[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * LearnDash class to handle GDPR requirements
 * The following class handles integration with WordPress for new
 * Privacy Policy requirements per GDPR.
 * @package LearnDash\GDPR
 * @since 2.5.8

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

use LearnDash\Core\Utilities\Cast;

if ( ! class_exists( 'LearnDash_GDPR' ) ) {
	 * Class to handle GDPR
	class LearnDash_GDPR {
		const DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT = array(
			'items_removed'  => 0,
			'items_retained' => 0,
			'messages'       => array(),
			'done'           => true,

			'data' => array(),
			'done' => true,

		 * Default per_page limit
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @var int
		private $per_page_default = 20;

		 * Class Constructor
		public function __construct() {
			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'learndash_add_privacy_policy_text' ) );
			add_filter( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_exporters', array( $this, 'add_exporters' ) );
			add_filter( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_erasers', array( $this, 'add_erasers' ) );

		 * Adds LearnDash Privacy Policy text to new WordPress GDPR hooks.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		public function learndash_add_privacy_policy_text() {
			if ( is_admin() ) {
				// Check we are on the WP Privacy Policy Guide page.
				$is_privacy_guide = current_user_can( 'manage_privacy_options' );

				if ( $is_privacy_guide ) {
					$pp_readme_file = LEARNDASH_LMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'privacy_policy.txt';

					if ( file_exists( $pp_readme_file ) ) {
						$pp_readme_content = file_get_contents( $pp_readme_file ); // phpcs:ignore

						if ( ! empty( $pp_readme_content ) ) {
							$pp_readme_content = wpautop( stripcslashes( $pp_readme_content ) );
								'LearnDash LMS',
								wp_kses_post( wpautop( $pp_readme_content, false ) )

		 * Adds LearnDash Exporters to new WordPress GDPR hooks.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param array $exporters Array of Exporters.
		 * @return array $exporters Array of Exporters.
		public function add_exporters( array $exporters = array() ): array {
			$exporters['learndash-transactions'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => esc_html__( 'LearnDash LMS Transactions', 'learndash' ),
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_transactions' ),

			$exporters['learndash-course-assignments'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Course.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Assignments', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_course_assignments' ),

			$exporters['learndash-course-essays'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Quiz.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Essays', 'placeholder: Quiz', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'quiz' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_quiz_essays' ),

			$exporters['learndash-enrolled-groups'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Groups.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Groups', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'groups' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_enrolled_groups' ),

			$exporters['learndash-enrolled-courses'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Courses.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Courses', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'courses' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_enrolled_courses' ),

			$exporters['learndash-course-certificates'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Course.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_course_certificates' ),

			$exporters['learndash-quiz-certificates'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Quiz.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Quiz', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'quiz' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_quiz_certificates' ),

			$exporters['learndash-group-certificates'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Group.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Group', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'group' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_group_certificates' ),

			$exporters['learndash-course-progress'] = array(
				'exporter_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Course.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Progress', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
				'callback'               => array( $this, 'export_course_progress' ),

			 * Filters LearnDash GDPR Exporters.
			 * @since
			 * @param array<string, array{ exporter_friendly_name: string, callback: callback }> $exporters Array of Exporters.
			return apply_filters( 'learndash_privacy_export_exporters', $exporters );

		 * Performs Privacy Data Export for Transactions.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param string $email_address Email address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page Paged number to export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_transactions( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page privacy export transactions.
			 * @since 2.5.8
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$number = apply_filters( 'learndash_privacy_export_transactions_per_page', $this->per_page_default );

			$transactions_query_args = array(
				'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'transaction' ),
				'author'         => $user->ID,
				'posts_per_page' => $number,
				'paged'          => $page,

			$transactions_query = new WP_Query( $transactions_query_args );

			if ( empty( $transactions_query->posts ) ) {

			$transaction_to_export = array();

			foreach ( $transactions_query->posts as $transaction ) {
				$transaction_meta_data   = array();
				$transaction_meta_fields = array();

