[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace Elementor;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

 * Elementor stylesheet.
 * Elementor stylesheet handler class responsible for setting up CSS rules and
 * properties, and all the CSS `@media` rule with supported viewport width.
 * @since 1.0.0
class Stylesheet {

	 * CSS Rules.
	 * Holds the list of CSS rules.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access private
	 * @var array A list of CSS rules.
	private $rules = [];

	 * Devices.
	 * Holds the list of devices.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access private
	 * @var array A list of devices.
	private $devices = [];

	 * Raw CSS.
	 * Holds the raw CSS.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access private
	 * @var array The raw CSS.
	private $raw = [];

	 * Parse CSS rules.
	 * Goes over the list of CSS rules and generates the final CSS.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @static
	 * @param array $rules CSS rules.
	 * @return string Parsed rules.
	public static function parse_rules( array $rules ) {
		$parsed_rules = '';

		foreach ( $rules as $selector => $properties ) {
			$selector_content = self::parse_properties( $properties );

			if ( $selector_content ) {
				$parsed_rules .= $selector . '{' . $selector_content . '}';

		return $parsed_rules;

	 * Parse CSS properties.
	 * Goes over the selector properties and generates the CSS of the selector.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @static
	 * @param array $properties CSS properties.
	 * @return string Parsed properties.
	public static function parse_properties( array $properties ) {
		$parsed_properties = '';

		foreach ( $properties as $property_key => $property_value ) {
			if ( '' !== $property_value ) {
				$parsed_properties .= $property_key . ':' . $property_value . ';';

		return $parsed_properties;

	 * Add device.
	 * Add a new device to the devices list.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $device_name      Device name.
	 * @param string $device_max_point Device maximum point.
	 * @return Stylesheet The current stylesheet class instance.
	public function add_device( $device_name, $device_max_point ) {
		$this->devices[ $device_name ] = $device_max_point;

		asort( $this->devices );

		return $this;

	 * Add rules.
	 * Add a new CSS rule to the rules list.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @param string       $selector    CSS selector.
	 * @param array|string $style_rules Optional. Style rules. Default is `null`.
	 * @param array        $query       Optional. Media query. Default is `null`.
	 * @return Stylesheet The current stylesheet class instance.
	public function add_rules( $selector, $style_rules = null, array $query = null ) {
		$query_hash = 'all';

		if ( $query ) {
			$query_hash = $this->query_to_hash( $query );

		if ( ! isset( $this->rules[ $query_hash ] ) ) {
			$this->add_query_hash( $query_hash );

		if ( null === $style_rules ) {
			preg_match_all( '/([^\s].+?(?=\{))\{((?s:.)+?(?=}))}/', $selector, $parsed_rules );

			foreach ( $parsed_rules[1] as $index => $selector ) {
				$this->add_rules( $selector, $parsed_rules[2][ $index ], $query );

			return $this;

		if ( ! isset( $this->rules[ $query_hash ][ $selector ] ) ) {
			$this->rules[ $query_hash ][ $selector ] = [];

		if ( is_string( $style_rules ) ) {
			$style_rules = array_filter( explode( ';', trim( $style_rules ) ) );

			$ordered_rules = [];

			foreach ( $style_rules as $rule ) {
				$property = explode( ':', $rule, 2 );

				if ( count( $property ) < 2 ) {
					return $this;

				$ordered_rules[ trim( $property[0] ) ] = trim( $property[1], ' ;' );

			$style_rules = $ordered_rules;

		$this->rules[ $query_hash ][ $selector ] = array_merge( $this->rules[ $query_hash ][ $selector ], $style_rules );

		return $this;

	 * Add raw CSS.
	 * Add a raw CSS rule.
	 * @since 1.0.8
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $css    The raw CSS.
	 * @param string $device Optional. The device. Default is empty.
	 * @return Stylesheet The current stylesheet class instance.
	public function add_raw_css( $css, $device = '' ) {
		if ( ! isset( $this->raw[ $device ] ) ) {
			$this->raw[ $device ] = [];

		$this->raw[ $device ][] = trim( $css );

		return $this;

