<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName
// phpcs:disable Universal.Files.SeparateFunctionsFromOO.Mixed -- TODO: Move classes to appropriately-named class files.
use Automattic\Jetpack\Tracking;
// Disable direct access/execution to/of the widget code.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jetpack_Simple_Payments_Widget' ) ) {
* Pay with PayPal (aka Simple Payments)
* Display a Pay with PayPal button as a Widget.
class Jetpack_Simple_Payments_Widget extends WP_Widget {
* Currencies should be supported by PayPal:
* @var array $supported_currency_list
* @link https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/reference/currency-codes/
* List has to be in sync with list at the block's client side and API's backend side:
* @link https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/31efa189ad223c0eb7ad085ac0650a23facf9ef5/extensions/blocks/simple-payments/constants.js#L9-L39
* @link https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/31efa189ad223c0eb7ad085ac0650a23facf9ef5/modules/simple-payments/simple-payments.php#L386-L415
* Indian Rupee (INR) is listed here for backwards compatibility with previously added widgets.
* It's not supported by Pay with PayPal because at the time of the creation of this file
* because it's limited to in-country PayPal India accounts only.
* Discussion: https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/pull/28236
private static $supported_currency_list = array(
'USD' => '$',
'GBP' => '£',
'JPY' => '¥',
'BRL' => 'R$',
'EUR' => '€',
'NZD' => 'NZ$',
'AUD' => 'A$',
'CAD' => 'C$',
'INR' => '₹',
'ILS' => '₪',
'RUB' => '₽',
'MXN' => 'MX$',
'SEK' => 'Skr',
'HUF' => 'Ft',
'CHF' => 'CHF',
'CZK' => 'Kč',
'DKK' => 'Dkr',
'HKD' => 'HK$',
'NOK' => 'Kr',
'PHP' => '₱',
'PLN' => 'PLN',
'SGD' => 'S$',
'TWD' => 'NT$',
'THB' => '฿',
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
/** This filter is documented in modules/widgets/facebook-likebox.php */
apply_filters( 'jetpack_widget_name', __( 'Pay with PayPal', 'jetpack' ) ),
'classname' => 'jetpack-simple-payments',
'description' => __( 'Add a Pay with PayPal button as a Widget.', 'jetpack' ),
'customize_selective_refresh' => true,
global $pagenow;
if ( is_customize_preview() || 'widgets.php' === $pagenow ) {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_styles' ) );
$jetpack_simple_payments = Jetpack_Simple_Payments::get_instance();
if ( is_customize_preview() && $jetpack_simple_payments->is_enabled_jetpack_simple_payments() ) {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ) );
add_filter( 'customize_refresh_nonces', array( $this, 'filter_nonces' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_customize-jetpack-simple-payments-buttons-get', array( $this, 'ajax_get_payment_buttons' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_customize-jetpack-simple-payments-button-save', array( $this, 'ajax_save_payment_button' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_customize-jetpack-simple-payments-button-delete', array( $this, 'ajax_delete_payment_button' ) );
add_filter( 'widget_types_to_hide_from_legacy_widget_block', array( $this, 'hide_simple_payment_widget' ) );
* Return an array of the widgets hidden from the Legacy Widget block.
* This is used to hide the Pay with PayPal from the Legacy Widget block.
* @param array $widget_types the widget types that are currently hidden.
* @return array Widget types hidden from the Legacy Widget block
public function hide_simple_payment_widget( $widget_types ) {
$widget_types[] = 'jetpack_simple_payments_widget';
return $widget_types;
* Return an associative array of default values.
* These values are used in new widgets.
* @return array Default values for the widget options.
private function defaults() {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$default_product_id = $this->get_first_product_id();
return array(
'title' => '',
'product_post_id' => $default_product_id,
'form_action' => '',
'form_product_id' => 0,
'form_product_title' => '',
'form_product_description' => '',
'form_product_image_id' => 0,
'form_product_image_src' => '',
'form_product_currency' => '',
'form_product_price' => '',
'form_product_multiple' => '',
'form_product_email' => $current_user->user_email,
* Adds a nonce for customizing menus.
* @param array $nonces Array of nonces.
