[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.themepunch.com/
 * @copyright 2022 ThemePunch

if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

class RevSliderCssParser extends RevSliderFunctions {
	public $css;
	 * init the parser, set css content
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::initContent()
	public function init_css($css){
		$this->css = $css;
	 * get array of slide classes, between two sections.
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::getArrClasses()
	public function get_classes($start_text = '', $end_text = '', $explodeonspace = false){
		$content = $this->css;
		$classes = array();
		//trim from top
			$pos_start	= strpos($content, $start_text);
			$content	= ($pos_start !== false) ? substr($content, $pos_start, strlen($content) - $pos_start) : $content;
		//trim from bottom
			$pos_end = strpos($content, $end_text);
			$content = ($pos_end !== false) ? substr($content, 0, $pos_end) : $content;
		//get styles
		$lines = explode("\n", $content);
		foreach($lines as $key => $line){
			$line = trim($line);
			if(strpos($line, '{') === false || strpos($line, '.caption a') || strpos($line, '.tp-caption a') !== false)
			//get style out of the line
			$class = trim(str_replace('{', '', $line));
			//skip captions like this: .tp-caption.imageclass img
			if(strpos($class, ' ') !== false){
					$class = explode(',', $class);
					$class = $class[0];
			//skip captions like this: .tp-caption.imageclass:hover, :before, :after
			if(strpos($class, ':') !== false)
			$class = str_replace(array('.caption.', '.tp-caption.'), '.', $class);
			$class = trim(str_replace('.', '', $class));
			$words = explode(' ', $class);
			$class = $words[count($words)-1];
			$class = trim($class);
			$classes[] = $class;
		return $classes;
	 * parse css stylesheet to an array
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseCssToArray();
	public function css_to_array($css){
		while(strpos($css, '/*') !== false){
			if(strpos($css, '*/') === false) return false;
			$start	= strpos($css, '/*');
			$end	= strpos($css, '*/') + 2;
			$css	= str_replace(substr($css, $start, $end - $start), '', $css);
		//preg_match_all('/(?ims)([a-z0-9\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);
		preg_match_all('/(?ims)([a-z0-9\,\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);

