/* globals infiniteScroll, _wpmejsSettings, ga, _gaq, WPCOM_sharing_counts, MediaElementPlayer */
( function () {
// Open closure.
// Local vars.
var Scroller, stats, type, text, totop, loading_text;
// IE requires special handling
var isIE = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.search( 'MSIE' );
if ( isIE ) {
var IEVersion = navigator.userAgent.match( /MSIE\s?(\d+)\.?\d*;/ );
IEVersion = parseInt( IEVersion[ 1 ] );
// HTTP ajaxurl when site is HTTPS causes Access-Control-Allow-Origin failure in Desktop and iOS Safari
if ( 'https:' === document.location.protocol ) {
infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl = infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl.replace(
* Loads new posts when users scroll near the bottom of the page.
Scroller = function ( settings ) {
var self = this;
// Initialize our variables
this.id = settings.id;
this.body = document.body;
this.window = window;
this.element = document.getElementById( settings.id );
this.wrapperClass = settings.wrapper_class;
this.ready = true;
this.disabled = false;
this.page = 1;
this.offset = settings.offset;
this.currentday = settings.currentday;
this.order = settings.order;
this.throttle = false;
this.click_handle = settings.click_handle;
this.google_analytics = settings.google_analytics;
this.history = settings.history;
this.origURL = window.location.href;
// Handle element
this.handle = document.createElement( 'div' );
this.handle.setAttribute( 'id', 'infinite-handle' );
this.handle.innerHTML = '<span><button>' + text.replace( '\\', '' ) + '</button></span>';
// Footer settings
this.footer = {
el: document.getElementById( 'infinite-footer' ),
wrap: settings.footer,
// Bind methods used as callbacks
this.checkViewportOnLoadBound = self.checkViewportOnLoad.bind( this );
// Core's native MediaElement.js implementation needs special handling
this.wpMediaelement = null;
// We have two type of infinite scroll
// cases 'scroll' and 'click'
if ( type === 'scroll' ) {
// Bind refresh to the scroll event
// Throttle to check for such case every 300ms
// On event the case becomes a fact
this.window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function () {
self.throttle = true;
} );
// Go back top method
setInterval( function () {
if ( self.throttle ) {
// Once the case is the case, the action occurs and the fact is no more
self.throttle = false;
// Reveal or hide footer
// Fire the refresh
self.determineURL(); // determine the url
}, 250 );
// Ensure that enough posts are loaded to fill the initial viewport, to compensate for short posts and large displays.
this.body.addEventListener( 'is.post-load', self.checkViewportOnLoadBound );
} else if ( type === 'click' ) {
if ( this.click_handle ) {
this.element.appendChild( this.handle );
this.handle.addEventListener( 'click', function () {
// Handle the handle
if ( self.click_handle ) {
self.handle.parentNode.removeChild( self.handle );
// Fire the refresh
} );
// Initialize any Core audio or video players loaded via IS
this.body.addEventListener( 'is.post-load', self.initializeMejs );
* Normalize the access to the document scrollTop value.
Scroller.prototype.getScrollTop = function () {
return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0;
* Polyfill jQuery.extend.
Scroller.prototype.extend = function ( out ) {
out = out || {};
for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
if ( ! arguments[ i ] ) {
for ( var key in arguments[ i ] ) {
if ( Object.hasOwn( arguments[ i ], key ) ) {
out[ key ] = arguments[ i ][ key ];
return out;
* Check whether we should fetch any additional posts.
Scroller.prototype.check = function () {
var wrapperMeasurements = this.measure( this.element, [ this.wrapperClass ] );
// Fetch more posts when we're less than 2 screens away from the bottom.
return wrapperMeasurements.bottom < 2 * this.window.innerHeight;
* Renders the results from a successful response.
Scroller.prototype.render = function ( response ) {
var childrenToAppend = Array.prototype.slice.call( response.fragment.childNodes );
this.body.classList.add( 'infinity-success' );
// Render the retrieved nodes.
while ( childrenToAppend.length > 0 ) {
var currentNode = childrenToAppend.shift();
this.element.appendChild( currentNode );
this.trigger( this.body, 'is.post-load', {
jqueryEventName: 'post-load',
data: response,
} );
this.ready = true;
* Returns the object used to query for new posts.
