[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      https://www.themepunch.com/ 
 * @copyright 2022 ThemePunch

if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

global $rs_double_jquery_script;
global $rs_material_icons_css;
global $rs_material_icons_css_parsed;
global $rs_slider_serial;
global $rs_ids_collection;
global $rs_preview_mode;
global $rs_js_collection;
global $rs_css_collection;
global $rs_revicons;
global $rs_youtube_api_loaded;

$rs_double_jquery_script = false;
$rs_material_icons_css = false;
$rs_material_icons_css_parsed = false;
$rs_slider_serial = 0;
$rs_ids_collection = array();
$rs_preview_mode = false;
$rs_js_collection = array('revapi' => array(), 'js' => array(), 'minimal' => '');
$rs_css_collection = array();
$rs_revicons = false;
$rs_youtube_api_loaded = false;

class RevSliderOutput extends RevSliderFunctions {
	//START transfered from the layer add process and some of these are only filled if putSlides() is called
	public $zIndex			= 1;
	//public $in_class_usage	= array();
	public $enabled_sizes	= array();
	public $adv_resp_sizes	= array();
	public $icon_sets		= array();//RevSliderBase::set_icon_sets(array());
	public $container_mode	= '';
	public $row_zindex		= 0;
	//END transfered from the layer add process and some of these are only filled if putSlides() is called
	 * variables for error handling, to know if we need to close the div or not
	public $rs_module_wrap_open = false;
	public $rs_module_open = false;
	public $rs_module_wrap_closed = false;
	public $rs_module_closed = false;
	public $rs_custom_navigation_css = '';
	 * ShortCode based Global Values 
	 * usage : Is Module to emebed as Modal ?  
	 * sc_layout : overwrite original module Layout, 
	 * offset : padding and margin of the wrapping Module
	 * modal : Modal Settings
	public $usage = '';
	public $sc_layout = '';
	public $offset = '';
	public $modal = '';	
	public $ajax_loaded = false;
	 * if set to true, needed js variables for frontend actions will be added
	public $frontend_action = false;
	 * holds the layer depth, used for having a more structured HTML
	public $layer_depth = '';
	 * holds the current slider
	public $slider;
	 * holds the current slide
	private $slide;
	 * holds the current slides of the slider
	private $slides;
	 * holds the current layers of a slide
	private $layers;
	 * holds the current used layer
	private $layer;
	 * holds the current slider id
	private $slider_id = 0;
	 * holds the current layers of a slide
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$slideID
	private $slide_id;
	 * holds the current layer unique id
	private $uid;
	 * if set, these will be pushed inside the Slider
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$gal_ids
	public $gallery_ids = array();
	 * holds all the hover css in ids of the layers
	public $hover_css = array();
	 * holds all the classes, that are already used in layers
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$class_include
	public $classes = array();
	 * holds all additions to the current layer getting printed
	public $layer_additions = array();
	 * holds if static layers should be done
	private $do_static = true;
	 * if set, the Slider will only be added if the current page/post meets what is into this variable
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$putIn
	public $add_to = '';
	 * if set to true we are in preview mode
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$previewMode
	private $preview_mode = false;
	 * if set, the Slider will take changes on what is added to this array
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$settings
	public $custom_settings = array();
	 * if set, the Slider will take changes on the selected skin
	public $custom_skin = '';
	 * holds the skin data to change layers based on
	public $custom_skin_data = array();
	 * if set to true the markup will be exported
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$markup_export
	private $markup_export = false;
	 * if set, the Slider will take order changes on the order in this array
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$order
	public $custom_order = array();
	 * set if only published will be used
	private $only_published = true;
	 * holds the number index of all slides
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$slidesNumIndex
	private $slides_num_index;
	 * if set to true tells the plugin that there is only one Slide from now on
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$hasOnlyOneSlide;
	private $is_single_slide = false;
	 * holds all the static slide data including layers
	private $static_slide = array();
	 * set the language here, used for WPML
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::$sliderLang
	private $language = 'all';
	 * holds the current JavaScript revapi
	private $revapi;

	 * holds the current html id
	private $html_id;
	 * holds the current html id
	private $orig_html_id = false;
	 * knows if we are currently processing a static slide
	private $is_static = false;
	 * holds the inline js for adding it to footer
	//private $rev_inline_js = '';
	 * holds slider that are loaded for modal cover checks
	private $modal_sliders = array();
	 * holds easings that the slider is using
	private $easings = array();
	 * holds easings that the slider is using
	private $caching = false;
	 * defines if javascript is changed as its pushed to the footer or not
	private $full_js = true;

	 * defines if this slider has in any way a youtube layer or slide that is used
	private $youtube_exists = false;

	 * defines if the exception should be visible to the visitor or only in the console
	private $console_exception = false;
	 * stands for JavaScript Tab Addition and defines how many tabs there should be added to the JavaScript prints to make everything better looking in HTML
	private $JTA = RS_T3;

	 * variables for get_frames
	private $_base;
	private $_split;
	private $_mask;
	private $_sfx;
	private $_reverse;
	private $hv;
	 * old version of check_add_to()
	public static function isPutIn($empty_is_false = false){
		$o = new RevSliderOutput();
		return $o->check_add_to($empty_is_false);
	 * pre init the static slide
	public function __construct(){
		$this->static_slide = new RevSliderSlide();
	 * set the current slider_id
	public function set_slider_id($sid){
		$this->slider_id = apply_filters('revslider_set_slider_id', $sid, $this);
	 * set the add_to variable
	public function set_add_to($add_to) {
		$this->add_to = apply_filters('revslider_set_add_to', $add_to, $this);
	 * get the add_to variable
	public function get_add_to(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_add_to', trim(strtolower($this->add_to)), $this);
	 * set the slider manually
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function set_slider($slider){
		$this->slider = apply_filters('revslider_set_slider', $slider, $this);
	 * get the last slider after the output
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::getSlider()
	public function get_slider(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slider', $this->slider, $this);
	 * get the current slider_id
	public function get_slider_id(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slider_id', $this->slider_id, $this);
	 * get the current revapi for JavaScript
	public function get_revapi(){
		return $this->revapi;
	 * set the current revapi for JavaScript
	public function set_revapi($revapi){
		$this->revapi = $revapi;
	 * set the HTML ID
	 * @since 6.1.6: added option to check for duplications
	public function set_html_id($html_id, $check_for_duplication = true){
		global $rs_ids_collection;
		if($check_for_duplication){ //check if it already exists, if yes change it and add attribute for console output
			if(in_array($html_id, $rs_ids_collection, true)){ 
				$this->orig_html_id = $html_id; //set the original_html_id to push a console message
				$i = 0;
				do{ $i++; }while(in_array($html_id.'_'.$i, $rs_ids_collection, true));
				$html_id .= '_'.$i;
		if(!in_array($html_id, $rs_ids_collection)) $rs_ids_collection[] = $html_id;
		$this->html_id = apply_filters('revslider_set_html_id', $html_id, $this);
	 * set slide slide_id
	public function set_slide_id($slide_id){
		$this->slide_id = apply_filters('revslider_set_slide_id', $slide_id, $this);
	 * set the slides so that it can be used from anywhere
	public function set_current_slides($slides){
		$this->slides = $slides;
	 * get the slides so that it can be used from anywhere
	public function get_current_slides(){
		return $this->slides;
	 * get slide slide_id
	public function get_slide_id(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slide_id', $this->slide_id, $this);
	 * set slide layers
	public function set_layers($layers){
		$this->layers = apply_filters('revslider_set_layers', $layers, $this);
	 * get slide layers
	public function get_layers(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_layers', $this->layers, $this);
	 * set slide layer
	public function set_layer($layer){
		$this->layer = apply_filters('revslider_set_layer', $layer, $this);
	 * get slide layer
	public function get_layer(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_layer', $this->layer, $this);
	 * get the HTML ID
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::getSliderHtmlID
	public function get_html_id($raw = true){
		$html_id = $this->html_id;
		$html_id = (!$raw) ? preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $html_id) : $html_id;
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_html_id', $html_id, $this, $raw);
	 * set static_slide data and layers
	public function set_static_slide($slide){
		$this->static_slide = apply_filters('revslider_set_static_slide', $slide, $this);
	 * get static_slide data and layers
	public function get_static_slide(){		
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_static_slide', $this->static_slide, $this);
	 * get do_static
	public function get_do_static(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_do_static_layers', $this->do_static, $this);
	 * set the output into ajax loaded mode
	 * so that i.e. fonts are pushed into footer
	public function set_ajax_loaded(){
		$this->ajax_loaded = true;
	 * get current layer depth
	public function ld(){
		return $this->layer_depth;
	 * increase current layer depth
	 * this is only for the HTML looks
	public function increase_layer_depth(){
		$this->layer_depth .= '	';
	 * decrease current layer depth
	 * this is only for the HTML looks
	public function decrease_layer_depth(){
			$this->layer_depth =  substr($this->layer_depth, 0, -1);
	 * set the custom settings
	public function set_custom_settings($settings){
		$settings = ($settings !== '' && !is_array($settings)) ? json_decode(str_replace(array('({', '})', "'"), array('[', ']', '"'), $settings), true) : $settings;
		$this->custom_settings = apply_filters('revslider_set_custom_settings', $settings, $this);
	 * get the custom settings
	public function get_custom_settings(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_custom_settings', $this->custom_settings, $this);
	 * set the custom settings
	public function set_custom_skin($skin){
		$this->custom_skin = apply_filters('revslider_set_custom_skin', $skin, $this);
	 * get the custom settings
	public function get_custom_skin(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_custom_skin', $this->custom_skin, $this);
	 * set the current layer unique id
	public function set_layer_unique_id(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$uid	= $this->get_val($layer, 'uid');
		if($uid == '' && $uid !== 0 && $uid !== '0' ) $uid = $this->zIndex;
		$this->uid = apply_filters('revslider_set_layer_unique_id', $uid, $layer, $this);
	 * get the current layer unique id
	public function get_layer_unique_id(){		
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_layer_unique_id', $this->uid, $this);
	 * get the preview
	public function get_preview_mode(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_preview_mode', $this->preview_mode, $this);
	 * set the preview_mode
	public function set_preview_mode($preview_mode){
		global $rs_preview_mode;
		$this->preview_mode = apply_filters('revslider_set_preview_mode', $preview_mode, $this);
		$rs_preview_mode = $this->preview_mode;
	 * set the markup_export variable
	public function set_markup_export($markup_export){
		$this->markup_export = apply_filters('revslider_set_markup_export', $markup_export, $this);
	 * get the markup_export variable
	public function get_markup_export(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_markup_export', $this->markup_export, $this);
	 * get the custom order
	public function get_custom_order(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_custom_order', $this->custom_order, $this);
	 * get the language
	public function get_language(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_language', $this->language, $this);
	 * set the language
	public function change_language($language){
		$this->language = apply_filters('revslider_change_language', $language, $this);
	 * set the custom order
	public function set_custom_order($order){
		$order = ($order !== '' && !is_array($order)) ? explode(',', $order) : $order;
		$this->custom_order = apply_filters('revslider_set_custom_settings', $order, $this);
	 * set published
	public function set_only_published($published){
		$this->only_published = apply_filters('revslider_set_published', $published, $this);
	 * get published
	public function get_only_published(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_published', $this->only_published);
	 * set slides_num_index
	public function set_slides_num_index($index){
		$this->slides_num_index = apply_filters('revslider_set_slides_num_index', $index, $this);
	 * get slides_num_index
	public function get_slides_num_index(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slides_num_index', $this->slides_num_index, $this);
	 * set the gallery ids variable
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::did not exist
	public function set_gallery_ids($ids){
		$this->gallery_ids = apply_filters('revslider_set_gallery_ids', $ids, $this);
	 * get the gallery ids variable
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::did not exist
	public function get_gallery_ids(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_gallery_ids', $this->gallery_ids, $this);

