[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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require_once __DIR__ . '/wfCurlInterceptor.php';

class wfGrant
	public $select = false;
	public $update = false;
	public $insert = false;
	public $delete = false;
	public $alter = false;
	public $create = false;
	public $drop = false;

	public static function get()
		static $instance;
		if ($instance === null) {
			$instance = new self;
		return $instance;
	private function __construct()
		global $wpdb;
		$rows = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW GRANTS FOR current_user()", ARRAY_N);
		foreach ($rows as $row) {
			preg_match("/GRANT (.+) ON (.+) TO/", $row[0], $matches);
			foreach (explode(",", $matches[1]) as $permission) {
				$permission = str_replace(" ", "_", trim(strtolower($permission)));
				if ($permission === 'all_privileges') {
					foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
						$this->$key = true;
					break 2;
				if (property_exists($this, $permission))
					$this->$permission = true;

class wfDiagnostic
	protected $minVersion = array(
		'PHP' => '5.6.20',
		'cURL' => '1.0',

	protected $description = false; //Defined in the constructor to allow for localization

	protected $results = array();

	public function __construct()
		$this->description = array(
			'Wordfence Status' => array(
				'description' => __('General information about the Wordfence installation.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'wfVersion' => __('Wordfence Version', 'wordfence'),
					'geoIPVersion' => __('GeoIP Version', 'wordfence'),
					'cronStatus' => __('Cron Status', 'wordfence'),
			'Filesystem' => array(
				'description' => __('Ability to read/write various files.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'isPluginReadable' => __('Checking if web server can read from <code>~/plugins/wordfence</code>', 'wordfence'),
					'isPluginWritable' => __('Checking if web server can write to <code>~/plugins/wordfence</code>', 'wordfence'),
					'isWAFReadable' => __('Checking if web server can read from <code>~/wp-content/wflogs</code>', 'wordfence'),
					'isWAFWritable' => __('Checking if web server can write to <code>~/wp-content/wflogs</code>', 'wordfence'),
			'Wordfence Config' => array(
				'description' => __('Ability to save Wordfence settings to the database.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'configWritableSet' => __('Checking basic config reading/writing', 'wordfence'),
					'configWritableSetSer' => __('Checking serialized config reading/writing', 'wordfence'),
			'Wordfence Firewall' => array(
				'description' => __('Current WAF configuration.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'wafAutoPrepend' => __('WAF auto prepend active', 'wordfence'),
					'wafStorageEngine' => __('Configured WAF storage engine (WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE)', 'wordfence'),
					'wafActiveStorageEngine' => __('Active WAF storage engine', 'wordfence'),
					'wafLogPath' => __('WAF log path', 'wordfence'),
					'wafSubdirectoryInstall' => __('WAF subdirectory installation', 'wordfence'),
					'wafAutoPrependFilePath' => __('wordfence-waf.php path', 'wordfence'),
					'wafFilePermissions' => __('WAF File Permissions', 'wordfence'),
					'wafRecentlyRemoved' => __('Recently removed wflogs files', 'wordfence'),
					'wafLoaded' => __('WAF Loaded Successfully', 'wordfence'),
					'wafAutoPrependHtaccess' => __('WAF .htaccess contents', 'wordfence'),
					'wafAutoPrependUserIni' => __('WAF .user.ini contents', 'wordfence'),
					'wafAutoPrependHtaccessOther' => __('.htaccess other auto prepend', 'wordfence'),
					'wafAutoPrependUserIniOther' => __('.user.ini other auto prepend', 'wordfence'),
			'MySQL' => array(
				'description' => __('Database version and privileges.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'databaseVersion' => __('Database Version', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanDelete' => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>DELETE</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanInsert' => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>INSERT</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanUpdate' => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>UPDATE</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanSelect' => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>SELECT</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanCreate' => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>CREATE TABLE</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanAlter'  => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>ALTER TABLE</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanDrop'   => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>DROP</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
					'userCanTruncate'   => __('Checking if MySQL user has <code>TRUNCATE</code> privilege', 'wordfence'),
			'PHP Environment' => array(
				'description' => __('PHP version, important PHP extensions.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'phpVersion' => array('raw' => true, 'value' => wp_kses(sprintf(/* translators: Support URL. */ __('PHP version >= PHP 5.6.20<br><em> (<a href="https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Minimum version required by WordPress</a>)</em> <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="wfhelp"><span class="screen-reader-text"> (opens in new tab)</span></a>', 'wordfence'), wfSupportController::esc_supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_VERSION_PHP)), array('a'=>array('href'=>array(), 'target'=>array(), 'rel'=>array(), 'class'=>array()), 'span'=>array('class'=>array())))),
					'processOwner' => __('Process Owner', 'wordfence'),
					'hasOpenSSL' => __('Checking for OpenSSL support', 'wordfence'),
					'openSSLVersion' => __('Checking OpenSSL version', 'wordfence'),
					'hasCurl'    => __('Checking for cURL support', 'wordfence'),
					'curlFeatures'    => __('cURL Features Code', 'wordfence'),
					'curlHost'    => __('cURL Host', 'wordfence'),
					'curlProtocols'    => __('cURL Support Protocols', 'wordfence'),
					'curlSSLVersion'    => __('cURL SSL Version', 'wordfence'),
					'curlLibZVersion'    => __('cURL libz Version', 'wordfence'),
					'displayErrors' => array('raw' => true, 'value' => wp_kses(__('Checking <code>display_errors</code><br><em> (<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display-errors" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Should be disabled on production servers<span class="screen-reader-text"> (opens in new tab)</span></a>)</em>', 'wordfence'), array('a'=>array('href'=>array(), 'target'=>array(), 'rel'=>array()), 'span'=>array('class'=>array()), 'em'=>array(), 'code'=>array(), 'br'=>array()))),
			'Connectivity' => array(
				'description' => __('Ability to connect to the Wordfence servers and your own site.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'connectToServer2' => __('Connecting to Wordfence servers (https)', 'wordfence'),
					'connectToSelf' => __('Connecting back to this site', 'wordfence'),
					'connectToSelfIpv6' => array('raw' => true, 'value' => wp_kses(sprintf(__('Connecting back to this site via IPv6 (not required; failure to connect may not be an issue on some sites) <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="wfhelp"><span class="screen-reader-text"> (opens in new tab)</span></a>', 'wordfence'), wfSupportController::esc_supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_DIAGNOSTICS_IPV6)), array('a'=>array('href'=>array(), 'target'=>array(), 'rel'=>array(), 'class'=>array()), 'span'=>array('class'=>array())))),
					'serverIP' => __('IP(s) used by this server', 'wordfence'),
			'Time' => array(
				'description' => __('Server time accuracy and applied offsets.', 'wordfence'),
				'tests' => array(
					'wfTime' => __('Wordfence Network Time', 'wordfence'),
					'serverTime' => __('Server Time', 'wordfence'),
					'wfTimeOffset' => __('Wordfence Network Time Offset', 'wordfence'),
					'ntpTimeOffset' => __('NTP Time Offset', 'wordfence'),
					'ntpStatus' => __('NTP Status', 'wordfence'),
					'timeSourceInUse' => __('TOTP Time Source', 'wordfence'),
					'wpTimeZone' => __('WordPress Time Zone', 'wordfence'),
		foreach ($this->description as $title => $tests) {
			$this->results[$title] = array(
				'description' => $tests['description'],
			foreach ($tests['tests'] as $name => $description) {
				if (!method_exists($this, $name)) {
				$result = $this->$name();

