= [4.15.2] =
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that could be encountered when quizzes that are set to randomize the order of questions and have quiz saving enabled. This could have happened if one of the questions were edited since the user last started the quiz and then the user resumed the quiz.
* Tweak - Added "Get Help Launching Your Site" sections to the Help and Setup pages.
* Tweak - Added a `description_after` argument to all settings fields.
* Tweak - Deprecated `LearnDash\Core\Modules\Experiments\Experiment::get_url()` and `LearnDash\Core\Modules\Experiments\Experiment::$url`. These have been replaced with `LearnDash\Core\Modules\Experiments\Experiment::get_action_items()` and `LearnDash\Core\Modules\Experiments\Experiment::$action_items`.
= [4.15.1] =
* Fix - Resolved issue where standalone quizzes did not trigger the learndash_quiz_completed action.
* Fix - Resolved issue where the LearnDash Customizer outputted the default CSS values, changing the CSS priorities and affecting some themes.
* Fix - Resolved issue where the switch field in admin settings was not displaying the label correctly depending on the state.
* Fix - Fixed inconsistent input field styling on virtual instructor chatbox.
* Tweak - Deprecated constants: LEARNDASH_QUIZ_ESSAY_SUBMIT_COMPLETED.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `modules/ai/virtual-instructor/message-default.php`, `modules/ai/virtual-instructor/message-error.php`.
= [4.15.0] =
* Feature - Customizer settings for the LearnDash 3.0 template.
* Fix - Fixed issue where adding directory index file causes PHP notices when the directory is not writable.
* Fix - Resolved issue where admins cannot disable all toggles in certain metaboxes.
* Fix - Resolved issue where Additional Question Options won't stay toggled on when only "Randomize Answers" is enabled.
* Fix - Resolved issue where Windows-based servers were unable to use the Import tool.
* Fix - Resolved issue where adding a percentage symbol in password in login form would change the password.
* Fix - Resolved issue where TrustedLogin access link doesn't auto log in the user.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_put_directory_index_file`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_customizer_config`, `learndash_customizer_control`, `learndash_customizer_css_priority`, `learndash_customizer_themes`.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_customizer_control_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_control_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_panel_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_panel_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_section_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_section_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_setting_add_after`, `learndash_customizer_setting_add_before`, `learndash_customizer_themes_init_after`, `learndash_customizer_themes_init_before`, `learndash_customizer_theme_init_after`, `learndash_customizer_theme_init_before`.
= [4.14.0] =
* Feature - Added decimal and negative number support to quiz points.
* Feature - Added "Different points for each answer" option support to the quiz builder.
* Feature - TrustedLogin - Provide one click secure access to your site for our support team.
* Fix - Resolved issue where NaN points label could appear if points were deleted in the quiz builder.
* Fix - Fixed quiz statistics loading for quizzes where all questions are set to 0 points.
* Fix - Improved question and answer points synchronization in the quiz builder.
* Fix - Resolved issue where the question settings were ignored in the quiz builder when the existing question was added.
* Fix - Resolved issue where the question was being duplicated on deletion in the quiz builder sidebar in some cases.
* Fix - Resolved issue where the free choice question points are calculated incorrectly when the different points mode is enabled.
* Tweak - Added points calculation within the POST route in the `ldlms/v1/sfwd-questions/<id>` REST API endpoint.
* Tweak - Updated constants: WPPROQUIZ_VERSION.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_format_course_points`, `learndash_get_essay_details`, `learndash_proquiz_sync_question_fields`, `learndash_question_assessment_fetch_data`, `learndash_question_cloze_fetch_data`, `learndash_question_free_get_answer_data`, `learndash_update_quiz_statistics`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_course_points_format_round`, `learndash_fetch_quiz_questions`, `learndash_ques_free_answer_pts`, `learndash_ques_multiple_answer_pts_each`, `learndash_ques_multiple_answer_pts_whole`, `learndash_ques_single_answer_pts`, `learndash_quiz_question_answer_preprocess`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `legacy/templates/quiz/partials/show_quiz_questions_box.php`.
