/* global kadenceConfig */
* File navigation.js.
* Handles toggling the navigation menu for small screens and enables TAB key
* navigation support for dropdown menus.
(function() {
'use strict';
window.kadence = {
* Function to init different style of focused element on keyboard users and mouse users.
initOutlineToggle: function() {
document.body.addEventListener( 'keydown', function() {
document.body.classList.remove( 'hide-focus-outline' );
document.body.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function() {
document.body.classList.add( 'hide-focus-outline' );
* Get element's offset.
getOffset: function( el ) {
if ( el instanceof HTMLElement ) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: rect.top + window.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + window.pageXOffset
return {
top: null,
left: null
* traverses the DOM up to find elements matching the query
* @param {HTMLElement} target
* @param {string} query
* @return {NodeList} parents matching query
findParents: function( target, query ) {
var parents = [];
// recursively go up the DOM adding matches to the parents array
function traverse( item ) {
var parent = item.parentNode;
if ( parent instanceof HTMLElement ) {
if ( parent.matches( query ) ) {
parents.push( parent );
traverse( parent );
traverse( target );
return parents;
* Toggle an attribute.
toggleAttribute: function( element, attribute, trueVal, falseVal ) {
if ( trueVal === undefined ) {
trueVal = true;
if ( falseVal === undefined ) {
falseVal = false;
if ( element.getAttribute( attribute ) !== trueVal ) {
element.setAttribute( attribute, trueVal );
} else {
element.setAttribute( attribute, falseVal );
* Initiate the script to process all
* navigation menus with submenu toggle enabled.
initNavToggleSubmenus: function() {
var navTOGGLE = document.querySelectorAll( '.nav--toggle-sub' );
// No point if no navs.
if ( ! navTOGGLE.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < navTOGGLE.length; i++ ) {
window.kadence.initEachNavToggleSubmenu( navTOGGLE[ i ] );
window.kadence.initEachNavToggleSubmenuInside( navTOGGLE[ i ] );
initEachNavToggleSubmenu: function( nav ) {
// Get the submenus.
var SUBMENUS = nav.querySelectorAll( '.menu ul' );
// No point if no submenus.
if ( ! SUBMENUS.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < SUBMENUS.length; i++ ) {
var parentMenuItem = SUBMENUS[ i ].parentNode;
let dropdown = parentMenuItem.querySelector( '.dropdown-nav-toggle' );
// If dropdown.
if ( dropdown ) {
var dropdown_label = parentMenuItem.querySelector( '.nav-drop-title-wrap' ).firstChild.textContent.trim();
var dropdownBtn = document.createElement( 'BUTTON' ); // Create a <button> element
dropdownBtn.setAttribute( 'aria-label', ( dropdown_label ? kadenceConfig.screenReader.expandOf + ' ' + dropdown_label : kadenceConfig.screenReader.expand ) );
dropdownBtn.classList.add( 'dropdown-nav-special-toggle' );
parentMenuItem.insertBefore( dropdownBtn, parentMenuItem.childNodes[1] );
// Toggle the submenu when we click the dropdown button.
dropdownBtn.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( e.target.closest('li') );
} );
// Clean up the toggle if a mouse takes over from keyboard.
parentMenuItem.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', function( e ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( e.target, false );
} );
// When we focus on a menu link, make sure all siblings are closed.
parentMenuItem.querySelector( 'a' ).addEventListener( 'focus', function( e ) {
var parentMenuItemsToggled = e.target.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll( 'li.menu-item--toggled-on' );
for ( let j = 0; j < parentMenuItemsToggled.length; j++ ) {
if ( parentMenuItem !== parentMenuItemsToggled[ j ] ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( parentMenuItemsToggled[ j ], false );
} );
// Handle keyboard accessibility for traversing menu.
