[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.themepunch.com/
 * @copyright 2022 ThemePunch
if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

class RevSliderFunctions extends RevSliderData {

	public function __construct(){

	 * old version of get_val();
	 * added for compatibility with old AddOns
	public static function getVal($arr, $key, $default = ''){
		//echo 'Slider Revolution Notice: Please do not use RevSliderFunctions::getVal() anymore, use $f->get_val()'."\n";
		$f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions');
		return $f->get_val($arr, $key, $default);
	 * old version of class_to_array_single();
	 * added for compatibility with old AddOns
	public static function cleanStdClassToArray($arr){
		$f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions');
		return $f->class_to_array_single($arr);

	 * attempt to load cache for _get_global_settings
	 * @return mixed
	public function get_global_settings(){
		return $this->get_wp_cache('_get_global_settings');

	 * Get Global Settings
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::getGeneralSettingsValues()
	protected function _get_global_settings(){
		$gs = get_option('revslider-global-settings', '');
			$gs = json_decode($gs, true);
		return apply_filters('rs_get_global_settings', $gs);

	 * update general settings
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::updateGeneralSettings()
	public function set_global_settings($global){
		$global = json_encode($global);
		return update_option('revslider-global-settings', $global);

	 * get all additions from the update checks
	 * @since: 6.2.0
	public function get_addition($key = ''){
		$additions = (array)get_option('revslider-additions', array());
		$additions = (!is_array($additions)) ? json_decode($additions, true) : $additions;
		return (empty($key)) ? $additions : $this->get_val($additions, $key);

	 * throw an error
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctions::throwError()
	public function throw_error($message, $code = null){
			throw new Exception($message, $code);
			throw new Exception($message);

	 * get value from array. if not - return alternative
	 * before: RevSliderFunctions::get_val();
	 * @param mixed $arr  could be array | object | scalar 
	 * @param mixed $key  could be array | string
	 * @param mixed $default  value to return if key not found
	 * @return mixed  
	public function get_val($arr, $key, $default = ''){
		//scalar =  int, float, string и bool
		if(is_scalar($arr)) return $default;
		//convert obj to array 
		if(is_object($arr)) $arr = (array)$arr;
		//if key is string, check immediately 
		if(!is_array($key)) return (isset($arr[$key])) ? $arr[$key] : $default;
		//loop thru keys
		foreach($key as $v){
			if(is_object($arr)) $arr = (array)$arr;
			if(isset($arr[$v])) {
				$arr = $arr[$v];
			} else {
				return $default;
		return $arr;

	 * set parameter
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function set_val(&$base, $name, $value){
			foreach($name as $key){
					if(!isset($base[$key])) $base[$key] = array();
					$base = &$base[$key];
					if(!isset($base->$key)) $base->$key = new stdClass();
					$base = &$base->$key;
			$base = $value;
			$base[$name] = $value;
	 * get POST variable
	 * before: RevSliderBase::getPostVar();
	public function get_post_var($key, $default = '', $esc = true){
		$val = $this->get_var($_POST, $key, $default);
		return ($esc) ? esc_html($val) : $val;
	 * get GET variable
	 * before: RevSliderBase::getGetVar();
	public function get_get_var($key, $default = '', $esc = true){
		$val = $this->get_var($_GET, $key, $default);
		return ($esc) ? esc_html($val) : $val;
	 * get POST or GET variable in this order
	 * before: RevSliderBase::getPostGetVar();
	public function get_request_var($key, $default = '', $esc = true){
		$val = (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) ? $this->get_var($_POST, $key, $default) : $this->get_var($_GET, $key, $default);
		return ($esc) ? esc_html($val) : $val;
	 * get a variable from an array,
	 * before: RevSliderBase::getVar()
	public function get_var($arr, $key, $default = ''){
		return (isset($arr[$key])) ? $arr[$key] : $default;
	 * check for true and false in all possible ways
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function _truefalse($v){
		if($v === 'false' || $v === false || $v === 'off' || $v ===	NULL || $v === 0 || $v === -1){
			$v = false;
		}elseif($v === 'true' || $v === true || $v === 'on'){
			$v = true;
		return $v;
	 * validate that some value is numeric
	 * before: RevSliderFunctions::validateNumeric
	public function validate_numeric($val, $fn = 'Field'){
		$this->validate_not_empty($val, $fn);
			$this->throw_error($fn.__(' should be numeric', 'revslider'));
	 * validate that some variable not empty
	 * before: RevSliderFunctions::validateNotEmpty
	public function validate_not_empty($val, $fn = 'Field'){
		if(empty($val) && is_numeric($val) == false)
			$this->throw_error($fn.__(' should not be empty', 'revslider'));
	 * encode array into json for client side
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctions::jsonEncodeForClientSide()
	public function json_encode_client_side($arr){
		$json = '';
				$json = json_encode($arr, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE);
				$json = json_encode($arr);
			$json = addslashes($json);