* @return array $nonces Modified array of nonces.
public function filter_nonces( $nonces ) {
$nonces['customize-jetpack-simple-payments'] = wp_create_nonce( 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments' );
return $nonces;
* Enqueue styles.
public function enqueue_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'jetpack-simple-payments-widget-style', plugins_url( 'simple-payments/style.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '20180518' );
* Enqueue admin styles.
public function admin_enqueue_styles() {
plugins_url( 'simple-payments/customizer.css', __FILE__ ),
* Enqueue admin scripts.
public function admin_enqueue_scripts() {
plugins_url( '/simple-payments/customizer.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'jquery' ),
'deleteConfirmation' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this item? It will be disabled and removed from all locations where it currently appears.', 'jetpack' ),
* Get payment buttons.
public function ajax_get_payment_buttons() {
if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments', 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments-nonce', false ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce', 400 );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'customize_not_allowed', 403 );
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product );
if ( ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->create_posts ) || ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->publish_posts ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'insufficient_post_permissions', 403 );
$product_posts = get_posts(
'numberposts' => 100,
'orderby' => 'date',
'post_type' => Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product,
'post_status' => 'publish',
$formatted_products = array_map( array( $this, 'format_product_post_for_ajax_reponse' ), $product_posts );
wp_send_json_success( $formatted_products );
* Format product_post object.
* @param object $product_post - info about the post the product is on.
public function format_product_post_for_ajax_reponse( $product_post ) {
return array(
'ID' => $product_post->ID,
'post_title' => $product_post->post_title,
* Handle saving the simple payments widget.
public function ajax_save_payment_button() {
if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments', 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments-nonce', false ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce', 400 );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'customize_not_allowed', 403 );
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product );
if ( ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->create_posts ) || ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->publish_posts ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'insufficient_post_permissions', 403 );
if ( empty( $_POST['params'] ) || ! is_array( $_POST['params'] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'missing_params', 400 );
$params = wp_unslash( $_POST['params'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Manually validated by validate_ajax_params().
$errors = $this->validate_ajax_params( $params );
if ( ! empty( $errors->errors ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( $errors );
$product_post_id = isset( $params['product_post_id'] ) ? (int) $params['product_post_id'] : 0;
$product_post = array(
'ID' => $product_post_id,
'post_type' => Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_title' => $params['post_title'],
'post_content' => $params['post_content'],
'_thumbnail_id' => ! empty( $params['image_id'] ) ? $params['image_id'] : -1,
'meta_input' => array(
'spay_currency' => $params['currency'],
'spay_price' => $params['price'],
'spay_multiple' => isset( $params['multiple'] ) ? (int) $params['multiple'] : 0,
'spay_email' => is_email( $params['email'] ),
if ( empty( $product_post_id ) ) {
$product_post_id = wp_insert_post( $product_post );
} else {
$product_post_id = wp_update_post( $product_post );
if ( ! $product_post_id || is_wp_error( $product_post_id ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( $product_post_id );
$tracks_properties = array(
'id' => $product_post_id,
'currency' => $params['currency'],
'price' => $params['price'],
if ( 0 === $product_post['ID'] ) {
$this->record_event( 'created', 'create', $tracks_properties );
} else {
$this->record_event( 'updated', 'update', $tracks_properties );
'product_post_id' => $product_post_id,
'product_post_title' => $params['post_title'],
* Handle deleting the simple payment widget.
public function ajax_delete_payment_button() {
if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments', 'customize-jetpack-simple-payments-nonce', false ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce', 400 );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'customize_not_allowed', 403 );
if ( empty( $_POST['params'] ) || ! is_array( $_POST['params'] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'missing_params', 400 );
$params = wp_unslash( $_POST['params'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Manually validated just below.
$illegal_params = array_diff( array_keys( $params ), array( 'product_post_id' ) );
if ( ! empty( $illegal_params ) ) {
wp_send_json_error( 'illegal_params', 400 );
$product_id = (int) $params['product_post_id'];
$product_post = get_post( $product_id );
$return = array( 'status' => $product_post->post_status );
wp_delete_post( $product_id, true );
$status = get_post_status( $product_id );
if ( false === $status ) {
$return['status'] = 'deleted';
$this->record_event( 'deleted', 'delete', array( 'id' => $product_id ) );
wp_send_json_success( $return );
* Returns the number of decimal places on string representing a price.
* @param string $number Price to check.
* @return int|null number of decimal places.
private function get_decimal_places( $number ) {
$parts = explode( '.', $number );
if ( count( $parts ) > 2 ) {
return null;
return isset( $parts[1] ) ? strlen( $parts[1] ) : 0;
* Validate ajax parameters.