SUBMENUS[ i ].addEventListener( 'keydown', function( e ) {
// These specific selectors help us only select items that are visible.
var focusSelector = 'ul.toggle-show > li > a, ul.toggle-show > li > .dropdown-nav-special-toggle';
// 9 is tab KeyMap
if ( 9 === e.keyCode ) {
if ( e.shiftKey ) {
// Means we're tabbing out of the beginning of the submenu.
if ( window.kadence.isfirstFocusableElement (SUBMENUS[ i ], document.activeElement, focusSelector ) ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( SUBMENUS[ i ].parentNode, false );
// Means we're tabbing out of the end of the submenu.
} else if ( window.kadence.islastFocusableElement( SUBMENUS[ i ], document.activeElement, focusSelector ) ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( SUBMENUS[ i ].parentNode, false );
// 27 is keymap for esc key.
if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( SUBMENUS[ i ].parentNode, false );
} );
SUBMENUS[ i ].parentNode.classList.add( 'menu-item--has-toggle' );
initEachNavToggleSubmenuInside: function( nav ) {
// Get the submenus.
var SUBMENUPARENTS = nav.querySelectorAll( '.menu-item-has-children' );
// No point if no submenus.
if ( ! SUBMENUPARENTS.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < SUBMENUPARENTS.length; i++ ) {
// Handle verifying if navigation will go offscreen
SUBMENUPARENTS[ i ].addEventListener( 'mouseenter', function( e ) {
if ( SUBMENUPARENTS[ i ].querySelector( 'ul.sub-menu' ) ) {
var elm = SUBMENUPARENTS[ i ].querySelector( 'ul.sub-menu' );
var off = window.kadence.getOffset( elm );
var l = off.left;
var w = elm.offsetWidth;
var docW = window.innerWidth;
var isEntirelyVisible = (l + w <= docW);
if ( ! isEntirelyVisible ) {
elm.classList.add( 'sub-menu-edge' );
} );
* Toggle submenus open and closed, and tell screen readers what's going on.
* @param {Object} parentMenuItem Parent menu element.
* @param {boolean} forceToggle Force the menu toggle.
* @return {void}
toggleSubMenu: function( parentMenuItem, forceToggle ) {
var toggleButton = parentMenuItem.querySelector( '.dropdown-nav-special-toggle' ),
subMenu = parentMenuItem.querySelector( 'ul' );
let parentMenuItemToggled = parentMenuItem.classList.contains( 'menu-item--toggled-on' );
var dropdown_label = parentMenuItem.querySelector( '.nav-drop-title-wrap' ).firstChild.textContent.trim();
// Will be true if we want to force the toggle on, false if force toggle close.
if ( undefined !== forceToggle && 'boolean' === ( typeof forceToggle ) ) {
parentMenuItemToggled = ! forceToggle;
// Toggle aria-expanded status.
toggleButton.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', ( ! parentMenuItemToggled ).toString() );
* Steps to handle during toggle:
* - Let the parent menu item know we're toggled on/off.
* - Toggle the ARIA label to let screen readers know will expand or collapse.
if ( parentMenuItemToggled ) {
// Toggle "off" the submenu.
parentMenuItem.classList.remove( 'menu-item--toggled-on' );
subMenu.classList.remove( 'toggle-show' );
toggleButton.setAttribute( 'aria-label', ( dropdown_label ? kadenceConfig.screenReader.expandOf + ' ' + dropdown_label : kadenceConfig.screenReader.expand ) );
// Make sure all children are closed.
var subMenuItemsToggled = parentMenuItem.querySelectorAll( '.menu-item--toggled-on' );
for ( let i = 0; i < subMenuItemsToggled.length; i++ ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( subMenuItemsToggled[ i ], false );
} else {
// Make sure siblings are closed.
var parentMenuItemsToggled = parentMenuItem.parentNode.querySelectorAll( 'li.menu-item--toggled-on' );
for ( let i = 0; i < parentMenuItemsToggled.length; i++ ) {
window.kadence.toggleSubMenu( parentMenuItemsToggled[ i ], false );
// Toggle "on" the submenu.
parentMenuItem.classList.add( 'menu-item--toggled-on' );
subMenu.classList.add( 'toggle-show' );
toggleButton.setAttribute( 'aria-label', ( dropdown_label ? kadenceConfig.screenReader.collapseOf + ' ' + dropdown_label : kadenceConfig.screenReader.collapse ) );
* Returns true if element is the
* first focusable element in the container.