Scroller.prototype.query = function () {
return {
page: this.page + this.offset, // Load the next page.
currentday: this.currentday,
order: this.order,
scripts: window.infiniteScroll.settings.scripts,
styles: window.infiniteScroll.settings.styles,
query_args: window.infiniteScroll.settings.query_args,
query_before: window.infiniteScroll.settings.query_before,
last_post_date: window.infiniteScroll.settings.last_post_date,
Scroller.prototype.animate = function ( cb, duration ) {
var start = performance.now();
requestAnimationFrame( function animate( time ) {
var timeFraction = Math.min( 1, ( time - start ) / duration );
cb( timeFraction );
if ( timeFraction < 1 ) {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
} );
* Scroll back to top.
Scroller.prototype.gotop = function () {
var blog = document.getElementById( 'infinity-blog-title' );
var self = this;
if ( ! blog ) {
blog.setAttribute( 'title', totop );
blog.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
var sourceScroll = self.window.pageYOffset;
self.animate( function ( progress ) {
var currentScroll = sourceScroll - sourceScroll * progress;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = currentScroll;
}, 200 );
} );
* The infinite footer.
Scroller.prototype.thefooter = function () {
var self = this,
footerEnabled = this.footer && this.footer.el;
if ( ! footerEnabled ) {
// Check if we have an id for the page wrapper
if ( 'string' === typeof this.footer.wrap ) {
try {
pageWrapper = document.getElementById( this.footer.wrap );
width = pageWrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
width = width.width;
} catch {
width = 0;
// Make the footer match the width of the page
if ( width > 479 ) {
footerContainer = this.footer.el.querySelector( '.container' );
if ( footerContainer ) {
footerContainer.style.width = width + 'px';
// Reveal footer
sourceBottom = parseInt( self.footer.el.style.bottom || -50, 10 );
targetBottom = this.window.pageYOffset >= 350 ? 0 : -50;
if ( sourceBottom !== targetBottom ) {
self.animate( function ( progress ) {
var currentBottom = sourceBottom + ( targetBottom - sourceBottom ) * progress;
self.footer.el.style.bottom = currentBottom + 'px';
if ( 1 === progress ) {
sourceBottom = targetBottom;
}, 200 );
* Recursively convert a JS object into URL encoded data.
Scroller.prototype.urlEncodeJSON = function ( obj, prefix ) {
var params = [],
for ( var key in obj ) {
encodedKey = encodeURIComponent( key );
newPrefix = prefix ? prefix + '[' + encodedKey + ']' : encodedKey;
if ( 'object' === typeof obj[ key ] ) {
if ( ! Array.isArray( obj[ key ] ) || obj[ key ].length > 0 ) {
params.push( this.urlEncodeJSON( obj[ key ], newPrefix ) );
} else {
// Explicitly expose empty arrays with no values
params.push( newPrefix + '[]=' );
} else {
params.push( newPrefix + '=' + encodeURIComponent( obj[ key ] ) );
return params.join( '&' );
* Controls the flow of the refresh. Don't mess.
Scroller.prototype.refresh = function () {
var self = this,
// If we're disabled, ready, or don't pass the check, bail.
if ( this.disabled || ! this.ready || ! this.check() ) {
// Let's get going -- set ready to false to prevent
// multiple refreshes from occurring at once.
this.ready = false;
// Create a loader element to show it's working.
if ( this.click_handle ) {
if ( ! loader ) {
document.getElementById( 'infinite-aria' ).textContent = loading_text;
loader = document.createElement( 'div' );
loader.classList.add( 'infinite-loader' );
loader.setAttribute( 'role', 'progress' );
loader.innerHTML =
'<div class="spinner"><div class="spinner-inner"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div>';
this.element.appendChild( loader );
// Generate our query vars.
query = self.extend(
action: 'infinite_scroll',
// Inject Customizer state.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && wp.customize && wp.customize.settings.theme ) {
customized = {};
query.wp_customize = 'on';
query.theme = wp.customize.settings.theme.stylesheet;
wp.customize.each( function ( setting ) {
if ( setting._dirty ) {
customized[ setting.id ] = setting();
} );
query.customized = JSON.stringify( customized );
query.nonce = wp.customize.settings.nonce.preview;
// Fire the ajax request.
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open( 'POST', infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl, true );
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' );
xhr.send( self.urlEncodeJSON( query ) );
// Allow refreshes to occur again if an error is triggered.
xhr.onerror = function () {
if ( self.click_handle && loader.parentNode ) {
loader.parentNode.removeChild( loader );
self.ready = true;
// Success handler
xhr.onload = function () {
var response = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ),
httpCheck = xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300,
responseCheck = 'undefined' !== typeof response.html;
if ( ! response || ! httpCheck || ! responseCheck ) {
if ( self.click_handle && loader.parentNode ) {
loader.parentNode.removeChild( loader );
// On success, let's hide the loader circle.
