( function ( $, wp, rwmb ) { 'use strict'; var views = rwmb.views = rwmb.views || {}, MediaField = views.MediaField, FileUploadField, UploadButton; FileUploadField = views.FileUploadField = MediaField.extend( { createAddButton: function () { this.addButton = new UploadButton( { controller: this.controller } ); } } ); UploadButton = views.UploadButton = Backbone.View.extend( { className: 'rwmb-upload-area', tagName: 'div', template: wp.template( 'rwmb-upload-area' ), render: function () { this.$el.html( this.template( {} ) ); return this; }, initialize: function ( options ) { this.controller = options.controller; this.el.id = _.uniqueId( 'rwmb-upload-area-' ); this.render(); // Auto hide if you reach the max number of media this.listenTo( this.controller, 'change:full', function () { this.$el.toggle( !this.controller.get( 'full' ) ); } ); this.collection = this.controller.get( 'items' ); this.listenTo( this.collection, 'remove', function ( item ) { if ( item.get( 'file' ) !== undefined ) { this.uploader.uploader.removeFile( item.get( 'file' ) ); } const totalFiles = parseInt( this.uploader.uploader.getOption( 'totalFiles' ) ); this.uploader.uploader.setOption( 'totalFiles', totalFiles - 1 ); } ); }, // Initializes plupload using code from wp.Uploader (wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload.js) initUploader: function ( $this ) { var self = this, $input = $this.closest( '.rwmb-input' ), $process = $input.find( '.rwmb-media-view .rwmb-media-progress' ), extensions = this.getExtensions().join( ',' ), maxFileSize = this.controller.get( 'maxFileSize' ), maxFiles = parseInt( this.controller.get( 'maxFiles' ) ), options = { container: this.el, dropzone: this.el, browser: this.$( '.rwmb-browse-button' ), params: { post_id: $( '#post_ID' ).val() }, added: function ( attachment ) { self.controller.get( 'items' ).add( [ attachment ] ); } }; // Initialize the plupload instance. this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( options ); var filters = this.uploader.uploader.getOption( 'filters' ); if ( maxFileSize ) { filters.max_file_size = maxFileSize; } if ( extensions ) { filters.mime_types = [ { title: i18nRwmbMedia.select, extensions: extensions } ]; } this.uploader.uploader.setOption( 'filters', filters ); this.uploader.uploader.setOption( 'totalFiles', 0 ); this.uploader.uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function ( up, files ) { const that = this, totalFiles = parseInt( that.getOption( 'totalFiles' ) ); $.each( files, function ( i, file ) { if ( maxFiles !== 0 && i >= maxFiles - totalFiles ) { up.removeFile( files[ i ] ); return; } $process.append( `<div id="${ file.id }" class="rwmb-progress" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"> ${ file.name } - ${ file.percent } % </div>` ); that.setOption( 'totalFiles', parseInt( that.getOption( 'totalFiles' ) ) + 1 ); } ); } ); const setWidth = ( file, value ) => $process.find( `#${ file.id }` ).attr( 'aria-valuenow', value ).css( '--value', value ).text( `${ file.name } - ${ value }%` ); this.uploader.uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', ( up, file ) => setWidth( file, file.percent ).addClass( file.percent === 100 ? 'rwmb-progress--completed' : '' ) ); this.uploader.uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', ( up, file ) => $process.find( `#${ file.id }` ).fadeOut( 'slow', function () { $( this ).remove(); } ) ); this.uploader.uploader.bind( 'Error', function ( up, err ) { if ( $input.find( '.rwmb-error' ).length === 0 ) { $input.append( '<p class="rwmb-error"></p>' ); } const $error = $input.find( '.rwmb-error' ).empty().show(); $error.text( err.message ); setTimeout( function () { $error.fadeOut( "slow" ); }, 5000 ); } ); $this.data( 'uploader', this.uploader ); }, getExtensions: function () { var mimeTypes = this.controller.get( 'mimeType' ).split( ',' ), exts = []; _.each( mimeTypes, function ( current, index ) { if ( i18nRwmbMedia.extensions[ current ] ) { exts = exts.concat( i18nRwmbMedia.extensions[ current ] ); } } ); return exts; } } ); function initFileUpload() { var $this = $( this ), view = $this.data( 'view' ); if ( view ) { return; } view = new FileUploadField( { input: this } ); $this.siblings( '.rwmb-media-view' ).remove(); $this.after( view.el ); // Init progress view.$el.find( '.rwmb-media-list' ).after( '<div class="rwmb-media-progress"></div>' ); // Init uploader after view is inserted to make wp.Uploader works. view.addButton.initUploader( $this ); $this.data( 'view', view ); } function init( e ) { $( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-file_upload' ).each( initFileUpload ); } function removeFile( e ) { $( '.rwmb-media-progress #' + $( this ).data( 'file_id' ) ).remove(); } rwmb.$document .on( 'mb_ready', init ) .on( 'clone', '.rwmb-file_upload', initFileUpload ) .on( 'click', '.rwmb-file-actions .rwmb-remove-media', removeFile ); } )( jQuery, wp, rwmb );
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
jqueryui | Folder | 0755 |
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wp-color-picker-alpha | Folder | 0755 |
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autosave.js | File | 595 B | 0644 |
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clone.js | File | 9.04 KB | 0644 |
color.js | File | 1.33 KB | 0644 |
date.js | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
datetime.js | File | 2.87 KB | 0644 |
file-input.js | File | 1.87 KB | 0644 |
file-upload.js | File | 5.1 KB | 0644 |
file.js | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
icon.js | File | 769 B | 0644 |
image-advanced.js | File | 1015 B | 0644 |
image-upload.js | File | 1007 B | 0644 |
input-list.js | File | 1.07 KB | 0644 |
map-frontend.js | File | 2.01 KB | 0644 |
map.js | File | 8.6 KB | 0644 |
media.js | File | 15.45 KB | 0644 |
modal.js | File | 4.12 KB | 0644 |
oembed.js | File | 880 B | 0644 |
osm-frontend.js | File | 1.2 KB | 0644 |
osm.js | File | 7.79 KB | 0644 |
post.js | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
range.js | File | 475 B | 0644 |
script.js | File | 751 B | 0644 |
select-advanced.js | File | 3.67 KB | 0644 |
select-tree.js | File | 1.62 KB | 0644 |
select.js | File | 536 B | 0644 |
slider.js | File | 922 B | 0644 |
taxonomy.js | File | 1.21 KB | 0644 |
time.js | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |
user.js | File | 1.43 KB | 0644 |
video.js | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
wysiwyg.js | File | 5.36 KB | 0644 |