				$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'action', true );

				if ( 'stripe' === $transaction_type ) {
					$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
						'name'  => __( 'Transaction Type', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => __( 'Stripe', 'learndash' ),

					$transaction_meta_fields = array(
						'stripe_name'        => array(
							'label'       => __( 'Order Item', 'learndash' ),
							'format_type' => 'text',
						'stripe_price'       => array(
							'label'       => __( 'Order Total', 'learndash' ),
							'format_type' => 'money_stripe',
						'stripe_token_email' => array(
							'label'       => __( 'Order Email', 'learndash' ),
							'format_type' => 'email',

				if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
					$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'ipn_track_id', true );
					if ( ! empty( $transaction_type ) ) {

						$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => __( 'Transaction Type', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => __( 'PayPal', 'learndash' ),

						$transaction_meta_fields = array(
							'item_name'   => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Item', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'mc_gross'    => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Total', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'money',
							'first_name'  => array(
								'label'       => __( 'First Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'last_name'   => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Last Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'payer_email' => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Email', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'email',


				if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
					$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'learndash-checkout', true );

					if ( '2co' === $transaction_type ) {
						$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => __( 'Transaction Type', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => __( '2Checkout', 'learndash' ),

						$transaction_meta_fields = array(
							'invoice_id'       => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Invoice', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'li_0_name'        => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Item', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'total'            => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Total', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'money',
							'card_holder_name' => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Cardholder Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',

							'first_name'       => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Last Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'middle_initial'   => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Middle Initial', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'last_name'        => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Last Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'email'            => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Email', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'email',
							'street_address'   => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Street Address', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'street_address2'  => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Street Address', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'city'             => array(
								'label'       => __( 'City', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'state'            => array(
								'label'       => __( 'State', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'zip'              => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Zip', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',

				// SAMCART Transactions.
				if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
					$order_ip_address = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'order_ip_address', true );

					if ( ! empty( $order_ip_address ) ) {
						$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => __( 'Transaction Type', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => __( 'Samcart', 'learndash' ),

						$transaction_meta_fields = array(
							'customer_email'           => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Order Email', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'email',
							'customer_first_name'      => array(
								'label'       => __( 'First Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'customer_last_name'       => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Last Name', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'customer_phone_number'    => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Phone #', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'order_ip_address'         => array(
								'label'       => __( 'IP Address', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'ip',
							'customer_billing_address' => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Billing Address', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'customer_billing_city'    => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Billing City', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'customer_billing_state'   => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Billing State', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',
							'customer_billing_zip'     => array(
								'label'       => __( 'Billing ZIP', 'learndash' ),
								'format_type' => 'text',

				if ( ! empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
					$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
						'name'  => __( 'Order ID', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => $transaction->ID,

					$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
						'name'  => __( 'Order Date', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => learndash_adjust_date_time_display( strtotime( $transaction->post_date ) ),

					foreach ( $transaction_meta_fields as $meta_key => $meta_set ) {
						$meta_value = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, $meta_key, true );
						if ( ! empty( $meta_value ) ) {
							$transaction_meta_data[] = array(
								'name'  => $meta_set['label'],
								'value' => $this->format_value( $meta_value, $meta_set['format_type'] ),

					$transaction_to_export[] = array(
						'group_id'    => 'ld-transactions',
						'group_label' => __( 'LearnDash LMS Purchase Transactions', 'learndash' ),
						'item_id'     => "ld-transactions-{$transaction->ID}",
						'data'        => $transaction_meta_data,

			return array(
				'data' => $transaction_to_export,
				'done' => $page >= $transactions_query->max_num_pages,

		 * Performs Privacy Data Export for Course Assignments.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array $result
		public function export_course_assignments( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for course assignments.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters( 'learndash_privacy_export_assignments_per_page', $this->per_page_default );

			$assignments_query_args = array(
				'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'assignment' ),
				'author'         => $user->ID,
				'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
				'paged'          => $page,

			$assignments_query = new WP_Query( $assignments_query_args );

			if ( empty( $assignments_query->posts ) ) {

			$assignments_to_export = array();

			foreach ( $assignments_query->posts as $assignment ) {
				$assignment_meta_data = array();

