[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<?php //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName
 * Module Name: Related posts
 * Module Description: Keep visitors engaged on your blog by highlighting relevant and new content at the bottom of each published post.
 * First Introduced: 2.9
 * Sort Order: 29
 * Recommendation Order: 9
 * Requires Connection: Yes
 * Auto Activate: No
 * Module Tags: Recommended
 * Feature: Engagement
 * // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.CapitalPDangit.MisspelledInComment
 * Additional Search Queries: related, jetpack related posts, related posts for wordpress, related posts, popular posts, popular, related content, related post, contextual, context, contextual related posts, related articles, similar posts, easy related posts, related page, simple related posts, free related posts, related thumbnails, similar, engagement, yet another related posts plugin, creator
class Jetpack_RelatedPosts_Module {
	 * Class variables
	 * @var Jetpack_RelatedPosts_Module
	private static $instance = null;

	 * Singleton implementation
	 * @return object
	public static function instance() {
		if ( ! is_a( self::$instance, 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts_Module' ) ) {
			self::$instance = new Jetpack_RelatedPosts_Module();

		return self::$instance;

	 * Register actions and filters
	 * @uses add_action, add_filter
	private function __construct() {
		add_action( 'jetpack_module_loaded_related-posts', array( $this, 'action_on_load' ) );

	 * This action triggers if the module is in an active state, load related posts and options.
	 * @uses Jetpack_RelatedPosts::init, is_admin, Jetpack::enable_module_configurable, Jetpack_Sync::sync_posts
	public function action_on_load() {
		require_once __DIR__ . '/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php';

		if ( is_admin() ) {
			Jetpack::enable_module_configurable( __FILE__ );

		// Load Customizer controls.
		if ( class_exists( WP_Customize_Manager::class ) && class_exists( WP_Customize_Control::class ) ) {
			require_once __DIR__ . '/related-posts/class.related-posts-customize.php';

// Do it.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
carousel Folder 0755
cloudflare-analytics Folder 0755
comment-likes Folder 0755
comments Folder 0755
custom-post-types Folder 0755
geo-location Folder 0755
google-fonts Folder 0755
gravatar Folder 0755
infinite-scroll Folder 0755
likes Folder 0755
markdown Folder 0755
memberships Folder 0755
photon-cdn Folder 0755
plugin-search Folder 0755
post-by-email Folder 0755
related-posts Folder 0755
scan Folder 0755
seo-tools Folder 0755
sharedaddy Folder 0755
shortcodes Folder 0755
simple-payments Folder 0755
site-icon Folder 0755
sitemaps Folder 0755
stats Folder 0755
subscriptions Folder 0755
theme-tools Folder 0755
tiled-gallery Folder 0755
verification-tools Folder 0755
videopress Folder 0755
widget-visibility Folder 0755
widgets Folder 0755
woocommerce-analytics Folder 0755
wordads Folder 0755
wpcom-tos Folder 0755
blaze.php File 986 B 0644
blocks.php File 938 B 0644
carousel.php File 573 B 0644
comment-likes.php File 7.89 KB 0644
comments.php File 1.06 KB 0644
contact-form.php File 804 B 0644
copy-post.php File 12.8 KB 0644
custom-content-types.php File 3.96 KB 0644
geo-location.php File 2.44 KB 0644
google-fonts.php File 533 B 0644
gravatar-hovercards.php File 11.84 KB 0644
infinite-scroll.php File 8.19 KB 0644
json-api.php File 484 B 0644
latex.php File 4.61 KB 0644
likes.php File 19.79 KB 0644
markdown.php File 1007 B 0644
masterbar.php File 280 B 0644
module-extras.php File 2.61 KB 0644
module-headings.php File 42.24 KB 0644
module-info.php File 26.1 KB 0644
monitor.php File 3.51 KB 0644
notes.php File 7.51 KB 0644
photon-cdn.php File 12.17 KB 0644
photon.php File 711 B 0644
plugin-search.php File 21.58 KB 0644
post-by-email.php File 596 B 0644
post-list.php File 533 B 0644
protect.php File 657 B 0644
publicize.php File 4.09 KB 0644
related-posts.php File 2.14 KB 0644
search.php File 1.17 KB 0644
seo-tools.php File 1.52 KB 0644
sharedaddy.php File 1.59 KB 0644
shortcodes.php File 6.36 KB 0644
shortlinks.php File 4.4 KB 0644
sitemaps.php File 1.28 KB 0644
sso.php File 684 B 0644
stats.php File 46.57 KB 0644
subscriptions.php File 32.04 KB 0644
theme-tools.php File 2.52 KB 0644
tiled-gallery.php File 1.05 KB 0644
vaultpress.php File 1.77 KB 0644
verification-tools.php File 830 B 0644
videopress.php File 1007 B 0644
waf.php File 297 B 0644
widget-visibility.php File 475 B 0644
widgets.php File 2.72 KB 0644
woocommerce-analytics.php File 861 B 0644
wordads.php File 586 B 0644
wpgroho.js File 1.93 KB 0644