		$result = array();
		foreach($arr[0] as $i => $x){
			$selector = trim($arr[1][$i]);
			if(strpos($selector, '{') !== false || strpos($selector, '}') !== false) return false;
			$rules = explode(';', trim($arr[2][$i]));
			$result[$selector] = array();
			foreach($rules as $strRule){
					$rule = explode(':', $strRule);
					//does not work if in css is another { or }
					//if(strpos($rule[0], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[0], '}') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '}') !== false) return false;
					//put back everything but not $rule[0];
					$key = trim($rule[0]);
					$values = implode(':', $rule);
					$result[$selector][trim($key)] = trim(str_replace("'", '"', $values));
		return $result;
	 * parse database entry to css
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseDbArrayToCss();
	public function parse_db_to_css($css_array, $nl = "\n\r"){
		$css = '';
		$deformations = $this->get_deformation_css_tags();
		$transparency = array(
			'color'				=> 'color-transparency',
			'background-color'	=> 'background-transparency',
			'border-color'		=> 'border-transparency'
		$check_parameters = array(
			'border-width'	=> 'px',
			'border-radius'	=> 'px',
			'padding'		=> 'px',
			'font-size'		=> 'px',
			'line-height'	=> 'px'
		foreach($css_array as $id => $attr){
			$stripped	= (strpos($attr['handle'], '.tp-caption') !== false) ? trim(str_replace('.tp-caption', '', $attr['handle'])) : '';
			$attr['advanced'] = json_decode($attr['advanced'], true);
			$styles		= json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $attr['params']), true);
			$styles_adv	= $attr['advanced']['idle'];
			$css		.= $attr['handle'];
			$css		.= (!empty($stripped)) ? ', '.$stripped : '';
			$css		.= ' {'.$nl;
			if(is_array($styles) || is_array($styles_adv)){
					foreach($styles as $name => $style){
						if(in_array($name, $deformations) && $name !== 'cursor') continue;
						if(!is_array($name) && isset($transparency[$name])){ //the style can have transparency!
							if(isset($styles[$transparency[$name]]) && $style !== 'transparent'){
								$style = $this->hex2rgba($style, $styles[$transparency[$name]] * 100);
						if(!is_array($name) && isset($check_parameters[$name])){
							$style = $this->add_missing_val($style, $check_parameters[$name]);
						if(is_array($style) || is_object($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
						$ret = $this->check_for_modifications($name, $style);
						if($ret['name'] == 'cursor' && $ret['style'] == 'auto') continue;
						$css .= $ret['name'].':'.$ret['style'].";".$nl;
					foreach($styles_adv as $name => $style){
						if(in_array($name, $deformations) && $name !== 'cursor') continue;
						if(is_array($style) || is_object($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
						$ret = $this->check_for_modifications($name, $style);
						if($ret['name'] == 'cursor' && $ret['style'] == 'auto') continue;
						$css .= $ret['name'].':'.$ret['style'].";".$nl;
			$css .= '}'.$nl.$nl;
			//add hover
			$setting = json_decode($attr['settings'], true);
			if(isset($setting['hover']) && $setting['hover'] == 'true'){
				$hover = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $attr['hover']), true);
				$hover_adv = $attr['advanced']['hover'];
				if(is_array($hover) || is_array($hover_adv)){
					$css .= $attr['handle'].':hover';
					if(!empty($stripped)) $css .= ', '.$stripped.':hover';
					$css .= ' {'.$nl;
						foreach($hover as $name => $style){
							if(in_array($name, $deformations) && $name !== 'cursor') continue;
							if(!is_array($name) && isset($transparency[$name])){ //the style can have transparency!
								if(isset($hover[$transparency[$name]]) && $style !== 'transparent'){
									$style = $this->hex2rgba($style, $hover[$transparency[$name]] * 100);
							if(!is_array($name) && isset($check_parameters[$name])){
								$style = $this->add_missing_val($style, $check_parameters[$name]);
							if(is_array($style)|| is_object($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
							$ret = $this->check_for_modifications($name, $style);
							if($ret['name'] == 'cursor' && $ret['style'] == 'auto') continue;
							$css .= $ret['name'].':'.$ret['style'].";".$nl;
						foreach($hover_adv as $name => $style){
							if(in_array($name, $deformations) && $name !== 'cursor') continue;
							if(is_array($style)|| is_object($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
							$ret = $this->check_for_modifications($name, $style);
							if($ret['name'] == 'cursor' && $ret['style'] == 'auto') continue;
							$css .= $ret['name'].':'.$ret['style'].";".$nl;
					$css .= '}'.$nl.$nl;
		return $css;
	 * Check for Modifications like with cursor
	 * @since: 5.1.3
	public function check_for_modifications($name, $style){
		if($name == 'cursor'){
			$style	= ($style == 'zoom-in') ? 'zoom-in; -webkit-zoom-in; cursor: -moz-zoom-in' : $style;
			$style	= ($style == 'zoom-out') ? 'zoom-out; -webkit-zoom-out; cursor: -moz-zoom-out' : $style;
			$name	= 'cursor';
		return array('name' => $name, 'style' => $style);
	 * Check for Modifications like with cursor
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseArrayToCss();
	public function array_to_css($css_array, $nl = "\n\r", $adv = false){
		$css			= '';
		$deformations	= $this->get_deformation_css_tags();
		foreach($css_array as $id => $attr){
			$setting	= (array)$attr['settings'];
			$advanced	= (array)$attr['advanced'];
			$stripped	= (strpos($attr['handle'], '.tp-caption') !== false) ? trim(str_replace('.tp-caption', '', $attr['handle'])) : '';
			$styles		= (array)$attr['params'];
			$css		.= $attr['handle'];
			$css		.= (!empty($stripped)) ? ', '.$stripped : $css;
			$css		.= ' {'.$nl;
			if($adv && isset($advanced['idle'])){
				$styles = array_merge($styles, (array)$advanced['idle']);
					$styles['type'] = $setting['type'];
			if(is_array($styles) && !empty($styles)){
				foreach($styles as $name => $style){
					if(in_array($name, $deformations) && $name !== 'cursor') continue;
