[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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�l"�`]� (%s ago) (%s) Stripe"%s" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons."%s" is already registered."%s" is an invalid coupon code."%s" shipping class cost"%s" tax rates"From" address"From" name#%s is an invalid image ID.%1$1sExplore our docs%2$2s for more information, or just get started!%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s%1$s #%2$s details%1$s %2$sUpdate WordPress to enable the new navigation%3$s%1$s &lsaquo; %2$s%1$s &ndash; %2$s%1$s (#%2$s &ndash; %3$s)%1$s (#%2$s)%1$s (%2$s %3$s)%1$s (%2$s)%1$s (ID: %2$s)%1$s (update to version %2$s is available)%1$s - There is a newer version of WordPress available (%2$s)%1$s - We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: %2$s%1$s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: %2$s%1$s - We recommend using a prefix with less than 20 characters. See: %2$s%1$s / %2$s%1$s and %2$s%1$s at %2$s%1$s at %2$s %3$s%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). <a href="%3$s">Please install it manually by clicking here.</a>%1$s could not be served using the Force Download method. A redirect will be used instead.%1$s could not be served using the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile method. A Force Download will be used instead.%1$s ending in %2$s%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s/%4$s)%1$s for %2$s item%1$s for %2$s items%1$s has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified. You can add it back to your cart <a href="%2$s">here</a>.%1$s in %2$s on line %3$s%1$s is low in stock. There are %2$d left.%1$s is not a numerically indexed array.%1$s is not of type %2$s%1$s is not valid. Please enter one of the following: %2$s%1$s is not valid. You can look up the correct Eircode <a target="_blank" href="%2$s">here</a>.%1$s refunded %2$d order (%3$d item)%1$s refunded %2$d orders (%3$d items)%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address%1$s review for %2$s%1$s reviews for %2$s%1$s sales in %2$s%1$s should not be called before the %2$s action.%1$s should not be called before the %2$s, %3$s and %4$s actions have finished.%1$s top seller this month (sold %2$d)%1$s units of %2$s have been backordered in order #%3$s.%1$s version %2$s is out of date. The core version is %3$s%1$s via %2$s%1$s was called with an invalid level "%2$s".%1$s was installed but could not be activated. <a href="%2$s">Please activate it manually by clicking here.</a>%1$s: %2$s%1$s× %2$s%d API key permanently revoked.%d API keys permanently revoked.%d batch executed.%d batches executed.%d item from your previous order is currently unavailable and could not be added to your cart.%d items from your previous order are currently unavailable and could not be added to your cart.%d left in stock%d note%d notes%d orphaned variations deleted%d permissions deleted%d product%d products%d scheduled task completed.%d scheduled tasks completed.%d transients rows cleared%d variation does not have a price.%d variations do not have prices.%d webhook permanently deleted.%d webhooks permanently deleted.%qty% variations%s (Copy)%s (Deleted)%s (No longer exists)%s = human-readable time difference%s ago%s Settings%s Support for strings longer than this will be removed in a future version.%s actions%s activated successfully. You will now receive updates for this product.%s and %d other region%s and %d other regions%s are out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart.%s average gross daily sales%s average gross monthly sales%s average net daily sales%s average net monthly sales%s cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.%s cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart.%s charged for shipping%s connected successfully%s coupon moved to the Trash.%s coupons moved to the Trash.%s coupon not updated, somebody is editing it.%s coupons not updated, somebody is editing them.%s coupon permanently deleted.%s coupons permanently deleted.%s coupon restored from the Trash.%s coupons restored from the Trash.%s coupon updated.%s coupons updated.%s coupons used in total%s customer review%s customer reviews%s data%s day%s days%s discount%s discounts in total%s does not exist.%s download remaining%s downloads remaining%s failed. Contact your hosting provider.%s fee%s field%s gross sales in this period%s has been added to your cart.%s have been added to your cart.%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance.%s hour%s hours%s in stock%s is a required field%s are required fields%s is a required field.%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added.%s is available%s is not a valid email address.%s is not a valid phone number.%s is not a valid postcode / ZIP.%s is out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.%s is out of stock.%s is required%s item%s items%s items%s items purchased%s minute%s minutes%s month%s months%s must contain 2 numbers.%s must contain 2 valid dates.%s net sales in this period%s net sales this month%s notes%s order moved to the Trash.%s orders moved to the Trash.%s order not updated, somebody is editing it.%s orders not updated, somebody is editing them.%s order permanently deleted.%s orders permanently deleted.%s order restored from the Trash.%s orders restored from the Trash.%s order updated.%s orders updated.%s orders placed%s out of 5%s page%s parameter is missing%s previous order linked%s previous orders linked%s product%s products%s product imported%s products imported%s product moved to the Trash.%s products moved to the Trash.%s product not updated, somebody is editing it.%s products not updated, somebody is editing them.%s product permanently deleted.%s products permanently deleted.%s product restored from the Trash.%s products restored from the Trash.%s product updated%s products updated%s product updated.%s products updated.%s product was skipped%s products were skipped%s purchases for the selected items%s quantity%s rates%s removed.%s sales for the selected items%s second%s seconds%s signups in this period%s subscription expired%s subscription expiring soon%s week%s weeks%s worth of coupons used%s would like to connect to your store%s year%s years%s() was called before the Action Scheduler data store was initialized&infin;&larr; Back to "%s" attributes&nbsp;&ndash; Page %s&quot;%s&quot; is not available for purchase.&quot;%s&quot; is out of stock and cannot be purchased.'%s' is not a valid country code.(Deleted)(Public)(can be backordered)(estimated for %s)(ex. VAT)(ex. tax)(incl. VAT)(incl. tax)(includes %1$s estimated for %2$s)(includes %s)+ Add account1 minute1 minute per product1:12 character continent code.2 minutes4 minutes<strong>%s order</strong> awaiting processing<strong>%s orders</strong> awaiting processing<strong>%s order</strong> on-hold<strong>%s orders</strong> on-hold<strong>%s product</strong> low in stock<strong>%s products</strong> low in stock<strong>%s product</strong> out of stock<strong>%s products</strong> out of stock<strong>Heads up!</strong> The versions of the following plugins you're running haven't been tested with WooCommerce %s. Please update them or confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience issues:<strong>Welcome to WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; You&lsquo;re almost ready to start selling :)<strong>Your theme (%s) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files.</strong> These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all.A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all.A CoruñaA URL to redirect the customer after checkout. This could be, for example, a link to the payment processors website.A cloud of your most used product tags.A friendly name for the webhook.A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, message, and body.A human readable description for the setting used in interfaces.A human readable label for the setting used in interfaces.A human-readable description of the resource.A link to a product category.A link to a product tag.A link to a product.A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address.A list of stats to query must be provided.A list of taxonomy terms that can be used in regard to order/product statuses.A list of taxonomy terms used for product visibility.A list of your store's products.A list of your store's top-rated products.A list or dropdown of product categories.A live rate is the exact cost to ship an order, quoted directly from the shipping carrier.A minimum order amountA minimum order amount AND a couponA minimum order amount OR a couponA new queue has begun processing. <a href="%s">View actions in-progress &raquo;</a>A note has been added to your orderA partial IP address can be passed and matching results will be returned.A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset.A product attribute term with the provided ID could not be foundA product attribute with the provided ID could not be foundA product category with the provided ID could not be foundA product shipping class with the provided ID could not be foundA product tag with the provided ID could not be foundA product with this ID already exists.A product with this SKU already exists.A search form for your store.A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping methods and rates apply.A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping methods are offered.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept BACS payment.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept a check as method of payment.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept cash on delivery.A tax rate with the provided ID could not be foundA unique identifier for the setting.A unique identifier for the tool.A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together.A valid email address is requiredA valid free shipping couponA zip file of the theme to be uploaded.ANDAOVAPI Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the secret key will be hidden once you leave this page.API Key updated successfully.API VersionAPI credentialsAPI docsAPI enabledAPI keyAPI path.API user is invalidASCAargauAbiaAbimAbortAbort the product attributes lookup table regenerationAboutAbout Action Scheduler %sAbout WooCommerceAbraAbujaAccept COD if the order is virtualAccept credit and debit cards, offline (cash or bank transfer) and logged-in payments with money in Mercado Pago. Safe and secure payments with the leading payment processor in LATAM.Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay.Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.Accept for virtual ordersAccept payments via PayPal using account balance or credit card.Access deniedAccess expiresAccess grantedAccess restrictionAccess to Purchased DownloadsAccount creationAccount detailsAccount details changed successfully.Account details:Account endpointsAccount erasure requestsAccount nameAccount numberAccount usernameAccounts &amp; PrivacyAcreActionAction GroupAction SchedulerAction Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s <a href="%2$s">Learn more &raquo;</a>Action Scheduler is a scalable, traceable job queue for background processing large sets of actions. Action Scheduler works by triggering an action hook to run at some time in the future. Scheduled actions can also be scheduled to run on a recurring schedule.Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be incomplete.Action Scheduler packageAction Scheduler package running on your site.Action StatusAction [%1$s] has an invalid schedule: %2$sAction [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. $args = %2$sAction eventAction failed. Please refresh the page and retry.Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, FailedAction that should be completed to connect Jetpack.ActionScheduler_Action::$args too long. To ensure the args column can be indexed, action args should not be more than %d characters when encoded as JSON.Actionable order statusesActionsActivateActivate usage trackingActiveActive Product FiltersActive filtersActive pluginsActive plugins.Activity log for the action.AdamawaAdanaAddAdd %s to my storeAdd &ldquo;%s&rdquo; to your cartAdd FileAdd NewAdd New Scheduled ActionAdd a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be notified).Add a productAdd a reviewAdd additional piece of info about each category to the report.Add additional piece of info about each coupon to the report.Add additional piece of info about each product to the report.Add additional piece of info about each variation to the report.Add as many zones as you need &ndash; customers will only see the methods available for their address.Add attributeAdd couponAdd feeAdd fileAdd images to product galleryAdd item(s)Add keyAdd manuallyAdd my productsAdd newAdd new %sAdd new attributeAdd new categoryAdd new couponAdd new orderAdd new productAdd new shipping classAdd new tagAdd noteAdd or remove tagsAdd orderAdd payment methodAdd product gallery imagesAdd product(s)Add productsAdd recommended marketing tools to reach new customers and grow your businessAdd shippingAdd shipping classAdd shipping methodAdd shipping methods &amp; zonesAdd shipping zoneAdd store detailsAdd taxAdd tax ratesAdd to cartAdd to cart URL.Add to cart behaviourAdd to cart button parameters.Add to galleryAdd to menuAdd webhookAdd your first productAdd&nbsp;metaAdded line items: %sAdditional contentAdditional data to pass to the extensionAdditional help text shown to the user about the setting.Additional informationAdditional ratesAdditional tax class "%1$s" couldn't be saved. %2$s.Additional tax classesAddressAddressesAddress changed successfully.Address line 1Address line 1.Address line 2Address line 2.Address overrideAddress:AddressesAdds an option to the orders screen for removing personal data in bulk. Note that removing personal data cannot be undone.Adds the new WooCommerce settings UI.AdjumaniAdjusted stock: %sAdmin menu nameCategoriesAdmin menu nameCouponsAdmin menu nameOrdersAdmin menu nameProductsAdmin menu nameScheduled ActionsAdmin menu nameShipping classesAdmin menu nameTagsAdrarAdvancedAdvanced optionsAdıyamanAfghan afghaniAfghanistanAfricaAfter pre-tax discounts.After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you <a href="%s" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>.After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you regenerate thumbnails. You can do this from the <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">tools section in WooCommerce</a> or by using a plugin such as <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>.After publishing your changes, new image sizes will be generated automatically.AfyonAgagoAgrigentoAguascalientesAgusan del NorteAgusan del SurAhafoAhuachapánAichiAisén del General Carlos Ibañez del CampoAkitaAklanAksarayAkwa IbomAl SharqiaAlabamaAlagoasAlajuelaAlaskaAlbaAlbaceteAlbaniaAlbanian lekAlbayAlbertaAlborz (البرز)AlebtongAlertAlessandriaAlexandriaAlgeriaAlgerian dinarAlgiersAlias for customer_type (deprecated).AliboriAlicanteAllAll %sAll ProductsAll allowed countriesAll categoriesAll couponsAll done!All levelsAll missing WooCommerce pages successfully installedAll pending and in-progress import actions have been cancelled.All productsAll shipping classesAll sourcesAll tagsAllowAllow backorders?Allow customer reviews?Allow customers to create an account during checkoutAllow customers to create an account on the "My account" pageAllow customers to log into an existing account during checkoutAllow customers to pick up orders themselves. By default, when using local pickup store base taxes will apply regardless of customer address.Allow customers to place orders without an accountAllow free shippingAllow one item to be bought in a single order.Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from ordersAllow reviews.Allow usage of WooCommerce to be trackedAllow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resortAllow, but notify customerAllowed ZIP/post codesAllowed emailsAlmeríaAlta VerapazAlternatively, enter the path to a CSV file on your server:Alto ParaguayAlto ParanáAlways show quantity remaining in stock e.g. "12 in stock"AmambayAmapáAmasyaAmazonasAmerican SamoaAmnat CharoenAmolatarAmount already refundedAmount discountedAmount discounted by coupons.Amount of coupons.Amount of customers.Amount of items sold.Amount of orders.Amount of products.Amount of reviews that the product has.Amount of reviews that the product have.Amount of reviews.Amount of sales.Amount of tax codes.Amount that will be refunded for this line item (excluding taxes).Amount that will be refunded for this tax.AmudatAmuriaAmuruAn account is already registered with that username. Please choose another.An account is already registered with your email address. <a href="#" class="showlogin">Please log in.</a>An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in before proceeding.An additional, optional address line for your business location.An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.An alphanumeric identifier for the resource.An array of actions, if any, for the note.An array of data being returned from the payment gateway.An eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.An endpoint used for searching download logs for a specific IP address.An error has occurred when activating %s. Please try again later.An error has occurred when deactivating the extension %1$s. Please proceed to the <a href="%2$s">Plugins screen</a> to deactivate it manually.An error has occurred when deactivating the subscription for %s. Please try again later.An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer dataAn error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment gateway API.An identifier for the group this setting belongs to.An import is already in progress. Please allow the previous import to complete before beginning a new one.An integration for utilizing MaxMind to do Geolocation lookups. Please note that this integration will only do country lookups.An invalid setting value was passed.An item which is no longer available was removed from your cart.An order has been created for you on %1$s. Your invoice is below, with a link to make payment when you’re ready: %2$sAn order note with the provided ID could not be foundAn order refund with the provided ID could not be found.An unexpected error happened while applying the Coupon %s.AnalyticsAnalytics cache cleared.AnambraAncashAnconaAndaman and Nicobar IslandsAndhra PradeshAndorraAnenii NoiAng ThongAngolaAngolan kwanzaAnguillaAnhui / 安徽AnkaraAnnabaAnother order milestone! Take a look at your Orders Report to review your orders to date.AntalyaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaAntioquiaAntiqueAntofagastaAny %sAny %s&hellip;Any &quot;%1$s&quot; methodAny categoryAnzoáteguiAomoriAostaApacApartment, suite, etc.Apartment, suite, unit, etc.Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)ApayaoAppend a unique string to filename for securityAppenzell AusserrhodenAppenzell InnerrhodenApplication authentication requestApplyApply couponApply minimum order rule before coupon discountApply to all qualifying items in cartApproveApureApurímacAraba/ÁlavaAradAraguaAraucaArchive templateArdabil (اردبیل)ArdahanAre WordPress cron jobs enabled?Are you sure you want to clear all logs from the database?Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?Are you sure you want to delete this log?Are you sure you want to delete this template file?Are you sure you want to delete this zone? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to log out? <a href="%s">Confirm and log out</a>Are you sure you want to remove the selected fees?Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?Are you sure you want to remove the selected shipping?Are you sure you want to remove this variation?Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?Are you sure you want to run this tool?Are you sure you wish to delete this note? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to delete this refund? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to delete this tax column? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to process this refund? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you're ready?ArequipaArezzoArgentinaArgentine pesoArgeșArgumentsArica y ParinacotaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces (AA)Armed Forces (AE)Armed Forces (AP)ArmeniaArmenian dramArray of options (key value pairs) for inputs such as select, multiselect, and radio buttons.Array of options with associated values.Array of the response headers from the receiving server.ArtigasArtvinAruaArubaAruban florinArunachal PradeshArushaAs a reminder, here are your order details:As a single totalAscoli PicenoAshantiAsiaAssamAstiAsturiasAsunciónAswanAsyutAtacamaAtakoraAtlantiqueAtlánticoAtlántico NorteAtlántico SurAtlántidaAttapeuAttempting to reduce used memory...AtticaAttributeAttribute %d defaultAttribute %d globalAttribute %d nameAttribute %d value(s)Attribute %d visibleAttribute ID.Attribute does not exist.Attribute nameAttribute name.Attribute position.Attribute slug.Attribute taxonomy name.Attribute terms can be assigned to products and variations.<br/><br/><b>Note</b>: Deleting a term will remove it from all products and variations to which it has been assigned. Recreating a term will not automatically assign it back to products.Attribute type.Attribute updated successfullyAttribute value(s)Attribute visibilityAttributesAttributes let you define extra product data, such as size or color. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the "layered nav" widgets.Attributes totals.AucklandAuroraAustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryAustralian dollarAustriaAuthentication and subscription caches refreshed successfully.Author URLAuthor: %sAuthorizeAuto renews on:Automated TaxesAutomatticAvailabilityAvailable downloadsAvailable on backorderAvailable placeholders: %sAvatar URL with image size of %d pixels.Avatar URL.Avatar URLs for the object reviewer.AvellinoAverageAverage AOV per customer.Average gross sales amountAverage items per orderAverage net daily sales.Average net sales amountAverage number of orders.Average order value.Average ratingAverage total spend per customer.Avg order value.Awaiting BACS paymentAwaiting product imageAyacuchoAydınAyutthayaAzad KashmirAzerbaijanAzerbaijani manatAzuaAzuayAïn DeflaAïn TémouchentAğrıBICBIC / SwiftBSBBack to AttributesBackground colorBackorderedBackorders allowed?Backorders?BacăuBadajozBaden-WürttembergBagerhatBagmatiBahamasBahamian dollarBahiaBahrainBahraini dinarBaja CaliforniaBaja California SurBaja VerapazBaker IslandBalearesBaliBalochistanBalıkesirBandarbanBangka BelitungBangkokBangladeshBangladeshi takaBankBank codeBank nameBank transfer (BACS) paymentsBank transit numberBantenBaorucoBarahonaBaranyaBarbadian dollarBarbadosBarcelonaBargunaBariBarinasBaringoBarishalBarletta-Andria-TraniBartınBasarabeascaBase colorBasel-LandschaftBasel-StadtBasilanBataanBatanesBatangasBatch endpoint for getting specific performance indicators from `stats` endpoints.BatmanBatnaBauchiBavariaBay IslandsBay of PlentyBayburtBayelsaBe the first to review &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Before asking for help, we recommend checking the system status page to identify any problems with your configuration.Before discountBefore you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:BeheiraBeijing / 北京BelarusBelarusian rubleBelarusian ruble (old)BelauBelgiumBelizeBelize dollarBellunoBelow is a list of extensions available on your WooCommerce.com account. To receive extension updates please make sure the extension is installed, and its subscription activated and connected to your WooCommerce.com account. Extensions can be activated from the <a href="%s">Plugins</a> screen.BeneventoBengkuluBengoBenguelaBenguetBeniBeni SuefBeninBenueBeratBergamoBerlinBermudaBermudian dollarBernBest SellersBetter securityBheriBholaBhutanBhutanese ngultrumBiellaBiharBihorBilecikBiliranBillingBilling &amp; ShippingBilling AddressBilling Address 1Billing Address 2Billing CityBilling CompanyBilling Country / RegionBilling First NameBilling Last NameBilling Phone NumberBilling Postal/Zip CodeBilling StateBilling addressBilling address.Billing detailsBilling emailBingölBiobíoBiscayBiskraBistrița-NăsăudBitcoinBitlisBiéBlagoevgradBlidaBlock name is required.Blog id of the record on the multisite.BoacoBocas del ToroBody background colorBody text colorBoguraBoholBokeoBolikhamsaiBoliviaBolivian bolivianoBolognaBoluBolzanoBolívarBometBomiBonaire, Saint Eustatius and SabaBongBonoBono EastBonus reasons you'll love JetpackBookingsBoquerónBordj Bou ArréridjBorgouBornoBorsod-Abaúj-ZemplénBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina convertible markBothBotoșaniBotswanaBotswana pulaBouiraBoumerdèsBouvet IslandBoyacáBrahmanbariaBranch codeBranch sortBrandenburgBrazilBrazilian realBrașovBremenBresciaBriceniBrindisiBritish ColumbiaBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrong-AhafoBrowseBrowse CategoriesBrowse ExtensionsBrowse categoriesBrowse productsBrowse storeBrowse the MarketplaceBrowser User AgentBruneiBrunei dollarBrăilaBucureștiBudakaBudapestBududaBueng KanBuenos AiresBugiriBugweriBuhwejuBuikweBukedeaBukidnonBukomansimbiBukwaBulacanBulambuliBulgariaBulgarian levBuliisaBundibugyoBundlesBungomaBunyangabuBurdurBurgasBurgosBuri RamBurkina FasoBurmese kyatBursaBurundiBurundian francBushehr (بوشهر)BushenyiBusiaButalejaButambalaButeboButton description.Button textButton text.BuvumaBuy &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Buy nowBuyendeBuzăuBy clicking "Get started", you agree to our %1$sTerms of Service%2$sBy connecting your site you agree to our fascinating <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> and to <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">share details</a> with WordPress.comBács-KiskunBécharBéjaïaBékésBălțiCBD and other hemp-derived productsCFP francCSV DelimiterCVCCaaguazúCaazapáCabañasCabindaCabo DelgadoCagayanCagliariCahulCairoCajamarcaCalculate coupon discounts sequentiallyCalculate shippingCalculate tax based onCalculation typeCalculationsCaldasCaliforniaCaltanissettaCamarines NorteCamarines SurCambodiaCambodian rielCameroonCamiguinCampecheCampobassoCan not set resource parent, taxonomy is not hierarchical.CanadaCanadian dollarCancelCancel changesCancel scheduleCancel the action now to avoid it being run in futureCancel thumbnail regenerationCanceledCancelled <span class="count">(%s)</span>Cancelled <span class="count">(%s)</span>Cancelled orderCancelled order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been marked cancelled (if they were previously processing or on-hold).Cancelled orders are unpaid and may have been cancelled by the store owner or customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Cancelled product image regeneration job.CanelonesCanindeyúCannot create an existing cart item.Cannot create existing %s.Cannot create existing product review.Cannot create existing resource.Cannot create line item, try again.Cannot create order from empty cart.Cannot create order note, please try again.Cannot create order refund, please try again.Cannot create order: %sCannot set attributes due to invalid parent product.Cannot update coupon, try again.Cannot update fee, try again.Cannot update shipping method, try again.CantabriaCantemirCanterburyCantonCapabilitiesCape VerdeCape Verdean escudoCapitalCapital DistrictCapizCaptureCaquetáCaraboboCarazoCaraș-SeverinCarchiCard codeCard numberCarlowCartCart PageCart item does not exist.Cart item is invalid.Cart item no longer exists or is invalid.Cart pageCart total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Cart totalsCart updated.CartagoCasanareCasertaCash on deliveryCastellónCatalogCatalog &amp; searchCatalog visibility.Catalog visibility:CatamarcaCatanduanesCataniaCatanzaroCategoriesCategories deleted.Categories totals.CategoryCategoriesCategory IDCategory ID.Category URL.Category added.Category archive display type.Category deleted.Category displayCategory image.Category linkCategory nameCategory name.Category not added.Category not updated.Category orderCategory slugCategory slug.Category updated.Category:Categories:CaucaCavanCaviteCayman IslandsCayman Islands dollarCañarCearáCebuCentimetersCentralCentral African CFA francCentral African RepublicCentral GreeceCentral MacedoniaCerro LargoCesarCeutaChachoengsaoChacoChadChaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)Chai NatChaiyaphumChalatenangoChampasakChandigarhChandpurChange addressChange order status to completedChange order status to on-holdChange order status to processingChange status to cancelledChange status to completedChange status to on-holdChange status to processingChange status: Change to:Changing eCommerce platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process.Changing platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process.ChanthaburiChattogramCheck out the themes that are compatible with WooCommerce and choose one aligned with your brand and business needs.Check payment methodAwaiting check paymentCheck payment methodCheck paymentsCheck this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A <a href="%s" target="_blank">free shipping method</a> must be enabled in your shipping zone and be set to require "a valid free shipping coupon" (see the "Free Shipping Requires" setting).Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale.CheckoutCheckout PageCheckout endpointsCheckout is not available whilst your cart is empty.Checkout pageCheckout privacy policyChernivtsi OblastChhattisgarhChiang MaiChiang RaiChiapasChibaChietiChihuahuaChild themeChileChilean pesoChimaltenangoChimborazoChinaChinandegaChinese yuanChiquimulaChiriquíChișinăuChlefChocóCholutecaChonburiChongqing / 重庆ChontalesChoose a CSV file from your computer:Choose a category to view statsChoose a country / region&hellip;Choose a currency&hellip;Choose a file from your computer:Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify a different priority per rate.Choose a product to view statsChoose a state&hellip;Choose a tax class for this product. Tax classes are used to apply different tax rates specific to certain types of product.Choose an action...Choose an imageChoose an optionChoose countries / regions&hellip;Choose coupons&hellip;Choose fileChoose from the most used tagsChoose how long to retain personal data when it's no longer needed for processing. Leave the following options blank to retain this data indefinitely.Choose payment providers and enable payment methods at checkout.Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries.Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Klarna</a>.Choose the shipping method you wish to add. Only shipping methods which support zones are listed.Choose what to display on product category pages.Choose what to display on the main shop page.Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates.Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping.Choose whether you wish to capture funds immediately or authorize payment only.Choose which countries you want to ship to, or choose to ship to all locations you sell to.Choose which format of email to send.Choosing a theme?Chosen attributes (for variations).Christmas IslandChuadangaChubutChumphonChuquisacaCibao NordesteCibao NoroesteCibao NorteCibao SurCimișliaCities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all cities.CityCity name, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce 5.3, 'cities' should be used instead.City name.City of the address being shipped to.City.Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos AiresCiudad RealCiudad de MéxicoClaim IDClareClarendonClean up download permissionsClearClear analytics cacheClear customer sessionsClear template cacheClear transientsClick here to enter your codeClick here to loginClick here to reset your passwordClick here to set your new password.Click to toggleCloning is forbidden.CloseClose (Esc)Close modal panelClujCoahuilaCoastCochabambaCocléCocos (Keeling) IslandsCodeCojedesColimaCollect and validate EU VAT numbers at checkoutCollect payments from customers offline.CollinesColombiaColombian pesoColoniaColoradoColumn mappingColumn nameColumnsColónComayaguaComma-separated list of search stopwords in your languageabout,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,wwwCommunity forumCommunity supportComoComorian francComorosCompanyCompany nameCompany name.CompleteCompletedCompleted <span class="count">(%s)</span>Completed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Completed orderCompleted processing action %1$s with hook: %2$sCompleted product image regeneration job.Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxesCompostela ValleyCompoundConcepciónConfigure termsConfirm navigationConfirm new passwordCongo (Brazzaville)Congo (Kinshasa)Congolese francCongratulations on getting your first order! Now is a great time to learn how to manage your orders.Congratulations on processing %s orders!Congratulations on the sale.ConnectConnect to WooCommerce.comConnect to get important product notifications and updates.Connect your store to JetpackConnect your store to Jetpack to enable extra featuresConnect your store to activate WooCommerce ServicesConnected to WooCommerce.comConnecticutConstantineConstanțaConsumer Secret is invalid.Consumer keyConsumer key ending inConsumer key is invalid.Consumer key is missing.Consumer secretConsumer secret is invalid.Consumer secret is missing.Content data for the note. JSON string. Available for re-localization.Content of the note.Content typeContent…ContinueContinue shoppingContinue with JetpackContinue with WooCommerce ServicesControls the stock status of the product.Controls whether or not the product is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend.Controls whether or not the variation is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend.Cook IslandsCopied!CopperbeltCopyCopy billing addressCopy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information.Copy file to themeCopy for supportCopy from billing addressCopy linkCopy to a new draftCopying to clipboard failed. Please press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy.Copying to clipboard failed. You should be able to right-click the button and copy.CopánCoquimboCordilleraCorkCorrientesCortésCosenzaCostCosta RicaCosta Rican col&oacute;nCotabatoCotopaxiCould not delete the attributeCould not delete the categoryCould not delete the shipping classCould not delete the tagCould not delete the tax classCould not delete the tax rateCould not edit the attributeCould not edit the categoryCould not edit the shipping classCould not edit the tagCould not find any subscriptions on your WooCommerce.com accountCould not find download path.Could not find download url for the product.Could not find product package.Could not find unpacked path.Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.Could not process change for action: "%1$s" (ID: %2$d). Error: %3$sCould not update the attribute.Could not write to template file.CountCountry / RegionCountry / Region.Country / StateCountry ISO 3166 code.Country codeCountry code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.Country&nbsp;codeCountry/RegionCountry/Region code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.CountyCouponCouponsCoupon "%s" does not exist!Coupon %s was used in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again.Coupon ID.Coupon amountCoupon cannot be removed because it is not already applied to the cart.Coupon codeCoupon code "%s" has already been applied.Coupon code already applied!Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this code.Coupon code applied successfully.Coupon code is required.Coupon code removed successfully.Coupon code.Coupon createdCoupon creation date in GMT.Coupon creation date.Coupon dataCoupon deletedCoupon description.Coupon discount total must be a positive amount.Coupon discount type.Coupon does not exist in the cart.Coupon does not exist!Coupon draft updated.Coupon expiration date in GMT.Coupon expiration date.Coupon expiry dateCoupon has been removed.Coupon is not valid.Coupon item ID is readonly.Coupon management has moved!Coupon restoredCoupon saved.Coupon scheduled for: %s.Coupon submitted.Coupon typeCoupon type name.Coupon updatedCoupon updated.Coupon usage limit has been reached.Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or contact us for help.Coupon(s)Coupon(s):Coupon:Coupon: %sCouponsCoupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers. They will appear here once created.Coupons are disabled.Coupons by dateCoupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages.Coupons can now be managed from Marketing > Coupons. Click the button below to remove the legacy WooCommerce > Coupons menu item.Coupons detailed reports.Coupons discountsCoupons line data.Coupons listCoupons navigationCoupons totals.CovasnaCox's BazarCreateCreate ProductCreate a new webhookCreate a productCreate account passwordCreate an API keyCreate an account?Create and send purchase follow-up emails, newsletters, and promotional campaigns straight from your dashboard.Create couponsCreate customersCreate default WooCommerce pagesCreate on-brand store campaigns, fast email promotions and customer retargeting with Creative Mail.Create ordersCreate pagesCreate productsCreate some productsCreate webhooksCreate your first couponCreatedCreated atCreating product review failed.Creative Mail for WooCommerceCredit cardCremonaCreteCriticalCriuleniCroatiaCroatian kunaCross RiverCross-sellsCross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product.CrotoneCsongrád-CsanádCubaCuban convertible pesoCuban pesoCuencaCumillaCundinamarcaCuneneCuneoCura&ccedil;aoCurrencyCurrency code (in ISO format) for returned prices.Currency minor unit (number of digits after the decimal separator) for returned prices.Currency optionsCurrency positionCurrency position.Currency symbol for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Currency symbol position for this country.Currency symbol.Currency the order was created with, in ISO format.Currency.Current annual revenue of the store.Current pageCurrent page of the collection.Current page retrieval should be called on or after the `current_screen` hook.Current password (leave blank to leave unchanged)Current product price.Current set billing address for the customer.Current set shipping address for the customer.Current variation price.CuscatlánCuscoCustomCustom LinkCustom baseCustom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom orderingCustom ordering position.Custom:CustomerCustomer "new account" emails are sent to the customer when a customer signs up via checkout or account pages.Customer "reset password" emails are sent when customers reset their passwords.Customer DataCustomer ID if registered. Will return 0 for guests.Customer ID is invalid.Customer ID.Customer IP: %sCustomer NameCustomer billing addressCustomer createdCustomer deletedCustomer detailsCustomer download linkCustomer download logCustomer download permissions have been retained.Customer downloadsCustomer first name.Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.Customer invoice / Order detailsCustomer invoice emails can be sent to customers containing their order information and payment links.Customer last name.Customer listCustomer login name.Customer matched zone "%s"Customer noteCustomer note emails are sent when you add a note to an order.Customer notes about the orderCustomer ordersCustomer password.Customer payment page &rarr;Customer provided noteCustomer provided note:Customer role.Customer salesCustomer shipping addressCustomer typeCustomer type name.Customer updatedCustomer's IP address.Customer:CustomersCustomers detailed reports.Customers do not support trashing.Customers totals.Customers vs. guestsCustomers will not be able to purchase physical goods from your store until a shipping method is available.Customizable productsCustomize your online store with WooCommerce blocksCyprusCzech RepublicCzech korunaCáceresCádizCórdobaCălărașiCăușeniDESCDKI JakartaDOMDocumentDadra and Nagar HaveliDaerah Istimewa AcehDaerah Istimewa YogyakartaDajabónDakahliaDaman and DiuDamiettaDanish kroneDar es SalaamDariénDashboardData resource ID.Data resource description.Data store:Data to pass through to the payment method when processing payment.Data: %1$.2fMB + Index: %2$.2fMB + Engine %3$sDatabaseDatabase Data SizeDatabase File PathDatabase Index SizeDatabase error.Database information:Database prefixDatabase prefix.Database tables missingDatabase tables.Database upgrade routine has been scheduled to run in the background.Database verified successfully.Database.DateDate after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any (GMT).Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any.Date created:Date last active GMT.Date last active.Date registered GMT.Date registered.Date sale price endsDate sale price startsDate the note was created (GMT).Date the note was created.Date the order was created, as GMT.Date the order was created, in the site's timezone.Date:Davao OccidentalDavao OrientalDavao del NorteDavao del SurDay(s)DebugDebug logDebug modeDecimal precision of the returned prices.Decimal separatorDecimal separator for displayed prices for this country.Decimal separator for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Decimal separator.Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):Decrease existing stock by:Decrease regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)Decrease sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)DefaultDefault Date RangeDefault Form ValuesDefault ISO4127 alpha-3 currency code for the country.Default attributeDefault category slugUncategorizedDefault customer locationDefault product category cannot be deleted.Default product sortingDefault sort orderDefault sort order.Default sortingDefault sorting (custom ordering + name)Default timezone is %s - it should be UTCDefault timezone is UTCDefault timezone.Default to customer billing addressDefault to customer shipping addressDefault value for the setting.Defaults variation attributes.Define if the attribute can be used as variation.Define if the attribute is visible on the "Additional information" tab in the product's page.Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items.Define if the variation is visible on the product's page.Define text to show after your product prices. This could be, for example, "inc. Vat" to explain your pricing. You can also have prices substituted here using one of the following: {price_including_tax}, {price_excluding_tax}.Define whether or not the entire product is taxable, or just the cost of shipping it.DelawareDeleteDelete "%s" permanentlyDelete WooCommerce tax ratesDelete all variationsDelete imageDelete itemDelete logDelete noteDelete orphaned variationsDelete payment methodDelete permanentlyDelete tax ratesDelete template fileDeletedDeleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)Deleted %sDeleted all active sessions, and %d saved carts.Deleting a category does not delete the products in that category. Instead, products that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the category %s.DelhiDelimiterDelivery URLDelivery feeDelivery time estimate text, e.g. 3-5 business days.DeltaDelta AmacuroDenizliDenmarkDenyDepartmentDescriptionDescription (optional)Description for your referenceDescription is missing.Description of the shipping rate, e.g. Dispatched via USPS.Design your store with deep WooCommerce integration. If toggled on, we’ll install <a href="https://woocommerce.com/storefront/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Storefront</a>, and your current theme <em>%s</em> will be deactivated.Destination logger must be configured before running a migrationDestination store must be configured before running a migrationDetermines how this attribute's values are displayed.Determines if hidden or visible catalog products are shown.Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute.Determines the type of discount that will be applied.Developed by %sDhakaDhaulagiriDibërDid the tool run successfully?Did you know you can print shipping labels at home?DimensionsDimensions (%s)Dimensions (L&times;W&times;H) (%s)Dimensions unitDinagat IslandsDinajpurDirect bank transferDirect payments to email address:Direct updatesDisableDisable shipping &amp; shipping calculationsDisabledDisconnectDiscount amountDiscount total tax.Discount total.Discount typeDiscount:Discounted ordersDismissDismiss the gatewayDismiss this notice.Dismiss this suggestionDisplay a list of a customer's recently viewed products.Display a list of active product filters.Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.Display a list of recent reviews from your store.Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store.Display a slider to filter products in your store by price.Display nameDisplay name cannot be changed to email address due to privacy concern.Display prices during cart and checkoutDisplay prices in the shopDisplay suggestions within WooCommerceDisplay tax totalsDisplay the customer shopping cart.Display typeDisplayed title for the leaderboard.Displays whether or not WP Cron Jobs are enabled.Displays whether or not WordPress is in Debug Mode.Displays whether or not WordPress is using an external object cache.Displays whether or not the current active theme declares WooCommerce support.Displays whether or not the current theme is a child theme.DistrictDistrict Of ColumbiaDistrito FederalDistrito NacionalDiyarbakırDjelfaDjiboutiDjiboutian francDo not allowDo not importDo you need help with adding your first product?Do you need more info about WooCommerce Subscriptions?Do you want to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce?Do you want to sell online courses?Do you wish to save your changes first? Your changed data will be discarded if you choose to cancel.DobrichDocsDodomaDoes the product have additional options before it can be added to the cart?Does the theme declare WooCommerce support?Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file?Does this theme have outdated templates?Does your site force a SSL Certificate for transactions?Does your site have REST API enabled?DokoloDoljDominicaDominican RepublicDominican pesoDon't charge for shipping.DondușeniDone!DonegalDongaDownloadDownloadsDownload %dDownload %d IDDownload %d URLDownload %d nameDownload &amp; installDownload IDDownload ID (MD5).Download ID.Download URLDownload countDownload expiryDownload expiry daysDownload file URL.Download limitDownload nameDownload type, this controls the schema on the front-end.Download your %1$s Report: %2$sDownload your %s ReportDownloadableDownloadable file name.Downloadable filesDownloadable product ID.Downloadable product permissionsDownloadable productsDownloadable products give access to a file upon purchase.Downloaded %s timeDownloaded %s timesDownloadsDownloads remainingDownloads require loginDrafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>Drag and drop to re-order your custom zones. This is the order in which they will be matched against the customer address.Drag and drop to set admin attribute orderDrag and drop, or click to set admin variation orderDrive sales with %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$sDrochiaDropdownDropin PluginsDropins & MU plugins.DuarteDublinDubăsariDuplicateDurangoDuraznoDurrësDâmbovițaDüzceEast Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)East Caribbean dollarEast Macedonia and ThraceEasternEastern CapeEastern SamarEbonyiEcuadorEdinețEdirneEditEdit %sEdit %s pageEdit CouponEdit OrderEdit ProductEdit Scheduled ActionEdit accountEdit and create new products from your mobile devices with the Woo appEdit attributeEdit categoryEdit couponEdit failed. Please try again.Edit itemEdit orderEdit pageEdit productEdit products on the moveEdit shipping classEdit tagEdit this orderEdoEducation and learningEffortless payments by Mollie: Offer global and local payment methods, get onboarded in minutes, and supported in your language.EgyptEgyptian poundEhimeEircodeEkitiEl BayadhEl CallaoEl OroEl OuedEl ParaísoEl ProgresoEl SalvadorEl SeiboEl TarfEl ValleElazığElbasanElectronics and computersElgeyo-MarakwetElías PiñaEmailEmail AddressEmail addressEmail address is invalid.Email address to receive paymentsEmail address.Email headingEmail heading (paid)Email invoice / order details to customerEmail notificationsEmail notifications sent from WooCommerce are listed below. Click on an email to configure it.<br>%sEmail of the reviewer.Email optionsEmail sender optionsEmail templateEmail typeEmail you used during checkout.Email:EmailsEmberáEmbuEmergencyEnableEnable "address_override" to prevent address information from being changed.Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archivesEnable Archives?Enable AutorenewEnable IPN email notificationsEnable PayPal StandardEnable PayPal sandboxEnable PayU’s exclusive plugin for WooCommerce to start accepting payments in 100+ payment methods available in India including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, & more!Enable archives?Enable auto-renewEnable bank transferEnable cash on deliveryEnable check paymentsEnable couponsEnable debug modeEnable email insightsEnable for shipping methodsEnable loggingEnable low stock notificationsEnable out of stock notificationsEnable product reviewsEnable reviewsEnable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass shipping rate cache.Enable star rating on reviewsEnable stock managementEnable store noticeEnable table usageEnable tax rates and calculationsEnable taxesEnable the legacy REST APIEnable the shipping calculator on the cart pageEnable the use of coupon codesEnable this email notificationEnable this if you want this attribute to have product archives in your store.Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping costEnable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a productEnable this option to enable stock management at variation levelEnable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are "processing", rather than "completed".Enable trackingEnable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerceEnable/DisableEnable/Disable attribute archives.EnabledEnd date of sale price, as GMT.End date of sale price, in the site's timezone.End date of sale price.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Add payment method" page.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Order received" page.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Pay" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Addresses" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Downloads" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Edit account" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Lost password" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Orders" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Payment methods" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; View order" page.Endpoint for the delete payment method page.Endpoint for the setting a default payment method page.Endpoint for the triggering logout. You can add this to your menus via a custom link: yoursite.com/?customer-logout=trueEndpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions during the checkout process. They should be unique.Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the endpoint.Enhance speed and security with %1$sJetpack%2$sEnhance your productsEnhance your store with these recommended free features.Enjoy all Facebook products combined in one extension: pixel tracking, catalog sync, messenger chat, shop functionality and Instagram shopping (coming soon)!EnnaEnriquilloEnsure result set excludes reviews assigned to specific user IDs.Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.Enter a cost (excl. tax) or sum, e.g. <code>10.00 * [qty]</code>.Enter a coupon code to apply. Discounts are applied to line totals, before taxes.Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default instead.Enter a different addressEnter a fixed amount or percentage to apply as a fee.Enter a name for the new attribute term:Enter a name for this tax rate.Enter a new password below.Enter a number to set stock quantity at the variation level. Use a variation's 'Manage stock?' check box above to enable/disable stock management at the variation level.Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places.Enter a username or email address.Enter a valueEnter a value (fixed or %)Enter an optional description for this variation.Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase.Enter attachment ID or URL to an imageEnter price (%s)Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to %s.Enter recipients (comma separated) that will receive this notification.Enter sale price (%s)Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values.Enter the action that will trigger this webhook.Enter the external URL to the product.Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank.Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how to access your <a href="%s">PayPal API Credentials</a>.Enter your address to view shipping options.Entre RíosEnuguEnvironment.EpirusEquatorial GuineaEritreaEritrean nakfaErongoErrorError 404Error codeError during status transition.Error getting remote image %s.Error messageError messages can contain sensitive information about your store environment. These should be hidden from untrusted visitors.Error messages should not be shown to visitors.Error processing action %1$s: %2$sError processing checkout. Please try again.Error processing refund. Please try again.Error saving action: %sError:Error: %sError: %s.Error: Delivery URL cannot be reached: %sError: Delivery URL returned response code: %sError: non-existing attribute ID.ErzincanErzurumEscuintlaEskişehirEsmeraldasEspaillatEspírito SantoEstado de MéxicoEstelíEstoniaEthiopiaEthiopian birrEuroEuropeEurope zone = Any country in Europe = Flat rate shippingEvery %d minutesEvery %sEvery 15 DaysEvery minuteEverywhereEwayExclude categoriesExclude productsExclude sale itemsExcluded report order statusesExcluding selected countriesExcluding taxExisting products that match by ID or SKU will be updated. Products that do not exist will be skipped.ExpandExpiredExpired :(Expired transientsExpiresExpires on:Expiring SoonExpiring soon!Expiry (MM/YY)Expiry dateExportExport CSVExport ID.Export ProductsExport all categoriesExport all columnsExport all productsExport custom meta?Export download URL.Export products to a CSV fileExport status message.Export status.Extended task ListExtension data registered by %sExtension's name - this will be used to ensure the data in the request is routed appropriately.ExtensionsExtensions %sExtensions can add new functionality to your product pages that make your store stand outExternal URLExternal object cacheExternal productExternal products cannot be backordered.External products cannot be stock managed.External/Affiliate productExtra business extensions to install.FATAFacebookFacebook for WooCommerceFacebook iconFailedFailed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Failed orderFailed order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been marked failed (if they were previously pending or on-hold).Failed orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Failed to download the MaxMind database.Failed to import %s productFailed to import %s productsFailed to retrieve product info from woocommerce.comFailed to update couponFaiyumFalcónFalkland IslandsFalkland Islands poundFan FavoritesFaridpur Faroe IslandsFars (فارس)Fashion, apparel, and accessoriesFavorite already existsFavorite item not foundFeaturedFeatured product.Featured productsFeaturesFederal DependenciesFeeFee has already been added.Fee lines data.Fee nameFee name is required.Fee name.Fee tax class is required when fee is taxable.Fee title is requiredFee total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Fee typeFeel free to reconnect again using the button below.Fees:FejérFeniFermoFerraraFierFijiFijian dollarFileFile %dFile IDFile ID.File URLFile URL.File details.File does not existFile download methodFile is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.File nameFile name.File not foundFile uploaded: %sFile was not found.FilenameFiles that may contain %1$sstore analytics%2$s reports were found in your uploads directory - we recommend assessing and deleting any such files.Filling in progress (%d)FilterFilter Products by AttributeFilter Products by PriceFilter Products by RatingFilter byFilter by IP addressFilter by attributeFilter by categoryFilter by couponFilter by fileFilter by levelFilter by orderFilter by priceFilter by productFilter by product typeFilter by registered customerFilter by sourceFilter by stock statusFilter by userFilter couponsFilter ordersFilter productsFinish setting up your storeFinish setupFinlandFirenzeFirst line of the address being shipped to.First nameFirst name.First order receivedFirst pageFixed amountFixed amount per productFixed cart discountFixed product discountFlat RateFlat rateFlat rate (legacy)FloresFloreștiFloridaFlush all logsFoggiaFood and drinkFooter textFor example:For further assistance with WooCommerce core, use the <a href="%1$s">community forum</a>. For help with premium extensions sold on WooCommerce.com, <a href="%2$s">open a support request at WooCommerce.com</a>.For more information:Force HTTP when leaving the checkoutForce SSLForce SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (<a href="%s" target="_blank">an SSL Certificate is required</a>).Force downloadsForce secure checkoutForce shipping to the customer billing addressForcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large files unreliably. If supported, %1$s / %2$s can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires %3$s).Forlì-CesenaFormat of the stat.FormosaFound %1$d updates (%2$s)Found %d scheduled taskFound %d scheduled tasksFound a bug?Found in your order confirmation email.FranceFrancisco MorazánFreeFree - Install nowFree ShippingFree StateFree shippingFree shipping (legacy)Free shipping couponFree shipping is a special method which can be triggered with coupons and minimum spends.Free shipping requires...Free!French GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFribourgFriendly name for identifying this key.Friendly name for identifying this webhook, defaults to Webhook created on %s.From %1$s to %2$sFrom your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">billing address</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">shipping and billing addresses</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.FrosinoneFujian / 福建FukuiFukuokaFukushimaFull checkout experience with pay now, pay later and slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Klarna</a>.Full name of continent.Full name of country.Full name of currency.Full name of state.Full refund email headingFull refund subjectFull size image URL.FăleștiGZipGZip (gzopen) is used to open the GEOIP database from MaxMind.GabonGabrovoGaibandhaGalațiGalwayGalápagosGambiaGambian dalasiGandakiGansu / 甘肃GarissaGateway disabledGathering usage data allows us to improve WooCommerce. Your store will be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or determine if an improvement makes sense. You can always visit the %1$sSettings%3$s and choose to stop sharing data. %2$sRead more%3$s about what data we collect.Gathering usage data allows us to make WooCommerce better — your store will be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or determine if an improvement makes sense.GautengGazaGaziantepGazipurGbarpoluGeitaGeneralGeneral optionsGenerate API keyGenerate CSVGenerate coupon codeGenerated atGeneric add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta data, including "%s". Use getters and setters.GenevaGenovaGeolocateGeolocate (with page caching support)Geolocation enabled?Geolocation has not been configured.GeorgiaGeorgian lariGermanyGet an alert if your store is down for even a few minutes.Get automated sales tax with %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$sGet backupsGet cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action.Get insights on how your store is doing, including total sales, top products, and more.Get more salesGet notifications about store activity, including new orders and product reviews directly on your mobile devices with the Woo app.Get ready to start sellingGet real-time order alerts anywhereGet startedGet system reportGet the basicsGet the value of an individual field.Get your API credentials from PayPal.Get your store up and running more quickly with our new and improved setup experienceGhanaGhana cediGharbiaGhardaïaGhazvin (قزوین)GibraltarGibraltar poundGifuGilan (گیلان)Gilgit BaltistanGipuzkoaGiresunGironaGisborneGiurgiuGizaGjirokastërGlarusGlodeniGoGo shoppingGo to categoryGo to shopGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGoaGoiásGolestan (گلستان)GombaGombeGoodGood choice! You chose to add %1$s and %2$s to your store.Google Listings & AdsGopalganjGoriziaGorjGorontaloGracias a DiosGramsGranadaGrand BassaGrand Cape MountGrand GedehGrand KruGrand total.Grant accessGrant access to downloadable products after paymentGraubündenGreater AccraGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGross salesGross sales amountGross sales in the period.Gross sales.GrossetoGroupGroup type.Grouped productGrouped productsGrow your business with hundreds of free and paid WooCommerce extensions.Grow your storeGuadalajaraGuadeloupeGuainíaGuairáGuamGuanacasteGuanajuatoGuangdong / 广东Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族GuatemalaGuatemalan quetzalGuaviareGuayasGuelmaGuernseyGuernsey poundGuerreroGuestGuest checkoutGuest ordersGuest salesGuimarasGuineaGuinea-BissauGuinean francGuizhou / 贵州GujaratGuluGuna YalaGunmaGuyanaGuyanese dollarGuáricoGyőr-Moson-SopronGümüşhaneHTMLHTML description of the resource.HTML email templateHTML templateHTML/Multipart emails use DOMDocument to generate inline CSS in templates.HabiganjHainan / 海南HaitiHaitian gourdeHajdú-BiharHakkariHamadan (همدان)HamburgHanoverHard crop?HardapHarghitaHaryanaHaskovoHatayHato MayorHave a coupon?Have an existing store?Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery.HawaiiHawke’s BayHeader imageHealth and beautyHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHebei / 河北HeightHeight (%s)Heilongjiang / 黑龙江Hello %1$s (not %1$s? <a href="%2$s">Log out</a>)Hello %s,Help &amp; SupportHelp WooCommerce improve with usage trackingHelp improve WooCommerce with usage trackingHenan / 河南Here are the details of your order placed on %s:HerediaHermanas MirabalHerreraHesseHevesHi %s,Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click "Upload file and import".Hi there,HidalgoHiddenHide advanced optionsHide empty categoriesHide errors from visitorsHide errors from visitors?Hide free productsHide if cart is emptyHide out of stock items from the catalogHide shipping costs until an address is enteredHide templateHighlight required fields with an asteriskHigüamoHimachal PradeshHiroshimaHoimaHokkaidoHold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable.Hold stock (minutes)Homa BayHomeHome URL.Home, furniture, and gardenHomepageHomepage createdHonduran lempiraHondurasHong KongHong Kong IslandHong Kong dollarHookHopefully they’ll be back. Read more about <a href="https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/">troubleshooting failed payments</a>.Hormozgan (هرمزگان)HouaphanhHouse number and street nameHow easy was it to add a product attribute?How easy was it to add a product tag?How easy was it to add product category?How easy was it to import products?How easy was it to update an order?How easy was it to update your settings?How easy was it to use search?How many products should be shown per row?How many rows of products should be shown per page?How many times the coupon can be used in total.How many times the coupon can be used per customer.How many times this coupon can be used before it is void.How many times this coupon can be used by an individual user. Uses billing email for guests, and user ID for logged in users.How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?How terms in this attribute are sorted by default.How the quantity of this item should be controlled, for example, any limits in place.How the sender email appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails.How the sender name appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails.How to Migrate from Magento to WooCommerceHow to calculate delivery chargesHow to customize your product catalogHow to update your database table prefixHowland IslandHuamboHuancavelicaHubei / 湖北HuehuetenangoHuelvaHuescaHuilaHuman readable label for the stat.Human readable segment label, either product or variation name.Hunan / 湖南HunedoaraHungarian forintHungaryHuánucoHuílaHyogoHînceștiI don't know how to get a date from a %sI have read and agree to the website %sI plan to sell both physical and digital productsI plan to sell digital productsI plan to sell physical productsI will also be selling products or services in person.IBANIDID %dID is invalid.ID of parent grouping.ID of the note record.ID of the parent product, if applicable.ID of the shipping method that provided the rate.ID of the shipping rate.ID to reassign posts to.ID.ID: %dIDs for settings sub groups.IFSCIPIP AddressIP addressIP address for the downloader.IP address.IPN email notificationsIPN payment completedISO code for the country of the address being shipped to.ISO code of the country.ISO code or name of the state, province or district.ISO code, or name, for the state, province, or district of the address being shipped to.ISO3166 alpha-2 country code.ISO4217 currency code.IalomițaIaloveniIașiIbandaIbarakiIcaIcelandIcelandic kr&oacute;naIdahoIf COD is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to enable for all methods.If checked, free shipping would be available based on pre-discount order amount.If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events or promotions to visitors!If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed.If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0.If requested, calculates attribute term counts for products in the collection.If the "Force Downloads" or "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" download method is selected but does not work, the system will use the "Redirect" method as a last resort. <a href="%1$s">See this guide</a> for more details.If the payment was refunded via the API.If the product is downloadable.If the product is virtual.If the variation is downloadable.If the variation is virtual.If the variation is visible.If this attribute has term archive pages.If this is a default attributeIf true and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will enable free shipping.If true, calculates rating counts for products in the collection.If true, calculates stock counts for products in the collection.If true, calculates the minimum and maximum product prices for the collection.If true, empty terms will not be returned.If true, only one item of this product is allowed for purchase in a single order.If true, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons will be removed from the cart.If true, the note will be shown to customers and they will be notified. If false, the note will be for admin reference only.If true, this coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices.If true, this note will be attributed to the current user. If false, the note will be attributed to the system.If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: <a href="%s" target="_blank">How to create a child theme</a>If you are using X-Accel-Redirect download method along with NGINX server, make sure that you have applied settings as described in <a href='%s'>Digital/Downloadable Product Handling</a> guide.If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again.If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.If you define a "Terms" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out.If you didn't make this request, just ignore this email. If you'd like to proceed:If you have a coupon code, please apply it below.If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details below. If you are a new customer, please proceed to the Billing section.If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product URLs here. For example, using <code>shop</code> would make your product links like <code>%sshop/sample-product/</code>. This setting affects product URLs only, not things such as product categories.If you need to access the setup wizard again, please click on the button below.If you need to enable or disable the extended task lists, please click on the button below.If you need to enable or disable the task lists, please click on the button below.If you'd like to offer <span class="help_tip" data-tip="%1$s">live rates</span> from a specific carrier (e.g. UPS) you can find a variety of extensions available for WooCommerce <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">here</a>.If your main PayPal email differs from the PayPal email entered above, input your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to validate IPN requests.If your store is based in the EU, we recommend using the EU VAT Number extension in addition to automated taxes. It provides your checkout with a field to collect and validate a customer's EU VAT number, if they have one.IfugaoIgangaIlaam (ایلام)IlfovIllinoisIlliziIlocos NorteIlocos SurIloiloImageImage ID.Image URL.Image alternative text.Image data.Image name.Image of the product that the review belongs to.Image position. 0 means that the image is featured.Image size used for products in the catalog.Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images will remain uncropped.Image urlImagesImages will be cropped into a squareImages will be cropped to a custom aspect ratioImages will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploadedImbaburaImoImperiaImportImport / ExportImport <strong>products</strong> to your store via a csv file.Import <strong>tax rates</strong> to your store via a csv file.Import CSVImport ProductsImport as meta dataImport complete - imported %s tax rates.Import complete!Import productsImport products from a CSV fileImport tax ratesImportingImprove our store offeringsIn order for <strong>database caching</strong> to work with WooCommerce you must add %1$s to the "Ignored Query Strings" option in <a href="%2$s">W3 Total Cache settings</a>.In stockIn stock?In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.In-Progress <span class="count">(%s)</span>In-Progress <span class="count">(%s)</span>In-progressInactiveInactive accounts are those which have not logged in, or placed an order, for the specified duration. They will be deleted. Any orders will be converted into guest orders.Inactive pluginsInactive plugins.InchesIncluding taxIncrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):Increase existing stock by:Increase regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)Increase sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)Increasing memory allocated to PHPIndependenciaIndiaIndian rupeeIndianaIndicates the order that will appear in queries.Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: products, orders, username, ip_address.Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categoriesIndividual use onlyIndonesiaIndonesian rupiahIndustry.InfoInformation about the web server that is currently hosting your site.InhambaneInner Mongolia / 內蒙古Insert file URLInsert into productInsert rowInstall Woo mobile appInstall pluginsInstall the WooCommerce mobile app to manage orders, receive sales notifications, and view key metrics — wherever you are.InstalledInstalled Extensions without a SubscriptionInstalled version not tested with active version of WooCommerce %sInstance ID of the shipping method that provided the rate.Instance ID.InstructionsInstructions that will be added to the thank you page and emails.Instructions that will be added to the thank you page.Insufficient privileges to export products.Insufficient privileges to import products.IntegrationIntegration "%s" is not registered.Integration registry requires an identifier.InternationalInternational flat rate (legacy)Interval subtotals.IntibucáInvalid %sInvalid %s IDInvalid ID.Invalid URL %s.Invalid action - must be a recurring action.Invalid action ID. No status found.Invalid admin noteInvalid attribute ID.Invalid authentication methodInvalid billing email addressInvalid catalog visibility option.Invalid category ID.Invalid country code provided. Must be one of: %sInvalid couponInvalid coupon IDInvalid coupon codeInvalid coupon code.Invalid coupon type - the coupon type must be any of these: %sInvalid coupon.Invalid coupons were removed from the cart: "%s"Invalid currency codeInvalid customerInvalid customer IDInvalid customer emailInvalid customer query.Invalid customer.Invalid data store.Invalid discount amountInvalid discount typeInvalid download link.Invalid download log: no ID.Invalid download log: not found.Invalid download.Invalid email addressInvalid email address restrictionInvalid fieldInvalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats.Invalid image: %sInvalid itemsInvalid nonce - nonce has already been used.Invalid nonce verificationInvalid or duplicated SKU.Invalid or missing payment token fields.Invalid orderInvalid order ID.Invalid order item.Invalid order note IDInvalid order refund ID.Invalid order.Invalid parent IDInvalid path provided.Invalid payment gateway.Invalid payment method.Invalid payment result received from payment method.Invalid payment token.Invalid permission ID.Invalid plugin.Invalid post ID.Invalid productInvalid product IDInvalid product ID %d.Invalid product ID.Invalid product SKUInvalid product attribute IDInvalid product attribute order_by type - the product attribute order_by type must be any of these: %sInvalid product attribute type - the product attribute type must be any of these: %sInvalid product category IDInvalid product review ID.Invalid product shipping class IDInvalid product tag IDInvalid product tax status.Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %sInvalid product type.Invalid product type: passed ID does not correspond to a product variation.Invalid product.Invalid products in request body.Invalid rateInvalid refund amountInvalid refund amount.Invalid request. Please pass the match parameter.Invalid resource ID.Invalid resource id for reassignment.Invalid resource id.Invalid response from data store.Invalid review ID.Invalid review content.Invalid roleInvalid schedule. Cannot save action.Invalid scope %sInvalid setting group.Invalid setting.Invalid shipping method!Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters.Invalid signature - provided signature does not match.Invalid signature - signature method is invalid.Invalid tax classInvalid theme %s.Invalid timestamp.Invalid tool ID.Invalid user_id providedInvalid username or email.Invalid value for select or count parameter. Cannot query actions.Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$sInvalid value posted for %sInvalid variation IDInvalid webhook ID.Invalid webhook delivery ID.Invalid webhook delivery.Invalid webhook.InventoryInvoice for order #{order_number}Invoice for order #{order_number} on {site_title}Invoice prefixIonian IslandsIowaIranIranian rialIranian tomanIraqIraqi dinarIrelandIringaIs DomDocument class enabled?Is GZip enabled?Is SUHOSIN installed?Is SoapClient class enabled?Is WordPress debug mode active?Is WordPress multisite?Is a global attribute?Is featured?Is fsockopen/cURL enabled?Is log directory writable?Is mbstring enabled?Is the connection to your store secure?Is the customer a paying customer?Is the product in stock?Is the product on sale?Is the product purchasable?Is the product stock backordered? This will also return false if backorder notifications are turned off.Is this theme a child theme?Is your site connected to WooCommerce.com?IsabelaIserniaIsfahan (اصفهان)IshikawaIsingiroIsioloIslamabad Capital TerritoryIsle of ManIsmailiaIspartaIsraelIsraeli new shekelIt appears one or more database tables were missing. Attempting to re-create the missing table(s).ItalyItapúaItemItem #%1$s stock increased from %2$s to %3$s.Item ID.Item moved downItem moved upItem name in quotes&ldquo;%s&rdquo;Item total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.ItemizedItemsItems PurchasedItems Subtotal:Items soldItems sold.Ivory CoastIwateIzabalIğdırJSONP support is disabled on this siteJalapaJaliscoJamaicaJamaican dollarJamalpurJambiJammu and KashmirJanakpurJapanJapanese yenJarvis IslandJashoreJawa BaratJawa TengahJawa TimurJaénJerseyJersey poundJetpackJetpack is not installed or active.Jetpack logoJhalokatiJharkhandJhenaidahJiangsu / 江苏Jiangxi / 江西JigawaJijelJilin / 吉林JinjaJinotegaJohnston AtollJohorJoin the 16 million customers who use Mailchimp. Sync list and store data to send automated emails, and targeted campaigns.JordanJordanian dinarJoypurhatJujuyJunínJuraJust to let you know &mdash; we've received your order #%s, and it is now being processed:JutiapaJász-Nagykun-SzolnokKaabongKabaleKabaroleKaberamaidoKadunaKafr el-SheikhKagadiKagawaKageraKagoshimaKahramanmaraşKajiadoKakamegaKakumiroKalangalaKalasinKalimantan BaratKalimantan SelatanKalimantan TengahKalimantan TimurKalimantan UtaraKalingaKaliroKalunguKampalaKamphaeng PhetKamuliKamwengeKanagawaKanchanaburiKanoKansasKanunguKapchorwaKapelebyongKarabükKaramanKarasKardzhaliKarnaliKarnatakaKarsKasandaKaseseKastamonuKatakwiKataviKatsinaKavango EastKavango WestKayseriKayungaKazakhstanKazakhstani tengeKebbiKedahKelantanKentuckyKenyaKenyan shillingKepulauan RiauKeralaKerichoKerman (کرمان)Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)KerryKey detailsKhagrachhariKhammouaneKhenchelaKhomasKhon KaenKhulnaKhuzestan (خوزستان)Khyber PakhtunkhwaKiambuKibaaleKibogaKibukuKigomaKikuubeKildareKilifiKilimanjaroKilisKilkennyKilogramsKingman ReefKingstonKiribatiKirinyagaKiruhuraKiryandongoKishoreganjKisiiKisoroKisumuKitgumKituiKlarna CheckoutKlarna Checkout for WooCommerceKlarna PaymentsKlarna Payments for WooCommerceKobokoKocaeliKochiKogiKohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)KoleKomárom-EsztergomKonyaKorçëKoshiKotidoKouffoKowloonKrabiKuala LumpurKuando KubangoKukësKumamotoKumiKuneneKurdistan / کردستان)KurigramKushtiaKuwaitKuwaiti dinarKwaZulu-NatalKwaleKwaniaKwanza-NorteKwanza-SulKwaraKweenKyankwanziKyegegwaKyenjojoKyoteraKyotoKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstani somKyustendilKütahyaKırklareliKırıkkaleKırşehirL'AquilaL/W/HLa AltagraciaLa AraucaníaLa Guaira (Vargas)La GuajiraLa LibertadLa PampaLa PazLa RiojaLa RomanaLa SpeziaLa UnionLa UniónLa VegaLabuanLadakhLaghouatLagosLagunaLaikipiaLakshadeepLakshmipurLalmonirhatLambayequeLampangLamphunLampungLamuLamwoLanao del NorteLanao del SurLanguageLao kipLaoisLaosLaraLas PalmasLast 7 daysLast ActiveLast accessLast monthLast nameLast name.Last orderLast order ID.Last order data.Last pageLast warning, are you sure?Latest version of theme.LatinaLatviaLavallejaLeaderboard ID.Learn MoreLearn how to updateLearn how to upgradeLearn moreLearn more about couponsLearn more about how usage tracking works, and how you'll be helping in our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">usage tracking documentation</a>.Learn more about ordersLearn more about shipping zonesLearn more about templatesLearn more about updatesLeave a Reply to %sLeave blank for unlimited re-downloads.Leave this box unchecked if you do not want to see suggested extensions.Lebanese poundLebanonLecceLeccoLeftLeft with spaceLegacy APILegacy API v3 (deprecated)Legacy shipping methods (flat rate, international flat rate, local pickup and delivery, and free shipping) are deprecated but will continue to work as normal for now. <b><em>They will be removed in future versions of WooCommerce</em></b>. We recommend disabling these and setting up new rates within shipping zones as soon as possible.LeitrimLempiraLengthLength (%s)Length x width x height in decimal formLeovaLesothoLesotho lotiLet's goLet's go!Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping.LevelLevel up your email marketing with %1$sMailPoet%2$sLeyteLezhëLeónLiaoning / 辽宁LiberiaLiberian dollarLibertador General Bernardo O'HigginsLibyaLibyan dinarLiechtensteinLifetime SubscriptionLimaLimerickLimit response to objects excluding emails.Limit response to objects including emails.Limit response to objects last active after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects last active before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects last active between two given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects registered after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects registered before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects that don't have a specified ip address.Limit response to objects that don't have the specified customer ids.Limit response to objects that don't have the specified user ids.Limit response to objects that have a specified ip address.Limit response to objects that have the specified customer ids.Limit response to objects that have the specified user ids.Limit response to objects with a customer field containing the search term. Searches the field provided by `searchby`.Limit response to objects with a total order spend between two given numbers.Limit response to objects with a total order spend greater than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with a total order spend less than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an average order spend between two given numbers.Limit response to objects with an average order spend greater than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an average order spend less than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an order count between two given integers.Limit response to objects with an order count greater than or equal to given integer.Limit response to objects with an order count less than or equal to given integer.Limit response to objects with last order after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects with last order before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to resources created after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources created before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to reviews published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.Limit response to specific report stats. Allowed values: %s.Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID.Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the categories taxonomy.Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the taxes taxonomy.Limit result set to coupons assigned specific coupon IDs.Limit result set to featured products.Limit result set to items assigned a stock report type.Limit result set to items assigned one or more tax rates.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified coupon(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order ids.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order status.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified parent product(s).Limit result set to items that don't have the specified product(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified tax rate(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified variation(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified coupon(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified order ids.Limit result set to items that have the specified order status.Limit result set to items that have the specified parent product(s).Limit result set to items that have the specified product(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified rate ID(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified tax rate(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified variation(s) assigned.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status.Limit result set to orders matching part of an order number.Limit result set to orders that don't include products with the specified attributes.Limit result set to orders that have the specified customer_typeLimit result set to orders that include products with the specified attributes.Limit result set to orders which have specific statuses.Limit result set to products assigned a specific category ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific status.Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific type.Limit result set to products based on a maximum price, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Limit result set to products based on a maximum price.Limit result set to products based on a minimum price, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Limit result set to products based on a minimum price.Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock.Limit result set to products on sale.Limit result set to products that are low or out of stock. (Deprecated)Limit result set to products with a certain average rating.Limit result set to products with a specific SKU.Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term ID (required an assigned attribute).Limit result set to products with a specific attribute.Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy name/attribute slug.Limit result set to products with a specific slug.Limit result set to products with a specific tax class.Limit result set to products with selected global attributes.Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate.Limit result set to products with specified stock status.Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.Limit result set to resources with a specific code.Limit result set to resources with a specific email.Limit result set to resources with a specific role.Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.Limit result set to returning or new customers.Limit result set to reviews assigned a specific status.Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific product IDs.Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific user IDs.Limit result set to reviews from specific category IDs.Limit result set to reviews from specific product IDs.Limit result set to specific IDs.Limit result set to specific ids.Limit result set to specific types of refunds.Limit result set to that from a specific author email.Limit result set to those of particular parent IDs.Limit result set to variations in the specified categories.Limit result set to variations not in the specified categories.Limit result set to variations that don't include the specified attributes.Limit result set to variations that include the specified attributes.Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status.Limit result to customers or internal notes.Limit result to items from the specified categories.Limit result to items with specified customer ids.Limit result to items with specified product ids.Limit result to items with specified variation ids.Limit results to coupons with codes matching a given string.Limit results to those matching a string.Limit stats fields to the specified items.Limit to specific ZIP/postcodesLimit usage to X itemsLimpopoLimónLindiLine item meta data.Line items data.Line subtotal (before discounts).Line subtotal (the price of the product before coupon discounts have been applied).Line subtotal tax (before discounts).Line subtotal tax.Line taxes.Line total (after discounts).Line total (the price of the product after coupon discounts have been applied).Line total tax (after discounts).Line total tax.Lines of taxes applied to items and shipping.Link previous ordersLinked ProductsLiraListList 1 postcode per lineList additional tax classes you need below (1 per line, e.g. Reduced Rates). These are in addition to "Standard rate" which exists by default.List of allowed billing emails to check against when an order is placed. Separate email addresses with commas. You can also use an asterisk (*) to match parts of an email. For example "*@gmail.com" would match all gmail addresses.List of applied cart coupons.List of assigned attribute terms.List of attribute slug(s). If a term ID is provided, this will be ignored.List of attribute term IDs.List of attributes.List of available shipping rates for the cart.List of available term names of the attribute.List of billing address data.List of cart fees.List of cart item errors, for example, items in the cart which are out of stock.List of cart items the returned shipping rates apply to.List of cart items.List of categoriesList of categories with their product countsList of categories, if applicable.List of categories.List of category IDs the coupon applies to.List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to.List of city names. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3.List of countries on this continent.List of created resources.List of cross-sell products IDs.List of delete resources.List of downloadable files.List of email addresses that can use this coupon.List of extended deprecated tasks from the client side filter.List of grouped products ID.List of images.List of order coupons.List of order product IDs, names, quantities.List of postcodes / ZIPs. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3.List of product IDs the coupon can be used on.List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on.List of refunds.List of related products IDs.List of required payment gateway features to process the order.List of sales reports.List of shipping address data.List of shipping rates.List of states in this country.List of supported continents, countries, and states.List of supported currencies.List of supported states in a given country.List of tags, if applicable.List of tags.List of top sellers products.List of up-sell products IDs.List of updated resources.List of upsell products IDs.List of user IDs (or guest email addresses) that have used the coupon.List of variation IDs, if applicable.List of variation attributes.List of variations IDs.List of variations.LithuaniaLittoralLive API passwordLive API signatureLive API usernameLivornoLleidaLoad billing addressLoad shipping addressLoad the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently entered billing information.Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information.Loading network ordersLoading&hellip;Local deliveryLocal delivery (legacy)Local pickupLocal pickup (legacy)Local zone = California ZIP 90210 = Local pickupLocale used for the note title and content.LocationLocation, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shippingLocations not covered by your other zonesLocations outside all other zonesLodiLoeiLofaLogLog PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside %s Note: this may log personal information. We recommend using this for debugging purposes only and deleting the logs when finished.Log directory writableLog directory.Log inLog in to Download FilesLogged in as %sLoginLogoutLogsLojaLongfordLook for orders, customer info, and process refunds in one click with the Woo app.Looking for a WooCommerce theme?Looking for the WooCommerce Helper?Lookup tables are regeneratingLopburiLoretoLos LagosLos RíosLos SantosLost passwordLost your password?Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.LouisianaLouthLovechLow Stock amount for the product.Low Stock amount for the variation.Low in stockLow stock amountLow stock thresholdLower SaxonyLuandaLuang NamthaLuang PrabangLuapulaLuccaLugoLumbiniLunda-NorteLunda-SulLuristan (لرستان)LusakaLuukaLuweroLuxembourgLuxorLuzernLwengoLxWxH in decimal formLyantondeM j, YM j, Y @ G:iMD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified.MM / YYMacanese patacaMacaoMacao / 澳门Macedonian denarMacerataMachakosMadagascarMadaripurMadhya PradeshMadre de DiosMadridMadrizMae Hong SonMagallanesMagdalenaMaguindanaoMaguraMaha SarakhamMahakaliMaharashtraMailPoetMailchimpMailchimp for WooCommerceMailchimp iconMain image widthMaineMake &#8220;%s&#8221; the default categoryMake a duplicate from this productMake defaultMake sure to include the --user flag with an account that has permissions for this action.Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.MakueniMalacca (Melaka)Malagasy ariaryMalanjeMalatyaMalawiMalawian kwachaMalaysiaMalaysian ringgitMaldivesMaldivian rufiyaaMaldonadoMaliMaltaMalukuMaluku UtaraManabíManafwaManageManage shipping methodsManage stockManage stock.Manage stock?Manage suggestionsManage the "%s" payment methodManage your orders on the goManage your store's reports and monitor key metrics with a new and improved interface and dashboard.Manage your subscriptions, get important product notifications, and updates, all from the convenience of your WooCommerce dashboardManaguaManawatu-WanganuiManchesterManderaManicaManikganj ManipurManisaManitobaMantovaManualManually sentManx poundManyaraMap CSV fields to productsMap to fieldMaputoMaputo ProvinceMaraMarachaMaramureșMaranhãoMardinMargibiMarinduqueMarkazi (مرکزی)MarketingMarketplaceMarketplace suggestionsMarketplace suggestionsGet more optionsMarlboroughMarsabitMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMaría Trinidad SánchezMasakaMasayaMasbateMascaraMasindiMassa-CarraraMassachusettsMatagalpaMateraMato GrossoMato Grosso do SulMatrouhMauleMauritaniaMauritanian ouguiyaMauritian rupeeMauritiusMax %sMax number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to.Max priceMax price found in collection of products.Max upload sizeMax upload size.MaxMind GeoIP database.MaxMind GeolocationMaxMind License KeyMaximum depthMaximum number of items to be returned in result set.Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit if left blank.Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon.Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete.Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queues). No additional queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete.Maximum size: %sMaximum spendMayoMayotteMayugeMazandaran (مازندران)MbaleMbararaMbeyaMeasurementsMeathMechiMecklenburg-VorpommernMeghalayaMehedințiMeherpurMelillaMembers of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:MembershipsMendozaMenu orderMenu order, used to custom sort products.Menu order, used to custom sort the resource.Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & CustomMeruMessageMessinaMetaMeta ID.Meta data attached to the shipping rate.Meta data.Meta key for UI display.Meta key.Meta label.Meta value for UI display.Meta value.Meta: %sMetersMethodMethod '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass.Method ID.Method availabilityMethod not implementedMethod titleMetro ManilaMexican pesoMexicoMichiganMichoacánMicronesiaMidway AtollMieMigoriMigrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$sMigrating %d actionMigrating %d actionsMilaMilanoMillimetersMin %sMin and max prices found in collection of products, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Min priceMin price found in collection of products.Minas GeraisMinimum order amountMinimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies.Minimum spendMinnesotaMinyaMirandaMisamis OccidentalMisamis OrientalMisionesMissing MaxMind Reader library!Missing OAuth parameter %sMissing OAuth parameters %sMissing base tables: %s. Some WooCommerce functionality may not work as expected.Missing parameter %sMissing product subscriptionMissing products in request body.Missing the WooCommerce %s packageMissing variation data for variable product.MississippiMissouriMitoomaMityanaMiyagiMiyazakiMizoramModenaMoldovaMoldovan leuMollieMombasaMonacoMonagasMonaghanMoney spentMongoliaMongolian t&ouml;gr&ouml;gMonitor your sales and high performing products with the Woo app.MonoMonseñor NouelMontanaMonte CristiMonte PlataMontenegroMontevideoMonth(s)MonthlyMontserradoMontserratMonufiaMonza e della BrianzaMoqueguaMorazánMorelosMoroccan dirhamMoroccoMorogoroMorona-SantiagoMorotoMost discountMost popularMost stockedMostaganemMoulvibazarMountain ProvinceMove &#8220;%s&#8221; to the TrashMove downMove the "%s" payment method downMove the "%s" payment method upMove to TrashMove upMoxicoMoyoMozambican meticalMozambiqueMpigiMpumalangaMtwaraMubendeMuchingaMukdahanMukonoMultibyte String (mbstring) is used to convert character encoding, like for emails or converting characters to lowercase.Multibyte stringMultipartMunicipalidad Metropolitana de LimaMunicipalityMunicipality / DistrictMunshiganjMurang’aMurciaMureșMust Use PluginsMuğlaMuşMwanzaMy Account PageMy SubscriptionsMy Subscriptions %sMy accountMy account pageMySQL versionMySQL version string.MySQL version.MyanmarMymensinghMálagaMédéaMéridaM’SilaN. RevenueN. Revenue (formatted)N/ANaamaNabilatukNagalandNaganoNagasakiNairobi CountyNakapiripiritNakasekeNakasongolaNakhon NayokNakhon PathomNakhon PhanomNakhon RatchasimaNakhon SawanNakhon Si ThammaratNakuruNamayingoNameName (Last, First)Name (numeric)Name (required)Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end).Name for the resource.Name of other platform used to sell (not listed).Name of other platform used to sell.Name of the action hook that will be triggered.Name of the customer for the orderName of the item.Name of the metadata.Name of the note.Name of the package.Name of the product that the review belongs to.Name of the reviewer.Name of the shipping rate, e.g. Express shipping.Name.NamibeNamibiaNamibian dollarNamisindwaNampulaNamutumbaNanNandiNaogaonNapakNapoNapoliNaraNarailNarathiwatNarayanganjNarayaniNariñoNarokNarsingdiNasarawaNatoreNauruNavarraNavassa IslandNavigationNawabganjNayaritNeamțNebbiNebraskaNeed a fresh look? Try Storefront child themesNeed a theme? Try StorefrontNegeri SembilanNegros OccidentalNegros OrientalNelsonNepalNepalese rupeeNet PaymentNet RevenueNet discount amount.Net profitNet salesNet sales amountNet sales in the period.Net sales.Net total revenue (formatted).Net total revenue.NetherlandsNetherlands Antillean guilderNetrakonaNetwork enabledNeuchâtelNeuquénNevadaNeverNever show quantity remaining in stockNevşehirNew %sNew BrunswickNew CaledoniaNew HampshireNew InNew JerseyNew MexicoNew Order: #{order_number}New ProductsNew Scheduled ActionNew South WalesNew Taiwan dollarNew TerritoriesNew ValleyNew YorkNew ZealandNew Zealand dollarNew accountNew category nameNew couponNew in storeNew orderNew order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when a new order is received.New passwordNew password (leave blank to leave unchanged)New passwords do not match.New payment methods can only be added during checkout. Please contact us if you require assistance.New productNew quantity of the item in the cart.New sales record!New shipping class NameNew tag nameNew user email address.New user password.New user username.New:Newest Scheduled DateNewfoundland and LabradorNextNext (arrow right)Next pageNext stepNgoraNgöbe-BugléNiassaNicaraguaNicaraguan c&oacute;rdobaNice one; you've created a WooCommerce store! Now it's time to add your first product and get ready to start selling.%sNidwaldenNigerNigeriaNigerian nairaNiigataNilphamariNimbaNingxia Hui / 宁夏NisporeniNiueNiğdeNjombeNoNo %1$s data specified to create %1$sNo %1$s data specified to create/edit %1$sNo %1$s data specified to edit %1$sNo %1$s found with the ID equal to %2$sNo &quot;%s&quot; foundNo actions foundNo actions found in trashNo attributes currently exist.No billing address set.No categoriesNo categories foundNo coupons foundNo coupons found in rangeNo coupons found in trashNo customer downloads found.No customer selectedNo customers found.No default %s&hellip;No downloads available yet.No file definedNo keys found.No location by defaultNo low in stock products found.No matching product exists to update.No matching tax rates found.No matching variation found.No maximumNo minimumNo order has been made yet.No orders foundNo orders found in trashNo out of stock products found.No page setNo payment method provided.No product attribute with that slug was found.No product categories exist.No product to duplicate has been supplied!No products foundNo products found in rangeNo products found in trashNo products found.No products in the cart.No products were found matching your selection.No restrictionsNo route was found matching the URL and request methodNo row(s) selectedNo saved methods found.No schema title found for %s, skipping REST command registration.No setting groups have been registered.No shipping address set.No shipping classNo shipping class costNo shipping classes have been created.No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.No shipping methods offered to this zone.No shipping options were found for %s.No tags foundNo taxes found in this periodNo theme is defined for this template.No updates required. Database version is %sNo used coupons foundNo webhooks found.No, I will enter prices exclusive of taxNoakhaliNon-paying customerNon-repeatingNoneNong Bua Lam PhuNong KhaiNonthaburiNorfolk IslandNorte de SantanderNorth AegeanNorth AmericaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth EastNorth Khorasan (خراسان شمالی)North KoreaNorth Korean wonNorth MacedoniaNorth Rhine-WestphaliaNorth SinaiNorth WestNorth-WesternNorthernNorthern CapeNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthern SamarNorthern TerritoryNorthlandNorthwest TerritoriesNorwayNorwegian kroneNot able to attach "%s".Not declaredNot enough units of %s are available in stock to fulfil this order.Not required if your download directory is protected. <a href='%s'>See this guide</a> for more details. Files already uploaded will not be affected.Not right nowNot that badNoteNote added to the order by the customer during checkout.Note added to your {site_title} order from {order_date}Note left by customer during checkout.Note to customerNote typeNote:Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the order status changes to processing/completed.Note: WP CRON has been disabled on your install which may prevent this update from completing.Note: You currently have <a href="%1$s">%2$d paid extension</a> which should be updated first before updating WooCommerce.Note: You currently have <a href="%1$s">%2$d paid extensions</a> which should be updated first before updating WooCommerce.Note: the refund reason will be visible by the customer.Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.Notes are unavailable because the "admin-note" data store cannot be loaded.NoticeNotification recipient(s)Notification to let you know &mdash; order #%1$s belonging to %2$s has been cancelled:NotificationsNova ScotiaNovaraNow that you’ve chosen us as a partner, our goal is to make sure we're providing the right tools to meet your needs. We're looking forward to having your feedback on the store setup experience so we can improve it in the future.Now!NtorokoNtungamoNueva EcijaNueva EspartaNueva SegoviaNueva VizcayaNuevo LeónNumber of %s products.Number of coupons usedNumber of coupons.Number of customers.Number of days to import.Number of days until access to downloadable files expires.Number of decimal points shown in displayed prices for this country.Number of decimal points to use in each resource.Number of decimalsNumber of decimals.Number of discounted orders.Number of distinct products sold.Number of downloads remaining.Number of downloads.Number of employees of the store.Number of items in the cart.Number of items soldNumber of items sold.Number of low stock products.Number of objects (posts of any type) assigned to the term.Number of ordersNumber of orders product appeared in.Number of orders.Number of product items sold.Number of products to be added.Number of products to showNumber of products.Number of published products for the resource.Number of reviews for products in this category.Number of reviews to showNumber of terms in the attribute taxonomy.Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase.Number of times the coupon has been used already.Number of variation items sold.NunavutNuoroNusa Tenggara BaratNusa Tenggara TimurNwoyaNyamiraNyandaruaNyeriNógrádOKOROR enter path to file:OaxacaObwaldenOccidental MindoroOceaniaOcnițaOcotepequeOdishaOffalyOfficial extensionsOffline PaymentsOffset the result set by a specific number of items.Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.OgunOh no! We're having trouble connecting to the extensions catalog right now.OhangwenaOhioOitaOkayamaOkinawaOklahomaOlanchoOldest Scheduled DateOltOmahekeOmanOmani rialOmoroOmusatiOn SaleOn backorderOn hold <span class="count">(%s)</span>On hold <span class="count">(%s)</span>On-holdOn-sale productsOnboarding is maintained in WooCommerce Admin.Onboarding profile data has been updated.Once connected, your WooCommerce.com purchases will be listed here.Once disabled, this legacy method will no longer be available.OndoOne or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s.One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Check again.</a>One per line: Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents] | Per cost type (order, class, or item) Example: <code>Priority mail | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | order</code>.Online courses are a great solution for any business that can teach a new skill. Since courses don’t require physical product development or shipping, they’re affordable, fast to create, and can generate passive income for years to come. In this article, we provide you more information about selling courses using WooCommerce.Only %s left in stockOnly logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.Only show children of the current categoryOnly show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. "Only 2 left in stock"OntarioOperator to compare product attribute terms.Operator to compare product category terms.Operator to compare product tags.Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents%] | Per cost type (order, class, or item)OptionalOptional action group.Optional cost for local pickup.Optional data array passed to the action hook.Optional note to send the customer after purchase.Optional parameter to query specific task list.Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show during checkout.Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show on account registration forms.Optionally add some text for the terms checkbox that customers must accept.Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping tax is based on the cart items themselves.Optionally enable "Payment Data Transfer" (Profile > Profile and Settings > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences) and then copy your identity token here. This will allow payments to be verified without the need for PayPal IPN.Optionally enter the URL to a 150x50px image displayed as your logo in the upper left corner of the PayPal checkout pages.Optionally, how the metadata value should be displayed to the user.Or you can download a pre-built version of the plugin from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress.org repository</a> or by visiting <a href="%2$s">the releases page in the GitHub repository</a>.Or, enter tax rate ID:OranOrderOrdersOrder #Order #%1$s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %2$sOrder #%1$s has been marked on-hold due to a reversal - PayPal reason code: %2$sOrder #%1$s has had a reversal cancelled. Please check the status of payment and update the order status accordingly here: %2$sOrder #%1$s was placed on %2$s and is currently %3$s.Order #%sOrder #%s has been marked paid by PayPal IPN, but was previously cancelled. Admin handling required.Order &ndash; %sOrder Cancelled: #{order_number}Order DateOrder Failed: #{order_number}Order IDOrder ID is invalidOrder ID.Order NumberOrder Number.Order Refunded: {order_number}Order StatusOrder TotalOrder againOrder byOrder cancelled by customer.Order complete emails are sent to customers when their orders are marked completed and usually indicate that their orders have been shipped.Order count.Order createdOrder customer information.Order deletedOrder detailsOrder details manually sent to customer.Order draft updated.Order fully refundedOrder fully refunded.Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, andOrder is invalidOrder item ID provided is not associated with order.Order key used to check validity or protect access to certain order data.Order key.Order not editableOrder note author.Order note content.Order note is requiredOrder note.Order notesOrder number.Order number:Order on-holdOrder receivedOrder refunded emails are sent to customers when their orders are refunded.Order restoredOrder saved.Order scheduled for: %s.Order sort attribute ascending or descending.Order statusCancelledOrder statusCompletedOrder statusDraftOrder statusFailedOrder statusOn holdOrder statusPending paymentOrder statusProcessingOrder statusRefundedOrder status changed by bulk edit:Order status changed from %1$s to %2$s.Order status name.Order status set to %s.Order status set to refunded. To return funds to the customer you will need to issue a refund through your payment gateway.Order status.Order status. Payment providers will update this value after payment.Order submitted.Order taxOrder tax.Order total formatted for localeOrder updatedOrder updated and sent.Order updated.Order updatesOrdersOrders (page %d)Orders listOrders navigationOrders totals.OrduOregonOrellanaOrheiOriental MindoroOristanoOrphaned variationsOruroOsakaOshanaOshikotoOsmaniyeOsunOtagoOtherOther locationsOther places the store is selling products.OtiOtjozondjupaOtukeOuarglaOudomxayOum El BouaghiOuncesOur bank detailsOur catalog of WooCommerce Extensions can be found on WooCommerce.com here: <a href="%s">WooCommerce Extensions Catalog</a>Our request to the featured API got a malformed response.Our request to the featured API got error code %d.Our request to the search API got a malformed response.Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, process refunds and support you.OurenseOut of stockOut of stock thresholdOut of stock visibilityOutdated templatesOutput just the id when the operation is successful.OuéméOverridesOverviewOwner of these keys.OyamOyoOzamaPDT payment completedPHP max execution time.PHP max input varsPHP max input vars.PHP post max sizePHP post max size.PHP time limitPHP versionPHP version.PabnaPaderPadovaPage %dPage ID is set, but the page does not existPage contents: [%s]Page does not contain the %1$s shortcode or the %2$s block.Page does not contain the %s shortcode.Page not setPage settingCartPage settingCheckoutPage settingMy accountPage settingShop basePage settingTerms and conditionsPage setupPage slugcartPage slugcheckoutPage slugmy-accountPage slugrefund_returnsPage slugshopPage titleCartPage titleCheckoutPage titleMy accountPage titleRefund and Returns PolicyPage titleShopPage visibility should be <a href="%s" target="_blank">public</a>Pagination%1$s of %2$sPahangPaidPaid on %1$s @ %2$sPakistanPakistani rupeePakwachPalawanPalenciaPalermoPalestinian TerritoryPallisaPalmyra AtollPampangaPanamaPanamanian balboaPanamáPanchagarhPandoPangasinanPapuaPapua BaratPapua New GuineaPapua New Guinean kinaParaguaríParaguayParaguayan guaran&iacute;Parameters to pass on to the exported report.ParanáParaíbaParentParent %sParent %s:Parent SKUParent categoryParent category:Parent couponParent order ID.Parent ordersParent productParent product does not match current variation.Parent product name if the product is a variation.Parent product's threshold (%d)Parent shipping classParent shipping class:Parent term ID, if applicable.Parent theme author URLParent theme author URL.Parent theme nameParent theme name.Parent theme versionParent theme version.ParishParmaPartial Refund: Order {order_number}Partial refund email headingPartial refund subjectParáPascoPasswordPassword Reset RequestPassword Reset Request for {site_title}Password changePassword reset email has been sent.Password reset is not allowed for this userPasswords do not match.PastazaPathum ThaniPattaniPatuakhaliPausedPaviaPayPay for orderPay for this orderPay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal account.Pay with cash upon delivery.PayPalPayPal PaymentsPayPal StandardPayPal Standard does not support your store currency.PayPal Standard redirects customers to PayPal to enter their payment information.PayPal acceptance markPayPal allows us to send one address. If you are using PayPal for shipping labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing. Turning this option off may prevent PayPal Seller protection from applying.PayPal emailPayPal email addressPayPal email address:PayPal identity tokenPayPal sandboxPayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a <a href="%s">developer account</a>.PayPal uses this method of communicating when sending back transaction information.PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we recommend keeping it disabled).PayU for WooCommercePayer PayPal addressPayer first namePayer last namePaying customerPaymentPayment %s via IPN.Payment TokensPayment actionPayment authorized. Change payment status to processing or complete to capture funds.Payment complete event failed.Payment could not be captured - Auth ID: %1$s, Status: %2$sPayment could not be captured: %sPayment for cancelled order %s receivedPayment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The order was as follows:Payment for order %s refundedPayment for order %s reversedPayment gatewayPayment gateway ID.Payment gateway description on checkout.Payment gateway enabled status.Payment gateway method description.Payment gateway method title.Payment gateway settings.Payment gateway sort order.Payment gateway title on checkout.Payment gateways can use cURL to communicate with remote servers to authorize payments, other plugins may also use it when communicating with remote services.Payment method ID and title are requiredPayment method ID.Payment method deleted.Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout.Payment method description that the customer will see on your website.Payment method successfully added.Payment method title.Payment method:Payment methodsPayment of %1$s was captured - Auth ID: %2$s, Transaction ID: %3$sPayment pending (%s).Payment to be made upon delivery.Payment viaPayment via %sPaymentsPayments made simple, with no monthly fees &mdash; exclusively for WooCommerce stores.PaysandúPaystackPaystack helps African merchants accept one-time and recurring payments online with a modern, safe, and secure payment gateway.PazardzhikPedernalesPeloponnesePemba NorthPemba SouthPenang (Pulau Pinang)PendingPending orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Pending payment <span class="count">(%s)</span>Pending payment <span class="count">(%s)</span>PennsylvaniaPer class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individuallyPer order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping classPerakPeraviaPercentage complete.Percentage discountPercentage of cart totalPerfectPeriodPerlisPermalink of the product that the review belongs to.Permanently deleted %sPermanently deleted customerPermanently deleted order notePermission #%d not found.Permission IDPermissionsPermissions is missing.PernambucoPernikPersonal data removalPersonal data removed.Personal data retentionPersonal data within order %s has been retained.Personalize homepagePersonalize your store's homepagePeruPerugiaPesaro e UrbinoPescaraPestPeténPhang NgaPhatthalungPhayaoPhetchabunPhetchaburiPhichitPhilippine pesoPhilippinesPhitsanulokPhonePhone NumberPhone number.PhongsalyPhraePhuketPhysical productsPiacenzaPiauíPichinchaPirojpurPisaPistoiaPitcairnPiuraPlace orderPlaceholderPlaceholder imagePlaceholder text to be displayed in text inputs.Plain textPlain text templatePlateauPlatform to track.Platform version to track.Please choose a product to add to your cart&hellip;Please choose product options by visiting <a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>.Please choose product options&hellip;Please choose the quantity of items you wish to add to your cart&hellip;Please copy and paste this information in your ticket when contacting support:Please enter a coupon code.Please enter a prefix for your invoice numbers. If you use your PayPal account for multiple stores ensure this prefix is unique as PayPal will not allow orders with the same invoice number.Please enter a stronger password.Please enter a valid Eircode.Please enter a valid account username.Please enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid order IDPlease enter a valid postcode / ZIP.Please enter an account password.Please enter an address to continue.Please enter in a value less than the regular price.Please enter in country code with two capital letters.Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take payment.Please enter your current password.Please enter your password.Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods.Please fill out all password fields.Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form.Please provide a valid email address.Please provide a valid promo note name.Please provide an array of IDs through the noteIds param.Please rate the product.Please re-enter your password.Please read and accept the terms and conditions to proceed with your order.Please see the <a href="https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full">PayPal Privacy Policy</a> for more details.Please select a ratingPlease select some items.Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode.Please upload or provide the link to a valid CSV file.Please visit the <a href="%s" target="_blank">subscriptions page</a> and renew to continue receiving updates.Please, provide an attribute name.PlevenPlovdivPluginPlugin name.Plugin slug.Plugin status.Plugins must be a non-empty array.Plugins were successfully activated.Plugins were successfully installed.Plus %d other notePlus %d other notesPolandPolish z&#x142;otyPondicherry (Puducherry)PontevedraPopular tagsPopularity (sales)PordenonePort SaidPortlandPortugalPortuguesaPositionPost Type CountsPostal CodePostal codePostal code.PostcodePostcode / ZIPPostcode / ZIP.Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) and ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. 12345...12350) can also be used.Postcode/ZIP, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce 5.3, 'postcodes' should be used instead.Postcodes containing wildcards (e.g. CB23*) or fully numeric ranges (e.g. <code>90210...99000</code>) are also supported. Please see the shipping zones <a href="%s" target="_blank">documentation</a> for more information.Posts tagged &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Potentially unsecured files were found in your uploads directoryPotenzaPotosíPound sterlingPoundsPrachin BuriPrachuap Khiri KhanPrahovaPratoPrefecturePremium supportPresidente HayesPreviewPreviousPrevious (arrow left)Previous pagePricePrice amount.Price data for the product in the current line item, including or excluding taxes based on the "display prices during cart and checkout" setting. Provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Price data provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Price display suffixPrice formatted in HTML.Price of this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency.Price prefix for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Price range, if applicable.Price range: from-to%1$s &ndash; %2$sPrice string formatted as HTML.Price:Prices entered with taxPricingPrince Edward IslandPrint discounted USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce dashboard and save on shipping.Print shipping labels with %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$sPriorityPriority.Privacy policyPrivate noteProceed to PayPalProceed to checkoutProcess payments and prevent fraudProcess the action now as if it were run as part of a queueProcessingProcessing <span class="count">(%s)</span>Processing <span class="count">(%s)</span>Processing orderProductProductsProduct / VariationProduct / Variation titleProduct AttributeProduct %sProduct CatalogProduct CategoriesProduct Category LinkProduct ExportProduct ID or SKU is requiredProduct ID or SKU is required.Product ID provided does not match this line itemProduct ID.Product IDsProduct ImagesProduct ImportProduct LinkProduct ReviewsProduct SKU.Product SearchProduct Tag CloudProduct Tag LinkProduct TitleProduct TypeProduct URLProduct URL.Product attribute baseProduct attributes lookup tableProduct attributes lookup table data is regeneratingProduct attributes lookup table regeneration process has been aborted.Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been resumed.Product attributes.Product backorderProduct categoriesProduct categories detailed reports.Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see more categories listed click the "screen options" link at the top-right of this page.Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Product category IDs.Product category baseProduct category parent is invalidProduct countProduct createdProduct creation failed, could not find original product: %sProduct dataProduct deletedProduct descriptionProduct description.Product dimensions.Product display, sorting, and reports may not be accurate until this finishes. It will take a few minutes and this notice will disappear when complete.Product download files detailed reports.Product downloads detailed reports.Product draft updated. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Preview product</a>Product external URL. Only for external products.Product external button text. Only for external products.Product full description in HTML format.Product galleryProduct height (%s).Product imageProduct image.Product inventory quantity.Product inventory status.Product inventory threshold for low stock.Product is invalid.Product length (%s).Product link.Product lookup tablesProduct low in stockProduct nameProduct name.Product on saleProduct out of stockProduct parent ID.Product parent name.Product permalinksProduct price.Product promotionProduct properties should not be accessed directly.Product quantity is required.Product quantity must be a positive float.Product ratingsProduct regular price.Product restoredProduct review field exceeds maximum length allowed.Product sale price.Product saved.Product scheduled for: %1$s. <a target="_blank" href="%2$s">Preview product</a>Product searchProduct shipping class parent is invalidProduct shipping classesProduct short descriptionProduct short description in HTML format.Product short description.Product slug.Product status (post status).Product submitted. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Preview product</a>Product tag baseProduct tagsProduct template name.Product titleProduct transients clearedProduct type name.Product type.Product updatedProduct updated.Product variation attributes, if applicable.Product variationsProduct variations IDs.Product weight (%s).Product width (%s).Product(s)ProductsProducts by Rating listProducts detailed reports.Products listProducts navigationProducts per rowProducts soldProducts sold.Products tagged &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Products totals.Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewedProfile &rarr;Profile Setup WizardPromotedProtect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack Backup.Protect your store from unauthorized access.Provided order currency is invalid.ProvincePublishedPueblaPuerto PlataPuerto RicoPunjabPunoPuntarenasPurchasePurchase & install nowPurchase notePurchased DownloadsPutrajayaPutumayoQRCodeQalyubiaQatarQatari riyalQenaQinghai / 青海Qom (قم)QtyQuantityQuantity in stockStockQuantity left in stock if stock is low, or null if not applicable.Quantity of orders made by the customer.Quantity of the item in the current package.Quantity of this item to add to the cart.Quantity ordered.QuebecQueenslandQuery typeQuerétaroQuetzaltenangoQuezonQuichéQuindíoQuintana RooQuirinoREST APIREST API enabled?REST API version used in the webhook deliveries.RagusaRajasthanRajbariRajshahiRakaiRandomRangamatiRangpurRanongRaptiRatchaburiRateRate %Rate codeRate nameRate&hellip;Rate&nbsp;%Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratingRated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratingsRated %s out of 5Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout.RatingRavennaRaw unrounded product prices used in calculations. Provided using a higher unit of precision than the currency.RayongRazavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)RazgradRazorpayRe-enter new passwordReach more shoppers and drive sales for your store. Integrate with Google to list your products for free and launch paid ad campaigns.Reach out to customersReadRead all about itRead moreRead more about &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Read/WriteReady to launch your store?Ready to start selling something awesome?Ready!Reason for failureReason for refund (optional):Reason for refund.Reasons you'll love JetpackRecalculateRecalculate totals? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country (or the store base country) and update totals.Receive email notifications with additional guidance to complete the basic store setup and helpful insightsReceived PDT notification for another account: %1$s. Order ID: %2$d.Received PDT notification for order %1$d on endpoint for order %2$d.Receiver emailRecent Product ReviewsRecent ordersRecent reviewsRecently Viewed ProductsRecently Viewed Products listRecipient(s)RecommendedRecommended for All WooCommerce StoresRecount termsRecurrenceRed SeaRedirect onlyRedirect only (Insecure)Redirect to the cart page after successful additionReduced rateRefresh statsRefreshed stats for %sRefundRefund #%1$s - %2$sRefund #%1$s - %2$s by %3$sRefund %1$s via %2$sRefund %s manuallyRefund &ndash; %sRefund ID.Refund amountRefund amount is required.Refund amount must be greater than zero.Refund amount must be positive.Refund amount.Refund failed.Refund reason.Refund the line items above. This will show the total amount to be refundedRefund total.RefundedRefunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$sRefunded <span class="count">(%s)</span>Refunded <span class="count">(%s)</span>Refunded orderRefundsRegenerateRegenerate data message.Regenerate download permissionsRegenerate shop thumbnailsRegenerate the product attributes lookup tableRegenerating images for attachment ID: %sRegeneration status.Reggio CalabriaReggio EmiliaRegionRegion(s)Region.RegisterRegisters whether the note is deleted or notRegistration privacy policyRegión Metropolitana de SantiagoRegular priceRegular price (%s)Regular product price.Related productsRelevanceRelizaneRemember meRemote GET response.Remote GET successful?Remote POST response.Remote POST successful?Remote getRemote postRemoveRemove access to downloads on requestRemove filterRemove imageRemove itemRemove legacy coupon menuRemove personal dataRemove personal data from orders on requestRemove product imageRemove selected account(s)Remove selected row(s)Remove this imageRemove this item meta?Removed access to downloadable files.Removed customer "%s"Removed payment token "%d"Removed personal data from order %s.Render response in a particular format.RenewRenew SubscriptionReport a bugReport period.Report table data is being deleted.Report table data is being rebuilt. Please allow some time for data to fully populate.ReportsReports data grouped by intervals.Reports data grouped by segment condition.Request body.Request headers.RequiredRequired to be true, as resource does not support trashing.Resend new order notificationResetReset capabilitiesReset passwordResource cannot be created.Resource cannot be created. Check to make sure 'order' and 'name' are present.Resource does not exist.Resource does not support trashing.Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaintsRestock refunded itemsRestoreResult of payment processing, or false if not yet processed.ResumeResume the product attributes lookup table regenerationRetain cancelled ordersRetain completed ordersRetain completed orders for a specified duration before anonymizing the personal data within them.Retain failed ordersRetain inactive accounts Retain pending orders RetalhuleuReturn sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the %s format.Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the %s format.Return to cartReturn to emailsReturn to paymentsReturn to shopReturning customer?Returning or new customer.ReturnsReturns number of products with each average rating.Returns number of products with each stock status.Returns number of products within attribute terms.ReunionRevenueReversal cancelled for order #%sReview SettingsReview content.Review rating (0 to 5).Review type name.Review your ordersReviewer email.Reviewer name.ReviewsReviews (%d)Reviews average rating.Reviews can only be left by "verified owners"Reviews totals.Revision restored.RevokeRevoke API keyRevoke accessRevoke keyRezinaRhineland-PalatinateRhode IslandRiauRietiRightRight with spaceRiminiRio Grande do NorteRio Grande do SulRio de JaneiroRisaraldaRivasRiver GeeRiveraRivercessRiversRizalRizeRochaRoi EtRoles successfully resetRomaRomaniaRomanian leuRomblonRondôniaRoraimaRoscommonRound tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per lineRoundingRouting numberRovigoRows per pageRubandaRubiriziRukigaRukungiriRukwaRunRun the Setup WizardRun the importerRunning %d actionRunning %d actionsRuseRussiaRussian rubleRuvumaRwandaRwandan francRío NegroRío San JuanRîșcaniS&atilde;o Tom&eacute; and Pr&iacute;ncipeS&atilde;o Tom&eacute; and Pr&iacute;ncipe dobraSANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the <a href="%s">PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide</a> for more details.SKUSKU %sSKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased.SKU:SSL forced?SUHOSIN installedSa KaeoSaarlandSabahSacatepéquezSafe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal account.Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal account. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.SagaSagarmathaSaint AndrewSaint AnnSaint Barth&eacute;lemySaint CatherineSaint ElizabethSaint HelenaSaint Helena poundSaint JamesSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (Dutch part)Saint Martin (French part)Saint MarySaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint ThomasSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSainyabuliSaitamaSakaryaSakon NakhonSalamancaSalavanSaleSale end dateSale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)Sale priceSale price (%s)Sale price datesSale product price, if applicable.Sale start dateSale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)Sale!SalernoSalesSales amountSales by categorySales by dateSales by productSales reportsSaltaSaltoSamanáSamarSamburuSame as parentSamoaSamoan t&#x101;l&#x101;Sample:SamsunSamut PrakanSamut SakhonSamut SongkhramSan Andrés & ProvidenciaSan CristóbalSan JoséSan José de OcoaSan JuanSan LuisSan Luis PotosíSan MarcosSan MarinoSan MartínSan MiguelSan PedroSan Pedro de MacorísSan SalvadorSan VicenteSandbox API passwordSandbox API signatureSandbox API usernameSanta AnaSanta BárbaraSanta CatarinaSanta CruzSanta Cruz de TenerifeSanta ElenaSanta FeSanta RosaSantanderSantiagoSantiago RodríguezSantiago del EsteroSanto DomingoSanto Domingo de los TsáchilasSaraburiSaranganiSarawakSaskatchewanSassariSatkhiraSatu MareSatunSaudi ArabiaSaudi riyalSavannahSavannakhetSaveSave addressSave attributesSave changesSave changes before changing page?Save shipping classesSave time and errors with automated tax calculation and collection at checkout. Powered by WooCommerce Services and Jetpack.Save time and money with WooCommerce ShippingSave to accountSave webhookSavonaSaxonySaxony-AnhaltSaïdaSchaffhausenScheduleScheduledScheduled ActionScheduled Action ColumnsScheduled ActionsScheduled DateScheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time.Schleswig-HolsteinSchwyzScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.Script with handle %s had a dependency on itself which has been removed. This is an indicator that your JS code has a circular dependency that can cause bugs.SearchSearch %sSearch Scheduled ActionsSearch by similar attribute name.Search by similar product name or sku.Search by similar product name, sku, or attribute value.Search by similar tax code.Search categoriesSearch couponsSearch customersSearch for a downloadable product&hellip;Search for a page&hellip;Search for a product&hellip;Search for a user&hellip;Search for extensionsSearch for:Search hook, args and claim IDSearch keySearch logsSearch ordersSearch productsSearch products&hellip;Search products…Search results for "%s"Search results for &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Search results onlySearch results: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Search shipping classesSearch tagsSearch webhooksSearch&hellip;Second line of the address being shipped to.SecretSecret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. This will default to a MD5 hash from the current user's ID|username if not provided.Secure checkoutSecure connection (HTTPS)Securely accept cards in your store. See payments, track cash flow into your bank account, and stay on top of disputes – right from your dashboard.Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees (custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and inventory in one place.Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees (custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and inventory in one place. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Square</a>.SecuritySecurity.See moreSegment identificator.Segment the response by additional constraint.SegoviaSekongSelangorSelectSelect PageSelect a categorySelect a country / region&hellip;Select a page&hellip;Select a product to regenerate the data for, or leave empty for a full table regeneration:Select allSelect an option&hellip;Select categories&hellip;Select fields from your CSV file to map against products fields, or to ignore during import.Select noneSelect optionsSelect options for &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Select regions within this zoneSelect shipping methodsSelect some countriesSelect the access type of these keys.Select when the webhook will fire.Selected attribute term name.Selected countriesSelected store theme.Selecting no country / region to sell to prevents from completing the checkout. Continue anyway?Sell to all countriesSell to all countries, except for&hellip;Sell to specific countriesSelling location(s)SembabuleSemnan (سمنان)Send notifications when an IPN is received from PayPal indicating refunds, chargebacks and cancellations.Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing.Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with Mailchimp.Send you information about your account and orderSend you marketing messages, if you choose to receive themSenegalSeparate codes with a comma. Accepts wildcards, e.g. <code>P*</code> will match a postcode of PE30. Also accepts a pattern, e.g. <code>NG1___</code> would match NG1 1AA but not NG10 1AASeparate tags with commasSerbiaSerbian dinarSerereSergipeServer environmentServer infoServer info.Server requirements not met, missing requirement(s): %s.Set Status - In stockSet Status - On backorderSet Status - Out of stockSet a fixed price to cover shipping costs.Set default payment methodSet passwordSet product imageSet regular pricesSet sale pricesSet scheduled sale datesSet to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %):Set up PayPal for me using this email:Set up Stripe for me using this email:Set up marketing toolsSet up paymentsSet up shippingSet up the "%s" payment methodSet up your account for our storeSet variation imageSet your store location and configure tax rate settings.Set your store location and where you'll ship to.SetiSetting value.SettingsSettings for WooCommerce admin reporting.Settings group ID.Settings tab labelPaymentsSettings.Setup WizardSetup a Refund and Returns Policy page to boost your store's credibility.Setup shipping zonesSetup wizardSeveral WooCommerce extensions can write logs which makes debugging problems easier. The directory must be writable for this to happen.SevillaSeychellesSeychellois rupeeShaanxi / 陕西Shandong / 山东Shanghai / 上海Shanxi / 山西ShareShare feedbackShare new items on social media the moment they're live in your store.Shared by %sShariatpurSheemaSherpurShigaShimaneShinyangaShip toShip to a different address?Ship to all countriesShip to all countries you sell toShip to specific countriesShip to specific countries onlyShipStationShipStation iconShippingShipping AddressShipping Address 1Shipping Address 2Shipping CityShipping CompanyShipping Country / RegionShipping First NameShipping LabelShipping Last NameShipping MethodShipping Phone NumberShipping Postal/Zip CodeShipping StateShipping ZoneShipping addressShipping address.Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!Shipping amountShipping classShipping class ID.Shipping class costsShipping class nameShipping class name.Shipping class slug.Shipping classesShipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products.Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and can be used by some Shipping Methods (such as "Flat rate shipping") to provide different rates to different classes of product.Shipping costs are calculated during checkout.Shipping costs updated.Shipping destinationShipping destination address.Shipping detailsShipping instance ID.Shipping is currently enabled, but you have not added any shipping methods to your shipping zones.Shipping is disabled.Shipping lines data.Shipping location(s)Shipping methodShipping method ID is required.Shipping method ID.Shipping method could not be added. Please retry.Shipping method customer facing title.Shipping method description.Shipping method enabled status.Shipping method instance ID.Shipping method name.Shipping method settings.Shipping method sort order.Shipping method title.Shipping method(s)Shipping methodsShipping methods do not support trashing.Shipping nameShipping onlyShipping optionsShipping options will be updated during checkout.Shipping taxShipping tax amountShipping tax classShipping tax class based on cart itemsShipping tax total.Shipping tax.Shipping to %sShipping to %s.Shipping total must be a positive amount.Shipping via %sShipping zone location code.Shipping zone location type.Shipping zone name.Shipping zone order.Shipping zonesShipping zones do not support trashing.Shipping:ShizuokaShkodërShop PageShop and search resultsShop baseShop base addressShop base with categoryShop by CategoryShop country/regionShop nowShop onlyShop orderShop pageShop page displayShop pagesShort descriptionShould you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, <a href="%s">please read our documentation</a>. You will find all kinds of resources including snippets, tutorials and much more.ShowShow "verified owner" label on customer reviewsShow SuggestionsShow advanced optionsShow all typesShow as dropdownShow categoriesShow categories &amp; productsShow hidden productsShow hierarchyShow if is a compound tax rate.Show more detailsShow product countsShow productsShow subcategoriesShow subcategories &amp; productsShowing all %d resultShowing all %d resultsShowing reports for:Showing the single resultShows if backorders are allowed.Shows if the product can be bought.Shows if the product is on backordered.Shows if the product is on sale.Shows if the product need to be shipped.Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not.Shows if the variation can be bought.Shows if the variation is on backordered.Shows if the variation is on sale.Shows where the order was created.Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable.Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user will be notified).ShumenSiayaSibiuSichuan / 四川Sidi Bel AbbèsSienaSierra LeoneSierra Leonean leoneSign UpSignupsSiirtSikkimSilistraSimiyuSimple productSinaloaSince your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the %1$sUpdate Totals%2$s button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so.SindhSing BuriSingaporeSingapore dollarSingidaSinoeSinopSiquijorSiracusaSirajganjSironkoSisaketSistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)Site URL.Site address (URL)SivasSkikdaSkip importing existing order data.Skip setupSkip this stepSligoSlivenSlovakiaSloveniaSlugSlug "%s" is already in use. Change it, please.Slug "%s" is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please.Slug "%s" is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please.Slug identifier for the resource.SmolyanSoapClientSofalaSofiaSohagSokotoSolSold %1$d item in the last %2$d daysSold %1$d items in the last %2$d daysSold %1$s worth in the last %2$d daysSold individuallySold individually?SololáSolomon IslandsSolomon Islands dollarSolothurnSomali shillingSomaliaSome webservices like shipping use SOAP to get information from remote servers, for example, live shipping quotes from FedEx require SOAP to be installed.Someone has requested a new password for the following account on %s:SomogySondrioSongkhlaSonoraSonsonateSoriaSorianoSorocaSorotiSorry there was a problem removing this coupon.Sorry to see you go.Sorry! We couldn't contact Jetpack just now 😭. Please make sure that your site is visible over the internet, and that it accepts incoming and outgoing requests via curl. You can also try to connect to Jetpack again, and if you run into any more issues, please contact support.Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't connect Jetpack just now 😭. Please go to the Plugins tab to connect Jetpack, so that you can finish setting up your store.Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't install Jetpack for you 😭. Please go to the Plugins tab to install it, and finish setting up your store.Sorry, "%s" is no longer in stock so this order cannot be paid for. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, "%s" is not in stock. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, could not find anything. Try searching again using a different term.Sorry, coupon "%s" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.Sorry, creating the product with template failed.Sorry, fetching downloads data failed.Sorry, fetching performance indicators failed.Sorry, fetching revenue data failed.Sorry, fetching tax data failed.Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.Sorry, it seems the coupon "%s" is invalid - it has now been removed from your order.Sorry, it seems the coupon "%s" is not yours - it has now been removed from your order.Sorry, no dismissable task with that ID was found.Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.Sorry, no snoozeable task with that ID was found.Sorry, no task with that ID was found.Sorry, that task list was not foundSorry, the order could not be found. Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding your order details.Sorry, the sample products data file was not found.Sorry, there has been an error.Sorry, there is no export with that ID.Sorry, there is no note with that ID.Sorry, there is no resource with that ID.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the categories: %s.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the products: %s.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents.Sorry, this coupon is not valid for sale items.Sorry, this download has expiredSorry, this order is invalid and cannot be paid for.Sorry, this order requires a shipping option.Sorry, this product cannot be purchased.Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.Sorry, we couldn't connect your store to JetpackSorry, we do not allow orders from the provided country (%s)Sorry, we do not have enough "%1$s" in stock to fulfill your order (%2$s available). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, we do not ship orders to the provided country (%s)Sorry, you are not allowed to batch manipulate this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create new pages.Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete %s.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to hide task lists.Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to retrieve onboarding tasks.Sorry, you are not allowed to snooze onboarding tasks.Sorry, you cannot create new resource.Sorry, you cannot delete this resource.Sorry, you cannot edit this resource.Sorry, you cannot list resources.Sorry, you cannot manage plugins.Sorry, you cannot manage themes.Sorry, you cannot manage these options.Sorry, you cannot update resource.Sorry, you cannot view these options.Sorry, you cannot view this resource.Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this fileSorry, you post telemetry data.Sorry, your session has expired.Sorry, your session has expired. <a href="%s" class="wc-backward">Return to shop</a>SorsogonSort ascending or descending.Sort by average ratingSort by latestSort by most recentSort by popularitySort by price (asc)Sort by price (desc)Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by tax class.Sort by term property.Sort by:Sort codeSort collection by object attribute.Sort collection by resource attribute.SortingSorting orderOrderSouk AhrasSourceSource logger must be configured before running a migrationSource of note.Source of the note.Source store must be configured before running a migrationSouth AegeanSouth AfricaSouth African randSouth AmericaSouth AustraliaSouth CarolinaSouth CotabatoSouth DakotaSouth Georgia/Sandwich IslandsSouth Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)South KoreaSouth Korean wonSouth SinaiSouth SudanSouth Sudanese poundSouthernSouthern LeyteSouthlandSpainSpecific CountriesSpecific countriesSpecified file failed upload test.SquareSri LankaSri Lankan rupeeSt. GallenStandardStandard rateStandard ratesStar ratings should be required, not optionalStara ZagoraStart ImportStart accepting payments on your store!Start by adding the first product to your store. You can add your products manually, via CSV, or import them from another service.Start date of sale price, as GMT.Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone.Start date of sale price.Start sellingStart using new features that are being progressively rolled out to improve the store management experience.Start your online clothing storeStarted processing action %sStarting a fashion website is exciting but it may seem overwhelming as well. In this article, we'll walk you through the setup process, teach you to create successful product listings, and show you how to market to your ideal audience.StateState / CountyState / County or state codeState / ZoneState codeState code.State.State/CountyState/County code, or name of the state, county, province, or district.Stats about coupons.Stats about orders.Stats about product categories.Stats about product downloads.Stats about products.Stats about revenue.Stats about taxes.Stats about variations.StatusStatus of note.Status of the payment returned by the gateway. One of success, pending, failure, error.Status of the review.Status report informationStatus:Statuses that require extra action on behalf of the store admin.Statuses that should not be included when calculating report totals.StepStockStock Keeping UnitStock display formatStock keeping unit, if applicable.Stock levels increased:Stock levels reduced:Stock management at product level.Stock management at variation level.Stock qtyStock quantityStock quantity.Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level.Stock statusStock status.Stock: %dStopped the insanity for %d secondStopped the insanity for %d secondsStore AddressStore NoticeStore detailsStore downtime means lost sales. One-click restores get you back online quickly if something goes wrong.Store email address.Store management insightsStore monitoringStore noticeStore setupStore statsStore-wide threshold (%d)Storefront ThemeStorefront iconStorefront is an intuitive, flexible and <strong>free</strong> WordPress theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce and many of the most popular customer-facing extensions.Street addressString based identifier for the term.Stripe email addressStripe email address:StrășeniSubcategoriesSubjectSubject (paid)SubmitSubscription for %1$s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive updates for this product. <a href="%2$s">Click here</a> if you wish to deactivate the plugin as well.Subscription for %s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive updates for this product.Subscription is <strong>expiring</strong> soon.Subscription: Not available - %1$d of %2$d already in useSubscription: UnlimitedSubscription: Using %1$d of %2$d sites availableSubscriptionsSubtotalSubtotal:SuburbSuccessfully canceled action: %sSuccessfully executed action: %sSuccessfully processed change for action: %sSuceavaSuchitepéquezSucreSucumbíosSud SardegnaSudanSudanese poundSuezSuhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was designed to protect your servers on the one hand against a number of well known problems in PHP applications and on the other hand against potential unknown vulnerabilities within these applications or the PHP core itself. If enabled on your server, Suhosin may need to be configured to increase its data submission limits.SukhothaiSulawesi BaratSulawesi SelatanSulawesi TengahSulawesi TenggaraSulawesi UtaraSultan KudaratSuluSum of all taxes.Sum of line item taxes only.Sumatera BaratSumatera SelatanSumatera UtaraSunamganjSuphan BuriSupported features for this payment gateway.Supports the following placeholders: <code>[qty]</code> = number of items, <code>[cost]</code> = cost of items, <code>[fee percent="10" min_fee="20"]</code> = Percentage based fee.Surat ThaniSurigao del NorteSurigao del SurSurinSurinameSurinamese dollarSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazi lilangeniSwedenSwedish kronaSwiss francSwitzerlandSylhetSyriaSyrian poundSystem statusSzabolcs-Szatmár-BeregSánchez RamírezSão PauloSétifSîngereiSălajTabascoTable cell display.Table cell value.Table column header.Table does not existTable headers.Table rows.TaboraTacnaTacuarembóTagTag IDTag ID.Tag added.Tag deleted.Tag linkTag nameTag name.Tag not added.Tag not updated.Tag slugTag slug.Tag updated.Tag:Tags:TagsTags (comma separated)Tags (space separated)Tags deleted.Tags totals.Taita-TavetaTaiwanTajikistanTajikistani somoniTakTake payments in cash upon delivery.Take payments in person via BACS. More commonly known as direct bank/wire transfer.Take payments in person via checks. This offline gateway can also be useful to test purchases.Take payments via bank transfer.Take payments with the provider that’s right for you - choose from 100+ payment gateways for WooCommerce.TamanghassetTamaulipasTamil NaduTana RiverTangaTangailTanzaniaTanzanian shillingTarabaTaracliaTaranakiTarantoTarapacáTargovishteTarijaTarlacTarragonaTask ListTask is not a subclass of `Task`Task list ID already existsTask list ID does not existTasmanTasmaniaTawi-TawiTaxTax amountTax classTax class already existsTax class name.Tax class of fee.Tax class of product.Tax class requires a valid nameTax class slug already existsTax class slug is invalidTax class.Tax codeTax lines data.Tax nameTax optionsTax priority.Tax rate ID.Tax rate ID: %sTax rate code.Tax rate label.Tax rate name.Tax rate.Tax rates successfully deletedTax statusTax statusNoneTax status of fee.Tax status.Tax subtotal.Tax total (not including shipping taxes).Tax total.TaxableTaxesTaxes applied to this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency.Taxes by codeTaxes by dateTaxes detailed reports.Taxes do not support trashing.Taxonomies: Product typesTaxonomies: Product visibilityTaxonomy does not exist.Taxonomy nameProduct typeTaxonomy nameProduct visibilityTaxonomy name.Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses.Tehran (تهران)TekirdağTelanganaTeleneștiTeleormanTemplate cache cleared.Template file copied to theme.Template file deleted from theme.Template overrides.TemplatesTennesseeTeramoTerengganuTerm IDTerm countsTerm description.Term name.TermsTerms and Conditions PageTerms and conditionsTerms in the product visibility taxonomy.Terms successfully recountedTerniTeruelTested up to WooCommerce versionTeteTexasText to appear below the main email content.Thai bahtThailandThakurgaonThank you for selling with WooCommerce.Thank you for your feedback!Thank you for your orderThank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal account to view transaction details.Thank you. Your order has been received.Thanks :)Thanks for creating an account on %1$s. Your username is %2$s. You can access your account area to view orders, change your password, and more at: %3$sThanks for reading.Thanks for shopping with usThanks for shopping with us.Thanks for using Jetpack! Your store is almost ready: to activate services like %s, just connect your store.Thanks for using {site_url}!Thanks!Tharaka-NithiThe "%1$s" coupon has been removed from your cart: %2$sThe "%s" payment method is currently disabledThe "%s" payment method is currently enabledThe "WooCommerce Admin" plugin will be installed and activatedThe "locations not covered by your other zones" zone cannot be updated.The %s cannot be deleted.The %s class can only be run within WP CLI.The %s does not support trashing.The %s has already been deleted.The %s is not a valid URLThe %s payment gateway is not available.The API key provided does not have read permissions.The API key provided does not have write permissions.The CSV is invalid.The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party site to make payment.The HTTP response code from the receiving server.The HTTP response message from the receiving server.The ID for the parent of the resource.The ID for the resource.The ID of the package the shipping rates belong to.The ID of the payment method being used to process the payment.The JSONP callback function is invalidThe MaxMind license key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, you may need to wait for it to become active.The PayFast extension for WooCommerce enables you to accept payments by Credit Card and EFT via one of South Africa’s most popular payment gateways. No setup fees or monthly subscription costs.The Rest API is unavailable.The SKU already exists on another product.The URL of your %s page (along with the Page ID).The URL where the webhook payload is delivered.The URL where the webhook was delivered.The WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin requires a more recent version of WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying WooCommerce Blocks.The WooCommerce Blocks package running on your site.The WooCommerce Helper plugin is no longer needed. <a href="%s">Manage subscriptions</a> from the extensions tab instead.The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. Access is granted only to those with valid API keys.The WooCommerce REST API package running on your site.The action's schedule frequency.The active version of WooCommerce does not support template cache clearing.The admin note action label prop cannot be empty.The admin note action name prop cannot be empty.The admin note content prop cannot be empty.The admin note content_data prop must be an instance of stdClass.The admin note date prop cannot be empty.The admin note layout has a wrong prop value.The admin note locale prop cannot be empty.The admin note name prop cannot be empty.The admin note source prop cannot be empty.The admin note status prop (%s) is not one of the supported statuses.The admin note status prop cannot be empty.The admin note title prop cannot be empty.The admin note type prop (%s) is not one of the supported types.The admin note type prop cannot be empty.The amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a percentage.The amount of tax charged.The amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups)The amount that quantities increment by. Quantity must be an multiple of this value.The assigned attribute.The attribute ID, or 0 if the attribute is not taxonomy based.The attribute name.The attribute taxonomy name.The attribute taxonomy, or null if the attribute is not taxonomy based.The background color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s.The base color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s.The base page can also be used in your <a href="%s">product permalinks</a>.The callback_url needs to be over SSLThe cart has been filled with the items from your previous order.The cart item product or variation ID.The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.The chosen rate ID for the package.The city in which your business is located.The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch.The class %1$s provided by %2$s filter must implement %3$s.The class attached to the "woocommerce_queue_class" does not implement the WC_Queue_Interface interface. The default %s class will be used instead.The comment has already been trashed.The content of the review.The country and state or province, if any, in which your business is located.The coupon code already existsThe coupon code cannot be empty.The coupon will expire at 00:00:00 of this date.The coupon's unique code.The coupons unique code.The current language used by WordPress. Default = EnglishThe customer cannot be deletedThe database update process runs in the background and may take a little while, so please be patient. Advanced users can alternatively update via %1$sWP CLI%2$s.The database version for WooCommerce. This should be the same as your WooCommerce version.The date of the customer last order, as GMT.The date of the download, as GMT.The date of the download, in the site's timezone.The date the coupon expires, as GMT.The date the coupon expires, in the site's timezone.The date the coupon was created, as GMT.The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone.The date the coupon was last modified, as GMT.The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the customer was created, as GMT.The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone.The date the customer was last modified, as GMT.The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the image was created, as GMT.The date the image was created, in the site's timezone.The date the image was last modified, as GMT.The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the last order for this product was placed, in the site's timezone.The date the order note was created, as GMT.The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order refund was created, as GMT.The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order was completed, as GMT.The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone.The date the order was created, as GMT.The date the order was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order was last modified, as GMT.The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the order was paid, as GMT.The date the order was paid, in the site's timezone.The date the product was created, as GMT.The date the product was created, in the site's timezone.The date the product was last modified, as GMT.The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the report end, as GMT.The date the report end, in the site's timezone.The date the report start, as GMT.The date the report start, in the site's timezone.The date the review was created, as GMT.The date the review was created, in the site's timezone in human-readable format.The date the review was created, in the site's timezone.The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone.The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook delivery was logged, as GMT.The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook was created, as GMT.The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook was last modified, as GMT.The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date when download access expires, as GMT.The date when download access expires, in the site's timezone.The date you provided is invalid.The date/time the action is/was scheduled to run.The decimal separator of displayed prices.The default timezone for your server.The delivery duration, in seconds.The discount type for the coupon (e.g. percentage or fixed amount)The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed file type. Allowed types include: %2$sThe downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server.The eWAY extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party site to make payment.The email address for the customer.The extension %s has been deactivated successfully.The file does not exist, please try again.The file is empty or using a different encoding than UTF-8, please try again with a new file.The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with WooCommerce %s yet and should be updated and examined further before you proceed:The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default.The following note has been added to your order:The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend.The following plugins will be installed and activated for you:The following shipping methods apply to customers with shipping addresses within this zone.The following wizard will help you configure your store and get you started quickly.The group "%s" does not exist.The groups "%s" do not exist.The handler for the route is invalidThe homepage URL of your site.The homepage is one of the most important entry points in your store. When done right it can lead to higher conversions and engagement. Don't forget to personalize the homepage that we created for your store during the onboarding.The id for the resource.The image of the note, if any.The installed version of the current active theme.The installed version of the parent theme.The item ID %1$s attempted to register using an invalid option. The arguments `menuId` and `parent` are not allowed for add_setting_item()The key that will be used when dealing with MaxMind Geolocation services. You can read how to generate one in <a href="%1$s">MaxMind Geolocation Integration documentation</a>.The largest filesize that can be contained in one post.The largest filesize that can be uploaded to your WordPress installation.The layout of the note (e.g. banner, thumbnail, plain).The location that the MaxMind database should be stored. By default, the integration will automatically save the database here.The logical relationship between attributes when filtering across multiple at once.The main body background color. Default %s.The main body text color. Default %s.The maximum allowed setting is %dThe maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at one time.The maximum number of individual items this coupon can apply to when using product discounts. Leave blank to apply to all qualifying items in cart.The maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function to avoid overloads.The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart is %sThe maximum quantity that can be added to the cart.The maximum spend for this coupon is %s.The minimum allowed setting is %dThe minimum quantity that can be added to the cart is %sThe minimum quantity that can be added to the cart.The minimum spend for this coupon is %s.The name of the current active theme.The name of the parent theme.The name of the tax.The next queue will begin processing in approximately %d seconds.The number of decimal points shown in displayed prices.The object cannot be deleted.The object does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.The object has already been trashed.The official Razorpay extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit cards, debit cards, netbanking, wallet, and UPI payments.The options are &quot;Active&quot; (delivers payload), &quot;Paused&quot; (does not deliver), or &quot;Disabled&quot; (does not deliver due delivery failures).The order ID to process during checkout.The order ID.The order note ID provided is not associated with the orderThe order refund ID provided is not associated with the order.The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing the "Place order" button at the bottom of the page.The parent theme developers URL.The payment gateway for this order does not exist.The payment gateway for this order does not support automatic refunds.The plugin could not be activated.The position of the currency symbol.The postal code, if any, in which your business is located.The product review cannot be deleted.The product review does not support trashing.The product variation is invalidThe provided email address (%s) is not valid—please provide a valid email addressThe provided email address is not validThe provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s.The provided phone number is not validThe provided postcode / ZIP is not validThe provided state (%1$s) is not valid. Must be one of: %2$sThe quantity added to the cart must be a multiple of %sThe rate at which tax is applied.The requested plugin `%s` could not be activated.