	 * set is_single_slide
	public function set_is_single_slide($single){
		$this->is_single_slide = apply_filters('revslider_set_is_single_slide', $single, $this);
	 * get is_single_slide
	public function get_is_single_slide(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_is_single_slide', $this->is_single_slide, $this);
	 * set hover css
	public function set_hover_css($css){
			foreach($css as $id => $_css){
				$this->hover_css[$id] = $_css;
	 * get is_single_slide
	public function get_hover_css(){
		return $this->hover_css;
	 * set slide data and layers
	public function set_slide($slide){
		$this->slide = apply_filters('revslider_set_slide', $slide, $this);
	 * get slide data and layers
	public function get_slide(){
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slide', $this->slide, $this);
	 * add the Slider Revolution on to the HTML stage
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putSlider();
	public function add_slider_to_stage($sid, $usage = '', $layout = '', $offset = '', $modal = ''){
		$this->usage = $usage;
		$this->sc_layout = $layout;
		$this->offset = $offset;
		$this->modal = $modal;

		do_action('revslider_add_slider_to_stage_pre', $sid, $this);
		if(!$this->check_add_to()) return false;
		$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
		if($locale !== 'C') setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');

		if($locale !== 'C') setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);

		do_action('revslider_add_slider_to_stage_post', $sid, $this);

		return $this->get_slider();
	 * adds the Slider Basis
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putSliderBase();
	public function add_slider_base(){
			global $rs_slider_serial, $rs_js_collection, $rs_wmpl, $rs_loaded_by_editor, $rs_preview_mode;
			$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
			do_action('revslider_add_slider_base_pre', $this);
			$rs_slider_serial++; //set the serial +1, so that if we have the slider two times, it has different ID's for sure
				$this->slider = new RevSliderSlider();
			 * as it is now needed, check if an update needs to be done
			if(version_compare($this->get_val($this->slider, array('settings', 'version')), get_option('revslider_update_version', '6.0.0'), '<')){
				$upd = new RevSliderPluginUpdate();
				$this->slider = new RevSliderSlider();
			$this->slider = apply_filters('revslider_add_slider_base', $this->slider);
			//set slider language
			if($this->get_preview_mode() == false){
				$lang = $rs_wmpl->get_slider_language($this->slider);
			//check if we are mobile and the slider needs to be printed or not
			if($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'disableOnMobile'), false) === true && wp_is_mobile()) return false;

			if($this->slider->get_param('pakps', false) === true && $this->_truefalse(get_option('revslider-valid', 'false')) === false && $rs_preview_mode === false && $this->get_preview_mode() === false){
				$this->console_exception = true;
				throw new Exception(__('Please register the Slider Revolution plugin to use premium templates.', 'revslider'));// return false;
			//the initial id can be an alias, so reset the id now
			$sid = $this->slider->get_id();
			//check if caching should be active or not
			$can_do_cache	= ($this->get_preview_mode() === false && $cache->is_supported_type($this->slider->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'))) ? true : false;
			$this->caching	= ($cache->is_enabled() && $can_do_cache) ? true : false;
			$do_cache		= $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'icache'), 'default');
			$this->caching	= ($do_cache === 'on' && $can_do_cache) ? true : $this->caching;
			$this->caching	= ($do_cache === 'off') ? false : $this->caching;
			//add caching if its enabled
				$transient	= $this->get_transient_alias();
				$content	= get_transient($transient);
				if($content !== false){
					$content = json_decode($content, true);
						echo $cache->do_html_changes($content['html']);
						$cache->do_additions($this->get_val($content, 'addition', array()), $this);
						return true;
			if($this->get_preview_mode()) $this->modify_preview_mode_settings();
			//add html before slider markup is written
			$html_before_slider	= '';
			$markup_export		= $this->get_markup_export();
			if($this->ajax_loaded === true || $this->get_markup_export() || $rs_loaded_by_editor === true){ //if true, then we are loaded by ajax
				$html_before_slider .= ($markup_export === true) ? '<!-- FONT -->' : '';
				$html_before_slider .= $this->print_clean_font_import();
				$html_before_slider .= ($markup_export === true) ? '<!-- /FONT -->' : '';
			//check if scripts should be added to the body
			if($this->slider->get_param(array('troubleshooting', 'jsInBody'), false) == true && $this->ajax_loaded === false){
				$html_before_slider .= ($markup_export === true) ? '<!-- SCRIPTINCLUDE -->' : '';
				$html_before_slider .= $this->add_javascript_to_footer();
				$html_before_slider .= ($markup_export === true) ? '<!-- /SCRIPTINCLUDE -->' : '';
			$slider_id = $this->slider->get_param('id', '');
			$html_id = (trim($slider_id) !== '') ? $slider_id : 'rev_slider_'.$sid.'_'.$rs_slider_serial;
			$revapi = (in_array('revapi'.$sid, $rs_js_collection['revapi'], true)) ? 'revapi'.$sid.'_'.$rs_slider_serial : 'revapi'.$sid;
			echo $html_before_slider."\n";
			echo $this->get_slider_wrapper_div();
			echo $this->get_slider_div();
			echo $this->get_slides();
			//echo $this->get_timer_bar();
			echo $this->close_slider_div();
			echo $this->add_custom_navigation_css();
			echo $this->get_material_icons_css();
			echo $this->add_youtube_api_html();
			echo $this->close_slider_wrapper_div();
			echo $this->add_unfloat_html();

			do_action('revslider_add_slider_base_post', $this);
			$content = ob_get_contents();
				$this->add_slider_transient($transient, $content);
			echo $content;
		}catch(Exception $e){
			$message = $e->getMessage();

	 * creates the wrapping div container for Sliders
	public function get_slider_wrapper_div(){
		$type		= $this->slider->get_param('layouttype');
		$position	= 'center'; //$this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'align'), 'center');
		$bg_color	= esc_attr(trim($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'color'))));
		$max_width	= $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'maxWidth'), '0');
		$class		= $this->slider->get_param('wrapperclass','');
		$class		.= ($this->usage === 'modal') ? ' rs-modal ' : '';
		$style		= '';
		$addition	= '';
		//add background color
		$style .= (!empty($bg_color)) ? 'background:'.RSColorpicker::get($bg_color).';' : '';
		$style .= 'padding:'.esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'padding'), '0')).';';
		if($type != 'fullscreen'){
				case 'center':
					$style .= 'margin:0px auto;';
				case 'left':
					$style .= 'float:left;';
				case 'right':
					$style .= 'float:right;';
			if($position != 'center'){
				$ma_l = $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'marginLeft'), '0');
				$ma_r = $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'marginRight'), '0');
				$style .= ($ma_l !== '') ? 'margin-left:'.esc_attr($ma_l).';' : '';
				$style .= ($ma_r !== '') ? 'margin-right:'.esc_attr($ma_r).';' : '';
			$ma_t = $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'marginTop'), '0');
			$ma_b = $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'marginBottom'), '0');
			$style .= ($ma_t !== '') ? 'margin-top:'.esc_attr($ma_t).';' : '';
			$style .= ($ma_b !== '') ? 'margin-bottom:'.esc_attr($ma_b).';' : '';
		//add background image (banner style)
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'useImage'), false) == true){
			$bg_img_id = esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'imageId')));
			$bg_img_type = esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'imageSourceType'), 'full'));
			$bg_img = esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'image')));
			if(empty($bg_img_id) || intval($bg_img_id) == 0){
				$bg_img_id	= $this->get_image_id_by_url($bg_img);
			if($bg_img_type !== 'full' && $bg_img_id !== false && !empty($bg_img_id)){
				$_bg_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($bg_img_id, $bg_img_type);
				$bg_img = ($_bg_img !== false) ? $_bg_img[0] : $bg_img;
			$bg_img = $this->check_valid_image($bg_img);
			if($bg_img !== false){
				$global = $this->get_global_settings();
				$lazyloadbg = $this->get_val($global, 'lazyonbg', false);
				$addition .= ($lazyloadbg !== false && $lazyloadbg !== 'false') ? ' data-bglazy="'.$bg_img.'"' : '';
				$bg_img = ($lazyloadbg !== false && $lazyloadbg !== 'false') ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/dummy.png' : $bg_img;

				$style .= 'background-image:url('.$bg_img.');';
				$style .= 'background-repeat:'.esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'repeat'), 'no-repeat')).';'; //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'repeat'), 'no-repeat')
				$style .= 'background-size:'.esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'fit'), 'cover')).';'; //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'fit'), 'cover')
				$style .= 'background-position:'.esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'position'), 'center center')).';'; //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'position'), 'center center')
		if(!in_array($type, array('responsitive', 'fixed', 'auto', 'fullwidth', 'fullscreen'), true)){
			$style .= 'height:'.$this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'd'), 900).';';
			$style .= 'width:'.$this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'd'), 1240).';';
		if(!in_array($max_width, array('0', 0, '0px', '0%'), true) && $type == 'auto'){
			if(intval($max_width) > 0 && strpos($max_width, 'px') === false && strpos($max_width, '%') === false) $max_width .= 'px';
			$style .= (empty($max_width)) ? '' : 'max-width:'. $max_width.';';

		$fixedOnTop = array(
			'v' => $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'fixedOnTop'), false),
			'd' => false

		if($fixedOnTop['v'] === true){
			$style .= 'position:fixed;top:0px;height:0px';
		$r = RS_T3.'<!-- START '.esc_html(str_replace('-', '', $this->slider->get_title())).' REVOLUTION SLIDER '. RS_REVISION .' --><p class="rs-p-wp-fix"></p>'."\n";
		$r .= RS_T3.'<rs-module-wrap';
		$this->rs_module_wrap_open = true;
		$r .= ' id="'.$this->get_html_id().'_wrapper"';
		$r .= (!empty($class)) ? ' class="'.trim($class).'"' : '';
		if((is_super_admin() || is_admin_bar_showing()) && current_user_can('edit_theme_options')){
			$r .= ' data-alias="'.esc_attr($this->slider->get_alias()).'"';
		$r .= ' data-source="'.$this->slider->get_param('sourcetype').'"';
		$show_alternate	= $this->slider->get_param(array('troubleshooting', 'alternateImageType'), 'off');
		if($show_alternate !== 'off'){
			$show_alternate_image = $this->slider->get_param(array('troubleshooting', 'alternateURL'), '');
			$r .= ' data-aimg="'.$show_alternate_image.'" ';
			$r .= ($show_alternate == 'mobile' || $show_alternate == 'mobile-ie8') ? ' data-amobile="enabled" ' : '';
			$r .= ($show_alternate == 'mobile-ie8' || $show_alternate == 'ie8') ? ' data-aie8="enabled" ' : '';

		$r .= $addition;
		$r .= ' style="visibility:hidden;'. $style .'">'."\n";
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slider_wrapper_div', $r, $this);
	 * close the wrapping div container for Sliders
	public function close_slider_wrapper_div(){
		$r = RS_T3.'</rs-module-wrap>'."\n";
		$r .= RS_T3.'<!-- END REVOLUTION SLIDER -->'."\n";
		$this->rs_module_wrap_closed = true;
		return apply_filters('revslider_close_slider_wrapper_div', $r, $this);
	 * if wanted, add an unfloating HTML 
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function add_unfloat_html(){
		$r = '';
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'addClear'), false) === true){
			$r = RS_T3.'<div style="clear:both;display:block;width:100%;height:0px"></div>';
		return apply_filters('revslider_add_unfloat_html', $r, $this);
	 * check if the youtube api needs to be added, this should only be done once for all sliders
	 * @since: 6.5.7
	public function add_youtube_api_html(){
		global $rs_youtube_api_loaded;
		$r = '';

		if($rs_youtube_api_loaded === true) return $r; //already loaded
		if($this->youtube_exists !== true) return $r; //no layer or slide used it