					if($name == 'background-color' && strpos($style, 'rgba') !== false){ //rgb && rgba
						$rgb = explode(',', str_replace('rgba', 'rgb', $style));
						$rgb = implode(',', $rgb).')';
						$css .= $name.':'.$rgb.';'.$nl;
					$style	= (is_array($style) || is_object($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
					$css	.= $name.':'.$style.';'.$nl;
			$css .= '}'.$nl.$nl;
			//add hover
			if(isset($setting['hover']) && $setting['hover'] == 'true'){
				$hover = (array)$attr['hover'];
				if($adv && isset($advanced['hover'])){
					$styles = array_merge($styles, (array)$advanced['hover']);
					$css .= $attr['handle'].':hover';
					if(!empty($stripped)) $css.= ', '.$stripped.':hover';
					$css .= ' {'.$nl;
					foreach($hover as $name => $style){
						if($name == 'background-color' && strpos($style, 'rgba') !== false){ //rgb && rgba
							$rgb  = explode(',', str_replace('rgba', 'rgb', $style));
							$rgb  = implode(',', $rgb).')';
							$css .= $name.':'.$rgb.';'.$nl;
						$style	 = (is_array($style) || is_object($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
						$css 	.= $name.':'.$style.';'.$nl;
					$css .= '}'.$nl.$nl;
		return $css;
	 * parse static database to css
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseStaticArrayToCss();
	public function static_to_css($css_array, $nl = "\n"){
		return $this->simple_array_to_css($css_array);
	 * parse simple array to css
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseSimpleArrayToCss();
	public function simple_array_to_css($css_array, $nl = "\n"){
		$css = '';
		foreach($css_array as $class => $styles){
			$css .= $class.' {'.$nl;
			if(is_array($styles) && !empty($styles)){
				foreach($styles as $name => $style){
					$style = (is_array($style) || is_object($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
					$css  .= $name.':'.$style.';'.$nl;
			$css .= '}'.$nl.$nl;
		return $css;
	 * parse db array to array
	 * @before: RevSliderCssParser::parseDbArrayToArray();
	public function db_array_to_array($css_array, $handle = false){
		if(!is_array($css_array) || empty($css_array)) return false;
		foreach($css_array as $key => $css){
			if($handle != false){
				if($this->get_val($css_array[$key], 'handle') == '.tp-caption.'.$handle){
					$css_array[$key]['params']	 = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'params')));
					$css_array[$key]['hover']	 = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'hover')));
					$css_array[$key]['advanced'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'advanced')));
					$css_array[$key]['settings'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'settings')));
					return $css_array[$key];
				$css_array[$key]['params']	 = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'params')));
				$css_array[$key]['hover']	 = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'hover')));
				$css_array[$key]['advanced'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'advanced')));
				$css_array[$key]['settings'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $this->get_val($css, 'settings')));
		return $css_array;
	 * compress the css
	public function compress_css($buffer){
		/* remove comments */
		$buffer = preg_replace("!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!", '', $buffer) ;
		/* remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */
		$arr = array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '  ', '    ', '    ');
		$rep = array('', '', '', '', ' ', ' ', ' ');
		$buffer = str_replace($arr, $rep, $buffer);
		/* remove whitespaces around {}:, */
		$buffer = preg_replace("/\s*([\{\}:,])\s*/", "$1", $buffer);
		/* remove last ; */
		$buffer = str_replace(';}', '}', $buffer);
		return $buffer;
	 * Defines the default CSS Classes, can be given a version number to order them accordingly
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function default_css_classes(){
		$c = '.tp-caption';
		$default = array(
			$c.'.medium_grey'				=> '4',
			$c.'.small_text'				=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_text'				=> '4',
			$c.'.large_text'				=> '4',
			$c.'.very_large_text'			=> '4',
			$c.'.very_big_white'			=> '4',
			$c.'.very_big_black'			=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_medium_fat'			=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_medium_fat_white'	=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_medium_light'		=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_big_bluebg'			=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_big_redbg'			=> '4',
			$c.'.modern_small_text_dark'	=> '4',
			$c.'.boxshadow'					=> '4',
			$c.'.black'						=> '4',
			$c.'.noshadow'					=> '4',
			$c.'.thinheadline_dark'			=> '4',
			$c.'.thintext_dark'				=> '4',
			$c.'.largeblackbg'				=> '4',
			$c.'.largepinkbg'				=> '4',
			$c.'.largewhitebg'				=> '4',
			$c.'.largegreenbg'				=> '4',
			$c.'.excerpt'					=> '4',
			$c.'.large_bold_grey'			=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_thin_grey'			=> '4',
			$c.'.small_thin_grey'			=> '4',
			$c.'.lightgrey_divider'			=> '4',
			$c.'.large_bold_darkblue'		=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_bg_darkblue'		=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_bold_red'			=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_light_red'			=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_bg_red'				=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_bold_orange'		=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_bg_orange'			=> '4',
			$c.'.grassfloor'				=> '4',
			$c.'.large_bold_white'			=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_light_white'		=> '4',
			$c.'.mediumlarge_light_white'	=> '4',
			$c.'.mediumlarge_light_white_center' => '4',
			$c.'.medium_bg_asbestos' 		=> '4',
			$c.'.medium_light_black' 		=> '4',
			$c.'.large_bold_black'			=> '4',
			$c.'.mediumlarge_light_darkblue'=> '4',
			$c.'.small_light_white'			=> '4',