		$json = (empty($json)) ? '{}' : "'".$json."'";
		return $json;
	 * turn a string into an array, check also for slashes!
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function json_decode_slashes($data){
		if(gettype($data) == 'string'){
			$data_decoded = json_decode(stripslashes($data), true);
				$data_decoded = json_decode($data, true);
			$data = $data_decoded;
		return $data;
	 * Convert std class to array, with all sons
	 * before: RevSliderFunctions::convertStdClassToArray();
	 * @return array|null
	public function class_to_array($arr){
		return json_decode(json_encode($arr), true);
	 * Convert std class to array, single
	 * before: RevSliderFunctions::cleanStdClassToArray();
	 * @return array
	public function class_to_array_single($arr){
		return (array)$arr;
	 * Check Array for Value Recursive
	public function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false){
		if(is_array($haystack) && !empty($haystack)){
			foreach($haystack as $item){
				if(($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || (is_array($item) && $this->in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))){
					return true;
		return false;
	 * get attachment image url
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getUrlAttachmentImage();
	public function get_url_attachment_image($id, $size = 'full'){
		$image	= wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size);
		$url	= (empty($image)) ? false : $this->get_val($image, 0);
		if($url === false){
			$url = wp_get_attachment_url($id);
		return $url;
	 * retrieve the image id from the given image url
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::get_image_id_by_url();
	public function get_image_id_by_url($image_url){
		global $wpdb;
		$attachment_id = false;
		if($image_url !== ''){
			$attachment_id = (function_exists('attachment_url_to_postid')) ? attachment_url_to_postid($image_url) : 0;
			//for WP < 4.0.0
			if(0 == $attachment_id){ //get it the old school way
				$upload_dir_paths = wp_upload_dir();
				// Make sure the upload path base directory exists in the attachment URL, to verify that we're working with a media library image
				if(false !== strpos($image_url, $upload_dir_paths['baseurl'])){
					$image_url = preg_replace('/-\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$)/i', '', $image_url);
					$image_url = str_replace($upload_dir_paths['baseurl'] . '/', '', $image_url);
					$attachment_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare( "SELECT wposts.ID FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta wpostmeta WHERE wposts.ID = wpostmeta.post_id AND wpostmeta.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file' AND wpostmeta.meta_value = '%s' AND wposts.post_type = 'attachment'", $image_url));
					$attachment_id = false;
		return (is_null($attachment_id)) ? false : $attachment_id;
	 * retrieve the image id from the given image filename/basename
	 * @since: 6.1.5
	public function get_image_id_by_basename($basename){
		global $wpdb;
		$var = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `post_id` FROM `".$wpdb->postmeta."` WHERE `meta_value` LIKE %s LIMIT 0,1", '%/'.$basename));
		return ($var) ? $var : false;
	 * get image url from image path.
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath();
	public function get_image_url_from_path($path){
		if(empty($path)) return '';
		//check if the path ends with /, if yes its not a correct image path
		$lc = substr($path, -1);
		if(in_array($lc, array('/', '\\'))) return '';
		//protect from absolute url
		$lower = strtolower($path);
		$return = (strpos($lower, 'http://') !== false || strpos($lower, 'https://') !== false || strpos($lower, 'www.') === 0) ? $path : $this->get_base_url().$path;
		return ($return !== $this->get_base_url()) ? $return : '';
	 * Check if Path is a Valid Image File
	public function check_valid_image($url){
		if(empty($url)) return false;
		$pos = strrpos($url, '.', -1);
		if($pos === false) return false;
		$ext = strtolower(substr($url, $pos));
		$img_exts = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png');
		if(in_array($ext, $img_exts)) return $url;
		return false;
	 * get the upload URL of images
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getUrlUploads()
	public static function get_base_url(){
		if(is_multisite() == false){ //without multisite
			$url = content_url().'/';
		}else{	//for multisite
			$upload_dir	= wp_upload_dir();
			$url = $upload_dir['baseurl'].'/';
		return $url;
	 * strip slashes recursive
	 * @since: 5.0
	 * before: RevSliderBase::stripslashes_deep()
	public static function stripslashes_deep($value){
		$value = is_array($value) ? array_map(array('RevSliderFunctions', 'stripslashes_deep'), $value) : stripslashes($value);
		return $value;
	 * esc attr recursive
	 * @since: 6.0
	public static function esc_attr_deep($value){
		$value = is_array($value) ? array_map(array('RevSliderFunctions', 'esc_attr_deep'), $value) : esc_attr($value);
		return $value;
	 * get post types with categories for client side.
	 * before: RevSliderOperations::getPostTypesWithCatsForClient();
	public function get_post_types_with_categories_for_client(){
		$c = 0;
		$ret = array();
		$post_types = $this->get_post_types_with_taxonomies();
		foreach($post_types as $name => $tax){
			$cat = array();
				$ret[$name] = $cat;
			foreach($tax as $tax_name => $tax_title){
				$cats = $this->get_categories_assoc($tax_name);
				if(empty($cats)) continue;

