[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: bob.hitching
Tags: playable, video, email, mailpoet, newsletter
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Requires at least: 4.7.0
Tested up to: 5.7.1

The official WordPress plugin, built by Playable.

Add video to your emails. Works with MailPoet. Works with Newsletter. Works with Email Subscribers.

== Description ==

[Playable](https://playable.video/) adds video to your email campaigns and newsletters.

Playable generates an "Embed Code" for each of your videos, that you paste into your MailPoet or Newsletter template to display the video in your email campaign.

== Installation ==

You need one of these WordPress plugins to send your email campaigns:
* MailPoet - https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailpoet/
* Newsletter - https://wordpress.org/plugins/newsletter/
* Email Subscribers & Newsletters - https://wordpress.org/plugins/email-subscribers/

You also need a Playable account (free or paid). [Signup here](https://signup.playable.video/).

Here's a sample video embed code for testing on MailPoet or Newsletter:

And here's a sample embed code for testing on Email Subscribers & Newsletters:
[playable 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]

== Screenshots ==

1. Paste your Embed Code into MailPoet
2. Paste your Embed Code into Newsletter

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Help! =

Please contact support@playable.video

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.3 =
* Silently catch malformed embed codes, better than displaying an uncaught exception

= 1.1.2 =
* Renamed Newsletter custom block to 'Playable Video' to distinguish from Pro 'Video' block
* Added Example link to Newsletter custom block

= 1.1.1 =
* Added step-by-step tutorials for MailPoet and Newsletter

= 1.1 =
* Added support for Email Subscribers & Newsletters

= 1.0 =
* Initial support for MailPoet
* Initial support for Newsletter


Name Type Size Permission Actions
newsletter-block Folder 0755
main.php File 7.73 KB 0644
readme.txt File 3.98 KB 0644