* @param {Object} container
* @param {Object} element
* @param {string} focusSelector
* @return {boolean} whether or not the element is the first focusable element in the container
isfirstFocusableElement: function( container, element, focusSelector ) {
var focusableElements = container.querySelectorAll( focusSelector );
if ( 0 < focusableElements.length ) {
return element === focusableElements[ 0 ];
return false;
* Returns true if element is the
* last focusable element in the container.
* @param {Object} container
* @param {Object} element
* @param {string} focusSelector
* @return {boolean} whether or not the element is the last focusable element in the container
islastFocusableElement: function( container, element, focusSelector ) {
var focusableElements = container.querySelectorAll( focusSelector );
//console.log( focusableElements );
if ( 0 < focusableElements.length ) {
return element === focusableElements[ focusableElements.length - 1 ];
return false;
* Initiate the script to process all drawer toggles.
toggleDrawer: function( element, changeFocus ) {
changeFocus = (typeof changeFocus !== 'undefined') ? changeFocus : true;
var toggle = element;
var target = document.querySelector( toggle.dataset.toggleTarget );
if ( ! target ) {
var scrollBar = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var duration = ( toggle.dataset.toggleDuration ? toggle.dataset.toggleDuration : 250 );
window.kadence.toggleAttribute( toggle, 'aria-expanded', 'true', 'false' );
if ( target.classList.contains('show-drawer') ) {
if ( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass ) {
document.body.classList.remove( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass );
// Hide the drawer.
document.body.classList.remove( 'kadence-scrollbar-fixer' );
setTimeout(function () {
var drawerEvent = new Event('kadence-drawer-closed');
if ( toggle.dataset.setFocus && changeFocus ) {
var focusElement = document.querySelector(toggle.dataset.setFocus);
if ( focusElement ) {
if ( focusElement.hasAttribute( 'aria-expanded') ) {
window.kadence.toggleAttribute( focusElement, 'aria-expanded', 'true', 'false' );
}, duration);
} else {
// Show the drawer.
// Toggle body class
if ( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass ) {
document.body.classList.toggle( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass );
if ( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass.includes( 'showing-popup-drawer-' ) ) {
document.body.style.setProperty('--scrollbar-offset', scrollBar + 'px' );
document.body.classList.add( 'kadence-scrollbar-fixer' );
setTimeout(function () {
var drawerEvent = new Event('kadence-drawer-opened');
if ( toggle.dataset.setFocus && changeFocus ) {
var focusElement = document.querySelector(toggle.dataset.setFocus);
if ( focusElement ) {
if ( focusElement.hasAttribute( 'aria-expanded') ) {
window.kadence.toggleAttribute( focusElement, 'aria-expanded', 'true', 'false' );
var searchTerm = focusElement.value;
focusElement.value = '';
focusElement.value = searchTerm;
}, 10);
setTimeout(function () {
}, duration);
// Keep Focus in Modal
if ( target.classList.contains('popup-drawer') ) {
// add all the elements inside modal which you want to make focusable
var focusableElements = 'button, [href], input, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])';
var focusableContent = target.querySelectorAll( focusableElements );
var firstFocusableElement = focusableContent[0]; // get first element to be focused inside modal
var lastFocusableElement = focusableContent[ focusableContent.length - 1 ]; // get last element to be focused inside modal
document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(e) {
let isTabPressed = e.key === 'Tab' || e.keyCode === 9;
if ( ! isTabPressed ) {
if ( e.shiftKey ) { // if shift key pressed for shift + tab combination
if ( document.activeElement === firstFocusableElement ) {
lastFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the last focusable element
} else { // if tab key is pressed
if ( document.activeElement === lastFocusableElement ) { // if focused has reached to last focusable element then focus first focusable element after pressing tab
firstFocusableElement.focus(); // add focus for the first focusable element
* Initiate the script to process all
* navigation menus with small toggle enabled.