				$cat['option_disabled_'.$c] = '---- '. $tax_title .' ----';
				foreach($cats as $catID => $catTitle){
					$cat[$tax_name.'_'.$catID] = $catTitle;
			$ret[$name] = $cat;

		return $ret;
	 * get post types array with taxomonies
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostTypesWithTaxomonies()
	public function get_post_types_with_taxonomies(){
		$post_types = $this->get_post_type_assoc();
		foreach($post_types as $post_type => $title){
			$post_types[$post_type]	= $this->get_post_type_taxonomies($post_type);
		return $post_types;
	 * get array of post types with categories (the taxonomies is between).
	 * get only those taxomonies that have some categories in it.
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostTypesWithCats()
	public function get_post_types_with_categories(){
		$post_types_categories	= array();
		$post_types				= $this->get_post_types_with_taxonomies();
		foreach($post_types as $name => $tax){
			$ptwc = array();
				foreach($tax as $tax_name => $tax_title){
					$cats = $this->get_categories_assoc($tax_name);
						$ptwc[] = array(
							'name'	=> $tax_name,
							'title'	=> $tax_title,
							'cats'	=> $cats
			$post_types_categories[$name] = $ptwc;
		return $post_types_categories;
	 * get all the post types including custom ones
	 * the put to top items will be always in top (they must be in the list)
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostTypesAssoc()
	public function get_post_type_assoc($put_to_top = array()){
		$build_in		= array('post' => 'post', 'page'=>'page');
		$custom_types	= get_post_types(array('_builtin' => false));
		//top items validation - add only items that in the customtypes list
		$top_updated	= array();
		foreach($put_to_top as $top){
			if(in_array($top, $custom_types) == true){
				$top_updated[$top] = $top;
		$post_types = array_merge($top_updated, $build_in, $custom_types);
		//update label
		foreach($post_types as $key => $type){
			$post_types[$key] = $this->get_post_type_title($type);
		return $post_types;
	 * return post type title from the post type
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostTypeTitle()
	public static function get_post_type_title($post_type){
		$obj_type	= get_post_type_object($post_type);
		$title		= (empty($obj_type)) ? ($post_type) : $obj_type->labels->singular_name;
		return $title;
	 * get post type taxomonies
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostTypeTaxomonies()
	public function get_post_type_taxonomies($post_type){
		$names	= array();
		$tax	= get_object_taxonomies(array('post_type' => $post_type), 'objects');

			foreach($tax as $obj_tax){
				if($post_type === 'product' && !in_array($obj_tax->name, array('product_cat', 'product_tag'))) continue;
				$names[$obj_tax->name] = $obj_tax->labels->name;
		return $names;
	 * get post categories list assoc - id / title
	 * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getCategoriesAssoc()
	public function get_categories_assoc($taxonomy = 'category'){
		$categories	= array();
		if(strpos($taxonomy, ',') !== false){
			$taxes		= explode(',', $taxonomy);
			foreach($taxes as $tax){
				$cats		= $this->get_categories_assoc($tax);
				$categories	= array_merge($categories, $cats);
			$args = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy);
			$cats = get_categories($args);
			foreach($cats as $cat){
				$num				= $cat->count;
				$id					= $cat->cat_ID;
				$name				= ($num == 1) ? 'item' : 'items';
				$title				= $cat->name . ' ('.$num.' '.$name.')';
				$categories[$id]	= $title;
		return $categories;
	 * check if css string is rgb
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctions::isrgb()
	public function is_rgb($rgba){
		return (strpos($rgba, 'rgb') !== false) ? true : false;
	 * check if file is in zip
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function check_file_in_zip($d_path, $image, $alias, &$alreadyImported, $add_path = false){
		global $wp_filesystem;
		$image = (is_array($image)) ? $this->get_val($image, 'url') : $image;
		if(trim($image) !== ''){
			if(strpos($image, 'http') !== false){
				//dont change, as it is an external image
				$strip	= false;
				$zimage	= $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path.'images/'.$image);
					$zimage	= $wp_filesystem->exists(str_replace('//', '/', $d_path.'images/'.$image));
					$strip	= true;
						//check if we are object folder, if yes, do not import into media library but add it to the object folder
						$uimg = ($strip == true) ? str_replace('//', '/', 'images/'.$image) : $image; //pclzip
						$object_library = (strpos($uimg, 'revslider/objects/') === 0) ? true : false;
						if($object_library === true){ //copy the image to the objects folder if false
							$objlib = new RevSliderObjectLibrary();
							$importImage = $objlib->_import_object($d_path.'images/'.$uimg);
							$importImage = $this->import_media($d_path.'images/'.$uimg, $alias.'/');
						if($importImage !== false){
							$alreadyImported['images/'.$image] = $importImage['path'];
							$image = $importImage['path'];
						$image = $alreadyImported['images/'.$image];
					$upload_dir	= wp_upload_dir();
					$cont_url	= $upload_dir['baseurl'];
					if(strpos($image, $cont_url) === false){
						$image = str_replace('uploads/uploads/', 'uploads/', $cont_url . '/' . $image);
		return $image;
	public function import_media_raw($name, $id, $bitmap){
		if(intval($id) === 0) return __('Invalid id given', 'revslider');
		$ul_dir	 = wp_upload_dir();
		$path = $ul_dir['basedir'].'/rstemp/';
		if(preg_match('/^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/', $bitmap, $type)){
			$data = substr($bitmap, strpos($bitmap, ',') + 1);
			$type = strtolower($type[1]); // jpg, png, gif

