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##### [Version 2.6.11](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.10...v2.6.11) (2024-04-18)

### Improvements
​- **Updated internal dependencies:​​** Enhanced performance and security.

##### [Version 2.6.10](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.9...v2.6.10) (2024-02-28)

### Fixes
- Updated dependencies

##### [Version 2.6.9](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.8...v2.6.9) (2023-12-22)

### Bug Fixes
- Fixed compatibility issue with WP 6.4
- Fixed broken templates layout issue on the Safari browser
- Enhanced security
- Fixed compatibility issue with WP-Optimize

##### [Version 2.6.8](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.7...v2.6.8) (2023-06-07)

- Fix the Save button Module tab not working
- Codebase updates

##### [Version 2.6.7](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.6...v2.6.7) (2023-04-01)

- Bug fix: Addressed an unnecessary 'no maintenance page' error occurrence.

##### [Version 2.6.6](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.5...v2.6.6) (2023-03-31)

- Remove error notice for users that use an overriding custom template
- Update dependencies

##### [Version 2.6.5](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.4...v2.6.5) (2023-03-01)

Update dependencies

##### [Version 2.6.4](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.3...v2.6.4) (2023-02-24)

- Add the option to manage maintenance status on all sites from the network dashboard
- Update dependencies

##### [Version 2.6.3](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.2...v2.6.3) (2023-02-06)

* Update dependencies

##### [Version 2.6.2](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.1...v2.6.2) (2022-12-16)

* Add the option in the wizard to skip importing a template and installing Otter
* Improve the quality of the template screenshots
* Fix the template overriding issue

##### [Version 2.6.1](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.6.0...v2.6.1) (2022-11-03)

* Add a notice to announce the rebrand of the plugin

#### [Version 2.6.0](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.5.4...v2.6.0) (2022-11-02)

* Adds Landing pages templates
* Adds more Coming soon and Maintenance mode templates
* Rebrand the plugin into LightStart

##### [Version 2.5.4](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.5.3...v2.5.4) (2022-10-10)

* Fix subscribers entry export for legacy forms.
* Fix PHP notice showing up on edge cases new installs.

##### [Version 2.5.3](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.5.2...v2.5.3) (2022-09-28)

* Fix wrong template loaded when the current post template is empty.

##### [Version 2.5.2](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.5.1...v2.5.2) (2022-09-27)

* Fix maintenance mode issue for previously logged users [#321](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/issues/321) 
* Allow comments into exclude textarea so that you can comment on the IP addresses for location, props [@joostdekeijzer](https://github.com/joostdekeijzer) 
* Fix PHP notice errors on specific scenarios [#324](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/issues/324) 
* Fix Otter for saving subscriber entry

##### [Version 2.5.1](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.5.0...v2.5.1) (2022-09-08)

- Fixes a bug which was causing error on some instances

#### [Version 2.5.0](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.7...v2.5.0) (2022-09-08)

- New Feature: Adds compatibility with Block Editor or any page builder for building the maintenance mode page.
- New Feature: Adds coming soon and maintenance mode starting templates.

##### [Version 2.4.7](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.6...v2.4.7) (2022-08-08)

##### Fixes
* Fix login form display
* Fix email collecting by the bot
* Improve accessibility of the maintenance page thanks to @SophieWeb

##### [Version 2.4.6](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.5...v2.4.6) (2022-06-15)

* Improve data sanitizations for custom css and contact module

##### [Version 2.4.5](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.4...v2.4.5) (2022-06-15)

* Harden security and improve release process

##### [Version 2.4.4](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.3...v2.4.4) (2022-02-10)

Update dependencies

##### [Version 2.4.3](https://github.com/Codeinwp/wp-maintenance-mode/compare/v2.4.2...v2.4.3) (2022-01-27)

- Change ownership to Themeisle

= 2.4.2 (18/01/2022) =
* Misc: 900 000 Active Installs Celebrations!
* Misc: WordPress 5.9 compatibility
* Fix: jQuery UI CSS theme reference from jQuery CDN
* Misc: Text fixes in the dashboard