= [4.13.0] =
* Feature - LearnDash Experiments.
* Feature - Virtual Instructor [Experiment].
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_experiments`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_applied_to_all_courses`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_applied_to_all_groups`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_avatar_url`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_banned_words`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_course_ids`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_custom_instruction`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_error_message`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_group_ids`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_message_contains_banned_words`, `learndash_model_virtual_instructor_name`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_command_generate_summary`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_last_preserved_messages_count`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_max_context_characters`, `learndash_module_ai_chatgpt_summarizer_messages_summary_content`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_initial_message`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_max_message_length`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_message_is_valid`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_message`, `learndash_module_ai_virtual_instructor_chat_session_storage_period`, `learndash_service_chatgpt_model_max_context_window_tokens`, `learndash_template_template_paths`.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_experiments_experiment_init_after`, `learndash_experiments_experiment_init_before`, `learndash_experiments_init_after`, `learndash_experiments_init_before`, `learndash_post_setting_updated`.
= [4.12.1] =
* Fix - Resolved issue where the course progress could not be updated in some cases in a user profile.
* Fix - Resolved issue where Lifetime sales and Latest transactions widgets, present in the Course Dashboard, were causing fatal errors in some DB engines.
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issues with plugins using composer dependencies.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_process_user_course_progress_update`.
= [4.12.0] =
* Feature - Blended Learning.
* Fix - Password reset process redirects to Reset Password Success page.
* Fix - Stripe cancellation processing for finite subscriptions with no trial.
* Security - Tightened security around LearnDash Log.
* Security - Tightened security around quizzes.
* Performance - Course dashboard.
* Performance - Groups listing/editing page when there are many groups.
* Performance - Profile block when there are a lot of courses.
* Performance - Optimized functions: `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`.
* Tweak - Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.
* Tweak - Improved the invoice PDF in the purchase email for subscriptions with no trial.
* Tweak - Make shared course steps option enabled by default.
* Tweak - Set minimum required PHP version to 7.4.
* Tweak - Updated constants: LEARNDASH_MIN_PHP_VERSION.
* Tweak - Updated the Stripe PHP library to version 13.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_course_steps_get_external_type`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external_attendance_required`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external`, `learndash_course_steps_map_external_type_to_label`, `learndash_process_password_reset_redirect`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_create_nonce`, `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`, `learndash_mark_complete`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_reset_password_output`, `learndash_reset_password_set_user_new_password`, `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`, `ld30/includes/helpers.php`, `ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php`, `themes/ld30/templates/topic/partials/row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/lesson-row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/topic-row.php`, `ld30/templates/quiz.php`.
= [4.11.0] =
* Feature - Added course completion page.
* Fix - Lesson not marking as complete when "Not Graded, full points awarded" option set in quiz essay type.
* Fix - Added additional validation for shortcodes and blocks.
* Tweak - Updated course progression to flow as expected between steps in a course.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_course_completion_page_redirect_enabled`, `learndash_course_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_next_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_next_step_id`, `learndash_course_next_step_url`, `learndash_course_previous_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_previous_step_id`, `learndash_course_previous_step_url`, `learndash_course_step_completion_url`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_course_completion_url`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`.
* Tweak - Deprecated filters: `learndash_completion_redirect`, `learndash_show_parent_next_link`, `learndash_show_parent_previous_link`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_course_get_completion_url`, `learndash_course_get_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_course_steps_requires_watching_video_after_sub_steps`, `learndash_shortcode_can_current_user_access_post`, `learndash_shortcode_protect_user`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_approve_assignment`, `learndash_get_step_post_statuses`, `learndash_mark_complete_process`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_quiz_continue_link`, `learndash_quiz_redirect`, `learndash_upload_assignment_init`.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_ajax_mark_complete`, `learndash_course_progress_widget`, `learndash_get_next_lesson_redirect`, `learndash_next_global_quiz`, `learndash_next_lesson_quiz`, `learndash_update_completion`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`.
= [4.10.3] =
* Fix - User's essays and assignments posts do not get deleted permanently when the data erasure request is executed.
* Security - Tightened security around REST API.
