[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Jetpack Gallery Settings
( function ( $ ) {
	var media = wp.media;

	// Wrap the render() function to append controls.
	media.view.Settings.Gallery = media.view.Settings.Gallery.extend( {
		render: function () {
			var $el = this.$el;

			media.view.Settings.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );

			// Append the type template and update the settings.
			$el.append( media.template( 'jetpack-gallery-settings' ) );
			media.gallery.defaults.type = 'default'; // lil hack that lets media know there's a type attribute.
			this.update.apply( this, [ 'type' ] );

			// Hide the Columns setting for all types except Default
				.find( 'select[name=type]' )
				.on( 'change', function () {
					var columnSetting = $el.find( 'select[name=columns]' ).closest( 'label.setting' );

					if ( 'default' === $( this ).val() || 'thumbnails' === $( this ).val() ) {
					} else {
				} )

			return this;
	} );
} )( jQuery );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
blocks Folder 0755
build Folder 0755
fonts Folder 0755
genericons Folder 0755
lib Folder 0755
social-logos Folder 0755
accessible-focus.js File 620 B 0644
blogging-prompts.php File 8.49 KB 0644
class.jetpack-provision.php File 9.33 KB 0644
crowdsignal-shortcode.js File 649 B 0644
crowdsignal-survey.js File 277 B 0644
deprecate.js File 2.28 KB 0644
facebook-embed.js File 1 KB 0644
gallery-settings.js File 1 KB 0644
genericons.php File 508 B 0644
jetpack-admin.js File 1.56 KB 0644
jetpack-deactivate-dialog.js File 2.9 KB 0644
jetpack-modules.js File 2.37 KB 0644
jetpack-modules.models.js File 2.07 KB 0644
jetpack-modules.views.js File 1.69 KB 0644
polldaddy-shortcode.js File 2.64 KB 0644
social-logos.php File 956 B 0644
twitter-timeline.js File 351 B 0644