= 2.4.1 (20/07/2021) =
* Misc: WordPress 5.8 compatibility

= 2.4.0 (13/05/2021) =
* Design: add "Custom CSS" setting; Finally! :)
* Design: add "Footer links" color setting
* Design: add a list of available shortcodes under the "Text" editor
* Bot: make {visitor_name} placeholder work in all messages after the visitor types his name
* Misc: add [embed] shortcode for responsive video embeds; Compatible with YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion.
* Misc: make the exclude mechanism work with Cyrillic characters
* Misc: add `wpmm_maintenance_template` filter; It works the same way as the `wpmm_contact_template` filter, but for the maintenance template.
* Misc: now you can override the `contact` email template too; Check `/views/contact.php` for more details.
* Misc: better compatibility with translation plugins like Loco Translate
* Misc: the image uploaders (from the dashboard) are now translatable
* Misc: improve uninstall routine
* Misc: add `wpmm_delete_cache` action; It is called after each setting change.
* Misc: add support for cache plugins like WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, Endurance Page Cache, Swift Performance Lite, Cache Enabler, SG Optimizer, LiteSpeed Cache, Nginx Helper;
* Misc: remove `wpmm_count_where` helper function
* Misc: code improvements

= 2.3.0 (07/12/2020) =
* Modules: add support for Google Analytics 4 measurement ID
* Design: enable media buttons on wp_editor (now you can add images from the editor)
* Bot: fix translation issue
* Misc: add filters for capabilities `wpmm_settings_capability`, `wpmm_subscribers_capability`, and `wpmm_all_actions_capability` (the last one can be used to override all capabilities)
* Misc: fix [loginform] shortcode redirect attribute
* Misc: a few CSS & Javascript improvements
* Misc: bump "Tested up to" version to 5.6

= 2.2.4 (20/05/2019) =
* bump "Tested up to" to 5.2.0
* fix typo in Italian translation (it_IT)
* Bot: add a note about how you can export the list of subscribers [#195](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/195)
* Bot: add client-side sanitization to the input fields [#176](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/176)

= 2.2.3 (20/02/2019) =
* bump "Tested up to" version to 5.1.0
* replace "wpmu_new_blog" action with "wp_initialize_site" action for WP 5.1.0 users because the first one is deprecated in the new version
* small improvement to "check_exclude" method from "WP_Maintenance_Mode" class

= 2.2.2 (27/11/2018) =
* Google Analytics module: migrate from analytics.js to gtag.js + add ip anonymization [#178](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/178)
* GDPR module: accept links inside texareas + add policy link target [#188](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/188)
* add charset meta tag [#200](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/200)
* fix PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT
* add plural and single form translation for subscribers number (settings page)

= 2.2.1 (13/07/2018) =
* replace create_function; solves [#186](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/186) issue and [ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/create_function-deprecated-in-php-7-2-8/) (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))
* solve "set options on first activation" bug [ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/notice-undefined-index-general-in-srv-www-mysite-test-current/) (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))
* make (frontend) privacy labels clickable (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))
* added array key check to avoid notice (thanks @ [Smiggel](https://github.com/Smiggel))
* added instagram icon (thanks @ [bozdoz](https://github.com/bozdoz))

= 2.2 (25/05/2018) =
* added GDPR feature

= 2.1.2 (04/03/2018) =
* fixed a bug that was breaking the plugin after updating from 2.0.9 to 2.1.1

= 2.1.1 (01/03/2018) =
* fixed a visual bug with wrap container
* added internationalization support for bot fixed strings
* fixed path for loading data.js required for the bot (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))
* added `wpmm_before_scripts` hook, fires just before loading the scripts
* moved data.js to uploads directory (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))

= 2.1 (27/02/2018) =
* added bot feature
* css fixes
* new css transitions for buttons
* fixed https problem (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa))
* updated translations, help us! :)

= 2.0.9 (29/11/2016) = 
* new hook (`wpmm_after_body`) in maintenance mode template (thanks @ [Karolína Vyskočilová](https://github.com/vyskoczilova))
* pt_PT (portuguese) language update (thanks @ [Pedro Mendonça](https://github.com/pedro-mendonca))
* maintenance mode template can also be loaded from theme/child-theme folder (thanks @ [Florian Tiar](https://github.com/Mahjouba91) and [Lachlan Heywood](https://github.com/lachieh))
* new hooks for contact form (if you want to add new fields): `wpmm_contact_form_start`, `wpmm_contact_form_before_message`, `wpmm_contact_form_after_message`, `wpmm_contact_form_end`
* new hook for contact form validation (if you want to validate new fields): `wpmm_contact_validation`
* new hooks for contact form template (if you want to display new fields): `wpmm_contact_template_start`, `wpmm_contact_template_before_message`, `wpmm_contact_template_after_message`, `wpmm_contact_template_end`
* some javascript improvements
* small css fix for contact form (thanks @ [frontenddev](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-fix-modal-window-of-contact-form/))