* Security - Tightened security around assignments & essays files.
* Tweak - Changed assignment files uploading path to `uploads/learndash/assignments`.
* Tweak - Changed essay files uploading path to `uploads/learndash/essays`.
* Tweak - Made essay and assignment file links dynamic.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_file_can_be_downloaded`, `learndash_file_protection_paths`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_assignment_get_download_url`, `learndash_quiz_essay_get_download_url`.
* Tweak - Deprecated classes: `LD_REST_Posts_Gutenberg_Controller`.
* Tweak - Deprecated filters: `learndash_rest_wp_archive_repsonse`, `learndash_rest_wp_archive_viewable`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_assignment_process_init`, `learndash_essay_upload_dirbase`, `learndash_essay_upload_urlbase`, `learndash_fileupload_process`, `learndash_upload_assignment_init`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: , `learndash_add_new_essay_response`, `learndash_before_delete_essay`, `learndash_delete_user_data`, `learndash_essay_fileupload_process`, `learndash_essay_permissions`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `ld30/templates/assignment/partials/row.php`, `ld30/templates/shortcodes/profile/assignment-row.php`, `themes/legacy/templates/learndash_lesson_assignment_uploads_list.php`.
= [4.10.2] =
* Fix - Disabling the /ldlms/v1 and /ldlms/v2 API does not affect /wp/v2 API restrictions anymore.
* Security - Tightened security around the REST API.
= [4.10.1] =
* Fix - Stripe Conflict with multiple plugins.
* Fix - Incompatibility with other plugins using psr/container.
= [4.10.0] =
* Feature - Add an option to import demo content in the onboarding wizard.
* Fix - Quiz AI existing quiz steps resetting on new quiz creation.
* Fix - Course outline AI resetting existing course section headings.
* Fix - Fatal error on WooCommerce Subscriptions order pages.
* Fix - Lessons generated by AI are missing course ID.
* Tweak - Some Telemetry data was mapped incorrectly.
* Tweak - Fixed Stripe related PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_course_add_child_to_parent`.
= [4.9.1] =
* Fix - Deprecation notice on the course page in PHP 8.1.
* Fix - Support a custom label in the latest transactions course widget.
* Fix - Can’t re-arrange/drag and drop Answers in Quiz Builder.
* Fix - Quizzes inside topic can't be re-ordered.
* Fix - Can’t correctly remove answers via Quiz Builder.
* Tweak - Format a discount properly in the purchase invoice PDF.
* Tweak - Improve a button label and a warning message on the quiz statistics page.
* Tweak - Use WP defined date/time format in course dashboard widgets.
= [] =
* Fix - Parameters compatibility for the get_edit_post_link filter.
= [4.9.0] =
* Feature - Add new course dashboard with course performance metrics and data.
* Fix - Course 'Mark Complete' button validations.
* Fix - Sidebar hiding does not work in tabs.
* Tweak - Added Course-Presell support for the Student and Visitor shortcodes.
* Tweak - Set default course access mode to Free.
* Tweak - Support non /wp-admin URLs in the course video playlist.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_dashboard_widget_before_loading`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_after_loading`, `learndash_template_before_include`, `learndash_template_before_include:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_after_include`, `learndash_template_after_include:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point:{template_name}:{entry_point_name}`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_template_after_include_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_after_include_html`, `learndash_template_args:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_args`, `learndash_template_filepath`, `learndash_template_before_include_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_before_include_html`, `learndash_template_entry_point_html:{template_name}:{entry_point_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point_is_enabled`, `learndash_template_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_html`, `learndash_template_include_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_include_html`, `learndash_template_pre_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_pre_html`, `learndash_template_skip_rendering`, `learndash_template_admin_template_paths`, `learndash_dashboard_tab_is_default`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_lifetime_sales_transactions_chunk_size`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_latest_enrollees_users_limit`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_latest_transactions_limit`, `learndash_dashboard_is_enabled`, `learndash_dashboard_post_is_enabled`, `learndash_dashboard_section_hint_supported_html_tags`, `learndash_dashboard_sections`, `learndash_dashboard_sections_course`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_view_path`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_template_filename`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_mark_complete_process`.