				if (is_bool($result)) {
					$result = array(
						'test'    => $result,
						'message' => $result ? 'OK' : 'FAIL',

				$result['label'] = $description;
				$result['name'] = $name;

				$this->results[$title]['results'][] = $result;

	public function getResults()
		return $this->results;
	public function wfVersion() {
		return array('test' => true, 'message' => WORDFENCE_VERSION . ' (' . WORDFENCE_BUILD_NUMBER . ')');
	public function geoIPVersion() {
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => wfUtils::geoIPVersion());
	public function cronStatus() {
		$cron = _get_cron_array();
		$overdue = 0;
		foreach ($cron as $timestamp => $values) {
			if (is_array($values)) {
				foreach ($values as $cron_job => $v) {
					if (is_numeric($timestamp)) {
						if ((time() - 1800) > $timestamp) { $overdue++; }
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $overdue ? sprintf(/* translators: Number of jobs. */ _n('%d Job Overdue', '%d Jobs Overdue', $overdue, 'wordfence'), $overdue) : __('Normal', 'wordfence'));
	public function geoIPError() {
		$error = wfUtils::last_error('geoip');
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $error ? $error : __('None', 'wordfence'));

	public function isPluginReadable() {
		return is_readable(WORDFENCE_PATH);

	public function isPluginWritable() {
		return is_writable(WORDFENCE_PATH);
	public function isWAFReadable() {
		if (!is_readable(WFWAF_LOG_PATH)) {
			if (defined('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE') && WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE == 'mysqli') {
				return array('test' => false, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('No files readable', 'wordfence'));
			return array('test' => false, 'message' => __('No files readable', 'wordfence'));
		$files = array(
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'attack-data.php', 
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'ips.php', 
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'config.php',
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'rules.php',
		$unreadable = array();
		foreach ($files as $f) {
			if (!file_exists($f)) {
				$unreadable[] = sprintf(__('File "%s" does not exist', 'wordfence'), basename($f));
			else if (!is_readable($f)) {
				$unreadable[] = sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('File "%s" is unreadable', 'wordfence'), basename($f));
		if (count($unreadable) > 0) {
			if (defined('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE') && WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE == 'mysqli') {
				return array('test' => false, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => implode(', ', $unreadable));
			return array('test' => false, 'message' => implode(', ', $unreadable));
		return true;
	public function isWAFWritable() {
		if (!is_writable(WFWAF_LOG_PATH)) {
			if (defined('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE') && WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE == 'mysqli') {
				return array('test' => false, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('No files writable', 'wordfence'));
			return array('test' => false, 'message' => __('No files writable', 'wordfence'));
		$files = array(
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'attack-data.php',
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'ips.php',
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'config.php',
			WFWAF_LOG_PATH . 'rules.php',
		$unwritable = array();
		foreach ($files as $f) {
			if (!file_exists($f)) {
				$unwritable[] = sprintf(/* translators: File name. */__('File "%s" does not exist', 'wordfence'), basename($f));
			else if (!is_writable($f)) {
				$unwritable[] = sprintf(/* translators: File name. */__('File "%s" is unwritable', 'wordfence'), basename($f));
		if (count($unwritable) > 0) {
			if (defined('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE') && WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE == 'mysqli') {
				return array('test' => false, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => implode(', ', $unwritable));
			return array('test' => false, 'message' => implode(', ', $unwritable));
		return true;
	public function databaseVersion() {
		global $wpdb;
		$version = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT VERSION()");
		return array('test' => true, 'message' => $version);

	public function userCanInsert() {
		return wfGrant::get()->insert;
	public function userCanUpdate() {
		return wfGrant::get()->update;

	public function userCanDelete() {
		return wfGrant::get()->delete;

	public function userCanSelect() {
		return wfGrant::get()->select;

	public function userCanCreate() {
		return wfGrant::get()->create;

	public function userCanDrop() {
		return wfGrant::get()->drop;

	public function userCanTruncate() {
		return wfGrant::get()->drop && wfGrant::get()->delete;

	public function userCanAlter() {
		return wfGrant::get()->alter;

	public function phpVersion()
		return array(
			'test' => version_compare(phpversion(), $this->minVersion['PHP'], '>='),
			'message'  => phpversion(),
	public function configWritableSet() {
		global $wpdb;
		$show = $wpdb->hide_errors();
		$val = md5(time());
		wfConfig::set('configWritingTest', $val, wfConfig::DONT_AUTOLOAD);
		$testVal = wfConfig::get('configWritingTest');
		return array(
			'test' => ($val === $testVal),
			'message' => __('Basic config writing', 'wordfence')
	public function configWritableSetSer() {
		global $wpdb;
		$show = $wpdb->hide_errors();
		$val = md5(time());
		wfConfig::set_ser('configWritingTest_ser', array($val), false, wfConfig::DONT_AUTOLOAD);
		$testVal = @array_shift(wfConfig::get_ser('configWritingTest_ser', array(), false));
		return array(
			'test' => ($val === $testVal),
			'message' => __('Serialized config writing', 'wordfence')