			if(!in_array($type, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'))){
				return __('Image has an invalid type', 'revslider');
			if(strpos($name, '.') !== false){
				$name = explode('.', $name);
				$name = $name[0];
			$name .= '_'.$id.'.'.$type;
			$name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_]/", '', $name);
			$data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
			$data = base64_decode($data);

			if($data === false){
				return __('Image has an invalid type', 'revslider');
			return __('Image has invalid data', 'revslider');
			mkdir($path, 0777, true);
		$return = file_put_contents($path.$name, $data);
		if($return === false) return __('Image could not be saved', 'revslider');

		return $this->import_media($path.$name , 'video-media/');
	 * Import media from url
	 * @param string $file_url URL of the existing file from the original site
	 * @param int $folder_name The slidername will be used as folder name in import
	 * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
	public function import_media($file_url, $folder_name){
		require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
		$ul_dir	 = wp_upload_dir();
		$art_dir = 'revslider/';
		$return	 = false;
		//if the directory doesn't exist, create it	
		if(!file_exists($ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$art_dir)) mkdir($ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$art_dir);
		if(!file_exists($ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$art_dir.$folder_name)) mkdir($ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$art_dir.$folder_name);
		//rename the file... alternatively, you could explode on "/" and keep the original file name
		$filename = basename($file_url);
		$s_dir = str_replace('//', '/', $art_dir.$folder_name.$filename);
		$_s_dir = false;
		if(@fclose(@fopen($file_url, 'r'))){ //make sure the file actually exists
			$save_dir	= $ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$s_dir;
			$_atc_id	= $this->get_image_id_by_url($s_dir);
			$atc_id		= ($_atc_id === false || $_atc_id === NULL) ? $this->get_image_id_by_basename($filename) : $_atc_id;
			if($_atc_id !== $atc_id && $atc_id !== false && $atc_id !== NULL){ //&& $_atc_id !== false && $_atc_id !== NULL
				//the image was found through get_image_id_by_basename(), so we have to get the new save_dir for comparison of md5
				$_save_dir = get_attached_file($atc_id);
				if($_save_dir !== false && !empty($_save_dir)){
					if(md5_file($_save_dir) === md5_file($file_url)){
						$save_dir = $_save_dir;
						$atc_id	= $atc_id;
						$s_dir	= str_replace($ul_dir['basedir'].'/', '', $save_dir);
						$_s_dir	= $s_dir;
			 * check if the files have matching md5, if not change the filename
			 * change save_dir so that the file is not
			if($atc_id !== false && $atc_id !== NULL){
				if(!is_file($save_dir) || md5_file($file_url) !== md5_file($save_dir)){
					$file = explode('.', $filename);
					$nr = 1;
					while(1 === 1){
						$s_dir_2 = $art_dir.$folder_name.$file[0].$nr.'.'.$file[1];
						$save_dir = $ul_dir['basedir'].'/'.$s_dir_2;
							if(md5_file($file_url) === md5_file($save_dir)){
								$atc_id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($s_dir_2);
					$atc_id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($s_dir_2);
					$filename = $file[0].$nr.'.'.$file[1];
					//we have a new $filename here, so use that one now
					$s_dir = str_replace('//', '/', $art_dir.$folder_name.$filename);
					$_s_dir = false;
			if($atc_id == false || $atc_id == NULL){
				@copy($file_url, $save_dir);
				$file_info = getimagesize($save_dir);
				$artdata = array( //create an array of attachment data to insert into wp_posts table
					'post_author'	 => 1, 
					'post_date'		 => current_time('mysql'),
					'post_date_gmt'	 => current_time('mysql'),
					'post_title'	 => $filename, 
					'post_status'	 => 'inherit',
					'comment_status' => 'closed',
					'ping_status'	 => 'closed',
					'post_name'		 => sanitize_title_with_dashes(str_replace('_', '-', $filename)),
					'post_modified'	 => current_time('mysql'),
					'post_modified_gmt' => current_time('mysql'),
					'post_parent'	 => '',
					'post_type'		 => 'attachment',
					'guid'			 => $ul_dir['baseurl'].'/'.$s_dir,
					'post_mime_type' => $this->get_val($file_info, 'mime'),
					'post_excerpt'	 => '',
					'post_content'	 => ''
				//insert the database record
				$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($artdata, $s_dir);
				//generate metadata and thumbnails
				add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array('RevSliderFunctions', 'temporary_remove_sizes'), 10, 2);
				$rs_meta_create = get_option('rs_image_meta_todo', array());
					$rs_meta_create[$attach_id] = $save_dir;
					update_option('rs_image_meta_todo', $rs_meta_create);
				if($attach_data = @wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $save_dir)){
