// phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_operations_fread
// phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_operations_fwrite
// phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_operations_fsockopen
// We use php method like fread, fwrite to read only a portion of a file, we don't have a direct method for partial reads since WP_Filesystem doesn't support a direct equivalent to fread, fwrite.
// The entire file deals with custom stream handling
// We need direct socket/file operations for this functionality
// WordPress filesystem alternatives wouldn't work for this use case
// It's better to disable these specific rules at file level than adding individual ignore comments
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
if (!class_exists('BVRespStream')) :
class BVStream extends BVCallbackBase {
public $bvb64stream;
public $bvb64cksize;
public $checksum;
function __construct($request) {
$this->bvb64stream = $request->bvb64stream;
$this->bvb64cksize = $request->bvb64cksize;
$this->checksum = $request->checksum;
public function writeChunk($chunk) {
public static function startStream($account, $request) {
$result = array();
$params = $request->params;
$stream = new BVRespStream($request);
if ($request->isAPICall()) {
$stream = new BVHttpStream($request);
if (!$stream->connect()) {
$apicallstatus = array(
"httperror" => "Cannot Open Connection to Host",
"streamerrno" => $stream->errno,
"streamerrstr" => $stream->errstr
return array("apicallstatus" => $apicallstatus);
if (array_key_exists('acbmthd', $params)) {
$qstr = http_build_query(array('bvapicheck' => $params['bvapicheck']));
$url = '/bvapi/'.$params['acbmthd']."?".$qstr;
if (array_key_exists('acbqry', $params)) {
$url .= "&".$params['acbqry'];
} else {
return array("apicallstatus" => array("httperror" => "ApiCall method not present"));
return array('stream' => $stream);
public function writeStream($chunk) {
if (strlen($chunk) > 0) {
$bvb64_prefix = "";
if ($this->bvb64stream) {
$chunk_size = $this->bvb64cksize;
$chunk = $this->base64Encode($chunk, $chunk_size);
$bvb64_prefix .= "BVB64" . ":";
$hash_prefix = "";
if ($this->checksum == 'crc32') {
$hash_prefix .= "CRC32" . ":" . crc32($chunk) . ":";
} else if ($this->checksum == 'md5') {
$hash_prefix .= "MD5" . ":" . md5($chunk) . ":";
$chunk = $hash_prefix . $bvb64_prefix . strlen($chunk) . ":" . $chunk;
class BVRespStream extends BVStream {
public $bvboundry;
function __construct($request) {
$this->bvboundry = $request->bvboundry;
public function writeChunk($chunk) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- chunk should not be escaped
echo $this->bvboundry . "ckckckckck" . $chunk . $this->bvboundry . "ckckckckck";
public function endStream() {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
echo $this->bvboundry . "rerererere";
return array();
class BVHttpStream extends BVStream {
var $user_agent = 'BVHttpStream';
var $host;
var $port;
var $timeout = 20;
var $conn;
var $errno;
var $errstr;
var $boundary;
var $apissl;
function __construct($request) {
$this->host = $request->params['apihost'];
$this->port = intval($request->params['apiport']);
$this->apissl = array_key_exists('apissl', $request->params);
public function connect() {
if ($this->apissl && function_exists('stream_socket_client')) {
$this->conn = stream_socket_client("ssl://".$this->host.":".$this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
} else {
$this->conn = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
if (!$this->conn) {
$this->errno = $errno;
$this->errstr = $errstr;
return false;
socket_set_timeout($this->conn, $this->timeout);
return true;
public function write($data) {
fwrite($this->conn, $data);
public function sendChunk($data) {
$this->write(sprintf("%x\r\n", strlen($data)));
public function sendRequest($method, $url, $headers = array(), $body = null) {
$def_hdrs = array("Connection" => "keep-alive",
"Host" => $this->host);
$headers = array_merge($def_hdrs, $headers);
$request = strtoupper($method)." ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
if (null != $body) {
$headers["Content-length"] = strlen($body);
foreach($headers as $key=>$val) {
$request .= $key.":".$val."\r\n";
$request .= "\r\n";
if (null != $body) {
$request .= $body;
return $request;
public function post($url, $headers = array(), $body = "") {
if(is_array($body)) {
$b = "";
foreach($body as $key=>$val) {
$b .= $key."=".urlencode($val)."&";
$body = substr($b, 0, strlen($b) - 1);
$this->sendRequest("POST", $url, $headers, $body);
public function streamedPost($url, $headers = array()) {
$headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = "chunked";
$this->sendRequest("POST", $url, $headers);
public function multipartChunkedPost($url) {
$mph = array(
"Content-Disposition" => "form-data; name=bvinfile; filename=data",
"Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream"
$rnd = rand(100000, 999999); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.rand_rand
$this->boundary = "----".$rnd;
$prologue = "--".$this->boundary."\r\n";
foreach($mph as $key=>$val) {
$prologue .= $key.":".$val."\r\n";
$prologue .= "\r\n";
$headers = array('Content-Type' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=".$this->boundary);
$this->streamedPost($url, $headers);
public function writeChunk($data) {
public function closeChunk() {
public function endStream() {
$epilogue = "\r\n\r\n--".$this->boundary."--\r\n";
$result = array();
$resp = $this->getResponse();
if (array_key_exists('httperror', $resp)) {
$result["httperror"] = $resp['httperror'];
} else {
$result["respstatus"] = $resp['status'];
$result["respstatus_string"] = $resp['status_string'];
return array("apicallstatus" => $result);
public function getResponse() {
$response = array();
$response['headers'] = array();
$state = 1;
$conlen = 0;
stream_set_timeout($this->conn, 300);
while (!feof($this->conn)) {
$line = fgets($this->conn, 4096);
if (1 == $state) {
if (!MCHelper::safePregMatch('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
$response['httperror'] = "Status code line invalid: ".htmlentities($line);
return $response;
$response['http_version'] = $m[1];
$response['status'] = $m[2];
$response['status_string'] = $m[3];
$state = 2;
} else if (2 == $state) {
# End of headers
if (2 == strlen($line)) {
if ($conlen > 0)
$response['body'] = fread($this->conn, $conlen);
return $response;
if (!MCHelper::safePregMatch('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
// Skip to the next header
$key = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
$val = trim($m[2]);
$response['headers'][$key] = $val;
if ($key == "content-length") {
$conlen = intval($val);
return $response;
// phpcs:enable