if ( self.click_handle && loader.parentNode ) {
loader.parentNode.removeChild( loader );
// If additional scripts are required by the incoming set of posts, parse them
if ( response.scripts && Array.isArray( response.scripts ) ) {
response.scripts.forEach( function ( item ) {
var elementToAppendTo = item.footer ? 'body' : 'head';
// Add script handle to list of those already parsed
window.infiniteScroll.settings.scripts.push( item.handle );
// Output extra data, if present
if ( item.extra_data ) {
self.appendInlineScript( item.extra_data, elementToAppendTo );
if ( item.before_handle ) {
self.appendInlineScript( item.before_handle, elementToAppendTo );
// Build script tag and append to DOM in requested location
var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = item.src;
script.id = item.handle;
// Dynamically loaded scripts are async by default.
// We don't want that, it breaks stuff, e.g. wp-mediaelement init.
script.async = false;
if ( item.after_handle ) {
script.onload = function () {
self.appendInlineScript( item.after_handle, elementToAppendTo );
// If MediaElement.js is loaded in by item set of posts, don't initialize the players a second time as it breaks them all
if ( 'wp-mediaelement' === item.handle ) {
self.body.removeEventListener( 'is.post-load', self.initializeMejs );
if ( 'wp-mediaelement' === item.handle && 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {
self.wpMediaelement = {};
self.wpMediaelement.tag = script;
self.wpMediaelement.element = elementToAppendTo;
setTimeout( self.maybeLoadMejs.bind( self ), 250 );
} else {
document.getElementsByTagName( elementToAppendTo )[ 0 ].appendChild( script );
} );
// If additional stylesheets are required by the incoming set of posts, parse them
if ( response.styles && Array.isArray( response.styles ) ) {
response.styles.forEach( function ( item ) {
// Add stylesheet handle to list of those already parsed
window.infiniteScroll.settings.styles.push( item.handle );
// Build link tag
var style = document.createElement( 'link' );
style.rel = 'stylesheet';
style.href = item.src;
style.id = item.handle + '-css';
// Destroy link tag if a conditional statement is present and either the browser isn't IE, or the conditional doesn't evaluate true
if (
item.conditional &&
( ! isIE || ! eval( item.conditional.replace( /%ver/g, IEVersion ) ) )
) {
style = false;
// Append link tag if necessary
if ( style ) {
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ].appendChild( style );
} );
// Convert the response.html to a fragment element.
// Using a div instead of DocumentFragment, because the latter doesn't support innerHTML.
response.fragment = document.createElement( 'div' );
response.fragment.innerHTML = response.html;
// Increment the page number
// Record pageview in WP Stats, if available.
if ( stats ) {
new Image().src =
document.location.protocol +
'//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?' +
stats +
'&post=0&baba=' +
// Add new posts to the postflair object
if ( 'object' === typeof response.postflair && 'object' === typeof WPCOM_sharing_counts ) {
WPCOM_sharing_counts = self.extend( WPCOM_sharing_counts, response.postflair ); // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign
// Render the results
self.render.call( self, response );
// If 'click' type and there are still posts to fetch, add back the handle
if ( type === 'click' ) {
// add focus to new posts, only in button mode as we know where page focus currently is and only if we have a wrapper
if ( infiniteScroll.settings.wrapper ) {
'#infinite-view-' + ( self.page + self.offset - 1 ) + ' a:first-of-type'
.focus( {
preventScroll: true,
} );
if ( response.lastbatch ) {
if ( self.click_handle ) {
// Update body classes
self.body.classList.add( 'infinity-end' );
self.body.classList.remove( 'infinity-success' );
} else {
self.trigger( this.body, 'infinite-scroll-posts-end' );
} else if ( self.click_handle ) {
self.element.appendChild( self.handle );
} else {
self.trigger( this.body, 'infinite-scroll-posts-more' );
} else if ( response.lastbatch ) {
self.disabled = true;
self.body.classList.add( 'infinity-end' );
self.body.classList.remove( 'infinity-success' );
// Update currentday to the latest value returned from the server
if ( response.currentday ) {
self.currentday = response.currentday;
// Fire Google Analytics pageview
if ( self.google_analytics ) {
var ga_url = self.history.path.replace( /%d/, self.page );
if ( 'object' === typeof _gaq ) {
_gaq.push( [ '_trackPageview', ga_url ] );
if ( 'function' === typeof ga ) {
ga( 'send', 'pageview', ga_url );
return xhr;
* Given JavaScript blob and the name of a parent tag, this helper function will
* generate a script tag, insert the JavaScript blob, and append it to the parent.
* It's important to note that the JavaScript blob will be evaluated immediately. If
* you need a parent script to load first, use that script element's onload handler.