	public function wafAutoPrepend() {
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => (defined('WFWAF_AUTO_PREPEND') && WFWAF_AUTO_PREPEND ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')));
	public function wafAutoPrependHtaccess() {
		$htaccessPath = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getHtaccessPath();
		if (!file_exists($htaccessPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.htaccess not present)', 'wordfence'));
		else if (!is_readable($htaccessPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.htaccess not readable)', 'wordfence'));
		$htaccessContents = file_get_contents($htaccessPath);
		$section = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getHtaccessSectionContent($htaccessContents);
		if ($section === false) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(not set)', 'wordfence'));
		$snippet = wfUtils::pregExtract("/auto_prepend_file\s+['\"]?[^'\"]*['\"]?/", $section);
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $snippet, 'detail' => array('escaped' => nl2br(esc_html($section)), 'textonly' => $section));
	public function wafAutoPrependHtaccessOther() {
		$htaccessPath = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getHtaccessPath();
		if (!file_exists($htaccessPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.htaccess not present)', 'wordfence'));
		else if (!is_readable($htaccessPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.htaccess not readable)', 'wordfence'));
		$htaccessContents = file_get_contents($htaccessPath);
		$section = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getHtaccessSectionContent($htaccessContents);
		if ($section !== false) {
			$htaccessContents = str_replace($section, '', $htaccessContents);
		$snippet = wfUtils::pregExtract("/auto_prepend_file\s+['\"]?[^'\"]*['\"]?/", $htaccessContents, true);
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => ($snippet === false ? __('(not present)', 'wordfence') : trim($snippet)));
	public function wafAutoPrependUserIni() {
		$userIniPath = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getUserIniPath();
		if (!file_exists($userIniPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.user.ini not present)', 'wordfence'));
		else if (!is_readable($userIniPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.user.ini not readable)', 'wordfence'));
		$userIniContents = file_get_contents($userIniPath);
		$section = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getUserIniSectionContent($userIniContents);
		if ($section === false) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(not set)', 'wordfence'));
		$snippet = wfUtils::pregExtract("/auto_prepend_file\s*=\s*['\"]?[^'\"]*['\"]?/", $section);
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $snippet, 'detail' => $section);
	public function wafAutoPrependUserIniOther() {
		$userIniPath = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getUserIniPath();
		if (!file_exists($userIniPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.user.ini not present)', 'wordfence'));
		else if (!is_readable($userIniPath)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('(.user.ini not readable)', 'wordfence'));
		$userIniContents = file_get_contents($userIniPath);
		$section = wfWAFAutoPrependHelper::getUserIniSectionContent($userIniContents);
		if ($section !== false) {
			$userIniContents = str_replace($section, '', $userIniContents);
		$snippet = wfUtils::pregExtract("/auto_prepend_file\s*=\s*['\"]?[^'\"]*['\"]?/", $userIniContents, true); 
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => ($snippet === false ? __('(not present)', 'wordfence') : trim($snippet)));
	public function wafStorageEngine() {
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => (defined('WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE') ? WFWAF_STORAGE_ENGINE : __('(default)', 'wordfence')));
	private static function getStorageEngineDescription($storageEngine) {
		if ($storageEngine === null) {
			return __('None', 'wordfence');
		else if (method_exists($storageEngine, 'getDescription')) {
			return $storageEngine->getDescription();
		else {
			return __('Unknown (mixed plugin version)', 'wordfence');
	public function wafActiveStorageEngine() {
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => self::getStorageEngineDescription(wfWAF::getSharedStorageEngine()));
	public function wafLogPath() {
		$logPath = __('(not set)', 'wordfence');
		if (defined('WFWAF_LOG_PATH')) {
			$logPath = WFWAF_LOG_PATH;
			if (strpos($logPath, ABSPATH) === 0) {
				$logPath = '~/' . substr($logPath, strlen(ABSPATH));
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $logPath);
	public function wafSubdirectoryInstall() {
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => (defined('WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL') && WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')));
	public function wafAutoPrependFilePath() {
		$path = wordfence::getWAFBootstrapPath();
		if (!file_exists($path)) {
			$path = '';
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => $path);
	public function wafFilePermissions() {
		if (defined('WFWAF_LOG_FILE_MODE')) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => sprintf(/* translators: Unix file permissions in octal (example 0777). */ __('%s - using constant', 'wordfence'), str_pad(decoct(WFWAF_LOG_FILE_MODE), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)));
		if (defined('WFWAF_LOG_PATH')) {
			$template = rtrim(WFWAF_LOG_PATH, '/') . '/template.php';
			if (file_exists($template)) {
				$stat = @stat($template);
				if ($stat !== false) {
					$mode = $stat[2];
					$updatedMode = 0600;
					if (($mode & 0020) == 0020) {
						$updatedMode = $updatedMode | 0060;
					return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => sprintf(/* translators: Unix file permissions in octal (example 0777). */ __('%s - using template', 'wordfence'), str_pad(decoct($updatedMode), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)));
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('0660 - using default', 'wordfence'));
	public function wafRecentlyRemoved() {
		$removalHistory = wfConfig::getJSON('diagnosticsWflogsRemovalHistory', array());
		if (empty($removalHistory)) {
			return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => __('None', 'wordfence'));
		$message = array();
		foreach ($removalHistory as $r) {
			$m = wfUtils::formatLocalTime('M j, Y', $r[0]) . ': (' . count($r[1]) . ')';
			$r[1] = array_filter($r[1], array($this, '_filterOutNestedEntries'));
			$m .= ' ' . implode(', ', array_slice($r[1], 0, 5));
			if (count($r[1]) > 5) {
				$m .= ', ...';
			$message[] = $m;
		return array('test' => true, 'infoOnly' => true, 'message' => implode("\n", $message));

	public function wafLoaded() {
		$waf = wfWAF::getInstance();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => $waf !== null && ($waf instanceof wfWAFWordPress) ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')
	private function _filterOutNestedEntries($a) {
		return !is_array($a);

	public function processOwner() {
		$disabledFunctions = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));

		if (is_callable('posix_geteuid')) {
			if (!is_callable('posix_getpwuid') || in_array('posix_getpwuid', $disabledFunctions)) {
				return array(
					'test' => false,
					'message' => __('Unavailable', 'wordfence'),

			$processOwner = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
			if ($processOwner !== false)
				return array(
					'test' => true,
					'message' => $processOwner['name'],

		$usernameOrUserEnv = getenv('USERNAME') ? getenv('USERNAME') : getenv('USER');
		if (!empty($usernameOrUserEnv)) { //Check some environmental variable possibilities
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'message' => $usernameOrUserEnv,