	 * Get CSS rules.
	 * Retrieve the CSS rules.
	 * @since 1.0.5
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $device   Optional. The device. Default is empty.
	 * @param string $selector Optional. CSS selector. Default is empty.
	 * @param string $property Optional. CSS property. Default is empty.
	 * @return null|array CSS rules, or `null` if not rules found.
	public function get_rules( $device = null, $selector = null, $property = null ) {
		if ( ! $device ) {
			return $this->rules;

		if ( $property ) {
			return isset( $this->rules[ $device ][ $selector ][ $property ] ) ? $this->rules[ $device ][ $selector ][ $property ] : null;

		if ( $selector ) {
			return isset( $this->rules[ $device ][ $selector ] ) ? $this->rules[ $device ][ $selector ] : null;

		return isset( $this->rules[ $device ] ) ? $this->rules[ $device ] : null;

	 * To string.
	 * This magic method responsible for parsing the rules into one CSS string.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @access public
	 * @return string CSS style.
	public function __toString() {
		$style_text = '';

		foreach ( $this->rules as $query_hash => $rule ) {
			$device_text = self::parse_rules( $rule );

			if ( 'all' !== $query_hash ) {
				$device_text = $this->get_query_hash_style_format( $query_hash ) . '{' . $device_text . '}';

			$style_text .= $device_text;

		foreach ( $this->raw as $device_name => $raw ) {
			$raw = implode( "\n", $raw );

			if ( $raw && isset( $this->devices[ $device_name ] ) ) {
				$raw = '@media(max-width: ' . $this->devices[ $device_name ] . 'px){' . $raw . '}';

			$style_text .= $raw;

		return $style_text;

	 * Query to hash.
	 * Turns the media query into a hashed string that represents the query
	 * endpoint in the rules list.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param array $query CSS media query.
	 * @return string Hashed string of the query.
	private function query_to_hash( array $query ) {
		$hash = [];

		foreach ( $query as $endpoint => $value ) {
			$hash[] = $endpoint . '_' . $value;

		return implode( '-', $hash );

	 * Hash to query.
	 * Turns the hashed string to an array that contains the data of the query
	 * endpoint.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param string $hash Hashed string of the query.
	 * @return array Media query data.
	private function hash_to_query( $hash ) {
		$query = [];

		$hash = array_filter( explode( '-', $hash ) );

		foreach ( $hash as $single_query ) {
			preg_match( '/(min|max)_(.*)/', $single_query, $query_parts );

			$end_point = $query_parts[1];

			$device_name = $query_parts[2];

			$query[ $end_point ] = 'max' === $end_point ? $this->devices[ $device_name ] : Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_device_min_breakpoint( $device_name );

		return $query;

	 * Add query hash.
	 * Register new endpoint query and sort the rules the way they should be
	 * displayed in the final stylesheet based on the device and the viewport
	 * width.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param string $query_hash Hashed string of the query.
	private function add_query_hash( $query_hash ) {
		$this->rules[ $query_hash ] = [];

			$this->rules, function( $a, $b ) {
				if ( 'all' === $a ) {
					return -1;

				if ( 'all' === $b ) {
					return 1;

				$a_query = $this->hash_to_query( $a );

				$b_query = $this->hash_to_query( $b );

				if ( isset( $a_query['min'] ) xor isset( $b_query['min'] ) ) {
					return 1;

				if ( isset( $a_query['min'] ) ) {
					$range = $a_query['min'] - $b_query['min'];

					if ( $range ) {
						return $range;

					$a_has_max = isset( $a_query['max'] );

					if ( $a_has_max xor isset( $b_query['max'] ) ) {
						return $a_has_max ? 1 : -1;

					if ( ! $a_has_max ) {
						return 0;

				return $b_query['max'] - $a_query['max'];

	 * Get query hash style format.
	 * Retrieve formatted media query rule with the endpoint width settings.
	 * The method returns the CSS `@media` rule and supported viewport width in
	 * pixels. It can also handle multiple width endpoints.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @access private
	 * @param string $query_hash The hash of the query.
	 * @return string CSS media query.
	private function get_query_hash_style_format( $query_hash ) {
		$query = $this->hash_to_query( $query_hash );

		$style_format = [];

		foreach ( $query as $end_point => $value ) {
			$style_format[] = '(' . $end_point . '-width:' . $value . 'px)';

		return '@media' . implode( ' and ', $style_format );


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