROI) of <strong>$44 back for every $1 spent</strong> according to DMA.EmbedEmbed FormEmbed in a PageEmbedded Map in FormsEmbedded Post/Page IDEmbedded Post/Page TitleEmbedded Post/Page URLEmptyEnable AJAX form submissionEnable Address AutocompleteEnable Disclaimer / Terms of Service DisplayEnable Email ConfirmationEnable Google Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHAEnable Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHAEnable Google v3 reCAPTCHAEnable LogsEnable anti-spam honeypotEnable anti-spam protectionEnable hCaptchaEnabledEnables form submission without page reload.End ChallengeEnter CSS class names for the form field container. Class names should be separated with spaces.Enter CSS class names for the form submit button. Multiple names should be separated with spaces.Enter CSS class names for the form wrapper. Multiple class names should be separated with spaces.Enter a confirmation nameEnter a default value for this field.Enter a notification nameEnter code for the form field.Enter text for the confirmation field placeholder.Enter text for the default form field value.Enter text for the form field description.Enter text for the form field label. Field labels are recommended and can be hidden in the Advanced Settings.Enter text for the form field placeholder.Enter the email address to receive form entry notifications. For multiple notifications, separate email addresses with a comma.Enter the submit button text you would like the button display while the form submit is processing.Enter your custom input mask.Enter your form name here…EntriesEntries Field ColumnsEntries via Email OnlyEntry IDEntry ManagementEntry storage is currently disabled, but is required to accept payments. Please enable in your form settings.Equatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError creating form.Error updating form template.ErrorsEstoniaEswatini (Kingdom of)EthiopiaExitExportExport Entries in a CSV FileExport TemplateExtendingFail MessageFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fancy FieldsFaroe IslandsFeatureFebruaryFieldField #%dField HTML IDField IDField ID #%dField LockedField NameField OptionsField SizeField ValueField requiredField values do not match.FieldsFijiFile UploadFile UploadsFinlandFirstFirst ChoiceFirst LastFirst Middle LastFirst NameFirst name field advanced options.FloridaFor form testing tips, check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">complete guide!</a>For more details on how hCaptcha works, as well as a step by step setup guide, please check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">documentation</a>.For more details, see this guide on <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">why building your email list is so important</a>.For more information <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">see our documentation</a>.FormForm AbandonmentForm CSS ClassForm DescriptionForm EntriesForm ExportForm Field ValueForm FieldsForm IDForm ID: %dForm ImportForm NameForm SettingsForm Template ExportForm TemplatesForm data cannot be imported.Form entries are not stored in Lite.Form entries are not stored in WPForms Lite.Form entries reports are not available.Form exports files can be used to create a backup of your forms or to import forms into another site.Form has not been submitted, please see the errors below.Form token is invalid. Please refresh the page.FormatForms OverviewForms to ImportFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFridayFrom EmailFrom NameFunctionalityGDPRGDPR AgreementGDPR EnhancementsGabonGambiaGeneralGeolocationGermanyGet Form Conversion TrackingGet Started with Constant Contact for FreeGet SupportGet WPForms %s Today and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet WPForms Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet WPForms Pro Today and Unlock all the Powerful Features »Get WPForms Pro and Unlock all the Powerful FeaturesGet expert marketing and supportGet the most out of WPForms by upgrading to Pro and unlocking all of the powerful features.Get the most out of the <strong>WPForms</strong> plugin &mdash; use it with an active Constant Contact account.Getting StartedGhanaGibraltarGive your form a name so you can easily identify it.Go backGo to Plugins pageGo to SMTP settingsGo to URL (Redirect)Go to WPForms Settings pageGoogle Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHAGoogle Invisible v2 reCAPTCHAGoogle Places APIGoogle offers 3 versions of reCAPTCHA (all supported within WPForms):Google reCAPTCHA v2Google reCAPTCHA verification failed, please try again later.Google v3 reCAPTCHAGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGrow Your Website with WPForms + Email MarketingGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHTMLHTML TemplateHaitiHang out with other WordPress experts and like minded website owners such as yourself! Hosted by WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress site for beginners.HawaiiHeader ImageHeads Up!Heads up!Heads up! Don't forget to test your form. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out our complete guide</a>!Heads up! WPForms has detected an issue with JavaScript on this page. JavaScript is required for this form to work properly, so this form may not work as expected. See our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">troubleshooting guide</a> to learn more or contact support.Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHello and welcome to WPForms, the most beginner friendly drag & drop WordPress forms plugin. At WPForms, we build software that helps you create beautiful responsive online forms for your website in minutes.HelpHelp us improve WPFormsHere are 3 big reasons why every smart business in the world has an email list:Here are the 3 things you need to build an email list:Hey, I noticed you collected over 50 entries from WPForms - that’s awesome! Could you please do me a BIG favour and give it a 5-star rating on WordPress to help us spread the word and boost our motivation?Hey, I noticed you created a contact form with WPForms - that’s awesome! Could you please do me a BIG favour and give it a 5-star rating on WordPress to help us spread the word and boost our motivation?Hi there!Hidden FieldHideHide Admin Bar MenuHide AnnouncementsHide Bulk AddHide Empty FieldsHide LabelHide LayoutsHide Smart TagsHide SublabelsHide presetsHigh-Converting Form BuilderHondurasHong KongHow to Add a New FormHow to Choose the Right Form FieldHow to Create GDPR Compliant FormsHow to Customize Form FieldsHow to Display Forms on Your SiteHow to Install and Activate WPForms AddonsHungaryI already didI consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.IcelandIdahoIf you have any questions or issues just <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">let us know</a>.IllinoisImage Choice StyleImportImport from Other Form PluginsImport was successfully finished.Importing <span class="form-current">1</span> of <span class="form-total">0</span> forms from %s.In order to complete your form's %s integration, please check that the dropdowns for all required (*) List Fields have been filled out.In the Forms Overview page, the forms list will be empty because there are no forms yet. To create a new form, click on the Add New button, and this will launch the WPForms Form Builder.InactiveInclude Form StylingIncrementIncrement value should be greater than zero. Decimal fractions allowed.IndiaIndianaIndonesiaInfoInlineInput MaskInput Mask IncompleteInsert FormInstallInstall & ActivateInstall & Activate MonsterInsightsInstall AddonInstall MonsterInsightsInstall NowInstall PluginInstall WP Mail SMTPInstall WP Mail SMTP from the WordPress.org plugin repository.Install Your Marketing IntegrationInstall Your Payment IntegrationInstall and ActivateInstall and Activate WP Mail SMTPInstalling...Instant NotificationsInstantly get more subscribers, leads, and sales with the #1 conversion optimization toolkit. Create high converting popups, announcement bars, spin a wheel, and more with smart targeting and personalization.Integrate %s with WPFormsIntegrationsInvalid form.Invisible reCAPTCHA v2IowaIran (Islamic Republic of)IraqIreland (Republic of)Isle of ManIsraelIt appears you do not have any form entries yet.It doesn't matter what kind of business you run, what kind of website you have, or what industry you are in - you need to start building your email list today.It looks like you haven’t created any forms yet.It seems you do not have any marketing addons activated. You can head over to the <a href="%s">Addons page</a> to install and activate the addon for your provider.It seems you do not have any payment addons activated. You can head over to the <a href="%s">Addons page</a> to install and activate the addon for your payment service.It seems you don't have any payment addons activated. Click one of the available addons and start accepting payments today!ItalyItemsJamaicaJanuaryJapanJerseyJoin Our CommunityJoin WPBeginner EngageJoin WPForms VIP CircleJordanJulyJuneKansasKazakhstanKentuckyKenyaKiribatiKorea (Democratic People's Republic of)Korea (Republic of)KosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLabelLao People's Democratic RepublicLargeLastLast NameLast name field advanced options.Latitude/LongitudeLatviaLearn MoreLearn More about the <a