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 * @copyright 2012-2020 Leaf Corcoran
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @link http://scssphp.github.io/scssphp

namespace ScssPhp\ScssPhp;

use Exception;
use ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Version;

 * The scss cache manager.
 * In short:
 * allow to put in cache/get from cache a generic result from a known operation on a generic dataset,
 * taking in account options that affects the result
 * The cache manager is agnostic about data format and only the operation is expected to be described by string

 * SCSS cache
 * @author Cedric Morin <cedric@yterium.com>
 * @internal
class Cache
    const CACHE_VERSION = 1;

     * directory used for storing data
     * @var string|false
    public static $cacheDir = false;

     * prefix for the storing data
     * @var string
    public static $prefix = 'scssphp_';

     * force a refresh : 'once' for refreshing the first hit on a cache only, true to never use the cache in this hit
     * @var bool|string
    public static $forceRefresh = false;

     * specifies the number of seconds after which data cached will be seen as 'garbage' and potentially cleaned up
     * @var int
    public static $gcLifetime = 604800;

     * array of already refreshed cache if $forceRefresh==='once'
     * @var array<string, bool>
    protected static $refreshed = [];

     * Constructor
     * @param array $options
     * @phpstan-param array{cacheDir?: string, prefix?: string, forceRefresh?: string} $options
    public function __construct($options)
        // check $cacheDir
        if (isset($options['cacheDir'])) {
            self::$cacheDir = $options['cacheDir'];

        if (empty(self::$cacheDir)) {
            throw new Exception('cacheDir not set');

        if (isset($options['prefix'])) {
            self::$prefix = $options['prefix'];

        if (empty(self::$prefix)) {
            throw new Exception('prefix not set');

        if (isset($options['forceRefresh'])) {
            self::$forceRefresh = $options['forceRefresh'];


     * Get the cached result of $operation on $what,
     * which is known as dependant from the content of $options
     * @param string   $operation    parse, compile...
     * @param mixed    $what         content key (e.g., filename to be treated)
     * @param array    $options      any option that affect the operation result on the content
     * @param int|null $lastModified last modified timestamp
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getCache($operation, $what, $options = [], $lastModified = null)
        $fileCache = self::$cacheDir . self::cacheName($operation, $what, $options);

        if (
            ((self::$forceRefresh === false) || (self::$forceRefresh === 'once' &&
            isset(self::$refreshed[$fileCache]))) && file_exists($fileCache)
        ) {
            $cacheTime = filemtime($fileCache);

            if (
                (\is_null($lastModified) || $cacheTime > $lastModified) &&
                $cacheTime + self::$gcLifetime > time()
            ) {
                $c = file_get_contents($fileCache);
                $c = unserialize($c);

                if (\is_array($c) && isset($c['value'])) {
                    return $c['value'];

        return null;

     * Put in cache the result of $operation on $what,
     * which is known as dependant from the content of $options
     * @param string $operation
     * @param mixed  $what
     * @param mixed  $value
     * @param array  $options
     * @return void
    public function setCache($operation, $what, $value, $options = [])
        $fileCache = self::$cacheDir . self::cacheName($operation, $what, $options);

        $c = ['value' => $value];
        $c = serialize($c);

        file_put_contents($fileCache, $c);

        if (self::$forceRefresh === 'once') {
            self::$refreshed[$fileCache] = true;

     * Get the cache name for the caching of $operation on $what,
     * which is known as dependant from the content of $options
     * @param string $operation
     * @param mixed  $what
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
    private static function cacheName($operation, $what, $options = [])
        $t = [
          'version' => self::CACHE_VERSION,
          'scssphpVersion' => Version::VERSION,
          'operation' => $operation,
          'what' => $what,
          'options' => $options

        $t = self::$prefix
          . sha1(json_encode($t))
          . ".$operation"
          . ".scsscache";

        return $t;

     * Check that the cache dir exists and is writeable
     * @return void
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function checkCacheDir()
        self::$cacheDir = str_replace('\\', '/', self::$cacheDir);
        self::$cacheDir = rtrim(self::$cacheDir, '/') . '/';

        if (! is_dir(self::$cacheDir)) {
            throw new Exception('Cache directory doesn\'t exist: ' . self::$cacheDir);

        if (! is_writable(self::$cacheDir)) {
            throw new Exception('Cache directory isn\'t writable: ' . self::$cacheDir);

     * Delete unused cached files
     * @return void
    public static function cleanCache()
        static $clean = false;

        if ($clean || empty(self::$cacheDir)) {

        $clean = true;

        // only remove files with extensions created by SCSSPHP Cache
        // css files removed based on the list files
        $removeTypes = ['scsscache' => 1];

        $files = scandir(self::$cacheDir);

        if (! $files) {

        $checkTime = time() - self::$gcLifetime;

        foreach ($files as $file) {
            // don't delete if the file wasn't created with SCSSPHP Cache
            if (strpos($file, self::$prefix) !== 0) {

            $parts = explode('.', $file);
            $type = array_pop($parts);

            if (! isset($removeTypes[$type])) {

            $fullPath = self::$cacheDir . $file;
            $mtime = filemtime($fullPath);

            // don't delete if it's a relatively new file
            if ($mtime > $checkTime) {



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Base Folder 0755
Block Folder 0755
Compiler Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Formatter Folder 0755
Logger Folder 0755
Node Folder 0755
SourceMap Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
Block.php File 887 B 0644
Cache.php File 6.68 KB 0644
Colors.php File 7.63 KB 0644
CompilationResult.php File 1.11 KB 0644
Compiler.php File 306.99 KB 0644
Formatter.php File 8.55 KB 0644
Node.php File 543 B 0644
OutputStyle.php File 1.49 KB 0644
Parser.php File 112.72 KB 0644
Type.php File 3.38 KB 0644
Util.php File 5.02 KB 0644
ValueConverter.php File 2.28 KB 0644
Version.php File 317 B 0644
Warn.php File 1.94 KB 0644