		//check global option if enabled
		$gs = $this->get_global_settings();
		if($this->_truefalse($this->get_val($gs, array('script', 'ytapi'), true)) === true){
			$r = RS_T4.'<script src="https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"></script>'."\n";
			$rs_youtube_api_loaded = true;
		return apply_filters('revslider_add_youtube_api_html', $r, $this);
	 * adds to font loading to the modal
	 * @since: 6.2.3
	public function add_modal_font_icons(){
		if($this->usage === 'modal'){
	 * creates the div container for Sliders
	public function get_slider_div(){
		$style = '';
		$class = $this->slider->get_param('class','');
		$class .= ($this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'overflow'), true) == true) ? ' rs-ov-hidden' : '';
		if(!in_array($this->slider->get_param('layouttype'), array('responsitive', 'fixed', 'auto', 'fullwidth', 'fullscreen'), true)){
			$style .= 'height:'.$this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'd'), 1240).';';
			$style .= 'width:'.$this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'd'), 900).';';
		$r = RS_T4.'<rs-module id="'. $this->get_html_id() .'"';
		$this->rs_module_open = true;
		$r .= ($class !== '') ? ' class="'. $class .'"' : '';
		$r .= ' style="'. $style .'"';
		$r .= ' data-version="'. RS_REVISION .'"';
		$r .= '>'."\n";
		return apply_filters('revslider_get_slider_div', $r, $this);
	 * close the div container for Sliders
	public function close_slider_div(){
		$r = RS_T4.'</rs-module>'."\n";
		$this->rs_module_closed = true;
		return apply_filters('revslider_close_slider_div', $r, $this);
	 * get the Slides HTML of the Slider
	public function get_slides(){
		$layouttype	 = $this->slider->get_param('type', 'standard'); //standard, carousel or hero
		$order		 = $this->get_custom_order();
		$gallery_ids = $this->get_gallery_ids();
		$index		 = 0;
		 * If we are Hero or there was a custom order Set
		 * we need to fetch all Slides, even unpublished in order find one that might be unpublished
		if($layouttype == 'hero' || !empty($order)) $this->set_only_published(false);
		if($this->get_preview_mode() === true){
			 * the slides are already set in preview mode (only in slide editor)
			 * in the overview page, get_preview_mode() needs to be false
			$slides = $this->get_current_slides();
			 * fetch all slides connected to the Slider (no static slide)
			$published = $this->get_only_published();
			$lang	= $this->get_language(); //WPML functionality
			$slides = $this->slider->get_slides_for_output($published, $lang, $gallery_ids);
		 * check if we need to add gallery images
		 * check also for order
		 * these settings are set through shortcode manipulation
		if(!empty($gallery_ids) && $gallery_ids[0]){
			$slides = $this->set_gallery_slides($slides);
			$slides = $this->order_slides($slides, $order);
		 * set the num index for further onclick events and more
		if($layouttype == 'hero' && empty($order) && empty($gallery_ids)){ //we are a hero Slider, show only one Slide!
			$hero	= $this->get_hero_slide($slides);
			$slides = (!empty($hero)) ? array($hero) : array();
		 * remove slides that are listed to be not shown on mobile
		 * will be done only if we are on mobile
		$slides = $this->remove_slide_if_mobile($slides);
		 * enable the static layers if we have a static slide
		 * only set if we are not in preview mode
		 * as in preview mode, the static slide was already set
		 * also note, that this only happens in the slide editor.
		 * on the overview page, get_preview_mode will be false
		if($this->get_preview_mode() === false){
		 * if we are now at 0 slides, there will be no more chances to add them
		 * so return back with no slides markup
			return false;
		 * removes slides before the loop check, as a loop does still not need a navigation
		 * and if loop will be triggered, we will have two slides, so remove it before
		if(count($slides) == 1) $this->remove_navigation();
		 * slide loop will duplicate a single slide (if loop is active), so that we have a repeated in and out animation
		$slides = ($layouttype !== 'hero' && count($slides) == 1) ? $this->set_slide_loop($slides) : $slides;
		 * set the slides later for static action checking
		echo apply_filters('revslider_get_slides_pre', RS_T5.'<rs-slides>'."\n", $this);

		foreach($slides as $slide){
			if($this->is_in_timeframe() === false) continue; //could also be moved to earlier and remove slides instead of continue here
			echo $this->add_opening_comment();
			echo $this->add_closing_comment();
			do_action('revslider_add_layer_html', $this->slider, $slide);
			$this->zIndex = 1; //reset zIndex on each slide
		echo apply_filters('revslider_get_slides_post', RS_T5.'</rs-slides>'."\n", $this);
		$this->set_material_icon_css(); //do again, so that we have static layers in the queue now
	 * push the static slide, can also be disabled through filters
	public function enable_static_layers($slides){
		if(!$this->get_do_static()) return;

		$static_slide = $this->slider->get_static_slide();
		if($static_slide !== false){
	 * creates the timer bar for Slider
	public function get_timer_bar(){
		$layouttype	= $this->slider->get_param('type'); //standard, carousel or hero
		$enable_progressbar	= $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'set'), true);

		$timer_bar			= $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'position'), 'top');
		$progress_height	= $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'height'), '5');
		$progressbar_color	= RSColorpicker::get($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'color'), '#000000'));
		$timer_bar = ($enable_progressbar !== true || $layouttype == 'hero') ? 'hide' : $timer_bar;
		$progress_style = ' style="height: '.esc_attr($progress_height).'px; background: '.$progressbar_color.';"';
		$r = '';
			case 'top':
				$r = RS_T5.'<rs-progress'.$progress_style.'></rs-progress>'."\n";
			case 'bottom':
				$r = RS_T5.'<rs-progress class="rs-bottom"'.$progress_style.'></rs-progress>'."\n";
			case 'hide':
				$r = RS_T5.'<rs-progress class="rs-bottom" style="visibility: hidden !important;"></rs-progress>'."\n";
		return $r;
	 * add the opening <!-- to remove unneeded parsed spacings
	public function add_opening_comment(){
		return '<!--';
	 * add the opening <!-- to remove unneeded parsed spacings
	public function add_closing_comment(){
		return '-->';
	 * add the slide li with data attributes and so on
	public function add_slide_li_pre($index){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		//Html rev-main-
		//echo RS_T6.'<!-- SLIDE  -->'."\n";
		echo RS_T6.'<rs-slide';

		echo $this->get_html_slide_style();
		echo $this->get_html_slide_key();
		echo $this->get_html_slide_title();
		echo $this->get_html_slide_description();
		echo $this->get_thumb_url();
		echo $this->get_slide_link();
		echo $this->get_html_delay();
		echo $this->get_html_scrollbased_slidedata();
		echo $this->get_html_stop_slide();
		echo $this->get_html_invisible();
		echo $this->get_html_anim();
		echo $this->get_html_random_animations();
		echo $this->get_html_alt_transitions();

		echo $this->get_html_slide_loop();
		echo $this->get_html_media_filter();
		echo $this->get_html_slide_class();
		echo $this->get_html_slide_id();
		echo $this->get_html_extra_data();
		echo $this->get_html_hide_after_loop();
		echo $this->get_html_hide_slide_mobile();
		echo $this->get_html_extra_params();
		echo $this->get_html_image_video_ratio();
		do_action('revslider_add_li_data', $this->slider, $slide);
		echo '>'."\n";
	 * add the slide closing li 
	public function add_slide_li_post(){
		echo RS_T6.'</rs-slide>'."\n";
	 * add the static slide layer HTML
	public function add_static_slide_html(){
		$static_slide = $this->get_static_slide();
		if($this->get_do_static() && !empty($static_slide)){
			$this->is_static = true;
			$layers = $static_slide->get_layers();
				$sof = $static_slide->get_param(array('static', 'overflow'), '');
				$scl = $sof;
				$sof = (!empty($sof) && $sof == 'hidden') ? ' style="overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;top:0px;left:0px;"' : '';
				$slp = $static_slide->get_param(array('static', 'position'), 'front');
				$slp = (!empty($slp) && $slp === 'back') ? ' class="rs-stl-back ' . ($scl == 'visible' ? 'rs-stl-visible' : '') . '"' : ($scl == 'visible' ? ' class="rs-stl-visible"' : '');

				//check for static layers
				echo RS_T5.'<rs-static-layers' . $sof . $slp . '><!--'."\n";
				do_action('revslider_add_static_layer_html', $this->get_slider());
				echo RS_T5.'--></rs-static-layers>'."\n";
			$this->is_static = false;
	 * add the slide li with data attributes and so on
	public function add_slide_main_image(){
		$img = $this->get_image_data();
		if(!empty($img) && is_array($img)){
			//echo RS_T7.'<!-- MAIN IMAGE -->'."\n";
			echo RS_T7.'<img';
			foreach($img as $k => $v){
				if($k === 'alt'){
					echo ' '.$k.'="'.$v.'"'; //always print an alt even if empty
				echo (trim($v) !== '') ? ' '.$k.'="'.$v.'"' : '';
			echo ' data-no-retina>'."\n";
	 * get image params to be used later on the background image
	public function get_image_data(){
		$slide	 = $this->get_slide();
		$bg_type = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		$url_trans = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/transparent.png';
		$img	 = array('id' => false, 'src' => '', 'alt' => '', 'style' => '', 'title' => '', 'parallax' => '', 'panzoom' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'bg' => '', 'lazyload' => '');
		if($bg_type != 'external'){
			$img['src']	= $slide->image_url;
			$img['id']	= $slide->image_id;
			switch($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'altOption'), $slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'titleOption'), 'media_library'))){
				case 'media_library':
					$img['alt'] = get_post_meta($img['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
				case 'file_name':
					$info = pathinfo($slide->image_filename);
					$img['alt'] = $this->get_val($info, 'filename');
				case 'custom':
					$img['alt'] = esc_attr($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'alt'), ''));
			switch($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'titleOption'), 'media_library')){
				case 'media_library':
					$img['title'] = get_the_title($img['id']);
				case 'file_name':
					$info = pathinfo($slide->image_filename);
					$img['title'] = $this->get_val($info, 'filename');
				case 'custom':
					$img['title'] = esc_attr($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'title'), ''));
			if($img['id'] !== false){
				$data = wp_get_attachment_metadata($img['id']);
				if($data !== false && !empty($data)){
					$size = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), 'full'); //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'imageSourceType'), 'full')
					if($size !== 'full'){
						if(isset($data['sizes']) && isset($data['sizes'][$size])){
							$img['width'] = (isset($data['sizes'][$size]['width'])) ? $data['sizes'][$size]['width'] : '';
							$img['height'] = (isset($data['sizes'][$size]['height'])) ? $data['sizes'][$size]['height'] : '';
					if($img['width'] == '' || $img['height'] == ''){
						$img['width'] = (isset($data['width'])) ? $data['width'] : '';
						$img['height'] = (isset($data['height'])) ? $data['height'] : '';
			$img['src']		= esc_url($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'externalSrc'), ''));
			$img['alt']		= esc_attr($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'alt'), ''));
			$img['title']	= esc_attr($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'title'), ''));
			$img['width']	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'width'), '1920');
			$img['height']	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'height'), '1080');
			case 'trans':
			case 'transparent':
			case 'solid':
				$img['src'] = $url_trans;
				if(isset($img['alt']) && trim($img['alt']) === ''){
					$img['alt'] = $this->get_html_slide_title(true);
					$img['alt'] = (empty($img['alt'])) ? __('Slide Background', 'revslider') : $img['alt'];
		if(isset($slide->ignore_alt)) $img['alt'] = '';
		if(isset($img['title'])) $img['title'] = strip_tags($img['title']);
		if(isset($img['alt'])) $img['alt'] = strip_tags($img['alt']);