href="%s">power of email marketing</a>Learn how to disable: %s.Learn moreLebanonLesothoLet’s Go!Let’s see how your forms performed in the past week.Let’s see how your forms performed.LiberiaLibyaLicenceLicence KeyLiechtensteinLikert ScaleLimit LengthLimit the number of checkboxes a user can select. Leave empty for unlimited.Limited Advanced FeaturesLimited Marketing IntegrationLimited SupportList FieldsLite install dateLithuaniaLoad Assets GloballyLoadingLoading…Location Info in EntriesLogLog IDLog TitleLog TypesLog events for specific users only. All users are logged by default.Login URLLogout URLLogsLost Password URLLouisianaLuxembourgMacaoMadagascarMaineMaking Email Deliverability Easy for WordPressMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaManage integrations with popular providers such as Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Zapier, and more.Map custom fields (or properties) to form fields values.MarchMark Read / UnreadMark entry readMark entry unreadMarketingMarketing &amp; SubscriptionsMarketing IntegrationsMarketing provider connectionMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMassachusettsMauritaniaMauritiusMaximumMayMayotteMediumMembers IntegrationMessageMexicoMichiganMicronesia (Federated States of)MiddleMiddle NameMiddle name field advanced options.MinimumMinnesotaMiscMissing dataMissing data.Missing required data in payload.MississippiMissouriModernMoldova (Republic of)MonacoMondayMongoliaMonsterInsightsMonsterInsights Installed & ActivatedMonsterInsights ProMonsterInsights connects WPForms to Google Analytics, providing a powerful integration with their Forms addon. MonsterInsights is a sister company of WPForms.MonsterInsights has an intuitive setup wizard to guide you through the setup process.MonsterInsights on WordPress.orgMontanaMontenegroMonthsMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMultiple ChoiceMultiple ItemsMultiple Options SelectionMultiple confirmationsMultiple notificationsMyanmarN/ANameName Your FormName Your PageName field advanced options.NamibiaNauruNebraskaNeed some help? Check out our <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">comprehensive guide</a>.Need to make changes? <a href="#">Edit the selected form.</a>NepalNet Promoter ScoreNetherlandsNevadaNew %s EntryNew CaledoniaNew Entry: %sNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew ZealandNew formNext messageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo Addons IncludedNo Advanced FeaturesNo LabelNo choices to choose fromNo docs foundNo email fieldsNo entries were submitted yet.No field type foundNo fields availableNo file chosenNo form ID foundNo form ID found.No form ID provided.No form fields found.No form importers are currently enabled.No form name provided.No forms foundNo forms found.No key provided.No logs found.No results foundNo stylingNo-Conflict ModeNoneNope, maybe laterNorfolk IslandNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth Macedonia (Republic of)Northern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot ActiveNot AvailableNot InstalledNot availableNot foundNot happy with other WordPress contact form plugins?Not writableNotificationNotification 1Notification 2NotificationsNovemberNow editingNumberNumber PositiveNumber SliderNumber of SitesNumber of forms per page:NumbersOKOctoberOffOhioOkOk, you deserve itOklahomaOmanOnOn this page, you can enable and configure the logging functionality while debugging behaviour of various parts of the plugin, including forms and entries processing.Once you upgrade to WPForms Pro, all future form entries will be stored in your WordPress database and displayed on this Entries screen.One ColumnOne or more of your forms contain fields that are not available in WPForms Lite. To properly import these fields, we recommend upgrading to WPForms Pro.Only the Lite version can be upgraded.Oops!Open Setup WizardOptimize Email SendingOptinMonsterOregonOtherOur form builder is a full-screen, distraction-free experience where you manage your forms. The following steps will walk you through essential areas.Our goal is to take the pain out of creating online forms and make it easy.Our smart captcha and spam protection automatically prevents spam submissions.Over the years, we found that most WordPress contact form plugins were bloated, buggy, slow, and very hard to use. So we started with a simple goal: build a WordPress forms plugin that’s both easy and powerful.PROPage BreakPakistanPalauPalestine (State of)PanamaPapua New GuineaParagraph TextParaguayPasswordPaste licence key herePausePayPal StandardPaymentPayment FieldsPayment FormsPayment is required.PaymentsPayments Made EasyPennsylvaniaPeruPhilippinesPhonePitcairnPlaceholderPlaceholder TextPlain textPlease check out our %1$stroubleshooting guide%2$s for details on resolving this issue.Please contact the plugin support team if this behaviour persists.