			$c.'.roundedimage'				=> '4',
			$c.'.large_bg_black'			=> '4',
			$c.'.mediumwhitebg'				=> '4',
			$c.'.MarkerDisplay'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Display'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Cursive'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-ScrollDownText'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Description'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Price'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Menuitem'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Furniture-LogoText'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Furniture-Plus'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Furniture-Title'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Furniture-Subtitle'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-Display'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-Subline'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-SmallText'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Fashion-SmallText'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Fashion-BigDisplay'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Fashion-TextBlock'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Sports-Display'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Sports-DisplayFat'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Sports-Subline'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Instagram-Caption'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.News-Title'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.News-Subtitle'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Display'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Subline'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-ImageHover'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Menuitem'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Textblock'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Subline-2'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-ImageHover2'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Title'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-SubTitle'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Content'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Menuitem'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Title-Light'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-SubTitle-Light'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Content-Light'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.FatRounded'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-Title'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-SubTitle'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-CallToAction'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-Icon'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-Menuitem'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.MarkerStyle'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-Menuitem'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Newspaper-Button'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Newspaper-Subtitle'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Newspaper-Title'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Newspaper-Title-Centered'	=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Hero-Button'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Video-Title'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Video-SubTitle'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-Button'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.NotGeneric-BigButton'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.WebProduct-Button'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Restaurant-Button'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-Button'				=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Gym-Button-Light'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Sports-Button-Light'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Sports-Button-Red'			=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Photography-Button'		=> '5.0',
			$c.'.Newspaper-Button-2'		=> '5.0'
		return apply_filters('revslider_mod_default_css_handles', $default);
	 * Defines the deformation CSS which is not directly usable as pure CSS
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function get_deformation_css_tags(){
		return array(
			'x'					 => 'x',
			'y'					 => 'y',
			'z'					 => 'z',
			'skewx'				 => 'skewx',
			'skewy'				 => 'skewy',
			'scalex'			 => 'scalex',
			'scaley'			 => 'scaley',
			'opacity'			 => 'opacity',
			'xrotate'			 => 'xrotate',
			'yrotate'			 => 'yrotate',
			'2d_rotation'		 => '2d_rotation',
			'layer_2d_origin_x'	 => 'layer_2d_origin_x',
			'layer_2d_origin_y'	 => 'layer_2d_origin_y',
			'2d_origin_x'		 => '2d_origin_x',
			'2d_origin_y'		 => '2d_origin_y',
			'pers'				 => 'pers',
			'color-transparency' => 'color-transparency',
			'background-transparency' => 'background-transparency',
			'border-transparency'=> 'border-transparency',
			'cursor'			 => 'cursor',
			'speed'				 => 'speed',
			'easing'			 => 'easing',
			'corner_left'		 => 'corner_left',
			'corner_right'		 => 'corner_right',
			'parallax'			 => 'parallax',
			'type'				 => 'type',
			'padding'			 => 'padding',
			'margin'			 => 'margin',
			'text-align'		 => 'text-align'
	 * return the captions sorted by handle name
	public function get_captions_sorted(){
		global $wpdb;
		$styles = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_CSS . " ORDER BY handle ASC", ARRAY_A);
		$arr	= array('5.0' => array(), 'Custom' => array(), '4' => array());
		foreach($styles as $style){
			$setting = json_decode($this->get_val($style, 'settings'), true);
			if(!isset($setting['type'])) $setting['type'] = 'text';
			if(array_key_exists('version', $setting) && isset($setting['version'])) $arr[ucfirst($setting['version'])][] = array('label' => trim(str_replace('.tp-caption.', '', $style['handle'])), 'type' => $setting['type']);

