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namespace MailPoet\Doctrine;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider;
use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata as DoctrineClassMetadata;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata as ValidatorClassMetadata;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;

// Simple filesystem-based cache storage for Doctrine Metadata.
// Needed because Doctrine's FilesystemCache doesn't work read-only (when metadata dumped)
// and it calls realpath() that could fail on some hostings due to filesystem permissions.
class MetadataCache extends CacheProvider {
  /** @var bool */
  private $isDevMode;

  /** @var string */
  private $directory;

  public function __construct($dir, $isReadOnly) {
    $this->isDevMode = defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG && !$isReadOnly;
    $this->directory = rtrim($dir, '/\\');
    if (!file_exists($this->directory)) {

  protected function doFetch($id) {
    if (!$this->doContains($id)) {
      return false;
    return unserialize((string)file_get_contents($this->getFilename($id)));

  protected function doContains($id) {
    $filename = $this->getFilename($id);
    $fileExists = file_exists($filename);

    // in dev mode invalidate cache if source file has changed
    if ($fileExists && $this->isDevMode) {
      $classMetadata = unserialize((string)file_get_contents($filename));
      assert($classMetadata instanceof DoctrineClassMetadata || $classMetadata instanceof ValidatorClassMetadata);
      if (!class_exists($classMetadata->name) && !interface_exists($classMetadata->name)) {
        return false;
      try {
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($classMetadata->name);
      } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
        return false;
      return filemtime((string)$filename) >= filemtime((string)$reflection->getFileName());

    return $fileExists;

  protected function doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = 0) {
    $filename = $this->getFilename($id);
    $result = @file_put_contents($filename, serialize($data));
    if ($result === false) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Error while writing to '$filename'");
    return true;

  protected function doDelete($id) {
    return true;

  protected function doFlush() {
    $directoryContent = glob($this->directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*');
    if ($directoryContent === false) {
      return false;
    foreach ($directoryContent as $filename) {
      if (is_file($filename)) {
    return true;

  protected function doGetStats() {
    return null;

  private function getFilename($id) {
    return $this->directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($id);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Annotations Folder 0755
EntityTraits Folder 0755
EventListeners Folder 0755
Types Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
ConfigurationFactory.php File 2.84 KB 0644
ConnectionFactory.php File 3.19 KB 0644
EntityManagerFactory.php File 2.5 KB 0644
MetadataCache.php File 2.8 KB 0644
PSRCacheInvalidArgumentException.php File 225 B 0644
PSRCacheItem.php File 1010 B 0644
PSRMetadataCache.php File 2.23 KB 0644
ProxyClassNameResolver.php File 1.02 KB 0644
Repository.php File 2.62 KB 0644
SerializableConnection.php File 937 B 0644
TablePrefixMetadataFactory.php File 2.46 KB 0644
index.php File 0 B 0644