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enter a form name.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid number.Please enter a valid positive number.Please enter your licence key to connect.Please fill out all blanks.Please fill out all of the fields below to add your new provider account.Please fill out all of the fields below to register your new Constant Contact account.Please provide a valid value.Please save settings to generate a preview of your CAPTCHA here.Please select at least one form to import.Please specify a section.Please upload a valid .json form export file.Plugin activated.Plugin activation is disabled for you on this site.Plugin deactivated.Plugin deactivation is disabled for you on this site.Plugin installed & activated.Plugin installed.Plugin unavailable.PolandPortugalPost TypePostal/Zip CodePowered by the community, for the community. Anything and everything WPForms: Discussions. Questions. Tutorials. Insights and sneak peaks. Also, exclusive giveaways!Powerful Form Logic for Building Smart FormsPowerful location-based insights and features…Premium SupportPress to selectPreviewPreviousPrevious messagePrint EntriesPriority SupportPro Addons IncludedPro Features:Pro install datePro version installed but needs to be activated on the Plugins page inside your WordPress admin.Pro+ProvidersPuerto RicoPushEngageQatarQuery String VariableRafflePressRafflePress ProRandomize ChoicesRate WPForms on WordPress.orgRatingRead DocumentationRead the Full GuideRecommended Plugin:Redirecting…Referrer URLRegister URLRemoveRemove ImageReply-ToRequiredResend NotificationsRespond to leads quickly with our instant form notification feature for your team.Responsive Mobile FriendlyRestrict which email addresses are allowed. Be sure to separate each email address with a comma.Rhode IslandRomaniaRun Setup WizardRussian FederationRwandaRéunionSMTPSaint BarthélemySaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (French part)Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave Favourite EntriesSave FormSave SettingsSave and EmbedSave and ExitSave and RefreshSaved!Saving…Scheduled ActionsScore ThresholdSeamlessly add new contacts to your email listSearch AddonsSearch LogsSearch results for "%s"Searching AddonsSecond ChoiceSecret KeySection DividerSecurity check failed. Please try again.See All FeaturesSee Examples & DocsSee Geolocation DataSee Quick LinksSeedProdSeedProd ProSelect %s to use for auto-populating field choices.Select AccountSelect AllSelect Existing PageSelect Form(s)Select GroupsSelect ListSelect Your Marketing IntegrationSelect a FormSelect a TemplateSelect a WPForms export file.Select a formSelect a form below to insertSelect a form to add it to your post or page.Select a form to displaySelect a form to generate PHP code that can be used to register a custom form template.Select and configure your mailer.Select and display one of your forms.Select auto-populate method to use.Select formSelect format to use for the name form fieldSelect from our pre-built templates, or create a form from scratch.Select previous contact form plugin...Select the default form field size.Select the forms you would like to import.Select the layout for displaying field choices.Select the page you would like to embed your form in.Select the style for the image choices.Select the types of events you want to log. Everything is logged by default.Select the user roles you want to log. All roles are logged by default.Select your columnSelect your email marketing service provider or CRM from the options on the left. If you don't see your email marketing service listed, then let us know and we'll do our best to get it added as fast as possible.Select your layoutSelectedSelected Value: {value}Send To Email AddressSendingSending&hellip;SenegalSent from %sSeptemberSerbiaSet Up WP Mail SMTPSettingsSettings were successfully saved.SetupSetup CompleteSetup MonsterInsightsSeychellesShortcodeShowShow AccountsShow DescriptionShow Empty FieldsShow LayoutsShow LessShow MoreShow PageShow Smart TagsShow TitleShow ValuesShow all formsShow form descriptionShow form nameShow presetsShowing the first 20 choices.