		$currentUser = get_current_user();
		if (!empty($currentUser)) { //php.net comments indicate on Windows this returns the process owner rather than the file owner
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'message' => $currentUser,

		if (!empty($_SERVER['LOGON_USER'])) { //Last resort for IIS since POSIX functions are unavailable, Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524602(v=vs.90).aspx
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'message' => $_SERVER['LOGON_USER'],

		return array(
			'test' => false,
			'message' => __('Unknown', 'wordfence'),

	public function hasOpenSSL() {
		return is_callable('openssl_open');
	public function openSSLVersion() {
		if (!function_exists('openssl_verify') || !defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') || !defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT')) {
			return false;
		$compare = wfVersionCheckController::shared()->checkOpenSSLVersion();
		return array(
			'test' => $compare == wfVersionCheckController::VERSION_COMPATIBLE,
			'message'  => OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT . ' (0x' . dechex(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) . ')',

	public function hasCurl() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => version_compare($version['version'], $this->minVersion['cURL'], '>='),
			'message'  => $version['version'] . ' (0x' . dechex($version['version_number']) . ')',
	public function curlFeatures() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message'  => '0x' . dechex($version['features']),
			'infoOnly' => true,
	public function curlHost() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message'  => $version['host'],
			'infoOnly' => true,
	public function curlProtocols() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message'  => implode(', ', $version['protocols']),
			'infoOnly' => true,
	public function curlSSLVersion() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message'  => $version['ssl_version'],
			'infoOnly' => true,
	public function curlLibZVersion() {
		if (!is_callable('curl_version')) {
			return false;
		$version = curl_version();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message'  => $version['libz_version'],
			'infoOnly' => true,
	public function displayErrors() {
		if (!is_callable('ini_get')) {
			return false;
		$value = ini_get('display_errors');
		$isOn = strtolower($value) == 'on' || $value == 1;
		return array(
			'test' => !$isOn,
			'message'  => $isOn ? __('On', 'wordfence') : __('Off', 'wordfence'),
			'infoOnly' => true,

	public function connectToServer2() {
		return $this->_connectToServer('https');

	public function _connectToServer($protocol) {
		$cronURL = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
		$cronURL = preg_replace('/^(https?:\/\/)/i', '://noc1.wordfence.com/scanptest/', $cronURL);
		$cronURL .= '?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=0&cronKey=47e9d1fa6a675b5999999333';
		$cronURL = $protocol . $cronURL;
		$result = wp_remote_post($cronURL, array(
			'timeout' => 10, //Must be less than max execution time or more than 2 HTTP children will be occupied by scan
			'blocking' => true, //Non-blocking seems to block anyway, so we use blocking
			// This causes cURL to throw errors in some versions since WordPress uses its own certificate bundle ('CA certificate set, but certificate verification is disabled')
			// 'sslverify' => false,
			'headers' => array()
		if( (! is_wp_error($result)) && $result['response']['code'] == 200 && strpos($result['body'], "scanptestok") !== false){
			return true;

		$detail = '';
		if (is_wp_error($result)) {
			$message = __('wp_remote_post() test to noc1.wordfence.com failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . $result->get_error_message();
		else {
			$message = __('wp_remote_post() test to noc1.wordfence.com failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . $result['response']['code'] . " " . $result['response']['message'] . "\n";
			$message .= __('This likely means that your hosting provider is blocking requests to noc1.wordfence.com or has set up a proxy that is not behaving itself.', 'wordfence') . "\n";
			if (isset($result['http_response']) && is_object($result['http_response']) && method_exists($result['http_response'], 'get_response_object') && is_object($result['http_response']->get_response_object()) && property_exists($result['http_response']->get_response_object(), 'raw')) {
				$detail = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $result['http_response']->get_response_object()->raw);

		return array(
			'test' => false,
			'message' => $message,
			'detail' => $detail,
	public function connectToSelf($ipVersion = null) {
		$adminAJAX = admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_testAjax');
		$result = wp_remote_post($adminAJAX, array(
			'timeout' => 10, //Must be less than max execution time or more than 2 HTTP children will be occupied by scan
			'blocking' => true, //Non-blocking seems to block anyway, so we use blocking
			'headers' => array()
		if ((!is_wp_error($result)) && $result['response']['code'] == 200 && strpos($result['body'], "WFSCANTESTOK") !== false) {
			$host = parse_url($adminAJAX, PHP_URL_HOST);
			if ($host !== null) {
				$ips = wfUtils::resolveDomainName($host, $ipVersion);
				if (!empty($ips)) {
					$ips = implode(', ', $ips);
					return array('test' => true, 'message' => sprintf('OK - %s', $ips));
			return true;
		$detail = '';
		if (is_wp_error($result)) {
			$message = __('wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . $result->get_error_message();
			$messageTextOnly = __('wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . $result->get_error_message();
		else {
			$message = __('wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . '<br>' . $result['response']['code'] . ' ' . $result['response']['message'] . '<br><br>';
			$messageTextOnly = __('wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: ', 'wordfence') . "\n" . $result['response']['code'] . ' ' . $result['response']['message'] . "\n\n";
			if ($this->_detectBlockedByCloudflare($result)) {
				$message .= __('Cloudflare appears to be blocking your site from connecting to itself.', 'wordfence') . '<br>' . sprintf(' <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">', wfSupportController::esc_supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_DIAGNOSTICS_CLOUDFLARE_BLOCK)) . __('Get help with Cloudflare compatibility', 'wordfence') . '</a><br><br>';
				$messageTextOnly .= __('Cloudflare appears to be blocking your site from connecting to itself.', 'wordfence') . "\n" . __('Get help with Cloudflare compatibility', 'wordfence') . ': ' . wfSupportController::esc_supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_DIAGNOSTICS_CLOUDFLARE_BLOCK) . "\n\n";
			$message .= __('This additional info may help you diagnose the issue. The response headers we received were:', 'wordfence') . '<br><br>';
			$messageTextOnly .= __('This additional info may help you diagnose the issue. The response headers we received were:', 'wordfence') . "\n\n";
			if (isset($result['http_response']) && is_object($result['http_response']) && method_exists($result['http_response'], 'get_response_object') && is_object($result['http_response']->get_response_object()) && property_exists($result['http_response']->get_response_object(), 'raw')) {
				$detail = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $result['http_response']->get_response_object()->raw);
		$message = wp_kses($message, array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'target' => array(), 'rel' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()), 'em' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'br' => array()));
		return array(
			'test' => false,
			'message' => array('escaped' => $message, 'textonly' => $messageTextOnly),
			'detail' => $detail,