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Upgrader install failed.The requested plugin `%s`. is not yet installed.The requested theme `%s` could not be installed.The requested theme `%s` could not be installed. Theme API call failed.The requested theme could not be activated.The resource cannot be deleted.The response body from the receiving server.The root URL of your site.The sale will start at 00:00:00 of "From" date and end at 23:59:59 of "To" date.The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers.The selected product isn't a variation of %2$s, please choose product options by visiting <a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>.The settings of this image size have been disabled because its values are being overwritten by a filter.The slug for the resource.The specific chart this stat referrers to.The status of the coupon. Should always be draft, published, or pending reviewThe status of the note (e.g. unactioned, actioned).The stock has not been updated because the value has changed since editing. Product %1$d has %2$d units in stock.The street address for your business location.The term ID, or 0 if the attribute is not a global attribute.The term name.The term slug.The text to appear in the footer of all WooCommerce emails.The theme developers URL.The thousand separator of displayed prices.The type of the note (e.g. error, warning, etc.).The unit lengths are defined in for this country.The unit weights are defined in for this country.The version of MySQL installed on your hosting server.The version of PHP installed on your hosting server.The version of WooCommerce installed on your site.The version of WordPress installed on your site.The version of cURL installed on your server.ThemeTheme author URL.Theme installation message.Theme installation status.Theme name.Theme slug.Theme status.Theme version.Theme.There are currently no logs to view.There are no currencies matching these parameters.There are no locations matching these parameters.There are no notes yet.There are no product reviews yet.There are no reviews yet.There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.There are not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantities in your cart.There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the cart page and resolve these issues before checking out.There are three ways to add your products: you can <strong>create products manually, import them at once via CSV file</strong>, or <strong>migrate them from another service</strong>.<br/><br/>There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 can be purchased. Please reduce the quantity in your cart.There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 of each can be purchased. Please reduce the quantities in your cart.There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue.There are too many concurrent batches.There is no data to export for the given request.There is not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantity in your cart.There was a failure fetching this actionThere was a failure fetching this action: %sThere was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %sThere was a problem activating some of the requested plugins.There was a problem installing some of the requested plugins.There was a problem with the provided %s:There was an error calling %1$s: %2$sThere was an error calling %sThere was an error calling this tool. There is no callback present.There was an error connecting to Square.There was an error connecting to WooCommerce.com. Please try again.There was an error generating your API Key.There was an error loading the WooCommerce.com Helper API.There was an error running the action scheduler: %sThere was an error with an item in your cart.There was an issue loading the report endpointsThese are regions inside this zone. Customers will be matched against these regions.These costs can optionally be added based on the <a href="%s">product shipping class</a>.These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout.These pages need to be set so that WooCommerce knows where to send users to checkout.These rates are extra shipping options with additional costs (based on the flat rate).These settings are not available while the lookup table regeneration is in progress.ThessalyThings to do nextThis %s cannot be deletedThis action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data from the selected orders?This controls how stock quantities are displayed on the frontend.This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.This controls the position of the currency symbol.This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in.This controls what unit you will define lengths in.This controls what unit you will define weights in.This controls which shipping address is used by default.This coupon has expired.This data will be deleted in %s.This email address is already registered.This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using the coupon.This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed to use the coupon.This function should not be called before plugins_loaded.This function should not be called before woocommerce_init.This is a demo store for testing purposes &mdash; no orders shall be fulfilled.This is a featured productThis is an order notification sent to customers containing order details after an order is placed on-hold from Pending, Cancelled or Failed order status.This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details after payment.This is not your download link.This is the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access to. URLs entered here should already be encoded.This is the WooCommerce shop page. The shop page is a special archive that lists your products. <a href="%s">You can read more about this here</a>.This is the attachment ID, or image URL, used for placeholder images in the product catalog. Products with no image will use this.This is the default category and it cannot be deleted. It will be automatically assigned to products with no category.This is the name of the download shown to the customer.This is the name of the zone for your reference.This is the sum of the "Tax rows" shipping tax amount within your orders.This is the sum of the "Tax rows" tax amount within your orders.This is the sum of the 'Order total' field within your orders.This is the sum of the 'Shipping total' field within your orders.This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and excluding shipping and taxes.This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and including shipping and taxes.This is the total tax for the rate (shipping tax + product tax).This is where store orders are stored.This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store.This is where you can browse products in this store.This is where your business is located. Tax rates and shipping rates will use this address.This key is invalid or has already been used. Please reset your password again if needed.This lets you choose which products are part of this group.This means that the table is probably in an inconsistent state. It's recommended to run a new regeneration process or to resume the aborted process (Status - Tools - Regenerate the product attributes lookup table/Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration) before enabling the table usage.This method is deprecated in 2.6.0 and will be removed in future versions - we recommend disabling it and instead setting up a new rate within your <a href="%s">Shipping zones</a>.This method should not be called before plugins_loaded.This monthThis option determines a customers default location. The MaxMind GeoLite Database will be periodically downloaded to your wp-content directory if using geolocation.This option determines which address is used to calculate tax.This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it will not update existing products.This option lets you limit which countries you are willing to sell to.This option will delete ALL of your tax rates, use with caution. This action cannot be reversed.This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.This order is no longer editable.This order note cannot be deletedThis order&rsquo;s status is &ldquo;%s&rdquo;&mdash;it cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.This password reset key is for a different user account. Please log out and try again.This payment method was successfully set as your default.This product cannot be added to the cart.This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are you sure you want to delete it?This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.This product is protected and cannot be purchased.This report link has expired. %1$sClick here to view the filtered report%2$s.This resource cannot be created.This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.This section controls the display of your website privacy policy. The privacy notices below will not show up unless a %s is set.This section lets you customize the WooCommerce emails. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Click here to preview your email template</a>.This section shows any files that are overriding the default WooCommerce template pages.This section shows details of Action Scheduler.This section shows information about this status report.This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive will be.This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices.This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices.This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices.This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on.This setting does not apply to guest purchases.This shipping method does not have any settings to configure.This subscription has expired. Contact the owner to <strong>renew</strong> the subscription to receive updates and support.This subscription has expired. Please <strong>renew</strong> to receive updates and support.This subscription is expiring soon. Please <strong>renew</strong> to continue receiving updates and support.This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: %s.This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product.This tool allows you to generate and download a CSV file containing a list of all products.This tool allows you to import (or merge) product data to your store from a CSV or TXT file.This tool will abort the regenerate product attributes lookup table regeneration. After this is done the process can be either started over, or resumed to continue where it stopped.This tool will clear ALL expired transients from WordPress.This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache.This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including current carts and saved carts in the database.This tool will delete all variations which have no parent.This tool will delete expired download permissions and permissions with 0 remaining downloads.This tool will empty the template cache.This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already defined and set up will not be replaced.This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in a way which hides products from the catalog.This tool will regenerate product lookup table data. This process may take a while.This tool will regenerate the product attributes lookup table data from existing product(s) data. This process may take a while.This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages.This tool will reset the cached values used in WooCommerce Analytics. If numbers still look off, try %1$sReimporting Historical Data%2$s.This tool will resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration at the point in which it was aborted (%1$s products were already processed).This tool will update your WooCommerce database to the latest version. Please ensure you make sufficient backups before proceeding.This video tutorial will help you go through the process of adding your first product in WooCommerce.This will be how your name will be displayed in the account section and in reviewsThis will change the stock status of all variations.This will give "%1$s" %2$s access which will allow it to:This will regenerate all shop thumbnails to match your theme and/or image settings.This zone is <b>optionally</b> used for regions that are not included in any other shipping zone.Thousand separatorThousand separator for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Thousand separator.Thousands separator for displayed prices in this country.ThumbnailThumbnail URL.Thumbnail croppingThumbnail regeneration has been scheduled to run in the background.Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount of images in your store this may take a while.Thumbnail sizes for responsive images.Thumbnail srcset for responsive images.Thumbnail widthThurgauThuringiaTianjin / 天津TiaretTibet / 西藏TicinoTierra del FuegoTime interval to use for buckets in the returned data.Time period to snooze the task.TimestampTimișTimor-LesteTindoufTipasaTipperaryTiranaTissemsiltTitleTitle of the note.Tizi OuzouTlaxcalaTlemcenTo allow logging, make %1$s writable or define a custom %2$s.To connect to %1$s you need to be logged in. Log in to your store below, or <a href="%2$s">cancel and return to %1$s</a>To edit this order change the status back to "Pending payment"To enable this update you need to <strong>activate</strong> this subscription.To enable this update you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription.To ensure your store&rsquo;s notifications arrive in your and your customers&rsquo; inboxes, we recommend connecting your email address to your domain and setting up a dedicated SMTP server. If something doesn&rsquo;t seem to be sending correctly, install the <a href="%1$s">WP Mail Logging Plugin</a> or check the <a href="%2$s">Email FAQ page</a>.To make sure you never get that sinking "what did I forget" feeling, we've put together the essential pre-launch checklist.To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/&lt;product_id&gt;/variations/&lt;id&gt; endpoint.To opt out, leave this box unticked. Your store remains untracked, and no data will be collected. Read about what usage data is tracked at: %s.To override and edit this email template copy %1$s to your theme folder: %2$s.To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription or consolidate your extensions to one connected account by <strong><a href="%1$s" title="Sharing Docs">sharing</a> or <a href="%2$s" title="Transferring Docs">transferring</a></strong> this extension to this connected account.To set your password, visit the following address: To start growing your business, head over to <a href="%s">WooCommerce.com</a>, where you'll find the most popular WooCommerce extensions.To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press the "Track" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received.TocantinsTochigiToggle &quot;Downloadable&quot;Toggle &quot;Enabled&quot;Toggle &quot;Manage stock&quot;Toggle &quot;Virtual&quot;Toggle featuredToggle fullscreenTogoTokatTokelauTokenTokushimaTokyoToledoTolimaTolnaTongaTongan pa&#x2bb;angaTool description.Tool does not exist.Tool name.Tool ran.Tool return message.ToolsTop Coupons - Number of OrdersTop Customers - Total SpendTop categories - Items soldTop earnersTop freebiesTop products - Items soldTop rated productsTop sellersTopicTorinoTororoTotalTotal Database SizeTotal Net sales of all items sold.Total SpendTotal amount for this fee.Total amount spent.Total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Total available to refundTotal charged for shipping.Total charged for taxes.Total discount amount for the order.Total discount applied by this coupon.Total discount from applied coupons.Total discount tax amount for the order.Total distinct customers.Total number of purchases.Total of coupons used.Total of items purchased.Total of orders placed.Total of refunded orders.Total of returns.Total of shipping.Total of taxes.Total post count.Total price of any applied fees.Total price of items in the cart.Total price of shipping.Total price of shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response will be sent.Total price the customer will pay.Total salesTotal sales minus shipping and tax.Total sales.Total shippingTotal shipping amount for the order.Total shipping tax amount for the order.Total spend.Total taxTotal tax amount for this fee.Total tax applied to items and shipping.Total tax on fees.Total tax on items in the cart.Total tax on shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response will be sent.Total tax removed due to discount applied by this coupon.Total tax removed due to discount from applied coupons.Total tax.Total weight (in grams) of all products in the cart.Total:TotalsTotals data.Totals.TotonicapánTottoriTown / CityTown / City / Post OfficeTown / DistrictTown / VillageToyamaTrabzonTrackTrack your store performance on mobileTrangTrans NzoiaTransaction IDTransfer existing products to your new store — just import a CSV file.Transnistrian rubleTrapaniTrashTrashedTratTreinta y TresTrelawnyTrentoTrevisoTriesteTrinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago dollarTripuraTrue if backorders are allowed past stock availability.True if the cart meets the criteria for showing shipping costs, and rates have been calculated and included in the totals.True if the cart needs payment. False for carts with only free products and no shipping costs.True if the cart needs shipping. False for carts with only digital goods or stores with no shipping methods set-up.True if the product is on backorder.True if this attribute is used by product variations.True if this is the rate currently selected by the customer for the cart.True the prices included tax during checkout.TrujilloTry the new way to get paidTucumánTulceaTumbesTunceliTungurahuaTunisiaTunisian dinarTurkanaTurkeyTurkish liraTurkmenistanTurkmenistan manatTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluTypeType of attribute.Type of interval.Type of note.Type of setting.Types of products sold.TáchiraTébessaURL query to persist across links.URL to edit the orderURL where the webhook payload is delivered.US domestic zone = All US states = Flat rate shippingUS state of GeorgiaGeorgiaUTA GăgăuziaUTC DateTime when the coupon expires.Uasin GishuUbon RatchathaniUcayaliUdineUdon ThaniUgandaUgandan shillingUh oh... There was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & Tax install. Please try again.UkraineUkrainian hryvniaUnable to accept more than %s items for this request.Unable to add payment method to your account.Unable to claim actions. Database error.Unable to create orderUnable to create order.Unable to detect the Action Scheduler package.Unable to detect the Blocks package.Unable to detect the REST API package.Unable to insert download log entry in database.Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error.Unable to reduce stock for item %s.Unable to remove source migrated action %sUnable to restore stock for item %s.Unable to retrieve cart.Unable to retrieve database information. Usually, this is not a problem, and it only means that your install is using a class that replaces the WordPress database class (e.g., HyperDB) and WooCommerce is unable to get database information.Unable to save action.Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error.Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error.Unable to use image "%s".UncroppedUnderstanding the status reportUndoUndo?Unfortunately <strong>we do not ship %s</strong>. Please enter an alternative shipping address.Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again.UngheniUnidentified action %sUnique ID for the Note Action.Unique ID for the Note.Unique ID for the instance.Unique ID for the resource.Unique ID for the zone.Unique coupons count.Unique identifier (key) for the cart item to update.Unique identifier (key) for the cart item.Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms.Unique identifier for the attribute.Unique identifier for the coupon within the cart.Unique identifier for the fee within the cart.Unique identifier for the item within the cart.Unique identifier for the object.Unique identifier for the product that the review belongs to.Unique identifier for the product.Unique identifier for the resource.Unique identifier for the variable product.Unique identifier for the variation.Unique identifier for the webhook.Unique identifier.Unique slug for the resource.Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be no more than 28 characters.Unique transaction ID.United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates dirhamUnited Kingdom (UK)United States (US)United States (US) Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States (US) dollarUnits in stockUnknownUnknown product filename.Unknown request method.Unknown status found for action.UnlimitedUnlimited usageUnpaid order cancelled - time limit reached.Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden.Unsupported request methodUpdateUpdate %sUpdate AvailableUpdate WooCommerce DatabaseUpdate cartUpdate categoryUpdate country / regionUpdate databaseUpdate existing productsUpdate nowUpdate shipping classUpdate status event failed.Update tagUpdate the table directly upon product changes, instead of scheduling a deferred update.Update totalsUpdate your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.UpdatedUpdated atUpdating databaseUpdating product review failed.Updating review failed.Updating review status failed.UpgradeUpload CSV fileUpload a new fileUpload an imageUpload file and importUpload/Add imageUploaded theme.Uploaded to this productUpper EastUpper WestUpsellsUpsells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive.UriUruguayUruguayan pesoUsage / LimitUsage TrackingUsage limit per couponUsage limit per userUsage limitsUsage restrictionUse <code>[qty]</code> for the number of items, <br/><code>[cost]</code> for the total cost of items, and <code>[fee percent="10" min_fee="20" max_fee=""]</code> for percentage based fees.Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization.Use WooCommerce Shipping (powered by WooCommerce Services & Jetpack) to save time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home.Use `array_key_exists` to check for meta_data on WC_Shipping_Rate to get the correct result.Use a new payment methodUse as product imageUse imageUse previous column mapping preferences?Use the product attributes lookup table for catalog filtering.Used for variationsUsed-up download permissionsUserUser ID for the downloader.User ID of user who created the refund.User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests.User ID.User NameUser agent of the customer.User emailUser is missing.User name of the downloader.User roleCustomerUser roleShop managerUser&#8217;s WooCommerce access to purchased downloads data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce customer data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce orders data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce payment tokens data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce purchased downloads data.UsernameUsername is required.Username isn't editable.Username or emailUsername or email addressUsername.Username: %sUsers will need to spend this amount to get free shipping (if enabled above).UsulutánUtahUthai ThaniUtilitiesUttar PradeshUttaraditUttarakhandUzbekistanUzbekistani somUígeUşakVATValaisValdesiaValenciaValidation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (%s).Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (amt %s).Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (gross %s).Validation error: PayPal currencies do not match (code %s).ValladolidValleValle del CaucaValparaísoValue (required)Value of the coupon.Value of the metadata.Value of the stat. Returns null if the stat does not exist or cannot be loaded.Value(s)ValverdeVanVanuatuVanuatu vatuVareseVariable productVariation #%1$s of %2$sVariation ID, if applicable.Variation ID.Variation ID:Variation URL.Variation attribute name.Variation attribute value.Variation cannot be imported: Missing parent ID or parent does not exist yet.Variation cannot be imported: Parent product cannot be a product variationVariation description.Variation dimensions.Variation height (%s).Variation image data.Variation length (%s).Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)Variation price (required)Variation regular price.Variation sale price.Variation status.Variation weight (%s).Variation width (%s).VariationsVariations (and their attributes) that do not have prices will not be shown in your store.Variations SoldVariations detailed reports.VarnaVasVasluiVaticanVaudVaupésVeliko TarnovoVeneziaVenezuelaVenezuelan bol&iacute;varVeracruzVeraguasVerbano-Cusio-OssolaVercelliVerify base database tablesVerify databaseVerify if all base database tables are present.Verifying database... One or more tables are still missing: VermontVeronaVersionVersion %s is <strong>available</strong>.Version %s is <strong>available</strong>. To enable this update you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription.Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order.Version:Very poorVeszprémVibo ValentiaVicenzaVichadaVictoriaVidinVientianeVientiane ProvinceVietnamVietnamese &#x111;&#x1ed3;ngViewView &amp; CustomizeView ActionView WooCommerce API docsView WooCommerce documentationView WooCommerce settingsView affected templatesView and manage couponsView and manage customersView and manage orders and sales reportsView and manage productsView cartView couponView couponsView customersView detailsView import logView more Storefront child themesView orderView order: %sView ordersView orders and sales reportsView other orders &rarr;View productView productsView products in the &ldquo;%s&rdquo; groupView progress &rarr;View progress →View reportView tax ratesView templateView/EditViewsVihigaVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (US)VirginiaVirtualVirtual products are intangible and are not shipped.VisibilityVisibility in catalogVisible on the product pageVisit %s admin area:Visit DashboardVisit StoreVisit WooCommerce.com to learn more about <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">getting started</a>.Visit community forumsVisit plugin homepageVisit premium customer supportVisit the theme marketplaceVisitorsViterboVlorëVoltaVranceaVratsaVâlceaWARNING: The product attributes lookup table regeneration process was aborted.WC database version.WP REST API Integration v%dWaikatoWajirWakayamaWake IslandWakisoWallis and FutunaWarningWashingtonWatch tutorialWaterfordWe accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.We encountered an SSL error. Please ensure your site supports TLS version 1.2 or above.We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.We have created a sample draft Refund and Returns Policy page for you. Please have a look and update it to fit your store.We have finished processing your order.We hope to see you again soon.We look forward to fulfilling your order soon.We look forward to seeing you soon.We noticed that there was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & Tax install. Please try again and enjoy all the advantages of having the plugins connected to your store! Sorry for the inconvenience. The "Jetpack" and "WooCommerce Shipping & Tax" plugins will be installed & activated for free.We recommend Storefront, the <em>official</em> WooCommerce theme.We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days.We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --We show contextual suggestions for official extensions that may be helpful to your store.We strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating.We were unable to process your order, please try again.We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.We'll use %1$s for product weight and %2$s for product dimensions.We're here for you — get tips, product updates, and inspiration straight to your mailbox.We've created two Shipping Zones - for %s and for the rest of the world. Below you can set Flat Rate shipping costs for these Zones or offer Free Shipping.We've made things simpler and easier to manage moving forward. From now on you can manage all your WooCommerce purchases directly from the Extensions menu within the WooCommerce plugin itself. <a href="%s">View and manage</a> your extensions now.Webhook actionsWebhook created on %sWebhook created successfully.Webhook dataWebhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://.Webhook delivery URL.Webhook event.Webhook resource.Webhook status must be valid.Webhook status.Webhook topic is required and must be valid.Webhook topic must be valid.Webhook topic unknown. Please select a valid topic.Webhook topic.Webhook updated successfully.WebhooksWebhooks are event notifications sent to URLs of your choice. They can be used to integrate with third-party services which support them.Webhooks do not support trashing.Week(s)WeightWeight (%s)Weight in decimal formWeight unitWelcome toWelcome to the storeWelcome to {site_title}WellingtonWest African CFA francWest Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)West BengalWest CoastWest GreeceWest MacedoniaWest PanamáWest PokotWest VirginiaWesternWestern AustraliaWestern CapeWestern NorthWestern SaharaWestmeathWestmorelandWexfordWe’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.What ZIP/post codes are available for local delivery?What ZIP/post codes are available for local pickup?What currency do you accept payments in?What currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in.What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose free. Leave blank to disable.What is PayPal?What running the tool will do.What type of products do you plan to sell?What we collect and storeWhat we share with othersWhat would you like to charge for flat rate shipping?When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and the second coupon to the discounted price and so on.When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the customer based on their name, surname or emailWhen creating an account, send the new user a link to set their passwordWhen handling an %s, should access to downloadable files be revoked and download logs cleared?When handling an %s, should personal data within orders be retained or removed?When limiting response using after/before, which date column to compare against.When product stock reaches this amount the stock status will change to "out of stock" and you will be notified via email. This setting does not affect existing "in stock" products.When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. It is possible to define different values for each variation individually. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory.When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified via email.When true, email a link to download the export to the requesting user.When true, refunded items are restocked.When true, the payment gateway API is used to generate the refund.When variation stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. The default value for all variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory.When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:When you receive a new order, it will appear here.Where is your store based?Whether or not a user can request to be reminded about the note.Whether or not the profile was completed.Whether or not the profile was skipped.Whether or not the store was connected to WooCommerce.com during the extension flow.Whether or not this is a compound rate.Whether or not this store agreed to receiving marketing contents from WooCommerce.com.Whether or not this store was setup for a client.Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping.Whether or not you have WordPress Multisite enabled.Whether the product is visible in the catalogWhether to bypass trash and force deletion.Whether to consider GMT post dates when limiting response by published or modified date.Whether to create a new user account as part of order processing.Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.Which columns should be exported?Which product category should be exported?Which product types should be exported?While you visit our site, we’ll track:Who on our team has accessWicklowWidthWidth (%s)WisconsinWith our blocks, you can select and display products, categories, filters, and more virtually anywhere on your site — no need to use shortcodes or edit lines of code. Learn more about how to use each one of them.With the release of WooCommerce 4.0, these reports are being replaced. There is a new and better Analytics section available for users running WordPress 5.3+. Head on over to the <a href="%1$s">WooCommerce Analytics</a> or learn more about the new experience in the <a href="https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-analytics/" target="_blank">WooCommerce Analytics documentation</a>.WooCommerceWooCommerce %1$s table creation failed. Does the %2$s user have CREATE privileges on the %3$s database?WooCommerce &rsaquo; Setup WizardWooCommerce API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer secret in the password field.WooCommerce AdminWooCommerce Admin iconWooCommerce Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes.WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires the %1$s constant to be defined and true in your %2$s file. Otherwise you are loading the blocks package from WooCommerce core.WooCommerce Blocks packageWooCommerce Customer DataWooCommerce Customer DownloadsWooCommerce Customer OrdersWooCommerce Customer Payment TokensWooCommerce EndpointWooCommerce EndpointsWooCommerce ExtensionsWooCommerce HelperWooCommerce HomeWooCommerce MarketplaceWooCommerce Network OrdersWooCommerce OnboardingWooCommerce PayFast GatewayWooCommerce PayPal Checkout GatewayWooCommerce REST API packageWooCommerce Recent ReviewsWooCommerce ServicesWooCommerce Services iconWooCommerce SetupWooCommerce ShippingWooCommerce SquareWooCommerce StatusWooCommerce Stripe GatewayWooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions for physical or virtual products and services. Create product-of-the-month clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials, or set expiration periods.WooCommerce TaxWooCommerce action names associated with the webhook.WooCommerce can accept both online and offline payments. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Additional payment methods</a> can be installed later.WooCommerce database updateWooCommerce database update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest version!WooCommerce database update doneWooCommerce database update in progressWooCommerce database update requiredWooCommerce database versionWooCommerce eWAY GatewayWooCommerce endpointsWooCommerce extensionsWooCommerce has been updated! To keep things running smoothly, we have to update your database to the newest version.WooCommerce is updating product data in the backgroundWooCommerce is updating the database in the background. The database update process may take a little while, so please be patient.WooCommerce pagesWooCommerce pages.WooCommerce plugins may use this method of communication when checking for plugin updates.WooCommerce products (CSV)WooCommerce settingsWooCommerce statusWooCommerce supportWooCommerce tax rates (CSV)WooCommerce transientsWooCommerce versionWooCommerce version.WooCommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping address and present the shipping methods within that zone to them.WooCommerce.comWooCommerce.com Usage Tracking DocumentationWooCommerce.com supportWoohoo, %1$s was your record day for sales! Net sales was %2$s beating the previous record of %3$s set on %4$s.Word count type. Do not translate!wordsWordPress address (URL)WordPress cronWordPress debug modeWordPress environmentWordPress language.WordPress memory limitWordPress memory limit.WordPress multisiteWordPress requirementsWordPress versionWordPress version.WordPress.org projectWriteWrite a short welcome message hereWrite title…WyomingX-Accel-Redirect/X-SendfileXaisombounXiangkhouangXinjiang / 新疆Y/m/dYalaYalovaYamagataYamaguchiYamanashiYambolYaracuyYardsYasothonYazd (یزد)YearYear(s)YemenYemeni rialYesYes pleaseYes please!Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of taxYes, export all custom metaYobeYoroYou are paying for a guest order. Please continue with payment only if you recognize this order.You can add multiple shipping methods within this zone. Only customers within the zone will see them.You can also:You can manually run queued updates here.You can only have 1 %s in your cart.You cannot add &quot;%s&quot; to the cart because the product is out of stock.You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please wait for %d second.You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please wait for %d seconds.You cannot add another "%s" to your cart.You cannot add that amount of &quot;%1$s&quot; to the cart because there is not enough stock (%2$s remaining).You cannot add that amount to the cart &mdash; we have %1$s in stock and you already have %2$s in your cart.You cannot add the same tax rate twice!You do not have permission to access this pageYou do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user.You do not have permission to create couponsYou do not have permission to create order notesYou do not have permission to create order refundsYou do not have permission to create ordersYou do not have permission to create product attributesYou do not have permission to create product categoriesYou do not have permission to create product shipping classesYou do not have permission to create product tagsYou do not have permission to create productsYou do not have permission to create tax classesYou do not have permission to create tax ratesYou do not have permission to create this customerYou do not have permission to create webhooks.You do not have permission to delete product attribute termsYou do not have permission to delete product attributesYou do not have permission to delete product categoryYou do not have permission to delete product shipping classesYou do not have permission to delete product tagYou do not have permission to delete tax classesYou do not have permission to delete tax ratesYou do not have permission to delete this %sYou do not have permission to delete this customerYou do not have permission to edit API KeysYou do not have permission to edit WebhooksYou do not have permission to edit product attributesYou do not have permission to edit product categoriesYou do not have permission to edit product shipping classesYou do not have permission to edit product tagsYou do not have permission to edit tax ratesYou do not have permission to edit this %sYou do not have permission to edit this API KeyYou do not have permission to edit this customerYou do not have permission to read product attribute termsYou do not have permission to read product attributesYou do not have permission to read product categoriesYou do not have permission to read product shipping classesYou do not have permission to read product tagsYou do not have permission to read tax classesYou do not have permission to read tax rateYou do not have permission to read the coupons countYou do not have permission to read the customers countYou do not have permission to read the orders countYou do not have permission to read the products countYou do not have permission to read the tax classes countYou do not have permission to read the taxes countYou do not have permission to read the webhooks countYou do not have permission to read this %sYou do not have permission to read this customerYou do not have permission to read this reportYou do not have permission to revoke API KeysYou do not have permission to revoke this API KeyYou do not have permission to update WebhooksYou don&#8217;t have permission to do this.You have attempted to register a duplicate item with WooCommerce Navigation: %1$sYou have not set up this type of address yet.You have received the following WooCommerce log message:You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:You have successfully connected your store to WooCommerce.comYou have successfully disconnected your store from WooCommerce.comYou have used this coupon %s in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again.You may also like&hellip;You may be interested in&hellip;You may need to manually restore the item's stock.You must be %1$slogged in%2$s to post a review.You must be logged in to checkout.You must be logged in to download files.You must enter a valid license key on the <a href="%1$s">MaxMind integration settings page</a> in order to use the geolocation service. If you do not need geolocation for shipping or taxes, you should change the default customer location on the <a href="%2$s">general settings page</a>.You must supply an array of options and values.You must supply an array of options.You need WooCommerce 4.2 or newer to run this tool.You want your product catalog and images to look great and align with your brand. This guide will give you all the tips you need to get your products looking great in your store.You will need to manually issue a refund through your payment gateway after using this.You're almost there! Once you complete store setup you can start receiving orders.You're invited to share your experienceYou're ready to add products to your store.You're ready to start selling!You've hit the 10 orders milestone! Look at you go. Browse some WooCommerce success stories for inspiration.Your CSV needs to include columns in a specific order. %1$sClick here to download a sample%2$s.Your Report DownloadYour account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your email address.Your account was created successfully. Your login details have been sent to your email address.Your cart is currently empty!Your cart is currently empty.Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving.Your changes have been saved.Your changes were not saved. Please retry.Your current password is incorrect.Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce from GitHub, %1$splease refer to this document%2$s to set up your development environment.Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development environment: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/How-to-set-up-WooCommerce-development-environmentYour installation of the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin is incomplete. Please run %1$s within the %2$s directory.Your invoice for order #{order_number}Your latest {site_title} invoiceYour orderYour order can no longer be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance.Your order on %s has been partially refunded. There are more details below for your reference:Your order on %s has been refunded. There are more details below for your reference:Your order was cancelled.Your password has been reset successfully.Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our %s.Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our %s.Your products are now being imported...Your ratingYour report file is being generated.Your reviewYour review is awaiting approvalYour server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your hosting provider.Your server does not have the %s class enabled - HTML/Multipart emails, and also some extensions, will not work without DOMDocument.Your server does not have the %s class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected.Your server does not support the %s function - this is required to use the GeoIP database from MaxMind.Your server does not support the %s functions - this is required for better character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it.Your settings have been saved.Your site might be on a private network. Jetpack can only connect to public sites. Please make sure your site is visible over the internet, and then try connecting again 🙏.Your store address is required to set the origin country for shipping, currencies, and payment options.Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. We highly recommend serving your entire website over an HTTPS connection to help keep customer data secure. <a href="%s">Learn more here.</a>Your store is almost ready! To activate services like %s, just connect with Jetpack.Your store is configured to serve digital products using "Redirect only" method. This method is deprecated, <a href="%s">please switch to a different method instead.</a><br><em>If you use a remote server for downloadable files (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3), you may optionally wish to "allow using redirects as a last resort". Enabling that and/or selecting any of the other options will make this notice go away.</em>Your store is not using HTTPS. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about HTTPS and SSL Certificates</a>.Your store's uploads directory is <a href="%1$s">browsable via the web</a>. We strongly recommend <a href="%2$s">configuring your web server to prevent directory indexing</a>.Your subscription expired on %s. Get a new subscription to continue receiving updates and access to support.Your subscription expires in %d days. Enable autorenew to avoid losing updates and access to support.Your theme has a woocommerce.php file, you will not be able to override the woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display issues.Your {site_title} account has been created!Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been partially refundedYour {site_title} order #{order_number} has been refundedYour {site_title} order has been received!Your {site_title} order is now completeYou’ve received the following order from %s:YozgatYucatánYukon TerritoryYumaYumbeYunnan / 云南ZIP CodeZacapaZacatecasZaireZalaZambalesZambeziZambiaZambian kwachaZamboanga SibugayZamboanga del NorteZamboanga del SurZambéziaZamfaraZamoraZamora-ChinchipeZanjan (زنجان)Zanzibar NorthZanzibar SouthZanzibar WestZaragozaZero rateZhejiang / 浙江ZimbabweZip or Postcode of the address being shipped to.ZomboZoneZone ID.Zone does not exist!Zone nameZone regionsZonguldakZoom in/outZouZugZuliaZürich[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages[Order #%1$s] (%2$s)[Order #%s][Remove][deleted][{site_title}]: New order #{order_number}[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has been cancelled[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has failed[{site_title}]: Your {report_name} Report download is readya group of regions that can be assigned different shipping methods and rates.account erasure requestaction canceledaction completeaction complete via %saction createdaction failed via %1$s: %2$saction failed: %saction ignoredaction ignored via %saction resetaction startedaction started via %saction_args should not be overwritten when calling wc_get_template.added on %1$s at %2$sandautomated taxesautomated taxes and discounted shipping labelsautomated taxes iconbilling addressblock descriptionAllow customers proceed to Checkout.block descriptionAllow customers to add a note to their order.block descriptionAllow customers to place their order.block descriptionBlock containing current line items in Cart.block descriptionCollect your customer's billing address.block descriptionCollect your customer's contact information.block descriptionCollect your customer's shipping address.block descriptionColumn containing cart items.block descriptionColumn containing checkout address fields.block descriptionColumn containing the cart totals.block descriptionColumn containing the checkout totals.block descriptionContains blocks that are displayed when the cart contains products.block descriptionContains blocks that are displayed when the cart is empty.block descriptionDisplay a checkout form so your customers can submit orders.block descriptionDisplay accepted payment methods.block descriptionPayment options for your store.block descriptionShow customers a summary of their order.block keywordWooCommerceblock titleAccepted Payment Methodsblock titleActionsblock titleBilling Addressblock titleCart Line Itemsblock titleCart Totalsblock titleCheckoutblock titleCheckout Fieldsblock titleCheckout Totalsblock titleContact Informationblock titleEmpty Cartblock titleExpress Checkoutblock titleFilled Cartblock titleOrder Noteblock titleOrder Summaryblock titlePayment Optionsblock titleShipping Addressblock titleShipping Optionsblock titleTerms and ConditionsbreadcrumbHomeby %scURL installed but unable to retrieve version.cURL versioncURL version.checkout-validationBilling %scheckout-validationShipping %scmcustomer ordersdefault-slugproductdefault-slugshopdiscounted shipping labelsdisplay name%1$s %2$sdistrictBelgradedistrictBordistrictBraničevodistrictCentral BanatdistrictDanubedistrictJablanicadistrictKolubaradistrictKosovodistrictKosovo-MetohijadistrictKosovo-PomoravljedistrictKosovska MitrovicadistrictMačvadistrictMoravadistrictNišavadistrictNorth BanatdistrictNorth BačkadistrictPećdistrictPirotdistrictPomoravljedistrictPrizrendistrictPčinjadistrictRasinadistrictRaškadistrictSouth BanatdistrictSouth BačkadistrictSremdistrictToplicadistrictVojvodinadistrictWest BačkadistrictZaječardistrictZlatibordistrictŠumadijaeCheckeCheck ending in %1$sedit-address-slugbillingedit-address-slugshippingenhanced selectLoading failedenhanced selectLoading more results&hellip;enhanced selectNo matches foundenhanced selectPlease delete %qty% charactersenhanced selectPlease delete 1 characterenhanced selectPlease enter %qty% or more charactersenhanced selectPlease enter 1 or more charactersenhanced selectSearching&hellip;enhanced selectYou can only select %qty% itemsenhanced selectYou can only select 1 itemfive starfsockopen/cURLfull name%1$s %2$sgguest ordershhash before order number#http://https://woocommerce.comhttps://woocommerce.com/inkgl jS \o\f F Y, h:ialbsmmin_priceFrom:mmnew usersnumber of pagesofofoptionalordersordersozpayment setuppayment setup and automated taxespayment setup and discounted shipping labelspayment setup, automated taxes and discounted shipping labelsper yearplaceholderBuy productplaceholderFrom&hellip;placeholderTo&hellip;postFailedpostIn-ProgresspostsAll <span class="count">(%s)</span>All <span class="count">(%s)</span>privacy pageprivacy policyproduct_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when segmenting by variation.requiredreviewed by %sshipping addressshipping packagesShippingshipping packagesShipping %dshop_order post type singular nameOrderslugproductslugproduct-categoryslugproduct-tagsluguncategorizedsubmit buttonSearchtaxonomy term messages%s addedtaxonomy term messages%s deletedtaxonomy term messages%s not addedtaxonomy term messages%s not updatedtaxonomy term messages%s updatedterms and conditionstheunexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$sunknownverified ownervia %swith first and last resultShowing %1$d&ndash;%2$d of %3$d resultShowing %1$d&ndash;%2$d of %3$d resultswoocommerceydÁvilaÅland IslandsÇanakkaleÇankırıÇorumÑeembucúÑubleİstanbulİzmirİçelŞanlıurfaŞırnakȘoldăneștiȘtefan Vodă— No Change —— No change —PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-16 19:19:49+0000