* @param {string} script The blob of JavaScript to run.
* @param {string} parentTag The tag name of the parent element.
Scroller.prototype.appendInlineScript = function ( script, parentTag ) {
var element = document.createElement( 'script' ),
scriptContent = document.createTextNode( '//<![CDATA[ \n' + script + '\n//]]>' );
element.type = 'text/javascript';
element.appendChild( scriptContent );
document.getElementsByTagName( parentTag )[ 0 ].appendChild( element );
* Core's native media player uses MediaElement.js
* The library's size is sufficient that it may not be loaded in time for Core's helper to invoke it, so we need to delay until `mejs` exists.
Scroller.prototype.maybeLoadMejs = function () {
if ( null === this.wpMediaelement ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {
setTimeout( this.maybeLoadMejs.bind( this ), 250 );
} else {
.getElementsByTagName( this.wpMediaelement.element )[ 0 ]
.appendChild( this.wpMediaelement.tag );
this.wpMediaelement = null;
// Ensure any subsequent IS loads initialize the players
this.body.addEventListener( 'is.post-load', this.initializeMejs );
* Initialize the MediaElement.js player for any posts not previously initialized
Scroller.prototype.initializeMejs = function ( e ) {
// Are there media players in the incoming set of posts?
if (
! e.detail ||
! e.detail.html ||
( -1 === e.detail.html.indexOf( 'wp-audio-shortcode' ) &&
-1 === e.detail.html.indexOf( 'wp-video-shortcode' ) )
) {
// Don't bother if mejs isn't loaded for some reason
if ( 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {
// Adapted from wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement.js
// Modified to not initialize already-initialized players, as Mejs doesn't handle that well
var settings = {};
var audioVideoElements;
if ( typeof _wpmejsSettings !== 'undefined' ) {
settings.pluginPath = _wpmejsSettings.pluginPath;
settings.success = function ( mejs ) {
var autoplay = mejs.attributes.autoplay && 'false' !== mejs.attributes.autoplay;
if ( 'flash' === mejs.pluginType && autoplay ) {
function () {
audioVideoElements = document.querySelectorAll( '.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode' );
audioVideoElements = Array.prototype.slice.call( audioVideoElements );
// Only process already unprocessed shortcodes.
audioVideoElements = audioVideoElements.filter( function ( el ) {
while ( el.parentNode ) {
if ( el.classList.contains( 'mejs-container' ) ) {
return false;
el = el.parentNode;
return true;
} );
for ( var i = 0; i < audioVideoElements.length; i++ ) {
new MediaElementPlayer( audioVideoElements[ i ], settings );
* Get element measurements relative to the viewport.
* @return {object}
Scroller.prototype.measure = function ( element, expandClasses ) {
expandClasses = expandClasses || [];
var childrenToTest = Array.prototype.slice.call( element.children );
var currentChild,
minTop = Number.MAX_VALUE,
maxBottom = 0,
while ( childrenToTest.length > 0 ) {
currentChild = childrenToTest.shift();
for ( i = 0; i < expandClasses.length; i++ ) {
// Expand (= measure) child elements of nodes with class names from expandClasses.
if ( currentChild.classList.contains( expandClasses[ i ] ) ) {
childrenToTest = childrenToTest.concat(
Array.prototype.slice.call( currentChild.children )
currentChildRect = currentChild.getBoundingClientRect();
minTop = Math.min( minTop, currentChildRect.top );
maxBottom = Math.max( maxBottom, currentChildRect.bottom );
var viewportMiddle = Math.round( window.innerHeight / 2 );
// isActive = does the middle of the viewport cross the element?
var isActive = minTop <= viewportMiddle && maxBottom >= viewportMiddle;
* Factor = percentage of viewport above the middle line occupied by the element.
* Negative factors are assigned for elements below the middle line. That's on purpose
* to only allow "page 2" to change the URL once it's in the middle of the viewport.
var factor = ( Math.min( maxBottom, viewportMiddle ) - Math.max( minTop, 0 ) ) / viewportMiddle;
return {
top: minTop,
bottom: maxBottom,
height: maxBottom - minTop,
factor: factor,
isActive: isActive,
* Trigger IS to load additional posts if the initial posts don't fill the window.
* On large displays, or when posts are very short, the viewport may not be filled with posts,
* so we overcome this by loading additional posts when IS initializes.