initToggleDrawer: function() {
var drawerTOGGLE = document.querySelectorAll( '.drawer-toggle' );
// No point if no drawers.
if ( ! drawerTOGGLE.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < drawerTOGGLE.length; i++ ) {
drawerTOGGLE[ i ].addEventListener('click', function( event ) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer( drawerTOGGLE[ i ] );
} );
// Close Drawer if esc is pressed.
document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function (event) {
// 27 is keymap for esc key.
if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
if ( document.querySelectorAll( '.popup-drawer.show-drawer.active' ) ) {
document.querySelectorAll( '.popup-drawer.show-drawer.active' ).forEach(function ( element ) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer( document.querySelector('*[data-toggle-target="' + element.dataset.drawerTargetString + '"]' ) );
} );
// Close modal on outside click.
document.addEventListener( 'click', function (event) {
var target = event.target;
var modal = document.querySelector( '.show-drawer.active .drawer-overlay' );
if ( target === modal ) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer(document.querySelector('*[data-toggle-target="' + modal.dataset.drawerTargetString + '"]'));
var searchModal = document.querySelector( '#search-drawer.show-drawer.active .drawer-content' );
var modal = document.querySelector( '#search-drawer.show-drawer.active .drawer-overlay' );
if ( target === searchModal ) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer(document.querySelector('*[data-toggle-target="' + modal.dataset.drawerTargetString + '"]'));
} );
* Initiate the script to process all
* navigation menus with small toggle enabled.
initMobileToggleSub: function() {
var modalMenus = document.querySelectorAll( '.has-collapse-sub-nav' );
modalMenus.forEach( function( modalMenu ) {
var activeMenuItem = modalMenu.querySelector( '.current-menu-item' );
if ( activeMenuItem ) {
window.kadence.findParents( activeMenuItem, 'li' ).forEach( function( element ) {
var subMenuToggle = element.querySelector( '.drawer-sub-toggle' );
if ( subMenuToggle ) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer( subMenuToggle, true );
} );
} );
var drawerSubTOGGLE = document.querySelectorAll( '.drawer-sub-toggle' );
// No point if no drawers.
if ( ! drawerSubTOGGLE.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < drawerSubTOGGLE.length; i++ ) {
drawerSubTOGGLE[ i ].addEventListener('click', function (event) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer( drawerSubTOGGLE[ i ] );
} );
* Initiate the script to process all
* navigation menus check to close mobile.
initMobileToggleAnchor: function() {
var mobileModal = document.getElementById( 'mobile-drawer' );
// No point if no drawers.
if ( ! mobileModal ) {
var menuLink = mobileModal.querySelectorAll( 'a:not(.kt-tab-title)' );
// No point if no links.
if ( ! menuLink.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < menuLink.length; i++ ) {
menuLink[ i ].addEventListener('click', function (event) {
window.kadence.toggleDrawer( mobileModal.querySelector( '.menu-toggle-close' ), false );
} );
* Initiate setting the top padding for hero title when page is transparent.
initTransHeaderPadding: function() {
if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'no-header' ) ) {
if ( ! document.body.classList.contains( 'transparent-header' ) || ! document.body.classList.contains( 'mobile-transparent-header' ) ) {
var titleHero = document.querySelector( '.entry-hero-container-inner' ),
header = document.querySelector( '#masthead' );
var updateHeroPadding = function( e ) {
if ( kadenceConfig.breakPoints.desktop <= window.innerWidth ) {
if ( ! document.body.classList.contains( 'transparent-header' ) ) {
titleHero.style.paddingTop = 0;
} else {
titleHero.style.paddingTop = header.offsetHeight + 'px';
} else {
if ( ! document.body.classList.contains( 'mobile-transparent-header' ) ) {
titleHero.style.paddingTop = 0;
} else {
titleHero.style.paddingTop = header.offsetHeight + 'px';
if ( titleHero ) {
window.addEventListener( 'resize', updateHeroPadding, false );
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', updateHeroPadding, false );
window.addEventListener( 'load', updateHeroPadding, false );
* Initiate the script to stick the header.