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(%s ago)(%s) Stripe"%s" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons."%s" is already registered."%s" is an invalid coupon code."%s" shipping class cost"%s" tax rates"From" address"From" name#%s is an invalid image ID.%1$1sExplore our docs%2$2s for more information, or just get started!%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s%1$s #%2$s details%1$s %2$sUpdate WordPress to enable the new navigation%3$s%1$s &lsaquo; %2$s%1$s &ndash; %2$s%1$s (#%2$s &ndash; %3$s)%1$s (#%2$s)%1$s (%2$s %3$s)%1$s (%2$s)%1$s (ID: %2$s)%1$s (update to version %2$s is available)%1$s - There is a newer version of WordPress available (%2$s)%1$s - We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: %2$s%1$s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: %2$s%1$s - We recommend using a prefix with less than 20 characters. See: %2$s%1$s / %2$s%1$s and %2$s%1$s at %2$s%1$s at %2$s %3$s%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). <a href="%3$s">Please install it manually by clicking here.</a>%1$s could not be served using the Force Download method. A redirect will be used instead.%1$s could not be served using the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile method. A Force Download will be used instead.%1$s ending in %2$s%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s/%4$s)%1$s for %2$s item%1$s for %2$s items%1$s has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified. You can add it back to your cart <a href="%2$s">here</a>.%1$s in %2$s on line %3$s%1$s is low in stock. There are %2$d left.%1$s is not a numerically indexed array.%1$s is not of type %2$s%1$s is not valid. Please enter one of the following: %2$s%1$s is not valid. You can look up the correct Eircode <a target="_blank" href="%2$s">here</a>.%1$s refunded %2$d order (%3$d item)%1$s refunded %2$d orders (%3$d items)%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address%1$s review for %2$s%1$s reviews for %2$s%1$s sales in %2$s%1$s should not be called before the %2$s action.%1$s should not be called before the %2$s, %3$s and %4$s actions have finished.%1$s top seller this month (sold %2$d)%1$s units of %2$s have been backordered in order #%3$s.%1$s version %2$s is out of date. The core version is %3$s%1$s via %2$s%1$s was called with an invalid level "%2$s".%1$s was installed but could not be activated. <a href="%2$s">Please activate it manually by clicking here.</a>%1$s: %2$s%1$s× %2$s%d API key permanently revoked.%d API keys permanently revoked.%d batch executed.%d batches executed.%d item from your previous order is currently unavailable and could not be added to your cart.%d items from your previous order are currently unavailable and could not be added to your cart.%d left in stock%d note%d notes%d orphaned variations deleted%d permissions deleted%d product%d products%d scheduled task completed.%d scheduled tasks completed.%d transients rows cleared%d variation does not have a price.%d variations do not have prices.%d webhook permanently deleted.%d webhooks permanently deleted.%qty% variations%s (Copy)%s (Deleted)%s (No longer exists)%s ago%s Settings%s Support for strings longer than this will be removed in a future version.%s actions%s activated successfully. You will now receive updates for this product.%s and %d other region%s and %d other regions%s are out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart.%s average gross daily sales%s average gross monthly sales%s average net daily sales%s average net monthly sales%s cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.%s cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart.%s charged for shipping%s connected successfully%s coupon moved to the Trash.%s coupons moved to the Trash.%s coupon not updated, somebody is editing it.%s coupons not updated, somebody is editing them.%s coupon permanently deleted.%s coupons permanently deleted.%s coupon restored from the Trash.%s coupons restored from the Trash.%s coupon updated.%s coupons updated.%s coupons used in total%s customer review%s customer reviews%s data%s day%s days%s discount%s discounts in total%s does not exist.%s download remaining%s downloads remaining%s failed. Contact your hosting provider.%s fee%s field%s gross sales in this period%s has been added to your cart.%s have been added to your cart.%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance.%s hour%s hours%s in stock%s is a required field%s are required fields%s is a required field.%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added.%s is available%s is not a valid email address.%s is not a valid phone number.%s is not a valid postcode / ZIP.%s is out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.%s is out of stock.%s is required%s item%s items%s items%s items purchased%s minute%s minutes%s month%s months%s must contain 2 numbers.%s must contain 2 valid dates.%s net sales in this period%s net sales this month%s notes%s order moved to the Trash.%s orders moved to the Trash.%s order not updated, somebody is editing it.%s orders not updated, somebody is editing them.%s order permanently deleted.%s orders permanently deleted.%s order restored from the Trash.%s orders restored from the Trash.%s order updated.%s orders updated.%s orders placed%s out of 5%s page%s parameter is missing%s previous order linked%s previous orders linked%s product%s products%s product imported%s products imported%s product moved to the Trash.%s products moved to the Trash.%s product not updated, somebody is editing it.%s products not updated, somebody is editing them.%s product permanently deleted.%s products permanently deleted.%s product restored from the Trash.%s products restored from the Trash.%s product updated%s products updated%s product updated.%s products updated.%s product was skipped%s products were skipped%s purchases for the selected items%s quantity%s rates%s removed.%s sales for the selected items%s second%s seconds%s signups in this period%s subscription expired%s subscription expiring soon%s week%s weeks%s worth of coupons used%s would like to connect to your store%s year%s years%s() was called before the Action Scheduler data store was initialized&infin;&larr; Back to "%s" attributes&nbsp;&ndash; Page %s&quot;%s&quot; is not available for purchase.&quot;%s&quot; is out of stock and cannot be purchased.'%s' is not a valid country code.(Deleted)(Public)(can be backordered)(estimated for %s)(ex. VAT)(ex. tax)(incl. VAT)(incl. tax)(includes %1$s estimated for %2$s)(includes %s)+ Add account1 minute1 minute per product1:12 character continent code.2 minutes4 minutes<strong>%s order</strong> awaiting processing<strong>%s orders</strong> awaiting processing<strong>%s order</strong> on-hold<strong>%s orders</strong> on-hold<strong>%s product</strong> low in stock<strong>%s products</strong> low in stock<strong>%s product</strong> out of stock<strong>%s products</strong> out of stock<strong>Heads up!</strong> The versions of the following plugins you're running haven't been tested with WooCommerce %s. Please update them or confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience issues:<strong>Welcome to WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; You&lsquo;re almost ready to start selling :)<strong>Your theme (%s) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files.</strong> These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:A 2 digit country code, e.g. GB. Leave blank to apply to all.A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all.A CoruñaA URL to redirect the customer after checkout. This could be, for example, a link to the payment processors website.A cloud of your most used product tags.A friendly name for the webhook.A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, message, and body.A human readable description for the setting used in interfaces.A human readable label for the setting used in interfaces.A human-readable description of the resource.A link to a product category.A link to a product tag.A link to a product.A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address.A list of stats to query must be provided.A list of taxonomy terms that can be used in regard to order/product statuses.A list of taxonomy terms used for product visibility.A list of your store's products.A list of your store's top-rated products.A list or dropdown of product categories.A live rate is the exact cost to ship an order, quoted directly from the shipping carrier.A minimum order amountA minimum order amount AND a couponA minimum order amount OR a couponA new queue has begun processing. <a href="%s">View actions in-progress &raquo;</a>A note has been added to your orderA partial IP address can be passed and matching results will be returned.A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset.A product attribute term with the provided ID could not be foundA product attribute with the provided ID could not be foundA product category with the provided ID could not be foundA product shipping class with the provided ID could not be foundA product tag with the provided ID could not be foundA product with this ID already exists.A product with this SKU already exists.A search form for your store.A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping methods and rates apply.A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping methods are offered.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept BACS payment.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept a cheque as method of payment.A simple offline gateway that lets you accept cash on delivery.A tax rate with the provided ID could not be foundA unique identifier for the setting.A unique identifier for the tool.A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together.A valid email address is requiredA valid free shipping couponA zip file of the theme to be uploaded.ANDAOVAPI Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the secret key will be hidden once you leave this page.API Key updated successfully.API VersionAPI credentialsAPI docsAPI enabledAPI keyAPI path.API user is invalidASCAargauAbiaAbimAbortAbort the product attributes lookup table regenerationAboutAbout Action Scheduler %sAbout WooCommerceAbraAbujaAccept COD if the order is virtualAccept credit and debit cards, offline (cash or bank transfer) and logged-in payments with money in Mercado Pago. Safe and secure payments with the leading payment processor in LATAM.Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay.Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.Accept for virtual ordersAccept payments via PayPal using account balance or credit card.Access deniedAccess expiresAccess grantedAccess restrictionAccess to Purchased DownloadsAccount creationAccount detailsAccount details changed successfully.Account details:Account endpointsAccount erasure requestsAccount nameAccount numberAccount usernameAccounts &amp; PrivacyAcreActionAction GroupAction SchedulerAction Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s <a href="%2$s">Learn more &raquo;</a>Action Scheduler is a scalable, traceable job queue for background processing large sets of actions. Action Scheduler works by triggering an action hook to run at some time in the future. Scheduled actions can also be scheduled to run on a recurring schedule.Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be incomplete.Action Scheduler packageAction Scheduler package running on your site.Action StatusAction [%1$s] has an invalid schedule: %2$sAction [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. $args = %2$sAction eventAction failed. Please refresh the page and retry.Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, FailedAction that should be completed to connect Jetpack.ActionScheduler_Action::$args too long. To ensure the args column can be indexed, action args should not be more than %d characters when encoded as JSON.Actionable order statusesActionsActivateActivate usage trackingActiveActive Product FiltersActive filtersActive pluginsActive plugins.Activity log for the action.AdamawaAdanaAddAdd %s to my storeAdd &ldquo;%s&rdquo; to your cartAdd FileAdd NewAdd New Scheduled ActionAdd a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be notified).Add a productAdd a reviewAdd additional piece of info about each category to the report.Add additional piece of info about each coupon to the report.Add additional piece of info about each product to the report.Add additional piece of info about each variation to the report.Add as many zones as you need &ndash; customers will only see the methods available for their address.Add attributeAdd couponAdd feeAdd fileAdd images to product galleryAdd item(s)Add keyAdd manuallyAdd my productsAdd newAdd new %sAdd new attributeAdd new categoryAdd new couponAdd new orderAdd new productAdd new shipping classAdd new tagAdd noteAdd or remove tagsAdd orderAdd payment methodAdd product gallery imagesAdd product(s)Add productsAdd recommended marketing tools to reach new customers and grow your businessAdd shippingAdd shipping classAdd shipping methodAdd shipping methods &amp; zonesAdd shipping zoneAdd store detailsAdd taxAdd tax ratesAdd to cartAdd to cart URL.Add to cart behaviourAdd to cart button parameters.Add to galleryAdd to menuAdd webhookAdd your first productAdd&nbsp;metaAdded line items: %sAdditional contentAdditional data to pass to the extensionAdditional help text shown to the user about the setting.Additional informationAdditional ratesAdditional tax class "%1$s" couldn't be saved. %2$s.Additional tax classesAddressAddress changed successfully.Address line 1Address line 1.Address line 2Address line 2.Address overrideAddress:AddressesAdds an option to the orders screen for removing personal data in bulk. Note that removing personal data cannot be undone.Adds the new WooCommerce settings UI.AdjumaniAdjusted stock: %sCategoriesCouponsOrdersProductsScheduled ActionsShipping classesTagsAdrarAdvancedAdvanced optionsAdıyamanAfghan afghaniAfghanistanAfricaAfter pre-tax discounts.After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you <a href="%s" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>.After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you regenerate thumbnails. You can do this from the <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">tools section in WooCommerce</a> or by using a plugin such as <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>.After publishing your changes, new image sizes will be generated automatically.AfyonAgagoAgrigentoAguascalientesAgusan del NorteAgusan del SurAhafoAhuachapánAichiAisén del General Carlos Ibañez del CampoAkitaAklanAksarayAkwa IbomAl SharqiaAlabamaAlagoasAlajuelaAlaskaAlbaAlbaceteAlbaniaAlbanian lekAlbayAlbertaAlborz (البرز)AlebtongAlertAlessandriaAlexandriaAlgeriaAlgerian dinarAlgiersAlias for customer_type (deprecated).AliboriAlicanteAllAll %sAll ProductsAll allowed countriesAll categoriesAll couponsAll done!All levelsAll missing WooCommerce pages successfully installedAll pending and in-progress import actions have been cancelled.All productsAll shipping classesAll sourcesAll tagsAllowAllow backorders?Allow customer reviews?Allow customers to create an account during checkoutAllow customers to create an account on the "My account" pageAllow customers to log into an existing account during checkoutAllow customers to pick up orders themselves. By default, when using local pickup store base taxes will apply regardless of customer address.Allow customers to place orders without an accountAllow free shippingAllow one item to be bought in a single order.Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from ordersAllow reviews.Allow usage of WooCommerce to be trackedAllow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resortAllow, but notify customerAllowed ZIP/post codesAllowed emailsAlmeríaAlta VerapazAlternatively, enter the path to a CSV file on your server:Alto ParaguayAlto ParanáAlways show quantity remaining in stock e.g. "12 in stock"AmambayAmapáAmasyaAmazonasAmerican SamoaAmnat CharoenAmolatarAmount already refundedAmount discountedAmount discounted by coupons.Amount of coupons.Amount of customers.Amount of items sold.Amount of orders.Amount of products.Amount of reviews that the product has.Amount of reviews that the product have.Amount of reviews.Amount of sales.Amount of tax codes.Amount that will be refunded for this line item (excluding taxes).Amount that will be refunded for this tax.AmudatAmuriaAmuruAn account is already registered with that username. Please choose another.An account is already registered with your email address. <a href="#" class="showlogin">Please log in.</a>An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in before proceeding.An additional, optional address line for your business location.An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.An alphanumeric identifier for the resource.An array of actions, if any, for the note.An array of data being returned from the payment gateway.An eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.An endpoint used for searching download logs for a specific IP address.An error has occurred when activating %s. Please try again later.An error has occurred when deactivating the extension %1$s. Please proceed to the <a href="%2$s">Plugins screen</a> to deactivate it manually.An error has occurred when deactivating the subscription for %s. Please try again later.An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer dataAn error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment gateway API.An identifier for the group this setting belongs to.An import is already in progress. Please allow the previous import to complete before beginning a new one.An integration for utilizing MaxMind to do Geolocation lookups. Please note that this integration will only do country lookups.An invalid setting value was passed.An item which is no longer available was removed from your cart.An order has been created for you on %1$s. Your invoice is below, with a link to make payment when you’re ready: %2$sAn order note with the provided ID could not be foundAn order refund with the provided ID could not be found.An unexpected error happened while applying the Coupon %s.AnalyticsAnalytics cache cleared.AnambraAncashAnconaAndaman and Nicobar IslandsAndhra PradeshAndorraAnenii NoiAng ThongAngolaAngolan kwanzaAnguillaAnhui / 安徽AnkaraAnnabaAnother order milestone! Take a look at your Orders Report to review your orders to date.AntalyaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaAntioquiaAntiqueAntofagastaAny %sAny %s&hellip;Any &quot;%1$s&quot; methodAny categoryAnzoáteguiAomoriAostaApacApartment, suite, etc.Apartment, suite, unit, etc.Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)ApayaoAppend a unique string to filename for securityAppenzell AusserrhodenAppenzell InnerrhodenApplication authentication requestApplyApply couponApply minimum order rule before coupon discountApply to all qualifying items in cartApproveApureApurímacAraba/ÁlavaAradAraguaAraucaArchive templateArdabil (اردبیل)ArdahanAre WordPress cron jobs enabled?Are you sure you want to clear all logs from the database?Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?Are you sure you want to delete this log?Are you sure you want to delete this template file?Are you sure you want to delete this zone? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to log out? <a href="%s">Confirm and log out</a>Are you sure you want to remove the selected fees?Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?Are you sure you want to remove the selected shipping?Are you sure you want to remove this variation?Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?Are you sure you want to run this tool?Are you sure you wish to delete this note? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to delete this refund? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to delete this tax column? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you wish to process this refund? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you're ready?ArequipaArezzoArgentinaArgentine pesoArgeșArgumentsArica y ParinacotaArizonaArkansasArmed Forces (AA)Armed Forces (AE)Armed Forces (AP)ArmeniaArmenian dramArray of options (key value pairs) for inputs such as select, multiselect, and radio buttons.Array of options with associated values.Array of the response headers from the receiving server.ArtigasArtvinAruaArubaAruban florinArunachal PradeshArushaAs a reminder, here are your order details:As a single totalAscoli PicenoAshantiAsiaAssamAstiAsturiasAsunciónAswanAsyutAtacamaAtakoraAtlantiqueAtlánticoAtlántico NorteAtlántico SurAtlántidaAttapeuAttempting to reduce used memory&hellip;AtticaAttributeAttribute %d defaultAttribute %d globalAttribute %d nameAttribute %d value(s)Attribute %d visibleAttribute ID.Attribute does not exist.Attribute nameAttribute name.Attribute position.Attribute slug.Attribute taxonomy name.Attribute terms can be assigned to products and variations.<br/><br/><b>Note</b>: Deleting a term will remove it from all products and variations to which it has been assigned. Recreating a term will not automatically assign it back to products.Attribute type.Attribute updated successfullyAttribute value(s)Attribute visibilityAttributesAttributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the "layered nav" widgets.Attributes totals.AucklandAuroraAustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryAustralian dollarAustriaAuthentication and subscription caches refreshed successfully.Author URLAuthor: %sAuthoriseAuto renews on:Automated TaxesAutomatticAvailabilityAvailable downloadsAvailable on backorderAvailable placeholders: %sAvatar URL with image size of %d pixels.Avatar URL.Avatar URLs for the object reviewer.AvellinoAverageAverage AOV per customer.Average gross sales amountAverage items per orderAverage net daily sales.Average net sales amountAverage number of orders.Average order value.Average ratingAverage total spend per customer.Avg order value.Awaiting BACS paymentAwaiting product imageAyacuchoAydınAyutthayaAzad KashmirAzerbaijanAzerbaijani manatAzuaAzuayAïn DeflaAïn TémouchentAğrıBICBIC / SwiftBSBBack to AttributesBackground colourBackorderedBackorders allowed?Backorders?BacăuBadajozBaden-WürttembergBagerhatBagmatiBahamasBahamian dollarBahiaBahrainBahraini dinarBaja CaliforniaBaja California SurBaja VerapazBaker IslandBalearesBaliBalochistanBalıkesirBandarbanBangka BelitungBangkokBangladeshBangladeshi takaBankBank codeBank nameBank transfer (BACS) paymentsBank transit numberBantenBaorucoBarahonaBaranyaBarbadian dollarBarbadosBarcelonaBargunaBariBarinasBaringoBarishalBarletta-Andria-TraniBartınBasarabeascaBase colourBasel-LandschaftBasel-StadtBasilanBataanBatanesBatangasBatch endpoint for getting specific performance indicators from `stats` endpoints.BatmanBatnaBauchiBavariaBay IslandsBay of PlentyBayburtBayelsaBe the first to review &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Before asking for help, we recommend checking the system status page to identify any problems with your configuration.Before discountBefore you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:BeheiraBeijing / 北京BelarusBelarusian rubleBelarusian ruble (old)BelauBelgiumBelizeBelize dollarBellunoBelow is a list of extensions available on your WooCommerce.com account. To receive extension updates please make sure the extension is installed, and its subscription activated and connected to your WooCommerce.com account. Extensions can be activated from the <a href="%s">Plugins</a> screen.BeneventoBengkuluBengoBenguelaBenguetBeniBeni SuefBeninBenueBeratBergamoBerlinBermudaBermudian dollarBernBest SellersBetter securityBheriBholaBhutanBhutanese ngultrumBiellaBiharBihorBilecikBiliranBillingBilling &amp; ShippingBilling AddressBilling Address 1Billing Address 2Billing CityBilling CompanyBilling Country / RegionBilling First NameBilling Last NameBilling Phone NumberBilling Postal/Zip CodeBilling ProvinceBilling addressBilling address.Billing detailsBilling emailBingölBiobíoBiscayBiskraBistrița-NăsăudBitcoinBitlisBiéBlagoevgradBlidaBlock name is required.Blog id of the record on the multisite.BoacoBocas del ToroBody background colourBody text colourBoguraBoholBokeoBolikhamsaiBoliviaBolivian bolivianoBolognaBoluBolzanoBolívarBometBomiBonaire, Saint Eustatius and SabaBongBonoBono EastBonus reasons you'll love JetpackBookingsBoquerónBordj Bou ArréridjBorgouBornoBorsod-Abaúj-ZemplénBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina convertible markBothBotoșaniBotswanaBotswana pulaBouiraBoumerdèsBouvet IslandBoyacáBrahmanbariaBranch codeBranch sortBrandenburgBrazilBrazilian realBrașovBremenBresciaBriceniBrindisiBritish ColumbiaBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrong-AhafoBrowseBrowse CategoriesBrowse ExtensionsBrowse categoriesBrowse productsBrowse storeBrowse the MarketplaceBrowser User AgentBruneiBrunei dollarBrăilaBucureștiBudakaBudapestBududaBueng KanBuenos AiresBugiriBugweriBuhwejuBuikweBukedeaBukidnonBukomansimbiBukwaBulacanBulambuliBulgariaBulgarian levBuliisaBundibugyoBundlesBungomaBunyangabuBurdurBurgasBurgosBuri RamBurkina FasoBurmese kyatBursaBurundiBurundian francBushehr (بوشهر)BushenyiBusiaButalejaButambalaButeboButton description.Button textButton text.BuvumaBuy &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Buy nowBuyendeBuzăuBy clicking "Get started", you agree to our %1$sTerms of Service%2$sBy connecting your site you agree to our fascinating <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> and to <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">share details</a> with WordPress.comBács-KiskunBécharBéjaïaBékésBălțiCBD and other hemp-derived productsCFP francCSV DelimiterCVCCaaguazúCaazapáCabañasCabindaCabo DelgadoCagayanCagliariCahulCairoCajamarcaCalculate coupon discounts sequentiallyCalculate shippingCalculate tax based onCalculation typeCalculationsCaldasCaliforniaCaltanissettaCamarines NorteCamarines SurCambodiaCambodian rielCameroonCamiguinCampecheCampobassoCan not set resource parent, taxonomy is not hierarchical.CanadaCanadian dollarCancelCancel changesCancel scheduleCancel the action now to avoid it being run in futureCancel thumbnail regenerationCancelledCancelled <span class="count">(%s)</span>Cancelled <span class="count">(%s)</span>Cancelled orderCancelled order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been marked cancelled (if they were previously processing or on-hold).Cancelled orders are unpaid and may have been cancelled by the store owner or customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Cancelled product image regeneration job.CanelonesCanindeyúCannot create an existing cart item.Cannot create existing %s.Cannot create existing product review.Cannot create existing resource.Cannot create line item, try again.Cannot create order from empty cart.Cannot create order note, please try again.Cannot create order refund, please try again.Cannot create order: %sCannot set attributes due to invalid parent product.Cannot update coupon, try again.Cannot update fee, try again.Cannot update shipping method, try again.CantabriaCantemirCanterburyCantonCapabilitiesCape VerdeCape Verdean escudoCapitalCapital DistrictCapizCaptureCaquetáCaraboboCarazoCaraș-SeverinCarchiCard codeCard numberCarlowCartCart PageCart item does not exist.Cart item is invalid.Cart item no longer exists or is invalid.Cart pageCart total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Cart totalsCart updated.CartagoCasanareCasertaCash on deliveryCastellónCatalogueCatalogue &amp; searchCatalogue visibility.Catalogue visibility:CatamarcaCatanduanesCataniaCatanzaroCategoriesCategories deleted.Categories totals.CategoryCategory IDCategory ID.Category URL.Category added.Category archive display type.Category deleted.Category displayCategory image.Category linkCategory nameCategory name.Category not added.Category not updated.Category orderCategory slugCategory slug.Category updated.Category:Categories:CaucaCavanCaviteCayman IslandsCayman Islands dollarCañarCearáCebuCentimetresCentralCentral African CFA francCentral African RepublicCentral GreeceCentral MacedoniaCerro LargoCesarCeutaChachoengsaoChacoChadChaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)Chai NatChaiyaphumChalatenangoChampasakChandigarhChandpurChange addressChange order status to completedChange order status to on-holdChange order status to processingChange status to cancelledChange status to completedChange status to on-holdChange status to processingChange status: Change to:Changing eCommerce platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process.Changing platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process.ChanthaburiChattogramCheck out the themes that are compatible with WooCommerce and choose one aligned with your brand and business needs.Awaiting cheque paymentCheque paymentsCheck this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A <a href="%s" target="_blank">free shipping method</a> must be enabled in your shipping zone and be set to require "a valid free shipping coupon" (see the "Free Shipping Requires" setting).Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale.CheckoutCheckout PageCheckout endpointsCheckout is not available whilst your cart is empty.Checkout pageCheckout privacy policyChernivtsi OblastChhattisgarhChiang MaiChiang RaiChiapasChibaChietiChihuahuaChild themeChileChilean pesoChimaltenangoChimborazoChinaChinandegaChinese yuanChiquimulaChiriquíChișinăuChlefChocóCholutecaChonburiChongqing / 重庆ChontalesChoose a CSV file from your computer:Choose a category to view statsChoose a country / region&hellip;Choose a currency&hellip;Choose a file from your computer:Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify a different priority per rate.Choose a product to view statsChoose a province&hellip;Choose a tax class for this product. Tax classes are used to apply different tax rates specific to certain types of product.Choose an action...Choose an imageChoose an optionChoose countries / regions&hellip;Choose coupons&hellip;Choose fileChoose from the most used tagsChoose how long to retain personal data when it's no longer needed for processing. Leave the following options blank to retain this data indefinitely.Choose payment providers and enable payment methods at checkout.Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries.Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Klarna</a>.Choose the shipping method you wish to add. Only shipping methods which support zones are listed.Choose what to display on product category pages.Choose what to display on the main shop page.Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates.Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping.Choose whether you wish to capture funds immediately or authorise payment only.Choose which countries you want to ship to, or choose to ship to all locations you sell to.Choose which format of email to send.Choosing a theme?Chosen attributes (for variations).Christmas IslandChuadangaChubutChumphonChuquisacaCibao NordesteCibao NoroesteCibao NorteCibao SurCimișliaCities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all cities.CityCity name, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce 5.3, 'cities' should be used instead.City name.City of the address being shipped to.City.Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos AiresCiudad RealCiudad de MéxicoClaim IDClareClarendonClean up download permissionsClearClear analytics cacheClear customer sessionsClear template cacheClear transientsClick here to enter your codeClick here to loginClick here to reset your passwordClick here to set your new password.Click to toggleCloning is forbidden.CloseClose (Esc)Close modal panelClujCoahuilaCoastCochabambaCocléCocos (Keeling) IslandsCodeCojedesColimaCollect and validate EU VAT numbers at checkoutCollect payments from customers offline.CollinesColombiaColombian pesoColoniaColoradoColumn mappingColumn nameColumnsColónComayaguaabout,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,wwwCommunity forumCommunity supportComoComorian francComorosCompanyCompany nameCompany name.CompleteCompletedCompleted <span class="count">(%s)</span>Completed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Completed orderCompleted processing action %1$s with hook: %2$sCompleted product image regeneration job.Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxesCompostela ValleyCompoundConcepciónConfigure termsConfirm navigationConfirm new passwordCongo (Brazzaville)Congo (Kinshasa)Congolese francCongratulations on getting your first order! Now is a great time to learn how to manage your orders.Congratulations on processing %s orders!Congratulations on the sale.ConnectConnect to WooCommerce.comConnect to get important product notifications and updates.Connect your store to JetpackConnect your store to Jetpack to enable extra featuresConnect your store to activate WooCommerce ServicesConnected to WooCommerce.comConnecticutConstantineConstanțaConsumer Secret is invalid.Consumer keyConsumer key ending inConsumer key is invalid.Consumer key is missing.Consumer secretConsumer secret is invalid.Consumer secret is missing.Content data for the note. JSON string. Available for re-localization.Content of the note.Content typeContent…ContinueContinue shoppingContinue with JetpackContinue with WooCommerce ServicesControls the stock status of the product.Controls whether or not the product is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend.Controls whether or not the variation is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend.Cook IslandsCopied!CopperbeltCopyCopy billing addressCopy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information.Copy file to themeCopy for supportCopy from billing addressCopy linkCopy to a new draftCopying to clipboard failed. Please press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy.Copying to clipboard failed. You should be able to right-click the button and copy.CopánCoquimboCordilleraCorkCorrientesCortésCosenzaCostCosta RicaCosta Rican col&oacute;nCotabatoCotopaxiCould not delete the attributeCould not delete the categoryCould not delete the shipping classCould not delete the tagCould not delete the tax classCould not delete the tax rateCould not edit the attributeCould not edit the categoryCould not edit the shipping classCould not edit the tagCould not find any subscriptions on your WooCommerce.com accountCould not find download path.Could not find download url for the product.Could not find product package.Could not find unpacked path.Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.Could not process change for action: "%1$s" (ID: %2$d). Error: %3$sCould not update the attribute.Could not write to template file.CountCountry / RegionCountry / Region.Country / StateCountry ISO 3166 code.Country codeCountry code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.Country&nbsp;codeCountry/RegionCountry/Region code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.CountyCouponCoupon "%s" does not exist!Coupon %s was used in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again.Coupon ID.Coupon amountCoupon cannot be removed because it is not already applied to the cart.Coupon codeCoupon code "%s" has already been applied.Coupon code already applied!Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this code.Coupon code applied successfully.Coupon code is required.Coupon code removed successfully.Coupon code.Coupon createdCoupon creation date in GMT.Coupon creation date.Coupon dataCoupon deletedCoupon description.Coupon discount total must be a positive amount.Coupon discount type.Coupon does not exist in the cart.Coupon does not exist!Coupon draft updated.Coupon expiration date in GMT.Coupon expiration date.Coupon expiry dateCoupon has been removed.Coupon is not valid.Coupon item ID is readonly.Coupon management has moved!Coupon restoredCoupon saved.Coupon scheduled for: %s.Coupon submitted.Coupon typeCoupon type name.Coupon updatedCoupon updated.Coupon usage limit has been reached.Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or contact us for help.Coupon(s)Coupon(s):Coupon:Coupon: %sCouponsCoupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers. They will appear here once created.Coupons are disabled.Coupons by dateCoupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages.Coupons can now be managed from Marketing > Coupons. Click the button below to remove the legacy WooCommerce > Coupons menu item.Coupons detailed reports.Coupons discountsCoupons line data.Coupons listCoupons navigationCoupons totals.CovasnaCox's BazarCreateCreate ProductCreate a new webhookCreate a productCreate account passwordCreate an API keyCreate an account?Create and send purchase follow-up emails, newsletters, and promotional campaigns straight from your dashboard.Create couponsCreate customersCreate default WooCommerce pagesCreate on-brand store campaigns, fast email promotions and customer retargeting with Creative Mail.Create ordersCreate pagesCreate productsCreate some productsCreate webhooksCreate your first couponCreatedCreated atCreating product review failed.Creative Mail for WooCommerceCredit cardCremonaCreteCriticalCriuleniCroatiaCroatian kunaCross RiverCross-sellsCross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product.CrotoneCsongrád-CsanádCubaCuban convertible pesoCuban pesoCuencaCumillaCundinamarcaCuneneCuneoCura&ccedil;aoCurrencyCurrency code (in ISO format) for returned prices.Currency minor unit (number of digits after the decimal separator) for returned prices.Currency optionsCurrency positionCurrency position.Currency symbol for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Currency symbol position for this country.Currency symbol.Currency the order was created with, in ISO format.Currency.Current annual revenue of the store.Current pageCurrent page of the collection.Current page retrieval should be called on or after the `current_screen` hook.Current password (leave blank to leave unchanged)Current product price.Current set billing address for the customer.Current set shipping address for the customer.Current variation price.CuscatlánCuscoCustomCustom LinkCustom baseCustom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom orderingCustom ordering position.Custom:CustomerCustomer "new account" emails are sent to the customer when a customer signs up via checkout or account pages.Customer "reset password" emails are sent when customers reset their passwords.Customer DataCustomer ID if registered. Will return 0 for guests.Customer ID is invalid.Customer ID.Customer IP: %sCustomer NameCustomer billing addressCustomer createdCustomer deletedCustomer detailsCustomer download linkCustomer download logCustomer download permissions have been retained.Customer downloadsCustomer first name.Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping information.Customer invoice / Order detailsCustomer invoice emails can be sent to customers containing their order information and payment links.Customer last name.Customer listCustomer login name.Customer matched zone "%s"Customer noteCustomer note emails are sent when you add a note to an order.Customer notes about the orderCustomer ordersCustomer password.Customer payment page &rarr;Customer provided noteCustomer provided note:Customer role.Customer salesCustomer shipping addressCustomer typeCustomer type name.Customer updatedCustomer's IP address.Customer:CustomersCustomers detailed reports.Customers do not support trashing.Customers totals.Customers vs. guestsCustomers will not be able to purchase physical goods from your store until a shipping method is available.Customizable productsCustomize your online store with WooCommerce blocksCyprusCzech RepublicCzech korunaCáceresCádizCórdobaCălărașiCăușeniDESCDKI JakartaDOMDocumentDadra and Nagar HaveliDaerah Istimewa AcehDaerah Istimewa YogyakartaDajabónDakahliaDaman and DiuDamiettaDanish kroneDar es SalaamDariénDashboardData resource ID.Data resource description.Data store:Data to pass through to the payment method when processing payment.Data: %1$.2fMB + Index: %2$.2fMB + Engine %3$sDatabaseDatabase Data SizeDatabase File PathDatabase Index SizeDatabase error.Database information:Database prefixDatabase prefix.Database tables missingDatabase tables.Database upgrade routine has been scheduled to run in the background.Database verified successfully.Database.DateDate after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any (GMT).Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any.Date created:Date last active GMT.Date last active.Date registered GMT.Date registered.Date sale price endsDate sale price startsDate the note was created (GMT).Date the note was created.Date the order was created, as GMT.Date the order was created, in the site's time zone.Date:Davao OccidentalDavao OrientalDavao del NorteDavao del SurDay(s)DebugDebug logDebug modeDecimal precision of the returned prices.Decimal separatorDecimal separator for displayed prices for this country.Decimal separator for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Decimal separator.Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):Decrease existing stock by:Decrease regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)Decrease sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)StandardDefault Date RangeDefault Form ValuesDefault ISO4127 alpha-3 currency code for the country.Default attributeUncategorizedDefault customer locationDefault product category cannot be deleted.Default product sortingDefault sort orderDefault sort order.Default sortingDefault sorting (custom ordering + name)Default timezone is %s - it should be UTCDefault timezone is UTCDefault timezone.Default to customer billing addressDefault to customer shipping addressDefault value for the setting.Defaults variation attributes.Define if the attribute can be used as variation.Define if the attribute is visible on the "Additional information" tab in the product's page.Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items.Define if the variation is visible on the product's page.Define text to show after your product prices. This could be, for example, "inc. GST" to explain your pricing. You can also have prices substituted here using one of the following: {price_including_tax}, {price_excluding_tax}.Define whether or not the entire product is taxable, or just the cost of shipping it.DelawareDeleteDelete "%s" permanentlyDelete WooCommerce tax ratesDelete all variationsDelete imageDelete itemDelete logDelete noteDelete orphaned variationsDelete payment methodDelete permanentlyDelete tax ratesDelete template fileDeletedDeleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)Deleted %sDeleted all active sessions, and %d saved carts.Deleting a category does not delete the products in that category. Instead, products that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the category %s.DelhiDelimiterDelivery URLDelivery feeDelivery time estimate text, e.g. 3-5 business days.DeltaDelta AmacuroDenizliDenmarkDenyDepartmentDescriptionDescription (optional)Description for your referenceDescription is missing.Description of the shipping rate, e.g. Dispatched via USPS.Design your store with deep WooCommerce integration. If toggled on, we’ll install <a href="https://woocommerce.com/storefront/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Storefront</a>, and your current theme <em>%s</em> will be deactivated.Destination logger must be configured before running a migrationDestination store must be configured before running a migrationDetermines how this attribute's values are displayed.Determines if hidden or visible catalogue products are shown.Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute.Determines the type of discount that will be applied.Developed by %sDhakaDhaulagiriDibërDid the tool run successfully?Did you know you can print shipping labels at home?DimensionsDimensions (%s)Dimensions (L&times;W&times;H) (%s)Dimensions unitDinagat IslandsDinajpurDirect bank transferDirect payments to email address:Direct updatesDisableDisable shipping &amp; shipping calculationsDisabledDisconnectDiscount amountDiscount total tax.Discount total.Discount typeDiscount:Discounted ordersDismissDismiss the gatewayDismiss this notice.Dismiss this suggestionDisplay a list of a customer's recently viewed products.Display a list of active product filters.Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.Display a list of recent reviews from your store.Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store.Display a slider to filter products in your store by price.Display nameDisplay name cannot be changed to email address due to privacy concern.Display prices during cart and checkoutDisplay prices in the shopDisplay suggestions within WooCommerceDisplay tax totalsDisplay the customer shopping cart.Display typeDisplayed title for the leaderboard.Displays whether or not WP Cron Jobs are enabled.Displays whether or not WordPress is in Debug Mode.Displays whether or not WordPress is using an external object cache.Displays whether or not the current active theme declares WooCommerce support.Displays whether or not the current theme is a child theme.DistrictDistrict Of ColumbiaDistrito FederalDistrito NacionalDiyarbakırDjelfaDjiboutiDjiboutian francDo not allowDo not importDo you need help with adding your first product?Do you need more info about WooCommerce Subscriptions?Do you want to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce?Do you want to sell online courses?Do you wish to save your changes first? Your changed data will be discarded if you choose to cancel.DobrichDocsDodomaDoes the product have additional options before it can be added to the cart?Does the theme declare WooCommerce support?Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file?Does this theme have outdated templates?Does your site force a SSL Certificate for transactions?Does your site have REST API enabled?DokoloDoljDominicaDominican RepublicDominican pesoDon't charge for shipping.DondușeniDone!DonegalDongaDownloadDownload %dDownload %d IDDownload %d URLDownload %d nameDownload &amp; installDownload IDDownload ID (MD5).Download ID.Download URLDownload countDownload expiryDownload expiry daysDownload file URL.Download limitDownload nameDownload type, this controls the schema on the front-end.Download your %1$s Report: %2$sDownload your %s ReportDownloadableDownloadable file name.Downloadable filesDownloadable product ID.Downloadable product permissionsDownloadable productsDownloadable products give access to a file upon purchase.Downloaded %s timeDownloaded %s timesDownloadsDownloads remainingDownloads require loginDrafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>Drafts <span class="count">(%s)</span>Drag and drop to re-order your custom zones. This is the order in which they will be matched against the customer address.Drag and drop to set admin attribute orderDrag and drop, or click to set admin variation orderDrive sales with %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$sDrochiaDropdownDropin PluginsDropins & MU plugins.DuarteDublinDubăsariDuplicateDurangoDuraznoDurrësDâmbovițaDüzceEast Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)East Caribbean dollarEast Macedonia and ThraceEasternEastern CapeEastern SamarEbonyiEcuadorEdinețEdirneEditEdit %sEdit %s pageEdit CouponEdit OrderEdit ProductEdit Scheduled ActionEdit accountEdit and create new products from your mobile devices with the Woo appEdit attributeEdit categoryEdit couponEdit failed. Please try again.Edit itemEdit orderEdit pageEdit productEdit products on the moveEdit shipping classEdit tagEdit this orderEdoEducation and learningEffortless payments by Mollie: Offer global and local payment methods, get onboarded in minutes, and supported in your language.EgyptEgyptian poundEhimeEircodeEkitiEl BayadhEl CallaoEl OroEl OuedEl ParaísoEl ProgresoEl SalvadorEl SeiboEl TarfEl ValleElazığElbasanElectronics and computersElgeyo-MarakwetElías PiñaEmailEmail AddressEmail addressEmail address is invalid.Email address to receive paymentsEmail address.Email headingEmail heading (paid)Email invoice / order details to customerEmail notificationsEmail notifications sent from WooCommerce are listed below. Click on an email to configure it.<br>%sEmail of the reviewer.Email optionsEmail sender optionsEmail templateEmail typeEmail you used during checkout.Email:EmailsEmberáEmbuEmergencyEnableEnable "address_override" to prevent address information from being changed.Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archivesEnable Archives?Enable AutorenewEnable IPN email notificationsEnable PayPal StandardEnable PayPal sandboxEnable PayU’s exclusive plugin for WooCommerce to start accepting payments in 100+ payment methods available in India including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, & more!Enable archives?Enable auto-renewEnable bank transferEnable cash on deliveryEnable cheque paymentsEnable couponsEnable debug modeEnable email insightsEnable for shipping methodsEnable loggingEnable low stock notificationsEnable out of stock notificationsEnable product reviewsEnable reviewsEnable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass shipping rate cache.Enable star rating on reviewsEnable stock managementEnable store noticeEnable table usageEnable tax rates and calculationsEnable taxesEnable the legacy REST APIEnable the shipping calculator on the cart pageEnable the use of coupon codesEnable this email notificationEnable this if you want this attribute to have product archives in your store.Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping costEnable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a productEnable this option to enable stock management at variation levelEnable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are "processing", rather than "completed".Enable trackingEnable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerceEnable/DisableEnable/Disable attribute archives.EnabledEnd date of sale price, as GMT.End date of sale price, in the site's timezone.End date of sale price.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Add payment method" page.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Order received" page.Endpoint for the "Checkout &rarr; Pay" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Addresses" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Downloads" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Edit account" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Lost password" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Orders" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; Payment methods" page.Endpoint for the "My account &rarr; View order" page.Endpoint for the delete payment method page.Endpoint for the setting a default payment method page.Endpoint for the triggering logout. You can add this to your menus via a custom link: yoursite.com/?customer-logout=trueEndpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions during the checkout process. They should be unique.Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the endpoint.Enhance speed and security with %1$sJetpack%2$sEnhance your productsEnhance your store with these recommended free features.Enjoy all Facebook products combined in one extension: pixel tracking, catalogue sync, messenger chat, shop functionality and Instagram shopping (coming soon)!EnnaEnriquilloEnsure result set excludes reviews assigned to specific user IDs.Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.Enter a cost (excl. tax) or sum, e.g. <code>10.00 * [qty]</code>.Enter a coupon code to apply. Discounts are applied to line totals, before taxes.Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default instead.Enter a different addressEnter a fixed amount or percentage to apply as a fee.Enter a name for the new attribute term:Enter a name for this tax rate.Enter a new password below.Enter a number to set stock quantity at the variation level. Use a variation's 'Manage stock?' check box above to enable/disable stock management at the variation level.Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places.Enter a username or email address.Enter a valueEnter a value (fixed or %)Enter an optional description for this variation.Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase.Enter attachment ID or URL to an imageEnter price (%s)Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to %s.Enter recipients (comma separated) that will receive this notification.Enter sale price (%s)Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values.Enter the action that will trigger this webhook.Enter the external URL to the product.Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank.Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how to access your <a href="%s">PayPal API Credentials</a>.Enter your address to view shipping options.Entre RíosEnuguEnvironment.EpirusEquatorial GuineaEritreaEritrean nakfaErongoErrorError 404Error codeError during status transition.Error getting remote image %s.Error messageError messages can contain sensitive information about your store environment. These should be hidden from untrusted visitors.Error messages should not be shown to visitors.Error processing action %1$s: %2$sError processing checkout. Please try again.Error processing refund. Please try again.Error saving action: %sError:Error: %sError: %s.Error: Delivery URL cannot be reached: %sError: Delivery URL returned response code: %sError: non-existing attribute ID.ErzincanErzurumEscuintlaEskişehirEsmeraldasEspaillatEspírito SantoEstado de MéxicoEstelíEstoniaEthiopiaEthiopian birrEuroEuropeEurope zone = Any country in Europe = Flat rate shippingEvery %d minutesEvery %sEvery 15 DaysEvery minuteEverywhereEwayExclude categoriesExclude productsExclude sale itemsExcluded report order statusesExcluding selected countriesExcluding taxExisting products that match by ID or SKU will be updated. Products that do not exist will be skipped.ExpandExpiredExpired :(Expired transientsExpiresExpires on:Expiring SoonExpiring soon!Expiry (MM/YY)Expiry dateExportExport CSVExport ID.Export ProductsExport all categoriesExport all columnsExport all productsExport custom meta?Export download URL.Export products to a CSV fileExport status message.Export status.Extended task ListExtension data registered by %sExtension's name - this will be used to ensure the data in the request is routed appropriately.ExtensionsExtensions %sExtensions can add new functionality to your product pages that make your store stand outExternal URLExternal object cacheExternal productExternal products cannot be backordered.External products cannot be stock managed.External/Affiliate productExtra business extensions to install.FATAFacebookFacebook for WooCommerceFacebook iconFailedFailed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>Failed orderFailed order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been marked failed (if they were previously pending or on-hold).Failed orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Failed to download the MaxMind database.Failed to import %s productFailed to import %s productsFailed to retrieve product info from woocommerce.comFailed to update couponFaiyumFalcónFalkland IslandsFalkland Islands poundFan FavoritesFaridpur Faroe IslandsFars (فارس)Fashion, apparel, and accessoriesFavourite already existsFavourite item not foundFeaturedFeatured product.Featured productsFeaturesFederal DependenciesFeeFee has already been added.Fee lines data.Fee nameFee name is required.Fee name.Fee tax class is required when fee is taxable.Fee title is requiredFee total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Fee typeFeel free to reconnect again using the button below.Fees:FejérFeniFermoFerraraFierFijiFijian dollarFileFile %dFile IDFile ID.File URLFile URL.File details.File does not existFile download methodFile is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.File nameFile name.File not foundFile uploaded: %sFile was not found.FilenameFiles that may contain %1$sstore analytics%2$s reports were found in your uploads directory - we recommend assessing and deleting any such files.Filling in progress (%d)FilterFilter Products by AttributeFilter Products by PriceFilter Products by RatingFilter byFilter by IP addressFilter by attributeFilter by categoryFilter by couponFilter by fileFilter by levelFilter by orderFilter by priceFilter by productFilter by product typeFilter by registered customerFilter by sourceFilter by stock statusFilter by userFilter couponsFilter ordersFilter productsFinish setting up your storeFinish setupFinlandFirenzeFirst line of the address being shipped to.First nameFirst name.First order receivedFirst PageFixed amountFixed amount per productFixed cart discountFixed product discountFlat RateFlat rateFlat rate (legacy)FloresFloreștiFloridaFlush all logsFoggiaFood and drinkFooter textFor example:For further assistance with WooCommerce core, use the <a href="%1$s">community forum</a>. For help with premium extensions sold on WooCommerce.com, <a href="%2$s">open a support request at WooCommerce.com</a>.For more information:Force HTTP when leaving the checkoutForce SSLForce SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (<a href="%s" target="_blank">an SSL Certificate is required</a>).Force downloadsForce secure checkoutForce shipping to the customer billing addressForcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large files unreliably. If supported, %1$s / %2$s can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires %3$s).Forlì-CesenaFormat of the stat.FormosaFound %1$d updates (%2$s)Found %d scheduled taskFound %d scheduled tasksFound a bug?Found in your order confirmation email.FranceFrancisco MorazánFreeFree - Install nowFree ShippingFree StateFree shippingFree shipping (legacy)Free shipping couponFree shipping is a special method which can be triggered with coupons and minimum spends.Free shipping requires...Free!French GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFribourgFriendly name for identifying this key.Friendly name for identifying this webhook, defaults to Webhook created on %s.From %1$s to %2$sFrom your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">billing address</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">shipping and billing addresses</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.FrosinoneFujian / 福建FukuiFukuokaFukushimaFull checkout experience with pay now, pay later and slice it. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Klarna</a>.Full name of continent.Full name of country.Full name of currency.Full name of state/province.Full refund email headingFull refund subjectFull size image URL.FăleștiGZipGZip (gzopen) is used to open the GEOIP database from MaxMind.GabonGabrovoGaibandhaGalațiGalwayGalápagosGambiaGambian dalasiGandakiGansu / 甘肃GarissaGateway disabledGathering usage data allows us to improve WooCommerce. Your store will be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or determine if an improvement makes sense. You can always visit the %1$sSettings%3$s and choose to stop sharing data. %2$sRead more%3$s about what data we collect.Gathering usage data allows us to make WooCommerce better — your store will be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or determine if an improvement makes sense.GautengGazaGaziantepGazipurGbarpoluGeitaGeneralGeneral optionsGenerate API keyGenerate CSVGenerate coupon codeGenerated atGeneric add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta data, including "%s". Use getters and setters.GenevaGenovaGeolocateGeolocate (with page caching support)Geolocation enabled?Geolocation has not been configured.GeorgiaGeorgian lariGermanyGet an alert if your store is down for even a few minutes.Get automated sales tax with %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$sGet backupsGet cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action.Get insights on how your store is doing, including total sales, top products, and more.Get more salesGet notifications about store activity, including new orders and product reviews directly on your mobile devices with the Woo app.Get ready to start sellingGet real-time order alerts anywhereGet startedGet system reportGet the basicsGet the value of an individual field.Get your API credentials from PayPal.Get your store up and running more quickly with our new and improved setup experienceGhanaGhana cediGharbiaGhardaïaQazvin (قزوین)GibraltarGibraltar poundGifuGilan (گیلان)Gilgit BaltistanGipuzkoaGiresunGironaGisborneGiurgiuGizaGjirokastërGlarusGlodeniGoGo shoppingGo to categoryGo to shopGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGoaGoiásGolestan (گلستان)GombaGombeGoodGood choice! You chose to add %1$s and %2$s to your store.Google Listings & AdsGopalganjGoriziaGorjGorontaloGracias a DiosGramsGranadaGrand BassaGrand Cape MountGrand GedehGrand KruGrand total.Grant accessGrant access to downloadable products after paymentGraubündenGreater AccraGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGross salesGross sales amountGross sales in the period.Gross sales.GrossetoGroupGroup type.Grouped productGrouped productsGrow your business with hundreds of free and paid WooCommerce extensions.Grow your storeGuadalajaraGuadeloupeGuainíaGuairáGuamGuanacasteGuanajuatoGuangdong / 广东Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族GuatemalaGuatemalan quetzalGuaviareGuayasGuelmaGuernseyGuernsey poundGuerreroGuestGuest checkoutGuest ordersGuest salesGuimarasGuineaGuinea-BissauGuinean francGuizhou / 贵州GujaratGuluGuna YalaGunmaGuyanaGuyanese dollarGuáricoGyőr-Moson-SopronGümüşhaneHTMLHTML description of the resource.HTML email templateHTML templateHTML/Multipart emails use DOMDocument to generate inline CSS in templates.HabiganjHainan / 海南HaitiHaitian gourdeHajdú-BiharHakkariHamadan (همدان)HamburgHanoverHard crop?HardapHarghitaHaryanaHaskovoHatayHato MayorHave a coupon?Have an existing store?Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery.HawaiiHawke’s BayHeader imageHealth and beautyHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHebei / 河北HeightHeight (%s)Heilongjiang / 黑龙江Hello %1$s (not %1$s? <a href="%2$s">Log out</a>)Hello %s,Help &amp; SupportHelp WooCommerce improve with usage trackingHelp improve WooCommerce with usage trackingHenan / 河南Here are the details of your order placed on %s:HerediaHermanas MirabalHerreraHesseHevesHi %s,Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click "Upload file and import".Hi there,HidalgoHiddenHide advanced optionsHide empty categoriesHide errors from visitorsHide errors from visitors?Hide free productsHide if cart is emptyHide out of stock items from the catalogueHide shipping costs until an address is enteredHide templateHighlight required fields with an asteriskHigüamoHimachal PradeshHiroshimaHoimaHokkaidoHold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable.Hold stock (minutes)Homa BayHomeHome URL.Home, furniture, and gardenHomepageHomepage createdHonduran lempiraHondurasHong KongHong Kong IslandHong Kong dollarHookHopefully they’ll be back. Read more about <a href="https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/">troubleshooting failed payments</a>.Hormozgan (هرمزگان)HouaphanhHouse number and street nameHow easy was it to add a product attribute?How easy was it to add a product tag?How easy was it to add product category?How easy was it to import products?How easy was it to update an order?How easy was it to update your settings?How easy was it to use search?How many products should be shown per row?How many rows of products should be shown per page?How many times the coupon can be used in total.How many times the coupon can be used per customer.How many times this coupon can be used before it is void.How many times this coupon can be used by an individual user. Uses billing email for guests, and user ID for logged in users.How should products be sorted in the catalogue by default?How terms in this attribute are sorted by default.How the quantity of this item should be controlled, for example, any limits in place.How the sender email appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails.How the sender name appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails.How to Migrate from Magento to WooCommerceHow to calculate delivery chargesHow to customize your product catalogueHow to update your database table prefixHowland IslandHuamboHuancavelicaHubei / 湖北HuehuetenangoHuelvaHuescaHuilaHuman readable label for the stat.Human readable segment label, either product or variation name.Hunan / 湖南HunedoaraHungarian forintHungaryHuánucoHuílaHyogoHînceștiI don't know how to get a date from a %sI have read and agree to the website %sI plan to sell both physical and digital productsI plan to sell digital productsI plan to sell physical productsI will also be selling products or services in person.IBANIDID %dID is invalid.ID of parent grouping.ID of the note record.ID of the parent product, if applicable.ID of the shipping method that provided the rate.ID of the shipping rate.ID to reassign posts to.ID.ID: %dIDs for settings sub groups.IFSCIPIP AddressIP addressIP address for the downloader.IP address.IPN email notificationsIPN payment completedISO code for the country of the address being shipped to.ISO code of the country.ISO code or name of the state, province or district.ISO code, or name, for the state, province, or district of the address being shipped to.ISO3166 alpha-2 country code.ISO4217 currency code.IalomițaIaloveniIașiIbandaIbarakiIcaIcelandIcelandic kr&oacute;naIdahoIf COD is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to enable for all methods.If checked, free shipping would be available based on pre-discount order amount.If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events or promotions to visitors!If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed.If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0.If requested, calculates attribute term counts for products in the collection.If the "Force Downloads" or "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" download method is selected but does not work, the system will use the "Redirect" method as a last resort. <a href="%1$s">See this guide</a> for more details.If the payment was refunded via the API.If the product is downloadable.If the product is virtual.If the variation is downloadable.If the variation is virtual.If the variation is visible.If this attribute has term archive pages.If this is a default attributeIf true and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will enable free shipping.If true, calculates rating counts for products in the collection.If true, calculates stock counts for products in the collection.If true, calculates the minimum and maximum product prices for the collection.If true, empty terms will not be returned.If true, only one item of this product is allowed for purchase in a single order.If true, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons will be removed from the cart.If true, the note will be shown to customers and they will be notified. If false, the note will be for admin reference only.If true, this coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices.If true, this note will be attributed to the current user. If false, the note will be attributed to the system.If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: <a href="%s" target="_blank">How to create a child theme</a>If you are using X-Accel-Redirect download method along with NGINX server, make sure that you have applied settings as described in <a href='%s'>Digital/Downloadable Product Handling</a> guide.If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again.If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders.If you define a "Terms" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out.If you didn't make this request, just ignore this email. If you'd like to proceed:If you have a coupon code, please apply it below.If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details below. If you are a new customer, please proceed to the Billing section.If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product URLs here. For example, using <code>shop</code> would make your product links like <code>%sshop/sample-product/</code>. This setting affects product URLs only, not things such as product categories.If you need to access the setup wizard again, please click on the button below.If you need to enable or disable the extended task lists, please click on the button below.If you need to enable or disable the task lists, please click on the button below.If you'd like to offer <span class="help_tip" data-tip="%1$s">live rates</span> from a specific carrier (e.g. UPS) you can find a variety of extensions available for WooCommerce <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">here</a>.If your main PayPal email differs from the PayPal email entered above, input your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to validate IPN requests.If your store is based in the EU, we recommend using the EU VAT Number extension in addition to automated taxes. It provides your checkout with a field to collect and validate a customer's EU VAT number, if they have one.IfugaoIgangaIlaam (ایلام)IlfovIllinoisIlliziIlocos NorteIlocos SurIloiloImageImage ID.Image URL.Image alternative text.Image data.Image name.Image of the product that the review belongs to.Image position. 0 means that the image is featured.Image size used for products in the catalogue.Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images will remain uncropped.Image urlImagesImages will be cropped into a squareImages will be cropped to a custom aspect ratioImages will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploadedImbaburaImoImperiaImportImport / ExportImport <strong>products</strong> to your store via a csv file.Import <strong>tax rates</strong> to your store via a csv file.Import CSVImport ProductsImport as meta dataImport complete - imported %s tax rates.Import complete!Import productsImport products from a CSV fileImport tax ratesImportingImprove our store offeringsIn order for <strong>database caching</strong> to work with WooCommerce you must add %1$s to the "Ignored Query Strings" option in <a href="%2$s">W3 Total Cache settings</a>.In stockIn stock?In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds.In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if you’re not using PayPal.In-Progress <span class="count">(%s)</span>In-Progress <span class="count">(%s)</span>In-progressInactiveInactive accounts are those which have not logged in, or placed an order, for the specified duration. They will be deleted. Any orders will be converted into guest orders.Inactive pluginsInactive plugins.InchesIncluding taxIncrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):Increase existing stock by:Increase regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)Increase sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)Increasing memory allocated to PHPIndependenciaIndiaIndian rupeeIndianaIndicates the order that will appear in queries.Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: products, orders, username, ip_address.Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categoriesIndividual use onlyIndonesiaIndonesian rupiahIndustry.InfoInformation about the web server that is currently hosting your site.InhambaneInner Mongolia / 內蒙古Insert file URLInsert into productInsert rowInstall Woo mobile appInstall pluginsInstall the WooCommerce mobile app to manage orders, receive sales notifications, and view key metrics — wherever you are.InstalledInstalled Extensions without a SubscriptionInstalled version not tested with active version of WooCommerce %sInstance ID of the shipping method that provided the rate.Instance ID.InstructionsInstructions that will be added to the thank you page and emails.Instructions that will be added to the thank you page.Insufficient privileges to export products.Insufficient privileges to import products.IntegrationIntegration "%s" is not registered.Integration registry requires an identifier.InternationalInternational flat rate (legacy)Interval subtotals.IntibucáInvalid %sInvalid %s IDInvalid ID.Invalid URL %s.Invalid action - must be a recurring action.Invalid action ID. No status found.Invalid admin noteInvalid attribute ID.Invalid authentication methodInvalid billing email addressInvalid catalogue visibility option.Invalid category ID.Invalid country code provided. Must be one of: %sInvalid couponInvalid coupon IDInvalid coupon codeInvalid coupon code.Invalid coupon type - the coupon type must be any of these: %sInvalid coupon.Invalid coupons were removed from the cart: "%s"Invalid currency codeInvalid customerInvalid customer IDInvalid customer emailInvalid customer query.Invalid customer.Invalid data store.Invalid discount amountInvalid discount typeInvalid download link.Invalid download log: no ID.Invalid download log: not found.Invalid download.Invalid email addressInvalid email address restrictionInvalid fieldInvalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats.Invalid image: %sInvalid itemsInvalid nonce - nonce has already been used.Invalid nonce verificationInvalid or duplicated SKU.Invalid or missing payment token fields.Invalid orderInvalid order ID.Invalid order item.Invalid order note IDInvalid order refund ID.Invalid order.Invalid parent IDInvalid path provided.Invalid payment gateway.Invalid payment method.Invalid payment result received from payment method.Invalid payment token.Invalid permission ID.Invalid plugin.Invalid post ID.Invalid productInvalid product IDInvalid product ID %d.Invalid product ID.Invalid product SKUInvalid product attribute IDInvalid product attribute order_by type - the product attribute order_by type must be any of these: %sInvalid product attribute type - the product attribute type must be any of these: %sInvalid product category IDInvalid product review ID.Invalid product shipping class IDInvalid product tag IDInvalid product tax status.Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %sInvalid product type.Invalid product type: passed ID does not correspond to a product variation.Invalid product.Invalid products in request body.Invalid rateInvalid refund amountInvalid refund amount.Invalid request. Please pass the match parameter.Invalid resource ID.Invalid resource id for reassignment.Invalid resource id.Invalid response from data store.Invalid review ID.Invalid review content.Invalid roleInvalid schedule. Cannot save action.Invalid scope %sInvalid setting group.Invalid setting.Invalid shipping method!Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters.Invalid signature - provided signature does not match.Invalid signature - signature method is invalid.Invalid tax classInvalid theme %s.Invalid timestamp.Invalid tool ID.Invalid user_id providedInvalid username or email.Invalid value for select or count parameter. Cannot query actions.Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$sInvalid value posted for %sInvalid variation IDInvalid webhook ID.Invalid webhook delivery ID.Invalid webhook delivery.Invalid webhook.InventoryInvoice for order #{order_number}Invoice for order #{order_number} on {site_title}Invoice prefixIonian IslandsIowaIranIranian rialIranian tomanIraqIraqi dinarIrelandIringaIs DomDocument class enabled?Is GZip enabled?Is SUHOSIN installed?Is SoapClient class enabled?Is WordPress debug mode active?Is WordPress multisite?Is a global attribute?Is featured?Is fsockopen/cURL enabled?Is log directory writable?Is mbstring enabled?Is the connection to your store secure?Is the customer a paying customer?Is the product in stock?Is the product on sale?Is the product purchasable?Is the product stock backordered? This will also return false if backorder notifications are turned off.Is this theme a child theme?Is your site connected to WooCommerce.com?IsabelaIserniaIsfahan (اصفهان)IshikawaIsingiroIsioloIslamabad Capital TerritoryIsle of ManIsmailiaIspartaIsraelIsraeli new shekelIt appears one or more database tables were missing. Attempting to re-create the missing table(s).ItalyItapúaProductItem #%1$s stock increased from %2$s to %3$s.Item ID.Item moved downItem moved up&ldquo;%s&rdquo;Item total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.ItemisedItemsItems PurchasedItems Subtotal:Items soldItems sold.Ivory CoastIwateIzabalIğdırJSONP support is disabled on this siteJalapaJaliscoJamaicaJamaican dollarJamalpurJambiJammu and KashmirJanakpurJapanJapanese yenJarvis IslandJashoreJawa BaratJawa TengahJawa TimurJaénJerseyJersey poundJetpackJetpack is not installed or active.Jetpack logoJhalokatiJharkhandJhenaidahJiangsu / 江苏Jiangxi / 江西JigawaJijelJilin / 吉林JinjaJinotegaJohnston AtollJohorJoin the 16 million customers who use MailChimp. Sync list and store data to send automated emails, and targeted campaigns.JordanJordanian dinarJoypurhatJujuyJunínJuraJust to let you know &mdash; we've received your order #%s, and it is now being processed:JutiapaJász-Nagykun-SzolnokKaabongKabaleKabaroleKaberamaidoKadunaKafr el-SheikhKagadiKagawaKageraKagoshimaKahramanmaraşKajiadoKakamegaKakumiroKalangalaKalasinKalimantan BaratKalimantan SelatanKalimantan TengahKalimantan TimurKalimantan UtaraKalingaKaliroKalunguKampalaKamphaeng PhetKamuliKamwengeKanagawaKanchanaburiKanoKansasKanunguKapchorwaKapelebyongKarabükKaramanKarasKardzhaliKarnaliKarnatakaKarsKasandaKaseseKastamonuKatakwiKataviKatsinaKavango EastKavango WestKayseriKayungaKazakhstanKazakhstani tengeKebbiKedahKelantanKentuckyKenyaKenyan shillingKepulauan RiauKeralaKerichoKerman (کرمان)Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)KerryKey detailsKhagrachhariKhammouaneKhenchelaKhomasKhon KaenKhulnaKhuzestan (خوزستان)Khyber PakhtunkhwaKiambuKibaaleKibogaKibukuKigomaKikuubeKildareKilifiKilimanjaroKilisKilkennyKilogramsKingman ReefKingstonKiribatiKirinyagaKiruhuraKiryandongoKishoreganjKisiiKisoroKisumuKitgumKituiKlarna CheckoutKlarna Checkout for WooCommerceKlarna PaymentsKlarna Payments for WooCommerceKobokoKocaeliKochiKogiKohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)KoleKomárom-EsztergomKonyaKorçëKoshiKotidoKouffoKowloonKrabiKuala LumpurKuando KubangoKukësKumamotoKumiKuneneKurdistan (کردستان)KurigramKushtiaKuwaitKuwaiti dinarKwaZulu-NatalKwaleKwaniaKwanza-NorteKwanza-SulKwaraKweenKyankwanziKyegegwaKyenjojoKyoteraKyotoKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstani somKyustendilKütahyaKırklareliKırıkkaleKırşehirL'AquilaL/W/HLa AltagraciaLa AraucaníaLa Guaira (Vargas)La GuajiraLa LibertadLa PampaLa PazLa RiojaLa RomanaLa SpeziaLa UnionLa UniónLa VegaLabuanLadakhLaghouatLagosLagunaLaikipiaLakshadeepLakshmipurLalmonirhatLambayequeLampangLamphunLampungLamuLamwoLanao del NorteLanao del SurLanguageLao kipLaoisLaosLaraLas PalmasLast 7 daysLast ActiveLast accessLast monthLast nameLast name.Last orderLast order ID.Last order data.Last pageLast warning, are you sure?Latest version of theme.LatinaLatviaLavallejaLeaderboard ID.Learn MoreLearn how to updateLearn how to upgradeLearn moreLearn more about couponsLearn more about how usage tracking works, and how you'll be helping in our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">usage tracking documentation</a>.Learn more about ordersLearn more about shipping zonesLearn more about templatesLearn more about updatesLeave a Reply to %sLeave blank for unlimited re-downloads.Leave this box unchecked if you do not want to see suggested extensions.Lebanese poundLebanonLecceLeccoLeftLeft with spaceLegacy APILegacy API v3 (deprecated)Legacy shipping methods (flat rate, international flat rate, local pickup and delivery, and free shipping) are deprecated but will continue to work as normal for now. <b><em>They will be removed in future versions of WooCommerce</em></b>. We recommend disabling these and setting up new rates within shipping zones as soon as possible.LeitrimLempiraLengthLength (%s)Length x width x height in decimal formLeovaLesothoLesotho lotiLet's goLet's go!Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping.LevelLevel up your email marketing with %1$sMailPoet%2$sLeyteLezhëLeónLiaoning / 辽宁LiberiaLiberian dollarLibertador General Bernardo O'HigginsLibyaLibyan dinarLiechtensteinLifetime SubscriptionLimaLimerickLimit response to objects excluding emails.Limit response to objects including emails.Limit response to objects last active after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects last active before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects last active between two given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects registered after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects registered before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects that don't have a specified ip address.Limit response to objects that don't have the specified customer ids.Limit response to objects that don't have the specified user ids.Limit response to objects that have a specified ip address.Limit response to objects that have the specified customer ids.Limit response to objects that have the specified user ids.Limit response to objects with a customer field containing the search term. Searches the field provided by `searchby`.Limit response to objects with a total order spend between two given numbers.Limit response to objects with a total order spend greater than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with a total order spend less than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an average order spend between two given numbers.Limit response to objects with an average order spend greater than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an average order spend less than or equal to given number.Limit response to objects with an order count between two given integers.Limit response to objects with an order count greater than or equal to given integer.Limit response to objects with an order count less than or equal to given integer.Limit response to objects with last order after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to objects with last order before (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant datetime.Limit response to resources created after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources created before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to reviews published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.Limit response to specific report stats. Allowed values: %s.Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID.Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the categories taxonomy.Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the taxes taxonomy.Limit result set to coupons assigned specific coupon IDs.Limit result set to featured products.Limit result set to items assigned a stock report type.Limit result set to items assigned one or more tax rates.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified coupon(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order ids.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order status.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified parent product(s).Limit result set to items that don't have the specified product(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified tax rate(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that don't have the specified variation(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified coupon(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified order ids.Limit result set to items that have the specified order status.Limit result set to items that have the specified parent product(s).Limit result set to items that have the specified product(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified rate ID(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified tax rate(s) assigned.Limit result set to items that have the specified variation(s) assigned.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product.Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status.Limit result set to orders matching part of an order number.Limit result set to orders that don't include products with the specified attributes.Limit result set to orders that have the specified customer_typeLimit result set to orders that include products with the specified attributes.Limit result set to orders which have specific statuses.Limit result set to products assigned a specific category ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific status.Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag ID.Limit result set to products assigned a specific type.Limit result set to products based on a maximum price, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Limit result set to products based on a maximum price.Limit result set to products based on a minimum price, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Limit result set to products based on a minimum price.Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock.Limit result set to products on sale.Limit result set to products that are low or out of stock. (Deprecated)Limit result set to products with a certain average rating.Limit result set to products with a specific SKU.Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term ID (required an assigned attribute).Limit result set to products with a specific attribute.Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy name/attribute slug.Limit result set to products with a specific slug.Limit result set to products with a specific tax class.Limit result set to products with selected global attributes.Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate.Limit result set to products with specified stock status.Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.Limit result set to resources with a specific code.Limit result set to resources with a specific email.Limit result set to resources with a specific role.Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.Limit result set to returning or new customers.Limit result set to reviews assigned a specific status.Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific product IDs.Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific user IDs.Limit result set to reviews from specific category IDs.Limit result set to reviews from specific product IDs.Limit result set to specific IDs.Limit result set to specific ids.Limit result set to specific types of refunds.Limit result set to that from a specific author email.Limit result set to those of particular parent IDs.Limit result set to variations in the specified categories.Limit result set to variations not in the specified categories.Limit result set to variations that don't include the specified attributes.Limit result set to variations that include the specified attributes.Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status.Limit result to customers or internal notes.Limit result to items from the specified categories.Limit result to items with specified customer ids.Limit result to items with specified product ids.Limit result to items with specified variation ids.Limit results to coupons with codes matching a given string.Limit results to those matching a string.Limit stats fields to the specified items.Limit to specific ZIP/postcodesLimit usage to X itemsLimpopoLimónLindiLine item meta data.Line items data.Line subtotal (before discounts).Line subtotal (the price of the product before coupon discounts have been applied).Line subtotal tax (before discounts).Line total tax.Line taxes.Line total (after discounts).Line total (the price of the product after coupon discounts have been applied).Line total tax (after discounts).Line total tax.Lines of taxes applied to items and shipping.Link previous ordersLinked ProductsLiraListList 1 postcode per lineList additional tax classes you need below (1 per line, e.g. Reduced Rates). These are in addition to "Standard rate" which exists by default.List of allowed billing emails to check against when an order is placed. Separate email addresses with commas. You can also use an asterisk (*) to match parts of an email. For example "*@gmail.com" would match all Gmail addresses.List of applied cart coupons.List of assigned attribute terms.List of attribute slug(s). If a term ID is provided, this will be ignored.List of attribute term IDs.List of attributes.List of available shipping rates for the cart.List of available term names of the attribute.List of billing address data.List of cart fees.List of cart item errors, for example, items in the cart which are out of stock.List of cart items the returned shipping rates apply to.List of cart items.List of categoriesList of categories with their product countsList of categories, if applicable.List of categories.List of category IDs the coupon applies to.List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to.List of city names. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3.List of countries on this continent.List of created resources.List of cross-sell products IDs.List of delete resources.List of downloadable files.List of email addresses that can use this coupon.List of extended deprecated tasks from the client side filter.List of grouped products ID.List of images.List of order coupons.List of order product IDs, names, quantities.List of postal codes / ZIPs. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3.List of product IDs the coupon can be used on.List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on.List of refunds.List of related products IDs.List of required payment gateway features to process the order.List of sales reports.List of shipping address data.List of shipping rates.List of states/provinces in this country.List of supported continents, countries, and states/provinces.List of supported currencies.List of supported states/provinces in a given country.List of tags, if applicable.List of tags.List of top sellers products.List of up-sell products IDs.List of updated resources.List of upsell products IDs.List of user IDs (or guest email addresses) that have used the coupon.List of variation IDs, if applicable.List of variation attributes.List of variations IDs.List of variations.LithuaniaLittoralLive API passwordLive API signatureLive API usernameLivornoLleidaLoad billing addressLoad shipping addressLoad the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently entered billing information.Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information.Loading network ordersLoading&hellip;Local deliveryLocal delivery (legacy)Local pickupLocal pickup (legacy)Local zone = California ZIP 90210 = Local pickupLocale used for the note title and content.LocationLocation, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like estimating taxes and shippingLocations not covered by your other zonesLocations outside all other zonesLodiLoeiLofaLogLog PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside %s Note: this may log personal information. We recommend using this for debugging purposes only and deleting the logs when finished.Log directory writableLog directory.Log inLog in to Download FilesLogged in as %sLoginLogoutLogsLojaLongfordLook for orders, customer info, and process refunds in one click with the Woo app.Looking for a WooCommerce theme?Looking for the WooCommerce Helper?Lookup tables are regeneratingLopburiLoretoLos LagosLos RíosLos SantosLost passwordLost your password?Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.LouisianaLouthLovechLow Stock amount for the product.Low Stock amount for the variation.Low in stockLow stock amountLow stock thresholdLower SaxonyLuandaLuang NamthaLuang PrabangLuapulaLuccaLugoLumbiniLunda-NorteLunda-SulLuristan (لرستان)LusakaLuukaLuweroLuxembourgLuxorLuzernLwengoLxWxH in decimal formLyantondeM j, YM j, Y @ G:iMD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified.MM / YYMacanese patacaMacaoMacao / 澳门Macedonian denarMacerataMachakosMadagascarMadaripurMadhya PradeshMadre de DiosMadridMadrizMae Hong SonMagallanesMagdalenaMaguindanaoMaguraMaha SarakhamMahakaliMaharashtraMailPoetMailChimpMailChimp for WooCommerceMailChimp iconMain image widthMaineMake &#8220;%s&#8221; the default categoryMake a duplicate from this productMake defaultMake sure to include the --user flag with an account that has permissions for this action.Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.MakueniMalacca (Melaka)Malagasy ariaryMalanjeMalatyaMalawiMalawian kwachaMalaysiaMalaysian ringgitMaldivesMaldivian rufiyaaMaldonadoMaliMaltaMalukuMaluku UtaraManabíManafwaManageManage shipping methodsManage stockManage stock.Manage stock?Manage suggestionsManage the "%s" payment methodManage your orders on the goManage your store's reports and monitor key metrics with a new and improved interface and dashboard.Manage your subscriptions, get important product notifications, and updates, all from the convenience of your WooCommerce dashboardManaguaManawatu-WanganuiManchesterManderaManicaManikganj ManipurManisaManitobaMantovaManualManually sentManx poundManyaraMap CSV fields to productsMap to fieldMaputoMaputo ProvinceMaraMarachaMaramureșMaranhãoMardinMargibiMarinduqueMarkazi (مرکزی)MarketingMarketplaceMarketplace suggestionsGet more optionsMarlboroughMarsabitMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMaría Trinidad SánchezMasakaMasayaMasbateMascaraMasindiMassa-CarraraMassachusettsMatagalpaMateraMato GrossoMato Grosso do SulMatrouhMauleMauritaniaMauritanian ouguiyaMauritian rupeeMauritiusMax %sMax number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to.Max priceMax price found in collection of products.Max upload sizeMax upload size.MaxMind GeoIP database.MaxMind GeolocationMaxMind Licence KeyMaximum depthMaximum number of items to be returned in result set.Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit if left blank.Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon.Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete.Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queues). No additional queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete.Maximum size: %sMaximum spendMayoMayotteMayugeMazandaran (مازندران)MbaleMbararaMbeyaMeasurementsMeathMechiMecklenburg-VorpommernMeghalayaMehedințiMeherpurMelillaMembers of our team have access to the information you provide us. For example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:MembershipsMendozaMenu orderMenu order, used to custom sort products.Menu order used to custom sort the resource.Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & CustomMeruMessageMessinaMetaMeta ID.Meta data attached to the shipping rate.Meta data.Meta key for UI display.Meta key.Meta label.Meta value for UI display.Meta value.Meta: %sMetresMethodMethod '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass.Method ID.Method availabilityMethod not implementedMethod titleMetro ManilaMexican pesoMexicoMichiganMichoacánMicronesiaMidway AtollMieMigoriMigrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$sMigrating %d actionMigrating %d actionsMilaMilanoMillimetresMin %sMin and max prices found in collection of products, provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Min priceMin price found in collection of products.Minas GeraisMinimum order amountMinimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies.Minimum spendMinnesotaMinyaMirandaMisamis OccidentalMisamis OrientalMisionesMissing MaxMind Reader library!Missing OAuth parameter %sMissing OAuth parameters %sMissing base tables: %s. Some WooCommerce functionality may not work as expected.Missing parameter %sMissing product subscriptionMissing products in request body.Missing the WooCommerce %s packageMissing variation data for variable product.MississippiMissouriMitoomaMityanaMiyagiMiyazakiMizoramModenaMoldovaMoldovan leuMollieMombasaMonacoMonagasMonaghanMoney spentMongoliaMongolian t&ouml;gr&ouml;gMonitor your sales and high performing products with the Woo app.MonoMonseñor NouelMontanaMonte CristiMonte PlataMontenegroMontevideoMonth(s)MonthlyMontserradoMontserratMonufiaMonza e della BrianzaMoqueguaMorazánMorelosMoroccan dirhamMoroccoMorogoroMorona-SantiagoMorotoMost discountMost popularMost stockedMostaganemMoulvibazarMountain ProvinceMove &#8220;%s&#8221; to the TrashMove downMove the "%s" payment method downMove the "%s" payment method upMove to TrashMove upMoxicoMoyoMozambican meticalMozambiqueMpigiMpumalangaMtwaraMubendeMuchingaMukdahanMukonoMultibyte String (mbstring) is used to convert character encoding, like for emails or converting characters to lowercase.Multibyte stringMultipartMunicipalidad Metropolitana de LimaMunicipalityMunicipality / DistrictMunshiganjMurang’aMurciaMureșMust Use PluginsMuğlaMuşMwanzaMy Account PageMy SubscriptionsMy Subscriptions %sMy accountMy account pageMySQL versionMySQL version string.MySQL version.MyanmarMymensinghMálagaMédéaMéridaM’SilaN. RevenueN. Revenue (formatted)N/ANaamaNabilatukNagalandNaganoNagasakiNairobi CountyNakapiripiritNakasekeNakasongolaNakhon NayokNakhon PathomNakhon PhanomNakhon RatchasimaNakhon SawanNakhon Si ThammaratNakuruNamayingoNameName (Last, First)Name (numeric)Name (required)Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end).Name for the resource.Name of other platform used to sell (not listed).Name of other platform used to sell.Name of the action hook that will be triggered.Name of the customer for the orderName of the item.Name of the metadata.Name of the note.Name of the package.Name of the product that the review belongs to.Name of the reviewer.Name of the shipping rate, e.g. Express shipping.Name.NamibeNamibiaNamibian dollarNamisindwaNampulaNamutumbaNanNandiNaogaonNapakNapoNapoliNaraNarailNarathiwatNarayanganjNarayaniNariñoNarokNarsingdiNasarawaNatoreNauruNavarraNavassa IslandNavigationNawabganjNayaritNeamțNebbiNebraskaNeed a fresh look? Try Storefront child themesNeed a theme? Try StorefrontNegeri SembilanNegros OccidentalNegros OrientalNelsonNepalNepalese rupeeNet PaymentNet RevenueNet discount amount.Net profitNet salesNet sales amountNet sales in the period.Net sales.Net total revenue (formatted).Net total revenue.NetherlandsNetherlands Antillean guilderNetrakonaNetwork enabledNeuchâtelNeuquénNevadaNeverNever show quantity remaining in stockNevşehirNew %sNew BrunswickNew CaledoniaNew HampshireNew InNew JerseyNew MexicoNew Order: #{order_number}New ProductsNew Scheduled ActionNew South WalesNew Taiwan dollarNew TerritoriesNew ValleyNew YorkNew ZealandNew Zealand dollarNew accountNew category nameNew couponNew in storeNew orderNew order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when a new order is received.New passwordNew password (leave blank to leave unchanged)New passwords do not match.New payment methods can only be added during checkout. Please contact us if you require assistance.New productNew quantity of the item in the cart.New sales record!New shipping class NameNew tag nameNew user email address.New user password.New user username.New:Newest Scheduled DateNewfoundland and LabradorNextNext (arrow right)Next pageNext stepNgoraNgöbe-BugléNiassaNicaraguaNicaraguan c&oacute;rdobaNice one; you've created a WooCommerce store! Now it's time to add your first product and get ready to start selling.%sNidwaldenNigerNigeriaNigerian nairaNiigataNilphamariNimbaNingxia Hui / 宁夏NisporeniNiueNiğdeNjombeNoNo %1$s data specified to create %1$sNo %1$s data specified to create/edit %1$sNo %1$s data specified to edit %1$sNo %1$s found with the ID equal to %2$sNo &quot;%s&quot; foundNo actions foundNo actions found in trashNo attributes currently exist.No billing address set.No categoriesNo categories foundNo coupons foundNo coupons found in rangeNo coupons found in trashNo customer downloads found.No customer selectedNo customers found.No default %s&hellip;No downloads available yet.No file definedNo keys found.No location by defaultNo low in stock products found.No matching product exists to update.No matching tax rates found.No matching variation found.No maximumNo minimumNo order has been made yet.No orders foundNo orders found in trashNo out of stock products found.No page setNo payment method provided.No product attribute with that slug was found.No product categories exist.No product to duplicate has been supplied!No products foundNo products found in rangeNo products found in trashNo products found.No products in the cart.No products were found matching your selection.No restrictionsNo route was found matching the URL and request methodNo row(s) selectedNo saved methods found.No schema title found for %s, skipping REST command registration.No setting groups have been registered.No shipping address set.No shipping classNo shipping class costNo shipping classes have been created.No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.No shipping methods offered to this zone.No shipping options were found for %s.No tags foundNo taxes found in this periodNo theme is defined for this template.No updates required. Database version is %sNo used coupons foundNo webhooks found.No, I will enter prices exclusive of taxNoakhaliNon-paying customerNon-repeatingNoneNong Bua Lam PhuNong KhaiNonthaburiNorfolk IslandNorte de SantanderNorth AegeanNorth AmericaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth EastNorth Khorasan (خراسان شمالی)North KoreaNorth Korean wonNorth MacedoniaNorth Rhine-WestphaliaNorth SinaiNorth WestNorth-WesternNorthernNorthern CapeNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthern SamarNorthern TerritoryNorthlandNorthwest TerritoriesNorwayNorwegian kroneNot able to attach "%s".Not declaredNot enough units of %s are available in stock to fulfil this order.Not required if your download directory is protected. <a href='%s'>See this guide</a> for more details. Files already uploaded will not be affected.Not right nowNot that badNoteNote added to the order by the customer during checkout.Note added to your {site_title} order from {order_date}Note left by customer during checkout.Note to customerNote typeNote:Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the order status changes to processing/completed.Note: WP CRON has been disabled on your install which may prevent this update from completing.Note: You currently have <a href="%1$s">%2$d paid extension</a> which should be updated first before updating WooCommerce.Note: You currently have <a href="%1$s">%2$d paid extensions</a> which should be updated first before updating WooCommerce.Note: the refund reason will be visible by the customer.Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that section from here.Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.Notes are unavailable because the "admin-note" data store cannot be loaded.NoticeNotification recipient(s)Notification to let you know &mdash; order #%1$s belonging to %2$s has been cancelled:NotificationsNova ScotiaNovaraNow that you’ve chosen us as a partner, our goal is to make sure we're providing the right tools to meet your needs. We're looking forward to having your feedback on the store setup experience so we can improve it in the future.Now!NtorokoNtungamoNueva EcijaNueva EspartaNueva SegoviaNueva VizcayaNuevo LeónNumber of %s products.Number of coupons usedNumber of coupons.Number of customers.Number of days to import.Number of days until access to downloadable files expires.Number of decimal points shown in displayed prices for this country.Number of decimal points to use in each resource.Number of decimalsNumber of decimals.Number of discounted orders.Number of distinct products sold.Number of downloads remaining.Number of downloads.Number of employees of the store.Number of items in the cart.Number of items soldNumber of items sold.Number of low stock products.Number of objects (posts of any type) assigned to the term.Number of ordersNumber of orders product appeared in.Number of orders.Number of product items sold.Number of products to be added.Number of products to showNumber of products.Number of published products for the resource.Number of reviews for products in this category.Number of reviews to showNumber of terms in the attribute taxonomy.Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase.Number of times the coupon has been used already.Number of variation items sold.NunavutNuoroNusa Tenggara BaratNusa Tenggara TimurNwoyaNyamiraNyandaruaNyeriNógrádOKOROR enter path to file:OaxacaObwaldenOccidental MindoroOceaniaOcnițaOcotepequeOdishaOffalyOfficial extensionsOffline PaymentsOffset the result set by a specific number of items.Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.OgunOh no! We're having trouble connecting to the extensions catalogue right now.OhangwenaOhioOitaOkayamaOkinawaOklahomaOlanchoOldest Scheduled DateOltOmahekeOmanOmani rialOmoroOmusatiOn SaleOn backorderOn hold <span class="count">(%s)</span>On hold <span class="count">(%s)</span>On-holdOn-sale productsOnboarding is maintained in WooCommerce Admin.Onboarding profile data has been updated.Once connected, your WooCommerce.com purchases will be listed here.Once disabled, this legacy method will no longer be available.OndoOne or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s.One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Check again.</a>One per line: Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents] | Per cost type (order, class, or item) Example: <code>Priority mail | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | order</code>.Online courses are a great solution for any business that can teach a new skill. Since courses don’t require physical product development or shipping, they’re affordable, fast to create, and can generate passive income for years to come. In this article, we provide you more information about selling courses using WooCommerce.Only %s left in stockOnly logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.Only show children of the current categoryOnly show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. "Only 2 left in stock"OntarioOperator to compare product attribute terms.Operator to compare product category terms.Operator to compare product tags.Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents%] | Per cost type (order, class, or item)OptionalOptional action group.Optional cost for local pickup.Optional data array passed to the action hook.Optional note to send the customer after purchase.Optional parameter to query specific task list.Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show during checkout.Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show on account registration forms.Optionally add some text for the terms checkbox that customers must accept.Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping tax is based on the cart items themselves.Optionally enable "Payment Data Transfer" (Profile > Profile and Settings > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences) and then copy your identity token here. This will allow payments to be verified without the need for PayPal IPN.Optionally enter the URL to a 150x50px image displayed as your logo in the upper left corner of the PayPal checkout pages.Optionally, how the metadata value should be displayed to the user.Or you can download a pre-built version of the plugin from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress.org repository</a> or by visiting <a href="%2$s">the releases page in the GitHub repository</a>.Or, enter tax rate ID:OranOrderOrder #Order #%1$s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %2$sOrder #%1$s has been marked on-hold due to a reversal - PayPal reason code: %2$sOrder #%1$s has had a reversal cancelled. Please check the status of payment and update the order status accordingly here: %2$sOrder #%1$s was placed on %2$s and is currently %3$s.Order #%sOrder #%s has been marked paid by PayPal IPN, but was previously cancelled. Admin handling required.Order &ndash; %sOrder Cancelled: #{order_number}Order DateOrder Failed: #{order_number}Order IDOrder ID is invalidOrder ID.Order NumberOrder Number.Order Refunded: {order_number}Order StatusOrder TotalOrder againOrder byOrder cancelled by customer.Order complete emails are sent to customers when their orders are marked completed and usually indicate that their orders have been shipped.Order count.Order createdOrder customer information.Order deletedOrder detailsOrder details manually sent to customer.Order draft updated.Order fully refundedOrder fully refunded.Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where it should be sent, andOrder is invalidOrder item ID provided is not associated with order.Order key used to check validity or protect access to certain order data.Order key.Order not editableOrder note author.Order note content.Order note is requiredOrder note.Order notesOrder number.Order number:Order on-holdOrder receivedOrder refunded emails are sent to customers when their orders are refunded.Order restoredOrder saved.Order scheduled for: %s.Order sort attribute ascending or descending.CancelledCompletedDraftFailedOn holdPending paymentProcessingRefundedOrder status changed by bulk edit:Order status changed from %1$s to %2$s.Order status name.Order status set to %s.Order status set to refunded. To return funds to the customer you will need to issue a refund through your payment gateway.Order status.Order status. Payment providers will update this value after payment.Order submitted.Order taxOrder tax.Order total formatted for localeOrder updatedOrder updated and sent.Order updated.Order updatesOrdersOrders (page %d)Orders listOrders navigationOrders totals.OrduOregonOrellanaOrheiOriental MindoroOristanoOrphaned variationsOruroOsakaOshanaOshikotoOsmaniyeOsunOtagoOtherOther locationsOther places the store is selling products.OtiOtjozondjupaOtukeOuarglaOudomxayOum El BouaghiOuncesOur bank detailsOur catalogue of WooCommerce Extensions can be found on WooCommerce.com here: <a href="%s">WooCommerce Extensions Catalogue</a>Our request to the featured API got a malformed response.Our request to the featured API got error code %d.Our request to the search API got a malformed response.Our team members have access to this information to help fulfil orders, process refunds and support you.OurenseOut of stockOut of stock thresholdOut of stock visibilityOutdated templatesOutput just the id when the operation is successful.OuéméOverridesOverviewOwner of these keys.OyamOyoOzamaPDT payment completedPHP max execution time.PHP max input varsPHP max input vars.PHP post max sizePHP post max size.PHP time limitPHP versionPHP version.PabnaPaderPadovaPage %dPage ID is set, but the page does not existPage contents: [%s]Page does not contain the %1$s shortcode or the %2$s block.Page does not contain the %s shortcode.Page not setCartCheckoutMy accountShop baseTerms and conditionsPage setupcartcheckoutmy-accountrefund_returnsshopCartCheckoutMy accountRefund and Returns PolicyShopPage visibility should be <a href="%s" target="_blank">public</a>%1$s of %2$sPahangPaidPaid on %1$s @ %2$sPakistanPakistani rupeePakwachPalawanPalenciaPalermoPalestinian TerritoryPallisaPalmyra AtollPampangaPanamaPanamanian balboaPanamáPanchagarhPandoPangasinanPapuaPapua BaratPapua New GuineaPapua New Guinean kinaParaguaríParaguayParaguayan guaran&iacute;Parameters to pass on to the exported report.ParanáParaíbaParentParent %sParent %s:Parent SKUParent categoryParent category:Parent couponParent order ID.Parent ordersParent productParent product does not match current variation.Parent product name if the product is a variation.Parent product's threshold (%d)Parent shipping classParent shipping class:Parent term ID, if applicable.Parent theme author URLParent theme author URL.Parent theme nameParent theme name.Parent theme versionParent theme version.ParishParmaPartial Refund: Order {order_number}Partial refund email headingPartial refund subjectParáPascoPasswordPassword Reset RequestPassword Reset Request for {site_title}Password changePassword reset email has been sent.Password reset is not allowed for this userPasswords do not match.PastazaPathum ThaniPattaniPatuakhaliPausedPaviaPayPay for orderPay for this orderPay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal account.Pay with cash upon delivery.PayPalPayPal PaymentsPayPal StandardPayPal does not support your store currency.PayPal Standard redirects customers to PayPal to enter their payment information.PayPal acceptance markPayPal allows us to send one address. If you are using PayPal for shipping labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing. Turning this option off may prevent PayPal Seller protection from applying.PayPal emailPayPal email addressPayPal email address:PayPal identity tokenPayPal sandboxPayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a <a href="%s">developer account</a>.PayPal uses this method of communicating when sending back transaction information.PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we recommend keeping it disabled).PayU for WooCommercePayer PayPal addressPayer first namePayer last namePaying customerPaymentPayment %s via IPN.Payment TokensPayment actionPayment authorized. Change payment status to processing or complete to capture funds.Payment complete event failed.Payment could not be captured - Auth ID: %1$s, Status: %2$sPayment could not be captured: %sPayment for cancelled order %s receivedPayment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The order was as follows:Payment for order %s refundedPayment for order %s reversedPayment gatewayPayment gateway ID.Payment gateway description on checkout.Payment gateway enabled status.Payment gateway method description.Payment gateway method title.Payment gateway settings.Payment gateway sort order.Payment gateway title on checkout.Payment gateways can use cURL to communicate with remote servers to authorize payments, other plugins may also use it when communicating with remote services.Payment method ID and title are requiredPayment method ID.Payment method deleted.Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout.Payment method description that the customer will see on your website.Payment method successfully added.Payment method title.Payment method:Payment methodsPayment of %1$s was captured - Auth ID: %2$s, Transaction ID: %3$sPayment pending (%s).Payment to be made upon delivery.Payment viaPayment via %sPaymentsPayments made simple, with no monthly fees &mdash; exclusively for WooCommerce stores.PaysandúPaystackPaystack helps African merchants accept one-time and recurring payments online with a modern, safe, and secure payment gateway.PazardzhikPedernalesPeloponnesePemba NorthPemba SouthPenang (Pulau Pinang)PendingPending orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration.Pending payment <span class="count">(%s)</span>Pending payment <span class="count">(%s)</span>PennsylvaniaPer class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individuallyPer order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping classPerakPeraviaPercentage complete.Percentage discountPercentage of cart totalPerfectPeriodPerlisPermalink of the product that the review belongs to.Permanently deleted %sPermanently deleted customerPermanently deleted order notePermission #%d not found.Permission IDPermissionsPermissions is missing.PernambucoPernikPersonal data removalPersonal data removed.Personal data retentionPersonal data within order %s has been retained.Personalize homepagePersonalize your store's homepagePeruPerugiaPesaro e UrbinoPescaraPestPeténPhang NgaPhatthalungPhayaoPhetchabunPhetchaburiPhichitPhilippine pesoPhilippinesPhitsanulokPhonePhone NumberPhone number.PhongsalyPhraePhuketPhysical productsPiacenzaPiauíPichinchaPirojpurPisaPistoiaPitcairnPiuraPlace orderPlaceholderPlaceholder imagePlaceholder text to be displayed in text inputs.Plain textPlain text templatePlateauPlatform to track.Platform version to track.Please choose a product to add to your cart&hellip;Please choose product options by visiting <a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>.Please choose product options&hellip;Please choose the quantity of items you wish to add to your cart&hellip;Please copy and paste this information in your ticket when contacting support:Please enter a coupon code.Please enter a prefix for your invoice numbers. If you use your PayPal account for multiple stores ensure this prefix is unique as PayPal will not allow orders with the same invoice number.Please enter a stronger password.Please enter a valid Eircode.Please enter a valid account username.Please enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid order IDPlease enter a valid postcode / ZIP.Please enter an account password.Please enter an address to continue.Please enter in a value less than the regular price.Please enter in country code with two capital letters.Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take payment.Please enter your current password.Please enter your password.Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods.Please fill out all password fields.Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form.Please provide a valid email address.Please provide a valid promo note name.Please provide an array of IDs through the noteIds param.Please rate the product.Please re-enter your password.Please read and accept the terms and conditions to proceed with your order.Please see the <a href="https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full">PayPal Privacy Policy</a> for more details.Please select a ratingPlease select some items.Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.Please send a cheque to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store Province, Store Postal Code.Please upload or provide the link to a valid CSV file.Please visit the <a href="%s" target="_blank">subscriptions page</a> and renew to continue receiving updates.Please, provide an attribute name.PlevenPlovdivPluginPlugin name.Plugin slug.Plugin status.Plugins must be a non-empty array.Plugins were successfully activated.Plugins were successfully installed.Plus %d other notePlus %d other notesPolandPolish z&#x142;otyPondicherry (Puducherry)PontevedraPopular tagsPopularity (sales)PordenonePort SaidPortlandPortugalPortuguesaPositionPost Type CountsPostal CodePostal codePostal code.PostcodePostal CodePostcode / ZIP.Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) and ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. 12345...12350) can also be used.Postal code/ZIP, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce 5.3, 'postcodes' should be used instead.Postal codes containing wildcards (e.g. CB23*) or fully numeric ranges (e.g. <code>90210...99000</code>) are also supported. Please see the shipping zones <a href="%s" target="_blank">documentation</a> for more information.Posts tagged &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Potentially unsecured files were found in your uploads directoryPotenzaPotosíPound sterlingPoundsPrachin BuriPrachuap Khiri KhanPrahovaPratoPrefecturePremium supportPresidente HayesPreviewPreviousPrevious (arrow left)Previous pagePricePrice amount.Price data for the product in the current line item, including or excluding taxes based on the "display prices during cart and checkout" setting. Provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Price data provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Price display suffixPrice formatted in HTML.Price of this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency.Price prefix for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Price range, if applicable.%1$s &ndash; %2$sPrice string formatted as HTML.Price:Prices entered with taxPricingPrince Edward IslandPrint discounted USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce dashboard and save on shipping.Print shipping labels with %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$sPriorityPriority.Privacy policyPrivate noteProceed to PayPalProceed to checkoutProcess payments and prevent fraudProcess the action now as if it were run as part of a queueProcessingProcessing <span class="count">(%s)</span>Processing <span class="count">(%s)</span>Processing orderProductProduct / VariationProduct / Variation titleProduct %sProduct CatalogueProduct CategoriesProduct Category LinkProduct ExportProduct ID or SKU is requiredProduct ID or SKU is required.Product ID provided does not match this line itemProduct ID.Product IDsProduct ImagesProduct ImportProduct LinkProduct ReviewsProduct SKU.Product SearchProduct Tag CloudProduct Tag LinkProduct TitleProduct TypeProduct URLProduct URL.Product attribute baseProduct attributes lookup tableProduct attributes lookup table data is regeneratingProduct attributes lookup table regeneration process has been aborted.Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been resumed.Product attributes.Product backorderProduct categoriesProduct categories detailed reports.Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see more categories listed click the "screen options" link at the top-right of this page.Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Product category IDs.Product category baseProduct category parent is invalidProduct countProduct createdProduct creation failed, could not find original product: %sProduct dataProduct deletedProduct descriptionProduct description.Product dimensions.Product display, sorting, and reports may not be accurate until this finishes. It will take a few minutes and this notice will disappear when complete.Product download files detailed reports.Product downloads detailed reports.Product draft updated. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Preview product</a>Product external URL. Only for external products.Product external button text. Only for external products.Product full description in HTML format.Product galleryProduct height (%s).Product imageProduct image.Product inventory quantity.Product inventory status.Product inventory threshold for low stock.Product is invalid.Product length (%s).Product link.Product lookup tablesProduct low in stockProduct nameProduct name.Product on saleProduct out of stockProduct parent ID.Product parent name.Product permalinksProduct price.Product promotionProduct properties should not be accessed directly.Product quantity is required.Product quantity must be a positive float.Product ratingsProduct regular price.Product restoredProduct review field exceeds maximum length allowed.Product sale price.Product saved.Product scheduled for: %1$s. <a target="_blank" href="%2$s">Preview product</a>Product searchProduct shipping class parent is invalidProduct shipping classesProduct short descriptionProduct short description in HTML format.Product short description.Product slug.Product status (post status).Product submitted. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Preview product</a>Product tag baseProduct tagsProduct template name.Product titleProduct transients clearedProduct type name.Product type.Product updatedProduct updated.Product variation attributes, if applicable.Product variationsProduct variations IDs.Product weight (%s).Product width (%s).Product(s)ProductsProducts by Rating listProducts detailed reports.Products listProducts navigationProducts per rowProducts soldProducts sold.Products tagged &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the cart in order for the "Fixed cart discount" to be applied.Products totals.Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products you’ve recently viewedProfile &rarr;Profile Setup WizardPromotedProtect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack Backup.Protect your store from unauthorized access.Provided order currency is invalid.ProvincePublishedPueblaPuerto PlataPuerto RicoPunjabPunoPuntarenasPurchasePurchase & install nowPurchase notePurchased DownloadsPutrajayaPutumayoQRCodeQalyubiaQatarQatari riyalQenaQinghai / 青海Qom (قم)QtyQuantityStockQuantity left in stock if stock is low, or null if not applicable.Quantity of orders made by the customer.Quantity of the item in the current package.Quantity of this item to add to the cart.Quantity ordered.QuebecQueenslandQuery typeQuerétaroQuetzaltenangoQuezonQuichéQuindíoQuintana RooQuirinoREST APIREST API enabled?REST API version used in the webhook deliveries.RagusaRajasthanRajbariRajshahiRakaiRandomRangamatiRangpurRanongRaptiRatchaburiRateRate %Rate codeRate nameRate&hellip;Rate&nbsp;%Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratingRated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratingsRated %s out of 5Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout.RatingRavennaRaw unrounded product prices used in calculations. Provided using a higher unit of precision than the currency.RayongRazavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)RazgradRazorpayRe-enter new passwordReach more shoppers and drive sales for your store. Integrate with Google to list your products for free and launch paid ad campaigns.Reach out to customersReadRead all about itRead moreRead more about &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Read/WriteReady to launch your store?Ready to start selling something awesome?Ready!Reason for failureReason for refund (optional):Reason for refund.Reasons you'll love JetpackRecalculateRecalculate totals? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country (or the store base country) and update totals.Receive email notifications with additional guidance to complete the basic store setup and helpful insightsReceived PDT notification for another account: %1$s. Order ID: %2$d.Received PDT notification for order %1$d on endpoint for order %2$d.Receiver emailRecent Product ReviewsRecent ordersRecent reviewsRecently Viewed ProductsRecently Viewed Products listRecipient(s)RecommendedRecommended for All WooCommerce StoresRecount termsRecurrenceRed SeaRedirect onlyRedirect only (Insecure)Redirect to the cart page after successful additionReduced rateRefresh statsRefreshed stats for %sRefundRefund #%1$s - %2$sRefund #%1$s - %2$s by %3$sRefund %1$s via %2$sRefund %s manuallyRefund &ndash; %sRefund ID.Refund amountRefund amount is required.Refund amount must be greater than zero.Refund amount must be positive.Refund amount.Refund failed.Refund reason.Refund the line items above. This will show the total amount to be refundedRefund total.RefundedRefunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$sRefunded <span class="count">(%s)</span>Refunded <span class="count">(%s)</span>Refunded orderRefundsRegenerateRegenerate data message.Regenerate download permissionsRegenerate shop thumbnailsRegenerate the product attributes lookup tableRegenerating images for attachment ID: %sRegeneration status.Reggio CalabriaReggio EmiliaRegionRegion(s)Region.RegisterRegisters whether the note is deleted or notRegistration privacy policyRegión Metropolitana de SantiagoRegular priceRegular price (%s)Regular product price.Related productsRelevanceRelizaneRemember meRemote GET response.Remote GET successful?Remote POST response.Remote POST successful?Remote getRemote postRemoveRemove access to downloads on requestRemove filterRemove imageRemove itemRemove legacy coupon menuRemove personal dataRemove personal data from orders on requestRemove product imageRemove selected account(s)Remove selected row(s)Remove this imageRemove this item meta?Removed access to downloadable files.Removed customer "%s"Removed payment token "%d"Removed personal data from order %s.Render response in a particular format.RenewRenew SubscriptionReport a bugReport period.Report table data is being deleted.Report table data is being rebuilt. Please allow some time for data to fully populate.ReportsReports data grouped by intervals.Reports data grouped by segment condition.Request body.Request headers.RequiredRequired to be true, as resource does not support trashing.Resend new order notificationResetReset capabilitiesReset passwordResource cannot be created.Resource cannot be created. Check to make sure 'order' and 'name' are present.Resource does not exist.Resource does not support trashing.Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaintsRestock refunded itemsRestoreResult of payment processing, or false if not yet processed.ResumeResume the product attributes lookup table regenerationRetain cancelled ordersRetain completed ordersRetain completed orders for a specified duration before anonymizing the personal data within them.Retain failed ordersRetain inactive accounts Retain pending orders RetalhuleuReturn sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the %s format.Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the %s format.Return to cartReturn to emailsReturn to paymentsReturn to shopReturning customer?Returning or new customer.ReturnsReturns number of products with each average rating.Returns number of products with each stock status.Returns number of products within attribute terms.ReunionRevenueReversal cancelled for order #%sReview SettingsReview content.Review rating (0 to 5).Review type name.Review your ordersReviewer email.Reviewer name.ReviewsReviews (%d)Reviews average rating.Reviews can only be left by "verified owners"Reviews totals.Revision restored.RevokeRevoke API keyRevoke accessRevoke keyRezinaRhineland-PalatinateRhode IslandRiauRietiRightRight with spaceRiminiRio Grande do NorteRio Grande do SulRio de JaneiroRisaraldaRivasRiver GeeRiveraRivercessRiversRizalRizeRochaRoi EtRoles successfully resetRomaRomaniaRomanian leuRomblonRondôniaRoraimaRoscommonRound tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per lineRoundingRouting numberRovigoRows per pageRubandaRubiriziRukigaRukungiriRukwaRunRun the Setup WizardRun the importerRunning %d actionRunning %d actionsRuseRussiaRussian rubleRuvumaRwandaRwandan francRío NegroRío San JuanRîșcaniS&atilde;o Tom&eacute; and Pr&iacute;ncipeS&atilde;o Tom&eacute; and Pr&iacute;ncipe dobraSANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the <a href="%s">PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide</a> for more details.SKUSKU %sSKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased.SKU:SSL forced?SUHOSIN installedSa KaeoSaarlandSabahSacatepéquezSafe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal account.Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal account. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.SagaSagarmathaSaint AndrewSaint AnnSaint Barth&eacute;lemySaint CatherineSaint ElizabethSaint HelenaSaint Helena poundSaint JamesSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (Dutch part)Saint Martin (French part)Saint MarySaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint ThomasSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSainyabuliSaitamaSakaryaSakon NakhonSalamancaSalavanSaleSale end dateSale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)Sale priceSale price (%s)Sale price datesSale product price, if applicable.Sale start dateSale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)Sale!SalernoSalesSales amountSales by categorySales by dateSales by productSales reportsSaltaSaltoSamanáSamarSamburuSame as parentSamoaSamoan t&#x101;l&#x101;Sample:SamsunSamut PrakanSamut SakhonSamut SongkhramSan Andrés & ProvidenciaSan CristóbalSan JoséSan José de OcoaSan JuanSan LuisSan Luis PotosíSan MarcosSan MarinoSan MartínSan MiguelSan PedroSan Pedro de MacorísSan SalvadorSan VicenteSandbox API passwordSandbox API signatureSandbox API usernameSanta AnaSanta BárbaraSanta CatarinaSanta CruzSanta Cruz de TenerifeSanta ElenaSanta FeSanta RosaSantanderSantiagoSantiago RodríguezSantiago del EsteroSanto DomingoSanto Domingo de los TsáchilasSaraburiSaranganiSarawakSaskatchewanSassariSatkhiraSatu MareSatunSaudi ArabiaSaudi riyalSavannahSavannakhetSaveSave addressSave attributesSave changesSave changes before changing page?Save shipping classesSave time and errors with automated tax calculation and collection at checkout. Powered by WooCommerce Services and Jetpack.Save time and money with WooCommerce ShippingSave to accountSave webhookSavonaSaxonySaxony-AnhaltSaïdaSchaffhausenScheduleScheduledScheduled ActionScheduled Action ColumnsScheduled ActionsScheduled DateScheduled actions are hooks triggered on a certain date and time.Schleswig-HolsteinSchwyzScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.Script with handle %s had a dependency on itself which has been removed. This is an indicator that your JS code has a circular dependency that can cause bugs.SearchSearch %sSearch Scheduled ActionsSearch by similar attribute name.Search by similar product name or sku.Search by similar product name, sku, or attribute value.Search by similar tax code.Search categoriesSearch couponsSearch customersSearch for a downloadable product&hellip;Search for a page&hellip;Search for a product&hellip;Search for a user&hellip;Search for extensionsSearch for:Search hook, args and claim IDSearch keySearch logsSearch ordersSearch productsSearch products&hellip;Search products…Search results for "%s"Search results for &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Search results onlySearch results: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Search shipping classesSearch tagsSearch webhooksSearch&hellip;Second line of the address being shipped to.SecretSecret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. This will default to a MD5 hash from the current user's ID|username if not provided.Secure checkoutSecure connection (HTTPS)Securely accept cards in your store. See payments, track cash flow into your bank account, and stay on top of disputes – right from your dashboard.Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees (custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and inventory in one place.Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees (custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and inventory in one place. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about Square</a>.SecuritySecurity.See moreSegment identificator.Segment the response by additional constraint.SegoviaSekongSelangorSelectSelect PageSelect a categorySelect a country / region&hellip;Select a page&hellip;Select a product to regenerate the data for, or leave empty for a full table regeneration:Select allSelect an option&hellip;Select categories&hellip;Select fields from your CSV file to map against products fields, or to ignore during import.Select noneSelect optionsSelect options for &ldquo;%s&rdquo;Select regions within this zoneSelect shipping methodsSelect some countriesSelect the access type of these keys.Select when the webhook will fire.Selected attribute term name.Selected countriesSelected store theme.Selecting no country / region to sell to prevents from completing the checkout. Continue anyway?Sell to all countriesSell to all countries, except for&hellip;Sell to specific countriesSelling location(s)SembabuleSemnan (سمنان)Send notifications when an IPN is received from PayPal indicating refunds, chargebacks and cancellations.Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing.Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with Mailchimp.Send you information about your account and orderSend you marketing messages, if you choose to receive themSenegalSeparate codes with a comma. Accepts wildcards, e.g. <code>P*</code> will match a postcode of PE30. Also accepts a pattern, e.g. <code>NG1___</code> would match NG1 1AA but not NG10 1AASeparate tags with commasSerbiaSerbian dinarSerereSergipeServer environmentServer infoServer info.Server requirements not met, missing requirement(s): %s.Set Status - In stockSet Status - On backorderSet Status - Out of stockSet a fixed price to cover shipping costs.Set default payment methodSet passwordSet product imageSet regular pricesSet sale pricesSet scheduled sale datesSet to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %):Set up PayPal for me using this email:Set up Stripe for me using this email:Set up marketing toolsSet up paymentsSet up shippingSet up the "%s" payment methodSet up your account for our storeSet variation imageSet your store location and configure tax rate settings.Set your store location and where you'll ship to.SetiSetting value.SettingsSettings for WooCommerce admin reporting.Settings group ID.PaymentsSettings.Setup WizardSetup a Refund and Returns Policy page to boost your store's credibility.Setup shipping zonesSetup wizardSeveral WooCommerce extensions can write logs which makes debugging problems easier. The directory must be writable for this to happen.SevillaSeychellesSeychellois rupeeShaanxi / 陕西Shandong / 山东Shanghai / 上海Shanxi / 山西ShareShare feedbackShare new items on social media the moment they're live in your store.Shared by %sShariatpurSheemaSherpurShigaShimaneShinyangaShip toShip to a different address?Ship to all countriesShip to all countries you sell toShip to specific countriesShip to specific countries onlyShipStationShipStation iconShippingShipping AddressShipping Address 1Shipping Address 2Shipping CityShipping CompanyShipping Country / RegionShipping First NameShipping LabelShipping Last NameShipping MethodShipping Phone NumberShipping Postal/Zip CodeShipping ProvinceShipping ZoneShipping addressShipping address.Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!Shipping amountShipping classShipping class ID.Shipping class costsShipping class nameShipping class name.Shipping class slug.Shipping classesShipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products.Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and can be used by some Shipping Methods (such as "Flat rate shipping") to provide different rates to different classes of product.Shipping costs are calculated during checkout.Shipping costs updated.Shipping destinationShipping destination address.Shipping detailsShipping instance ID.Shipping is currently enabled, but you have not added any shipping methods to your shipping zones.Shipping is disabled.Shipping lines data.Shipping location(s)Shipping methodShipping method ID is required.Shipping method ID.Shipping method could not be added. Please retry.Shipping method customer facing title.Shipping method description.Shipping method enabled status.Shipping method instance ID.Shipping method name.Shipping method settings.Shipping method sort order.Shipping method title.Shipping method(s)Shipping methodsShipping methods do not support trashing.Shipping nameShipping onlyShipping optionsShipping options will be updated during checkout.Shipping taxShipping tax amountShipping tax classShipping tax class based on cart itemsShipping tax total.Shipping tax.Shipping to %sShipping to %s.Shipping total must be a positive amount.Shipping via %sShipping zone location code.Shipping zone location type.Shipping zone name.Shipping zone order.Shipping zonesShipping zones do not support trashing.Shipping:ShizuokaShkodërShop PageShop and search resultsShop baseShop base addressShop base with categoryShop by CategoryShop country/regionShop nowShop onlyShop orderShop pageShop page displayShop pagesShort descriptionShould you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, <a href="%s">please read our documentation</a>. You will find all kinds of resources including snippets, tutorials and much more.ShowShow "verified owner" label on customer reviewsShow SuggestionsShow advanced optionsShow all typesShow as dropdownShow categoriesShow categories &amp; productsShow hidden productsShow hierarchyShow if is a compound tax rate.Show more detailsShow product countsShow productsShow subcategoriesShow subcategories &amp; productsShowing all %d resultShowing all %d resultsShowing reports for:Showing the single resultShows if backorders are allowed.Shows if the product can be bought.Shows if the product is on backordered.Shows if the product is on sale.Shows if the product need to be shipped.Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not.Shows if the variation can be bought.Shows if the variation is on backordered.Shows if the variation is on sale.Shows where the order was created.Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable.Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user will be notified).ShumenSiayaSibiuSichuan / 四川Sidi Bel AbbèsSienaSierra LeoneSierra Leonean leoneSign UpSignupsSiirtSikkimSilistraSimiyuSimple productSinaloaSince your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the %1$sUpdate Totals%2$s button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so.SindhSing BuriSingaporeSingapore dollarSingidaSinoeSinopSiquijorSiracusaSirajganjSironkoSisaketSistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)Site URL.Site address (URL)SivasSkikdaSkip importing existing order data.Skip setupSkip this stepSligoSlivenSlovakiaSloveniaSlugSlug "%s" is already in use. Change it, please.Slug "%s" is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please.Slug "%s" is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please.Slug identifier for the resource.SmolyanSoapClientSofalaSofiaSohagSokotoSolSold %1$d item in the last %2$d daysSold %1$d items in the last %2$d daysSold %1$s worth in the last %2$d daysSold individuallySold individually?SololáSolomon IslandsSolomon Islands dollarSolothurnSomali shillingSomaliaSome webservices like shipping use SOAP to get information from remote servers, for example, live shipping quotes from FedEx require SOAP to be installed.Someone has requested a new password for the following account on %s:SomogySondrioSongkhlaSonoraSonsonateSoriaSorianoSorocaSorotiSorry there was a problem removing this coupon.Sorry to see you go.Sorry! We couldn't contact Jetpack just now 😭. Please make sure that your site is visible over the internet, and that it accepts incoming and outgoing requests via curl. You can also try to connect to Jetpack again, and if you run into any more issues, please contact support.Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't connect Jetpack just now 😭. Please go to the Plugins tab to connect Jetpack, so that you can finish setting up your store.Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't install Jetpack for you 😭. Please go to the Plugins tab to install it, and finish setting up your store.Sorry, "%s" is no longer in stock so this order cannot be paid for. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, "%s" is not in stock. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, could not find anything. Try searching again using a different term.Sorry, coupon "%s" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.Sorry, creating the product with template failed.Sorry, fetching downloads data failed.Sorry, fetching performance indicators failed.Sorry, fetching revenue data failed.Sorry, fetching tax data failed.Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.Sorry, it seems the coupon "%s" is invalid - it has now been removed from your order.Sorry, it seems the coupon "%s" is not yours - it has now been removed from your order.Sorry, no dismissable task with that ID was found.Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.Sorry, no snoozeable task with that ID was found.Sorry, no task with that ID was found.Sorry, that task list was not foundSorry, the order could not be found. Please contact us if you are having difficulty finding your order details.Sorry, the sample products data file was not found.Sorry, there has been an error.Sorry, there is no export with that ID.Sorry, there is no note with that ID.Sorry, there is no resource with that ID.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the categories: %s.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the products: %s.Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents.Sorry, this coupon is not valid for sale items.Sorry, this download has expiredSorry, this order is invalid and cannot be paid for.Sorry, this order requires a shipping option.Sorry, this product cannot be purchased.Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.Sorry, we couldn't connect your store to JetpackSorry, we do not allow orders from the provided country (%s)Sorry, we do not have enough "%1$s" in stock to fulfil your order (%2$s available). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sorry, we do not ship orders to the provided country (%s)Sorry, you are not allowed to batch manipulate this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type.Sorry, you are not allowed to create new pages.Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete %s.Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this resource.Sorry, you are not allowed to hide task lists.Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site.Sorry, you are not allowed to retrieve onboarding tasks.Sorry, you are not allowed to snooze onboarding tasks.Sorry, you cannot create new resource.Sorry, you cannot delete this resource.Sorry, you cannot edit this resource.Sorry, you cannot list resources.Sorry, you cannot manage plugins.Sorry, you cannot manage themes.Sorry, you cannot manage these options.Sorry, you cannot update resource.Sorry, you cannot view these options.Sorry, you cannot view this resource.Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this fileSorry, you post telemetry data.Sorry, your session has expired.Sorry, your session has expired. <a href="%s" class="wc-backward">Return to shop</a>SorsogonSort ascending or descending.Sort by average ratingSort by latestSort by most recentSort by popularitySort by price (asc)Sort by price (desc)Sort by price: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by tax class.Sort by term property.Sort by:Sort codeSort collection by object attribute.Sort collection by resource attribute.SortingOrderSouk AhrasSourceSource logger must be configured before running a migrationSource of note.Source of the note.Source store must be configured before running a migrationSouth AegeanSouth AfricaSouth African randSouth AmericaSouth AustraliaSouth CarolinaSouth CotabatoSouth DakotaSouth Georgia/Sandwich IslandsSouth Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)South KoreaSouth Korean wonSouth SinaiSouth SudanSouth Sudanese poundSouthernSouthern LeyteSouthlandSpainSpecific CountriesSpecific countriesSpecified file failed upload test.SquareSri LankaSri Lankan rupeeSt. GallenStandardStandard rateStandard ratesStar ratings should be required, not optionalStara ZagoraStart ImportStart accepting payments on your store!Start by adding the first product to your store. You can add your products manually, via CSV, or import them from another service.Start date of sale price, as GMT.Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone.Start date of sale price.Start sellingStart using new features that are being progressively rolled out to improve the store management experience.Start your online clothing storeStarted processing action %sStarting a fashion website is exciting but it may seem overwhelming as well. In this article, we'll walk you through the setup process, teach you to create successful product listings, and show you how to market to your ideal audience.StateState / CountyState / County or state codeProvinceState codeState code.Province.State/CountyState/County code, or name of the state, county, province, or district.Stats about coupons.Stats about orders.Stats about product categories.Stats about product downloads.Stats about products.Stats about revenue.Stats about taxes.Stats about variations.StatusStatus of note.Status of the payment returned by the gateway. One of success, pending, failure, error.Status of the review.Status report informationStatus:Statuses that require extra action on behalf of the store admin.Statuses that should not be included when calculating report totals.StepStockStock Keeping UnitStock display formatStock keeping unit, if applicable.Stock levels increased:Stock levels reduced:Stock management at product level.Stock management at variation level.Stock qtyStock quantityStock quantity.Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level.Stock statusStock status.Stock: %dStopped the insanity for %d secondStopped the insanity for %d secondsStore AddressStore NoticeStore detailsStore downtime means lost sales. One-click restores get you back online quickly if something goes wrong.Store email address.Store management insightsStore monitoringStore noticeStore setupStore statsStore-wide threshold (%d)Storefront ThemeStorefront iconStorefront is an intuitive, flexible and <strong>free</strong> WordPress theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce and many of the most popular customer-facing extensions.Street addressString based identifier for the term.Stripe email addressStripe email address:StrășeniSubcategoriesSubjectSubject (paid)SubmitSubscription for %1$s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive updates for this product. <a href="%2$s">Click here</a> if you wish to deactivate the plugin as well.Subscription for %s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive updates for this product.Subscription is <strong>expiring</strong> soon.Subscription: Not available - %1$d of %2$d already in useSubscription: UnlimitedSubscription: Using %1$d of %2$d sites availableSubscriptionsSubtotalSubtotal:SuburbSuccessfully cancelled action: %sSuccessfully executed action: %sSuccessfully processed change for action: %sSuceavaSuchitepéquezSucreSucumbíosSud SardegnaSudanSudanese poundSuezSuhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was designed to protect your servers on the one hand against a number of well known problems in PHP applications and on the other hand against potential unknown vulnerabilities within these applications or the PHP core itself. If enabled on your server, Suhosin may need to be configured to increase its data submission limits.SukhothaiSulawesi BaratSulawesi SelatanSulawesi TengahSulawesi TenggaraSulawesi UtaraSultan KudaratSuluSum of all taxes.Sum of line item taxes only.Sumatera BaratSumatera SelatanSumatera UtaraSunamganjSuphan BuriSupported features for this payment gateway.Supports the following placeholders: <code>[qty]</code> = number of items, <code>[cost]</code> = cost of items, <code>[fee percent="10" min_fee="20"]</code> = Percentage based fee.Surat ThaniSurigao del NorteSurigao del SurSurinSurinameSurinamese dollarSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazi lilangeniSwedenSwedish kronaSwiss francSwitzerlandSylhetSyriaSyrian poundSystem statusSzabolcs-Szatmár-BeregSánchez RamírezSão PauloSétifSîngereiSălajTabascoTable cell display.Table cell value.Table column header.Table does not existTable headers.Table rows.TaboraTacnaTacuarembóTagTag IDTag ID.Tag added.Tag deleted.Tag linkTag nameTag name.Tag not added.Tag not updated.Tag slugTag slug.Tag updated.Tag:Tags:TagsTags (comma separated)Tags (space separated)Tags deleted.Tags totals.Taita-TavetaTaiwanTajikistanTajikistani somoniTakTake payments in cash upon delivery.Take payments in person via BACS. More commonly known as direct bank/wire transfer.Take payments in person via cheques. This offline gateway can also be useful to test purchases.Take payments via bank transfer.Take payments with the provider that’s right for you - choose from 100+ payment gateways for WooCommerce.TamanghassetTamaulipasTamil NaduTana RiverTangaTangailTanzaniaTanzanian shillingTarabaTaracliaTaranakiTarantoTarapacáTargovishteTarijaTarlacTarragonaTask ListTask is not a subclass of `Task`Task list ID already existsTask list ID does not existTasmanTasmaniaTawi-TawiTaxTax amountTax classTax class already existsTax class name.Tax class of fee.Tax class of product.Tax class requires a valid nameTax class slug already existsTax class slug is invalidTax class.Tax codeTax lines data.Tax nameTax optionsTax priority.Tax rate ID.Tax rate ID: %sTax rate code.Tax rate label.Tax rate name.Tax rate.Tax rates successfully deletedTax statusNoneTax status of fee.Tax status.Tax subtotal.Tax total (not including shipping taxes).Tax total.TaxableTaxesTaxes applied to this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency.Taxes by codeTaxes by dateTaxes detailed reports.Taxes do not support trashing.Taxonomies: Product typesTaxonomies: Product visibilityTaxonomy does not exist.Product typeProduct visibilityTaxonomy name.Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses.Tehran (تهران)TekirdağTelanganaTeleneștiTeleormanTemplate cache cleared.Template file copied to theme.Template file deleted from theme.Template overrides.TemplatesTennesseeTeramoTerengganuTerm IDTerm countsTerm description.Term name.TermsTerms and Conditions PageTerms and conditionsTerms in the product visibility taxonomy.Terms successfully recountedTerniTeruelTested up to WooCommerce versionTeteTexasText to appear below the main email content.Thai bahtThailandThakurgaonThank you for selling with WooCommerce.Thank you for your feedback!Thank you for your orderThank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal account to view transaction details.Thank you. Your order has been received.Thanks :)Thanks for creating an account on %1$s. Your username is %2$s. You can access your account area to view orders, change your password, and more at: %3$sThanks for reading.Thanks for shopping with usThanks for shopping with us.Thanks for using Jetpack! Your store is almost ready: to activate services like %s, just connect your store.Thanks for using {site_url}!Thanks!Tharaka-NithiThe "%1$s" coupon has been removed from your cart: %2$sThe "%s" payment method is currently disabledThe "%s" payment method is currently enabledThe "WooCommerce Admin" plugin will be installed and activatedThe "locations not covered by your other zones" zone cannot be updated.The %s cannot be deleted.The %s class can only be run within WP CLI.The %s does not support trashing.The %s has already been deleted.The %s is not a valid URLThe %s payment gateway is not available.The API key provided does not have read permissions.The API key provided does not have write permissions.The CSV is invalid.The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party site to make payment.The HTTP response code from the receiving server.The HTTP response message from the receiving server.The ID for the parent of the resource.The ID for the resource.The ID of the package the shipping rates belong to.The ID of the payment method being used to process the payment.The JSONP callback function is invalidThe MaxMind licence key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, you may need to wait for it to become active.The PayFast extension for WooCommerce enables you to accept payments by Credit Card and EFT via one of South Africa’s most popular payment gateways. No setup fees or monthly subscription costs.The Rest API is unavailable.The SKU already exists on another product.The URL of your %s page (along with the Page ID).The URL where the webhook payload is delivered.The URL where the webhook was delivered.The WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin requires a more recent version of WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying WooCommerce Blocks.The WooCommerce Blocks package running on your site.The WooCommerce Helper plugin is no longer needed. <a href="%s">Manage subscriptions</a> from the extensions tab instead.The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. Access is granted only to those with valid API keys.The WooCommerce REST API package running on your site.The action's schedule frequency.The active version of WooCommerce does not support template cache clearing.The admin note action label prop cannot be empty.The admin note action name prop cannot be empty.The admin note content prop cannot be empty.The admin note content_data prop must be an instance of stdClass.The admin note date prop cannot be empty.The admin note layout has a wrong prop value.The admin note locale prop cannot be empty.The admin note name prop cannot be empty.The admin note source prop cannot be empty.The admin note status prop (%s) is not one of the supported statuses.The admin note status prop cannot be empty.The admin note title prop cannot be empty.The admin note type prop (%s) is not one of the supported types.The admin note type prop cannot be empty.The amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a percentage.The amount of tax charged.The amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups)The amount that quantities increment by. Quantity must be an multiple of this value.The assigned attribute.The attribute ID, or 0 if the attribute is not taxonomy based.The attribute name.The attribute taxonomy name.The attribute taxonomy, or null if the attribute is not taxonomy based.The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s.The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s.The base page can also be used in your <a href="%s">product permalinks</a>.The callback_url needs to be over SSLThe cart has been filled with the items from your previous order.The cart item product or variation ID.The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.The chosen rate ID for the package.The city in which your business is located.The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch.The class %1$s provided by %2$s filter must implement %3$s.The class attached to the "woocommerce_queue_class" does not implement the WC_Queue_Interface interface. The default %s class will be used instead.The comment has already been trashed.The content of the review.The country and state or province, if any, in which your business is located.The coupon code already existsThe coupon code cannot be empty.The coupon will expire at 00:00:00 of this date.The coupon's unique code.The coupons unique code.The current language used by WordPress. Default = EnglishThe customer cannot be deletedThe database update process runs in the background and may take a little while, so please be patient. Advanced users can alternatively update via %1$sWP CLI%2$s.The database version for WooCommerce. This should be the same as your WooCommerce version.The date of the customer last order, as GMT.The date of the download, as GMT.The date of the download, in the site's time zone.The date the coupon expires, as GMT.The date the coupon expires, in the site's timezone.The date the coupon was created, as GMT.The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone.The date the coupon was last modified, as GMT.The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the customer was created, as GMT.The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone.The date the customer was last modified, as GMT.The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the image was created, as GMT.The date the image was created, in the site's timezone.The date the image was last modified, as GMT.The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the last order for this product was placed, in the site's timezone.The date the order note was created, as GMT.The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order refund was created, as GMT.The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order was completed, as GMT.The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone.The date the order was created, as GMT.The date the order was created, in the site's timezone.The date the order was last modified, as GMT.The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the order was paid, as GMT.The date the order was paid, in the site's timezone.The date the product was created, as GMT.The date the product was created, in the site's timezone.The date the product was last modified, as GMT.The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the report end, as GMT.The date the report end, in the site's timezone.The date the report start, as GMT.The date the report start, in the site's timezone.The date the review was created, as GMT.The date the review was created, in the site's time zone in human-readable format.The date the review was created, in the site's timezone.The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone.The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook delivery was logged, as GMT.The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook was created, as GMT.The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone.The date the webhook was last modified, as GMT.The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone.The date when download access expires, as GMT.The date when download access expires, in the site's timezone.The date you provided is invalid.The date/time the action is/was scheduled to run.The decimal separator of displayed prices.The default timezone for your server.The delivery duration, in seconds.The discount type for the coupon (e.g. percentage or fixed amount)The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed file type. Allowed types include: %2$sThe downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server.The eWAY extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party site to make payment.The email address for the customer.The extension %s has been deactivated successfully.The file does not exist, please try again.The file is empty or using a different encoding than UTF-8, please try again with a new file.The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with WooCommerce %s yet and should be updated and examined further before you proceed:The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default.The following note has been added to your order:The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend.The following plugins will be installed and activated for you:The following shipping methods apply to customers with shipping addresses within this zone.The following wizard will help you configure your store and get you started quickly.The group "%s" does not exist.The handler for the route is invalidThe homepage URL of your site.The homepage is one of the most important entry points in your store. When done right it can lead to higher conversions and engagement. Don't forget to personalize the homepage that we created for your store during the onboarding.The id for the resource.The image of the note, if any.The installed version of the current active theme.The installed version of the parent theme.The item ID %1$s attempted to register using an invalid option. The arguments `menuId` and `parent` are not allowed for add_setting_item()The key that will be used when dealing with MaxMind Geolocation services. You can read how to generate one in <a href="%1$s">MaxMind Geolocation Integration documentation</a>.The largest filesize that can be contained in one post.The largest filesize that can be uploaded to your WordPress installation.The layout of the note (e.g. banner, thumbnail, plain).The location that the MaxMind database should be stored. By default, the integration will automatically save the database here.The logical relationship between attributes when filtering across multiple at once.The main body background colour. Default %s.The main body text colour. Default %s.The maximum allowed setting is %dThe maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at one time.The maximum number of individual items this coupon can apply to when using product discounts. Leave blank to apply to all qualifying items in cart.The maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function to avoid overloads.The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart is %sThe maximum quantity that can be added to the cart.The maximum spend for this coupon is %s.The minimum allowed setting is %dThe minimum quantity that can be added to the cart is %sThe minimum quantity that can be added to the cart.The minimum spend for this coupon is %s.The name of the current active theme.The name of the parent theme.The name of the tax.The next queue will begin processing in approximately %d seconds.The number of decimal points shown in displayed prices.The object cannot be deleted.The object does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete.The object has already been trashed.The official Razorpay extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit cards, debit cards, netbanking, wallet, and UPI payments.The options are &quot;Active&quot; (delivers payload), &quot;Paused&quot; (does not deliver), or &quot;Disabled&quot; (does not deliver due delivery failures).The order ID to process during checkout.The order ID.The order note ID provided is not associated with the orderThe order refund ID provided is not associated with the order.The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing the "Place order" button at the bottom of the page.The parent theme developers URL.The payment gateway for this order does not exist.The payment gateway for this order does not support automatic refunds.The plugin could not be activated.The position of the currency symbol.The postal code, if any, in which your business is located.The product review cannot be deleted.The product review does not support trashing.The product variation is invalidThe provided email address (%s) is not valid—please provide a valid email addressThe provided email address is not validThe provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s.The provided phone number is not validThe provided Postal Code / ZIP is not validThe provided province (%1$s) is not valid. Must be one of: %2$sThe quantity added to the cart must be a multiple of %sThe rate at which tax is applied.The requested plugin `%s` could not be activated.