<% extends 'layout.html' %>
<% block container %>
<div class="block-editor">
<div id="mailpoet_form_edit" class="block-editor__container">
<% autoescape 'js' %>
var mailpoet_form_data = <%= json_encode(form) %>;
var mailpoet_form_exports = <%= json_encode(form_exports) %>;
var mailpoet_form_segments = <%= json_encode(segments) %>;
var mailpoet_custom_fields = <%= json_encode(custom_fields) %>;
var mailpoet_date_types = <%= json_encode(date_types) %>;
var mailpoet_date_formats = <%= json_encode(date_formats) %>;
var mailpoet_month_names = <%= json_encode(month_names) %>;
var mailpoet_form_preview_page = <%= json_encode(preview_page_url) %>;
var mailpoet_custom_fonts = <%= json_encode(custom_fonts) %>;
var mailpoet_translations = <%= json_encode(translations) %>;
var mailpoet_all_wp_posts = <%= json_encode(posts) %>;
var mailpoet_all_wp_pages = <%= json_encode(pages) %>;
var mailpoet_all_wp_categories = <%= json_encode(categories) %>;
var mailpoet_all_wp_tags = <%= json_encode(tags) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_products = <%= json_encode(products) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_categories = <%= json_encode(product_categories) %>;
var mailpoet_woocommerce_tags = <%= json_encode(product_tags) %>;
var mailpoet_close_icons_url = '<%= image_url("form_close_icon") %>';
var mailpoet_tutorial_seen = '<%= editor_tutorial_seen %>';
var mailpoet_tutorial_url = '<%= cdn_url('form-editor/tutorial.mp4') %>';
var mailpoet_is_administrator = <%= is_administrator ? 'true' : 'false' %>;
var mailpoet_form_edit_url = "<%= admin_url('admin.php?page=mailpoet-form-editor&id=') %>";
<% endautoescape %>
<style id="mailpoet-form-editor-form-styles"></style>
<%= localize({
'displayForm': __('Display the form'),
'enable': __('Enable'),
'addFormName': _x('Add form name', 'A placeholder for form name input'),
'back': __('Back'),
'form': __('Form'),
'formSettings': _x('Settings', 'A settings section heading'),
'formSettingsStyles': __('Styles'),
'formSettingsColor': __('Color'),
'formSettingsStylesBackground': __('Background'),
'formSettingsStylesBackgroundImage': __('Background Image'),
'formSettingsStylesSelectImage': __('Select Image…'),
'formSettingsStylesFontSize': __('Font Size'),
'formSettingsStylesFont': __('Font'),
'formSettingsStylesFontColorInherit': __('Inherit from theme'),
'formSettingsInheritStyleFromTheme': __('Inherit style from theme'),
'formSettingsDisplayFullWidth': _x('Display Fullwidth', 'A label for checkbox in form style settings'),
'formSettingsBold': _x('Bold', 'A label for checkbox in form style settings'),
'formSettingsBorderSize': _x('Border Size', 'A label for checkbox in form style settings'),
'formSettingsBorderRadius': _x('Border Radius', 'A label for checkbox in form style settings'),
'formSettingsInputPadding': _x('Input Padding', 'A label for form style settings'),
'formSettingsFormPadding': _x('Form Padding', 'A label for form style settings'),
'formSettingsAlignment': _x('Alignment', 'A label for form style settings'),
'formSettingsAlignmentLeft': _x('left', 'An alignment value for form editor'),
'formSettingsAlignmentCenter': _x('center', 'An alignment value for form editor'),
'formSettingsAlignmentRight': _x('right', 'An alignment value for form editor'),
'formSettingsBorder': _x('Border', 'A label for checkbox in form style settings'),
'formSettingsApplyToAll': __('Apply styles to all inputs'),
'formSettingsWidth': _x('Form width', 'A label for form width settings'),
'customFieldSettings': _x('Custom field settings', 'A settings section heading'),
'customFieldsFormSettings': _x('Form settings', 'A settings section heading'),
'formPlacement': _x('Form Placement', 'A settings section heading'),
'formPlacementLabel': _x('Form placement', 'A label for a select box'),
'customCss': _x('Custom CSS', 'A settings section heading'),
'formSaved': __('Form saved.'),
'formSavedAppendix': __('Cookies reset — you will see all your dismissed popup forms again.'),
'customFieldSaved': __('Custom field saved.'),
'placeFixedBarFormOnPages': _x('Fixed bar', 'This is a text on a widget that leads to settings for form placement - form type is fixed bar'),
'placeFixedBarFormOnPagesDescription': __('Display your form in a fixed horizontal bar at the top or bottom of posts or pages.'),
'placeSlideInFormOnPages': _x('Slide–in', 'This is a text on a widget that leads to settings for form placement - form type is slide in'),
'placeSlideInFormOnPagesDescription': __('Display your form in a slide–in form on top of your page content.'),
'placePopupFormOnPages': _x('Pop-up', 'This is a text on a widget that leads to settings for form placement - form type is pop-up, it will be displayed on page in a small modal window'),