* @param array $params - the parameters.
public function validate_ajax_params( $params ) {
$errors = new WP_Error();
$illegal_params = array_diff( array_keys( $params ), array( 'product_post_id', 'post_title', 'post_content', 'image_id', 'currency', 'price', 'multiple', 'email' ) );
if ( ! empty( $illegal_params ) ) {
$errors->add( 'illegal_params', __( 'Invalid parameters.', 'jetpack' ) );
if ( empty( $params['post_title'] ) ) {
$errors->add( 'post_title', __( "People need to know what they're paying for! Please add a brief title.", 'jetpack' ) );
if ( empty( $params['price'] ) || ! is_numeric( $params['price'] ) || (float) $params['price'] <= 0 ) {
$errors->add( 'price', __( 'Everything comes with a price tag these days. Please add a your product price.', 'jetpack' ) );
// Japan's Yen is the only supported currency with a zero decimal precision.
$precision = strtoupper( $params['currency'] ) === 'JPY' ? 0 : 2;
$price_decimal_places = $this->get_decimal_places( $params['price'] );
if ( $price_decimal_places === null || $price_decimal_places > $precision ) {
$errors->add( 'price', __( 'Invalid price', 'jetpack' ) );
if ( empty( $params['email'] ) || ! is_email( $params['email'] ) ) {
$errors->add( 'email', __( 'We want to make sure payments reach you, so please add an email address.', 'jetpack' ) );
return $errors;
* Get the id of the first product.
public function get_first_product_id() {
$product_posts = get_posts(
'numberposts' => 1,
'orderby' => 'date',
'post_type' => Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product,
'post_status' => 'publish',
return ! empty( $product_posts ) ? $product_posts[0]->ID : null;
* Front-end display of widget.
* @see WP_Widget::widget()
* @html-template-var array $instance
* @param array $args Widget arguments.
* @param array $instance Saved values from database.
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
$instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults() );
// Enqueue front end assets.
echo $args['before_widget']; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
/** This filter is documented in core/src/wp-includes/default-widgets.php */
$title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] );
if ( ! empty( $title ) ) {
echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title']; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
echo '<div class="jetpack-simple-payments-content">';
if ( ! empty( $instance['form_action'] ) && in_array( $instance['form_action'], array( 'add', 'edit' ), true ) && is_customize_preview() ) {
require __DIR__ . '/simple-payments/widget.php';
} else {
$jsp = Jetpack_Simple_Payments::get_instance();
$simple_payments_button = $jsp->parse_shortcode(
'id' => $instance['product_post_id'],
if ( $simple_payments_button !== null || is_customize_preview() ) {
echo $simple_payments_button; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
echo '</div><!--simple-payments-->';
echo $args['after_widget']; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
/** This action is already documented in modules/widgets/gravatar-profile.php */
do_action( 'jetpack_stats_extra', 'widget_view', 'simple_payments' );
* Gets the latests field value from either the old instance or the new instance.
* @param array $new_instance mixed Array of values for the new form instance.
* @param array $old_instance mixed Array of values for the old form instance.
* @param mixed $field mixed Field value.
private function get_latest_field_value( $new_instance, $old_instance, $field ) {
return ! empty( $new_instance[ $field ] )
? sanitize_text_field( $new_instance[ $field ] )
: $old_instance[ $field ];
* Gets the product fields from the product post. If no post found
* it returns the default values.
* @param int $product_post_id Product Post ID.
* @return array $fields Product Fields from the Product Post.
private function get_product_from_post( $product_post_id ) {
$product_post = get_post( $product_post_id );
$form_product_id = $product_post_id;
if ( ! empty( $product_post ) ) {
$form_product_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $product_post_id );
return array(
'form_product_id' => $form_product_id,
'form_product_title' => get_the_title( $product_post ),
'form_product_description' => $product_post->post_content,
'form_product_image_id' => $form_product_image_id,
'form_product_image_src' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $form_product_image_id, 'thumbnail' ),
'form_product_currency' => get_post_meta( $product_post_id, 'spay_currency', true ),
'form_product_price' => get_post_meta( $product_post_id, 'spay_price', true ),
'form_product_multiple' => get_post_meta( $product_post_id, 'spay_multiple', true ) || '0',
'form_product_email' => get_post_meta( $product_post_id, 'spay_email', true ),
return $this->defaults();
* Record a Track event and bump a MC stat.
