[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace WPForms\Emails;

 * Helper class for the email templates.
 * @since 1.8.5
class Helpers {

	 * Get Email template choices.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @param bool $include_legacy Whether to include a Legacy template into the list.
	 * @return array
	public static function get_email_template_choices( $include_legacy = true ) {

		$choices   = [];
		$templates = Notifications::get_all_templates();

		// If there are no templates, return empty choices.
		if ( empty( $templates ) || ! is_array( $templates ) ) {
			return $choices;

		// Add legacy template to the choices as the first option.
		if ( $include_legacy && self::is_legacy_html_template() ) {
			$choices['default'] = [
				'name' => esc_html__( 'Legacy', 'wpforms-lite' ),

		// Iterate through templates and build $choices array.
		foreach ( $templates as $template_key => $template ) {
			// Skip if the template name is empty.
			if ( empty( $template['name'] ) ) {

			$choices[ $template_key ] = $template;

		return $choices;

	 * Retrieves the current email template name.
	 * If the current template is not found, the default template will be returned.
	 * This method respects backward compatibility and will return the old "Legacy" template if it is set.
	 * If a template name is provided, the function will attempt to validate and return it. If validation fails,
	 * it will default to the email template name "Classic."
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @param string $template_name Optional. The name of the email template to evaluate.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_current_template_name( $template_name = '' ) {

		// If a template name is provided, sanitize it. Otherwise, use the default template name from settings.
		$settings_template = wpforms_setting( 'email-template', Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE );
		$template          = ! empty( $template_name ) ? trim( sanitize_text_field( $template_name ) ) : $settings_template;

		// If the user has set the legacy template, return it.
		if ( $template === Notifications::LEGACY_TEMPLATE && self::is_legacy_html_template() ) {
			return Notifications::LEGACY_TEMPLATE;

		// In case the user has changed the general settings template,
		// but the form submitted still uses the “Legacy” template,
		// we need to revert to the general settings template.
		if ( $template === Notifications::LEGACY_TEMPLATE && ! self::is_legacy_html_template() ) {
			$template = wpforms_setting( 'email-template', Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE );

		// Check if the given template name is valid by looking into available templates.
		$current_template = Notifications::get_available_templates( $template );

		// If the current template is not found or its corresponding class does not exist, return the default template.
		if ( ! isset( $current_template['path'] ) || ! class_exists( $current_template['path'] ) ) {

			// Last resort, check if the template defined in the settings can be used.
			// This would be helpful when user downgrades from Pro to Lite version and the template is not available anymore.
			if ( isset( $current_template[ $settings_template ] ) ) {
				return $settings_template;

			return Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE;

		// The provided template is valid, so return it.
		return $template;

	 * Get the current email template class path.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @param string $template_name  Optional. The name of the email template to evaluate.
	 * @param string $fallback_class Optional. The class to use if the template is not found.
	 *                               This argument most likely will be used for backward compatibility and supporting the "Legacy" template.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_current_template_class( $template_name = '', $fallback_class = '' ) {

		$template_name = self::get_current_template_name( $template_name );

		// If the user has set the legacy template, return the "General" template.
		if ( $template_name === Notifications::LEGACY_TEMPLATE ) {
			return ! empty( $fallback_class ) && class_exists( $fallback_class ) ? $fallback_class : __NAMESPACE__ . '\Templates\General';

		// Check if the given template name is valid by looking into available templates.
		$current_template = Notifications::get_available_templates( $template_name );

		// If the current template is not found or its corresponding class does not exist, return the "Classic" template.
		if ( ! isset( $current_template['path'] ) || ! class_exists( $current_template['path'] ) ) {
			return Notifications::get_available_templates( Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE )['path'];

		// The provided template is valid, so return it.
		return $current_template['path'];

	 * Get the style overrides for the current email template.
	 * This function retrieves the style overrides for the email template, including background color,
	 * body color, text color, link color, and typography. It provides default values and handles
	 * different settings for both the free and Pro versions of the plugin.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @return array
	public static function get_current_template_style_overrides() {

		// Get the header image size for the current template.
		list( $header_image_size, $header_image_size_dark ) = self::get_template_header_image_size();

		// Get the typography for the current template.
		list( $email_typography, $email_typography_dark ) = self::get_template_typography();

		// Default style overrides.
		$defaults = [
			'email_background_color'       => '#e9eaec',
			'email_body_color'             => '#ffffff',
			'email_text_color'             => '#333333',
			'email_links_color'            => '#e27730',
			'email_background_color_dark'  => '#2d2f31',
			'email_body_color_dark'        => '#1f1f1f',
			'email_text_color_dark'        => '#dddddd',
			'email_links_color_dark'       => '#e27730',
			'email_typography'             => $email_typography,
			'email_typography_dark'        => $email_typography_dark,
			'header_image_max_width'       => $header_image_size['width'],
			'header_image_max_height'      => $header_image_size['height'],
			'header_image_max_width_dark'  => $header_image_size_dark['width'],
			'header_image_max_height_dark' => $header_image_size_dark['height'],

		// Retrieve old background colors setting from the Lite version.
		$lite_background_color      = wpforms_setting( 'email-background-color', $defaults['email_background_color'] );
		$lite_background_color_dark = wpforms_setting( 'email-background-color-dark', $defaults['email_background_color_dark'] );

		// Leave early if the user has the Lite version.
		if ( ! wpforms()->is_pro() ) {
			// Override the background colors with the old setting.
			$defaults['email_background_color']      = $lite_background_color;
			$defaults['email_background_color_dark'] = $lite_background_color_dark;