				$assignment_url         = get_permalink( $assignment->ID );
				$assignment_meta_data[] = array(
					'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
					'value' => $assignment_url,

				$assignment_meta_data[] = array(
					'name'  => __( 'Date', 'learndash' ),
					'value' => learndash_adjust_date_time_display( strtotime( $assignment->post_date ) ),

				$course_id = get_post_meta( $assignment->ID, 'course_id', true );

				if ( ! empty( $course_id ) ) {
					$course_title = get_the_title( $course_id );

					if ( ! empty( $course_title ) ) {
						$assignment_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ),
							'value' => $course_title,

				$lesson_id = get_post_meta( $assignment->ID, 'lesson_id', true );

				if ( ! empty( $lesson_id ) ) {
					$lesson_title = get_the_title( $lesson_id );

					if ( ! empty( $lesson_title ) ) {
						$assignment_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'lesson' ),
							'value' => $lesson_title,

				$assignments_to_export[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'ld-course-assignments',
					// translators: placeholder: Course.
					'group_label' => sprintf( esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Assignments', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ), LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ) ),
					'item_id'     => "ld-course-assignments-{$assignment->ID}",
					'data'        => $assignment_meta_data,

			return array(
				'data' => $assignments_to_export,
				'done' => $page >= $assignments_query->max_num_pages,

		 * Performs Privacy Data Export for Quiz Essays
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array $result
		public function export_quiz_essays( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for quiz essays.
			 * @since 2.5.8
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$number = apply_filters( 'learndash_privacy_export_quiz_essays_per_page', $this->per_page_default );

			$essays_query_args = array(
				'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'essay' ),
				'author'         => $user->ID,
				'posts_per_page' => $number,
				'paged'          => $page,

			$essays_query = new WP_Query( $essays_query_args );

			if ( empty( $essays_query->posts ) ) {

			$essays_to_export = array();

			foreach ( $essays_query->posts as $essay ) {
				$essay_meta_data = array();

				$essay_url = get_permalink( $essay->ID );

				if ( ! empty( $essay_url ) ) {
					$essay_meta_data[] = array(
						'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => $essay_url,

				$essay_meta_data[] = array(
					'name'  => __( 'Date', 'learndash' ),
					'value' => learndash_adjust_date_time_display( strtotime( $essay->post_date ) ),

				$course_id = get_post_meta( $essay->ID, 'course_id', true );

				if ( ! empty( $course_id ) ) {
					$course_title = get_the_title( $course_id );

					if ( ! empty( $course_title ) ) {
						$essay_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ),
							'value' => $course_title,

				$lesson_id = get_post_meta( $essay->ID, 'lesson_id', true );

				if ( ! empty( $lesson_id ) ) {
					$lesson_title = get_the_title( $lesson_id );

					if ( ! empty( $lesson_title ) ) {
						$essay_meta_data[] = array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'lesson' ),
							'value' => $lesson_title,

				$essays_to_export[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'ld-quiz-essays',
					// translators: placeholder: Quiz.
					'group_label' => sprintf( esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Essays', 'placeholder: Quiz', 'learndash' ), LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'quiz' ) ),
					'item_id'     => "ld-quiz-essays-{$essay->ID}",
					'data'        => $essay_meta_data,

			return array(
				'data' => $essays_to_export,
				'done' => $page >= $essays_query->max_num_pages,

		 * Performs Privacy Data Export for Enrolled Groups.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_enrolled_groups( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$group_ids = learndash_get_users_group_ids( $user->ID, true );

			if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for enrolled groups.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters(

