[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace MailPoet\Segments;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Config\Env;
use MailPoet\Config\SubscriberChangesNotifier;
use MailPoet\Entities\SubscriberEntity;
use MailPoet\Entities\SubscriberSegmentEntity;
use MailPoet\Services\Validator;
use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\Source;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberSaveController;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscriberSegmentRepository;
use MailPoet\Subscribers\SubscribersRepository;
use MailPoet\WooCommerce\Helper as WCHelper;
use MailPoet\WooCommerce\Subscription;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
use MailPoetVendor\Carbon\Carbon;
use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;

class WooCommerce {
  /** @var SettingsController */
  private $settings;

  /** @var WPFunctions */
  private $wp;

  /** @var WP */
  private $wpSegment;

  /** @var string|null */
  private $mailpoetEmailCollation;

  /** @var string|null */
  private $wpPostmetaValueCollation;

  /** @var SubscribersRepository */
  private $subscribersRepository;

  /** @var SegmentsRepository */
  private $segmentsRepository;

  /** @var SubscriberSegmentRepository */
  private $subscriberSegmentRepository;

  /** @var SubscriberSaveController */
  private $subscriberSaveController;

  /** @var WCHelper */
  private $woocommerceHelper;

  /** @var EntityManager */
  private $entityManager;

  /** @var Connection */
  private $connection;

  /** @var SubscriberChangesNotifier */
  private $subscriberChangesNotifier;

  /** @var Validator */
  private $validator;

  public function __construct(
    SettingsController $settings,
    WPFunctions $wp,
    WCHelper $woocommerceHelper,
    SubscribersRepository $subscribersRepository,
    SegmentsRepository $segmentsRepository,
    SubscriberSegmentRepository $subscriberSegmentRepository,
    SubscriberSaveController $subscriberSaveController,
    WP $wpSegment,
    EntityManager $entityManager,
    Connection $connection,
    SubscriberChangesNotifier $subscriberChangesNotifier,
    Validator $validator
  ) {
    $this->settings = $settings;
    $this->wp = $wp;
    $this->wpSegment = $wpSegment;
    $this->subscribersRepository = $subscribersRepository;
    $this->segmentsRepository = $segmentsRepository;
    $this->subscriberSegmentRepository = $subscriberSegmentRepository;
    $this->subscriberSaveController = $subscriberSaveController;
    $this->woocommerceHelper = $woocommerceHelper;
    $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
    $this->connection = $connection;
    $this->subscriberChangesNotifier = $subscriberChangesNotifier;
    $this->validator = $validator;

  public function shouldShowWooCommerceSegment(): bool {
    $isWoocommerceActive = $this->woocommerceHelper->isWooCommerceActive();
    $woocommerceUserExists = $this->subscribersRepository->woocommerceUserExists();

    if (!$isWoocommerceActive && !$woocommerceUserExists) {
      return false;
    return true;

  public function synchronizeRegisteredCustomer(int $wpUserId, ?string $currentFilter = null): bool {
    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();

    $currentFilter = $currentFilter ?: $this->wp->currentFilter();
    switch ($currentFilter) {
      case 'woocommerce_delete_customer':
        // subscriber should be already deleted in WP users sync
        $this->unsubscribeUsersFromSegment(); // remove leftover association
      case 'woocommerce_new_customer':
      case 'woocommerce_created_customer':
        $newCustomer = true;
      case 'woocommerce_update_customer':
        $wpUser = $this->wp->getUserdata($wpUserId);
        $subscriber = $this->subscribersRepository->findOneBy(['wpUserId' => $wpUserId]);

        if ($wpUser === false || $subscriber === null) {
          // registered customers should exist as WP users and WP segment subscribers
          return false;

        $data = [
          'is_woocommerce_user' => 1,
        if (!empty($newCustomer)) {
          $data['source'] = Source::WOOCOMMERCE_USER;
        $data['id'] = $subscriber->getId();
        if ($wpUser->first_name) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
          $data['first_name'] = $wpUser->first_name; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
        if ($wpUser->last_name) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
          $data['last_name'] = $wpUser->last_name; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
        $subscriber = $this->subscriberSaveController->createOrUpdate($data, $subscriber);
        // add subscriber to the WooCommerce Customers segment when relation doesn't exist
        $subscriberSegment = $this->subscriberSegmentRepository->findOneBy(['subscriber' => $subscriber, 'segment' => $wcSegment]);

        if (!$subscriberSegment && $this->shouldSubscribeToWooSegment()) {

    return true;

