<?php class wfDB { public $errorMsg = false; public static function shared() { static $_shared = null; if ($_shared === null) { $_shared = new wfDB(); } return $_shared; } /** * Returns the table prefix for the main site on multisites and the site itself on single site installations. * * @return string */ public static function networkPrefix() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->base_prefix; } /** * Returns the table with the site (single site installations) or network (multisite) prefix added. * * @param string $table * @param bool $applyCaseConversion Whether or not to convert the table case to what is actually in use. * @return string */ public static function networkTable($table, $applyCaseConversion = true) { if (wfSchema::usingLowercase() && $applyCaseConversion) { $table = strtolower($table); } return self::networkPrefix() . $table; } /** * Returns the table prefix for the given blog ID. On single site installations, this will be equivalent to wfDB::networkPrefix(). * * @param int $blogID * @return string */ public static function blogPrefix($blogID) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($blogID); } /** * Returns the table with the site (single site installations) or blog-specific (multisite) prefix added. * * @param string $table * @param bool $applyCaseConversion Whether or not to convert the table case to what is actually in use. * @return string */ public static function blogTable($table, $blogID, $applyCaseConversion = true) { if (wfSchema::usingLowercase() && $applyCaseConversion) { $table = strtolower($table); } return self::blogPrefix($blogID) . $table; } /** * Converts the given value into a MySQL hex string. This is needed because WordPress will run an unnecessary `SHOW * FULL COLUMNS` on every hit where we use non-ASCII data (e.g., packed binary-encoded IP addresses) in queries. * * @param string $binary * @return string */ public static function binaryValueToSQLHex($binary) { return sprintf("X'%s'", bin2hex($binary)); } public function querySingle(){ global $wpdb; if(func_num_args() > 1){ $args = func_get_args(); return $wpdb->get_var(call_user_func_array(array($wpdb, 'prepare'), $args)); } else { return $wpdb->get_var(func_get_arg(0)); } } public function querySingleRec(){ //queryInSprintfFormat, arg1, arg2, ... :: Returns a single assoc-array or null if nothing found. global $wpdb; if(func_num_args() > 1){ $args = func_get_args(); return $wpdb->get_row(call_user_func_array(array($wpdb, 'prepare'), $args), ARRAY_A); } else { return $wpdb->get_row(func_get_arg(0), ARRAY_A); } } public function queryWrite(){ global $wpdb; if(func_num_args() > 1){ $args = func_get_args(); return $wpdb->query(call_user_func_array(array($wpdb, 'prepare'), $args)); } else { return $wpdb->query(func_get_arg(0)); } } public function queryWriteArray($query, $array) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($query, $array)); } public function flush(){ //Clear cache global $wpdb; $wpdb->flush(); } public function querySelect(){ //sprintfString, arguments :: always returns array() and will be empty if no results. global $wpdb; if(func_num_args() > 1){ $args = func_get_args(); return $wpdb->get_results(call_user_func_array(array($wpdb, 'prepare'), $args), ARRAY_A); } else { return $wpdb->get_results(func_get_arg(0), ARRAY_A); } } public function queryWriteIgnoreError(){ //sprintfString, arguments global $wpdb; $oldSuppress = $wpdb->suppress_errors(true); $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array(array($this, 'queryWrite'), $args); $wpdb->suppress_errors($oldSuppress); } public function columnExists($table, $col){ $table = wfDB::networkTable($table); $q = $this->querySelect("desc $table"); foreach($q as $row){ if($row['Field'] == $col){ return true; } } return false; } public function dropColumn($table, $col){ $table = wfDB::networkTable($table); $this->queryWrite("alter table $table drop column $col"); } public function createKeyIfNotExists($table, $col, $keyName){ $table = wfDB::networkTable($table); $exists = $this->querySingle(<<<SQL SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME='%s' SQL , $table); $keyFound = false; if($exists){ $q = $this->querySelect("show keys from $table"); foreach($q as $row){ if($row['Key_name'] == $keyName){ $keyFound = true; } } } if(! $keyFound){ $this->queryWrite("alter table $table add KEY $keyName($col)"); } } public function getMaxAllowedPacketBytes(){ $rec = $this->querySingleRec("show variables like 'max_allowed_packet'"); return intval($rec['Value']); } public function getMaxLongDataSizeBytes() { $rec = $this->querySingleRec("show variables like 'max_long_data_size'"); return $rec['Value']; } public function truncate($table){ //Ensures everything is deleted if user is using MySQL >= 5.1.16 and does not have "drop" privileges $this->queryWrite("truncate table $table"); $this->queryWrite("delete from $table"); } public function getLastError(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->last_error; } public function realEscape($str){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->_real_escape($str); } public function insert($table, $columns, $rows, $updateOnDuplicate) { global $wpdb; $rowCount = count($rows); if ($rowCount === 0) return; $columnClause = implode(',', array_keys($columns)); $valuesClause = ltrim(str_repeat(',(' . implode(',', $columns) . ')', $rowCount), ','); if ($updateOnDuplicate) { $duplicateClause = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . implode(',', array_map(function($column) { return "{$column} = VALUES({$column})"; }, $updateOnDuplicate)); } else { $duplicateClause = null; } $parameters = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $value) { $parameters[] = $value; } } $query = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO {$table} ({$columnClause}) VALUES {$valuesClause}{$duplicateClause}", $parameters); $result = $wpdb->query($query); if ($result === false) throw new RuntimeException("Insert query failed: {$query}"); } private static function getBindingType($value, $override = null) { if ($override !