	public function connectToSelfIpv6() {
		if (wfUtils::isCurlSupported()) {
			$interceptor = new wfCurlInterceptor();
			$interceptor->setOption(CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6);
			try {
				$instance = $this;
				$result = $interceptor->intercept(function() use ($instance) {
					return $instance->connectToSelf(6);
				if ($result !== true && !$result['test']) {
					$handle = $interceptor->getHandle();
					$errorNumber = curl_errno($handle);
					if ($errorNumber === 6 /* COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST */) {
						$detail = sprintf(/* translators: error message from failed request */ __('This likely indicates that the server either does not support IPv6 or does not have an IPv6 address assigned or associated with the domain. Original error message: %s', 'wordfence'), is_array($result['message']) ? $result['message']['escaped'] : $result['message']);
						$detail = wp_kses($detail, array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'target' => array(), 'rel' => array()), 'span' => array('class' => array()), 'em' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'br' => array()));
						$detailTextOnly = sprintf(/* translators: error message from failed request */ __('This likely indicates that the server either does not support IPv6 or does not have an IPv6 address assigned or associated with the domain. Original error message: %s', 'wordfence'), is_array($result['message']) ? $result['message']['textonly'] : strip_tags($result['message']));
						return array(
							'test' => false,
							'infoOnly' => true,
							'message' => __('IPv6 DNS resolution failed', 'wordfence'),
							'detail' => array('escaped' => $detail, 'textonly' => $detailTextOnly),
				return $result;
			catch (wfCurlInterceptionFailedException $e) {
				return array(
					'test' => false,
					'message' => __('This diagnostic is unavailable as cURL appears to be supported, but was not used by WordPress for this request', 'wordfence')
		return array(
			'test' => false,
			'message' => __('This diagnostic requires cURL', 'wordfence')
	 * Looks for markers in $result that indicate it was challenged/blocked by Cloudflare.
	 * @param $result
	 * @return bool
	private function _detectBlockedByCloudflare($result) {
		$headers = $result['headers'];
		if (isset($headers['cf-mitigated']) && strtolower($headers['cf-mitigated']) == 'challenge' /* managed challenge */) { //$headers is an instance of Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary
			return true;
		$body = $result['body'];
		$search = array(
			'/cdn-cgi/styles/challenges.css', //managed challenge
			'/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform', //managed challenge
			'/cdn-cgi/styles/cf.errors.css', //block
			'cf-error-details', //block
			'Cloudflare Ray ID', //block
		foreach ($search as $s) {
			if (stripos($body, $s) !== false) {
				return true;
		return false;
	public function serverIP() {
		$serverIPs = wfUtils::serverIPs();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => implode(',', $serverIPs),

	public function howGetIPs()
		$howGet = wfConfig::get('howGetIPs', false);
		if ($howGet) {
			if (empty($_SERVER[$howGet])) {
				return array(
					'test' => false,
					'message' => sprintf(/* translators: PHP super global key. */ __('We cannot read $_SERVER[%s]', 'wordfence'), $howGet),
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'message' => $howGet,
		foreach (array('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') as $test) {
			if (!empty($_SERVER[$test])) {
				return array(
					'test' => false,
					'message' => __('Should be: ', 'wordfence') . $test
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'message' => 'REMOTE_ADDR',
	public function serverTime() {
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ' UTC',
	public function wfTime() {
		try {
			$api = new wfAPI(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion());
			$response = $api->call('timestamp');
			if (!is_array($response) || !isset($response['timestamp'])) {
				throw new Exception('Unexpected payload returned');
		catch (Exception $e) {
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'infoOnly' => true,
				'message' => '-',
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $response['timestamp']) . ' UTC',
	public function wfTimeOffset() {
		$delta = wfUtils::normalizedTime() - time();
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => ($delta < 0 ? '-' : '+') . ' ' . wfUtils::makeDuration(abs($delta), true),
	public function ntpTimeOffset() {
		if (class_exists('WFLSPHP52Compatability')) {
			$time = WFLSPHP52Compatability::ntp_time();
			if ($time === false) {
				return array(
					'test' => true,
					'infoOnly' => true,
					'message' => __('Blocked', 'wordfence'),
			$delta = $time - time();
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'infoOnly' => true,
				'message' => ($delta < 0 ? '-' : '+') . ' ' . wfUtils::makeDuration(abs($delta), true),
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => '-',

	public function ntpStatus() {
		$maxFailures = \WordfenceLS\Controller_Time::FAILURE_LIMIT;
		$cronDisabled = \WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings::shared()->is_ntp_cron_disabled($failureCount);
		if ($cronDisabled) {
			$constant = \WordfenceLS\Controller_Settings::shared()->is_ntp_disabled_via_constant();
			$status = __('Disabled ', 'wordfence');
			if ($constant) {
				$status .= __('(WORDFENCE_LS_DISABLE_NTP)', 'wordfence');
			else if ($failureCount > 0) {
				$status .= __('(failures exceeded limit)', 'wordfence');
			else {
				$status .= __('(settings)', 'wordfence');
		else {
			$status = __('Enabled', 'wordfence');
			if ($failureCount > 0) {
				$remainingAttempts = $maxFailures - $failureCount;
				$status .= sprintf(__(' (%d of %d attempts remaining)', 'wordfence'), $remainingAttempts, $maxFailures);
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => $status
	public function timeSourceInUse() {
		if (class_exists('WFLSPHP52Compatability')) {
			$time = WFLSPHP52Compatability::ntp_time();
			if (WFLSPHP52Compatability::using_ntp_time()) {
				return array(
					'test' => true,
					'infoOnly' => true,
					'message' => __('NTP', 'wordfence'),
			else if (WFLSPHP52Compatability::using_wf_time()) {
				return array(
					'test' => true,
					'infoOnly' => true,
					'message' => __('Wordfence Network', 'wordfence'),
			return array(
				'test' => true,
				'infoOnly' => true,
				'message' => __('Server Time', 'wordfence'),
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => '-',
	public function wpTimeZone() {
		$tz = get_option('timezone_string');
		if (empty($tz)) {
			$offset = get_option('gmt_offset');
			$tz = 'UTC' . ($offset >= 0 ? '+' . $offset : $offset);
		return array(
			'test' => true,
			'infoOnly' => true,
			'message' => $tz,

