[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Module: geo-location
 * @package automattic/jetpack

 * Adds support for geo-location features.

require_once __DIR__ . '/geo-location/class.jetpack-geo-location.php';

 * Geo-location shortcode callback for display of location data associated with a post.
 * Usage with current global $post:
 * [geo-location]
 * Usage with specific post ID:
 * [geo-location post=5]
 * @param array $attributes Shortcode attributes.
function jetpack_geo_shortcode( $attributes ) {
	$attributes = shortcode_atts(
			'post' => null,
			'id'   => null,
	return jetpack_geo_get_location( $attributes['post'] ? $attributes['post'] : $attributes['id'] );
add_shortcode( 'geo-location', 'jetpack_geo_shortcode' );

 * Get the geo-location data associated with the supplied post ID, if it's available
 * and marked as being available for public display.  The returned array will contain
 * "latitude", "longitude" and "label" keys.
 * If you do not supply a value for $post_id, the global $post will be used, if
 * available.
 * @param integer|null $post_id Post ID.
 * @return array|null
function jetpack_geo_get_data( $post_id = null ) {
	$geo = Jetpack_Geo_Location::init();

	if ( ! $post_id ) {
		$post_id = $geo->get_post_id();

	$meta_values = $geo->get_meta_values( $post_id );

	if ( ! $meta_values['is_public'] || ! $meta_values['is_populated'] ) {
		return null;

	return array(
		'latitude'  => $meta_values['latitude'],
		'longitude' => $meta_values['longitude'],
		'label'     => $meta_values['label'],

 * Display the label HTML for the geo-location information associated with the supplied
 * post ID.
 * If you do not supply a value for $post_id, the global $post will be used, if
 * available.
 * @param integer|null $post_id Post ID.
 * @return void
function jetpack_geo_display_location( $post_id = null ) {
	echo jetpack_geo_get_location( $post_id ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- Escaped in `Jetpack_Geo_Location::get_location_label`.

 * Return the label HTML for the geo-location information associated with the supplied
 * post ID.
 * If you do not supply a value for $post_id, the global $post will be used, if
 * available.
 * @param integer|null $post_id Post ID.
 * @return string
function jetpack_geo_get_location( $post_id = null ) {
	return Jetpack_Geo_Location::init()->get_location_label( $post_id );


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