* @param string $stat_name - the name of the stat.
* @param string $event_action - the action we're recording.
* @param array $event_properties - proprties of the event.
private function record_event( $stat_name, $event_action, $event_properties = array() ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
// `bumps_stats_extra` only exists on .com
if ( function_exists( 'bump_stats_extras' ) ) {
require_lib( 'tracks/client' );
tracks_record_event( $current_user, 'simple_payments_button_' . $event_action, $event_properties );
/** This action is documented in modules/widgets/social-media-icons.php */
do_action( 'jetpack_bump_stats_extra', 'jetpack-simple_payments', $stat_name );
$tracking = new Tracking();
$tracking->tracks_record_event( $current_user, 'jetpack_wpa_simple_payments_button_' . $event_action, $event_properties );
$jetpack = Jetpack::init();
// $jetpack->stat automatically prepends the stat group with 'jetpack-'
$jetpack->stat( 'simple_payments', $stat_name );
$jetpack->do_stats( 'server_side' );
* Sanitize widget form values as they are saved.
* @see WP_Widget::update()
* @param array $new_instance Values just sent to be saved.
* @param array $old_instance Previously saved values from database.
* @return array Updated safe values to be saved.
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
$defaults = $this->defaults();
// do not overrite `product_post_id` for `$new_instance` with the defaults.
$new_instance = wp_parse_args( $new_instance, array_diff_key( $defaults, array( 'product_post_id' => 0 ) ) );
$old_instance = wp_parse_args( $old_instance, $defaults );
$required_widget_props = array(
'title' => $this->get_latest_field_value( $new_instance, $old_instance, 'title' ),
'product_post_id' => $this->get_latest_field_value( $new_instance, $old_instance, 'product_post_id' ),
'form_action' => $this->get_latest_field_value( $new_instance, $old_instance, 'form_action' ),
if ( strcmp( $new_instance['form_action'], $old_instance['form_action'] ) !== 0 ) {
if ( 'edit' === $new_instance['form_action'] ) {
return array_merge( $this->get_product_from_post( (int) $old_instance['product_post_id'] ), $required_widget_props );
if ( 'clear' === $new_instance['form_action'] ) {
return array_merge( $this->defaults(), $required_widget_props );
$form_product_image_id = (int) $new_instance['form_product_image_id'];
$form_product_email = ! empty( $new_instance['form_product_email'] )
? sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_email'] )
: $defaults['form_product_email'];
return array_merge(
'form_product_id' => (int) $new_instance['form_product_id'],
'form_product_title' => sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_title'] ),
'form_product_description' => sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_description'] ),
'form_product_image_id' => $form_product_image_id,
'form_product_image_src' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $form_product_image_id, 'thumbnail' ),
'form_product_currency' => sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_currency'] ),
'form_product_price' => sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_price'] ),
'form_product_multiple' => sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['form_product_multiple'] ),
'form_product_email' => $form_product_email,
* Back-end widget form.
* @see WP_Widget::form()
* @html-template-var array $instance
* @html-template-var WP_Post[] $product_posts
* @param array $instance Previously saved values from database.
public function form( $instance ) {
$jetpack_simple_payments = Jetpack_Simple_Payments::get_instance();
if ( ! method_exists( $jetpack_simple_payments, 'is_enabled_jetpack_simple_payments' ) ) {
if ( ! $jetpack_simple_payments->is_enabled_jetpack_simple_payments() ) {
require __DIR__ . '/simple-payments/admin-warning.php';
$instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults() );
$product_posts = get_posts( // phpcs:ignore VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable
'numberposts' => 100,
'orderby' => 'date',
'post_type' => Jetpack_Simple_Payments::$post_type_product,
'post_status' => 'publish',
require __DIR__ . '/simple-payments/form.php';
* Register Jetpack_Simple_Payments_Widget widget.
function register_widget_jetpack_simple_payments() {
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jetpack_Simple_Payments' ) ) {
$jetpack_simple_payments = Jetpack_Simple_Payments::get_instance();
if ( ! $jetpack_simple_payments->is_enabled_jetpack_simple_payments() ) {
register_widget( 'Jetpack_Simple_Payments_Widget' );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'register_widget_jetpack_simple_payments' );