[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @package   Revolution Slider
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.sliderrevolution.com/
 * @copyright 2022 ThemePunch

if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

class RevSliderNavigation extends RevSliderFunctions {
	public $version = '6.0.0';

	public function init_by_id($nav_id){
		if(intval($nav_id) == 0) return false;

		global $wpdb;

		$row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `id`, `handle`, `type`, `css`, `settings` FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.RevSliderFront::TABLE_NAVIGATIONS." WHERE `id` = %d", $nav_id), ARRAY_A);

		return $row;


	 * Get all Navigations Short
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function get_all_navigations_short(){
		global $wpdb;

		$navigations = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `handle`, `name` FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.RevSliderFront::TABLE_NAVIGATIONS, ARRAY_A);

		return $navigations;

	public function get_all_navigations_builder($defaults = true, $raw = false){
		$navs = $this->get_all_navigations($defaults, $raw);

		$real_navs = array(
			'arrows'	=> array(),
			'thumbs'	=> array(),
			'bullets'	=> array(),
			'tabs'		=> array()

			foreach($navs as $nav){
				$real_navs[$this->get_val($nav, 'type')][$this->get_val($nav, 'id')] = $nav;

		return $real_navs;

	 * get cache attempt of _get_all_navigations
	 * @return mixed
	public function get_all_navigations($defaults = true, $raw = false, $old = false){
		return $this->get_wp_cache('_get_all_navigations', array($defaults, $raw, $old));

	 * Get all Navigations
	 * @since: 5.0
	protected function _get_all_navigations($defaults = true, $raw = false, $old = false){
		global $wpdb;

		$navigations = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.RevSliderFront::TABLE_NAVIGATIONS, ARRAY_A);

		if($raw == false){
			foreach($navigations as $key => $nav){
				$navigations[$key]['factory']	= false;
				$navigations[$key]['css']		= ($old === true) ? $navigations[$key]['css'] : stripslashes($navigations[$key]['css']);
				$navigations[$key]['markup']	= ($old === true) ? $navigations[$key]['markup'] : stripslashes($navigations[$key]['markup']);

					$navigations[$key]['settings'] = RevSliderFunctions::stripslashes_deep(json_decode($navigations[$key]['settings'], true));
						$navigations[$key]['settings'] = json_decode($navigations[$key]['settings'], true);

			$def = self::get_default_navigations();

			$default_presets = get_option('revslider-nav-preset-default', array());

				if($raw == false){
					foreach($def as $key => $nav){
						$def[$key]['factory'] = true;

							$def[$key]['settings'] = json_decode($def[$key]['settings'], true);

						//add custom settings (placeholders) to the default navigation
							if(!isset($def[$key]['settings'])) $def[$key]['settings'] = array();
							if(!isset($def[$key]['settings']['presets'])) $def[$key]['settings']['presets'] = array();
							foreach($default_presets as $id => $v){
								if($id !== $def[$key]['id']) continue;

									foreach($v as $pr_v){
										if($this->get_val($pr_v, 'type') !== $def[$key]['type']) continue;

										$def[$key]['settings']['presets'][$this->get_val($pr_v, 'name')] = array(
											'name' => $this->get_val($pr_v, 'name'),
											'values' => $this->get_val($pr_v, 'values')
				$navigations = array_merge($navigations, $def);

		foreach($navigations as $key => $nav){
			//check if this is the v6 version
			if(version_compare($this->get_val($navigations[$key], array('settings', 'version'), false), $this->version, '>=')){
				//we are v6, push settings to root
				$navigations[$key]['dim']			= $this->get_val($navigations[$key], array('settings', 'dim'), false);
				$navigations[$key]['placeholders']	= $this->get_val($navigations[$key], array('settings', 'placeholders'), false);
				$navigations[$key]['presets']		= $this->get_val($navigations[$key], array('settings', 'presets'), false);
				$navigations[$key]['version']		= $this->get_val($navigations[$key], array('settings', 'version'), false);

		return $navigations;

	 * Creates / Updates Navigation skins
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function create_update_full_navigation($data){
		global $wpdb;

		if(!empty($data) && is_array($data)){

			$navigations = $this->get_all_navigations(false);

			foreach($data as $vals){
				$found = false;

				if(!isset($vals['markup']) || !isset($vals['css'])) continue;
				if($this->get_val($vals, 'factory', false) == 'true') continue; //defaults can't be deleted

				if(isset($vals['id'])){ //new will be added temporary to navs to tell here that they are new
					foreach($navigations as $nav){
						if($vals['id'] == $nav['id']){
							$found = true;

				if($found == true){ //update
					$this->create_update_navigation($vals, $vals['id']);
				}else{ //create

		return true;