* http://www.mattmorgante.com/technology/sticky-navigation-bar-javascript
initStickyHeader: function() {
var desktopSticky = document.querySelector( '#main-header .kadence-sticky-header' ),
mobileSticky = document.querySelector( '#mobile-header .kadence-sticky-header' ),
wrapper = document.getElementById( 'wrapper' ),
proSticky = document.querySelectorAll( '.kadence-pro-fixed-above' ),
proElements = document.querySelectorAll( '.kadence-before-wrapper-item' ),
activeSize = 'mobile',
lastScrollTop = 0,
activeOffsetTop = 0;
if ( parseInt( kadenceConfig.breakPoints.desktop ) < window.innerWidth ) {
activeSize = 'desktop';
if ( desktopSticky ) {
desktopSticky.style.position = 'static';
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( desktopSticky ).top;
desktopSticky.style.position = null;
} else {
if ( mobileSticky ) {
mobileSticky.style.position = 'static';
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( mobileSticky ).top;
mobileSticky.style.position = null;
var updateSticky = function( e ) {
var activeHeader;
var offsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( wrapper ).top;
if ( document.body.classList.toString().includes( 'boom_bar-static-top' ) ) {
var boomBar = document.querySelector( '.boom_bar' );
offsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( wrapper ).top - boomBar.offsetHeight;
if ( proElements.length ) {
var proElementOffset = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < proElements.length; i++ ) {
proElementOffset = proElementOffset + proElements[ i ].offsetHeight;
offsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( wrapper ).top - proElementOffset;
if ( proSticky.length ) {
var proOffset = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < proSticky.length; i++ ) {
proOffset = proOffset + proSticky[ i ].offsetHeight;
offsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( wrapper ).top + proOffset;
if ( kadenceConfig.breakPoints.desktop <= window.innerWidth ) {
activeHeader = desktopSticky;
} else {
activeHeader = mobileSticky;
if ( ! activeHeader ) {
if ( kadenceConfig.breakPoints.desktop <= window.innerWidth ) {
if ( activeSize === 'mobile' ) {
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( activeHeader ).top;
activeSize = 'desktop';
} else if ( e && e === 'updateActive' ) {
activeHeader.style.top = 'auto';
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( activeHeader ).top;
activeSize = 'desktop';
} else {
if ( activeSize === 'desktop' ) {
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( activeHeader ).top;
activeSize = 'mobile';
} else if ( e && e === 'updateActive' ) {
activeHeader.style.top = 'auto';
activeOffsetTop = window.kadence.getOffset( activeHeader ).top;
activeSize = 'mobile';
var parent = activeHeader.parentNode;
var shrink = activeHeader.getAttribute( 'data-shrink' );
var revealScroll = activeHeader.getAttribute( 'data-reveal-scroll-up' );
var startHeight = parseInt( activeHeader.getAttribute( 'data-start-height' ) );
if ( ! startHeight || ( e && undefined !== e.type && ( 'orientationchange' === e.type ) ) ) {
activeHeader.setAttribute( 'data-start-height', activeHeader.offsetHeight );
startHeight = activeHeader.offsetHeight;
if ( parent.classList.contains( 'site-header-upper-inner-wrap' ) ) {
parent.style.height = null;
if ( e && undefined !== e.type && ( 'orientationchange' === e.type ) ) {
if ( activeHeader.classList.contains( 'item-is-fixed' ) ) {
parent.style.height = Math.floor( parent.offsetHeight + activeHeader.offsetHeight ) + 'px';
}, 21);
} else {
setTimeout(function(){ parent.style.height = parent.offsetHeight + 'px'; }, 21);
} else {
parent.style.height = parent.offsetHeight + 'px';
} else if ( parent.classList.contains( 'site-header-inner-wrap' ) ) {
parent.style.height = null;
parent.style.height = parent.offsetHeight + 'px';