   * Should subscribe to the Woo segment when creating a new woo customer and not on checkout
   * or when on checkout and MailPoet subscribe optin is enabled and checked.
  protected function shouldSubscribeToWooSegment(): bool {
    $checkoutOptinEnabled = (bool)$this->settings->get(Subscription::OPTIN_ENABLED_SETTING_NAME);
    $checkoutOptinChecked = !empty($_POST[Subscription::CHECKOUT_OPTIN_INPUT_NAME]);

    return !$this->woocommerceHelper->isCheckoutRequest() || ($checkoutOptinEnabled && $checkoutOptinChecked);

  public function synchronizeGuestCustomer(int $orderId): void {
    $wcOrder = $this->woocommerceHelper->wcGetOrder($orderId);

    if (!$wcOrder instanceof \WC_Order) return;
    $signupConfirmation = $this->settings->get('signup_confirmation');
    $status = SubscriberEntity::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED;
    if ((bool)$signupConfirmation['enabled'] === false) {
      $status = SubscriberEntity::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED;

    $email = $this->insertSubscriberFromOrder($wcOrder, $status);

    if (empty($email)) {
    $subscriber = $this->subscribersRepository->findOneBy(['email' => $email]);

    if ($subscriber) {
      $firstName = $wcOrder->get_billing_first_name(); // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
      $lastName = $wcOrder->get_billing_last_name(); // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
      if ($firstName) {
      if ($lastName) {
      if ($firstName || $lastName) {

  public function synchronizeCustomers(int $lastCheckedOrderId = 0, ?int $highestOrderId = null, int $batchSize = 1000): int {

    $this->wpSegment->synchronizeUsers(); // synchronize registered users


    $processedOrders = $this->insertSubscribersFromOrders($lastCheckedOrderId, $batchSize);

    $lastCheckedOrderId = $lastCheckedOrderId + $batchSize;
    if (!$highestOrderId || $lastCheckedOrderId >= $highestOrderId) {

    return $lastCheckedOrderId;

  private function ensureColumnCollation(): void {
    if ($this->mailpoetEmailCollation && $this->wpPostmetaValueCollation) {
    global $wpdb;
    $mailpoetEmailColumn = $wpdb->get_row(
    $this->mailpoetEmailCollation = $mailpoetEmailColumn->Collation; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
    $wpPostmetaValueColumn = $wpdb->get_row(
      "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . $wpdb->postmeta . " WHERE Field = 'meta_value'"
    $this->wpPostmetaValueCollation = $wpPostmetaValueColumn->Collation; // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps

   * In MySQL, if you have the same charset and collation in joined tables' columns it's perfect;
   * if you have different charsets, utf8 and utf8mb4, it works too; but if you have the same charset
   * with different collations, e.g. utf8mb4_unicode_ci and utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci, it will fail
   * with an 'Illegal mix of collations' error. That's why we need an optional COLLATE clause to fix this.
  private function needsCollationChange(): bool {
    $collation1 = (string)$this->mailpoetEmailCollation;
    $collation2 = (string)$this->wpPostmetaValueCollation;

    if ($collation1 === $collation2) {
      return false;
    [$charset1] = explode('_', $collation1);
    [$charset2] = explode('_', $collation2);

    return $charset1 === $charset2;

  private function markRegisteredCustomers(): void {
    // Mark WP users having a customer role as WooCommerce subscribers
    global $wpdb;
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
      UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY {$subscribersTable} mps
        JOIN {$wpdb->users} wu ON mps.wp_user_id = wu.id
        JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta} wpum ON wu.id = wpum.user_id AND wpum.meta_key = :capabilities
      SET is_woocommerce_user = 1, source = :source
        WHERE wpum.meta_value LIKE '%\"customer\"%'
    ", ['capabilities' => $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities', 'source' => Source::WOOCOMMERCE_USER]);

  private function insertSubscriberFromOrder(\WC_Order $wcOrder, string $status): ?string {
    $email = $wcOrder->get_billing_email();

    if (!$email || !$this->validator->validateEmail($email)) {
      return null;

    $this->insertSubscribers([$email], $status);
    return $email;

   * @return array<string, int>
  private function insertSubscribersFromOrders(int $lastProcessedOrderId, int $batchSize): array {
    global $wpdb;