					@wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data);
				$attach_id = $atc_id;
			if($_s_dir !== false){
				$s_dir = (!is_multisite()) ? 'uploads/'.$_s_dir : $_s_dir;
				$s_dir = str_replace('//', '/', $s_dir);
				$art_dir = (!is_multisite()) ? 'uploads/'.$art_dir : $art_dir;
				$s_dir = str_replace('//', '/', $art_dir.$folder_name.$filename);
			$return	 = array('id' => $attach_id, 'path' => $s_dir);
		return $return;
	 * temporary remove image sizes so that only the needed thumb will be created
	 * @since: 6.0
	public static function temporary_remove_sizes($sizes, $meta = false){
			foreach($sizes as $size => $values){
				if($size == 'thumbnail'){
					return array($size => $values);
		return $sizes;
	 * get contents of the css table
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::getCaptionsContentArray();
	public function get_captions_content($handle = false){
		$css = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser');
		return $css->db_array_to_array($this->css, $handle);
	 * get wp-content path
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPathUploads()
	public function get_upload_path(){
			global $wpdb;
			$path = (!defined('BLOGUPLOADDIR')) ? ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/sites/' . $wpdb->blogid : BLOGUPLOADDIR;
			$wp_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR;
			$path = (!empty($wp_dir)) ? WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/' : ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/';
		return $path;
	 * get contents of the static css file
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss()
	public function get_static_css(){
		return get_option('revslider-static-css', '');
	 * get contents of the static css file
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::updateStaticCss()
	public function update_static_css($css){
		$css = str_replace(array("\'", '\"', '\\\\'),array("'", '"', '\\'), trim($css));
		update_option('revslider-static-css', $css);
		return $css;
	 * print html font import
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::printCleanFontImport()
	public function print_clean_font_import(){
		global $revslider_fonts;
		$font_first	= true;
		$ret	= '';
		$tcf	= '';
		$tcf2	= '';
		$fonts	= array();
		$gs = $this->get_global_settings();
		$fdl = $this->get_val($gs, 'fontdownload', 'off');
			foreach($revslider_fonts['queue'] as $f_n => $f_s){
				if(!isset($f_s['url'])) continue; //if url is not set, continue
				$ret .= '<link href="'.esc_html($f_s['url']).'" rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" >'."\n";
		if($fdl === 'disable') return $ret;
			foreach($revslider_fonts['queue'] as $f_n => $f_s){
				if($f_n !== ''){
					$_variants = $this->get_val($f_s, 'variants', array());
					$_subsets = $this->get_val($f_s, 'subsets', array());
					if(!empty($_variants) || !empty($_subsets)){
						if(!isset($revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n])) $revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n] = array();
						if(!isset($revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['variants'])) $revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['variants'] = array();
						if(!isset($revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['subsets'])) $revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['subsets'] = array();
						if(strpos($f_n, 'href=') === false){
							$t_tcf = '';
							if($font_first == false) $t_tcf .= '%7C'; //'|';
							$t_tcf .= urlencode($f_n).':';
								$mgfirst = true;
								foreach($f_s['variants'] as $mgvk => $mgvv){
									if(in_array($mgvv, $revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['variants'], true)) continue;
									$revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['variants'][] = $mgvv;
									if(!$mgfirst) $t_tcf .= urlencode(',');
									$t_tcf .= urlencode($mgvv);
									$mgfirst = false;
								//we did not add any variants, so dont add the font
								if($mgfirst === true) continue;
							$fonts[$f_n] = $t_tcf; //we do not want to add the subsets
								$mgfirst = true;
								foreach($f_s['subsets'] as $ssk => $ssv){
									if(in_array($mgvv, $revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['subsets'], true)) continue;
									$revslider_fonts['loaded'][$f_n]['subsets'][] = $ssv;
									if($mgfirst) $t_tcf .= urlencode('&subset=');
									if(!$mgfirst) $t_tcf .= urlencode(',');
									$t_tcf .= urlencode($ssv);
									$mgfirst = false;
							$tcf .= $t_tcf;
							//$f_n = $this->$this->remove_http($f_n);
							$tcf2 .= html_entity_decode(stripslashes($f_n));
							$fonts[$f_n] = $tcf2;
					$font_first = false;
		if($fdl === 'preload'){
				$upload_dir	= wp_upload_dir();
				$base_dir	= $upload_dir['basedir'];
				$base_url	= $upload_dir['baseurl'];
				$rs_google_ts = get_option('rs_google_font', 0);
				foreach($fonts as $key => $font){
