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<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName
 * Build the Jetpack admin menu as a whole.
 * @package automattic/jetpack

use Automattic\Jetpack\Admin_UI\Admin_Menu;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Current_Plan as Jetpack_Plan;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Partner_Coupon as Jetpack_Partner_Coupon;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Status;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Status\Host;

 * Build the Jetpack admin menu as a whole.
class Jetpack_Admin {

	 * Static instance.
	 * @var Jetpack_Admin
	private static $instance = null;

	 * Initialize and fetch the static instance.
	 * @return self
	public static function init() {
		// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
		if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'jetpack' === $_GET['page'] ) {
			add_filter( 'nocache_headers', array( 'Jetpack_Admin', 'add_no_store_header' ), 100 );

		if ( self::$instance === null ) {
			self::$instance = new Jetpack_Admin();
		return self::$instance;

	 * Filter callback to add `no-store` to the `Cache-Control` header.
	 * @param array $headers Headers array.
	 * @return array Modified headers array.
	public static function add_no_store_header( $headers ) {
		$headers['Cache-Control'] .= ', no-store';
		return $headers;

	/** Constructor. */
	private function __construct() {
		require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php';
		$jetpack_react = new Jetpack_React_Page();

		require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php';
		$fallback_page = new Jetpack_Settings_Page();

		require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/lib/admin-pages/class-jetpack-about-page.php';
		$jetpack_about = new Jetpack_About_Page();

		add_action( 'admin_init', array( $jetpack_react, 'react_redirects' ), 0 );
		add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $jetpack_react, 'add_actions' ), 998 );
		add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $jetpack_react, 'remove_jetpack_menu' ), 2000 );
		add_action( 'jetpack_admin_menu', array( $jetpack_react, 'jetpack_add_dashboard_sub_nav_item' ) );
		add_action( 'jetpack_admin_menu', array( $jetpack_react, 'jetpack_add_settings_sub_nav_item' ) );
		add_action( 'jetpack_admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu_debugger' ) );
		add_action( 'jetpack_admin_menu', array( $fallback_page, 'add_actions' ) );
		add_action( 'jetpack_admin_menu', array( $jetpack_about, 'add_actions' ) );

		// Add redirect to current page for activation/deactivation of modules.
		add_action( 'jetpack_pre_activate_module', array( $this, 'fix_redirect' ), 10, 2 );
		add_action( 'jetpack_pre_deactivate_module', array( $this, 'fix_redirect' ), 10, 2 );

		// Add module bulk actions handler.
		add_action( 'jetpack_unrecognized_action', array( $this, 'handle_unrecognized_action' ) );

		if ( class_exists( 'Akismet_Admin' ) ) {
			// If the site has Jetpack Anti-spam, change the Akismet menu label and logo accordingly.
			$site_products         = array_column( Jetpack_Plan::get_products(), 'product_slug' );
			$has_anti_spam_product = count( array_intersect( array( 'jetpack_anti_spam', 'jetpack_anti_spam_monthly' ), $site_products ) ) > 0;

			if ( Jetpack_Plan::supports( 'akismet' ) || Jetpack_Plan::supports( 'antispam' ) || $has_anti_spam_product ) {
				// Prevent Akismet from adding a menu item.
					function () {
						remove_action( 'admin_menu', array( 'Akismet_Admin', 'admin_menu' ), 5 );

				// Add an Anti-spam menu item for Jetpack. This is handled automatically by the Admin_Menu as long as it has been initialized.

		// Ensure an Additional CSS menu item is added to the Appearance menu whenever Jetpack is connected.
		add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'additional_css_menu' ) );

		add_filter( 'jetpack_display_jitms_on_screen', array( $this, 'should_display_jitms_on_screen' ), 10, 2 );

		// Register Jetpack partner coupon hooks.
		Jetpack_Partner_Coupon::register_coupon_admin_hooks( 'jetpack', Jetpack::admin_url() );

	 * Handle our Additional CSS menu item and legacy page declaration.
	 * @since 11.0 . Prior to that, this function was located in custom-css-4.7.php (now custom-css.php).
	public static function additional_css_menu() {
		 * Custom CSS for the Customizer is deprecated for block themes as of WP 6.1, so we only expose it with a menu
		 * if the site already has existing CSS code.
		if ( wp_is_block_theme() ) {
			$styles = wp_get_custom_css();
			if ( ! $styles ) {