<br> All %s choices will be displayed when viewing the form.Sierra LeoneSignatureSignaturesSimpleSimple Built-in ControlsSimple Contact FormSingaporeSingle Checkbox FieldSingle ItemSingle Line TextSint Maarten (Dutch part)Site Administrator EmailSite KeySites already using one type of reCAPTCHA will need to create new site keys before switching to a different option.Skip challengeSlovakiaSloveniaSmallSmart Address FieldSmart Conditional LogicSmash Balloon Facebook FeedsSmash Balloon Facebook Feeds ProSmash Balloon Instagram FeedsSmash Balloon Instagram Feeds ProSmash Balloon Twitter FeedsSmash Balloon Twitter Feeds ProSmash Balloon YouTube FeedsSmash Balloon YouTube Feeds ProSolomon IslandsSomaliaSomething went wrong while performing an AJAX request.Something went wrong while performing this action.Something went wrong while saving the form.Something went wrong while saving the form. Please reload the page and try again.Something wrong. Please try again later.Something wrong. Please, try again later.Sorry, you are not allowed to create new forms.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this form.South AfricaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth SudanSpainSpamSpam Entry Spam ProtectionSri LankaStandard FieldsStandard SupportStar entryStart ChallengeStart SetupStart the WPForms ChallengeStart with pre-built form templates to save even more time.ProvincesProvinces Postal CodeStatus: %sStep 1Step 2Step 3StripeStyleStylingSubmitSubmit Button CSS ClassSubmit Button Processing TextSubmit Button TextSubmit FeedbackSubmit a Support TicketSubmit a ticket and our world class support team will be in touch soon.Success! Your server can make SSL connections.SudanSuggest a FeatureSullie the WPForms mascotSundaySupportSupport & DocsSurinameSurvey ResultsSurveys & PollsSvalbard and Jan MayenSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicSystem InfoSystem InformationTajikistanTake the WPForms ChallengeTake your pick from our wide variety of fields and start building out your form!Tanzania (United Republic of)TaxonomyTemplateTennesseeTest ConnectionTest SSL ConnectionsTestimonialsTestingTexasText can't exceed %d character.Text can't exceed %d characters.Text can't exceed %d word.Text can't exceed %d words.ThailandThank you for choosing WPForms - the most powerful drag & drop WordPress form builder in the market.Thanks for being a loyal WPForms Lite user. <strong>Upgrade to WPForms Pro</strong> to unlock all the awesome features and experience<br>why WPForms is consistently rated the best WordPress form builder.Thanks for being a loyal WPForms Lite user. Upgrade to WPForms Pro to unlock all the awesome features and experience why WPForms is consistently rated the best WordPress form builder.Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.Thanks for your interest in WPForms Pro!That's why it's crucial to start collecting email addresses and building your list as soon as possible.The %1$s %2$s contains over %3$s items (%4$s). This may make the field difficult for your visitors to use and/or cause the form to be slow.The %3$s settings have not been configured yet. Please complete the setup in your <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">WPForms Settings</a>, and check out our <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">step by step tutorial</a> for full details.The Best Email Marketing ServiceThe Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPressThe WPForms TeamThe WPForms Team photoThe blank form allows you to create any type of form using our drag & drop builder.The callback function used for the %s setting is missing.The default notification settings might be sufficient, but double&#8209;check to be sure.The fastest drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress. Create custom landing pages without writing code, connect them with your CRM, collect subscribers, and grow your audience. Trusted by 1 million sites.The following code can be used to register your custom form template. Copy and paste the following code to your theme's functions.php file or include it within an external file.The following fields are available in PRO and were imported as text fields:The following fields are available in PRO and were not imported:The following fields are not supported and were not imported:The form cannot be displayed.The form was unable to submit. Please contact the site administrator.The form you are trying to import does not exist.The leading WordPress analytics plugin that shows you how people find and use your website, so you can make data driven decisions to grow your business. Properly set up Google Analytics without writing code.The original WordPress SEO plugin and toolkit that improves your website's search rankings. Comes with all the SEO features like Local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, sitemaps, SEO optimizer, schema, and more.The provided email is not valid.The provided