			$query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'group' ),
					'post__in'       => $group_ids,
					'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
					'paged'          => $page,

			if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {

			$data = array();

			foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
				$data[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'learndash-enrolled-groups',
					'group_label' => sprintf(
						// translators: placeholder: Groups.
						esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Groups', 'learndash' ),
						LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'groups' )
					'item_id'     => "learndash-enrolled-groups-{$post->ID}",
					'data'        => array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'group' ),
							'value' => $post->post_title,
							'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => get_permalink( $post->ID ),

			return array(
				'data' => $data,
				'done' => $page >= $query->max_num_pages,

		 * Performs Privacy Data Export for Enrolled Courses.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_enrolled_courses( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$course_ids = learndash_user_get_enrolled_courses( $user->ID, array(), true );

			if ( empty( $course_ids ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for enrolled courses.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters(

			$query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'course' ),
					'post__in'       => $course_ids,
					'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
					'paged'          => $page,

			if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {

			$data = array();

			foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
				$item = array(
						'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ),
						'value' => $post->post_title,
						'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => get_permalink( $post->ID ),

				$user_course_access_time = get_user_meta(

				if ( ! empty( $user_course_access_time ) ) {
					$item[] = array(
						'name'  => __( 'Access From Date', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => learndash_adjust_date_time_display( $user_course_access_time ),

				$data[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'learndash-enrolled-courses',
					'group_label' => sprintf(
						// translators: placeholder: Courses.
						esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Courses', 'learndash' ),
						LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'courses' )
					'item_id'     => "learndash-enrolled-courses-{$post->ID}",
					'data'        => $item,

			return array(
				'data' => $data,
				'done' => $page >= $query->max_num_pages,

		 * Exports Course Certificates.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_course_certificates( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$course_ids = learndash_user_get_enrolled_courses( $user->ID, array(), true );

			if ( empty( $course_ids ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for course certificates.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters(

			$query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'course' ),
					'post__in'       => $course_ids,
					'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
					'paged'          => $page,

			if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {

			$data = array();

			foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
				$certificate_link = learndash_get_course_certificate_link( $post->ID, $user->ID );

				if ( empty( $certificate_link ) ) {

				$data[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'learndash-course-certificates',
					'group_label' => sprintf(
						// translators: placeholder: Course.
						esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
						LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
					'item_id'     => "learndash-course-certificates-{$post->ID}",
					'data'        => array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ),
							'value' => $post->post_title,
							'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => $certificate_link,

			return array(
				'data' => $data,
				'done' => $page >= $query->max_num_pages,

		 * Exports Quiz Certificates.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_quiz_certificates( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$quizzes = get_user_meta( $user->ID, '_sfwd-quizzes', true );

			if ( empty( $quizzes ) ) {

			$quiz_ids = array_keys( array_column( $quizzes, 'quiz', 'quiz' ) );

			 * Filters value of per page export for quiz certificates.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters(

			$query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'quiz' ),
					'post__in'       => $quiz_ids,
					'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
					'paged'          => $page,

			if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {

			$data = array();

			foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
				$certificate_link = learndash_get_certificate_link( $post->ID, $user->ID );

				if ( empty( $certificate_link ) ) {

				$data[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'learndash-quiz-certificates',
					'group_label' => sprintf(
						// translators: placeholder: Quiz.
						esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Quiz', 'learndash' ),
						LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'quiz' )
					'item_id'     => "learndash-quiz-certificates-{$post->ID}",
					'data'        => array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'quiz' ),
							'value' => $post->post_title,
							'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => $certificate_link,

			return array(
				'data' => $data,
				'done' => $page >= $query->max_num_pages,

		 * Exports Group Certificates.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array
		public function export_group_certificates( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$group_ids = learndash_get_users_group_ids( $user->ID, true );

			if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {

			 * Filters value of per page export for group certificates.
			 * @since 4.1.0
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters(