		// If the site is a WoA site and the custom-css feature is not available, return.
		// See https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/pull/19965 for more on how this menu item is dealt with on WoA sites.
		if ( ( new Host() )->is_woa_site() && ! ( in_array( 'custom-css', Jetpack::get_available_modules(), true ) ) ) {
		} elseif (
			class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) && (
				Jetpack::is_module_active( 'custom-css' ) || // If the Custom CSS module is enabled, add the Additional CSS menu item and link to the Customizer.
				( wp_is_block_theme() && ! empty( wp_get_custom_css() ) ) // Do the same if the theme is block-based but has existing custom CSS.
		) {
			// Add in our legacy page to support old bookmarks and such.
			add_submenu_page( '', __( 'CSS', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Additional CSS', 'jetpack' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'editcss', array( __CLASS__, 'customizer_redirect' ) );

			// Add in our new page slug that will redirect to the customizer.
			$hook = add_theme_page( __( 'CSS', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Additional CSS', 'jetpack' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'editcss-customizer-redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'customizer_redirect' ) );
			add_action( "load-{$hook}", array( __CLASS__, 'customizer_redirect' ) );

	 * Handle the redirect for the customizer.  This is necessary because
	 * we can't directly add customizer links to the admin menu.
	 * @since 11.0 . Prior to that, this function was located in custom-css-4.7.php (now custom-css.php).
	 * There is a core patch in trac that would make this unnecessary.
	 * @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/39050
	 * @return never
	public static function customizer_redirect() {
					'return_url' => wp_get_referer(),

	 * Build the URL to deep link to the Customizer.
	 * You can modify the return url via $args.
	 * @since 11.0 in this file. This method is also located in custom-css-4.7.php to cover legacy scenarios.
	 * @param array $args Array of parameters.
	 * @return string
	public static function customizer_link( $args = array() ) {
		if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
			$args = wp_parse_args(
					'return_url' => rawurlencode( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ), // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

		return add_query_arg(
					'autofocus' => array(
						'section' => 'custom_css',
				'return' => $args['return_url'],
			admin_url( 'customize.php' )

	 * Sort callback to put modules with `requires_connection` last.
	 * @param array $module1 Module data.
	 * @param array $module2 Module data.
	 * @return int Indicating the relative ordering of module1 and module2.
	public static function sort_requires_connection_last( $module1, $module2 ) {
		return ( (bool) $module1['requires_connection'] ) <=> ( (bool) $module2['requires_connection'] );

	 * Produce JS understandable objects of modules containing information for
	 * presentation like description, name, configuration url, etc.
	public function get_modules() {
		include_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'modules/module-info.php';
		$available_modules = Jetpack::get_available_modules();
		$active_modules    = Jetpack::get_active_modules();
		$modules           = array();
		$jetpack_active    = Jetpack::is_connection_ready() || ( new Status() )->is_offline_mode();
		$overrides         = Jetpack_Modules_Overrides::instance();
		foreach ( $available_modules as $module ) {
			$module_array = Jetpack::get_module( $module );
			if ( $module_array ) {
				 * Filters each module's short description.
				 * @since 3.0.0
				 * @param string $module_array['description'] Module description.
				 * @param string $module Module slug.
				$short_desc = apply_filters( 'jetpack_short_module_description', $module_array['description'], $module );
				// Fix: correct multibyte strings truncate with checking for mbstring extension.
				$short_desc_trunc = ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) )
							? ( ( mb_strlen( $short_desc ) > 143 )
								? mb_substr( $short_desc, 0, 140 ) . '...'
								: $short_desc )
							: ( ( strlen( $short_desc ) > 143 )
								? substr( $short_desc, 0, 140 ) . '...'
								: $short_desc );

				$module_array['module'] = $module;

				$is_available = self::is_module_available( $module_array );