					//check if we downloaded the font already
					$font = str_replace('%7C', '', $font);
					$font_name = preg_replace('/[^-a-z0-9 ]+/i', '', $key);
					$font_name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', esc_attr($font_name)));
					$f_raw		= explode(':', $font);
					$weights	= (!empty($f_raw) && is_array($f_raw) && isset($f_raw[1])) ? explode('%2C', $f_raw[1]) : array('400');
					$f_family	= str_replace('+', ' ', $f_raw[0]);
					$f_download = false;
					foreach($weights as $weight){
						if(!is_file($base_dir.'/revslider/gfonts/'. $font_name . '/' . $font_name . '-' . $weight . '.woff2') || filemtime($base_dir.'/revslider/gfonts/'. $font_name . '/' . $font_name . '-' . $weight . '.woff2') < $rs_google_ts){
							$f_download = true;
						$regex_url	= "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";
						$regex_fw	= "/(?<=font-weight:)(.*)(?=;)/";
						$regex_fs	= "/(?<=font-style:)(.*)(?=;)/";
						$url		= 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.$font;
						$content	= wp_remote_get($url);
						$body		= $this->get_val($content, 'body', '');
						$body		= explode('}', $body);
							foreach($body as $b){
								if(preg_match($regex_url, $b, $found_fonts)){
									$found_font = rtrim($found_fonts[0], ')');
									$found_fw = (preg_match($regex_fw, $b, $found_fw)) ? trim($found_fw[0]) : '400';
									$found_fs = (preg_match($regex_fs, $b, $found_fs)) ? trim($found_fs[0]) : 'normal';
									$f_c = wp_remote_get($found_font);
									$f_c_body = $this->get_val($f_c, 'body', '');
									$found_fs = ($found_fs !== 'normal') ? $found_fs : '';
									$found_fw = ($found_fw === '400' && $found_fs !== '') ? '' : $found_fw;
									$file = $base_dir.'/revslider/gfonts/'. $font_name . '/' . $font_name . '-' . $found_fw . $found_fs . '.woff2';
									@file_put_contents($file, $f_c_body);
					if(!empty($weights) && is_array($weights)){
						$ret .= '<style>';
						foreach($weights as $weight){
							$style	 = (strpos($weight, 'italic') !== false) ? 'italic' : 'normal';
							$_weight = str_replace('italic', '', $weight);
							$_weight = (empty(trim($_weight))) ? '400' : $_weight;
							$ret	.=
"@font-face {
  font-family: '".$f_family."';
  font-style: ".$style.";
  font-weight: ".$_weight.";
  font-display: swap;
  src: local('".$f_family."'), local('".$f_family."'), url(".$base_url.'/revslider/gfonts/'. $font_name . '/' . $font_name . '-' . $weight . '.woff2'.") format('woff2');
						$ret .= '</style>';
			$url = $this->modify_fonts_url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=');
			$ret .= ($tcf !== '') ? '<link href="'.$url.$tcf.'&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" property="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" >'."\n" : '';
			$ret .= ($tcf2 !== '') ? html_entity_decode(stripslashes($tcf2)) : '';
		return apply_filters('revslider_printCleanFontImport', $ret);
	 * Change FontURL to new URL (added for chinese support since google is blocked there)
	 * @since: 5.0
	 * @before: RevSliderFront::modify_punch_url()
	public function modify_fonts_url($url){
		$gs = $this->get_global_settings();
		$df = $this->get_val($gs, 'fonturl', '');
		return ($df !== '') ? $df : $url;
	 * convert date to the date format that the user chose.
	 * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::convertPostDate();
	public function convert_post_date($date, $with_time = false){
			$date = ($with_time) ? date_i18n(get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format'), strtotime($date)) : date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($date));
		return $date;
	 * return biggest value of object depending on which devices are enabled
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function get_biggest_device_setting($obj, $enabled_devices, $default = '########'){
		$dv = $this->get_val($obj, array('d', 'v')); 
		if($this->get_val($enabled_devices, 'd') === true && $dv != '') return $dv;
		if($default !== '########') return $default;
		$nv = $this->get_val($obj, array('n', 'v'));
		if($this->get_val($enabled_devices, 'n') === true && $nv != '') return $nv;
		$tv = $this->get_val($obj, array('t', 'v'));
		if($this->get_val($enabled_devices, 't') === true && $tv != '') return $tv;
		$mv = $this->get_val($obj, array('m', 'v'));
		if($this->get_val($enabled_devices, 'm') === true && $mv != '') return $mv;
		return '';
	 * normalize object with device informations depending on what is enabled for the Slider
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function normalize_device_settings($obj, $enabled_devices, $return = 'obj', $default = array(), $set_to_if = array(), $use = ','){ //array -> from -> to
		/*d n t m*/
		$obj = $this->fill_device_settings($obj);
			foreach($obj as $device => $key){
				foreach($set_to_if as $from => $to){
					if(trim($this->get_val($obj, array($device, 'v'))) == $from) $obj[$device]['v'] = $to;