		$img['class'] = 'rev-slidebg tp-rs-img';
		$img['class'] .= ($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'lazyLoad'), false) != 'none') ? ' rs-lazyload' : '';
		$img['src']			 = (trim($img['src']) == '') ? $url_trans : $img['src']; //go back to transparent if img is empty
		$img['data-lazyload']= ($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'lazyLoad'), false) != 'none') ? $this->remove_http($img['src']) : '';
		$img['src']			 = ($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'lazyLoad'), false) != 'none') ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/dummy.png' : $img['src'];
		$img['src']			 = $this->remove_http($img['src']);
		$img['data-bg']	 	 = $this->get_image_background_values();
		$img['data-parallax']= $this->get_html_parallax();
		$img['data-panzoom'] = $this->get_html_pan_zoom();
		return $img;
	 * get data-bg image background values
	public function get_image_background_values(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$bg	 = '';
		$pos = $this->get_background_position();
		$f_r = $this->get_background_fit_and_repeat();
		$c	 = ($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans') == 'solid') ? RSColorpicker::get($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'color'), '#ffffff')) : '';
		$c	 = ($c == '' && $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans') == 'solid') ? '#ffffff' : $c; //force white here as we need it in frontend
		$bg .= (!in_array($pos, array('', '50%', '50% 50%', 'center center', 'center'), true)) ? 'p:'.$pos.';' : '';
		$bg .= ($c !== '' && $c !== 'transparent') ? 'c:'.$c.';' : '';
		$bg .= ($f_r['f'] !== '' && $f_r['f'] !== 'cover') ? 'f:'.$f_r['f'].';' : '';
		$bg .= ($f_r['r'] !== '' && $f_r['r'] !== 'no-repeat') ? 'r:'.$f_r['r'].';' : '';
		return $bg;
	 * get the parallax html
	public function get_html_parallax(){
		$slide		= $this->get_slide();
		$parallax	= '';
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('parallax', 'set'), false) == true){
			$slide_level = $slide->get_param(array('effects', 'parallax'), '-');
			if($slide_level == '-') $slide_level = 'off';
			$parallax = $slide_level;
		return $parallax;
	 * get ken burns html data
	public function get_html_pan_zoom(){
		$slide	 = $this->get_slide();
		$bg_type = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		$pan	 = '';
		if($slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'set'), false) == true && ($bg_type == 'image' || $bg_type == 'external')){
			$d = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'duration'), '10000');
			$e = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'ease'), 'none');
			$this->easings[$e] = $e;
			$ss = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'fitStart'), '100');
			$se = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'fitEnd'), '100');
			$rs = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'rotateStart'), '0');
			$re = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'rotateEnd'), '0');
			$bs = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'blurStart'), '0');
			$be = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'blurEnd'), '0');
			$os = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'xStart'), '0').'/'.$slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'yStart'), '0');
			$oe = $slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'xEnd'), '0').'/'.$slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'yEnd'), '0');
			$pan .= ($d !== '') ? 'd:'.$d.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($e !== 'none') ? 'e:'.$e.';' : '';
			$pan .= 'ss:'.$ss.';';
			$pan .= 'se:'.$se.';';
			$pan .= ($rs !== '0') ? 'rs:'.$rs.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($re !== '0') ? 're:'.$re.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($bs !== '0') ? 'bs:'.$bs.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($be !== '0') ? 'be:'.$be.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($os !== '0/0') ? 'os:'.$os.';' : '';
			$pan .= ($oe !== '0/0') ? 'oe:'.$oe.';' : '';
		return $pan;
	 * get background position for the image
	public function get_background_position(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$pos = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'position'), 'center center'); //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'position'), 
		$type = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		if($type == 'streamvimeoboth' || $type == 'streamyoutubeboth' || $type == 'streaminstagramboth' || $type == 'streamtwitterboth'){
			$pos = ($this->check_if_stream_video_exists()) ? 'center center' : $pos;
			$pos = ($type == 'youtube' || $type == 'vimeo' || $type == 'html5' || $type == 'streamvimeo' || $type == 'streamyoutube' || $type == 'streaminstagram' || $type == 'streamtwitter') ? 'center center' : $pos;
		$pos = ($pos == 'percentage') ? intval($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'positionX'), '0')).'% '.intval($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'positionY'), '0')).'%' : $pos; //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'positionX'), '0') $this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'positionY'), '0')
		return $pos;
	 * get image fit and repeat params
	public function get_background_fit_and_repeat(){
		$slide	 = $this->get_slide();
		$bg_type = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		$return	 = array('f' => '', 'r' => '');
		if(!($slide->get_param(array('panzoom', 'set'), false) == true && ($bg_type == 'image' || $bg_type == 'external'))){ //only set if kenburner is off and not a background video //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'panZoom', 'set'), false)
			if($bg_type == 'youtube' || $bg_type == 'html5' || $bg_type == 'vimeo' || $bg_type == 'streamvimeo' || $bg_type == 'streamyoutube' || $bg_type == 'streaminstagram' || $bg_type == 'streamtwitter'){
				$return['f'] = 'cover';
				//additional background params
				$bgFit = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'fit'), 'cover'); //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'fit'), 'cover')
				if(!in_array($bgFit, array('cover', 'contain', 'percentage', 'auto'))) $bgFit = 'cover';
				$return['f'] = ($bgFit == 'percentage') ? intval($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'fitX'), '100')).'% '.intval($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'fitY'), '100')).'%' : $bgFit; //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'fitX'), '100') $this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'fitY'), '100')
				$return['r'] = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'repeat'), 'no-repeat'); //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'repeat'), 'no-repeat')
		return $return;
	 * set slide specific values that are needed by layers
	 * this is needed to be called before any layer is added to the stage
	public function set_slide_params_for_layers(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
	 * add background video if one is selected
	public function add_background_video(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$type	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		//check if we are youtube, vimeo or html5
		if($type == 'youtube' || $type == 'html5' || $type == 'vimeo' || $type == 'streamvimeo' || $type == 'streamyoutube' || $type == 'streaminstagram' || $type == 'streamtwitter'){
		if($type == 'streamvimeoboth' || $type == 'streamyoutubeboth' || $type == 'streaminstagramboth' || $type == 'streamtwitterboth'){
			if($this->check_if_stream_video_exists()) $this->add_html_background_video();
	 * Add Groups with columns and the layers of it
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeZones()
	public function add_zones(){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return false;
		$this->container_mode = '';
		$zones			= array('t' => 'top', 'm' => 'middle', 'b' => 'bottom');

		foreach($zones as $zs => $zone){ //go through all three zones
			foreach($layers as $layer){
				if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'row') continue; //we only want to handle rows here to get the zones we need to create
				$this->row_zindex = 0;
				$layer_zone = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'), 'top');
				if($layer_zone !== $zone) continue; //wrong zones, so continue
				//we have found a zone, now fill it with rows, columns, layers
				ob_start(); //fetch the data, as we need to set the z-index on the rows
				$row_layers = ob_get_contents();
				//get the zone z-index from the zone layer
				$zi = $this->get_val($layers, array($zone, 'position', 'zIndex'), $this->row_zindex);
				echo RS_T6. $this->add_closing_comment() .'<rs-zone id="rrz'.$zs.'_'.$this->slide->get_id().'" class="rev_row_zone_'.$zone.'" style="z-index: '.$zi.';">';
				echo $this->add_opening_comment()."\n";
				echo $row_layers;
				echo RS_T7.$this->add_closing_comment().'</rs-zone>'.$this->add_opening_comment()."\n";
				break; //zone is written, go to the next one
	 * Add Groups with columns and the layers of it
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeGroups()
	public function add_groups(){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return false;
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'group') continue; //we only want to handle groups here to get the zones we need to create
			$this->container_mode = '';
			$uid = $this->get_val($layer, 'uid');
			$this->add_layer(true, 'group'); //add the group layer
			$this->container_mode = 'group';
			$this->add_group_layer($uid); //add all layers that are in the group
			echo $this->ld().RS_T7.'--></rs-group>'.$this->add_opening_comment()."\n";

	 * put creative layer
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeLayer()
	private function add_creative_layer(){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return false;
		$layers = apply_filters('revslider_putCreativeLayer', $layers, $this, $this->is_static);
		$this->container_mode = '';
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			if((string)$this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'), '-1') !== '-1') continue; //dont do group layer
	 * Add all Layers that are in the group with $u_id
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeGroupLayer();
	public function add_group_layer($u_id){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			$p_uid = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'));
			$uid = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'uid'));
			if((string)$u_id !== (string)$p_uid) continue;
			if((string)$u_id === (string)$uid) continue;
			$this->add_layer(true); //add the layer into the group
	 * Add Groups with columns and the layers of it
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeRows()
	public function add_rows($current_zone){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return false;

		$row_layer		= array();
		$go				= 9999;
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'row') continue; //we only want to handle rows here of the current zone and add them as a rows
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'), 'top') !== $current_zone) continue; //wrong zones, so continue
			$order = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'groupOrder'));
			if($order === ''){ // || isset($row_layer[$order])
				$order = $go;
			$zi = $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'zIndex'), false); // set the z-index so that the wrapper gains the highest one
			$zi = ($zi === false) ? $this->zIndex : $zi;
			if($zi > $this->row_zindex){
				$this->row_zindex = $zi;
			$row_layer[$order] = $layer;
			ksort($row_layer); //sort the rows
			foreach($row_layer as $layer){
				$uid = $this->get_val($layer, 'uid');
				$this->add_layer(true, 'row');
				$this->container_mode = 'row';
				echo $this->ld().RS_T7.$this->add_closing_comment().'</rs-row>'.$this->add_opening_comment()."\n";//as we have used 'row' in the add_layer() function, it does not print the closing </> and we have to do it here
	 * Add Columns with the layers
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putCreativeColumn()
	public function add_column($uid){
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return false;
		$column_layers = array();
		$go = 9999;
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			$this->container_mode = 'row';
			if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'column') continue; //we only want to handle columns here of the current row
			if((string)$this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'), -1) !== (string)$uid) continue; //has the wrong row ID
			$_go = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'groupOrder'));
			if($_go === ''){ // || isset($column_layers[$_go])
				$_go = $go;
			$column_layers[$_go] = $layer;
			foreach($column_layers as $layer){
				$this->container_mode = 'row';
				$this->add_layer(true, 'column');
				$cuid = (string)$this->get_val($layer, 'uid', -1);
				//add layers here
				$group_layers = array();
				$go = 9999;
				foreach($layers as $nlayer){
					if((string)$this->get_val($nlayer, array('group', 'puid'), -1) !== $cuid) continue;
					$_go = $this->get_val($nlayer, array('group', 'groupOrder'));
					if($_go === ''){ // || isset($group_layers[$_go])
						$_go = $go;
					$group_layers[$_go] = $nlayer;
				$this->container_mode = 'column';
				//sort now the $group_layers
					foreach($group_layers as $nlayer){
				echo $this->ld().RS_T7.$this->add_closing_comment().'</rs-column>'.$this->add_opening_comment();
				echo "\n"; //as we have used 'column' in the add_layer() function, it does not print the closing </> and we have to do it here
	 * returns the HTML layer type
	public function get_html_layer_type(){
		$type = $this->get_layer_type();
		return 'data-type="'.esc_attr($type).'"';

	 * return the layer Type for further needs	 
	public function get_layer_type() {
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		return $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
	 * Adds a Layer to the stage
	 * Moved most code part from putCreativeLayer into putLayer
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putLayer()
	public function add_layer($row_group_uid = false, $special_type = false){
		$layer = apply_filters('revslider_putLayer_pre', $this->get_layer(), $this, $row_group_uid, $this->is_static, $special_type);
		$this->layer_additions = array();
		 * top middle and bottom are placeholder layers, do not write them
		if(in_array($this->get_layer_unique_id(), array('top', 'middle', 'bottom'), true)) return '';
		$check_continue		= $this->check_layer_continue($special_type, $row_group_uid);
		if(!$check_continue) return false;
		$check_continue		= $this->check_layer_video_continue();
		if(!$check_continue) return false;
		$html_type			= $this->get_html_layer_type();
		$class				= $this->get_layer_class();
		$html_simple_link	= $this->get_action_link();
		$html_responsive	= $this->get_html_responsive();
		$html_transform 	= $this->get_html_transform();
		$html_filters_on_mask 	= $this->get_html_filters_on_mask();
		$html_responsive_data = $this->get_html_responsive_data();
		$html_scrollbased_data = $this->get_html_scrollbased_data();
		$html_resp_offset	= $this->get_html_responsive_offset();
		$ids				= $this->get_html_layer_ids();
		$html_title			= $this->get_html_title();
		$html_tabindex		= $this->get_html_tab_index();
		$html_rel			= $this->get_html_rel();
		$position			= $this->get_html_layer_position();
		$html_text			= $this->get_html_text_data();
		$html_float			= $this->get_float_clear_data();
		$html_color			= $this->get_html_color_data();
		$html_box_shadow	= $this->get_html_box_shadow_data();
		$html_text_shadow	= $this->get_html_text_shadow_data();
		$html_dimension		= $this->get_html_dim_data();
		$html_visibility	= $this->get_html_layer_device_visibility();
		$html_column_break	= $this->get_html_column_break();
		$layer_actions		= $this->get_html_layer_action($html_simple_link);
		$layer_tag			= $this->get_layer_tag($html_simple_link, $special_type);
		$html_class			= $this->get_html_class($class, $layer_tag);
		$html_svg			= $this->get_html_svg();
		$html_base_align	= $this->get_html_base_align();
		$html_wrapper_ids	= $this->get_html_wrapper_ids();
		$html_wrapper_classes = $this->get_html_wrapper_classes();
		$html_static_data	= $this->get_html_static_layer();
		$html_static_pos_data = $this->get_html_static_position_layer();
		$html_trigger		= $this->get_html_trigger();
		$html_clip			= $this->get_html_clip();
		$frames				= $this->get_frames();
		$html_frames		= $this->get_html_frames($frames);
		$html_frameorder	= $this->get_html_frameorder();
		$html_blendmode		= $this->get_html_blendmode();
		$html_hideunder		= $this->get_html_hideunder();
		$html_audio_data	= $this->get_html_audio_data();
		$html_video_data	= $this->get_html_video_data();
		$html_column_data	= $this->get_html_column_data();
		$html_margin_data	= $this->get_html_margin_data($row_group_uid);
		$html_padding_data	= $this->get_html_padding_data();
		$html_border_data	= $this->get_html_border_data();
		$html_inline_style	= $this->get_html_inline_style();
		$html_spike_data	= $this->get_html_spike_data();
		$html_text_stroke	= $this->get_html_text_stroke();
		//$html_togglehover	= $this->get_html_togglehover();
		$html_bg_image		= $this->get_background_image();
		$loop_data			= $this->get_loop_data();
		$toggle_data		= $this->get_toggle_data();
		$html_corners		= $this->get_html_corners();
		$html_disp			= $this->get_html_disp();
		$html_layer			= $this->get_html_layer();
		$html_layer_additions = $this->get_html_layer_additions();
		$layertype 			= $this->get_layer_type();

