[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.themepunch.com/
 * @copyright 2022 ThemePunch

if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

class RevSliderCache extends RevSliderFunctions {
	public $cache_enabled = false;
	 * holds transient additions that the slider is using
	private $cache_additions = array('action' => array(), 'filter' => array(), 'html' => array(), 'special' => array());
	private $output_html = array();
	public function __construct(){
		$globals = $this->get_global_settings();
		$this->cache_enabled = ($this->_truefalse($this->get_val($globals, 'internalcaching')) === true) ? true : false;
	public function is_enabled(){
		return $this->cache_enabled;
	 * define which slider types are supported
	 * no social streams are supported
	public function is_supported_type($type){
		return (in_array($type, array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo', 'gallery'), true)) ? true : false;
	public function clear_all_transients(){
		global $wpdb;
		$return = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . 'options' ." WHERE `option_name` LIKE '_transient_revslider_slider_%'");
		$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . 'options' ." WHERE `option_name` LIKE '_transient_timeout_revslider_slider_%'");
		return $return;
	 * clears all transients that are from a certain slider
	 * @since: 6.4.7
	public function clear_transients_by_slider($sid){
		global $wpdb;
		$return = false;
		$sid = intval($sid);
		if($sid > 0){
			$return = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . 'options' ." WHERE `option_name` LIKE '_transient_revslider_slider_%d%%'", $sid));
			$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . 'options' ." WHERE `option_name` LIKE '_transient_timeout_revslider_slider_%d%%'", $sid));
		return $return;
	public function get_additions(){
		return $this->cache_additions;
	public function add_addition($type, $name = false, $output = '', $priority = 10){
		if($output === '') return;
		if(!isset($this->cache_additions[$type])) $this->cache_additions[$type] = array();
		if($name === false){
			$this->cache_additions[$type][] = $output;
			if(!isset($this->cache_additions[$type][$name])) $this->cache_additions[$type][$name] = array();
			if($type === 'special'){
				$this->cache_additions[$type][$name][] = $output;
				$this->cache_additions[$type][$name][] = array(
					'html' => $output,
					'priority' => $priority
	 * replace HTML placeholders with their corresponding value
	public function do_html_changes($html){
		//$html = str_replace('##NONCE##', wp_create_nonce('RevSlider_Front'), $html);
		return $html;
	 * this will push all the additions to the output that can not be cached
	 * @since: 6.4.7
	public function do_additions($additions, $output){
		$t_actions = $this->get_val($additions, 'action', array());
			foreach($t_actions as $_action => $t_a){
					foreach($t_a as $t_sa){
						if(!isset($this->output_html[$_action])) $this->output_html[$_action] = array();
						$this->output_html[$_action][] = $t_sa;
						add_action($_action, array($this, 'print_addition'));
		$t_filters = $this->get_val($additions, 'filter', array());
			foreach($t_filters as $_filter => $t_a){
					foreach($t_a as $t_sa){
						if(!isset($this->output_html[$_filter])) $this->output_html[$_filter] = array();
						$this->output_html[$_filter][] = $t_sa;
						add_filter($_filter, array($this, 'print_addition'));
		$t_special = $this->get_val($additions, 'special', array());
			$_rs_css_collection = $this->get_val($t_special, 'rs_css_collection', array());
				global $rs_css_collection;
				$rs_css_collection = $_rs_css_collection;
			$_font_var = $this->get_val($t_special, 'font_var', array());
				foreach($_font_var as $fw){
					global $$fw;
					$$fw = true;
		do_action('revslider_do_cache_additions', $additions, $output);
	public function set_full_transient($transient, $sid, $content){
		$add = array(
			'html' => $content,
			'addition' => $this->get_additions()
		$add = json_encode($add);
		set_transient($transient, $add, 60*60*24*7);
		$this->cache_additions = array();
	 * prints the additions html when the filter/action is called
	 * @since: 6.4.7
	public function print_addition(){
		$html = $this->get_val($this->output_html, current_filter());
				usort($html, array($this, 'sort_by_priority'));
				echo (current_filter() === 'wp_print_footer_scripts') ? '<script>'."\n" : '';
				foreach($html as $echo){
					echo $this->get_val($echo, 'html');
				echo (current_filter() === 'wp_print_footer_scripts') ? RS_T.'</script>'."\n" : '';
			echo $html;
	 * check delete post based caches only!
	public function check_for_post_transient_deletion(){
		$post_types = array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo');
		foreach($post_types as $k => $pt){
			$post_types[$k] = '"sourcetype":"'.$pt.'"';
		$_slider = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderSlider');
		$slider = $_slider->get_slider_by_param_string($post_types, true);
		//clear cache for all of these sliders
		if(!empty($slider) && is_array($slider)){
			foreach($slider as $s){
				$this->clear_transients_by_slider($this->get_val($s, 'id'));
	public function sort_by_priority($a, $b) {
		return $a['priority'] - $b['priority'];


Name Type Size Permission Actions
EspressoDev Folder 0755
external Folder 0755
aq-resizer.class.php File 7.98 KB 0644
backwards.php File 1.5 KB 0644
basic-css.php File 12.19 KB 0644
cache.class.php File 5.98 KB 0644
coloreasing.class.php File 6.68 KB 0644
colorpicker.class.php File 15.88 KB 0644
cssparser.class.php File 25.7 KB 0644
data.class.php File 76.52 KB 0644
em-integration.class.php File 5.94 KB 0644
extension.class.php File 6.59 KB 0644
external-sources.class.php File 56.17 KB 0644
favorite.class.php File 1.29 KB 0644
functions.class.php File 41.37 KB 0644
globals.class.php File 2.59 KB 0644
googlefonts.php File 205.17 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
navigation.class.php File 19.81 KB 0644
navigations.php File 101.5 KB 0644
object-library.class.php File 52.4 KB 0644
output.class.php File 326.88 KB 0644
page-template.class.php File 4.14 KB 0644
slide.class.php File 115.14 KB 0644
slider.class.php File 81.5 KB 0644
update.class.php File 7.03 KB 0644
woocommerce.class.php File 6.16 KB 0644
wpml.class.php File 5.67 KB 0644