// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Pulkit Gupta
// Date: 23rd Jan 2017
// Time: 23:00 hrs
// Site: http://pagelayer.com/wordpress (PAGELAYER)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://pagelayer.com/tos
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Pagelayer Team
// Are we being accessed directly ?
if(!defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')) {
exit('Hacking Attempt !');
function pagelayer_do_shortcode_to_block( $content, $ignore_html = false ) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( false === strpos( $content, '[' ) ) {
return $content;
// Find all registered tag names in $content.
preg_match_all( '@\[([^<>&/\[\]\x00-\x20=]++)@', $content, $matches );
$tagnames = array_intersect( array_keys( $shortcode_tags ), $matches[1] );
if( empty( $tagnames ) ){
return $content;
$content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags( $content, $ignore_html, $tagnames );
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex( $tagnames );
$content = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/", 'pagelayer_do_shortcode_tag', $content );
return $content;
function pagelayer_do_shortcode_tag($m){
// Allow [[foo]] syntax for escaping a tag.
if ( '[' === $m[1] && ']' === $m[6] ) {
return substr( $m[0], 1, -1 );
$tag = $m[2];
$attr = shortcode_parse_atts( $m[3] );
$content = isset( $m[5] ) ? $m[5] : null;
$output = $m[1] . pagelayer_shortcode_to_block( $attr, $content, $tag ) . $m[6];
return $output;
function pagelayer_shortcode_to_block($attr, $content, $tag){
if($tag == 'pl_post_props'){
return '';
if($tag == 'pl_inner_col'){
$tag = 'pl_col';
if($tag == 'pl_inner_row'){
$tag = 'pl_row';
$block_name = 'pagelayer/'.str_replace('_', '-', $tag);
$func = 'pagelayer_fix_block_'.$tag;
// Is there a function of the tag ?
call_user_func_array($func, array(&$block_name, &$attr, &$content));
$content = pagelayer_do_shortcode_to_block($content);
return get_comment_delimited_block_content( $block_name, $attr, $content );
function pagelayer_fix_block_pl_accordion_item(&$block_name, &$attr, &$content){
if(pagelayer_has_blocks($content) || false !== strpos( $content, '[pl_' )){
function pagelayer_content_to_block(&$content){
$content = '<!-- '.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-row {"stretch":"auto"} -->
<!-- '.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-col {"overlay_hover_delay":"400"} -->
<!-- '.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-text -->'.$content.'<!-- /'.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-text -->
<!-- /'.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-col -->
<!-- /'.PAGELAYER_BLOCK_PREFIX.':pagelayer/pl-row -->';