= [] =
* Fix - Error on Settings Support page when no .po file is available.
* Fix - Incompatibility of binary selectors (group courses and course groups) with the classic editor.
= [4.8.0] =
* Feature - Add a password reset success page setting.
* Feature - Add Bunny.net video progress support.
* Feature - Create quizzes using AI.
* Feature - Extend access to a course (single or in a group) on an individual user basis.
* Feature - Group pre-selling.
* Feature - Group start and end dates.
* Feature - Group student limit.
* Fix - Course could not be created from a video playlist if a license email contained a plus sign.
* Fix - Incorrect from email address when sending admin and user quiz completion emails.
* Fix - Remove "0 Days Trial" item for Stripe subscriptions with no trial.
* Performance - `sfwd_lms_has_access_fn` function is optimized.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_metabox_initialized`.
* Tweak - Added confirm dialog to start of Design Wizard.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_group_access_from`, `learndash_model_product_user_enrollment_date`, `learndash_course_get_extended_access_timestamp`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_group_access_from`, `learndash_get_reset_password_success_page_id`, `learndash_is_learndash_hub_installed`, `learndash_activate_learndash_hub`, `learndash_course_extend_user_access`, `learndash_course_get_extended_access_timestamp`.
* Tweak - Improved the LearnDash Licensing & Management plugin activation process.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `ld_update_group_access`, `learndash_user_group_enrolled_to_course`, `ld_update_course_access`, `learndash_hub_deactivated_notice`, `learndash_video_complete_for_step`, `learndash_video_delete_cookie_for_step`, `learndash_delete_user_data`, `ld_course_access_expires_on`, `sfwd_lms_has_access_fn`.
= [] =
* Fix - Add compatibility with the User Role Editor plugin when updating user roles via profile page.
* Fix - Removed Astra templates from Design Wizard.
* Tweak - Added 12 additional Kadence templates into the Design Wizard.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_stripe_webhook_event_processable`.
= [] =
* Fix - Content editor was sometimes shown above the correct page content on LD post editing pages with tabs.
* Fix - Respect gateway return url on successful payment redirect.
* Fix - Stop exporting all courses when a user has no courses attached on GDPR export.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_quiz_resume_metadata_updated`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_privacy_export_exporters`, `learndash_privacy_export_course_progress_data`, `learndash_privacy_export_lesson_progress_data`, `learndash_privacy_export_topic_progress_data`
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_get_course_enrollment_url`, `learndash_get_group_enrollment_url`.
= [4.7.0] =
* Feature - Course pre-selling.
* Feature - Course start and end dates.
* Feature - Course student limit.
* Fix - Add left padding to content area in Focus Mode when using right sidebar on mobile screens.
* Fix - Prevent group_leader role being removed from users on profile update.
* Fix - Undefined array key warning in `ld_profile` shortcode when displaying a quiz with no title.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_metabox_updated_field`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_payment_button_disabled`, `learndash_model_product_can_be_purchased`, `learndash_model_product_has_started`, `learndash_model_product_has_ended`, `learndash_model_product_start_date`, `learndash_model_product_end_date`, `learndash_model_product_pre_ordered`, `learndash_model_product_seats_limit`, `learndash_model_product_seats_used`, `learndash_model_product_seats_available`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `sfwd_lms_has_access_fn`, `ld_update_course_access`.
= [] =
* Fix - Duplicate status bubbles when using the `learndash_status_bubble` function.
* Security - Tightened security around the reset password shortcode.
= [4.6.0] =
* Feature - Course Outline AI module.
* Fix - Display free trial in course/group infobar if trial price set to 0 or empty.
* Fix - learndash_process_user_course_progress_update function was not processing the progress correctly in some cases.
* Fix - Prevent duplicate password reset email after password reset.
* Fix - Set product name as description for Stripe Connect buy now products.
* Fix - Undefined FS_CHMOD_FILE error.
* Fix - Updated method to required files in helpers.php file.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_files_included`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_payment_button_classes`, `learndash_model_product_display_price`, `learndash_model_product_display_trial_price`, `learndash_service_chatgpt_send_command_data`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_register_provider`, `learndash_extra_autoloading`.