'placePopupFormOnPagesDescription': __('Display your form in a pop-up window.'),
'exitIntentTitle': __('Display on exit-intent'),
'exitIntentDescription': __('Show the form immediately if the visitor attempts to leave the site.'),
'exitIntentSwitch': __('Exit-intent display'),
'placeFormBellowPages': _x('Below pages', 'This is a text on a widget that leads to settings for form placement'),
'placeFormBellowPagesDescription': __('This form placement allows you to add this form at the end of all the pages or posts, below the content.'),
'placeFormOnAllPages': _x('Display on all pages', 'This is a text on a switch if a form should be displayed bellow all pages'),
'placeFormOnAllPosts': _x('Display on all posts/products', 'This is a text on a switch if a form should be displayed bellow all posts'),
'placeFormOnHomepage': __('Display on the homepage'),
'placeFormOthers': _x('Others (widget)', 'Placement of the form using theme widget'),
'formPlacementDelay': _x('Display with a delay of', 'Label on a selection of different times'),
'formPlacementPlacementPosition': _x('Position', 'Placement of a fixed bar form, on top of the page or on the bottom'),
'formPlacementPlacementPositionTop': _x('top', 'Placement of a fixed bar form, on top of the page or on the bottom'),
'formPlacementPlacementPositionBottom': _x('bottom', 'Placement of a fixed bar form, on top of the page or on the bottom'),
'formPlacementPlacementPositionLeft': _x('left', 'Placement of a slide in form, on the left or right side of the page'),
'formPlacementPlacementPositionRight': _x('right', 'Placement of a slide in form, on the left or right side of the page'),
'formPlacementDelaySeconds': _x('%1s sec', 'times selection should be in the end "30 sec"'),
'formPlacementCookieExpiration': _x('Show form every', 'Label on a selection of different times'),
'formPlacementCookieExpirationAlways': _x('Always', 'times selection'),
'formPlacementCookieExpirationDay': _x('1 day', 'times selection should be in the end "1 day"'),
'formPlacementCookieExpirationDays': _x('%1s days', 'times selection should be in the end "7 days"'),
'formPlacementSave': _x('Close', 'Text on a button to save and close a form'),
'formPlacementOtherLabel': _x('Shortcode & other', 'Label in the form placement section (Other form placements)'),
'animationHeader': __('Show animation on display'),
'animationNone': _x('No Animation', 'Value in a selectbox with a list of animations'),
'addFormWidgetHint': __('You can add this form to a [link]widget area of your theme[/link] (new tab).'),
'addFormShortcodeHint': __('Or in any page or post as a block, or with this shortcode if you prefer [shortcode].'),
'addFormPhpIframeHint': __('Use [link]PHP[/link] or [link]iFrame[/link].'),
'settingsListLabel': __('This form adds the subscribers to these lists'),
'settingsAfterSubmit': __('After submit…'),
'settingsShowMessage': __('Show message'),
'settingsGoToPage': __('Go to Page'),
'settingsPleaseSelectList': __('Please select a list'),
'fieldsBlocksCategory': __('Fields'),
'customFieldsBlocksCategory': __('Custom Fields'),
'layoutBlocksCategory': __('Layout'),
'customFieldNumberOfLines': __('Number of lines'),
'customFieldSaveCTA': _x('Update custom field', 'Text on the save button'),
'customFieldDeleteCTA': _x('Delete this custom field', 'Text on the delete button'),
'customFieldDeleteConfirm': __('This field will be deleted for all your subscribers. Are you sure?'),
'customFieldTypeText': __('Text Input'),
'customFieldTypeTextarea': __('Text Area'),
'customFieldTypeRadio': __('Radio buttons'),
'customFieldTypeCheckbox': __('Checkbox'),
'customFieldTypeSelect': _x('Select', 'Form input type'),
'selectPage': _x('Select', 'It is a placeholder in the select box - verb'),
'displayOnCategories': __('Display on posts with these categories'),
'displayOnAllCategoryArchives': __('Display on all post/product category archives'),
'displayOnTags': __('Display on posts with these tags'),
'displayOnAllTagArchives': __('Display on all post/product tag archives'),
'selectSpecificArchiveTags': __('Select specific tags'),
'selectSpecificArchiveCategories': __('Select specific categories'),
'customFieldTypeDate': __('Date'),
'customFieldDateType': __('Type of date'),
'customFieldDateFormat': __('Order'),
'customFieldDefaultToday': __('Preselect today’s date'),
'customFieldDay': __('Day'),
'customFieldMonth': __('Month'),
'customFieldYear': __('Year'),
'customField1Line': _x('1 line', 'Number of rows in textarea'),
'customField2Lines': _x('2 lines', 'Number of rows in textarea'),
'customField3Lines': _x('3 lines', 'Number of rows in textarea'),
'customField4Lines': _x('4 lines', 'Number of rows in textarea'),
'customField5Lines': _x('5 lines', 'Number of rows in textarea'),