		echo "\n";
		echo $this->ld().RS_T7.$this->add_closing_comment();
		echo '<'.$layer_tag."\n";
		echo ($ids != '')					? $this->ld().RS_T8.$ids." \n" : '';
		echo ($html_class !== '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_class."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_simple_link !== '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_simple_link."\n" : '';
		echo 								  $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_type."\n";
		echo ($html_color !== '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_color."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_box_shadow !== '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_box_shadow."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_text_shadow !== '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_text_shadow."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_responsive !== '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_responsive."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_title != '') 			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_title."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_tabindex != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_tabindex."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_rel != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_rel."\n" : '';
		echo ($position != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$position."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_text != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_text."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_float != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_float."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_dimension != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_dimension."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_spike_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_spike_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_text_stroke != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_text_stroke."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_visibility != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_visibility."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_column_break != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_column_break."\n" : '';
		echo ($layer_actions != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$layer_actions."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_svg != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_svg : '';
		echo ($html_base_align != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_base_align."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_resp_offset != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_resp_offset."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_wrapper_ids != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_wrapper_ids."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_wrapper_classes != '')	? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_wrapper_classes."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_responsive_data != '')	? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_responsive_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_transform != '') 		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_transform."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_filters_on_mask != '') 	? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_filters_on_mask."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_scrollbased_data != '')	? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_scrollbased_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_static_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_static_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_static_pos_data != '')	? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_static_pos_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_trigger != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_trigger."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_blendmode != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_blendmode."\n" : '';
		//echo ($html_togglehover != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_togglehover."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_hideunder != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_hideunder."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_corners != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_corners."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_disp != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_disp."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_audio_data != '')		? $html_audio_data : '';
		echo ($html_video_data != '')		? $html_video_data : ''; //$this->ld().RS_T8.   ."\n"
		echo ($html_column_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_column_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_margin_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_margin_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_padding_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_padding_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_border_data != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_border_data."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_frameorder != '')		? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_frameorder."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_clip != '')				? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_clip."\n" : '';
		echo ($html_frames != '')			? $this->ld().RS_T8.$html_frames : '';
		echo ($html_layer_additions != '')	? $html_layer_additions : '';
			foreach($loop_data as $ldk => $ld){
				echo ($ld !== '') ? $this->ld().RS_T8.'data-'.$ldk.'="'.$ld.'"'."\n" : '';

		do_action('revslider_add_layer_attributes', $layer, $this->slide, $this->slider, $this);
		echo $this->ld().RS_T8.'style="';
		echo $html_inline_style;
		//echo $html_idle_style;
		echo '"'."\n";
		echo $this->ld().RS_T7.'>';//."\n";
		echo ($html_bg_image !== '') ? $html_bg_image."\n" : '';
		if($special_type !== false){
			echo $this->add_opening_comment();
		if($toggle_data['allow'] === true){
			echo "\n".$this->ld().RS_T8.'<div class="';
			echo ($toggle_data['inverse_content'] === true) ? 'rs-toggled-content' : 'rs-untoggled-content';
			echo '">';
		//echo ($special_type === false && $layertype !== 'video') ? apply_filters('revslider_layer_content', stripslashes($html_layer), $html_layer, $this->slider->get_id(), $this->slide, $layer).' ' : '';
		echo ($special_type === false && $layertype !== 'video') ? apply_filters('revslider_layer_content', $html_layer, $html_layer, $this->slider->get_id(), $this->slide, $layer).' ' : '';
		if($toggle_data['allow'] === true){
			echo '</div>';
			echo "\n".$this->ld().RS_T8.'<div class="';
			echo ($toggle_data['inverse_content'] === true) ?  'rs-untoggled-content' : 'rs-toggled-content';
			echo '">'.stripslashes($toggle_data['html']).'</div>';
		if($special_type === false){
			echo "\n".$this->ld().RS_T7.'</'.$layer_tag.'>'.$this->add_opening_comment()."\n";
		} //the closing will be written later, after all layers/columns are added //
	 * check if the layer is okay to be added or if we should move to the next layer
	public function check_layer_continue($special_type, $row_group_uid){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		//if($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'visible'), true); == false) return false;
			case 'row':
				if($special_type !== 'row') return false;
			case 'group':
				if($special_type !== 'group') return false;
			case 'column':
				if($special_type !== 'column') return false;
		if($row_group_uid == false && $this->is_in_group_or_row()){
			return false; //if we are not in a row or group and the layer is in one, return false
		return true;
	 * check if the layer is okay to be added or if we should move to the next layer
	public function check_layer_video_continue(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'video') return true;
		$video_type = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mediaType')));
		$video_type = ($video_type === '') ? 'html5' : $video_type;
		if(!in_array($video_type, array('streamyoutube', 'streamyoutubeboth', 'youtube', 'streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth', 'vimeo', 'streaminstagram', 'streaminstagramboth', 'html5'), true)) return true;
		$vid = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'id')));
			case 'streaminstagram':
			case 'streaminstagramboth':
			case 'html5':
				$ogv = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'ogvUrl'), ''));
				$webm = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'webmUrl'), ''));
				$mp4 = trim($this->remove_http($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mp4Url'), '')));
				if(empty($ogv) && empty($webm) && empty($mp4)){
					$vid = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'id')));
					$vid = ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), '') : $vid;
					return (empty($vid)) ?  false : true;
				return true;
			case 'youtube':
			case 'streamyoutube':
			case 'streamyoutubeboth':
				$vid = (in_array($video_type, array('streamyoutube', 'streamyoutubeboth'), true)) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '') : $vid; //change $vid to the stream!
				$vid = ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '') : $vid;
				$this->youtube_exists = (empty($vid)) ? $this->youtube_exists : true;

				return (empty($vid)) ?  false : true;
			case 'vimeo':
			case 'streamvimeo':
			case 'streamvimeoboth':
				$vid = (in_array($video_type, array('streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth'), true)) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '') : $vid;
				$vid = ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '') : $vid;
				return (empty($vid)) ?  false : true;
		return (empty($vid)) ?  false : true;

	 * get the simple link that can be inside the actions of a layer
	public function get_action_link(){
		$link	= '';
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$action	= $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array());
			foreach($action as $act){
				// these are needed for the Social Share AddOn
				$action_type = apply_filters('rs_action_type', $this->get_val($act, 'action'));
				$link_type = apply_filters('rs_action_link_type', $this->get_val($act, 'link_type', ''));
				if($action_type === 'menu'){					
					$http      = $this->get_val($act, 'link_help_in', 'keep');
					$menu_link = $this->remove_http($this->get_val($act, 'menu_link', ''), $http);
					$menu_link = do_shortcode($menu_link);
					$link_open_in = $this->get_val($act, 'link_open_in', '');
					$link_follow = $this->get_val($act, 'link_follow', '');
					$link = 'href="'.$menu_link.'"';
					$link .= ($link_open_in !== '') ? ' target="'.$link_open_in.'"' : '';
					if($link_follow === 'nofollow'){
						$link .= ' rel="nofollow';
						$link .= ($link_open_in === '_blank') ? ' noopener' : '';
						$link .= '"';
						$link .= ($link_open_in === '_blank') ? ' rel="noopener"' : '';
				if($action_type === 'link'){
					if($link_type !== 'jquery'){
						$http		= $this->get_val($act, 'link_help_in', 'keep');
						$image_link = $this->remove_http($this->get_val($act, 'image_link', ''), $http);
						$image_link = do_shortcode($image_link);
						$link_open_in = $this->get_val($act, 'link_open_in', '');
						$link_follow = $this->get_val($act, 'link_follow', '');
						$link = 'href="'.$image_link.'"';
						$link .= ($link_open_in !== '') ? ' target="'.$link_open_in.'"' : '';
						if($link_follow === 'nofollow'){
							$link .= ' rel="nofollow';
							$link .= ($link_open_in === '_blank') ? ' noopener' : '';
							$link .= '"';
							$link .= ($link_open_in === '_blank') ? ' rel="noopener"' : '';
		return $link;
	 * get the layer tag as it can change through settings and others
	public function get_layer_tag($html_simple_link, $special_type = false){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$tag	= $this->get_val($layer, 'htmltag', 'rs-layer');
		if($html_simple_link !== '') $tag = 'a';
		if($special_type !== false)	 $tag = 'rs-'.$special_type; //if we are special type, only allow div to be the structure, as we will close with a div outside of this function
		return ($tag !== 'div') ? $tag : 'rs-layer';
	 * get the layer classes
	public function get_layer_class(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$class	= array();
		$acs = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'classes'), '');
		if(strpos($acs, ' ') !== false){
			$acs = explode(' ', $acs);
			foreach($acs as $ac){
				$class[] = $ac;
			$class[] = $acs;
		$idle_class	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'style'), '');
		$internal_class = $this->get_val($layer, array('runtime', 'internalClass'), '');
		$selectable	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'selectable'), 'default');
		$svg		= $this->get_val($layer, 'svg', false);
		if($idle_class !== '') $class[] = $idle_class;
		if($internal_class !== '') $class[] = $internal_class;
		if($selectable !== 'default'){
			if($this->_truefalse($selectable) == true) $class[] = 'rs-selectable';
			if($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'layerSelection'), false) == true) $class[] = 'rs-selectable';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'pointerEvents'), 'auto') == 'none') $class[] = 'rs-noevents';
		//make some modifications for the full screen video
		if($this->is_full_width_video() == true) $class[] = 'rs-fsv';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'overflow')) === 'hidden') $class[] = 'rs-ov-hidden';
		if(!empty($svg)) $class[] = 'rs-svg';
		if($type == 'video'){
			switch(trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mediaType')))){
				case 'streaminstagram':
				case 'streaminstagramboth':
				case 'html5':
					if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'largeControls'), true) === false){
						$class[] = 'rs-nolc';
						global $rs_revicons;
						$rs_revicons = true;
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('parallax', 'set'), false) == true){
			$level = $this->get_val($layer, array('effects', 'parallax'), '-');				
			$level = ($this->slider->get_param(array('parallax', 'setDDD'), false) == true && $level == '-' && $this->get_val($layer, array('effects', 'attachToBg'), '') === true) ? 'tobggroup' : $level;
			if($level !== '-') $class[] = 'rs-pxl-'.$level;			
		if($this->is_static) $class[] = 'rs-layer-static';
		if($type == 'video') $class[] = 'rs-layer-video';
		if($type == 'audio'){
			$class[] = 'rs-layer-audio';
			$visible = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'controls'), false);
			if($visible === false) $class[] = 'rs-layer-hidden';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'onlyOnSlideHover'), false) === true){
			$class[] = 'rs-on-sh';

		if($this->slider->get_param('type', 'standard') === 'carousel'){
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'alwaysOnCarousel'), false) === true){
				$class[] = 'rs-on-car';
		$add_intrinsic = false;
		$text		 = strtolower($this->get_val($layer, 'text', ''));
		$text_toggle = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'text'), '');
		$tag		 = $this->get_val($layer, 'htmltag', 'rs-layer');
		if($type == 'video') $add_intrinsic = true;
		if(strpos($text, '<iframe') !== false || strpos($text_toggle, '<iframe') !== false) $add_intrinsic = true;
		if($tag == 'iframe' && array_search('rs-layer', $class) !== false) $add_intrinsic = true;
		if($add_intrinsic) $class[] = 'intrinsic-ignore';
		$actions	= $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array());
			foreach($actions as $action){
				if($this->get_val($action, 'action') !== 'getAccelerationPermission') continue;
				$class[] = 'iospermaccwait';

		return implode(' ', $class);
	 * create hover style, will later be pushed into the header css
	public function create_style_hover(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		//check if hover is active for the slider
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === false || $this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'false') return false;
		$id		= $this->get_html_layer_ids(true);
		$_css	= RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser');
		$style	= array($id => array()); 
		 * customHoverCSS only exists in a Slider imported/existed before 6.0.
		 * It is taken from the navigation tables advanced -> hover
		$custom_css = $this->get_val($layer, 'customHoverCSS', '');
			$custom_css = $_css->css_to_array('nec {'.$custom_css.'}');
			$_nec = $this->get_val($custom_css, 'nec', array());
				foreach($_nec as $n => $v){
					$style[$id][$n] = $v;
		return true;
	 * this function will return css in javascript format only if its ajax loaded
	 * otherwise it will add the css to a queue which will then be printed by revslider-front.class.php or if its cached through the cache tool
	public function get_css_javascript($css_html){
		global $rs_loaded_by_editor;