emails do not match.There was an error and the connection failed. Please contact your web host with the technical details below.There was an error installing WPForms Pro. Please try again.There was an error while creating a new form.There was an error while installing an upgrade. Please check file system permissions and try again. Also, you can download the plugin from wpforms.com and install it manually.There was an error while installing an upgrade. Please download the plugin from wpforms.com and install it manually.There was an error while performing your request.Third ChoiceThis CAPTCHA is generated using your site and secret keys. If an error is displayed, please double-check your keys.This email address is not allowed.This email was auto-generated and sent from %1$s. Learn <a href="%2$s">how to disable</a>.This email was auto-generated and sent from %s.This field cannot be deleted or duplicated.This field is required.This form is currently accepting payments. Entry storage is required to accept payments. To disable entry storage, please first disable payments.This item must contain at least one choice.This message is only displayed to site administrators.This page isn't loading JavaScript properly, and the form will not be able to submit.This setting is disabled because you have the "Force From Email" setting enabled in the <a href="%s" target="_blank">WP Mail SMTP</a> plugin.This setting is disabled because you have the "Force From Name" setting enabled in the <a href="%s" target="_blank">WP Mail SMTP</a> plugin.Three ColumnsThursdayTimor-LesteTo display all form fields, use the %s Smart Tag.To unlock more features consider <strong><a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="wpforms-upgrade-modal">upgrading to PRO</a></strong>.Toggle listTogoTokelauTongaToolsTotalTotal Entries by FormTotal formsTotal submissions (since v1.5.0)Track form impressions and conversions.Trinidad and TobagoTrustPulseTry Constant Contact TodayTry Constant Contact for FreeTuesdayTunisiaTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTurn your website visitors into brand ambassadors! Easily grow your email list, website traffic, and social media followers with the most powerful giveaways & contests plugin for WordPress.TuvaluTwo ColumnsTypeTypesGeorgiaUgandaUkraineUnfortunately the error occurred while downloading help data.Unfortunately there was a server connection error.Unfortunately, the %s field is not available and will be ignored on the front end.Uninstall WPFormsUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States of AmericaUnknown AddonUnknown FormUnlimited SitesUnstar entryUpgrade NowUpgrade to EliteUpgrade to PROUpgrade to ProUpgrade to Pro and get access to the reports.Upgrade to WPForms ProUpgrade to WPForms Pro NowUpgrade to WPForms Pro to access our world class customer support.Upgrade to the PRO plan to import these fields.Upgrade was successfully completed!Upload ImageUpload or Choose Your ImageUpload or choose a logo to be displayed at the top of email notifications.<br>Recommended size is 300x100 or smaller for best support on all devices.Uploaded files combined size exceeds allowed maximum.Uploads directoryUruguayUse ImageUse TemplateUse image choicesUser Display NameUser EmailUser First NameUser Full NameUser IDUser IP AddressUser Last NameUser MetaUser RegistrationUser Role Editor IntegrationUser RolesUsersUtahUzbekistanValidationValidation MessagesValueValue DisplayVanuatuVatican City StateVenezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)Verify KeyVermontVersionVietnamView AllView All DocumentationView DocumentationView Email Summary ExampleView EntriesView Entries in DashboardView FormsView Forms EntriesView LogsView Others FormsView Others Forms EntriesView WPForms Dev DocsView all your leads in one place to streamline your workflow.View entriesView form conversion rates from WordPress.View previewVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)VirginiaWP Mail SMTPWP Mail SMTP Installed & ActivatedWP Mail SMTP ProWP Mail SMTP on WordPress.orgWP Mail SMTP screenshotWPBeginner Engage Facebook GroupWPFormsWPForms AddonsWPForms Addons are a PRO featureWPForms BuilderWPForms ChallengeWPForms Developer DocumentationWPForms Features &amp; AddonsWPForms ImportWPForms LiteWPForms Makes List Building EasyWPForms Pro is installed but not activated.WPForms SettingsWPForms ToolsWPForms VIP Circle Facebook GroupWPForms honeypot field triggered.WPForms is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.WPForms is both easy to use and extremely powerful. We have tons of helpful features that allow us to give you everything you need from a form builder.WPForms