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<name lang="en-US">Module 4: Follow up and School Re-entry</name>
<description lang="en-US">In this module, we will review the competencies for people supporting re-entry in a virtual setting and explain the steps that guide a student&rsquo;s re-entry to school in a virtual setting, <em>whether the student is returning from an emergency department presentation or a hospital admission associated with their mental health needs.&nbsp;</em><br>While previous modules (1-3) were specific to roles within the SI protocol (School Staff/First Point of Contact, Point Person, and Mental Health Professional), this module considers people in various roles may be involved in supporting follow-up and school re-entry and builds on the content covered in those previous modules. <br><br>As such, please ensure you have already taken your respective module prior to beginning this one. Issues such as technology, privacy, rapport, etc. have already been covered in previous modules and will not be covered here.</description>
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<name lang="en-US">Part 1: Follow-up and School Re-entry core competencies in virtual settings/blocks</name>
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<name lang="en-US">Part 2: Revised guidelines for supporting follow-up and re-entry in virtual settings/blocks</name>
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<name lang="en-US">Part 3: Key components of conducting follow-up meetings in virtual settings/blocks</name>
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