		$html = '';
		$css_class = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser');
		if($this->usage === 'modal' && $this->ajax_loaded === true || $this->ajax_loaded === true || $rs_loaded_by_editor === true){
			$css = (!is_admin()) ? $css_class->compress_css(rawurlencode($css_html)) : $css_class->compress_css($css_html);
			if(empty(trim($css))) return $html;
				$html .= RS_T4.'<script>'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T5.'var htmlDivCss = unescape("'. $css .'");'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T5."var htmlDiv = document.getElementById('rs-plugin-settings-inline-css');"."\n";
				$html .= RS_T5.'if(htmlDiv) {'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T6.'htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss;'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T5.'}else{'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T6."var htmlDiv = document.createElement('div');"."\n";
				$html .= RS_T6."htmlDiv.innerHTML = '<style>' + htmlDivCss + '</style>';"."\n";
				$html .= RS_T6."document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]);"."\n";
				$html .= RS_T5.'}'."\n";
				$html .= RS_T4.'</script>'."\n";
				$me = $this->get_markup_export();
				$html .= ($me === true) ? '<!-- STYLE -->' : '';
				$html .= RS_T4 .'<style>'. $css .'</style>';
				$html .= ($me === true) ? '<!-- /STYLE -->' : '';
			global $rs_css_collection;
			$css = $css_class->compress_css($css_html);
			if(empty(trim($css))) return $html;
			$rs_css_collection[] = $css;
				$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
				$cache->add_addition('special', 'rs_css_collection', $css);
		return $html;
	 * add hover style into the headers css.
	 * this is outside of the frame_hover so some special things happen here
	public function add_style_hover(){
		$css = $this->get_hover_css();
		$html = '';
			$css_html = '';
			foreach($css as $id => $_css){
				$css_html .= '#'.$id.':hover{';
				foreach($_css as $k => $v){
					$css_html .= $k.':'.$v.';';
				$css_html .= '}'."\n";
			if($css_html == '') return '';
			$html = $this->get_css_javascript($css_html);
		echo $html;
	 * get layer inline style
	public function get_html_inline_style(){
		$style	= array();
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$img	= trim($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundImage'), ''));
		$img_id	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundImageId'));
		$img_t	= $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'imageSourceType'), 'full');
		$zi		= $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'zIndex'), false);
		$zi		= ($zi === false) ? $this->zIndex : $zi;
		$style['z-index'] = $zi;
		//Replace image when featured image is in use
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'bgFromStream')) === true){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background
			$stream_background_image = $this->get_stream_background_image($layer);
			$img = $stream_background_image['url'];
			$img_id = $stream_background_image['id'];
			$img_t = $stream_background_image['size'];
		if($img !== '' && !in_array($type, array('group', 'shape', 'row'), true)){
			if($img_t !== 'full' && $img_id !== false && !empty($img_id)){
				$_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, $img_t);
				$img = ($_img !== false) ? $_img[0] : $img;
			$objlib = new RevSliderObjectLibrary();
			$objlib->_check_object_exist($img); //redownload if needed
			$global = $this->get_global_settings();
			$lazyloadbg = $this->get_val($global, 'lazyonbg', false);
			if($lazyloadbg !== false && $lazyloadbg !== 'false'){
				$this->layer_additions['data-bglazy'] = $img;
				$img = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/dummy.png';

			$style['background'] = "url('".$img."')";
			$style['background'] .= ' '.$this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundRepeat'), 'no-repeat');
			$style['background'] .= ' '.$this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundPosition'), 'center center');
			$bgs = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSize'), 'cover');
			$bgs = ($bgs === 'percentage') ? $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSizePerc'), '100').'%' : $bgs;
			$bgs = ($bgs === 'pixel') ? $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSizePix'), '100').'px' : $bgs;
			$style['background-size'] = $bgs;
		$bgcolor = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundColor'), 'transparent');
		if($bgcolor !== 'transparent'){
			$bgcolor = RSColorpicker::get($bgcolor);
			if(strpos($bgcolor, 'gradient') !== false){
				$style['background'] = $bgcolor;
				$style['background-color'] = $bgcolor;
		if(!in_array($type, array('image', 'video', 'row', 'column', 'group', 'shape', 'audio'), true)){
			$style['font-family'] = str_replace(array('"', "'"), "", $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontFamily'), 'Roboto'));
			$font_family		  = explode(',', $style['font-family']);
			$style['font-family'] = (!empty($font_family) && is_array($font_family)) ? array_map('trim', $font_family) : trim($font_family);
			$style['font-family'] = (!empty($style['font-family'])) ? "'" . implode("', '", $style['font-family']) . "'"  : '';
		$text_transform = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textTransform'), 'none');
		if($text_transform !== 'none'){
			$style['text-transform'] = $text_transform;
		$fs = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontStyle'), 'off');
		if($fs == 'on' || $fs == 'italic'){
			$style['font-style'] = 'italic';

		$mc = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'cursor'), 'auto');		
		if($mc !== 'auto' && $mc !== 'default'){
			$style['cursor'] = $mc;
		if($type === 'column'){
			$style['width'] = '100%';
		if($this->container_mode === 'column' && $type !== 'row' && $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'display'), 'block') !== 'block'){
			$style['display'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'display'));

		//Advanced Styles here:
		$custom_css = $this->get_val($layer, 'customCSS', '');
			$_css	= RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCssParser');
			$custom_css = $_css->css_to_array('nec {'.$custom_css.'}');
			$_nec = $this->get_val($custom_css, 'nec', array());
				foreach($_nec as $n => $v){
					$style[$n] = $v;
		$html = '';
			foreach($style as $k => $v){
				$v = trim($v);
				$html .= (!in_array($v, array('', 'px', '%'), true)) ? $k.':'.$v.';' : '';
		return $html;
	 * push the needed material icon css to the frondend
	public function get_material_icons_css(){
		global $rs_material_icons_css, $rs_material_icons_css_parsed;
		if($rs_material_icons_css === false) return '';
		if($rs_material_icons_css_parsed === true) return '';

		$html = $this->get_css_javascript($rs_material_icons_css);

		$rs_material_icons_css_parsed = true;
		return $html;
	 * Check if material Icons CSS needs to be written or if it is already written
	public function set_material_icon_css(){
		global $rs_material_icons_css;
		$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if($rs_material_icons_css !== false) return '';
		if(empty($layers)) return '';
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			$text = $this->get_val($layer, 'text', '');
			$text_toggle = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'text'), '');
			if(strpos($text, 'material-icons') !== false || strpos($text_toggle, 'material-icons') !== false){
				$gs = $this->get_global_settings();
				if($this->get_val($gs, 'fontdownload', 'off') === 'off'){
					$font_face = "@font-face {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;  
  src: url(//fonts.gstatic.com/s/materialicons/v41/flUhRq6tzZclQEJ-Vdg-IuiaDsNcIhQ8tQ.woff2) format('woff2');
					$font_face = "@font-face {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;  
  src: local('Material Icons'),
  		url(".RS_PLUGIN_URL."public/assets/fonts/material/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2) format('woff2'),
  		url(".RS_PLUGIN_URL."public/assets/fonts/material/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff) format('woff'),  
		url(".RS_PLUGIN_URL."public/assets/fonts/material/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf) format('truetype');
				$rs_material_icons_css = "/* 

rs-module .material-icons {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
	font-size: inherit;
  display: inline-block;  
  text-transform: none;
  letter-spacing: normal;
  word-wrap: normal;
  white-space: nowrap;
  direction: ltr;
  vertical-align: top;
  line-height: inherit;
  /* Support for IE. */
  font-feature-settings: 'liga';

  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
		return '';
	 * add the custom navigation css
	public function add_custom_navigation_css(){
		$slides = $this->slider->get_slides();
		if(empty($slides)) return;
		$html		= '';
		$rs_nav		= new RevSliderNavigation();
		$all_navs	= $rs_nav->get_all_navigations();

		$enable_arrows		= $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'set'), false);
		$enable_bullets		= $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'set'), false);
		$enable_tabs		= $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'set'), false);
		$enable_thumbnails	= $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'set'), false);
		if($this->slider->get_param('type', 'standard') !== 'hero' && ($enable_arrows == true || $enable_bullets == true || $enable_tabs == true || $enable_thumbnails == true)){
			foreach($slides as $slide){
					foreach($all_navs as $cur_nav){
						//get modifications out, wrap the class with slide class to be specific
						if($enable_arrows == true && $cur_nav['id'] == $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'style'), 'new-bullet-bar')){
							$this->rs_custom_navigation_css .= $rs_nav->add_placeholder_sub_modifications($cur_nav['css'], $cur_nav['handle'], 'arrows', $cur_nav['placeholders'], $slide, $this)."\n";
						if($enable_bullets == true && $cur_nav['id'] == $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'style'), 'round')){
							$this->rs_custom_navigation_css .= $rs_nav->add_placeholder_sub_modifications($cur_nav['css'], $cur_nav['handle'], 'bullets', $cur_nav['placeholders'], $slide, $this)."\n";
						if($enable_tabs == true && $cur_nav['id'] == $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'style'), 'round')){
							$this->rs_custom_navigation_css .= $rs_nav->add_placeholder_sub_modifications($cur_nav['css'], $cur_nav['handle'], 'tabs', $cur_nav['placeholders'], $slide, $this)."\n";
						if($enable_thumbnails == true && $cur_nav['id'] == $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'style'), 'new-bullet-bar')){
							$this->rs_custom_navigation_css .= $rs_nav->add_placeholder_sub_modifications($cur_nav['css'], $cur_nav['handle'], 'thumbs', $cur_nav['placeholders'], $slide, $this)."\n";
				$html = $this->get_css_javascript($this->rs_custom_navigation_css);
		return $html;

	 * get the layer basic transform
	public function get_html_transform() {
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= '';

		$rx = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'rotationX'), 0));
		$ry = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'rotationY'), 0));
		$rz = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'rotationZ'), 0));
		$iosfx = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'filtersIOSFix'), 'd');
		$op = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'opacity'), 1);
		if($rx !== 0) $html .='rX:'.$rx.';';
		if($ry !== 0) $html .='rY:'.$ry.';';
		if($rz !== 0) $html .='rZ:'.$rz.';';
		if($op !== 1) $html .='o:'.$op.';';
		if($iosfx !== 'd') $html .='iosfx:'.$iosfx.';';
		return ($html !== '') ? 'data-btrans="'.$html.'"' : $html;

	 * get the layer filters on mask option
	public function get_html_filters_on_mask() {
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$fm = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'filtersOnMask'), false));	
		return ($fm != false) ? 'data-fsom="true"' : '';