= 2.0.8 (09/09/2016) = 
* add wp_scripts() function (in helpers.php) to maintain backward compatibility (for those with WP < 4.2.0)
* css fix for subscribe button on maintenance page
* fix multisite administrator access issue
* pt_PT (portuguese) language update (thanks @ Pedro Mendonça)
* new hooks for Contact module: `wpmm_contact_template`, `wpmm_contact_subject`, `wpmm_contact_headers`
* jQuery (google cdn) path fix when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true

= 2.0.7 (06/07/2016) =
* reset_settings _wpnonce check (thanks # Wordfence)
* modules > google analytics code sanitization (thanks @ Wordfence)
* move sidebar banners from our servers to plugin folder... as WordPress staff requested
* Subscribe button error on Mobile version (thanks @ Hostílio Thumbo)
* replace $wp_scripts global with wp_scripts() function
* de_DE language file update (thanks @ tt22tt)

= 2.0.6 (20/06/2016) =
* notifications update
* languages update

= 2.0.5 (17/06/2016) =
* roles (array) fix

= 2.0.4 (17/06/2016) =
* fixed issue: responsive subscribe form
* fixed issue: jQuery was loaded from a different folder on some WP installations
* fixed issue: errors after update (strstr on empty strings because of saving empty lines on exclude list)
* fixed issue: if "Redirection" from "General" tab is active, also redirects ajax calls
* fixed issue: settings page title was wrong placed
* "contact" feature update - nice email template + reply-to email header
* refactoring for some methods
* all assets are now minified
* rewrite count db records function (used on subscribers count)
* compatible with https://github.com/afragen/github-updater
* compatible with wp-cli http://wp-cli.org/
* improved responsivity
* improved roles access; now you can set multiple roles (editor, author, subscriber, contributor) and administrator will always have access to backend and frontend
* it_IT translation by benedettogit (https://github.com/benedettogit)
* updated all language files (need help for 100% translation)

= 2.0.3 (07/10/2014) =
* WP_Super_Cache issue was fixed
* fixed "Subscribe" button issue on Safari mobile
* fixed color of subscribe-success message (same color as subscribe_text)
* "Social networks" module edits: settings for links target + a new social network: linkedin
* new module "Google Analytics"
* loginform shortcode reintroduced
* dashboard link on maintenance page reintroduced
* the content editor accepts new css inline properties: min-height, max-height, min-width, max-width. Use them wisely! :)
* Settings & sidebar view + old translation files edited
* Update from old version 1.x to 2.x issue was fixed
* Translate on activation issue was fixed
* de_DE translation by Frank Bültge (http://bueltge.github.io/)
* pt_PT translation (100% translated) by Pedro Mendonça (http://www.pedromendonca.pt)
* ru_RU translation (100% translated) by affectiosus (https://github.com/affectiosus)
* nl_NL translation by dhunink (https://github.com/dhunink)
* es_ES translation (100% translated) by Erick Ruiz de Chavez (http://erickruizdechavez.com/)
* fr_FR translation by Florian TIAR (https://github.com/Mahjouba91)
* pt_BR translation by Jonatas Araújo (http://www.designworld.com.br/)
* sv_SE translation by Andréas Lundgren (http://adevade.com/)

= 2.0.2 (04/09/2014) =
* Removed "Author Link" option from General
* Countdown - save details fix

= 2.0.1 (02/09/2014) =
* Reintroduced some deprecated actions from old version (but still available in next 4 releases, after that will be removed) and replaced with new ones:
- `wm_head` -> `wpmm_head`
- `wm_footer` -> `wpmm_footer`
* Multisite settings link fix
* WP_Maintenance_Mode: init (array checking for custom_css arrays, move delete cache part into a helper, etc.), add_subscriber, send_contact, redirect fixes & optimizations 
* WP_Maintenance_Mode_Admin: save_plugin_settings fixes, delete_cache (new method)
* Settings & Maintenance views fixes
* Readme.txt changes

= 2.0.0 (01/09/2014) =
* Changed design and functionality, new features
* Changed multisite behavior: now you can activate maintenance individually (each blog from the network has it's own maintenance settings) 
* Removed actions: `wm_header`, `wm_footer`, `wm_content`
* Removed filters: `wm_header` 
* Removed [loginform] shortcode
* Some filters are deprecated (but still available in next 4 releases, after that will be removed) and replaced with new ones:
- `wm_heading` -> `wpmm_heading`, 
- `wp_maintenance_mode_status_code` -> `wpmm_status_code`
- `wm_title` -> `wpmm_meta_title`
- `wm_meta_author` -> `wpmm_meta_author`
- `wm_meta_description` -> `wpmm_meta_description`
- `wm_meta_keywords` -> `wpmm_meta_keywords`
* Added new filters:
- `wpmm_backtime` - can be used to change the backtime from page header
- `wpmm_meta_robots` - can be used to change `Robots Meta Tag` option (from General)
- `wpmm_text` - can be used to change `Text` option (from Design > Content)
- `wpmm_scripts` - can be used to embed new javascript files
- `wpmm_styles` - can be used to embed new css files
- `wpmm_search_bots` - if you have `Bypass for Search Bots` option (from General) activated, it can be used to add new bots (useragents)
* Removed themes and now we have a "Design" & "Modules" tabs, where the look and functionality of the maintenance page can be changed as you need