	public static function getWordpressValues() {
		require(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php');
		$postRevisions = (defined('WP_POST_REVISIONS') ? WP_POST_REVISIONS : true);
		return array(
			'WordPress Version'            => array('description' => '', 'value' => $wp_version),
			'Multisite'					   => array('description' => __('Return value of is_multisite()', 'wordfence'), 'value' => is_multisite() ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')),
			'ABSPATH'					   => __('WordPress base path', 'wordfence'), 
			'WP_DEBUG'                     => array('description' => __('WordPress debug mode', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG ? __('On', 'wordfence') : __('Off', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_DEBUG_LOG'                 => array('description' => __('WordPress error logging override', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('WP_DEBUG_LOG') ? (WP_DEBUG_LOG ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY'             => array('description' => __('WordPress error display override', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY') ? (WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'SCRIPT_DEBUG'                 => array('description' => __('WordPress script debug mode', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? __('On', 'wordfence') : __('Off', 'wordfence'))),
			'SAVEQUERIES'                  => array('description' => __('WordPress query debug mode', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('SAVEQUERIES') && SAVEQUERIES ? __('On', 'wordfence') : __('Off', 'wordfence'))),
			'DB_CHARSET'                   => __('Database character set', 'wordfence'),
			'DB_COLLATE'                   => __('Database collation', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_SITEURL'                   => __('Explicitly set site URL', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_HOME'                      => __('Explicitly set blog URL', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_CONTENT_DIR'               => array('description' => __('"wp-content" folder is in default location', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (realpath(WP_CONTENT_DIR) === realpath(ABSPATH . 'wp-content') ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : sprintf(/* translators: WordPress content directory. */ __('No: %s', 'wordfence'), WP_CONTENT_DIR))),
			'WP_CONTENT_URL'               => __('URL to the "wp-content" folder', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_PLUGIN_DIR'                => array('description' => __('"plugins" folder is in default location', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (realpath(WP_PLUGIN_DIR) === realpath(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins') ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : sprintf(/* translators: WordPress plugins directory. */ __('No: %s', 'wordfence'), WP_PLUGIN_DIR))),
			'WP_LANG_DIR'                  => array('description' => __('"languages" folder is in default location', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (realpath(WP_LANG_DIR) === realpath(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/languages') ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : sprintf(/* translators: WordPress languages directory. */ __('No: %s', 'wordfence'), WP_LANG_DIR))),
			'WPLANG'                       => __('Language choice', 'wordfence'),
			'UPLOADS'                      => __('Custom upload folder location', 'wordfence'),
			'TEMPLATEPATH'                 => array('description' => __('Theme template folder override', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('TEMPLATEPATH') && realpath(get_template_directory()) !== realpath(TEMPLATEPATH) ? sprintf(/* translators: WordPress theme template directory. */ __('Overridden: %s', 'wordfence'), TEMPLATEPATH) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence'))),
			'STYLESHEETPATH'               => array('description' => __('Theme stylesheet folder override', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('STYLESHEETPATH') && realpath(get_stylesheet_directory()) !== realpath(STYLESHEETPATH) ? sprintf(/* translators: WordPress theme stylesheet directory. */ __('Overridden: %s', 'wordfence'), STYLESHEETPATH) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence'))),
			'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL'            => __('Post editing automatic saving interval', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_POST_REVISIONS'            => array('description' => __('Post revisions saved by WordPress', 'wordfence'), 'value' => is_numeric($postRevisions) ? $postRevisions : ($postRevisions ? __('Unlimited', 'wordfence') : __('None', 'wordfence'))),
			'COOKIE_DOMAIN'                => __('WordPress cookie domain', 'wordfence'),
			'COOKIEPATH'                   => __('WordPress cookie path', 'wordfence'),
			'SITECOOKIEPATH'               => __('WordPress site cookie path', 'wordfence'),
			'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH'            => __('WordPress admin cookie path', 'wordfence'),
			'PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH'          => __('WordPress plugins cookie path', 'wordfence'),
			'NOBLOGREDIRECT'               => __('URL redirected to if the visitor tries to access a nonexistent blog', 'wordfence'),
			'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS'          => array('description' => __('Concatenate JavaScript files', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS') && CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT'              => __('WordPress memory limit', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT'          => __('Administrative memory limit', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_CACHE'                     => array('description' => __('Built-in caching', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_CACHE') && WP_CACHE ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence'))),
			'CUSTOM_USER_TABLE'            => array('description' => __('Custom "users" table', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE') ? sprintf(/* translators: WordPress custom user table. */ __('Set: %s', 'wordfence'), CUSTOM_USER_TABLE) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence'))),
			'CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE'       => array('description' => __('Custom "usermeta" table', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE') ? sprintf(/* translators: WordPress custom user meta table. */ __('Set: %s', 'wordfence'), CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence'))),
			'FS_CHMOD_DIR'                 => array('description' => __('Overridden permissions for a new folder', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('FS_CHMOD_DIR') ? decoct(FS_CHMOD_DIR) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'FS_CHMOD_FILE'                => array('description' => __('Overridden permissions for a new file', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('FS_CHMOD_FILE') ? decoct(FS_CHMOD_FILE) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON'            => array('description' => __('Alternate WP cron', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON') && ALTERNATE_WP_CRON ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence'))),
			'DISABLE_WP_CRON'              => array('description' => __('WP cron status', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('DISABLE_WP_CRON') && DISABLE_WP_CRON ? __('Cron is disabled', 'wordfence') : __('Cron is enabled', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT'         => __('Cron running frequency lock', 'wordfence'),
			'EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS'             => array('description' => __('Interval the trash is automatically emptied at in days', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS > 0 ? EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS : __('Never', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_ALLOW_REPAIR'              => array('description' => __('Automatic database repair', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR') && WP_ALLOW_REPAIR ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence'))),
			'DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES' => array('description' => __('Do not upgrade global tables', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES') && DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT'           => array('description' => __('Disallow plugin/theme editing', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT') && DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS'           => array('description' => __('Disallow plugin/theme update and installation', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS') && DISALLOW_FILE_MODS ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE'         => array('description' => __('Overwrite image edits when restoring the original', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE') && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN'              => array('description' => __('Force SSL for administrative logins', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') && FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL'       => array('description' => __('Block external URL requests', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL') && WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS'          => __('Allowlisted hosts', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE'          => array('description' => __('Automatic WP Core updates', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE') ? (is_bool(WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE) ? (WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE ? __('Everything', 'wordfence') : __('None', 'wordfence')) : WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE) : __('Default', 'wordfence')),
			'WP_PROXY_HOST'                => array('description' => __('Hostname for a proxy server', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('WP_PROXY_HOST') ? WP_PROXY_HOST : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'WP_PROXY_PORT'                => array('description' => __('Port for a proxy server', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('WP_PROXY_PORT') ? WP_PROXY_PORT : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'MULTISITE'               	   => array('description' => __('Multisite enabled', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('MULTISITE') ? (MULTISITE ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE'           => array('description' => __('Multisite/network ability enabled', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') && WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'SUNRISE'					   => array('description' => __('Multisite enabled, WordPress will load the /wp-content/sunrise.php file', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('SUNRISE') ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL'			   => array('description' => __('Multisite enabled, subdomain installation constant', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL') ? (SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'VHOST'						   => array('description' => __('Multisite enabled, Older subdomain installation constant', 'wordfence'), 'value' => defined('VHOST') ? (VHOST == 'yes' ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence')) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE'		   => __('Defines the multisite domain for the current site', 'wordfence'),
			'PATH_CURRENT_SITE'			   => __('Defines the multisite path for the current site', 'wordfence'),
			'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE'		   => __('Defines the multisite database ID for the current site', 'wordfence'),
			'WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER' => array('description' => __('Disable the fatal error handler', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER') && WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER ? __('Yes', 'wordfence') : __('No', 'wordfence'))),
			'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' => array('description' => __('Disables automatic updates', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (defined('AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED') ? (AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED ? __('Automatic updates disabled', 'wordfence') : __('Automatic updates enabled', 'wordfence')) : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')))
	public static function getWordfenceValues() {
		//Rate Limiting
		$rateOptions = array(
			'DISABLED' => __('Unlimited', 'wordfence'),
			1920 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 1920),
			960 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 960),
			480 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 480),
			240 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 240),
			120 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 120),
			60 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 60),
			30 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 30),
			15 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 15),
			10 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 10),
			5 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 5),
			4 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 4),
			3 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 3),
			2 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 2),
			1 => sprintf(/* translators: Number of HTTP requests. */__('%d per minute', 'wordfence'), 1),
		$actionOptions = array(
			'throttle' => __('throttle it', 'wordfence'),
			'block' => __('block it', 'wordfence'),
		$avoidPHPInput = false;
		try {
			$avoidPHPInput = wfWAFConfig::get('avoid_php_input');
		catch (Exception $e) {
		return array(
			array('subheader' => __('Scanner', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan Type', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfScanner::shared()->scanTypeName()),