	 * get the layer responsiveness 
	public function get_html_responsive(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= '';
		if(in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('row', 'column'), true)) return $html;
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'autoResponsive'), true) === true){
			$html .= ($this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'responsiveChilds'), true)) ? 'data-rsp_ch="on"' : '';
		return $html;
	 * get the layer ids as HTML
	public function get_html_layer_ids($raw = false){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$ids = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'id'));
		$ss	 = $this->get_static_slide();
		$uid = $this->get_layer_unique_id();
		if(trim($ids) == ''){
			$ids = (!empty($ss)) 
				? 'slider-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->slider->get_id()).'-slide-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->get_slide_id()).'-layer-'.$uid
				: 'slide-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->get_slide_id()).'-layer-'.$uid;
		if($raw === false){
			$ids = ($ids != '') ? 'id="'.$ids.'"' : '';
		return $ids;
	 * get the layer ids as HTML
	public function get_html_title(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$title = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'title'));
		return ($title != '') ? 'title="'.$title.'"' : '';
	 * get the HTML tab index
	public function get_html_tab_index(){
		$layer		= $this->get_layer();
		$tabindex	= $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'tabIndex'));
		return		(!in_array($tabindex, array('', '0', 0), true)) ? 'tabindex="'.$tabindex.'"' : '';
	 * get the HTML rel
	public function get_html_rel(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$rel = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'rel'));
		return ($rel != '') ? 'rel="'.$rel.'"' : '';
	 * get the HTML layer x and y position
	public function get_html_layer_position(){
		$f = array('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'center', 'middle');
		$t = array('t', 'r', 'b', 'l', 'c', 'm');
		$xy = 'data-xy="';
		if($this->is_full_width_video() == true){
			$xy .= 'x:0;';
			$xy .= 'y:0;';
			$layer		= $this->get_layer();
			$alignHor	= $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'horizontal'));
			$alignVert	= $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'vertical'));
			$left		= $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'x'));
			$top		= $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'y'));
			if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
				//remove from myTop and myLeft 0 and 0px
				$myHor	= $this->normalize_device_settings($alignHor, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('l'));
				$myLeft	= $this->normalize_device_settings($left, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('0', '0px'));
				$myVer	= $this->normalize_device_settings($alignVert, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('t'));
				$myTop	= $this->normalize_device_settings($top, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('0', '0px'));
				$myHor	= $this->shorten($myHor, $f, $t);
				$myLeft	= $this->shorten($myLeft, $f, $t);
				$myVer	= $this->shorten($myVer, $f, $t);
				$myTop	= $this->shorten($myTop, $f, $t);
				$xy .= (!in_array($myHor, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? 'x:'.$myHor.';' : '';
				$xy .= (!in_array($myLeft, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? 'xo:'.$myLeft.';' : '';
				$xy .= (!in_array($myVer, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? 'y:'.$myVer.';' : '';
				$xy .= (!in_array($myTop, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? 'yo:'.$myTop.';' : '';
				$alignHor	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($alignHor, $this->enabled_sizes);
				$alignVert	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($alignVert, $this->enabled_sizes);
				$left		= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($left, $this->enabled_sizes);
				$top		= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($top, $this->enabled_sizes);
				$left		= $this->shorten($left, $f, $t);
				$top		= $this->shorten($top, $f, $t);
					case 'left':
						$xy .= ($left !== '') ? 'x:'.$left.';' : '';
					case 'center':
						$left = (in_array($left, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? '' : $left;
						$xy .= 'x:c;';
						$xy .= ($left !== '') ? 'xo:'.$left.';' : '';
					case 'right':
						$left = (in_array($left, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? '' : $left;
						$xy .= 'x:r;';
						$xy .= ($left !== '') ? 'xo:'.$left.';' : '';
					case 'top':
						$xy .= ($top !== '') ? 'y:'.$top.';' : '';
					case 'middle':
						$top = (in_array($top, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? '' : $top;
						$xy .= 'y:c;';
						$xy .= ($top !== '') ? 'yo:'.$top.';' : '';
					case 'bottom':
						$top = (in_array($top, array('', 0, '0', '0px'), true)) ? '' : $top;
						$xy .= 'y:b;';
						$xy .= ($top !== '') ? 'yo:'.$top.';' : '';
		$xy .= '"';
		return ($xy !== 'data-xy=""') ? $xy : '';
	 * get the data-text data HTML
	public function get_html_text_data(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$text = 'data-text="';
		$data = array();
		$type = $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$de = array(
			's' => array(20, '20', '20px'),
			'l' => (in_array($type, array('text', 'button'))) ? array(25, '25', '25px') : array(0, '0', '0px'),
			'ls' => array(0, '0', '0px'),
			'fw' => array(400, '400'),
			'w' => array('nowrap'),
			'a' => array('left'),
			'f' => array('none'),
			'c' => array('none')
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$ws = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['w']);
			$ws	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace'), $de['w'][0]), $this->enabled_sizes);
		$ws = (strpos($ws, 'content') !== false) ? str_replace('content', 'nowrap', $ws) : $ws;
		$ws = (strpos($ws, 'full') !== false) ? str_replace('full', 'normal', $ws) :  $ws;
		$data['w'] = $ws;
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$data['s']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontSize')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['s']);
			$data['f']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'float')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['f']);
			$data['c']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'clear')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['c']);
			$data['l']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'lineHeight')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['l']);
			$data['ls']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'letterSpacing')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['ls']);
			$data['fw']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontWeight')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['fw']);
			$data['a']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textAlign')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['a']);
			$data['s']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontSize')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['f']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'float')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['c']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'clear')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['l']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'lineHeight')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['ls']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'letterSpacing')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['fw']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontWeight')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['a']	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textAlign')), $this->enabled_sizes);
		$data['s'] = str_replace('px', '', $data['s']);
		$data['l'] = str_replace('px', '', $data['l']);
		//only one size every available, so its outside of the if() check from before
		$textDecoration = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textDecoration'));
		if($textDecoration !== 'none'){
			$data['td']	= $textDecoration;
			foreach($data as $k => $d){
					if($d !== ''){
						$text .= $k.':'.$d.';';
		$text .= '"';
		return ($text !== 'data-text=""') ? $text : '';

	 * get the data-float data HTML
	public function get_float_clear_data(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$text = 'data-flcr="';
		$data = array();
		$de = array(
			'f' => array('none'),
			'c' => array('none')
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$data['f'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'float')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['f']);
			$data['c'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'clear')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $de['c']);
			$data['f'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'float')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['c'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'clear')), $this->enabled_sizes);
			foreach($data as $k => $d){
					if($d !== ''){
						$text .= $k.':'.$d.';';
		$text .= '"';
		return ($text !== 'data-flcr=""') ? $text : '';
	 * get the data-color="" HTML
	public function get_html_color_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$text	= 'data-color="';
		if(in_array($type, array('text', 'svg', 'button'), true)){
			if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
				$color = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'color'), '#ffffff'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('#ffffff'), array('' => '#ffffff'), '||');
				$color = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'color'), '#ffffff'), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$color = (trim($color) === '') ? '#ffffff' : $color;
			$text .= ($color !== '') ? $color : '';
		$text .= '"';
		return ($text !== 'data-color=""') ? $text : '';
	 * get the data-bsh="" HTML
	public function get_html_box_shadow_data(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$text = 'data-bsh="';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'inuse'), false) === true){
			$color = str_replace(' ', '', $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'color'), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)'));
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'container'), 'content') !== 'content') $text.= 'e:w'; //w for wrapper
			if(!in_array($color, array('rgba(0,0,0,0.25)'))) $text.= 'c:'.$color.';';
			$data = array();
			if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
				$data['h'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'hoffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
				$data['v'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'voffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
				$data['b'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'blur')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
				$data['s'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'spread')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
				$data['h'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'hoffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
				$data['v'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'voffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
				$data['b'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'blur')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
				$data['s'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'boxShadow', 'spread')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
				foreach($data as $k => $v){
					$text .= (!in_array(trim($v), array(0, '0', '0px', ''), true)) ? $k.':'.$v.';' : '';
		$text .= '"';
		return ($text !== 'data-bsh=""') ? $text : '';
	 * get the data-tsh="" HTML
	public function get_html_text_shadow_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$text	= 'data-tsh="';
		if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') === 'text'){
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'inuse'), false) === true){
				$color	= str_replace(' ', '', $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'color'), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)'));
				if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'container'), 'content') !== 'content') $text.= 'e:w'; //w for wrapper
				if(!in_array($color, array('rgba(0,0,0,0.25)'))) $text.= 'c:'.$color.';';
				$data = array();
				if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
					$data['h'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'hoffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
					$data['v'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'voffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
					$data['b'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'blur')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(0));
					$data['h'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'hoffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
					$data['v'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'voffset')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
					$data['b'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textShadow', 'blur')), $this->enabled_sizes, 0);
					foreach($data as $k => $v){
						$text .= (!in_array(trim($v), array(0, '0', '0px', ''), true)) ? $k.':'.$v.';' : '';
		$text .= '"';
		return ($text !== 'data-tsh=""') ? $text : '';
	 * get the data-dim="" HTML
	public function get_html_dim_data(){
		$dim	= 'data-dim="';
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$data	= array();
		if($type !== 'column'){
			if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
				$data['w']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'width')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('auto'));
				$data['h']	= $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'height')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('auto'));
				$data['maxw'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'maxWidth'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('none'), array('none' => 'n'));
				$data['maxh'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'maxHeight'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('none'), array('none' => 'n'));
				$data['minw'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'minWidth'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('none'), array('none' => 'n'));
				$data['minh'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'minHeight'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('none'), array('none' => 'n'));
				$data['w'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'width')), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$data['h'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'height')), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$data['maxw'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'maxWidth'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$data['maxh'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'maxHeight'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$data['minw'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'minWidth'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes);
				$data['minh'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'minHeight'), 'auto'), $this->enabled_sizes);
			if($type === 'video'){
				$data['w'] = ($this->is_full_width_video() == true) ? '100%' : $data['w'];
				$data['h'] = ($this->is_full_width_video() == true) ? '100%' : $data['h'];
			if($type === 'image'){
				$scaleX		= $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'width'));
				$scaleY		= $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'height'));
				$cover_mode	= $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'covermode'), array());
				$cover_mode	= (is_string($cover_mode)) ? array('d' => $cover_mode, 'n' => $cover_mode, 't' => $cover_mode, 'm' => $cover_mode) : (array)$cover_mode;
				if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
					foreach($cover_mode as $cvmk => $cvmv){
						if($cvmv !== 'custom' && $cvmv !== 'fullheight'){
							$this->set_val($scaleX, array($cvmk, 'v'), '100%');
						if($cvmv !== 'custom' && $cvmv !== 'fullwidth'){
							$this->set_val($scaleY, array($cvmk, 'v'), '100%');
					$myScaleX = $this->normalize_device_settings($scaleX, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('auto'), array('NaNpx' => '', 'auto' => ''));
					$myScaleY = $this->normalize_device_settings($scaleY, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('auto'), array('NaNpx' => '', 'auto' => ''));
					if($myScaleX == "'','','',''") $myScaleX = '';
					if($myScaleY == "'','','',''") $myScaleY = '';
					$x_is_single = (strpos($myScaleX, ',') !== false) ? false : true;
					$y_is_single = (strpos($myScaleY, ',') !== false) ? false : true;
					if($x_is_single){ //force to array if voffset is also array
						if(!isset($myScaleX)) $myScaleX = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($scaleX, $this->enabled_sizes);
						$myScaleX = (trim($myScaleX) == '' || $myScaleX == 'NaNpx' || $myScaleX == 'auto') ? '' : "['".$myScaleX."','".$myScaleX."','".$myScaleX."','".$myScaleX."']";
					if($y_is_single){ //force to array if voffset is also array
						if(!isset($myScaleY)) $myScaleY = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($scaleY, $this->enabled_sizes);
						$myScaleY = (trim($myScaleY) == '' || $myScaleY == 'NaNpx' || $myScaleY == 'auto') ? '' : "['".$myScaleY."','".$myScaleY."','".$myScaleY."','".$myScaleY."']";
					$myScaleX = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($scaleX, $this->enabled_sizes);
					if(trim($myScaleX) == '' || $myScaleX == 'NaNpx') $myScaleX = 'auto';
					$myScaleY = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($scaleY, $this->enabled_sizes);
					if(trim($myScaleY) == '' || $myScaleY == 'NaNpx') $myScaleY = 'auto';
					foreach($cover_mode as $cvmk => $cvmv){
						if($cvmv !== 'custom' && $cvmv !== 'fullheight'){
							$myScaleX = '100%';
						if($cvmv !== 'custom' && $cvmv !== 'fullwidth'){
							$myScaleY = '100%';
				if($myScaleX != '') $data['w'] = $myScaleX;
				if($myScaleY != '') $data['h'] = $myScaleY;
				foreach($data as $k => $v){
					$dim .= (!in_array(trim($v), array(-1, '-1', '', 'auto'), true)) ? $k.':'.$v.';' : '';
		$dim .= '"';
		return ($dim !== 'data-dim=""') ? $dim : '';
	 * return the column break HTML
	public function get_html_column_break(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$break = '';
		if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') === 'row') {
			$break = $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'columnbreakat'), 'tablet');
			if($break === 'desktop')	$break = '0';
			if($break === 'notebook')	$break = '1';
			if($break === 'tablet')		$break = ''; //as default, dont write it, so set it back to empty (was 2)
			if($break === 'mobile')		$break = '3';
		return ($break != '') ? 'data-cbreak="'.$break.'"' : '';
	 * retrieves the current layer attribute id by given target
	public function get_layer_attribute_id($target){
		$layer_attribute_id = $this->slide->get_layer_id_by_uid($target, $this->static_slide);
		if($target == 'backgroundvideo' || $target == 'firstvideo'){
			$layer_attribute_id = $target;
		}elseif(trim($layer_attribute_id) == ''){
			if(strpos($target, 'static-') !== false){
				$ss = $this->get_static_slide();
				$layer_attribute_id = 'slider-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->slider->get_id()).'-slide-'.$ss->get_id().'-layer-'.str_replace('static-', '', $target);
				//$layer_attribute_id = 'slider-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->slider->get_id()).'-slide-'.$this->get_slide_id().'-layer-'.str_replace('static-', '', $target);
				$layer_attribute_id = 'slider-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->slider->get_id()).'-slide-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->get_slide_id()).'-layer-'.str_replace('static-', '', $target);
				$layer_attribute_id = 'slide-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $this->get_slide_id()).'-layer-'.$target;
		return $layer_attribute_id;
	 * create the layer action HTML
	public function get_html_layer_action(&$html_simple_link){
		$layer		 = $this->get_layer();
		$html		 = "data-actions='";
		$events		 = array();
		$all_actions = $this->get_val($layer, 'actions', array());
		$actions	 = $this->get_val($all_actions, 'action', array());
			foreach($actions as $num => $action){
				$layer_attribute_id = '';
				$act = $this->get_val($action, 'action');
					case 'start_in':
					case 'start_out':
					case 'start_video':
					case 'stop_video':
					case 'toggle_layer':
					case 'toggle_frames':
					case 'toggle_video':
					case 'simulate_click':
					case 'toggle_class':
					case 'toggle_mute_video':
					case 'mute_video':
					case 'unmute_video':
					case 'start_frame':
					case 'next_frame':
					case 'prev_frame':
						//get the ID of the layer with the uid that is $target
						$target = $this->get_val($action, 'layer_target', '');
						$layer_attribute_id = $this->get_layer_attribute_id($target);
				 * translation list
				 * o = event, a = action, d = delay
					case 'none':
						continue 2;
					case 'menu':
						$menu_link = $this->get_val($action, 'menu_link', '');
						$menu_link = do_shortcode($menu_link);
						$http		= $this->get_val($action, 'link_help_in', 'keep');
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		 => 'menulink',
							'target' => $this->remove_http($this->get_val($action, 'link_open_in', ''), $http),
							'url' 	 => $menu_link,
							'anchor' => $this->get_val($action, 'menu_anchor', ''),
							'offset' => $this->get_val($action, 'scrollunder_offset', ''),
							'sp'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_speed', '300'),
							'e'	 	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none'),
							'd'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
						$easing = $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none');
						$this->easings[$easing] = $easing;
					case 'link':
						//if post based, replace {{}} with correct info
						$image_link = $this->get_val($action, 'image_link', '');
						$image_link = do_shortcode($image_link);
						$http		= $this->get_val($action, 'link_help_in', 'keep');
						if($this->get_val($action, 'link_type', '') == 'jquery'){
							$events[] = array(
								'o'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
								'a'		 => 'simplelink',
								'target' => $this->remove_http($this->get_val($action, 'link_open_in', ''), $http),
								'url' 	 => $image_link,
								'd'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
								'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'jumpto':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'jumptoslide',
							'slide'	=> 'rs-'.$this->get_val($action, 'jump_to_slide', ''),
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'next':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'jumptoslide',
							'slide'	=> 'next',
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'gofullscreen':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'gofullscreen',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_global_mute_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'toggle_global_mute_video',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'exitfullscreen':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'exitfullscreen',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'togglefullscreen':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'togglefullscreen',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'prev':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'jumptoslide',
							'slide'	=> 'previous',
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'pause':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'pauseslider',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'resume':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'playslider',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_slider':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'toggleslider',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'open_modal':
						$_modal = $this->get_val($action, 'openmodal', '');
						$_event = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'openmodal',
							'modal' => $_modal,
							'ms' => $this->get_val($action, 'modalslide', ''),
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
								global $rs_do_init_action;
								$rs_do_init_action = false;
								$this->modal_sliders[$_modal] = new RevSliderSlider();
								$this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->init_by_mixed($_modal, false);
								$_event['sp'] = $this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('modal', 'coverSpeed'), 1);
								$rs_do_init_action = true;
							if($this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('modal', 'allowPageScroll'), false) === true){
								$_event['allowPageScroll'] = true;
							if($this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('modal', 'cover'), true) === true){
								$_event['bg'] = $this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('modal', 'coverColor'), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)');
							if($this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'type'), 'off') !== 'off'){
								$_event['spin'] = $this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'type'), '0');
								$_event['spinc'] = $this->modal_sliders[$_modal]->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'color'), '#FFFFFF');
						$events[] = $_event;
						$this->frontend_action = true;
					case 'close_modal':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'	=> 'closemodal',
							'd'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'callback':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'callback',
							'call'	=> $this->replace_html_ids($this->get_val($action, 'actioncallback', '')),
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'scroll_under': //ok
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		 => 'scrollbelow',
							'offset' => $this->get_val($action, 'scrollunder_offset', ''),
							'd'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'sp'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_speed', '300'),
							'e'	 	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none'),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
						$easing = $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none');
						$this->easings[$easing] = $easing;
					case 'scrollto': //ok
						$events[] = array(
							'id'	 => $this->replace_html_ids($this->get_val($action, 'scrollto_id', ''), ''),
							'o'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		 => 'scrollto',
							'offset' => $this->get_val($action, 'scrollunder_offset', ''),
							'd'		 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'sp'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_speed', '300'),
							'e'	 	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none'),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
						$easing = $this->get_val($action, 'action_easing', 'none');
						$this->easings[$easing] = $easing;
					case 'start_in':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'startlayer',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'getAccelerationPermission':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'getAccelerationPermission',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),							
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'next_frame':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'nextframe',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'prev_frame':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'prevframe',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'start_frame':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'gotoframe',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'f'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframe', ''),
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'start_out':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'stoplayer',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_layer':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'togglelayer',
							'ls'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'toggle_layer_type', ''),
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_frames':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'toggleframes',
							'ls'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'toggle_layer_type', ''),
							'm'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframeM', ''),
							'n'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframeN', ''),
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'ch'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'updateChildren', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'start_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'playvideo',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'stop_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'stopvideo',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'mute_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'mutevideo',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'unmute_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'unmutevideo',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'togglevideo',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_mute_video':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'toggle_mute_video',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'simulate_click':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'simulateclick',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
					case 'toggle_class':
						$events[] = array(
							'o'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'tooltip_event', ''),
							'a'		=> 'toggleclass',
							'layer'	=> $layer_attribute_id,
							'd'		=> $this->get_val($action, 'action_delay', ''),
							'class'	=> $this->get_val($action, 'toggle_class', ''),
							'rd'	 => $this->get_val($action, 'action_repeats', '')
				// Filter the Actions
				$events = apply_filters('rs_action_output_layer_action', $events, $action, $all_actions, $num, $this->slide, $this);
					$html_simple_link = '';
				$html_simple_link = apply_filters('rs_action_output_layer_simple_link', $html_simple_link, $action, $all_actions, $num, $this->slide, $this->slider, $events, $this);
				$first = true;
				foreach($events as $event){
						$html .= ($first === false) ? '||' : '';
						foreach($event as $k => $v){
							if(!in_array($v, array(''), true)){
								if(is_bool($v)) $v = ($v === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
								$html .= $k.':'.$v.';';
						$first = false;
		$html .= "'";
		return ($html !== "data-actions=''") ? $html : '';
	 * get the html class for a layer
	public function get_html_class($class, $layer_tag){
		$html = 'class="';
		$c = array();
		if(!in_array($layer_tag, array('rs-row', 'rs-column', 'rs-layer', 'rs-group', 'rs-bgvideo'), true)){
			$c[] = 'rs-layer';
		if(trim($class) !== ''){
			$c[] = trim($class);
		if($this->get_html_tab_index() !== ''){
			$c[] = 'rs-wtbindex';
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('parallax', 'set'), false) === true){
			$layer = $this->get_layer();
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('effects', 'parallax'), '-') !== '-'){
				if($this->get_val($layer, array('effects', 'pxmask'), false) === true){
					$c[] = 'rs-pxmask';
		$c = apply_filters('revslider_add_layer_classes', $c, $this->layer, $this->slide, $this->slider);
			$html .= implode(' ', $c);