		$sorted = array();
		foreach($arr as $version => $class){
			foreach($class as $name){
				$sorted[] = array('label' => $this->get_val($name, 'label'), 'version' => $version, 'type' => $this->get_val($name, 'type'));
		return $sorted;
	 * Handles media queries
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function parse_media_blocks($css){
		$blocks	= array();
		$start	= 0;
		while(($start = strpos($css, '@media', $start)) !== false){
			$s = array();
			$i = strpos($css, '{', $start);
			if ($i !== false){
				$block = trim(substr($css, $start, $i - $start));
				array_push($s, $css[$i]);

					if($css[$i] == '{'){
						array_push($s, '{');
					}elseif($css[$i] == '}'){
						//broken css?
				$blocks[$block] = substr($css, $start, ($i + 1) - $start);
				$start = $i;

		return $blocks;
	 * removes @media { ... } queries from CSS
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function clear_media_block($css){
		$start = 0;
		if(empty($css)) return $css;
		if(strpos($css, '@media', $start) !== false){
			$start	= strpos($css, '@media', 0);
			$i		= strpos($css, '{', $start);
			if($i === false) return $css;
			$i += 1;
			$remove	= substr($css, $start - 1, $i - $start + 1); //remove @media ... first {
			$css	= str_replace($remove, '', $css);
			$css	= preg_replace('/}$/', '', $css); //remove last }
		return $css;
	 * import contents of the css file
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::importCaptionsCssContentArray()
	public function import_css_captions(){
		global $wpdb;
		$css	= $this->get_base_css_captions();
		$static	= array();
		if(is_array($css) && $css !== false && count($css) > 0){
			foreach($css as $class => $styles){
				//check if static style or dynamic style
				$class = trim($class);

				if((strpos($class, ':hover') === false && strpos($class, ':') !== false) || //before, after
					strpos($class, ' ') !== false || // .tp-caption.imageclass img or .tp-caption .imageclass or .tp-caption.imageclass .img
					strpos($class, '.tp-caption') === false || // everything that is not tp-caption
					(strpos($class, '.') === false || strpos($class, '#') !== false) || // no class -> #ID or img
					strpos($class, '>') !== false){ //.tp-caption>.imageclass or .tp-caption.imageclass>img or .tp-caption.imageclass .img

					$static[$class] = $styles;

				//is a dynamic style
				if(strpos($class, ':hover') !== false){
					$class	= trim(str_replace(':hover', '', $class));
					$add	= array(
						'hover'		=> json_encode($styles),
						'settings'	=> json_encode(array('hover' => 'true'))
					$add	= array(
						'params'	=> json_encode($styles)
				//check if class exists
				$result = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_CSS." WHERE handle = %s", $class), ARRAY_A);
				if(!empty($result)){ //update
					$wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_CSS, $add, array('handle' => $class));
				}else{ //insert
					$add['handle'] = $class;
					$wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_CSS, $add);
		if(!empty($static)){ //save static into static-captions.css
			$css = $this->get_static_css()."\n".$this->static_to_css($static); //get the open sans line!