		$_def = !empty($default) ? reset($default) : '########';
		$inherit_size = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($obj, $enabled_devices, $_def);
		if($enabled_devices['d'] === true){
			if($this->get_val($obj, array('d', 'v'), '') === ''){
				$obj['d']['v'] = ($_def !== '########') ? $_def : $inherit_size;
				$inherit_size = $obj['d']['v'];
			$obj['d']['v'] = $inherit_size;
		if($enabled_devices['n'] === true){
			if($this->get_val($obj, array('n', 'v'), '') === ''){
				$obj['n']['v'] = ($_def !== '########') ? $_def : $inherit_size;
				$inherit_size = $obj['n']['v'];
			$obj['n']['v'] = $inherit_size;
		if($enabled_devices['t'] === true){
			if($this->get_val($obj, array('t', 'v'), '') === ''){
				$obj['t']['v'] = ($_def !== '########') ? $_def : $inherit_size;
				$inherit_size = $obj['t']['v'];
			$obj['t']['v'] = $inherit_size;
		if($enabled_devices['m'] === true){
			if($this->get_val($obj, array('m', 'v'), '') === ''){
				$obj['m']['v'] = ($_def !== '########') ? $_def : $inherit_size;
				$inherit_size = $obj['m']['v'];
			$obj['m']['v'] = $inherit_size;
			case 'obj':
				//order according to: desktop, notebook, tablet, mobile
				$new_obj = array();
				$new_obj['d'] = $obj['d']['v'];
				$new_obj['n'] = $obj['n']['v'];
				$new_obj['t'] = $obj['t']['v'];
				$new_obj['m'] = $obj['m']['v'];
				return $new_obj;
			case 'html-array':
				if($obj['d']['v'] === $obj['n']['v'] && $obj['d']['v'] === $obj['m']['v'] && $obj['d']['v'] === $obj['t']['v']){
					$html_array = $obj['d']['v'];
					$html_array = @$obj['d']['v'];
					$html_array .= $use.@$obj['n']['v'];
					$html_array .= $use.@$obj['t']['v'];
					$html_array .= $use.@$obj['m']['v'];
					foreach($default as $key => $value){
						if((is_string($html_array) && $html_array == "".$value) || (!(is_string($html_array)) && $html_array == $value)){
							$html_array = '';
				return $html_array;
			case 'array':
				$array = array();
				if($obj['d']['v'] === $obj['n']['v'] && $obj['d']['v'] === $obj['m']['v'] && $obj['d']['v'] === $obj['t']['v']){
					$array[$obj['d']['v']] = $obj['d']['v'];
					$array[$obj['d']['v']] = $this->get_val($obj, array('d', 'v'));
					$array[$obj['n']['v']] = $this->get_val($obj, array('n', 'v'));
					$array[$obj['t']['v']] = $this->get_val($obj, array('t', 'v'));
					$array[$obj['m']['v']] = $this->get_val($obj, array('m', 'v'));
						foreach($array as $k => $v){
							if(trim($v) === ''){
				return $array;
		return $obj;
	 * fill object with default values
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function fill_device_settings($obj){
		$push = array('d', 'n', 't', 'm');
			$t = $obj;
			$obj = array();
			foreach($push as $p){
				$obj[$p] = array('v' => $t);
			return $obj;
		foreach($push as $p){
				$obj[$p] = array();
				$obj[$p]['v'] = '';
				$obj[$p]['u'] = '';
		return $obj;
	 * get the values for the given transition
	public function get_slide_transition_values($transition, $base_transitions = array()){
		if(empty($base_transitions)) $base_transitions = $this->get_base_transitions();
		foreach($base_transitions as $t){
			if(!is_array($t)) continue;
			foreach($t as $_t){
				if(!is_array($_t)) continue;
				foreach($_t as $name => $values){
					if($name !== $transition) continue;
					return $values;
		return array();
	 * get a random slide transition for the given main and grp
	public function get_random_slide_transition($main, $grp, $base_transitions = array()){
		if(empty($base_transitions)) $base_transitions = $this->get_base_transitions();
		if(!is_array($grp) && !empty($grp)) $grp = explode(',', $grp);
		if($grp === '') $grp = array();
		$items = array();
		foreach($base_transitions as $m => $bt){
			if(!is_string($m) || $m === 'random' || $m === 'custom' || ($main !== 'all' && $main !== $m)) continue;
			foreach($bt as $g => $_bt){
				if(is_array($_bt) && $g !== 'icon' && (empty($grp) || in_array($g, $grp))){
					foreach($_bt as $e => $__bt){
						$items[] = $e;
		$num = (!empty($items)) ? array_rand($items, 1) : false;
		return ($num !== false) ? $items[$num] : '';
	 * set the rs_google_font to current date, so that it will be redownloaded
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::deleteGoogleFonts();
	public function delete_google_fonts(){
		update_option('rs_google_font', time());
	 * Remove http:// and https://
	 * @since: 6.0.0
	public function remove_http($url, $special = 'auto'){
			case 'http':
				$url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url);
				if(strpos($url, 'http://') === false) $url = 'http://'.$url;
			case 'https':
				$url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url);
				if(strpos($url, 'https://') === false) $url = 'https://'.$url;
			case 'keep': //do nothing
			case 'auto':
				$url = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '//' , $url);
		return $url;

