<?php //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName /** * Untappd Shortcodes * * @author kraftbj * * [untappd-menu location="123" theme="123"] * @since 4.1.0 * @param location int Location ID for the Untappd venue. Required. * @param theme int Theme ID for the Untappd menu. Required. * * @package automattic/jetpack */ /** * Display Untappd data in posts and pages. */ class Jetpack_Untappd { /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'action_init' ) ); } /** * Register our shortcodes. */ public function action_init() { add_shortcode( 'untappd-menu', array( $this, 'menu_shortcode' ) ); } /** * [untappd-menu] shortcode. * * @param array $atts Shortocde attributes. * @param string $content Post content. */ public static function menu_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) { // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable // Let's bail if we don't have location or theme. if ( ! isset( $atts['location'] ) || ! isset( $atts['theme'] ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { return __( 'No location or theme ID provided in the untappd-menu shortcode.', 'jetpack' ); } return; } // Let's apply some defaults. $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'location' => '', 'theme' => '', ), $atts, 'untappd-menu' ); // We're going to clean the user input. $atts = array_map( 'absint', $atts ); if ( $atts['location'] < 1 || $atts['theme'] < 1 ) { return; } static $untappd_menu = 1; $html = '<div id="menu-container-untappd-' . $untappd_menu . '" class="untappd-menu"></div>'; $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= '!function(e,n){var t=document.createElement("script"),a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];' . PHP_EOL; $html .= 't.async=1,a.parentNode.insertBefore(t,a),t.onload=t.onreadystatechange=function(e,a){' . PHP_EOL; $html .= '(a||!t.readyState||/loaded|complete/.test(t.readyState))&&(t.onload=t.onreadystatechange=null,t=void 0,a||n&&n())},' . PHP_EOL; $html .= 't.src=e}("https://embed-menu-preloader.untappdapi.com/embed-menu-preloader.min.js",function(){' . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'PreloadEmbedMenu( "menu-container-untappd-' . $untappd_menu . '",' . $atts['location'] . ',' . $atts['theme'] . ' )});' . PHP_EOL; $html .= '</script>'; ++$untappd_menu; return $html; } } new Jetpack_Untappd();
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