* Tweak - AI Integrations settings page under advanced settings tab.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_the_breadcrumbs`.
* Tweak - Deprecated models classes (replaced with LearnDash\Core\Models): `Learndash_Model`, `Learndash_Product_Model`, `Learndash_Transaction_Model`.
= [] =
* Fix - learndash_reports_get_activity function did not return correct results in some cases (which has been affected by a fix in
= [] =
* Security - Tightened security around the courseinfo shortcode.
= [4.5.3] =
* Fix - The default color is not displayed in the theme settings color picker.
* Update - RazorPay library to 2.8.5.
= [] =
* Fix - Location of /lang directory in TCPDF library.
= [4.5.2] =
* Fix - 'Click here to visit' translatable text on checkout form.
* Fix - Display correct pricing interval values in purchase invoice.
* Fix - Incorrect decimal pricing on Stripe & Razorpay checkout.
* Fix - learndash_reports_get_activity() returns results outside of date range if activity status combination is set.
* Tweak - Show deprecation notice if using Stripe addon plugin.
* Update - Change documentation in LearnDash LMS > Setup page.
* Update - TCPDF to version 6.6.2.
= [] =
* Fix - Course access validation error message.
* Fix - Passed quizzes not showing continue button.
= [] =
* Fix - Telemetry modal loading on incorrect admin pages.
= [4.5.1] =
* Fix - Add ; to Content-Type email header.
* Fix - Display Telemetry modal on LD admin pages.
* Fix - Hide continue button on failed quiz shortcode unless filtered
* Fix - Issues with pagination, minimum global pagination value is 1 now.
* Fix - Keep the old slugs for imported posts where possible.
* Fix - learndash_user_get_course_completed_date function did not calculate the correct date in some cases.
* Fix - Posts and authors were not connected on import when users were being imported.
* Fix - Process shortcode placeholders in purchase invoice email message.
* Tweak - Add better validation messages on import.
* Tweak - Add validation error to the course access period field, when the value is less than 1.
* Tweak - Confirm dialog when setting up template in Design Wizard.
= [] =
* Fix - Increase timeout period for Action Scheduler
* Fix - Prices containing commas were not being passed to payment gateways correctly.
* Fix - Stripe Connect does not allow purchase for a logged-out user if Registration page not set.
* Tweak - Removed a non-circulating currency CLF.
= [] =
* Fix - PayPal ignored the 'Use PayPal Sandbox' setting.
= [] =
* Fix - Compatibility with PHP 7.2, 7.3.
* Fix - Conflict with a list of plugins.
* Fix - Mobile sidebar menu and materials tab not opening.
* Fix - Move scalar constants out of the `plugins_loaded` hook.
= [4.5.0] =
* Fix - Allow user to bypass topic progression when lesson is using video progression and admin bypass is enabled.
* Fix - By default a group leader should not have an ability to edit the groups list they lead or other group leaders lead.
* Fix - Check for mobile resolution when opening Focus Mode sidebar.
* Fix - Ensure that all assignments for step are approved before considering as complete.
* Fix - Fatal error on questions CPT when using 'j \d\e F \d\e Y' date format.
* Fix - Fill in the blank answer formatting on quiz statistics.
* Fix - Format price properly on course/group pages.
* Fix - Highlight current topic in focus mode sidebar navigation.
* Fix - License validation cache was not being cleared when a license was updated.
* Fix - PayPal subscriptions used a usual price instead of a trial price. Now all options are mapped correctly.
* Fix - Quiz pagination when using Overview table feature.
* Fix - Quiz resume setting not saving in Quiz Template feature.
* Fix - Razorpay subscriptions from guest users were ignored, now they are processed correctly.
* Fix - Setup wizard not showing in some cases.
* Fix - Shorten screen height on Setup Wizard Payment page.
* Fix - Stripe Connect could not process a webhook, when a guest user tried to buy a product using the existing WP user email.
* Fix - Text on the course wizard page was not using custom labels.