'customFieldValidateFor': __('Validate for'),
'customFieldValidateNothing': __('Nothing'),
'customFieldValidateNumbersOnly': __('Numbers only'),
'customFieldValidateAlphanumerical': __('Alphanumerical'),
'customFieldValidatePhoneNumber': __('Phone number, (+,-,#,(,) and spaces allowed)'),
'customFieldAddItem': __('Add item'),
'blockMandatory': __('Mandatory field'),
'blockFirstName': __('First name'),
'blockFirstNameDescription': __('Input field used to catch subscribers’ first names.'),
'blockLastName': __('Last name'),
'blockLastNameDescription': __('Input field used to catch subscribers’ last names.'),
'blockSegmentSelect': __('List selection'),
'blockLastNameDescription': __('Allow your subscribers to select which list(s) they want to subscribe to.'),
'blockSegmentSelectLabel': __('Select list(s):'),
'blockSegmentSelectNoLists': __('Please select at least one list'),
'blockSegmentSelectListLabel': __('Select the list that you want to add'),
'blockEmail': __('Email'),
'blockEmailDescription': __('Input field used to catch subscribers’ email addresses.'),
'blockSubmit': __('Submit button'),
'blockSubmitDescription': __('Button used to submit the form.'),
'blockSubmitLabel': _x('Subscribe!', 'a default value for a subscription form button'),
'missingObligatoryBlock': __('Email input or submit is missing. Try reloading the form editor.'),
'label': _x('Label', 'settings for a label of an input'),
'displayLabelWithinInput': __('Display label within input'),
'displayLabel': _x('Display label', 'Settings - if label should be displayed'),
'blockDivider': _x('Divider / Spacer', 'The name of the block in the editor'),
'blockCustomHtml' : __('Custom HTML'),
'blockCustomHtmlDescription': __('Display custom text or HTML code in your form.'),
'blockCustomHtmlDefault': __('Subscribe to our newsletter and join [mailpoet_subscribers_count] other subscribers.'),
'blockCustomHtmlContentLabel': _x('Custom text', 'Textarea label'),
'blockCustomHtmlNl2br': __('Automatically add paragraphs'),
'blockAddCustomField': __('Create Custom Field'),
'blockAddCustomFieldDescription': __('Create a new custom field for your subscribers.'),
'blockAddCustomFieldFormHeading': __('New Custom Field.'),
'blockCreateButton': _x('Create', 'Label on form submit button.'),
'customFieldName': _x('Field name', 'Label for form field for custom input name'),
'selectCustomFieldType': _x('Select a field type', 'Label for form field for custom input type'),
'customFieldWithNameExists': __('The custom field [name] already exists. Please choose another name.'),
'successMessage': __('This is what the success message looks like.'),
'errorMessage': __('This is what the error message looks like.'),
'formPreview': __('Form Preview'),
'formSettingsStylesFontFamily': __('Font Family'),
'formFontsDefaultTheme': __('Theme’s default fonts'),
'formFontsStandard': _x('Standard fonts', 'Heading in the font selection list: Arial, Times, ...'),
'formFontsCustom': _x('Custom fonts', 'Heading in the font selection list for a list of custom fonts'),
'blockSpacerHeight': _x('Height', 'Settings in the spacer block'),
'blockSpacerEnableDivider': _x('Enable Divider', 'Settings in the spacer block'),
'imagePlacementScale': _x('Scale', 'How a background image will be rendered: scale, fit or tile'),
'imagePlacementFit': _x('Fit', 'How a background image will be rendered: scale, fit or tile'),
'imagePlacementTile': _x('Tile', 'How a background image will be rendered: scale, fit or tile'),
'blockDividerStyle': _x('Divider Style', 'Settings in the divider block (solid, dotted, …)'),
'blockDividerStyleSolid': _x('Solid', 'Setting in the divider block'),
'blockDividerStyleDashed': _x('Dashed', 'Setting in the divider block'),
'blockDividerStyleDotted': _x('Dotted', 'Setting in the divider block'),
'blockDividerDividerHeight': _x('Divider Height', 'Settings in the divider block'),
'blockDividerDividerWidth': _x('Divider Width', 'Settings in the divider block'),
'blockDividerBackground': _x('Background', 'Settings in the divider block'),
'validationMessageColor': _x('Message Color', 'heading above the settings'),
'successValidationColorTitle': _x('Success', 'A label for the success message color'),
'errorValidationColorTitle': _x('Error', 'A label for the error message color'),
'formPreviewOthersDisclaimer': __('Psssst. We try our best to show you what the widget might look like, but better check the final result on your website.'),
'closeButtonHeading': __('Close Button Style'),
'tutorialHeading': __('A video tour of the form editor'),
'noName': _x('no name', 'fallback for forms without a name in a form list'),
'saveFormFirst': __('Please save the form first!'),
'addNewTag': __('Add New Tag'),
}) %>
<% endblock %>