	 * Creates / Updates Navigation skins
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function create_update_navigation($data, $nav_id = 0){
		global $wpdb;

		if($this->get_val($data, 'factory', false) == 'true') return false;

		$data['settings'] = array(
			'dim'			=> $this->get_val($data, 'dim'),
			'placeholders'	=> $this->get_val($data, 'placeholders'),
			'presets'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'presets'),
			'version'		=> $this->version

		$nav_id = intval($nav_id);

		if($nav_id > 0){
			$response = $wpdb->update(
					'name'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'name'),
					'handle'	=> $this->get_val($data, 'handle'),
					'markup'	=> $this->get_val($data, 'markup'),
					'css'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'css'),
					'settings'	=> json_encode($this->get_val($data, 'settings'))
				array('id' => $nav_id)
			$response = $wpdb->insert(
					'name'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'name'),
					'handle'	=> $this->get_val($data, 'handle'),
					'type'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'type'),
					'css'		=> $this->get_val($data, 'css'),
					'markup'	=> $this->get_val($data, 'markup'),
					'settings'	=> json_encode($this->get_val($data, 'settings'))

		return $response;

	 * Delete Navigation
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function delete_navigation($nav_id = 0){
		global $wpdb;

		if(!isset($nav_id) || intval($nav_id) == 0) return __('Invalid ID', 'revslider');

		$response = $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix.RevSliderFront::TABLE_NAVIGATIONS, array('id' => $nav_id));
		if($response === false) return __('Navigation could not be deleted', 'revslider');

		return true;


	 * Get Default Navigation
	 * @since: 5.0
	public static function get_default_navigations(){
		$navigations = array();


		return apply_filters('revslider_mod_default_navigations', $navigations);

	 * Translate Navigation for backwards compatibility
	 * @since: 5.0
	public static function translate_navigation($handle){
		$translation = array(
			'round'		 => 'hesperiden',
			'navbar'	 => 'gyges',
			'preview1'	 => 'hades',
			'preview2'	 => 'ares',
			'preview3'	 => 'hebe',
			'preview4'	 => 'hermes',
			'custom'	 => 'custom',
			'round-old'	 => 'hephaistos',
			'square-old' => 'persephone',
			'navbar-old' => 'erinyen'

		return (isset($translation[$handle])) ? $translation[$handle] : $handle;

	 * Check if given Navigation is custom, if yes, export it
	 * @since: 5.1.1
	public function export_navigation($nav_handle){
		$navs = self::get_all_navigations(false, true);

		if(!is_array($nav_handle)) $nav_handle = array($nav_handle => true);

		$entries = array();
		if(!empty($nav_handle) && !empty($navs)){
			foreach($nav_handle as $nav_id => $u){
				foreach($navs as $n => $v){
					//if($v['handle'] == $nav_id){
					if($v['id'] == $nav_id){
						$entries[$nav_id] = $navs[$n];
			if(!empty($entries)) return $entries;

		return false;

	 * Check the CSS for placeholders, replace them with correspinding values
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function add_placeholder_modifications($def_navi, $slider, $output){
		if(!is_array($def_navi)) $def_navi = json_decode($def_navi, true);

		$css	= $this->get_val($def_navi, 'css');
		$type	= $this->get_val($def_navi, 'type');
		$handle	= $this->get_val($def_navi, 'handle');

		if(!in_array($type, array('arrows', 'bullets', 'thumbs', 'tabs'))) return $css;

		$placeholders = $this->get_val($def_navi, 'placeholders', array());

		if(is_array($placeholders) && !empty($placeholders)){
			foreach($placeholders as $phandle => $ph){
				$def = $slider->get_param(array('nav', $type, 'presets', $phandle.'-def'), false);
				$replace = ($def === true) ? $slider->get_param(array('nav', $type, 'presets', $phandle), $ph['data']) : $ph['data'];
				$css	 = str_replace('##'.$phandle.'##', $replace, $css);
			$css = str_replace('.'.$handle, '#'.$output->get_html_id().'_wrapper .'.$handle, $css);

		return $css;

	 * change rgb, rgba and hex to rgba like 120,130,50,0.5 (no () and rgb/rgba)
	 * @since: 3.0.0
	public static function parse_css_to_array($css){

		while(strpos($css, '/*') !== false){
			if(strpos($css, '*/') === false) return false;
			$start = strpos($css, '/*');
			$end = strpos($css, '*/') + 2;
			$css = str_replace(substr($css, $start, $end - $start), '', $css);

		//preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);
		preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9\,\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);

