( function ( $, rwmb ) {
'use strict';
// Object holds all methods related to fields' index when clone
var cloneIndex = {
* Set index for fields in a .rwmb-clone
* @param $inputs .rwmb-clone element
* @param index Index value
set: function ( $inputs, index, count ) {
$inputs.each( function () {
var $field = $( this );
// Name attribute
var name = this.name;
if ( name && ! $field.closest( '.rwmb-group-clone' ).length ) {
$field.attr( 'name', cloneIndex.replace( index, name, '[', ']', false ) );
// ID attribute
var id = this.id;
if ( id ) {
id = id.replace( '_rwmb_template', '' );
// First clone takes the original ID
if ( count === 2 ) {
$field.attr( 'id', id );
if ( count > 2 ) {
$field.attr( 'id', cloneIndex.replace( index, id, '_', '', true, true ) );
$field.trigger( 'update_index', index );
} );
* Replace an attribute of a field with updated index
* @param index New index value
* @param value Attribute value
* @param before String before returned value
* @param after String after returned value
* @param alternative Check if attribute does not contain any integer, will reset the attribute?
* @param isEnd Check if we find string at the end?
* @return string
replace: function ( index, value, before, after, alternative, isEnd ) {
before = before || '';
after = after || '';
if ( typeof alternative === 'undefined' ) {
alternative = true;
var end = isEnd ? '$' : '';
var regex = new RegExp( cloneIndex.escapeRegex( before ) + '(\\d+)' + cloneIndex.escapeRegex( after ) + end ),
newValue = before + index + after;
return regex.test( value ) ? value.replace( regex, newValue ) : (alternative ? value + newValue : value );
* Helper function to escape string in regular expression
* @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
* @param string
* @return string
escapeRegex: function ( string ) {
return string.replace( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&" );
* Helper function to create next index for clones
* @param $container .rwmb-input container
* @return integer
nextIndex: function ( $container ) {
var nextIndex = $container.data( 'next-index' );
// If we render cloneable fields via AJAX, the mb_ready event is not fired.
// so nextIndex is undefined. In this case, we get the next index from the number of existing clones.
if ( nextIndex === undefined ) {
nextIndex = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length;
$container.data( 'next-index', nextIndex + 1 );
return nextIndex;
// Object holds all method related to fields' value when clone.
var cloneValue = {
setDefault: function() {
var $field = $( this );
if ( true !== $field.data( 'clone-default' ) ) {
var type = $field.attr( 'type' ),
defaultValue = $field.data( 'default' );
if ( 'radio' === type ) {
$field.prop( 'checked', $field.val() === defaultValue );
} else if ( $field.hasClass( 'rwmb-checkbox' ) || $field.hasClass( 'rwmb-switch' ) ) {
$field.prop( 'checked', !! defaultValue );
} else if ( $field.hasClass( 'rwmb-checkbox_list' ) ) {
var value = $field.val();
$field.prop( 'checked', Array.isArray( defaultValue ) ? -1 !== defaultValue.indexOf( value ) : value == defaultValue );
} else if ( $field.is( 'select' ) ) {
$field.find( 'option[value="' + defaultValue + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );
} else if ( ! $field.hasClass( 'rwmb-hidden' ) ) {
$field.val( defaultValue );
clear: function() {
const $field = $( this ),
type = $field.attr( 'type' );
if ( 'radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type ) {
$field.prop( 'checked', false );
} else if ( $field.is( 'select' ) ) {
$field.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 );
} else if ( ! $field.hasClass( 'rwmb-hidden' ) ) {
$field.val( '' );
* Clone fields
* @param $container A div container which has all fields
function clone( $container ) {
var $last = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).last(),
$template = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone-template' ),
$clone = $template.clone(),
nextIndex = cloneIndex.nextIndex( $container );
// Add _rwmb_template suffix to ID of fields in template.
// so that the first clone will take the original ID.
$template.find( rwmb.inputSelectors ).each( function () {
this.id = this.id.includes( '_rwmb_template' ) ? this.id : this.id + '_rwmb_template';
} );
// Clear fields' values.
var $inputs = $clone.find( rwmb.inputSelectors );
let count = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length;
// The first clone should keep the default values.
if ( count > 1 ) {
$inputs.each( cloneValue.clear );
$clone = $clone.removeClass( 'rwmb-clone-template' );
// Remove validation errors.
