* WP Reset
* https://wpreset.com/
* (c) WebFactory Ltd, 2017-2023
// include only file
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
die('Do not open this file directly.');
* Resets the site to the default values without modifying any files.
class WP_Reset_CLI extends WP_CLI_Command
* Reset the site database to default values. No files are modified.
* [--reactivate-theme]
* : Reactivate currently active theme after reset.
* [--reactivate-plugins]
* : Reactivate all currently active plugins after reset.
* [--deactivate-wp-reset]
* : Deactivate WP Reset plugin after reset. By default it will stay active after reset.
* [--yes]
* : Answer yes to the confirmation message.
* $ wp reset reset --yes
* Success: Database has been reset.
* @when after_wp_load
function reset($args, $assoc_args)
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to reset the site? There is NO UNDO!', $assoc_args);
global $wp_reset;
$params = array();
if (!empty($assoc_args['reactivate-theme'])) {
$params['reactivate_theme'] = true;
if (!empty($assoc_args['disable-wp-reset'])) {
$params['reactivate_wpreset'] = false;
} else {
$params['reactivate_wpreset'] = true;
if (!empty($assoc_args['reactivate-plugins'])) {
$params['reactivate_plugins'] = true;
$result = $wp_reset->do_reinstall($params);
if (is_wp_error($result)) {
} else {
WP_CLI::success('Database has been reset.');
} // reset
* Display WP Reset version.
* @when after_wp_load
function version($args, $assoc_args)
global $wp_reset;
WP_CLI::line('WP Reset v' . $wp_reset->version);
} // version
* Delete selected WordPress objects.
* <plugins|themes|transients|uploads|custom-tables|htaccess|theme-options>
* : WP objects to delete.
* [--yes]
* : Answer yes to the confirmation message.
* [--empty]
* : Empty (truncate) custom tables instead of deleting (dropping) them.
* $ wp reset delete themes --yes
* Success: 3 themes have been deleted.
* $ wp reset delete custom-tables --truncate --yes
* Success: 3 custom tables have been emptied.
* $ wp reset delete htaccess --yes
* Success: Htaccess file has been deleted.
* @when after_wp_load
function delete($args, $assoc_args)
global $wp_reset, $wpdb;
if (empty($args[0])) {
WP_CLI::error('Please choose a subcommand: plugins, themes, transients, uploads, htaccess or custom-tables.');
} elseif (false == in_array($args[0], array('themes', 'plugins', 'transients', 'uploads', 'htaccess', 'custom-tables', 'theme-options'))) {
WP_CLI::error('Unknown subcommand. Please choose from: plugins, themes, transients, uploads, htaccess, custom tables or theme-options.');
} else {
$subcommand = $args[0];
switch ($subcommand) {
case 'themes':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all themes?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_delete_themes(false);
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' themes have been deleted.');
case 'plugins':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all plugins?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_delete_plugins(true, false);
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' plugins have been deleted.');
case 'transients':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all transients?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_delete_transients();
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' transient database entries have been deleted.');
case 'uploads':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all files & folders in /uploads/ folder?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_delete_uploads();
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' files & folders have been deleted.');
case 'custom-tables':
if (!empty($assoc_args['empty'])) {
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to empty (truncate) all custom tables (prefix: ' . $wpdb->prefix . ')?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_truncate_custom_tables();
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' custom tables have been emptied.');
} else {
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete (drop) all custom tables (prefix: ' . $wpdb->prefix . ')?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_drop_custom_tables();
WP_CLI::success($cnt . ' custom tables have been deleted.');
case 'htaccess':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the .htaccess file?', $assoc_args);
$tmp = $wp_reset->do_delete_htaccess();
if (!is_wp_error($tmp)) {
WP_CLI::success('Htaccess file has been deleted.');
} else {
WP_CLI::error('Htaccess file has not been deleted. ' . $tmp->get_error_message());
case 'theme-options':
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to reset all options (mods) for all themes?', $assoc_args);
$cnt = $wp_reset->do_reset_theme_options();
WP_CLI::success('Options for ' . $cnt . ' themes have been reset.');
// should never come to this but can't hurt
WP_CLI::error('Unknown subcommand. Please choose from: plugins, themes, transients, uploads, htaccess, custom-tables or theme-options.');
} // delete
* List and manipulate DB snapshots.
* <list|create|restore|export|delete>
* : Action to perform with snapshot.
* [--yes]
* : Answer yes to the confirmation message.