= 07/07/2014 =
* Switch to new owner, contributor

= 1.8.11 (07/25/2013) =
* Fixes for php notices in strict mode
* Alternative for check url, if curl is not installed

= 1.8.10 (07/18/2013) =
* Add check for urls, Performance topics
* Change default setting of 'Support Link' to false
* Fix network settings php notices

= 1.8.9 (06/20/2013) =
* Allow empty header, title, heading string
* Small code changes
* Add Support function
* Remove preview, will include later in a new release with extra settings page

= 1.8.8 (06/05/2013) =
* Fix path to localized flash content
* Fix preview function
* Add ukrainian translation
* Add czech translation
* Fix exclude function for IP
* Security fix for save status via Ajax

= 1.8.7 (04/07/2013) =
* Add RTL support for splash page
* Add Filter Hook `wp_maintenance_mode_status_code` Status Code; default is 503
* Add support for custom splash page; leave a file with this name `wp-maintenance-mode.php`  in the wp-content; the plugin use this file
  The plugin checks in `WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/wp-maintenance-mode.php'`
* Small minor changes
* Add filter for more date on splash page

= 1.8.6 (02/22/2013) =
* Remove log inside console for JS
* Add support for time inside the countdown
* Add filter hook `wm_meta_author`for the meta data author
* Add filter hook `wm_meta_description` for custom description
* Add filter hook `wm_meta_keywords`for custom meta keys

= 1.8.5 (01/24/2013) =
* Added new settings for hide, view notices about the active maintenance mode
* Changes on source, codex
* Fix PHP Notices [Support Thread](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-message-in-settings-1)
* Change default settings, added ajax
* Fix Preview function
* Fix uninstall in WPMU
* Small updates on styles for login form

= 1.8.4 (12/06/2012) =
* Fix for include JS in frontend to use countdown
* Small mini fix for a php notice
* Add charset on spalsh page for strange databases
* Enhanced default exclude addresses
* Add shortcode `[loginform]` for easy use a login form in splash page
* Test with WordPress 3.5
= 1.8.3 =
* Fix for the forgotten update of JS-files; slow SVN :(
* Minor Fixes

= 1.8.2 =
* Add different access for Frontend and Backend
* Add Rewrite after Login for Frontend Access
* Different small changes
* Test for WP 3.5

= 1.8.1 =
* Add option for value of robots meta tag
* Add option for optional admin login

= 1.8.0 =
* Include all scripts in backend via function
* Update datepicker and countdown js
* Supported IP as exclude for see the frontend
* Add support for flush cache of WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache plugins
* Fix for changes in WP 3.3 Multisite

= 1.7.1 (12/05/2011) =
* fix for WP smaller 3.2* on Network

= 1.7.0 (12/02/2011) =
* add functionalities to use in WP Multisite
* remove message in header, current is not fixed the ticked in core and the message on Admin Bar an Notice is enough
* check on WP 3.3RC1

= 1.6.10 (08/30/2011) =
* add hint in Admin Bar, if active
* small changes for WP Codex

= 1.6.9 (06/13/2011) =
* Small fix for empty string on custom design

= 1.6.8 (04/05/2011) =
* Small changes on check for datepicker
* Fix for Design monster

= 1.6.7 (01/05/2011) =
* Bugfix: new check for files for different themes; hope this fix the server errors
* Bugfix: fix add default settings
* Maintenance: different changes on the syntax
* Feature: add check for Super Admin on WP Multisite; has always the rights for access
* Feature: now it is possible to exclude feed from maintenance mode
* Maintenance: check with 3.0.4 and 3.1-RC2
* Maintenance: update language file: .pot, de_DE
* Bugfix: JavaScript error on Bulk Actions on plugins fixed
* Maintenance: fix all notice, if set no values

= 1.6.6. (10/09/2010) =
* Maintenance: many changes on the code; $locale and hook in side frontend
* Maintenance: change attribute_escaped to esc_attr with custom method for WP smaller 2.8
* Maintenance: Update german language files
* Feature: Shortcodes is now possible in the "Text" option
* Feature: no cache header rewrite