	 * set the memory limit to at least 256MB if possible
	 * @since: 6.1.6
	public static function set_memory_limit(){
	 * Check if page is edited in Gutenberg
	public function _is_gutenberg_page(){
		if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'elementor') return false; // Elementor Page Edit
		if(isset($_GET['vc_action']) && $_GET['vc_action'] == 'vc_inline') return false; // WP Bakery Front Edit
		if(function_exists('is_gutenberg_page') && is_gutenberg_page()) return true; // Gutenberg Edit with WP < 5
		$current_screen = get_current_screen();
		if(!empty($current_screen) && method_exists($current_screen, 'is_block_editor') && $current_screen->is_block_editor()) return true; //Gutenberg Edit with WP >= 5
		return false;
	 * get custom transitions
	public function get_custom_slidetransitions(){
		$custom = get_option('revslider_template_slidetransitions', array());
		return apply_filters('rs_get_custom_slidetransitions', $custom);
	 * get custom transitions
	public function save_custom_slidetransitions($template){
		$custom = $this->get_custom_slidetransitions();
		//empty custom templates?
			$custom = array();
			$new_id = 1;
			$id = $this->get_val($template, 'id', 0);
			//custom templates exist
			$new_id = ($id > 0) ? $id : max(array_keys($custom)) + 1;
		//update or insert template
		$custom[$new_id]['title']	= $template['obj']['title'];
		$custom[$new_id]['preset']	= $template['obj']['preset'];
		//return the ID the template was saved with
		return (update_option('revslider_template_slidetransitions', $custom)) ? $new_id : false;
	 * get custom transitions
	public function delete_custom_slidetransitions($template){
		//load templates array
		$custom = $this->get_custom_slidetransitions();
		$id = intval($this->get_val($template, 'id', 0));
		//custom template exist
		if($id > 0 && isset($custom[$id])){
			//delete given ID
			//save the resulting templates array again
			if(update_option('revslider_template_slidetransitions', $custom)) return true;	
		return false;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
EspressoDev Folder 0755
external Folder 0755
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cache.class.php File 5.98 KB 0644
coloreasing.class.php File 6.68 KB 0644
colorpicker.class.php File 15.88 KB 0644
cssparser.class.php File 25.7 KB 0644
data.class.php File 76.52 KB 0644
em-integration.class.php File 5.94 KB 0644
extension.class.php File 6.59 KB 0644
external-sources.class.php File 56.17 KB 0644
favorite.class.php File 1.29 KB 0644
functions.class.php File 41.37 KB 0644
globals.class.php File 2.59 KB 0644
googlefonts.php File 205.17 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
navigation.class.php File 19.81 KB 0644
navigations.php File 101.5 KB 0644
object-library.class.php File 52.4 KB 0644
output.class.php File 326.88 KB 0644
page-template.class.php File 4.14 KB 0644
slide.class.php File 115.14 KB 0644
slider.class.php File 81.5 KB 0644
update.class.php File 7.03 KB 0644
woocommerce.class.php File 6.16 KB 0644
wpml.class.php File 5.67 KB 0644