Scroller.prototype.ensureFilledViewport = function () {
var self = this,
windowHeight = self.window.innerHeight,
wrapperMeasurements = self.measure( self.element, [ self.wrapperClass ] );
// Only load more posts once. This prevents infinite loops when there are no more posts.
self.body.removeEventListener( 'is.post-load', self.checkViewportOnLoadBound );
// Load more posts if space permits, otherwise stop checking for a full viewport.
if ( wrapperMeasurements.bottom !== 0 && wrapperMeasurements.bottom < windowHeight ) {
self.ready = true;
* Event handler for ensureFilledViewport(), tied to the post-load trigger.
* Necessary to ensure that the variable `this` contains the scroller when used in ensureFilledViewport(). Since this function is tied to an event, `this` becomes the DOM element the event is tied to.
Scroller.prototype.checkViewportOnLoad = function () {
function fullscreenState() {
return document.fullscreenElement ||
document.mozFullScreenElement ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
? 1
: 0;
var previousFullScrenState = fullscreenState();
* Identify archive page that corresponds to majority of posts shown in the current browser window.
Scroller.prototype.determineURL = function () {
var self = this,
pageNum = -1,
currentFullScreenState = fullscreenState(),
maxFactor = 0;
// xor - check if the state has changed
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
if ( previousFullScrenState ^ currentFullScreenState ) {
// If we just switched to/from fullscreen,
// don't do the div clearing/caching or the
// URL setting. Doing so can break video playback
// if the video goes to fullscreen.
previousFullScrenState = currentFullScreenState;
previousFullScrenState = currentFullScreenState;
wrapperEls = document.querySelectorAll( '.' + self.wrapperClass );
for ( var i = 0; i < wrapperEls.length; i++ ) {
var setMeasurements = self.measure( wrapperEls[ i ] );
// If it exists, pick a set that is crossed by the middle of the viewport.
if ( setMeasurements.isActive ) {
pageNum = parseInt( wrapperEls[ i ].dataset.pageNum, 10 );
// If there is such a set, pick the one that occupies the most space
// above the middle of the viewport.
if ( setMeasurements.factor > maxFactor ) {
pageNum = parseInt( wrapperEls[ i ].dataset.pageNum, 10 );
maxFactor = setMeasurements.factor;
// Otherwise default to -1
self.updateURL( pageNum );
* Update address bar to reflect archive page URL for a given page number.
* Checks if URL is different to prevent pollution of browser history.
Scroller.prototype.updateURL = function ( page ) {
// IE only supports pushState() in v10 and above, so don't bother if those conditions aren't met.
if ( ! window.history.pushState ) {
var self = this,
pageSlug = self.origURL;
if ( -1 !== page ) {
pageSlug =
window.location.protocol +
'//' +
self.history.host +
self.history.path.replace( /%d/, page ) +
if ( window.location.href !== pageSlug ) {
history.pushState( null, null, pageSlug );
* Pause scrolling.
Scroller.prototype.pause = function () {
this.disabled = true;
* Resume scrolling.
Scroller.prototype.resume = function () {
this.disabled = false;
* Emits custom JS events.
* @param {Node} el
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {*} data
Scroller.prototype.trigger = function ( el, eventName, opts ) {
opts = opts || {};
* Emit the event in a jQuery way for backwards compatibility where necessary.
if ( opts.jqueryEventName && 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery ) {
jQuery( el ).trigger( opts.jqueryEventName, opts.data || null );
* Emit the event in a standard way.
var e;
try {
e = new CustomEvent( eventName, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: opts.data || null,
} );
} catch {
e = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' );
e.initCustomEvent( eventName, true, true, opts.data || null );
el.dispatchEvent( e );
* Ready, set, go!
var jetpackInfinityModule = function () {
// Check for our variables
if ( 'object' !== typeof infiniteScroll ) {
var bodyClasses = infiniteScroll.settings.body_class.split( ' ' );
bodyClasses.forEach( function ( className ) {
if ( className ) {
document.body.classList.add( className );
} );
// Set stats, used for tracking stats
stats = infiniteScroll.settings.stats;
// Define what type of infinity we have, grab text for click-handle
type = infiniteScroll.settings.type;
text = infiniteScroll.settings.text;
totop = infiniteScroll.settings.totop;
// aria text
loading_text = infiniteScroll.settings.loading_text;
// Initialize the scroller (with the ID of the element from the theme)
infiniteScroll.scroller = new Scroller( infiniteScroll.settings );
* Monitor user scroll activity to update URL to correspond to archive page for current set of IS posts
if ( type === 'click' ) {
var timer = null;
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function () {
// run the real scroll handler once every 250 ms.
if ( timer ) {
timer = setTimeout( function () {
timer = null;
}, 250 );
} );
* Ready, set, go!
if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', jetpackInfinityModule );
} )(); // Close closure