== null) return $override; if (is_int($value)) { return '%d'; } else { return '%s'; } } private static function buildWhereClause($conditions, $bindingOverrides, &$parameters) { $whereExpressions = []; foreach ($conditions as $column => $value) { $override = array_key_exists($column, $bindingOverrides) ? $bindingOverrides[$column] : null; if ($override === null) { $getBinding = [self::class, 'getBindingType']; } else { $getBinding = function($value) use ($override) { return $override; }; } if (is_array($value)) { $whereExpressions[] = "{$column} IN (" . implode(',', array_map($getBinding, $value)) . ')'; $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $value); } else { $whereExpressions[] = "{$column} = " . $getBinding($value); $parameters[] = $value; } } return implode(' AND ', $whereExpressions); } public function update($table, $set, $conditions, $bindingOverrides = []) { global $wpdb; $setExpressions = []; $parameters = []; foreach ($set as $column => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $parameters[] = $value[1]; $value = $value[0]; } $setExpressions[] = "{$column} = {$value}"; } $whereClause = self::buildWhereClause($conditions, $bindingOverrides, $parameters); $setClause = implode(',', $setExpressions); $query = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$table} SET {$setClause} WHERE {$whereClause}", $parameters); $result = $wpdb->query($query); if ($result === false) throw new RuntimeException("UPDATE query failed: {$query}"); } public function select($table, $columns, $conditions, $bindingOverrides = [], $limit = 500) { global $wpdb; $parameters = []; $selectClause = implode(',', $columns); $whereClause = Self::buildWhereClause($conditions, $bindingOverrides, $parameters); $limitClause = $limit === null ? '' : " LIMIT {$limit}"; $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT {$selectClause} FROM {$table} WHERE {$whereClause}{$limitClause}", $parameters); if (count($columns) == 1) { $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); } else { $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); } if (!is_array($result)) throw new RuntimeException("SELECT query failed: {$query}"); return $result; } public function selectAll($table, $columns, $conditions, $bindingOverrides = []) { return $this->select($table, $columns, $conditions, $bindingOverrides, null); } } abstract class wfModel { private $data; private $db; private $dirty = false; /** * Column name of the primary key field. * * @return string */ abstract public function getIDColumn(); /** * Table name. * * @return mixed */ abstract public function getTable(); /** * Checks if this is a valid column in the table before setting data on the model. * * @param string $column * @return boolean */ abstract public function hasColumn($column); /** * wfModel constructor. * @param array|int|string $data */ public function __construct($data = array()) { if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) { $this->setData($data); } else if (is_numeric($data)) { $this->fetchByID($data); } } public function fetchByID($id) { $id = absint($id); $data = $this->getDB()->get_row($this->getDB()->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTable() . ' WHERE ' . $this->getIDColumn() . ' = %d', $id)); if ($data) { $this->setData($data); return true; } return false; } /** * @return bool */ public function save() { if (!$this->dirty) { return false; } $this->dirty = ($this->getPrimaryKey() ? $this->update() : $this->insert()) === false; return !$this->dirty; } /** * @return false|int */ public function insert() { $data = $this->getData(); unset($data[$this->getPrimaryKey()]); $rowsAffected = $this->getDB()->insert($this->getTable(), $data); $this->setPrimaryKey($this->getDB()->insert_id); return $rowsAffected; } /** * @return false|int */ public function update() { return $this->getDB()->update($this->getTable(), $this->getData(), array( $this->getIDColumn() => $this->getPrimaryKey(), )); } /** * @param $name string * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { if (!$this->hasColumn($name)) { return null; } return array_key_exists($name, $this->data) ? $this->data[$name] : null; } /** * @param $name string * @param $value mixed */ public function __set($name, $value) { if (!$this->hasColumn($name)) { return; } $this->data[$name] = $value; $this->dirty = true; } /** * @return array */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * @param array $data * @param bool $flagDirty */ public function setData($data, $flagDirty = true) { $this->data = array(); foreach ($data as $column => $value) { if ($this->hasColumn($column)) { $this->data[$column] = $value; $this->dirty = (bool) $flagDirty; } } } /** * @return wpdb */ public function getDB() { if ($this->db === null) { global $wpdb; $this->db = $wpdb; } return $this->db; } /** * @param wpdb $db */ public function setDB($db) { $this->db = $db; } /** * @return int */ public function getPrimaryKey() { return $this->{$this->getIDColumn()}; } /** * @param int $value */ public function setPrimaryKey($value) { $this->{$this->getIDColumn()} = $value; } }
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