		$result = array();
		foreach ($arr[0] as $i => $x){
			$selector = trim($arr[1][$i]);
			if(strpos($selector, '{') !== false || strpos($selector, '}') !== false) return false;
			$rules = explode(';', trim($arr[2][$i]));
			$result[$selector] = array();
			foreach ($rules as $strRule){
				if (!empty($strRule)){
					$rule = explode(':', $strRule);
					if(strpos($rule[0], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[0], '}') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '}') !== false) return false;

					//put back everything but not $rule[0];
					$key = trim($rule[0]);
					$values = implode(':', $rule);

					$result[$selector][trim($key)] = trim(str_replace("'", '"', $values));
		return $result;

	 * Check the CSS for placeholders, replace them with correspinding values
	 * @since: x.x.x
	public function add_placeholder_sub_modifications($css, $handle, $type, $placeholders, $slide, $output){
		$css_class	= RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser');
		$c_css		= '';

		if(!is_array($placeholders)) $placeholders = json_decode($placeholders, true);

		if(isset($placeholders) && is_array($placeholders) && !empty($placeholders)){
			//first check for media queries, generate more than one staple
			$marr = $css_class->parse_media_blocks($css);

			if(!empty($marr)){//handle them separated
				foreach($marr as $media => $mr){
					$css = str_replace($mr, '', $css);

					//clean @media query from $mr
					$mr = $css_class->clear_media_block($mr);

					//remove media query and bracket
					$d = $css_class->css_to_array($mr);

					$ret = $this->preset_return_array_css($d, $placeholders, $slide, $handle, $type, $output);
					if(trim($ret) !== ''){
						$c_css .= "\n".$media.' {'."\n";
						$c_css .= $ret;
						$c_css .= "\n".'}'."\n";

			$c = $css_class->css_to_array($css);

			$c_css .= $this->preset_return_array_css($c, $placeholders, $slide, $handle, $type, $output);

		return $c_css;

	 * Returns Array CSS modifications
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function preset_return_array_css($c, $placeholders, $slide, $handle, $type, $output){
		$c_css = '';
		$array_css = array();

				foreach($placeholders as $k => $d){
					if($slide->get_param(array('nav', $type, 'presets', $k.'-def'), false) === true){ //get from Slide
						foreach($c as $class => $styles){
							foreach($styles as $name => $val){
								if(strpos($val, '##'.$k.'##') !== false){
									$e = $slide->get_param(array('nav', $type, 'presets', $k));
									$array_css[$class][$name] = str_replace('##'.$k.'##', $e, $val);

				foreach($array_css as $class => $styles){
						//class needs to get current slider and slide id
						$slide_id = $slide->get_id();
						$class = str_replace('.'.$handle, '#'.$output->get_html_id().'[data-slideactive="rs-'.$slide_id.'"] .'.$handle, $class);

						$c_css .= $class.'{'."\n";
						foreach($styles as $style => $value){
							//check if there are still defaults that needs to be replaced
							if(strpos($value, '##') !== false){
								foreach($placeholders as $k => $d){
									if(strpos($value, '##'.$k.'##') !== false){
										$value = str_replace('##'.$k.'##', $d['data'], $value);
							$c_css .= $style.': '.$value.' !important;'."\n";
						$c_css .= '}'."\n";

		return $c_css;

	 * Add Navigation Preset to existing navigation
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function add_preset($data){
		if(!isset($data['navigation'])) return false;

		$navs = $this->get_all_navigations();

		foreach($navs as $nav){
			if($nav['id'] == $data['navigation']){ //found the navigation, get ID and update settings

				//check if default, they cant have presets in the table
				if(isset($nav['factory']) && $nav['factory'] == true){
					//check if we are a default preset, if yes return error
						foreach($nav['presets'] as $prkey => $preset){
							if($prkey == $data['handle']){
									return __("Can't modify a default preset of default navigations", 'revslider');

					//we want to add the preset somewhere
					$overwrite = false;
					$default_presets = get_option('revslider-nav-preset-default', array());

					if(!empty($default_presets) && isset($default_presets[$nav['id']])){

						foreach($default_presets[$nav['id']] as $prkey => $preset){
							if($prkey == $data['handle']){
								if($data['do_overwrite'] === false || $data['do_overwrite'] === 'false'){
									return __('Preset handle already exists, please choose a different name', 'revslider');

								$default_presets[$nav['id']][$prkey] = array(
									'name'		=> esc_attr($data['name']),
									//'handle'	=> esc_attr($data['handle']),
									'type'		=> esc_attr($data['type']),
									'values'	=> $data['values'],
									'editable'	=> true