    $parameters = [
      'lowestOrderId' => $lastProcessedOrderId,
      'highestOrderId' => $lastProcessedOrderId + $batchSize,
    $parametersType = [
      'lowestOrderId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
      'highestOrderId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,

    if ($this->woocommerceHelper->isWooCommerceCustomOrdersTableEnabled()) {
      $ordersTable = $this->woocommerceHelper->getOrdersTableName();
      $query = "SELECT id AS order_id, billing_email AS email
        FROM `{$ordersTable}`
        WHERE type = 'shop_order' AND billing_email != '' AND (id > :lowestOrderId AND id <= :highestOrderId)
        ORDER BY id";
    } else {
      $query = "SELECT wpp.id AS order_id, wppm.meta_value AS email
        FROM `{$wpdb->posts}` wpp
        JOIN `{$wpdb->postmeta}` wppm ON wpp.ID = wppm.post_id AND wppm.meta_key = '_billing_email' AND wppm.meta_value != ''
        WHERE wpp.post_type = 'shop_order'
        AND (wpp.ID > :lowestOrderId AND wpp.ID <= :highestOrderId)
        ORDER BY wpp.id";

    $result = $this->connection->executeQuery($query, $parameters, $parametersType)->fetchAllAssociative();

    $processedOrders = [];
    foreach ($result as $item) {
      if (!$this->validator->validateEmail($item['email'])) {
      // because data in result are sorted by id, we can replace the previous order id
      $processedOrders[(string)$item['email']] = (int)$item['order_id'];

    if (count($processedOrders)) {

    return $processedOrders;

  private function insertSubscribers(array $emails, string $status = SubscriberEntity::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED): int {
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscribersValues = [];
    $now = (Carbon::createFromTimestamp($this->wp->currentTime('timestamp')))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $source = Source::WOOCOMMERCE_USER;
    foreach ($emails as $email) {
      /** @var string $email */
      $email = $this->connection->quote($email);
      $email = strval($email);
      $subscribersValues[] = "(1, {$email}, '{$status}', '{$now}', '{$now}', '{$source}')";

    // Save timestamp about changes before insert
    // Update existing subscribers
      UPDATE ' . $subscribersTable . ' mps
      SET mps.is_woocommerce_user = 1
      WHERE mps.email IN (:emails)
    ', ['emails' => $emails], ['emails' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY]);

    // Save timestamp about new subscribers before insert
    // Insert new subscribers
      INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $subscribersTable . ' (`is_woocommerce_user`, `email`, `status`, `created_at`, `last_subscribed_at`, `source`) VALUES
      ' . implode(',', $subscribersValues) . '

    return count($emails);

   * @param array<string, int> $orders
  private function updateNames(array $orders): void {
    global $wpdb;
    if (!$orders) {
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();

    if ($this->woocommerceHelper->isWooCommerceCustomOrdersTableEnabled()) {
      $addressesTableName = $this->woocommerceHelper->getAddressesTableName();
      $metaData = [];
      $results = $this->connection->executeQuery(
        SELECT order_id, first_name, last_name
        FROM {$addressesTableName}
        WHERE order_id IN (:orderIds) and address_type = 'billing'",
        ['orderIds' => array_values($orders)],
        ['orderIds' => Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY]

      // format data in the same format that is used when querying wp_postmeta (see below).
      foreach ($results as $result) {
        $firstNameData['post_id'] = $result['order_id'];
        $firstNameData['meta_key'] = '_billing_first_name';
        $firstNameData['meta_value'] = $result['first_name'];
        $metaData[] = $firstNameData;

        $lastNameData['post_id'] = $result['order_id'];
        $lastNameData['meta_key'] = '_billing_last_name';
        $lastNameData['meta_value'] = $result['last_name'];
        $metaData[] = $lastNameData;
    } else {
      $metaKeys = [
      $metaData = $this->connection->executeQuery(
        SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value
        FROM {$wpdb->postmeta}
        WHERE meta_key IN ('_billing_first_name', '_billing_last_name') AND post_id IN (:postIds)
        ['metaKeys' => $metaKeys, 'postIds' => array_values($orders)],
        ['metaKeys' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY, 'postIds' => Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY]

    $subscribersData = [];
    foreach ($orders as $email => $postId) {
      $subscribersData[$postId]['email'] = $email;

    foreach ($metaData as $row) {
      if (!$row['meta_value']) {
      $subscribersData[$row['post_id']][$row['meta_key']] = $row['meta_value'];