			$query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'group' ),
					'post__in'       => $group_ids,
					'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
					'paged'          => $page,

			if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {

			$data = array();

			foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
				$certificate_link = learndash_get_group_certificate_link( $post->ID, $user->ID );

				if ( empty( $certificate_link ) ) {

				$data[] = array(
					'group_id'    => 'learndash-group-certificates',
					'group_label' => sprintf(
						// translators: placeholder: Group.
						esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Certificates', 'placeholder: Group', 'learndash' ),
						LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'group' )
					'item_id'     => "learndash-group-certificates-{$post->ID}",
					'data'        => array(
							'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'group' ),
							'value' => $post->post_title,
							'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
							'value' => $certificate_link,

			return array(
				'data' => $data,
				'done' => $page >= $query->max_num_pages,

		 * Exports Course Progress.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email Address of user to export.
		 * @param int    $page          Page number of export.
		 * @return array{
		 *     data: array{}|array{
		 *         item_id: string,
		 *         group_id: string,
		 *         group_label: string,
		 *         data: array{ name: string, value: string }[],
		 *     },
		 *     done: bool,
		 * }
		public function export_course_progress( string $email_address, int $page ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {

			$course_progress = get_user_meta( $user->ID, '_sfwd-course_progress', true );
			$course_progress = empty( $course_progress ) ? [] : (array) $course_progress;

			$course_progress_ids = array_diff(
					ld_get_mycourses( $user->ID ),
					array_keys( $course_progress )
				learndash_get_expired_user_courses_from_meta( $user->ID )

			if ( empty( $course_progress_ids ) ) {

			$course_progress_query = new WP_Query(
					'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( LDLMS_Post_Types::COURSE ),
					'fields'         => 'ids',
					'post__in'       => $course_progress_ids,
					 * Filters value of per page export for course progress.
					 * @since 4.1.0
					 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
					'posts_per_page' => apply_filters(
					'paged'          => $page,

			$found_course_ids = array_map(
				function( $course_id ) {
					return Cast::to_int( $course_id );

			foreach ( $found_course_ids as $course_id ) {
				if ( ! isset( $course_progress[ $course_id ] ) ) {
					$course_progress[ $course_id ] = [];

			$course_progress = array_intersect_key( $course_progress, array_flip( $found_course_ids ) );

			if ( empty( $course_progress ) ) {

			$courses_data = [];

			foreach ( $course_progress as $course_id => $course_progress_data ) {
				$topics  = [];
				$lessons = [];

				if ( ! empty( $course_progress_data['lessons'] ) ) {
					foreach ( $course_progress_data['lessons'] as $lesson_id => $lesson_status ) {
						$lesson_data = [
							'name'  => sprintf(
								// translators: placeholder: Lesson label, Lesson title.
								esc_html_x( '%1$s: %2$s', 'placeholder: Lesson label, Lesson title', 'learndash' ),
								LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'lesson' ),
								get_the_title( (int) $lesson_id )
							'value' => true === (bool) $lesson_status
								? esc_html_x( 'Completed', 'Completed lesson', 'learndash' )
								: esc_html_x( 'Not completed', 'Not completed lesson', 'learndash' ),

						 * Filters lesson progress data on GDPR export.
						 * @since
						 * @param array{ name: string, value: string } $lesson_data Lesson data.
						 * @param int                                  $lesson_id   Lesson ID.
						 * @param int                                  $course_id   Course ID.
						 * @param int                                  $user_id     User ID.
						$lessons[] = apply_filters(

				if ( ! empty( $course_progress_data['topics'] ) ) {
					foreach ( $course_progress_data['topics'] as $lesson_id ) {
						foreach ( $lesson_id as $topic_id => $topic_status ) {
							$topic_data = [
								'name'  => sprintf(
									// translators: placeholder: Topic label, Topic title.
									esc_html_x( '%1$s: %2$s', 'placeholder: Topic label, Topic title', 'learndash' ),
									LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'topic' ),
									get_the_title( (int) $topic_id )
								'value' => true === (bool) $topic_status
									? esc_html_x( 'Completed', 'Completed topic', 'learndash' )
									: esc_html_x( 'Not completed', 'Not completed topic', 'learndash' ),

							 * Filters topic progress data on GDPR export.
							 * @since
							 * @param array{ name: string, value: string } $topic_data Topic data.
							 * @param int                                  $topic_id   Topic ID.
							 * @param int                                  $lesson_id  Lesson ID.
							 * @param int                                  $course_id  Course ID.
							 * @param int                                  $user_id    User ID.
							$topics[] = apply_filters(