								$overwrite = true;
						$default_presets = array();

					if($overwrite === false){
						$default_presets[$nav['id']][$data['handle']] = array(
							'name'		=> esc_attr($data['name']),
							//'handle'	=> esc_attr($data['handle']),
							'type'		=> esc_attr($data['type']),
							'values'	=> $data['values'],
							'editable'	=> true

					update_option('revslider-nav-preset-default', $default_presets);

					//return __('Can\'t add a preset to default navigations', 'revslider');

					$overwrite = false;

					if(isset($nav['presets']) && is_array($nav['presets']) && !empty($nav['presets'])){
						foreach($nav['presets'] as $prkey => $preset){
							if($prkey == $data['handle']){
								if($data['do_overwrite'] === false || $data['do_overwrite'] === 'false'){
									return __('Preset handle already exists, please choose a different name', 'revslider');

								$nav['presets'][$prkey] = array(
									'name'		=> esc_attr($data['name']),
									//'handle'	=> esc_attr($data['handle']),
									'type'		=> esc_attr($data['type']),
									'values'	=> $data['values']

								$overwrite = true;
						$nav['presets'] = array();

					if($overwrite === false){
						$nav['presets'][$data['handle']] = array(
							'name'		=> esc_attr($data['name']),
							//'handle'	=> esc_attr($data['handle']),
							'type'		=> esc_attr($data['type']),
							'values'	=> $data['values']

					$placeholders = $this->get_val($nav, 'placeholders');
						foreach($placeholders as $k => $pl){
								$placeholders[$k]['data'] = addslashes($pl['data']);

					global $wpdb;

					//save this navigation
					$response = $wpdb->update(
							'settings' => json_encode(
									'dim'		=> $this->get_val($nav, 'dim'),
									'placeholders' => $placeholders,
									'presets'	=> $this->get_val($nav, 'presets'),
									'version'	=> $this->version
						array('id' => $nav['id'])

					if($response == 0) $response = false;

				return true;

		return __('Navigation not found, could not add preset', 'revslider');


	 * Add Navigation Preset to existing navigation
	 * @since: 5.2.0
	public function delete_preset($data){

		if(!isset($data['style_handle']) || !isset($data['handle']) || !isset($data['type'])) return false;

		$navs = $this->get_all_navigations();

		foreach($navs as $nav){
			if($nav['id'] != $data['style_handle']) continue;
			if($nav['type'] != $data['type']) continue;

			//found the navigation, get ID and update settings
			//check if default, they cant have presets
			if(isset($nav['factory']) && $nav['factory'] == true){
				$default_presets = get_option('revslider-nav-preset-default', array());

				if(!empty($default_presets) && isset($default_presets[$nav['id']])){

					foreach($default_presets[$nav['id']] as $prkey => $preset){
						if($preset['name'] == $data['handle']){

							update_option('revslider-nav-preset-default', $default_presets);

							return true;
					return __('Can\'t delete default preset of default navigations', 'revslider');
				return __('Preset not found in default navigations', 'revslider');
					foreach($nav['presets'] as $pkey => $preset){
						if($preset['handle'] == $data['handle']){

					return __('Preset not found', 'revslider');

				global $wpdb;

				//save this navigation
				$response = $wpdb->update(
						'settings' => json_encode(
								'dim'			=> $this->get_val($nav, 'dim'),
								'placeholders'	=> $this->get_val($nav, 'placeholders'),
								'presets'		=> $this->get_val($nav, 'presets'),
								'version'		=> $this->version
					array('id' => $nav['id'])

				return $response;

		return __('Navigation not found, could not delete preset', 'revslider');



Name Type Size Permission Actions
EspressoDev Folder 0755
external Folder 0755
aq-resizer.class.php File 7.98 KB 0644
backwards.php File 1.5 KB 0644
basic-css.php File 12.19 KB 0644
cache.class.php File 5.98 KB 0644
coloreasing.class.php File 6.68 KB 0644
colorpicker.class.php File 15.88 KB 0644
cssparser.class.php File 25.7 KB 0644
data.class.php File 76.52 KB 0644
em-integration.class.php File 5.94 KB 0644
extension.class.php File 6.59 KB 0644
external-sources.class.php File 56.17 KB 0644
favorite.class.php File 1.29 KB 0644
functions.class.php File 41.37 KB 0644
globals.class.php File 2.59 KB 0644
googlefonts.php File 205.17 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
navigation.class.php File 19.81 KB 0644
navigations.php File 101.5 KB 0644
object-library.class.php File 52.4 KB 0644
output.class.php File 326.88 KB 0644
page-template.class.php File 4.14 KB 0644
slide.class.php File 115.14 KB 0644
slider.class.php File 81.5 KB 0644
update.class.php File 7.03 KB 0644
woocommerce.class.php File 6.16 KB 0644
wpml.class.php File 5.67 KB 0644