* The clone module, allowing users to clone (duplicate) fields.
class RWMB_Clone {
public static function html( array $meta, array $field ) : string {
$field_html = '';
$count = count( $meta );
foreach ( $meta as $index => $sub_meta ) {
$sub_field = $field;
$sub_field['field_name'] = $field['field_name'] . "[{$index}]";
$attributes_id = $sub_field['attributes']['id'] ?? $sub_field['id'];
if ( $index === 0 && $count > 1 ) {
$sub_field['attributes']['id'] = $attributes_id . "_rwmb_template";
if ( $index === 1 ) {
$sub_field['attributes']['id'] = $attributes_id;
if ( $index > 1 ) {
if ( isset( $sub_field['address_field'] ) ) {
$sub_field['address_field'] = $field['address_field'] . "_{$index}";
$sub_field['id'] = $field['id'] . "_{$index}";
if ( ! empty( $sub_field['attributes']['id'] ) ) {
$sub_field['attributes']['id'] .= "_{$index}";
if ( in_array( $sub_field['type'], [ 'file', 'image' ], true ) ) {
$sub_field['input_name'] = '_file_' . uniqid();
$sub_field['index_name'] .= "[{$index}]";
} elseif ( $field['multiple'] ) {
$sub_field['field_name'] .= '[]';
// Wrap field HTML in a div with class="rwmb-clone" if needed.
$class = "rwmb-clone rwmb-{$field['type']}-clone";
$sort_icon = '';
if ( $field['sort_clone'] ) {
$class .= ' rwmb-sort-clone';
$sort_icon = "<a href='javascript:;' class='rwmb-clone-icon'></a>";
$class .= $index === 0 ? ' rwmb-clone-template' : '';
$input_html = "<div class='$class'>" . $sort_icon;
// Call separated methods for displaying each type of field.
$input_html .= RWMB_Field::call( $sub_field, 'html', $sub_meta );
$input_html = RWMB_Field::filter( 'html', $input_html, $sub_field, $sub_meta );
// Remove clone button.
$input_html .= self::remove_clone_button( $sub_field );
$input_html .= '</div>';
$field_html .= $input_html;
return $field_html;
* Set value of meta before saving into database
* @param mixed $new The submitted meta value.
* @param mixed $old The existing meta value.
* @param int $object_id The object ID.
* @param array $field The field parameters.
* @return mixed
public static function value( $new, $old, $object_id, array $field ) {
if ( ! is_array( $new ) ) {
$new = [];
if ( in_array( $field['type'], [ 'file', 'image' ], true ) ) {
$new = RWMB_File_Field::clone_value( $new, $old, $object_id, $field );
} else {
foreach ( $new as $key => $value ) {
$old_value = $old[ $key ] ?? null;
$value = RWMB_Field::call( $field, 'value', $value, $old_value, $object_id );
$new[ $key ] = RWMB_Field::filter( 'sanitize', $value, $field, $old_value, $object_id );
// Remove empty clones.
$new = array_filter( $new, 'RWMB_Helpers_Value::is_valid_for_field' );
// Reset indexes.
$new = array_values( $new );
return $new;
public static function add_clone_button( array $field ) : string {
if ( ! $field['clone'] ) {
return '';
$text = RWMB_Field::filter( 'add_clone_button_text', $field['add_button'], $field );
return '<a href="#" class="rwmb-button button add-clone">' . esc_html( $text ) . '</a>';
public static function remove_clone_button( array $field ) : string {
$text = RWMB_Field::filter( 'remove_clone_button_text', '<span class="dashicons dashicons-dismiss"></span>', $field );
return '<a href="#" class="rwmb-button remove-clone">' . $text . '</a>';