				$progress_summary = learndash_user_get_course_progress( $user->ID, $course_id, 'summary' );

				$course_data = [
						'name'  => LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' ),
						'value' => get_the_title( $course_id ),
						'name'  => sprintf(
							// translators: placeholder: Course.
							esc_html_x( '%s ID', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
							LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
						'value' => absint( $course_id ),
						'name'  => __( 'URL', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => get_permalink( $course_id ),
						'name'  => __( 'Status', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => learndash_course_status_label( $progress_summary['status'] ),
						'name'  => __( 'Steps Completed', 'learndash' ),
						'value' => $progress_summary['completed'] . ' / ' . $progress_summary['total'],

				 * Filters course progress data on GDPR export.
				 * @since
				 * @param array{ item_id: string, group_id: string, group_label: string, data: array{ name: string, value: mixed }[] } $course_data Course progress data.
				 * @param int                                                                                                          $course_id   Course ID.
				 * @param int                                                                                                          $user_id     User ID.
				$courses_data[] = apply_filters(
						'item_id'     => "learndash-course-progress-{$course_id}",
						'group_id'    => 'learndash-course-progress',
						'group_label' => sprintf(
							// translators: placeholder: Course label.
							esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS %s Progress', 'placeholder: Course', 'learndash' ),
							LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'course' )
						'data'        => array_merge( $course_data, $lessons, $topics ),

			return [
				'data' => $courses_data,
				'done' => $page >= $course_progress_query->max_num_pages,

		 * Add LearnDash as an Eraser package for WordPress data.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param array $erasers Array of registered erasers.
		 * @return array $erasers Array of registered erasers
		public function add_erasers( array $erasers = array() ): array {
			$erasers[] = array(
				'eraser_friendly_name' => esc_html__( 'LearnDash LMS Transactions', 'learndash' ),
				'callback'             => array( $this, 'erase_transactions' ),

			$erasers[] = array(
				'eraser_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Groups.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Groups', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'groups' )
				'callback'             => array( $this, 'erase_enrolled_groups' ),

			$erasers[] = array(
				'eraser_friendly_name' => sprintf(
					// translators: placeholder: Courses.
					esc_html_x( 'LearnDash LMS Enrolled %s', 'placeholder: Courses', 'learndash' ),
					LearnDash_Custom_Label::get_label( 'courses' )
				'callback'             => array( $this, 'erase_enrolled_courses' ),

			$erasers[] = array(
				'eraser_friendly_name' => esc_html__( 'LearnDash LMS User Progress', 'learndash' ),
				'callback'             => array( $this, 'erase_user_progress' ),

			return $erasers;

		 * Performs data eraser.
		 * Called by WordPress when performing data cleanup for specific user by email. This
		 * function makes users data contained in transaction generated via PayPal and Stripe anonymous.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param string $email_address Email of WP User to perform cleanup on.
		 * @param int    $page Page number or actions to perform. This is controlled by
		 * the function below. See the $number variable.
		 * @return array
		public function erase_transactions( string $email_address, int $page = 1 ): array {
			global $wpdb;

			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			 * Filters value of per page erase transactions.
			 * @since 2.5.8
			 * @param int $per_page_default Per page limit.
			$posts_per_page = apply_filters( 'learndash_privacy_transactions_erase', $this->per_page_default );

			$transactions_query_args = array(
				'post_type'      => LDLMS_Post_Types::get_post_type_slug( 'transaction' ),
				'author'         => $user->ID,
				'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
				'paged'          => $page,

			$transactions_query = new WP_Query( $transactions_query_args );

			if ( empty( $transactions_query->posts ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$result = self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$deleted_email = wp_privacy_anonymize_data( 'email' );
			$deleted_text  = wp_privacy_anonymize_data( 'text' );
			$deleted_ip    = wp_privacy_anonymize_data( 'ip' );

			foreach ( $transactions_query->posts as $transaction ) {
				$transaction_meta_fields = array();

				$transaction->post_title = str_ireplace( $email_address, $deleted_email, $transaction->post_title );