				$module_array['activated']          = ( $jetpack_active ? in_array( $module, $active_modules, true ) : false );
				$module_array['deactivate_nonce']   = wp_create_nonce( 'jetpack_deactivate-' . $module );
				$module_array['activate_nonce']     = wp_create_nonce( 'jetpack_activate-' . $module );
				$module_array['available']          = $is_available;
				$module_array['unavailable_reason'] = $is_available ? false : self::get_module_unavailable_reason( $module_array );
				$module_array['short_description']  = $short_desc_trunc;
				$module_array['configure_url']      = Jetpack::module_configuration_url( $module );
				$module_array['override']           = $overrides->get_module_override( $module );
				$module_array['disabled']           = $is_available ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';

				 * Allow the display of a "Learn More" button.
				 * The dynamic part of the action, $module, is the module slug.
				 * @since 3.0.0
				do_action( 'jetpack_learn_more_button_' . $module );
				$module_array['learn_more_button'] = ob_get_clean();

				 * Allow the display of information text when Jetpack is connected to WordPress.com.
				 * The dynamic part of the action, $module, is the module slug.
				 * @since 3.0.0
				do_action( 'jetpack_module_more_info_' . $module );

				* Filter the long description of a module.
				* @since 3.5.0
				* @param string ob_get_clean() The module long description.
				* @param string $module The module name.
				$module_array['long_description'] = apply_filters( 'jetpack_long_module_description', ob_get_clean(), $module );

				 * Filter the search terms for a module
				 * Search terms are typically added to the module headers, under "Additional Search Queries".
				 * Use syntax:
				 * function jetpack_$module_search_terms( $terms ) {
				 *  $terms = _x( 'term 1, term 2', 'search terms', 'jetpack' );
				 *  return $terms;
				 * }
				 * add_filter( 'jetpack_search_terms_$module', 'jetpack_$module_search_terms' );
				 * @since 3.5.0
				 * @param string The search terms (comma separated).
				echo apply_filters( 'jetpack_search_terms_' . $module, $module_array['additional_search_queries'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
				$module_array['search_terms'] = ob_get_clean();

				$module_array['configurable'] = false;
				if (
					current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) &&
					 * Allow the display of a configuration link in the Jetpack Settings screen.
					 * @since 3.0.0
					 * @param string $module Module name.
					 * @param bool false Should the Configure module link be displayed? Default to false.
					apply_filters( 'jetpack_module_configurable_' . $module, false )
				) {
					$module_array['configurable'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $module_array['configure_url'] ), __( 'Configure', 'jetpack' ) );

				$modules[ $module ] = $module_array;

		uasort( $modules, array( 'Jetpack', 'sort_modules' ) );

		if ( ! Jetpack::is_connection_ready() ) {
			uasort( $modules, array( __CLASS__, 'sort_requires_connection_last' ) );

		return $modules;

	 * Check if a module is available.
	 * @param array $module Module data.
	public static function is_module_available( $module ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $module ) || empty( $module ) ) {
			return false;

		 * We never want to show VaultPress as activatable through Jetpack.
		if ( 'vaultpress' === $module['module'] ) {
			return false;

		 * WooCommerce Analytics should only be available
		 * when running WooCommerce 3+
		if (
			'woocommerce-analytics' === $module['module']
			&& (
				! class_exists( 'WooCommerce' )
				|| version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0', '<' )
		) {
			return false;

		 * In Offline mode, modules that require a site or user
		 * level connection should be unavailable.
		if ( ( new Status() )->is_offline_mode() ) {
			return ! ( $module['requires_connection'] || $module['requires_user_connection'] );

		 * Jetpack not connected.
		if ( ! Jetpack::is_connection_ready() ) {
			return false;

		 * Jetpack connected at a site level only. Make sure to make
		 * modules that require a user connection unavailable.
		if ( ! Jetpack::connection()->has_connected_owner() && $module['requires_user_connection'] ) {
			return false;

		return Jetpack_Plan::supports( $module['module'] );

	 * Returns why a module is unavailable.
	 * @param  array $module The module.
	 * @return string|false A string stating why the module is not available or false if the module is available.
	public static function get_module_unavailable_reason( $module ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $module ) || empty( $module ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( self::is_module_available( $module ) ) {
			return false;