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed.The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Upgrader install failed.The requested plugin `%s`. is not yet installed.The requested theme `%s` could not be installed.The requested theme `%s` could not be installed. Theme API call failed.The requested theme could not be activated.The resource cannot be deleted.The response body from the receiving server.The root URL of your site.The sale will start at 00:00:00 of "From" date and end at 23:59:59 of "To" date.The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers.The selected product isn't a variation of %2$s, please choose product options by visiting <a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>.The settings of this image size have been disabled because its values are being overwritten by a filter.The slug for the resource.The specific chart this stat referrers to.The status of the coupon. Should always be draft, published, or pending reviewThe status of the note (e.g. unactioned, actioned).The stock has not been updated because the value has changed since editing. Product %1$d has %2$d units in stock.The street address for your business location.The term ID, or 0 if the attribute is not a global attribute.The term name.The term slug.The text to appear in the footer of all WooCommerce emails.The theme developers URL.The thousand separator of displayed prices.The type of the note (e.g. error, warning, etc.).The unit lengths are defined in for this country.The unit weights are defined in for this country.The version of MySQL installed on your hosting server.The version of PHP installed on your hosting server.The version of WooCommerce installed on your site.The version of WordPress installed on your site.The version of cURL installed on your server.ThemeTheme author URL.Theme installation message.Theme installation status.Theme name.Theme slug.Theme status.Theme version.Theme.There are currently no logs to view.There are no currencies matching these parameters.There are no locations matching these parameters.There are no notes yet.There are no product reviews yet.There are no reviews yet.There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.There are not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantities in your cart.There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the cart page and resolve these issues before checking out.There are three ways to add your products: you can <strong>create products manually, import them at once via CSV file</strong>, or <strong>migrate them from another service</strong>.<br/><br/>There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 can be purchased. Please reduce the quantity in your cart.There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 of each can be purchased. Please reduce the quantities in your cart.There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue.There are too many concurrent batches.There is no data to export for the given request.There is not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantity in your cart.There was a failure fetching this actionThere was a failure fetching this action: %sThere was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %sThere was a problem activating some of the requested plugins.There was a problem installing some of the requested plugins.There was a problem with the provided %s:There was an error calling %1$s: %2$sThere was an error calling %sThere was an error calling this tool. There is no callback present.There was an error connecting to Square.There was an error connecting to WooCommerce.com. Please try again.There was an error generating your API Key.There was an error loading the WooCommerce.com Helper API.There was an error running the action scheduler: %sThere was an error with an item in your cart.There was an issue loading the report endpointsThese are regions inside this zone. Customers will be matched against these regions.These costs can optionally be added based on the <a href="%s">product shipping class</a>.These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout.These pages need to be set so that WooCommerce knows where to send users to checkout.These rates are extra shipping options with additional costs (based on the flat rate).These settings are not available while the lookup table regeneration is in progress.ThessalyThings to do nextThis %s cannot be deletedThis action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data from the selected orders?This controls how stock quantities are displayed on the frontend.This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.This controls the position of the currency symbol.This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalogue and which currency gateways will take payments in.This controls what unit you will define lengths in.This controls what unit you will define weights in.This controls which shipping address is used by default.This coupon has expired.This data will be deleted in %s.This email address is already registered.This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using the coupon.This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed to use the coupon.This function should not be called before plugins_loaded.This function should not be called before woocommerce_init.This is a demo store for testing purposes &mdash; no orders shall be fulfilled.This is a featured productThis is an order notification sent to customers containing order details after an order is placed on-hold from Pending, Cancelled or Failed order status.This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details after payment.This is not your download link.This is the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access to. URLs entered here should already be encoded.This is the WooCommerce shop page. The shop page is a special archive that lists your products. <a href="%s">You can read more about this here</a>.This is the attachment ID, or image URL, used for placeholder images in the product catalogue. Products with no image will use this.This is the default category and it cannot be deleted. It will be automatically assigned to products with no category.This is the name of the download shown to the customer.This is the name of the zone for your reference.This is the sum of the "Tax rows" shipping tax amount within your orders.This is the sum of the "Tax rows" tax amount within your orders.This is the sum of the 'Order total' field within your orders.This is the sum of the 'Shipping total' field within your orders.This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and excluding shipping and taxes.This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and including shipping and taxes.This is the total tax for the rate (shipping tax + product tax).This is where store orders are stored.This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store.This is where you can browse products in this store.This is where your business is located. Tax rates and shipping rates will use this address.This key is invalid or has already been used. Please reset your password again if needed.This lets you choose which products are part of this group.This means that the table is probably in an inconsistent state. It's recommended to run a new regeneration process or to resume the aborted process (Status - Tools - Regenerate the product attributes lookup table/Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration) before enabling the table usage.This method is deprecated in 2.6.0 and will be removed in future versions - we recommend disabling it and instead setting up a new rate within your <a href="%s">Shipping zones</a>.This method should not be called before plugins_loaded.This monthThis option determines a customers default location. The MaxMind GeoLite Database will be periodically downloaded to your wp-content directory if using geolocation.This option determines which address is used to calculate tax.This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it will not update existing products.This option lets you limit which countries you are willing to sell to.This option will delete ALL of your tax rates, use with caution. This action cannot be reversed.This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.This order is no longer editable.This order note cannot be deletedThis order&rsquo;s status is &ldquo;%s&rdquo;&mdash;it cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.This password reset key is for a different user account. Please log out and try again.This payment method was successfully set as your default.This product cannot be added to the cart.This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are you sure you want to delete it?This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.This product is protected and cannot be purchased.This report link has expired. %1$sClick here to view the filtered report%2$s.This resource cannot be created.This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.This section controls the display of your website privacy policy. The privacy notices below will not show up unless a %s is set.This section lets you customize the WooCommerce emails. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Click here to preview your email template</a>.This section shows any files that are overriding the default WooCommerce template pages.This section shows details of Action Scheduler.This section shows information about this status report.This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive will be.This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices.This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices.This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices.This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on.This setting does not apply to guest purchases.This shipping method does not have any settings to configure.This subscription has expired. Contact the owner to <strong>renew</strong> the subscription to receive updates and support.This subscription has expired. Please <strong>renew</strong> to receive updates and support.This subscription is expiring soon. Please <strong>renew</strong> to continue receiving updates and support.This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: %s.This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product.This tool allows you to generate and download a CSV file containing a list of all products.This tool allows you to import (or merge) product data to your store from a CSV or TXT file.This tool will abort the regenerate product attributes lookup table regeneration. After this is done the process can be either started over, or resumed to continue where it stopped.This tool will clear ALL expired transients from WordPress.This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache.This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including current carts and saved carts in the database.This tool will delete all variations which have no parent.This tool will delete expired download permissions and permissions with 0 remaining downloads.This tool will empty the template cache.This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already defined and set up will not be replaced.This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in a way which hides products from the catalogue.This tool will regenerate product lookup table data. This process may take a while.This tool will regenerate the product attributes lookup table data from existing product(s) data. This process may take a while.This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages.This tool will reset the cached values used in WooCommerce Analytics. If numbers still look off, try %1$sReimporting Historical Data%2$s.This tool will resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration at the point in which it was aborted (%1$s products were already processed).This tool will update your WooCommerce database to the latest version. Please ensure you make sufficient backups before proceeding.This video tutorial will help you go through the process of adding your first product in WooCommerce.This will be how your name will be displayed in the account section and in reviewsThis will change the stock status of all variations.This will give "%1$s" %2$s access which will allow it to:This will regenerate all shop thumbnails to match your theme and/or image settings.This zone is <b>optionally</b> used for regions that are not included in any other shipping zone.Thousand separatorThousand separator for the currency which can be used to format returned prices.Thousand separator.Thousands separator for displayed prices in this country.ThumbnailThumbnail URL.Thumbnail croppingThumbnail regeneration has been scheduled to run in the background.Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount of images in your store this may take a while.Thumbnail sizes for responsive images.Thumbnail srcset for responsive images.Thumbnail widthThurgauThuringiaTianjin / 天津TiaretTibet / 西藏TicinoTierra del FuegoTime interval to use for buckets in the returned data.Time period to snooze the task.TimestampTimișTimor-LesteTindoufTipasaTipperaryTiranaTissemsiltTitleTitle of the note.Tizi OuzouTlaxcalaTlemcenTo allow logging, make %1$s writable or define a custom %2$s.To connect to %1$s you need to be logged in. Log in to your store below, or <a href="%2$s">cancel and return to %1$s</a>To edit this order change the status back to "Pending payment"To enable this update you need to <strong>activate</strong> this subscription.To enable this update you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription.To ensure your store&rsquo;s notifications arrive in your and your customers&rsquo; inboxes, we recommend connecting your email address to your domain and setting up a dedicated SMTP server. If something doesn&rsquo;t seem to be sending correctly, install the <a href="%1$s">WP Mail Logging Plugin</a> or check the <a href="%2$s">Email FAQ page</a>.To make sure you never get that sinking "what did I forget" feeling, we've put together the essential pre-launch checklist.To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/&lt;product_id&gt;/variations/&lt;id&gt; endpoint.To opt out, leave this box unticked. Your store remains untracked, and no data will be collected. Read about what usage data is tracked at: %s.To override and edit this email template copy %1$s to your theme folder: %2$s.To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription or consolidate your extensions to one connected account by <strong><a href="%1$s" title="Sharing Docs">sharing</a> or <a href="%2$s" title="Transferring Docs">transferring</a></strong> this extension to this connected account.To reset your password, visit the following address:To start growing your business, head over to <a href="%s">WooCommerce.com</a>, where you'll find the most popular WooCommerce extensions.To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press the "Track" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received.TocantinsTochigiToggle &quot;Downloadable&quot;Toggle &quot;Enabled&quot;Toggle &quot;Manage stock&quot;Toggle &quot;Virtual&quot;Toggle featuredToggle fullscreenTogoTokatTokelauTokenTokushimaTokyoToledoTolimaTolnaTongaTongan pa&#x2bb;angaTool description.Tool does not exist.Tool name.Tool ran.Tool return message.ToolsTop Coupons - Number of OrdersTop Customers - Total SpendTop categories - Items soldTop earnersTop freebiesTop products - Items soldTop rated productsTop sellersTopicTorinoTororoTotalTotal Database SizeTotal Net sales of all items sold.Total SpendTotal amount for this fee.Total amount spent.Total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency.Total available to refundTotal charged for shipping.Total charged for taxes.Total discount amount for the order.Total discount applied by this coupon.Total discount from applied coupons.Total discount tax amount for the order.Total distinct customers.Total number of purchases.Total of coupons used.Total of items purchased.Total of orders placed.Total of refunded orders.Total of returns.Total of shipping.Total of taxes.Total post count.Total price of any applied fees.Total price of items in the cart.Total price of shipping.Total price of shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response will be sent.Total price the customer will pay.Total salesTotal sales minus shipping and tax.Total sales.Total shippingTotal shipping amount for the order.Total shipping tax amount for the order.Total spend.Total taxTotal tax amount for this fee.Total tax applied to items and shipping.Total tax on fees.Total tax on items in the cart.Total tax on shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response will be sent.Total tax removed due to discount applied by this coupon.Total tax removed due to discount from applied coupons.Total tax.Total weight (in grams) of all products in the cart.Total:TotalTotals data.Totals.TotonicapánTottoriTown / CityTown / City / Post OfficeTown / DistrictTown / VillageToyamaTrabzonTrackTrack your store performance on mobileTrangTrans NzoiaTransaction IDTransfer existing products to your new store — just import a CSV file.Transnistrian rubleTrapaniTrashTrashedTratTreinta y TresTrelawnyTrentoTrevisoTriesteTrinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago dollarTripuraTrue if backorders are allowed past stock availability.True if the cart meets the criteria for showing shipping costs, and rates have been calculated and included in the totals.True if the cart needs payment. False for carts with only free products and no shipping costs.True if the cart needs shipping. False for carts with only digital goods or stores with no shipping methods set-up.True if the product is on backorder.True if this attribute is used by product variations.True if this is the rate currently selected by the customer for the cart.True the prices included tax during checkout.TrujilloTry the new way to get paidTucumánTulceaTumbesTunceliTungurahuaTunisiaTunisian dinarTurkanaTurkeyTurkish liraTurkmenistanTurkmenistan manatTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluTypeType of attribute.Type of interval.Type of note.Type of setting.Types of products sold.TáchiraTébessaURL query to persist across links.URL to edit the orderURL where the webhook payload is delivered.US domestic zone = All US states = Flat rate shippingGeorgiaUTA GăgăuziaUTC DateTime when the coupon expires.Uasin GishuUbon RatchathaniUcayaliUdineUdon ThaniUgandaUgandan shillingUh oh... There was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & Tax install. Please try again.UkraineUkrainian hryvniaUnable to accept more than %s items for this request.Unable to add payment method to your account.Unable to claim actions. Database error.Unable to create orderUnable to create order.Unable to detect the Action Scheduler package.Unable to detect the Blocks package.Unable to detect the REST API package.Unable to insert download log entry in database.Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error.Unable to reduce stock for item %s.Unable to remove source migrated action %sUnable to restore stock for item %s.Unable to retrieve cart.Unable to retrieve database information. Usually, this is not a problem, and it only means that your install is using a class that replaces the WordPress database class (e.g., HyperDB) and WooCommerce is unable to get database information.Unable to save action.Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error.Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error.Unable to use image "%s".UncroppedUnderstanding the status reportUndoUndo?Unfortunately <strong>we do not ship to %s</strong>. Please enter an alternative shipping address.Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again.UngheniUnidentified action %sUnique ID for the Note Action.Unique ID for the Note.Unique ID for the instance.Unique ID for the resource.Unique ID for the zone.Unique coupons count.Unique identifier (key) for the cart item to update.Unique identifier (key) for the cart item.Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms.Unique identifier for the attribute.Unique identifier for the coupon within the cart.Unique identifier for the fee within the cart.Unique identifier for the item within the cart.Unique identifier for the object.Unique identifier for the product that the review belongs to.Unique identifier for the product.Unique identifier for the resource.Unique identifier for the variable product.Unique identifier for the variation.Unique identifier for the webhook.Unique identifier.Unique slug for the resource.Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be no more than 28 characters.Unique transaction ID.United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates dirhamUnited Kingdom (UK)United States (US)United States (US) Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States (US) dollarUnits in stockUnknownUnknown product filename.Unknown request method.Unknown status found for action.UnlimitedUnlimited usageUnpaid order cancelled - time limit reached.Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden.Unsupported request methodUpdateUpdate %sUpdate AvailableUpdate WooCommerce DatabaseUpdate cartUpdate categoryUpdate country / regionUpdate databaseUpdate existing productsUpdate nowUpdate shipping classUpdate status event failed.Update tagUpdate the table directly upon product changes, instead of scheduling a deferred update.Update totalsUpdate your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.UpdatedUpdated atUpdating databaseUpdating product review failed.Updating review failed.Updating review status failed.UpgradeUpload CSV fileUpload a new fileUpload an imageUpload file and importUpload/Add imageUploaded theme.Uploaded to this productUpper EastUpper WestUpsellsUpsells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive.UriUruguayUruguayan pesoUsage / LimitUsage TrackingUsage limit per couponUsage limit per userUsage limitsUsage restrictionUse <code>[qty]</code> for the number of items, <br/><code>[cost]</code> for the total cost of items, and <code>[fee percent="10" min_fee="20" max_fee=""]</code> for percentage based fees.Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization.Use WooCommerce Shipping (powered by WooCommerce Services & Jetpack) to save time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home.Use `array_key_exists` to check for meta_data on WC_Shipping_Rate to get the correct result.Use a new payment methodUse as product imageUse imageUse previous column mapping preferences?Use the product attributes lookup table for catalogue filtering.Used for variationsUsed-up download permissionsUserUser ID for the downloader.User ID of user who created the refund.User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests.User ID.User NameUser agent of the customer.User emailUser is missing.User name of the downloader.CustomerShop managerUser&#8217;s WooCommerce access to purchased downloads data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce customer data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce orders data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce payment tokens data.User&#8217;s WooCommerce purchased downloads data.UsernameUsername is required.Username isn't editable.Username or emailUsername or email addressUsername.Username: %sUsers will need to spend this amount to get free shipping (if enabled above).UsulutánUtahUthai ThaniUtilitiesUttar PradeshUttaraditUttarakhandUzbekistanUzbekistani somUígeUşakVATValaisValdesiaValenciaValidation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (%s).Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (amt %s).Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (gross %s).Validation error: PayPal currencies do not match (code %s).ValladolidValleValle del CaucaValparaísoValue (required)Value of the coupon.Value of the metadata.Value of the stat. Returns null if the stat does not exist or cannot be loaded.Value(s)ValverdeVanVanuatuVanuatu vatuVareseVariable productVariation #%1$s of %2$sVariation ID, if applicable.Variation ID.Variation ID:Variation URL.Variation attribute name.Variation attribute value.Variation cannot be imported: Missing parent ID or parent does not exist yet.Variation cannot be imported: Parent product cannot be a product variationVariation description.Variation dimensions.Variation height (%s).Variation image data.Variation length (%s).Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)Variation price (required)Variation regular price.Variation sale price.Variation status.Variation weight (%s).Variation width (%s).VariationsVariations (and their attributes) that do not have prices will not be shown in your store.Variations SoldVariations detailed reports.VarnaVasVasluiVaticanVaudVaupésVeliko TarnovoVeneziaVenezuelaVenezuelan bol&iacute;varVeracruzVeraguasVerbano-Cusio-OssolaVercelliVerify base database tablesVerify databaseVerify if all base database tables are present.Verifying database... One or more tables are still missing: VermontVeronaVersionVersion %s is <strong>available</strong>.Version %s is <strong>available</strong>. To enable this update you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription.Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order.Version:Very poorVeszprémVibo ValentiaVicenzaVichadaVictoriaVidinVientianeVientiane ProvinceVietnamVietnamese &#x111;&#x1ed3;ngViewView &amp; CustomizeView ActionView WooCommerce API docsView WooCommerce documentationView WooCommerce settingsView affected templatesView and manage couponsView and manage customersView and manage orders and sales reportsView and manage productsView cartView couponView couponsView customersView detailsView import logView more Storefront child themesView orderView order: %sView ordersView orders and sales reportsView other orders &rarr;View productView productsView products in the &ldquo;%s&rdquo; groupView progress &rarr;View progress →View reportView tax ratesView templateView/EditViewsVihigaVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (US)VirginiaVirtualVirtual products are intangible and are not shipped.VisibilityVisibility in catalogueVisible on the product pageVisit %s admin area:Visit DashboardVisit StoreVisit WooCommerce.com to learn more about <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">getting started</a>.Visit community forumsVisit plugin homepageVisit premium customer supportVisit the theme marketplaceVisitorsViterboVlorëVoltaVranceaVratsaVâlceaWARNING: The product attributes lookup table regeneration process was aborted.WC database version.WP REST API Integration v%dWaikatoWajirWakayamaWake IslandWakisoWallis and FutunaWarningWashingtonWatch tutorialWaterfordWe accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store.We encountered an SSL error. Please ensure your site supports TLS version 1.2 or above.We generally store information about you for as long as we need the information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses.We have created a sample draft Refund and Returns Policy page for you. Please have a look and update it to fit your store.We have finished processing your order.We hope to see you again soon.We look forward to fulfilling your order soon.We look forward to seeing you soon.We noticed that there was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & Tax install. Please try again and enjoy all the advantages of having the plugins connected to your store! Sorry for the inconvenience. The "Jetpack" and "WooCommerce Shipping & Tax" plugins will be installed & activated for free.We recommend Storefront, the <em>official</em> WooCommerce theme.We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days.We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and store services to you; for example --We show contextual suggestions for official extensions that may be helpful to your store.We strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating.We were unable to process your order, please try again.We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them.We'll use %1$s for product weight and %2$s for product dimensions.We're here for you — get tips, product updates, and inspiration straight to your mailbox.We've created two Shipping Zones - for %s and for the rest of the world. Below you can set Flat Rate shipping costs for these Zones or offer Free Shipping.We've made things simpler and easier to manage moving forward. From now on you can manage all your WooCommerce purchases directly from the Extensions menu within the WooCommerce plugin itself. <a href="%s">View and manage</a> your extensions now.Webhook actionsWebhook created on %sWebhook created successfully.Webhook dataWebhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://.Webhook delivery URL.Webhook event.Webhook resource.Webhook status must be valid.Webhook status.Webhook topic is required and must be valid.Webhook topic must be valid.Webhook topic unknown. Please select a valid topic.Webhook topic.Webhook updated successfully.WebhooksWebhooks are event notifications sent to URLs of your choice. They can be used to integrate with third-party services which support them.Webhooks do not support trashing.Week(s)WeightWeight (%s)Weight in decimal formWeight unitWelcome toWelcome to the storeWelcome to {site_title}WellingtonWest African CFA francWest Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)West BengalWest CoastWest GreeceWest MacedoniaWest PanamáWest PokotWest VirginiaWesternWestern AustraliaWestern CapeWestern NorthWestern SaharaWestmeathWestmorelandWexfordWe’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing our site.What post codes are available for local delivery?What post codes are available for local pickup?What currency do you accept payments in?What currency prices are listed at in the catalogue and which currency gateways will take payments in.What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose free. Leave blank to disable.What is PayPal?What running the tool will do.What type of products do you plan to sell?What we collect and storeWhat we share with othersWhat would you like to charge for flat rate shipping?When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and the second coupon to the discounted price and so on.When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the customer based on their name, surname or emailWhen creating an account, send the new user a link to set their passwordWhen handling an %s, should access to downloadable files be revoked and download logs cleared?When handling an %s, should personal data within orders be retained or removed?When limiting response using after/before, which date column to compare against.When product stock reaches this amount the stock status will change to "out of stock" and you will be notified via email. This setting does not affect existing "in stock" products.When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. It is possible to define different values for each variation individually. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory.When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified via email.When true, email a link to download the export to the requesting user.When true, refunded items are restocked.When true, the payment gateway API is used to generate the refund.When variation stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. The default value for all variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory.When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, credit card/payment details and optional account information like username and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:When you receive a new order, it will appear here.Where is your store based?Whether or not a user can request to be reminded about the note.Whether or not the profile was completed.Whether or not the profile was skipped.Whether or not the store was connected to WooCommerce.com during the extension flow.Whether or not this is a compound rate.Whether or not this store agreed to receiving marketing contents from WooCommerce.com.Whether or not this store was setup for a client.Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping.Whether or not you have WordPress Multisite enabled.Whether the product is visible in the catalogueWhether to bypass trash and force deletion.Whether to consider GMT post dates when limiting response by published or modified date.Whether to create a new user account as part of order processing.Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.Which columns should be exported?Which product category should be exported?Which product types should be exported?While you visit our site, we’ll track:Who on our team has accessWicklowWidthWidth (%s)WisconsinWith our blocks, you can select and display products, categories, filters, and more virtually anywhere on your site — no need to use shortcodes or edit lines of code. Learn more about how to use each one of them.With the release of WooCommerce 4.0, these reports are being replaced. There is a new and better Analytics section available for users running WordPress 5.3+. Head on over to the <a href="%1$s">WooCommerce Analytics</a> or learn more about the new experience in the <a href="https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-analytics/" target="_blank">WooCommerce Analytics documentation</a>.WooCommerceWooCommerce %1$s table creation failed. Does the %2$s user have CREATE privileges on the %3$s database?WooCommerce &rsaquo; Setup WizardWooCommerce API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer secret in the password field.WooCommerce AdminWooCommerce Admin iconWooCommerce Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes.WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires the %1$s constant to be defined and true in your %2$s file. Otherwise you are loading the blocks package from WooCommerce core.WooCommerce Blocks packageWooCommerce Customer DataWooCommerce Customer DownloadsWooCommerce Customer OrdersWooCommerce Customer Payment TokensWooCommerce EndpointWooCommerce EndpointsWooCommerce ExtensionsWooCommerce HelperWooCommerce HomeWooCommerce MarketplaceWooCommerce Network OrdersWooCommerce OnboardingWooCommerce PayFast GatewayWooCommerce PayPal Checkout GatewayWooCommerce REST API packageWooCommerce Recent ReviewsWooCommerce ServicesWooCommerce Services iconWooCommerce SetupWooCommerce ShippingWooCommerce SquareWooCommerce StatusWooCommerce Stripe GatewayWooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions for physical or virtual products and services. Create product-of-the-month clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials, or set expiration periods.WooCommerce TaxWooCommerce action names associated with the webhook.WooCommerce can accept both online and offline payments. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Additional payment methods</a> can be installed later.WooCommerce database updateWooCommerce database update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest version!WooCommerce database update doneWooCommerce database update in progressWooCommerce database update requiredWooCommerce database versionWooCommerce eWAY GatewayWooCommerce endpointsWooCommerce extensionsWooCommerce has been updated! To keep things running smoothly, we have to update your database to the newest version.WooCommerce is updating product data in the backgroundWooCommerce is updating the database in the background. The database update process may take a little while, so please be patient.WooCommerce pagesWooCommerce pages.WooCommerce plugins may use this method of communication when checking for plugin updates.WooCommerce products (CSV)WooCommerce settingsWooCommerce statusWooCommerce supportWooCommerce tax rates (CSV)WooCommerce transientsWooCommerce versionWooCommerce version.WooCommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping address and present the shipping methods within that zone to them.WooCommerce.comWooCommerce.com Usage Tracking DocumentationWooCommerce.com supportWoohoo, %1$s was your record day for sales! Net sales was %2$s beating the previous record of %3$s set on %4$s.wordsWordPress address (URL)WordPress cronWordPress debug modeWordPress environmentWordPress language.WordPress memory limitWordPress memory limit.WordPress multisiteWordPress requirementsWordPress versionWordPress version.WordPress.org projectWriteWrite a short welcome message hereWrite title…WyomingX-Accel-Redirect/X-SendfileXaisombounXiangkhouangXinjiang / 新疆Y/m/dYalaYalovaYamagataYamaguchiYamanashiYambolYaracuyYardsYasothonYazd (یزد)YearYear(s)YemenYemeni rialYesYes pleaseYes please!Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of taxYes, export all custom metaYobeYoroYou are paying for a guest order. Please continue with payment only if you recognize this order.You can add multiple shipping methods within this zone. Only customers within the zone will see them.You can also:You can manually run queued updates here.You can only have 1 %s in your cart.You cannot add &quot;%s&quot; to the cart because the product is out of stock.You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please wait for %d second.You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please wait for %d seconds.You cannot add another "%s" to your cart.You cannot add that amount of &quot;%1$s&quot; to the cart because there is not enough stock (%2$s remaining).You cannot add that amount to the cart &mdash; we have %1$s in stock and you already have %2$s in your cart.You cannot add the same tax rate twice!You do not have permission to access this pageYou do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user.You do not have permission to create couponsYou do not have permission to create order notesYou do not have permission to create order refundsYou do not have permission to create ordersYou do not have permission to create product attributesYou do not have permission to create product categoriesYou do not have permission to create product shipping classesYou do not have permission to create product tagsYou do not have permission to create productsYou do not have permission to create tax classesYou do not have permission to create tax ratesYou do not have permission to create this customerYou do not have permission to create webhooks.You do not have permission to delete product attribute termsYou do not have permission to delete product attributesYou do not have permission to delete product categoryYou do not have permission to delete product shipping classesYou do not have permission to delete product tagYou do not have permission to delete tax classesYou do not have permission to delete tax ratesYou do not have permission to delete this %sYou do not have permission to delete this customerYou do not have permission to edit API KeysYou do not have permission to edit WebhooksYou do not have permission to edit product attributesYou do not have permission to edit product categoriesYou do not have permission to edit product shipping classesYou do not have permission to edit product tagsYou do not have permission to edit tax ratesYou do not have permission to edit this %sYou do not have permission to edit this API KeyYou do not have permission to edit this customerYou do not have permission to read product attribute termsYou do not have permission to read product attributesYou do not have permission to read product categoriesYou do not have permission to read product shipping classesYou do not have permission to read product tagsYou do not have permission to read tax classesYou do not have permission to read tax rateYou do not have permission to read the coupons countYou do not have permission to read the customers countYou do not have permission to read the orders countYou do not have permission to read the products countYou do not have permission to read the tax classes countYou do not have permission to read the taxes countYou do not have permission to read the webhooks countYou do not have permission to read this %sYou do not have permission to read this customerYou do not have permission to read this reportYou do not have permission to revoke API KeysYou do not have permission to revoke this API KeyYou do not have permission to update WebhooksYou don&#8217;t have permission to do this.You have attempted to register a duplicate item with WooCommerce Navigation: %1$sYou have not set up this type of address yet.You have received the following WooCommerce log message:You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:You have successfully connected your store to WooCommerce.comYou have successfully disconnected your store from WooCommerce.comYou have used this coupon %s in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again.You may also like&hellip;You may be interested in&hellip;You may need to manually restore the item's stock.You must be %1$slogged in%2$s to post a review.You must be logged in to checkout.You must be logged in to download files.You must enter a valid licence key on the <a href="%1$s">MaxMind integration settings page</a> in order to use the geolocation service. If you do not need geolocation for shipping or taxes, you should change the default customer location on the <a href="%2$s">general settings page</a>.You must supply an array of options and values.You must supply an array of options.You need WooCommerce 4.2 or newer to run this tool.You want your product catalogue and images to look great and align with your brand. This guide will give you all the tips you need to get your products looking great in your store.You will need to manually issue a refund through your payment gateway after using this.You're almost there! Once you complete store setup you can start receiving orders.You're invited to share your experienceYou're ready to add products to your store.You're ready to start selling!You've hit the 10 orders milestone! Look at you go. Browse some WooCommerce success stories for inspiration.Your CSV needs to include columns in a specific order. %1$sClick here to download a sample%2$s.Your Report DownloadYour account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your email address.Your account was created successfully. Your login details have been sent to your email address.Your cart is currently empty!Your cart is currently empty.Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving.Your changes have been saved.Your changes were not saved. Please retry.Your current password is incorrect.Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce from GitHub, %1$splease refer to this document%2$s to set up your development environment.Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development environment: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/How-to-set-up-WooCommerce-development-environmentYour installation of the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin is incomplete. Please run %1$s within the %2$s directory.Your invoice for order #{order_number}Your latest {site_title} invoiceYour orderYour order can no longer be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance.Your order on %s has been partially refunded. There are more details below for your reference:Your order on %s has been refunded. There are more details below for your reference:Your order was cancelled.Your password has been reset successfully.Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our %s.Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our %s.Your products are now being imported...Your ratingYour report file is being generated.Your reviewYour review is awaiting approvalYour server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your hosting provider.Your server does not have the %s class enabled - HTML/Multipart emails, and also some extensions, will not work without DOMDocument.Your server does not have the %s class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected.Your server does not support the %s function - this is required to use the GeoIP database from MaxMind.Your server does not support the %s functions - this is required for better character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it.Your settings have been saved.Your site might be on a private network. Jetpack can only connect to public sites. Please make sure your site is visible over the internet, and then try connecting again 🙏.Your store address is required to set the origin country for shipping, currencies, and payment options.Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. We highly recommend serving your entire website over an HTTPS connection to help keep customer data secure. <a href="%s">Learn more here.</a>Your store is almost ready! To activate services like %s, just connect with Jetpack.Your store is configured to serve digital products using "Redirect only" method. This method is deprecated, <a href="%s">please switch to a different method instead.</a><br><em>If you use a remote server for downloadable files (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3), you may optionally wish to "allow using redirects as a last resort". Enabling that and/or selecting any of the other options will make this notice go away.</em>Your store is not using HTTPS. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Learn more about HTTPS and SSL Certificates</a>.Your store's uploads directory is <a href="%1$s">browsable via the web</a>. We strongly recommend <a href="%2$s">configuring your web server to prevent directory indexing</a>.Your subscription expired on %s. Get a new subscription to continue receiving updates and access to support.Your subscription expires in %d days. Enable autorenew to avoid losing updates and access to support.Your theme has a woocommerce.php file, you will not be able to override the woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display issues.Your {site_title} account has been created!Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been partially refundedYour {site_title} order #{order_number} has been refundedYour {site_title} order has been received!Your {site_title} order is now completeYou’ve received the following order from %s:YozgatYucatánYukon TerritoryYumaYumbeYunnan / 云南ZIP CodeZacapaZacatecasZaireZalaZambalesZambeziZambiaZambian kwachaZamboanga SibugayZamboanga del NorteZamboanga del SurZambéziaZamfaraZamoraZamora-ChinchipeZanjan (زنجان)Zanzibar NorthZanzibar SouthZanzibar WestZaragozaZero rateZhejiang / 浙江ZimbabweZip or Postcode of the address being shipped to.ZomboZoneZone ID.Zone does not exist!Zone nameZone regionsZonguldakZoom in/outZouZugZuliaZürich[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages[Order #%1$s] (%2$s)[Order #%s][Remove][deleted][{site_title}]: New order #{order_number}[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has been cancelled[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has failed[{site_title}]: Your {report_name} Report download is readya group of regions that can be assigned different shipping methods and rates.account erasure requestaction cancelledaction completeaction complete via %saction createdaction failed via %1$s: %2$saction failed: %saction ignoredaction ignored via %saction resetaction startedaction started via %saction_args should not be overwritten when calling wc_get_template.added on %1$s at %2$sandautomated taxesautomated taxes and discounted shipping labelsautomated taxes iconbilling addressAllow customers proceed to Checkout.Allow customers to add a note to their order.Allow customers to place their order.Block containing current line items in Cart.Collect your customer's billing address.Collect your customer's contact information.Collect your customer's shipping address.Column containing cart items.Column containing checkout address fields.Column containing the cart totals.Column containing the checkout totals.Contains blocks that are displayed when the cart contains products.Contains blocks that are displayed when the cart is empty.Display a checkout form so your customers can submit orders.Display accepted payment methods.Payment options for your store.Show customers a summary of their order.WooCommerceAccepted Payment MethodsActionsBilling AddressCart Line ItemsCart TotalsCheckoutCheckout FieldsCheckout TotalsContact InformationEmpty CartExpress CheckoutFilled CartOrder NoteOrder SummaryPayment OptionsShipping AddressShipping OptionsTerms and ConditionsHomeby %scURL installed but unable to retrieve version.cURL versioncURL version.Billing %sShipping %scmcustomer ordersproductshopdiscounted shipping labels%1$s %2$sBelgradeBorBraničevoCentral BanatDanubeJablanicaKolubaraKosovoKosovo-MetohijaKosovo-PomoravljeKosovska MitrovicaMačvaMoravaNišavaNorth BanatNorth BačkaPećPirotPomoravljePrizrenPčinjaRasinaRaškaSouth BanatSouth BačkaSremToplicaVojvodinaWest BačkaZaječarZlatiborŠumadijaeCheckeCheck ending in %1$sbillingshippingLoading failedLoading more results&hellip;No matches foundPlease delete %qty% charactersPlease delete 1 characterPlease enter %qty% or more charactersPlease enter 1 or more charactersSearching&hellip;You can only select %qty% itemsYou can only select 1 itemfive starfsockopen/cURL%1$s %2$sgguest ordersh#http://https://woocommerce.comhttps://woocommerce.com/inkgl jS \o\f F Y, h:ialbsmFrom:mmnew usersofofoptionalordersozpayment setuppayment setup and automated taxespayment setup and discounted shipping labelspayment setup, automated taxes and discounted shipping labelsper yearBuy productFrom&hellip;To&hellip;FailedIn-ProgressAll <span class="count">(%s)</span>All <span class="count">(%s)</span>privacy pageprivacy policyproduct_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when segmenting by variation.requiredreviewed by %sshipping addressShippingShipping %dOrderproductproduct-categoryproduct-taguncategorizedSearch%s added%s deleted%s not added%s not updated%s updatedterms and conditionstheunexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$sunknownverified ownervia %sShowing %1$d&ndash;%2$d of %3$d resultShowing %1$d&ndash;%2$d of %3$d resultswoocommerceydÁvilaÅland IslandsÇanakkaleÇankırıÇorumÑeembucúÑubleİstanbulİzmirİçelŞanlıurfaŞırnakȘoldăneștiȘtefan Vodă— No Change —— No change —


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