				$updated = $wpdb->update( // phpcs:ignore
						'post_title' => $transaction->post_title,
						'ID' => $transaction->ID,
					array( '%s' ),
					array( '%d' )

				if ( false !== $updated ) {
					$result['items_removed'] += 1;

					// STRIPE Transactions.
					$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'action', true );

					if ( 'stripe' === $transaction_type ) {
						$transaction_meta_fields = array(
							'stripe_token_email' => array(
								'format_type' => 'email',
							'stripe_email'       => array(
								'format_type' => 'email',

					// PAYPAL Transactions.
					if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
						$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'ipn_track_id', true );

						if ( ! empty( $transaction_type ) ) {
							$transaction_meta_fields = array(
								'first_name'  => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'last_name'   => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'payer_email' => array(
									'format_type' => 'email',

					// 2CHECKOUT Transactions
					if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
						$transaction_type = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'learndash-checkout', true );

						if ( '2co' === $transaction_type ) {
							$transaction_meta_fields = array(
								'first_name'       => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'middle_initial'   => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'last_name'        => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'email'            => array(
									'format_type' => 'email',
								'street_address'   => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'street_address2'  => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'city'             => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'state'            => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'zip'              => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'card_holder_name' => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',

					// SAMCART Transactions.
					if ( empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
						$order_ip_address = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, 'order_ip_address', true );

						if ( ! empty( $order_ip_address ) ) {
							$transaction_meta_fields = array(
								'customer_email'           => array(
									'format_type' => 'email',
								'customer_first_name'      => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'customer_last_name'       => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'customer_phone_number'    => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'order_ip_address'         => array(
									'format_type' => 'ip',
								'customer_billing_address' => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'customer_billing_city'    => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'customer_billing_state'   => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',
								'customer_billing_zip'     => array(
									'format_type' => 'text',

				if ( ! empty( $transaction_meta_fields ) ) {
					foreach ( $transaction_meta_fields as $meta_key => $meta_set ) {
						$meta_value = get_post_meta( $transaction->ID, $meta_key, true );

						if ( ! empty( $meta_value ) ) {
							switch ( $meta_set['format_type'] ) {
								case 'email':
									$meta_value_after = str_ireplace( $meta_value, $deleted_email, $meta_value );

								case 'ip':
									$meta_value_after = str_ireplace( $meta_value, $deleted_ip, $meta_value );

									$meta_value_after = str_ireplace( $meta_value, $deleted_text, $meta_value );

							if ( $meta_value_after !== $meta_value ) {
								update_post_meta( $transaction->ID, $meta_key, $meta_value_after );

			// $return_data['done'] is set to true by default.
			// If we not have reached the max_number_pages then we are not done.
			$result['done'] = $page >= $transactions_query->max_num_pages;

			return $result;

		 * Performs data eraser.
		 * Called by WordPress when performing data cleanup for a specific user by email. This
		 * function removes a user from all groups.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email of WP User to perform cleanup on.
		 * @return array
		public function erase_enrolled_groups( string $email_address ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$group_ids = learndash_get_users_group_ids( $user->ID, true );

			if ( empty( $group_ids ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$result = self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			foreach ( $group_ids as $group_id ) {
				$removed = ld_update_group_access( $user->ID, $group_id, true );

				if ( $removed ) {
					$result['items_removed'] += 1;

			$result['done'] = count( $group_ids ) === $result['items_removed'];

			return $result;

		 * Performs data eraser.
		 * Called by WordPress when performing data cleanup for a specific user by email. This
		 * function removes a user from all courses.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email of WP User to perform cleanup on.
		 * @return array $result
		public function erase_enrolled_courses( string $email_address ): array {
			$user = $this->get_user_by_email( $email_address );

			if ( is_null( $user ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$course_ids = learndash_user_get_enrolled_courses( $user->ID, array(), true );

			if ( empty( $course_ids ) ) {
				return self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$result = self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			foreach ( $course_ids as $course_id ) {
				ld_update_course_access( $user->ID, $course_id, true );