		 * We never want to show VaultPress as activatable through Jetpack so return an empty string.
		if ( 'vaultpress' === $module['module'] ) {
			return '';

		 * WooCommerce Analytics should only be available
		 * when running WooCommerce 3+
		if (
			'woocommerce-analytics' === $module['module']
			&& (
					! class_exists( 'WooCommerce' )
					|| version_compare( WC_VERSION, '3.0', '<' )
			) {
			return __( 'Requires WooCommerce 3+ plugin', 'jetpack' );

		 * In Offline mode, modules that require a site or user
		 * level connection should be unavailable.
		if ( ( new Status() )->is_offline_mode() ) {
			if ( $module['requires_connection'] || $module['requires_user_connection'] ) {
				return __( 'Offline mode', 'jetpack' );

		 * Jetpack not connected.
		if ( ! Jetpack::is_connection_ready() ) {
			return __( 'Jetpack is not connected', 'jetpack' );

		 * Jetpack connected at a site level only and module requires a user connection.
		if ( ! Jetpack::connection()->has_connected_owner() && $module['requires_user_connection'] ) {
			return __( 'Requires a connected WordPress.com account', 'jetpack' );

		 * Plan restrictions.
		if ( ! Jetpack_Plan::supports( $module['module'] ) ) {
			return __( 'Not supported by current plan', 'jetpack' );

		return '';

	 * Handle an unrecognized action.
	 * @param string $action Action.
	public function handle_unrecognized_action( $action ) {
		switch ( $action ) {
			case 'bulk-activate':
				check_admin_referer( 'bulk-jetpack_page_jetpack_modules' );
				if ( ! current_user_can( 'jetpack_activate_modules' ) ) {

				$modules = isset( $_GET['modules'] ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_key', wp_unslash( (array) $_GET['modules'] ) ) : array();
				foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
					Jetpack::log( 'activate', $module );
					Jetpack::activate_module( $module, false );
				// The following two lines will rarely happen, as Jetpack::activate_module normally exits at the end.
				wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() );
			case 'bulk-deactivate':
				check_admin_referer( 'bulk-jetpack_page_jetpack_modules' );
				if ( ! current_user_can( 'jetpack_deactivate_modules' ) ) {

				$modules = isset( $_GET['modules'] ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_key', wp_unslash( (array) $_GET['modules'] ) ) : array();
				foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
					Jetpack::log( 'deactivate', $module );
					Jetpack::deactivate_module( $module );
					Jetpack::state( 'message', 'module_deactivated' );
				Jetpack::state( 'module', $modules );
				wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() );

	 * Fix redirect.
	 * Apparently we redirect to the referrer instead of whatever WordPress
	 * wants to redirect to when activating and deactivating modules.
	 * @param string $module Module slug.
	 * @param bool   $redirect Should we exit after the module has been activated. Default to true.
	public function fix_redirect( $module, $redirect = true ) {
		if ( ! $redirect ) {
		if ( wp_get_referer() ) {
			add_filter( 'wp_redirect', 'wp_get_referer' );

	 * Add debugger admin menu.
	public function admin_menu_debugger() {
		require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/lib/debugger.php';
		$debugger_hook = add_submenu_page(
			__( 'Debugging Center', 'jetpack' ),
			array( $this, 'wrap_debugger_page' )
		add_action( "admin_head-$debugger_hook", array( 'Jetpack_Debugger', 'jetpack_debug_admin_head' ) );

	 * Wrap debugger page.
	public function wrap_debugger_page() {
		if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
			die( '-1' );
		Jetpack_Admin_Page::wrap_ui( array( $this, 'debugger_page' ), array( 'is-wide' => true ) );

	 * Display debugger page.
	public function debugger_page() {
		require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/lib/debugger.php';

	 * Determines if JITMs should display on a particular screen.
	 * @param bool   $value The default value of the filter.
	 * @param string $screen_id The ID of the screen being tested for JITM display.
	 * @return bool True if JITMs should display, false otherwise.
	public function should_display_jitms_on_screen( $value, $screen_id ) {
		// Disable all JITMs on these pages.
		if (
		) ) {
			return false;

		return $value;


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class.jetpack-user-agent.php File 25.3 KB 0644
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