* [--id=<snapshot-id>]
* : Specify snapshot ID when doing restore, export and delete.
* [--name=<snapshot-name>]
* : When creating a new snapshot specify an optional name.
* wp reset snapshots create --yes
* Success: New snapshot with ID 089bea has been created.
* $ wp reset snapshots delete --id=123456
* Success: Snapshot has been deleted.
* $ wp reset snapshots export --id=123456
* Success: Snapshot has been exported and saved to: https://test.site/wp-content/wp-reset-snapshots-export/wp-reset-snapshot-123456.sql.gz
* @when after_wp_load
function snapshots($args, $assoc_args)
global $wp_reset;
if (empty($args[0])) {
WP_CLI::error('Please choose a subcommand: list, create, restore, export or delete.');
} elseif (false == in_array($args[0], array('list', 'create', 'restore', 'export', 'delete'))) {
WP_CLI::error('Unknown subcommand. Please choose from: list, create, restore, export or delete.');
} else {
$subcommand = $args[0];
switch ($subcommand) {
case 'list':
if ($snapshots = $wp_reset->get_snapshots()) {
$table = array();
foreach ($snapshots as $ss) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp['id'] = $ss['uid'];
if (!empty($ss['name'])) {
$tmp['name'] = $ss['name'];
} else {
$tmp['name'] = 'n/a';
$tmp['created'] = date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($ss['timestamp'])) . ' @ ' . date(get_option('time_format'), strtotime($ss['timestamp']));
$tmp['info'] = $ss['tbl_core'] . ' standard & ';
if ($ss['tbl_custom']) {
$tmp['info'] .= $ss['tbl_custom'] . ' custom table' . ($ss['tbl_custom'] == 1 ? '' : 's');
} else {
$tmp['info'] .= 'no custom tables';
$tmp['info'] .= ' totaling ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($ss['tbl_size']) . ' in ' . number_format($ss['tbl_rows']) . ' rows';
$table[] = $tmp;
} // foreach
WP_CLI\Utils\format_items('table', $table, array('id', 'name', 'created', 'info'));
} else {
WP_CLI::line('There are no saved snapshots.');
case 'create':
if (!empty($assoc_args['name'])) {
$name = trim($assoc_args['name']);
} else {
$name = '';
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to create a new snapshot?', $assoc_args);
$new = $wp_reset->do_create_snapshot($name);
if (is_wp_error($new)) {
} else {
WP_CLI::success('New snapshot with ID ' . $new['uid'] . ' has been created.');
case 'restore':
if (empty($assoc_args['id'])) {
WP_CLI::error('Please specify the snapshot ID with the "--id=123456" param. Use "wp reset snapshots list" to get a list of all snapshots.');
} else {
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to restore the site to the snapshot with ID ' . $assoc_args['id'] . '?', $assoc_args);
$restore = $wp_reset->do_restore_snapshot($assoc_args['id']);
if (is_wp_error($restore)) {
} else {
WP_CLI::success('Site has been restored to the selected snapshot.');
case 'export':
if (empty($assoc_args['id'])) {
WP_CLI::error('Please specify the snapshot ID with the "--id=123456" param. Use "wp reset snapshots list" to get a list of all snapshots.');
} else {
$export = $wp_reset->do_export_snapshot($assoc_args['id']);
if (is_wp_error($export)) {
} else {
$url = content_url() . '/' . $wp_reset->snapshots_folder . '/' . $export;
WP_CLI::success('Snapshot has been exported and saved to: ' . $url);
case 'delete':
if (empty($assoc_args['id'])) {
WP_CLI::error('Please specify the snapshot ID with the "--id=123456" param. Use "wp reset snapshots list" to get a list of all snapshots.');
} else {
WP_CLI::confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the snapshot with ID ' . $assoc_args['id'] . '?', $assoc_args);
$del = $wp_reset->do_delete_snapshot($assoc_args['id']);
if (is_wp_error($del)) {
} else {
WP_CLI::success('Snapshot has been deleted.');
// it should never come to this but can't hurt
WP_CLI::error('Unknown subcommand. Please choose from: list, create, restore, export or delete.');
} // snapshots
* This command is no longer available. Please use "wp reset snapshots create" instead.
function backups($args, $assoc_args)
WP_CLI::error('This command is no longer available. Please use: wp reset snapshots create');
} // backups
} // WP_Reset_CLI
WP_CLI::add_command('reset', 'WP_Reset_CLI');