* Fix - When the Group Leader user role was removed through the user’s profile, it was not deleted from group leaders assigned to groups.
* Performance - learndash_active_coupons_exist function is optimized.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_payment_button_added`, `learndash_payment_gateway_event_processed`, `learndash_payment_gateway_user_created`
* Tweak - Added Data Sharing tab to the advanced settings.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_admin_settings_advanced_sections_with_hidden_metaboxes`
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_group_leader_can_edit_group_leaders`, `learndash_admin_settings_advanced_sections_with_hidden_metaboxes`
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_purchase_invoice_logo_params`, `learndash_user_statistics`, `learndash_lesson_row_class`, `learndash_quiz_essay_upload_link`, `learndash_account_error_messages`, `learndash_account_menu`, `learndash_label_to_slug`, `learndash_payment_gateway_event_ignore`, `learndash_payment_gateways`, `learndash_loggers`, `learndash_logger_max_file_size`, `learndash_model_is_parent`, `learndash_model_allowed_post_types`, `learndash_model_product_pricing_type`, `learndash_model_product_type_label`, `learndash_model_product_pricing`, `learndash_model_product_user_has_access`, `learndash_model_product_user_enrolled`, `learndash_model_product_user_unenrolled`, `learndash_model_transaction_user`, `learndash_model_transaction_gateway_name`, `learndash_model_transaction_gateway_label`, `learndash_model_transaction_gateway`, `learndash_model_transaction_is_subscription`, `learndash_model_transaction_is_free`, `learndash_model_transaction_is_parent`, `learndash_model_transaction_has_trial`, `learndash_model_transaction_has_coupon`, `learndash_model_transaction_gateway_transaction_id`, `learndash_model_transaction_product`, `learndash_model_transaction_product_name`, `learndash_model_transaction_product_type_label`, `learndash_model_transaction_pricing`, `learndash_model_transaction_coupon_data`, `learndash_payment_option_image_url`, `learndash_payment_option_url_fail`, `learndash_payment_option_url_success`, `learndash_payment_button_label`, `learndash_payment_buttons`, `learndash_payment_button_open`, `learndash_payment_button_closed`, `learndash_payment_button_free`, `learndash_payment_button_dropdown`, `learndash_payment_button_dropdown_trigger`, `learndash_payment_button_markup`, `learndash_transaction_post_title`
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_registration_errors`, `learndash_get_account_menu`, `learndash_coupons_init`, `learndash_registration_page_get_id`, `learndash_generate_purchase_invoice`
* Tweak - Allow child class of LearnDash_Gutenberg_Block to set $block_dir property so it can register Gutenberg block using block.json.
* Tweak - Deprecated actions: `learndash_user_created_with_razorpay`, `learndash_stripe_after_create_user`
* Tweak - Deprecated classes: `LearnDash_Payment_Gateway_Integration`, `LearnDash_PayPal_IPN`, `LearnDash_Stripe_Connect_Checkout_Integration`, `LearnDash_Razorpay_Integration`
* Tweak - Deprecated filters: `learndash-get-user-stats`, `learndash-lesson-row-class`, `learndash-quiz-essay-upload-link`, `learndash-registration-errors`, `learndash_payment_closed_button`, `learndash_dropdown_payment_button`, `label_to_slug`, `learndash_stripe_create_short_username`, `learndash_button_label_razorpay`, `learndash_stripe_purchase_button_text`, `learndash_process_webhook_razorpay`, `learndash_stripe_process_webhook`
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_footer_payment_buttons`, `learndash_get_footer`, `learndash_get_payment_button_label`, `learndash_paypal_init_user_purchase_hash`, `learndash_paypal_get_purchase_success_redirect_url`, `learndash_paypal_get_purchase_cancel_redirect_url`, `learndash_send_purchase_invoice_email`, `learndash_transaction_add_learndash_version`, `learndash_transaction_get_payment_meta`, `learndash_transaction_get_razorpay_meta`, `learndash_transaction_get_paypal_meta`, `learndash_transaction_get_final_price`, `learndash_transaction_get_stripe_meta`, `learndash_transaction_get_coupon_meta`