} else {
parent.style.height = activeHeader.offsetHeight + 'px';
if ( 'true' === shrink ) {
var shrinkHeight = activeHeader.getAttribute( 'data-shrink-height' );
if ( shrinkHeight ) {
if ( 'true' === revealScroll ) {
if ( window.scrollY > lastScrollTop ) {
var totalOffsetDelay = Math.floor( ( Math.floor( activeOffsetTop ) - Math.floor( offsetTop ) ) + Math.floor( startHeight ) );
} else {
var totalOffsetDelay = Math.floor( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop );
} else {
var totalOffsetDelay = Math.floor( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop );
var shrinkLogos = activeHeader.querySelectorAll( '.custom-logo' );
var shrinkHeader = activeHeader.querySelector( '.site-main-header-inner-wrap' );
var shrinkStartHeight = parseInt( shrinkHeader.getAttribute( 'data-start-height' ) );
if ( ! shrinkStartHeight ) {
shrinkHeader.setAttribute( 'data-start-height', shrinkHeader.offsetHeight );
shrinkStartHeight = shrinkHeader.offsetHeight;
if ( window.scrollY <= totalOffsetDelay ) {
shrinkHeader.style.height = shrinkStartHeight + 'px';
shrinkHeader.style.minHeight = shrinkStartHeight + 'px';
shrinkHeader.style.maxHeight = shrinkStartHeight + 'px';
if ( shrinkLogos ) {
for (let i = 0; i < shrinkLogos.length; i++) {
let shrinkLogo = shrinkLogos[i];
shrinkLogo.style.maxHeight = '100%';
} else if ( window.scrollY > totalOffsetDelay ) {
var shrinkingHeight = Math.max( shrinkHeight, shrinkStartHeight - ( window.scrollY - ( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop ) ) );
shrinkHeader.style.height = shrinkingHeight + 'px';
shrinkHeader.style.minHeight = shrinkingHeight + 'px';
shrinkHeader.style.maxHeight = shrinkingHeight + 'px';
if ( shrinkLogos ) {
for (let i = 0; i < shrinkLogos.length; i++) {
let shrinkLogo = shrinkLogos[i];
shrinkLogo.style.maxHeight = shrinkingHeight + 'px';
if ( 'true' === revealScroll ) {
var totalOffset = Math.floor( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop );
var currScrollTop = window.scrollY;
var elHeight = activeHeader.offsetHeight;
var wScrollDiff = lastScrollTop - currScrollTop;
var elTop = window.getComputedStyle( activeHeader ).getPropertyValue( 'transform' ).match(/(-?[0-9\.]+)/g);
if ( elTop && undefined !== elTop[5] && elTop[5] ) {
var elTopOff = parseInt( elTop[5] ) + wScrollDiff;
} else {
var elTopOff = 0;
var isScrollingDown = currScrollTop > lastScrollTop;
if ( currScrollTop <= totalOffset ) {
activeHeader.style.transform = 'translateY(0px)';
} else if ( isScrollingDown ) {
activeHeader.style.transform = 'translateY(' + ( Math.abs( elTopOff ) > elHeight ? -elHeight : elTopOff ) + 'px)';
} else {
var totalOffset = Math.floor( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop );
activeHeader.style.transform = 'translateY(' + ( elTopOff > 0 ? 0 : elTopOff ) + 'px)';
lastScrollTop = currScrollTop;
} else {
var totalOffset = Math.floor( activeOffsetTop - offsetTop );
if ( window.scrollY == totalOffset ) {
activeHeader.style.top = offsetTop + 'px';
} else if ( window.scrollY > totalOffset ) {
if ( 'true' === revealScroll ) {
if ( window.scrollY < ( elHeight + 60 ) && activeHeader.classList.contains( 'item-at-start' ) ) {
activeHeader.style.height = null;
activeHeader.style.top = offsetTop + 'px';
} else {
activeHeader.style.top = offsetTop + 'px';
} else {
activeHeader.style.top = offsetTop + 'px';
} else {
if ( activeHeader.classList.contains( 'item-is-fixed' ) ) {
activeHeader.classList.remove( 'item-is-fixed' );
activeHeader.style.height = null;
activeHeader.style.top = null;
document.body.classList.remove( 'header-is-fixed' );
if ( desktopSticky || mobileSticky ) {
window.addEventListener( 'resize', updateSticky, false );
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', updateSticky, false );
window.addEventListener( 'load', updateSticky, false );