is brought to you by the same team that’s behind the largest WordPress resource site, <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WPBeginner</a>, the most popular lead-generation software, <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">OptinMonster</a>, the best WordPress analytics plugin, <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MonsterInsights</a>, and more!WPForms is by far the easiest form plugin to use. My clients love it – it’s one of the few plugins they can use without any training. As a developer I appreciate how fast, modern, clean and extensible it is.WPForms makes it easy for you to switch by allowing you import your third-party forms with a single click.WPForms makes it easy to create forms in WordPress. You can watch the video tutorial or read our guide on how create your first form.WPForms plugin makes it fast and easy to capture all kinds of visitor information right from your WordPress site - even if you don't have a Constant Contact account.WPForms ♥ MonsterInsightsWPForms ♥ WP Mail SMTPWallis and FutunaWant to get started creating your first form with WPForms? By following the step by step instructions in this walkthrough, you can easily publish your first form on your site.WashingtonWatch how to create your first formWe also noticed that you have some segments in your list. You can select specific list segments below if needed. This is optional.We can help embed your form with just a few clicks!We made the form creation process extremely intuitive, so you can create a form to start capturing emails within 5 minutes or less.We need to save your progress to continue to the Marketing panel. Is that OK?We're sorry that it took longer than %1$d %2$s to create a form. Our goal is to create the most beginner friendly WordPress form plugin. Please take a moment to let us know how we can improve WPForms.We're sorry, Address Autocomplete is part of the Geolocation Addon and not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the PRO plan to unlock all these awesome features.We're sorry, the %s is not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the Elite plan to unlock all these awesome features.We're sorry, the %s is not available on your plan. Please upgrade to the PRO plan to unlock all these awesome features.Website / URLWednesdayWeekly WPForms Email SummariesWelcome to WPFormsWelcome to the Form BuilderWest VirginiaWestern SaharaWhat would you like to call the new page?When creating WPForms, our goal was to make a WordPress forms plugin that's both EASY and POWERFUL.Whoops, you haven't created a form yet. Want to <a href="%s">give it a go</a>?Display a form.Display form descriptionDisplay form nameForm:No formsSelect your formTitle:WPFormsWisconsinWith Constant Contact + WPForms, growing your list is easy.With a powerful email marketing service like Constant Contact, you can instantly send out mass notifications and beautifully designed newsletters to engage your subscribers.With the MonsterInsights Form addon you can easily track your form views, entries, conversion rates, and more.Wondering if email marketing is really worth your time?Word LimitWordPress.orgWordsWould you like to access WPForms addons to extend the functionality of your forms? The first thing you need to do is install WPForms. Once that’s done, let’s go ahead and look at the process of activating addons.Would you like to display the form description?Would you like to display the forms name?Would you like to embed your form in an existing page, or create a new one?Would you like to learn more about all of the settings available in WPForms? In addition to tons of customization options within the form builder, WPForms has an extensive list of plugin-wide options available. This includes choosing your currency, adding GDPR enhancements, setting up integrations.WritableWyomingYemenYesYes, I give WPForms permission to contact me for any follow up questions.You are not allowed to install plugins.You are not allowed to perform this action.You can add additional fields to your form, if you need them.You can also <a href="#" class="%1$s">embed your form manually</a> or <a href="#" class="%2$s">use a shortcode</a>You can continue with the import without upgrading, and we will do our best to match the fields. However, some of them will be omitted due to compatibility issues.You can easily grant or restrict access using the simple built-in controls, or use our official integrations with Members and User Role Editor plugins.You can go and <a href="%s">check your forms</a>.You can have multiple confirmations with conditional logic.You can have multiple notifications with conditional