    $now = (Carbon::now())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    foreach ($subscribersData as $subscriber) {
      $data = [];
      $data['woocommerce_synced_at'] = $now;
      if (!empty($subscriber['_billing_first_name'])) $data['first_name'] = $subscriber['_billing_first_name'];
      if (!empty($subscriber['_billing_last_name'])) $data['last_name'] = $subscriber['_billing_last_name'];
      $this->connection->update($subscribersTable, $data, ['email' => $subscriber['email']]);

  private function insertUsersToSegment(): void {
    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscriberSegmentsTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberSegmentEntity::class)->getTableName();
    // Subscribe WC users to segment
      INSERT IGNORE INTO {$subscriberSegmentsTable} (subscriber_id, segment_id, created_at)
      SELECT id, :segmentId, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
      FROM {$subscribersTable}
      WHERE is_woocommerce_user = 1
      ['segmentId' => $wcSegment->getId()],
      ['segmentId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT]

  private function unsubscribeUsersFromSegment(): void {
    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscriberSegmentsTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberSegmentEntity::class)->getTableName();
    // Unsubscribe non-WC or invalid users from segment
      DELETE mpss FROM {$subscriberSegmentsTable} mpss
      LEFT JOIN {$subscribersTable} mps ON mpss.subscriber_id = mps.id
      WHERE mpss.segment_id = :segmentId AND (mps.is_woocommerce_user = 0 OR mps.email = '' OR mps.email IS NULL)
      ['segmentId' => $wcSegment->getId()],
      ['segmentId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT]

  private function updateGlobalStatus(): void {
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscriberSegmentsTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberSegmentEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();
    // Set global status unsubscribed to all woocommerce users without any segment
      UPDATE {$subscribersTable} mps
      LEFT JOIN {$subscriberSegmentsTable} mpss ON mpss.subscriber_id = mps.id
      SET mps.status = :statusUnsubscribed
      WHERE mpss.id IS NULL
        AND mps.is_woocommerce_user = 1
      ['statusUnsubscribed' => SubscriberEntity::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED],
      ['statusUnsubscribed' => \PDO::PARAM_STR]
    // SET global status unsubscribed to all woocommerce users who have only 1 segment and it is woocommerce segment and they are not subscribed
    // You can't specify target table 'mps' for update in FROM clause
      UPDATE {$subscribersTable} mps
      JOIN {$subscriberSegmentsTable} mpss ON mps.id = mpss.subscriber_id AND mpss.segment_id = :segmentId AND mpss.status = :statusUnsubscribed
      SET mps.status = :statusUnsubscribed
      WHERE mps.id IN (
        SELECT s.id -- get all subscribers with exactly 1 segment
        FROM (SELECT id FROM {$subscribersTable} WHERE is_woocommerce_user = 1) s
        JOIN {$subscriberSegmentsTable} ss on s.id = ss.subscriber_id
        GROUP BY s.id
        HAVING COUNT(ss.id) = 1
      ['statusUnsubscribed' => SubscriberEntity::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED, 'segmentId' => $wcSegment->getId()],
      ['statusUnsubscribed' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'segmentId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT]

  private function removeOrphanedSubscribers(): void {
    // Remove orphaned WooCommerce segment subscribers (not having a matching WC customer email),
    // e.g. if WC orders were deleted directly from the database
    // or a customer role was revoked and a user has no orders
    global $wpdb;

    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscriberSegmentsTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberSegmentEntity::class)->getTableName();

    // Unmark registered customers

    // Insert WC customer IDs to a temporary table for left join to use an index
    $tmpTableName = Env::$dbPrefix . 'tmp_wc_ids';
    // Registered users with orders
    if ($this->woocommerceHelper->isWooCommerceCustomOrdersTableEnabled()) {
      $ordersTable = $this->woocommerceHelper->getOrdersTableName();
      $registeredCustomersSubQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT customer_id AS id FROM `{$ordersTable}` WHERE type = 'shop_order'";
    } else {
      $registeredCustomersSubQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT wppm.meta_value AS id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} wppm
        JOIN {$wpdb->posts} wpp ON wppm.post_id = wpp.ID
        AND wpp.post_type = 'shop_order'
        WHERE wppm.meta_key = '_customer_user'";

      CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {$tmpTableName}
        (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, UNIQUE(`id`), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) AS
    // Registered users with a customer role
      INSERT IGNORE INTO {$tmpTableName}
      SELECT DISTINCT wpum.user_id AS id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} wpum
      WHERE wpum.meta_key = :capabilities AND wpum.meta_value LIKE '%\"customer\"%'
    ", ['capabilities' => $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities']);