			array('description' => __('Check if this website is on a domain blocklist', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_checkGSB') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Check if this website is being "Spamvertised"', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('spamvertizeCheck') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Check if this website IP is generating spam', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('checkSpamIP') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for misconfigured How does Wordfence get IPs', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_checkHowGetIPs') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for publicly accessible configuration, backup, or log files', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_checkReadableConfig') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for publicly accessible quarantined files', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_suspectedFiles') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan core files against repository versions for changes', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_core') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan theme files against repository versions for changes', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_themes') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan plugin files against repository versions for changes', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_plugins') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan wp-admin and wp-includes for files not bundled with WordPress', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_coreUnknown') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for signatures of known malicious files', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_malware') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan file contents for backdoors, trojans and suspicious code', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_fileContents') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan file contents for malicious URLs', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_fileContentsGSB') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan posts for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_posts') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan comments for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_comments') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan WordPress core, plugin, and theme options for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_suspiciousOptions') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for out of date, abandoned, and vulnerable plugins, themes, and WordPress versions', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_oldVersions') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan for suspicious admin users created outside of WordPress', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_suspiciousAdminUsers') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Check the strength of passwords', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_passwds') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Monitor disk space', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_diskSpace') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Monitor Web Application Firewall status', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_wafStatus') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan files outside your WordPress installation', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('other_scanOutside') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Scan images, binary, and other files as if they were executable', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scansEnabled_scanImages') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Use low resource scanning (reduces server load by lengthening the scan duration)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('lowResourceScansEnabled') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Limit the number of issues sent in the scan results email', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('scan_maxIssues')),
			array('description' => __('Time limit that a scan can run in seconds', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('scan_maxDuration')),
			array('description' => __('How much memory should Wordfence request when scanning', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('maxMem')),
			array('description' => __('Maximum execution time for each scan stage ', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('maxExecutionTime')),
			array('description' => __('Exclude files from scan that match these wildcard patterns (one per line)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::cleanupOneEntryPerLine(wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('scan_exclude'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence')))),
			array('description' => __('Additional scan signatures (one per line)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('scan_include_extra'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Use only IPv4 to start scans', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('scan_force_ipv4_start') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Maximum number of attempts to resume each scan stage', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('scan_max_resume_attempts')),
			array('subheader' => __('Diagnostics', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Enable debugging mode (increases database load)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('debugOn') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Start all scans remotely (Try this if your scans aren\'t starting and your site is publicly accessible)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('startScansRemotely') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Enable SSL Verification (Disable this if you are consistently unable to connect to the Wordfence servers.)', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('ssl_verify') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Disable reading of php://input', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!$avoidPHPInput ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Enable Wordfence translations', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('wordfenceI18n') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('subheader' => __('Brute Force Protection', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Enable brute force protection', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSecurityEnabled') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Lock out after how many login failures', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('loginSec_maxFailures')),
			array('description' => __('Lock out after how many forgot password attempts', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('loginSec_maxForgotPasswd')),
			array('description' => __('Count failures over what time period', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::getInt('loginSec_countFailMins')),
			array('description' => __('Amount of time a user is locked out', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::getInt('loginSec_lockoutMins')),
			array('description' => __('Immediately lock out invalid usernames', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSec_lockInvalidUsers') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Immediately block the IP of users who try to sign in as these usernames', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::cleanupOneEntryPerLine(wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('loginSec_userBlacklist'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence')))),
			array('description' => __('Prevent the use of passwords leaked in data breaches', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (!!wfConfig::get('loginSec_breachPasswds_enabled') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')) . "\n" . wfUtils::array_choose(array('admins' => __('For admins only', 'wordfence'), 'pubs' => __('For all users with "publish posts" capability', 'wordfence')), wfConfig::get('loginSec_breachPasswds'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Enforce strong passwords', 'wordfence'), 'value' => (!!wfConfig::get('loginSec_strongPasswds_enabled') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')) . "\n" . wfUtils::array_choose(array('pubs' => __('Force admins and publishers to use strong passwords (recommended)', 'wordfence'), 'all' => __('Force all members to use strong passwords', 'wordfence')), wfConfig::get('loginSec_strongPasswds'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Don\'t let WordPress reveal valid users in login errors', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSec_maskLoginErrors') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Prevent users registering \'admin\' username if it doesn\'t exist', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSec_blockAdminReg') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Prevent discovery of usernames through \'/?author=N\' scans, the oEmbed API, the WordPress REST API, and WordPress XML Sitemaps', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSec_disableAuthorScan') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Disable WordPress application passwords', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('loginSec_disableApplicationPasswords') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Block IPs who send POST requests with blank User-Agent and Referer', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('other_blockBadPOST') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Custom text shown on block pages', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('blockCustomText'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Check password strength on profile update', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('other_pwStrengthOnUpdate') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Participate in the Real-Time Wordfence Security Network', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('other_WFNet') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('subheader' => __('Rate Limiting', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Enable Rate Limiting and Advanced Blocking', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('firewallEnabled') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('How should we treat Google\'s crawlers', 'wordfence'),
				'value' => wfUtils::array_choose(array('neverBlockVerified' => __('Verified Google crawlers will not be rate-limited', 'wordfence'), 'neverBlockUA' => __('Anyone claiming to be Google will not be rate-limited', 'wordfence'), 'treatAsOtherCrawlers' => __('Treat Google like any other Crawler', 'wordfence')), wfConfig::get('neverBlockBG'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('If anyone\'s requests exceed', 'wordfence'), 'value' => 
				wfUtils::array_choose($rateOptions, wfConfig::get('maxGlobalRequests'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence')) . "\n" .
				wfUtils::array_choose($actionOptions, wfConfig::get('maxGlobalRequests_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('If a crawler\'s page views exceed', 'wordfence'), 'value' => 
				wfUtils::array_choose($rateOptions, wfConfig::get('maxRequestsCrawlers'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence')) . "\n" .
				wfUtils::array_choose($actionOptions, wfConfig::get('maxRequestsCrawlers_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('If a crawler\'s pages not found (404s) exceed', 'wordfence'), 'value' => 
				wfUtils::array_choose($rateOptions, wfConfig::get('max404Crawlers'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence')) . "\n" .
				wfUtils::array_choose($actionOptions, wfConfig::get('max404Crawlers_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('If a human\'s page views exceed', 'wordfence'), 'value' => 
				wfUtils::array_choose($rateOptions, wfConfig::get('maxRequestsHumans'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence')) . "\n" .
				wfUtils::array_choose($actionOptions, wfConfig::get('maxRequestsHumans_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('If a human\'s pages not found (404s) exceed', 'wordfence'), 'value' => 
				wfUtils::array_choose($rateOptions, wfConfig::get('max404Humans'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence')) . "\n" .
				wfUtils::array_choose($actionOptions, wfConfig::get('max404Humans_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('How long is an IP address blocked when it breaks a rule', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::getInt('blockedTime')),
			array('description' => __('Allowlisted 404 URLs', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::cleanupOneEntryPerLine(wfConfig::get('allowed404s'))),
			array('subheader' => __('Country Blocking', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('What to do when we block someone', 'wordfence'),
				'value' => wfUtils::array_choose(array('block' => __('Show the standard Wordfence blocked message', 'wordfence'), 'redir' => __('Redirect to the URL below', 'wordfence')), wfConfig::get('cbl_action'), __('(unknown)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('URL to redirect blocked users to', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Block countries even if they are logged in', 'wordfence'), 'value' => !!wfConfig::get('cbl_loggedInBlocked') ? __('Enabled', 'wordfence') : __('Disabled', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Bypass Redirect', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirURL'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence')) . ' -> ' . wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirDest'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Bypass Cookie', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassViewURL'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
	public static function getWordfenceCentralValues() {
		return array(
			array('description' => __('Connected', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('wordfenceCentralConnected') ? __('true', 'wordfence') : __('false', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Connect Timestamp', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::getInt('wordfenceCentralConnectTime') > 0 ? wfConfig::getInt('wordfenceCentralConnectTime') : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Site ID', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfUtils::string_empty(wfConfig::get('wordfenceCentralSiteID'), __('(empty)', 'wordfence'))),
			array('description' => __('Disconnected', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('wordfenceCentralDisconnected') ? __('true', 'wordfence') : __('false', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Disconnect Timestamp', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::getInt('wordfenceCentralDisconnectTime') > 0 ? wfConfig::getInt('wordfenceCentralDisconnectTime') : __('(not set)', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Configuration Issue', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('wordfenceCentralConfigurationIssue') ? __('true', 'wordfence') : __('false', 'wordfence')),
			array('description' => __('Plugin Alerting Disabled', 'wordfence'), 'value' => wfConfig::get('wordfenceCentralPluginAlertingDisabled') ? __('true', 'wordfence') : __('false', 'wordfence')),