			$result['items_removed'] = count( $course_ids );

			return $result;

		 * Perform data eraser.
		 * Called by WordPress when performing data cleanup for a specific user by email. This
		 * function removes all user's course and quiz progress, assignments and essays.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email_address Email of WP User to perform cleanup on.
		 * @return array $result
		public function erase_user_progress( string $email_address ): array {
			$result = self::DEFAULT_ERASER_RESULT;

			$email = trim( $email_address );

			if ( empty( $email ) ) {
				return $result;

			$user = get_user_by( 'email', $email );

			if ( ! $user ) {
				return $result;

			learndash_delete_user_data( $user->ID );

			return $result;

		 * Formats the output value based on variable type.
		 * @since 2.5.8
		 * @param mixed  $meta_value The meta value for reformat.
		 * @param string $meta_type Will be the type of the meta_value. test, date, money etc.
		 * @return mixed $meta_value
		protected function format_value( $meta_value, string $meta_type ) {
			if ( empty( $meta_value ) || empty( $meta_type ) ) {
				return $meta_value;

			switch ( $meta_type ) {
				case 'money_stripe':
					$meta_value = $meta_value / 100;
					// no break.

				case 'money':
					$meta_value = number_format_i18n( $meta_value, 2 );

				case 'date_string':
					$meta_value = strtotime( $meta_value );
					// no break.

				case 'date_number':
					$meta_value = learndash_adjust_date_time_display( $meta_value );


			return $meta_value;

		 * Finds user by email.
		 * @since 4.1.0
		 * @param string $email User Email.
		 * @return WP_User|null
		protected function get_user_by_email( string $email ): ?WP_User {
			$email = trim( $email );

			if ( empty( $email ) ) {
				return null;

			$user = get_user_by( 'email', $email );

			if ( ! $user ) {
				return null;

			return $user;

new LearnDash_GDPR();


Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin Folder 0755
classes Folder 0755
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course Folder 0755
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dto Folder 0755
exam Folder 0755
group Folder 0755
gutenberg Folder 0755
helpers Folder 0755
import Folder 0755
interfaces Folder 0755
lib Folder 0755
loggers Folder 0755
models Folder 0755
payments Folder 0755
quiz Folder 0755
rest-api Folder 0755
settings Folder 0755
shortcodes Folder 0755
site-health Folder 0755
views Folder 0755
widgets Folder 0755
class-ld-addons-updater.php File 35.03 KB 0644
class-ld-bitbucket-api.php File 59.32 KB 0644
class-ld-course-wizard.php File 29.4 KB 0644
class-ld-cpt-instance.php File 34.09 KB 0644
class-ld-cpt-widget.php File 198 B 0644
class-ld-cpt.php File 18.17 KB 0644
class-ld-custom-label.php File 23.82 KB 0644
class-ld-design-wizard.php File 39.7 KB 0644
class-ld-gdpr.php File 47.67 KB 0644
class-ld-lms.php File 221.24 KB 0644
class-ld-permalinks.php File 29.92 KB 0644
class-ld-search.php File 6.66 KB 0644
class-ld-semper-fi-module.php File 61.88 KB 0644
class-ld-setup-wizard.php File 23.99 KB 0644
class-ld-translations.php File 28.85 KB 0644
class-ldlms-db.php File 19.01 KB 0644
class-ldlms-post-types.php File 8.64 KB 0644
class-ldlms-transients.php File 5.04 KB 0644
ld-assignment-uploads.php File 37.84 KB 0644
ld-autoupdate.php File 38.51 KB 0644
ld-certificates.php File 26.66 KB 0644
ld-convert-post-pdf.php File 31.07 KB 0644
ld-core-functions.php File 323 B 0644
ld-groups.php File 92.44 KB 0644
ld-license.php File 5.19 KB 0644
ld-misc-functions.php File 71.49 KB 0644
ld-reports.php File 59.31 KB 0644
ld-scripts.php File 6.68 KB 0644
ld-users.php File 47.6 KB 0644
ld-wp-editor.php File 3.46 KB 0644