    // Unmark WC list registered users which aren't WC customers anymore
    $subQb = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
      ->from($subscribersTable, 'mps')
      ->join('mps', $subscriberSegmentsTable, 'mpss', 'mps.id = mpss.subscriber_id AND mpss.segment_id = :segmentId')
      ->leftJoin('mps', $tmpTableName, 'wctmp', 'mps.wp_user_id = wctmp.id')
      ->where('mps.is_woocommerce_user = 1')
      ->andWhere('wctmp.id IS NULL')
      ->andWhere('mps.wp_user_id IS NOT NULL');
    $qb = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
      ->set('is_woocommerce_user', '0')
      ->where("id IN (SELECT id FROM ({$subQb->getSQL()}) AS sq) ")
      ->setParameter('segmentId', $wcSegment->getId());

    $this->connection->executeQuery("DROP TABLE {$tmpTableName}");

    // Remove guest customers

    // Insert WC customer emails to a temporary table and ensure matching collations
    // between MailPoet and WooCommerce emails for left join to use an index
    $tmpTableName = Env::$dbPrefix . 'tmp_wc_emails';
    if ($this->needsCollationChange()) {
      $collation = "COLLATE $this->mailpoetEmailCollation";
    } else {
      $collation = "COLLATE $this->wpPostmetaValueCollation";

    if ($this->woocommerceHelper->isWooCommerceCustomOrdersTableEnabled()) {
      $ordersTable = $this->woocommerceHelper->getOrdersTableName();
      $guestCustomersSubQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT billing_email AS email FROM `{$ordersTable}` WHERE type = 'shop_order' AND billing_email IS NOT NULL AND billing_email != ''";
    } else {
      $guestCustomersSubQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT wppm.meta_value AS email FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} wppm
        JOIN {$wpdb->posts} wpp ON wppm.post_id = wpp.ID
        AND wpp.post_type = 'shop_order'
        WHERE wppm.meta_key = '_billing_email'";

      CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {$tmpTableName}
        (`email` varchar(150) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(`email`), PRIMARY KEY (`email`)) {$collation}

    // Remove WC list guest users which aren't WC customers anymore
    $subQb = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
      ->from($subscribersTable, 'mps')
      ->join('mps', $subscriberSegmentsTable, 'mpss', 'mps.id = mpss.subscriber_id AND mpss.segment_id = :segmentId')
      ->leftJoin('mps', $tmpTableName, 'wctmp', 'mps.email = wctmp.email')
      ->where('mps.is_woocommerce_user = 1')
      ->andWhere('wctmp.email IS NULL')
      ->andWhere('mps.wp_user_id IS NULL');
    $qb = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
      ->where("id IN (SELECT id FROM ({$subQb->getSQL()}) AS sq) ")
      ->setParameter('segmentId', $wcSegment->getId());

    $this->connection->executeQuery("DROP TABLE {$tmpTableName}");

  private function updateStatus(): void {
    $subscribeOldCustomers = $this->settings->get('mailpoet_subscribe_old_woocommerce_customers.enabled', false);
    if ($subscribeOldCustomers !== "1") {
      $status = SubscriberEntity::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED;
    } else {
      $status = SubscriberEntity::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED;
    $subscribersTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $subscriberSegmentsTable = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(SubscriberSegmentEntity::class)->getTableName();
    $wcSegment = $this->segmentsRepository->getWooCommerceSegment();

      UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY {$subscriberSegmentsTable} AS mpss
      JOIN {$subscribersTable} AS mps ON mpss.subscriber_id = mps.id
      SET mpss.status = :status
        mpss.segment_id = :segmentId
        AND mps.confirmed_at IS NULL
        AND mps.confirmed_ip IS NULL
        AND mps.is_woocommerce_user = 1
      ['status' => $status, 'segmentId' => $wcSegment->getId()],
      ['status' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'segmentId' => \PDO::PARAM_INT]


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DynamicSegments Folder 0755
SegmentDependencyValidator.php File 4.99 KB 0644
SegmentListingRepository.php File 3.29 KB 0644
SegmentSaveController.php File 2.47 KB 0644
SegmentSubscribersRepository.php File 21.18 KB 0644
SegmentsFinder.php File 2.01 KB 0644
SegmentsRepository.php File 11.76 KB 0644
SegmentsSimpleListRepository.php File 3.67 KB 0644
SubscribersFinder.php File 8.35 KB 0644
WP.php File 14.99 KB 0644
WooCommerce.php File 24.89 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644