$clone.find( 'p.rwmb-error' ).remove();
// Insert clone.
$clone.insertAfter( $last );
// Trigger custom event for the clone instance. Required for Group extension to update sub fields.
$clone.trigger( 'clone_instance', nextIndex );
// Set fields index. Must run before trigger clone event.
cloneIndex.set( $inputs, nextIndex, count );
// Set fields' default values: do after index is set to prevent previous radio fields from unchecking.
$inputs.each( cloneValue.setDefault );
// Trigger custom clone event.
$inputs.trigger( 'clone', nextIndex );
// After cloning fields.
$inputs.trigger( 'after_clone', nextIndex );
// Trigger custom change event for MB Blocks to update block attributes.
$inputs.first().trigger( 'mb_change' );
* Hide remove buttons when there's only 1 of them
* @param $container .rwmb-input container
function toggleRemoveButtons( $container ) {
const $clones = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' );
let minClone = 1;
let offset = 1;
// Add the first clone if data-clone-empty-start = false
const cloneEmptyStart = $container[0].dataset.cloneEmptyStart ?? 0;
// If clone-empty-start is true, we need at least 1 item.
if ( cloneEmptyStart == 1 ) {
offset = 0;
if ( $container.data( 'min-clone' ) ) {
minClone = parseInt( $container.data( 'min-clone' ) );
$clones.children( '.remove-clone' ).toggle( $clones.length - offset > minClone );
// Recursive for nested groups.
$container.find( '.rwmb-input' ).each( function () {
toggleRemoveButtons( $( this ) );
} );
* Toggle add button
* Used with [data-max-clone] attribute. When max clone is reached, the add button is hid and vice versa
* @param $container .rwmb-input container
function toggleAddButton( $container ) {
var $button = $container.children( '.add-clone' ),
maxClone = parseInt( $container.data( 'max-clone' ) ) + 1,
numClone = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length;
$button.toggle( isNaN( maxClone ) || ( maxClone && numClone < maxClone ) );
function addClone( e ) {
var $container = $( this ).closest( '.rwmb-input' );
clone( $container );
toggleRemoveButtons( $container );
toggleAddButton( $container );
sortClones.apply( $container[0] );
function removeClone( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$container = $this.closest( '.rwmb-input' );
// Remove clone only if there are 2 or more of them
if ( $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length < 2 ) {
$this.parent().trigger( 'remove' ).remove();
toggleRemoveButtons( $container );
toggleAddButton( $container );
// Trigger custom change event for MB Blocks to update block attributes.
$container.find( rwmb.inputSelectors ).first().trigger( 'mb_change' );
* Sort clones.
* Expect this = .rwmb-input element.
function sortClones() {
var $container = $( this );
if ( undefined !== $container.sortable( 'instance' ) ) {
if ( 0 === $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length ) {
$container.sortable( {
handle: '.rwmb-clone-icon',
placeholder: ' rwmb-clone rwmb-sortable-placeholder',
items: '> .rwmb-clone',
start: function ( event, ui ) {
// Make the placeholder has the same height as dragged item
ui.placeholder.height( ui.item.outerHeight() );
stop: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.trigger( 'mb_init_editors' );
ui.item.find( rwmb.inputSelectors ).first().trigger( 'mb_change' );
} );
function start() {
var $container = $( this );
toggleRemoveButtons( $container );
toggleAddButton( $container );
$container.data( 'next-index', $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length );
sortClones.apply( this );
function init( e ) {
$( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-input' ).each( start );
.on( 'mb_ready', init )
.on( 'click', '.add-clone', addClone )
.on( 'click', '.remove-clone', removeClone );
// Export for use outside.
rwmb.cloneIndex = cloneIndex;
rwmb.cloneValue = cloneValue;
rwmb.sortClones = sortClones;
rwmb.toggleRemoveButtons = toggleRemoveButtons;
rwmb.toggleAddButton = toggleAddButton;
} )( jQuery, rwmb );