window.addEventListener( 'orientationchange', updateSticky );
if ( document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
updateSticky( 'updateActive' );
if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'woocommerce-demo-store' ) && document.body.classList.contains( 'kadence-store-notice-placement-above' ) ) {
var respondToVisibility = function(element, callback) {
var options = {
root: document.documentElement
var observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
callback(entry.intersectionRatio > 0);
}, options);
respondToVisibility( document.querySelector( '.woocommerce-store-notice'), visible => {
getTopOffset: function( event = 'scroll' ) {
if ( event === 'load' ) {
var desktopSticky = document.querySelector( '#main-header .kadence-sticky-header' ),
mobileSticky = document.querySelector( '#mobile-header .kadence-sticky-header' );
} else {
var desktopSticky = document.querySelector( '#main-header .kadence-sticky-header:not([data-reveal-scroll-up="true"])' ),
mobileSticky = document.querySelector( '#mobile-header .kadence-sticky-header:not([data-reveal-scroll-up="true"])' );
var activeScrollOffsetTop = 0,
activeScrollAdminOffsetTop = 0;
if ( kadenceConfig.breakPoints.desktop <= window.innerWidth ) {
if ( desktopSticky ) {
var shrink = desktopSticky.getAttribute( 'data-shrink' );
if ( 'true' === shrink && ! desktopSticky.classList.contains( 'site-header-inner-wrap' ) ) {
activeScrollOffsetTop = Math.floor( desktopSticky.getAttribute( 'data-shrink-height' ) );
} else {
activeScrollOffsetTop = Math.floor( desktopSticky.offsetHeight );
} else {
activeScrollOffsetTop = 0;
if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'admin-bar' ) ) {
activeScrollAdminOffsetTop = 32;
} else {
if ( mobileSticky ) {
var shrink = mobileSticky.getAttribute( 'data-shrink' );
if ( 'true' === shrink ) {
activeScrollOffsetTop = Math.floor( mobileSticky.getAttribute( 'data-shrink-height' ) );
} else {
activeScrollOffsetTop = Math.floor( mobileSticky.offsetHeight );
} else {
activeScrollOffsetTop = 0;
if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'admin-bar' ) ) {
activeScrollAdminOffsetTop = 46;
return Math.floor( activeScrollOffsetTop + activeScrollAdminOffsetTop + Math.floor( kadenceConfig.scrollOffset ) );
scrollToElement: function( element, history, event = 'scroll' ) {
history = (typeof history !== 'undefined') ? history : true;
var offsetSticky = window.kadence.getTopOffset( event );
var originalTop = Math.floor( element.getBoundingClientRect().top ) - offsetSticky;
window.scrollBy( { top: originalTop, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' } );
element.tabIndex = '-1';
preventScroll: true
if ( element.classList.contains( 'kt-title-item' ) ) {
if ( history ) {
window.history.pushState('', '', '#' + element.id );
anchorScrollToCheck: function( e, respond ) {
respond = (typeof respond !== 'undefined') ? respond : null;
if ( e.target.getAttribute('href') ) {
var targetLink = e.target;
} else {
var targetLink = e.target.closest('a');
if ( ! targetLink ) {
if ( ! targetLink.getAttribute('href') ) {
if ( targetLink.parentNode && targetLink.parentNode.hasAttribute('role') && targetLink.parentNode.getAttribute('role') === 'tab' ) {
var targetID;
if ( respond ) {
targetID = respond.getAttribute( 'href' ).substring( respond.getAttribute('href').indexOf('#') );
} else {
targetID = targetLink.getAttribute('href').substring( targetLink.getAttribute('href').indexOf('#') );
var targetAnchor = document.getElementById( targetID.replace( '#', '' ) );
if ( ! targetAnchor ) {
//window.location.href = targetLink.getAttribute('href');
} else if( targetAnchor?.classList?.contains('kt-accordion-pane')) {
//the accordion blcok does it's own js if something is trying to anchor to it, don't mess with it.