logic.You can use <b>WPForms</b> to build contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more with just a few clicks.You can use WPForms to build contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more with just a few clicks.You cannot send emails with WPForms\Emails\Mailer until init/admin_init has been reached.You cannot send emails with WPForms_WP_Emails() until init/admin_init has been reached.You completed the WPForms Challenge in <b>%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s</b>. Share your success story with other WPForms users and help us spread the word <b>by giving WPForms a 5-star rating (%5$s) on WordPress.org</b>. Thanks for your support and we look forward to bringing you more awesome features.You do not have permissionYou do not have permission to perform this action.You do not have permission to perform this operation.You do not have permission.You do not have permissions.You don't have any fields yet.You don't have any fields yet. Add some!You have exceeded the number of allowed selections: {#}.You must provide a confirmation nameYou must provide a connection nickname.You must provide a notification nameYou need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage the fields.You need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage the settings.You need to <a href="#" class="wpforms-panel-switch" data-panel="setup">setup your form</a> before you can manage these settings.You need to create a form before you can generate a template.You need to create a form before you can use form export.You should enter a valid absolute address to the Confirmation Redirect URL field.You're using WPForms Lite - no licence needed. Enjoy!You've just turned off notification emails for this form. Since entries are not stored in WPForms Lite, notification emails are recommended for collecting entry details. For setup steps, <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">please see our notification tutorial</a>.You've selected <strong>Base Styling Only</strong>, which may result in styling issues. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Please check out our tutorial</a> for common issues and recommendations.You've selected <strong>No Styling</strong>, which will likely result in significant styling issues and is recommended only for developers. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Please check out our tutorial</a> for more details and recommendations.Your Weekly WPForms Summary for %sYour form contains unsaved changes. Would you like to save your changes first.Your licence key provides access to updates and addons.Your session expired. Please reload the builder.Your session expired. Please reload the page.Your site already has WPForms Pro activated. If you want to switch to WPForms Lite, please first go to Plugins → Installed Plugins and deactivate WPForms. Then, you can activate WPForms Lite.Your site is running an <strong>insecure version</strong> of PHP that is no longer supported. Please contact your web hosting provider to update your PHP version or switch to a <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">recommended WordPress hosting company</a>.Your site is running an outdated version of PHP that is no longer supported and may cause issues with %1$s. <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more</a> for additional information.Yup, we know a thing or two about building awesome products that customers love.ZambiaZimbabwecontactcontainsdoes not containemptyends withfiles selectedformgreater thanhCaptchahCaptcha is a free and privacy-oriented spam prevention service. Within your forms, hCaptcha will display a checkbox asking users to prove they're human (much like Google's v2 Checkbox reCAPTCHA). This is a simple step for legitimate site visitors, but is extremely effective at blocking spam.hCaptcha verification failed, please try again later.https://wpforms.comisis a PRO Featureis an Elite Featureis notless thanminuteminutesneeds to be activated to import its forms. Would you like us to activate it for you?needs to be installed and activated to import its forms. Would you like us to install and activate it for you?not emptyorper yearpost typereCAPTCHA is a free anti-spam service from Google which helps to protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.reCAPTCHA v3reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). If the score less than or equal to this threshold, the form submission will be blocked and the message above will be displayed.secondsecondsstarts withsurveytaxonomy~ Syed Balkhi<br>Co-Founder of WPFormsÅland Islands


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