	 * get contents of the css file
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::getCaptionsCssContentArray();
	public function get_base_css_captions(){
		include(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'includes/basic-css.php');
		return $this->css_to_array($css);
	 * get the css raw from the database
	public function get_raw_css(){
		global $wpdb;
		$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_CSS, ARRAY_A);
		return $result;
	 * get the css from the database and set it into an object structure
	public function get_database_classes($adv = false){
		$css = $this->get_raw_css();
			foreach($css as $k => $v){
				if($adv === true){
					$css[$v['handle']]['hover']		= json_decode($this->get_val($v, 'hover', ''), true);
					$css[$v['handle']]['params']	= json_decode($this->get_val($v, 'params', ''), true);
					$css[$v['handle']]['settings']	= json_decode($this->get_val($v, 'settings', ''), true);
				$css[$v['handle']]['advanced'] = json_decode($this->get_val($v, 'advanced', ''), true);
		return $css;
	 * add missing px/% to value, do also for object and array
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function add_missing_val($obj, $set_to = 'px'){
			foreach($obj as $key => $value){
				if(strpos($value, $set_to) === false){
					$obj[$key] = $value.$set_to;
			foreach($obj as $key => $value){
						if(strpos($value->v, $set_to) === false){
							$obj->$key->v = $value->v.$set_to;
					if(strpos($value, $set_to) === false){
						$obj->$key = $value.$set_to;
			if(strpos($obj, $set_to) === false){
				$obj .= $set_to;
		return $obj;
	 * change hex to rgba
    public function hex2rgba($hex, $transparency = false, $raw = false, $do_rgb = false){
        if($transparency !== false){
			$transparency = ($transparency > 0) ? number_format(($transparency / 100), 2, '.', '') : 0;
            $transparency = 1;

        $hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex);
        if(strlen($hex) == 3){
            $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,1).substr($hex,0,1));
            $g = hexdec(substr($hex,1,1).substr($hex,1,1));
            $b = hexdec(substr($hex,2,1).substr($hex,2,1));
			return $hex;
            $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2));
            $g = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2));
            $b = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2));
		$ret = ($do_rgb) ? $r.', '.$g.', '.$b : $r.', '.$g.', '.$b.', '.$transparency;
		return ($raw) ? $ret : 'rgba('.$ret.')';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
EspressoDev Folder 0755
external Folder 0755
aq-resizer.class.php File 7.98 KB 0644
backwards.php File 1.5 KB 0644
basic-css.php File 12.19 KB 0644
cache.class.php File 5.98 KB 0644
coloreasing.class.php File 6.68 KB 0644
colorpicker.class.php File 15.88 KB 0644
cssparser.class.php File 25.7 KB 0644
data.class.php File 76.52 KB 0644
em-integration.class.php File 5.94 KB 0644
extension.class.php File 6.59 KB 0644
external-sources.class.php File 56.17 KB 0644
favorite.class.php File 1.29 KB 0644
functions.class.php File 41.37 KB 0644
globals.class.php File 2.59 KB 0644
googlefonts.php File 205.17 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
navigation.class.php File 19.81 KB 0644
navigations.php File 101.5 KB 0644
object-library.class.php File 52.4 KB 0644
output.class.php File 326.88 KB 0644
page-template.class.php File 4.14 KB 0644
slide.class.php File 115.14 KB 0644
slider.class.php File 81.5 KB 0644
update.class.php File 7.03 KB 0644
woocommerce.class.php File 6.16 KB 0644
wpml.class.php File 5.67 KB 0644