window.kadence.scrollToElement( targetAnchor );
* Initiate the sticky sidebar last width.
initStickySidebarWidget: function() {
if ( ! document.body.classList.contains( 'has-sticky-sidebar-widget' ) ) {
var offsetSticky = window.kadence.getTopOffset(),
widget = document.querySelector( '#secondary .sidebar-inner-wrap .widget:last-child' );
if ( widget ) {
widget.style.top = Math.floor( offsetSticky + 20 ) + 'px';
widget.style.maxHeight = 'calc( 100vh - ' + Math.floor( offsetSticky + 20 ) + 'px )';
* Initiate the sticky sidebar.
initStickySidebar: function() {
if ( ! document.body.classList.contains( 'has-sticky-sidebar' ) ) {
var offsetSticky = window.kadence.getTopOffset(),
sidebar = document.querySelector( '#secondary .sidebar-inner-wrap' );
if ( sidebar ) {
sidebar.style.top = Math.floor( offsetSticky + 20 ) + 'px';
sidebar.style.maxHeight = 'calc( 100vh - ' + Math.floor( offsetSticky + 20 ) + 'px )';
* Initiate the scroll to top.
initAnchorScrollTo: function() {
if ( document.body.classList.contains( 'no-anchor-scroll' ) ) {
window.onhashchange = function() {
if ( window.location.hash === '' ) {
window.scrollTo({top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'});
if ( window.location.hash != '' ) {
var id = location.hash.substring( 1 ),
if ( ! ( /^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test( id ) ) ) {
element = document.getElementById( id );
if ( element ) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
window.kadence.scrollToElement( element, false, 'load' );
}, 100 );
var foundLinks = document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href*=\\#]:not([href=\\#]):not(.scroll-ignore):not([data-tab]):not([data-toggle])' );
if ( ! foundLinks.length ) {
foundLinks.forEach( function( element ) {
try {
var targetURL = new URL( element.href );
if ( targetURL.pathname === window.location.pathname ) {
element.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
window.kadence.anchorScrollToCheck( e );
} );
} catch (error) {
console.log('ClassList: ' + element.classList, 'Invalid URL' );
} );
* Initiate the scroll to top.
initScrollToTop: function() {
var scrollBtn = document.getElementById( "kt-scroll-up" );
if ( scrollBtn ) {
var checkScrollVisiblity = function() {
if ( window.scrollY > 100 ) {
scrollBtn.classList.add( 'scroll-visible' );
} else {
scrollBtn.classList.remove( 'scroll-visible' );;
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', checkScrollVisiblity );
// Toggle the Scroll to top on click.
scrollBtn.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
//window.scrollBy( { top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' } );
window.scrollTo({top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'});
} );
var scrollBtnReader = document.getElementById( "kt-scroll-up-reader" );
if ( scrollBtnReader ) {
scrollBtnReader.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
//window.scrollBy( { top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' } );
window.scrollTo({top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'});
document.querySelector( '.skip-link' ).focus();
} );
// Initiate the menus when the DOM loads.
init: function() {
if ( 'loading' === document.readyState ) {
// The DOM has not yet been loaded.
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', window.kadence.init );
} else {
// The DOM has already been loaded.