			 * Filter the style overrides for the current email template.
			 * @since 1.8.6
			 * @param array $overrides The current email template style overrides.
			return (array) apply_filters( 'wpforms_emails_helpers_style_overrides_args', $defaults );

		// Get the color scheme from the settings.
		$color_scheme = wpforms_setting( 'email-color-scheme', [] );

		// If the user has the Pro version, but the light mode background color is the old setting, override it.
		if ( empty( $color_scheme['email_background_color'] ) && ! empty( $lite_background_color ) ) {
			$color_scheme['email_background_color'] = $lite_background_color;

		// Get the dark mode color scheme from the settings.
		$color_scheme_dark = wpforms_setting( 'email-color-scheme-dark', [] );

		// If the user has the Pro version, but the dark mode background color is the old setting, override it.
		if ( empty( $color_scheme_dark['email_background_color_dark'] ) && ! empty( $lite_background_color_dark ) ) {
			$color_scheme_dark['email_background_color_dark'] = $lite_background_color_dark;

		// Merge the color schemes with the defaults.
		$overrides = wp_parse_args( $color_scheme + $color_scheme_dark, $defaults );

		 * Filter the style overrides for the current email template.
		 * @since 1.8.6
		 * @param array $overrides The current email template style overrides.
		return (array) apply_filters( 'wpforms_emails_helpers_style_overrides_args', $overrides );

	 * Check if the current email template is plain text.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @param string $template_name Optional. The name of the email template to compare.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_plain_text_template( $template_name = '' ) {

		// Leave early in case the given template name is not empty, and we can resolve it early.
		if ( ! empty( $template_name ) ) {
			return $template_name === Notifications::PLAIN_TEMPLATE;

		return wpforms_setting( 'email-template', Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE ) === Notifications::PLAIN_TEMPLATE;

	 * Check if the current template is legacy.
	 * Legacy template is the one that its value is 'default'.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_legacy_html_template() {

		return wpforms_setting( 'email-template', Notifications::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE ) === Notifications::LEGACY_TEMPLATE;

	 * Get the current template's typography.
	 * This function retrieves the typography setting for email templates and returns the corresponding font family.
	 * If the user has the Pro version, the font-family is determined based on the current template.
	 * For free users, the font-family defaults to "Sans Serif" because the available templates
	 * ("Classic" and "Compact") use this font-family in their design.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @since 1.8.6 Added $typography argument.
	 * @param string $typography Optional. The typography setting to evaluate.
	 * @return array|string
	public static function get_template_typography( $typography = '' ) {

		// Predefined font families for light and dark modes.
		$font_families = [
			'sans_serif' => '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Cantarell, Ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif',
			'serif'      => 'Iowan Old Style, Apple Garamond, Baskerville, Times New Roman, Droid Serif, Times, Source Serif Pro, serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol',

		// If the user is not using the Pro version, return "Sans Serif" font-family.
		if ( ! wpforms()->is_pro() ) {
			return [ $font_families['sans_serif'], $font_families['sans_serif'] ];

		// Leave early if a specific typography is requested.
		if ( ! empty( $typography ) ) {
			// Validate the input and return the corresponding font family.
			return $font_families[ $typography ] ?? $font_families['sans_serif'];

		// Get typography settings from email settings.
		$setting_typography = [
			// Light mode.
			wpforms_setting( 'email-typography', 'sans-serif' ),
			// Dark mode.
			wpforms_setting( 'email-typography-dark', 'sans-serif' ),

		// Map setting values to predefined font families, default to 'sans_serif' if not found.
		return array_map(
			static function ( $item ) use ( $font_families ) {

				return $font_families[ $item ] ?? $font_families['sans_serif'];

	 * Get the header image size based on the specified size or 'medium' by default.
	 * Note that when given a size input, this function will only validate the input and return the corresponding size.
	 * Otherwise, it will return the header image size for the current template in both light and dark modes.
	 * @since 1.8.5
	 * @since 1.8.6 Added $size argument.
	 * @param string $size Optional. The desired image size ('small', 'medium', or 'large').
	 * @return array
	public static function get_template_header_image_size( $size = '' ) {

		// Predefined image sizes.
		$sizes = [
			'small'  => [
				'width'  => '240',
				'height' => '120',
			'medium' => [
				'width'  => '350',
				'height' => '180',
			'large'  => [
				'width'  => '500',
				'height' => '240',

		// Leave early if a specific size is requested.
		if ( ! empty( $size ) ) {
			// Validate the input and return the corresponding size.
			return $sizes[ $size ] ?? $sizes['medium'];

		// Get header image sizes from settings.
		$setting_size = [
			// Light mode.
			wpforms_setting( 'email-header-image-size', 'medium' ),
			// Dark mode.
			wpforms_setting( 'email-header-image-size-dark', 'medium' ),

		// Map setting values to predefined sizes, default to 'medium' if not found.
		return array_map(
			static function ( $item ) use ( $sizes ) {

				return $sizes[ $item ] ?? $sizes['medium'];


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Templates Folder 0755
FetchInfoBlocksTask.php File 2.07 KB 0644
Helpers.php File 12.6 KB 0644
InfoBlocks.php File 5 KB 0644
Mailer.php File 11.24 KB 0644
NotificationBlocks.php File 4.63 KB 0644
Notifications.php File 31.31 KB 0644
Preview.php File 12.95 KB 0644
Styler.php File 2.53 KB 0644
Summaries.php File 13.2 KB 0644