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Diff Folder 0755
dashboard Folder 0755
rest-api Folder 0755
.htaccess File 354 B 0644
Diff.php File 5.63 KB 0644
GeoLite2-Country.mmdb File 6.21 MB 0644
IPTraf.php File 1.16 KB 0644
IPTrafList.php File 2.98 KB 0644
WFLSPHP52Compatability.php File 1.27 KB 0644
compat.php File 425 B 0644
diffResult.php File 2.8 KB 0644
email_genericAlert.php File 1.39 KB 0644
email_newIssues.php File 8.82 KB 0644
email_unlockRequest.php File 2.34 KB 0644
email_unsubscribeRequest.php File 1.05 KB 0644
flags.php File 6.62 KB 0644
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menu_tools_importExport.php File 1.28 KB 0644
menu_tools_livetraffic.php File 39.43 KB 0644
menu_tools_twoFactor.php File 19.6 KB 0644
menu_tools_whois.php File 4.61 KB 0644
menu_wordfence_central.php File 9.66 KB 0644
noc1.key File 1.64 KB 0644
sodium_compat_fast.php File 185 B 0644
sysinfo.php File 1.46 KB 0644
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wf503.php File 9.63 KB 0644
wfAPI.php File 9.66 KB 0644
wfActivityReport.php File 20.45 KB 0644
wfAdminNoticeQueue.php File 5.2 KB 0644
wfAlerts.php File 7.37 KB 0644
wfArray.php File 1.77 KB 0644
wfBrowscap.php File 3.9 KB 0644
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wfBulkCountries.php File 9.77 KB 0644
wfCache.php File 6.02 KB 0644
wfCentralAPI.php File 24.9 KB 0644
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wfCrawl.php File 6.56 KB 0644
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wfInvalidPathException.php File 266 B 0644
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wfIpLocator.php File 2.74 KB 0644
wfIssues.php File 27.26 KB 0644
wfJWT.php File 5.33 KB 0644
wfLicense.php File 10.43 KB 0644
wfLockedOut.php File 9.73 KB 0644
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wfMD5BloomFilter.php File 5.2 KB 0644
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wfScanEntrypoint.php File 1.04 KB 0644
wfScanFile.php File 1.01 KB 0644
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wfScanMonitor.php File 4.05 KB 0644
wfScanPath.php File 1.77 KB 0644
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wfVersionCheckController.php File 19.27 KB 0644
wfVersionSupport.php File 447 B 0644
wfView.php File 2.22 KB 0644
wfViewResult.php File 1.42 KB 0644
wfWebsite.php File 1.75 KB 0644
wordfenceClass.php File 441.02 KB 0644
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