= 1.6.5 (09/16/2010) =
* add new design "Chemistry" by [elmastudio.de](http://www.elmastudio.de/ "elmastudio.de")
* changes for include methods of class for preview
* changes the possibility for include of language specific flash files

= 1.6.4 (09/13/2010) =
* add preview functions
* bugfix for list in wp-admin/plugins.php
* remove datepicker.regional - dont work fine
* different small changes
* new language file .pot
* add flash file and change on plugin for style "Animate" for spanish language

= 1.6.3 (07/27/2010) =
* bugfix to include stylesheet on maintenance mode message

= 1.6.2 (07/08/2010) =
* add functions for hint in the new UI of WP 3.0
* add more WP Codex standard source
* fix strings in the language and languages files
* add datetimepicker-de

= 1.6.1 (06/18/2010) =
* fix a problem with https://; see [Ticket #13941](http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/13941)

= 1.6 (05/17/2010) =
* bugfix for exclude sites

= 1.5.9 (05/07/2010) =
* change different points
* add possibility to wotk with MySQLDumper

= 1.5.8 (21/03/2010)=
* fix exclude error
* add textareas for heading and header fields

= 1.5.7 (03/18/2010) =
* block admin-area via role
* add message for registered users with not enough rights
* add message on login-page
* different changes

= 1.5.6 (02/25/2010) =
* changes on css, site.php and different syntax on the plugin

= 1.5.5 (02/23/2010) =
* SORRY, small bug for the url to jQuery

= 1.5.4 (02/23/2010) =
* add time for countdown
* changes for WP 3.0
* changes on rights to see frontend

= 1.5.3 (01/05/2010) =
* Fix for JavaScript with WordPress 2.9
* Add new custom fields for fronted: title, header, heading
* Fix for setting userrole to see frontend
* Change language files

= 1.5.2 (01/04/2010) =
* add user-role setting
* corrected the de_DE language file

= 1.5.1 (10/04/2009) =
* add small fix
* add language files (en_ES, ro_RO)

= 1.5.0 (09/28/2009) =
* add countdown
* change options
* change default options
* add field for own address to excerpt of the maintenance mode
* etc.

= 1.4.9 (07/09/2009) =
* also ready for WordPress 2.6
* add romanian language files
* add italian language file by [Gianni Diurno](http://gidibao.net/ "Gianni Diurno")

= 1.4.8 (03/09/2009) =
* add design "Damask" by [Fabian Letscher](http://fabianletscher.de/ "Fabian Letscher")
* add design "Lego" by [Alex Frison](http://www.afrison.com/ "Alex Frison")

= 1.4.7 (26/08/2009) =
* change doc-type to utf-8 without BOM

= v1.4.6 (24/08/2009) =
* add design "Animate (Flash)" by [Sebastian Schmiedel](http://www.cayou-media.de/ "Sebastian Schmiedel")
* add new hook for add content `wm_content` to include flash on content
* add french language files

= v1.4.5 (19/08/2009) =
* fix html string in text on frontend
* add design "Paint" by [Marvin Labod](http://bugeyes.de/ "Marvin Labod")
* add turkish language files

= v1.4.4 (18/08/2009) =
* add design "Chastely" by [Florian Andreas Vogelmaier](http://fv-web.de/ "Florian Andreas Vogelmaier")
* add design "Only Typo" by [Robert Pfotenhauer](http://krautsuppe.de/ "Robert Pfotenhauer")

= v1.4.3 (13/08/2009) =
* add option for the Text
* add option for active maintenance mode
* add design "The FF Error" by [Thomas Meschke](http://www.lokalnetz.com/ "Thomas Meschke")
* add design "Monster" by [Sebastian Sebald](http://www.backseatsurfer.de "Sebastian Sebald")

= v1.4.2 (10/08/2009) =
* add design "The Sun" by [Nicki Steiger](http://mynicki.net/ "Nicki Steiger")
* now it is possible to add own css and add in settings the url to the css-file

= v1.4.1 (07/08/2009) =
* small html-fix

= v1.4 (06/08/2009) =
* completely new code
* options menu
* new designs by [David Hellmann](http://www.davidhellmann.com/ "David Hellmann")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assets Folder 0755
includes Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
vendor Folder 0755
views Folder 0755
CHANGELOG.md File 22.91 KB 0644
README.md File 12.25 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
readme.txt File 12.09 KB 0644
uninstall.php File 1.46 KB 0644
wp-maintenance-mode.php File 3.01 KB 0644