		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'class=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get the html svg attributes from the layer
	public function get_html_svg(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$svg_html = '';
		$svg = array();
		$svg_source = $this->get_val($layer, array('svg', 'source'));
			$svg['svg_src'] = $this->remove_http($svg_source);
			$push = array('svgi' => 'idle');
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === true || $this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'true' || $this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'desktop'){
				$push['svgh'] = 'hover';
			foreach($push as $tag => $path){
				$svg[$tag] = array();
				$oc = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'originalColor'), 0);				
				$c = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'color'), '#ffffff');
				$sc = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'strokeColor'), 'transparent');
				$sw = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'strokeWidth'), 0);
				$sa = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'strokeDashArray'), '');
				$so = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'strokeDashOffset'), '');
				$sall = $this->get_val($layer, array($path, 'svg', 'styleAll'), false);
					SVG Idle Color can have responsive values, but SVG Hover Color is not responsive
					The ($path === 'idle') if-block below fixes an issue where the hover color 
					.. would not print if the Slider didn't have any responsive breakpoints enabled
				if($path === 'idle') {
					if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
						$c = $this->normalize_device_settings($c, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('#ffffff'), array(), '||');
						$c = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($c, $this->enabled_sizes);
				if ($oc===true) {
					$svg[$tag]['oc'] = 't';
				} else {	
					if(!in_array(strtolower($c), array('#fff', '#ffffff')) && $c !== '') $svg[$tag]['c'] = $c;
					if($sc !== 'transparent') $svg[$tag]['sc'] = $sc;
					if(!in_array($sw, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $svg[$tag]['sw'] = $sw;
					if($sa !== '') $svg[$tag]['sa'] = $sa;
					if($so !== '') $svg[$tag]['so'] = $so;
					if($sall !== '' && $sall !== false) $svg[$tag]['sall'] = $sall;
				if(empty($svg[$tag]) || $svg[$tag] === " ") unset($svg[$tag]);
			foreach($svg as $tag => $vals){
				if($svg_html !== '') $svg_html .= $this->ld().RS_T8;
				$svg_html .= 'data-'.$tag.'="';
					foreach($vals as $key => $val){
						$svg_html .= $key.':'.$val.';';
					$svg_html .= $vals;
				$svg_html .= '"'."\n";
		return $svg_html;
	 * get the html base_align
	public function get_html_base_align(){
		$layer		= $this->get_layer();
		$base_align	= $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'baseAlign'), 'grid');
		return ($base_align !== 'grid') ? 'data-basealign="'.$base_align.'"' : '';
	 * get the html responsive offset
	public function get_html_responsive_offset(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		return ($this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'responsiveOffset'), true) === false) ? 'data-rsp_o="off"' : '';
	 * get the html wrapper ids
	public function get_html_wrapper_ids(){
		$layer		 = $this->get_layer();
		$wrapper_ids = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'wrapperId'));
		return ($wrapper_ids !== '') ? 'data-wrpid="'.$wrapper_ids.'"' : '';
	 * get the html wrapper classes
	public function get_html_wrapper_classes(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$class = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'wrapperClasses'));
		return ($class !== '') ? 'data-wrpcls="'.$class.'"' : '';
	 * get the html layer responsive data
	public function get_html_responsive_data(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$default = (in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('row', 'column'), true)) ? false : true;
		return ($this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'autoResponsive'), $default) === false) ? 'data-rsp_bd="off"' : '';

	 * get the html layer scroll based data
	public function get_html_scrollbased_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= 'data-sba="';
		$sd		= $this->slider->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'set'), false);
		$se		= $this->slider->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'set'), false);
		$s		= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'scrollBased'), 'default');
		$so		= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'scrollBasedOffset'), 0);
		$e		= $this->get_val($layer, array('effects', 'effect'), 'default');
		if($s !== 'default' && $sd === true){
			$html .= 't:';
			$html .= ($s == 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
			$html .= ';';
		if($e !== 'default' && $se === true){
			$html .= 'e:';
			$html .= ($e == 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
			$html .= ';';
		if(!in_array($so, array('0', 0, '0px'), true) && $sd === true){
			$html .= 'so:'.$so;
		$html .='"';
		return ($html !== 'data-sba=""') ? $html : '';

	 * get the html static layer data
	 * check if static layer and if yes, set values for it.
	public function get_html_static_layer(){
		if(!$this->is_static) return '';
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= 'data-onslides="';
		if($this->slider->get_param('type') !== 'hero'){
			$s = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'static', 'start'), 1));
			$e = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'static', 'end'), 'last');
			$s = '-1';
			$e = '-1';
		//dont write if s is 0 and e ist the last slide
		$html .= ($s !== 0 && $s !== '') ? 's:'.$s.';' : '';
		$html .= ($e !== 'last') ? 'e:'.$e.';' : '';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-onslides=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get the html static layer data
	 * check if static layer and if yes, set values for it.
	public function get_html_static_position_layer(){
		if(!$this->is_static) return '';
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$static_slide = $this->get_static_slide();
		$html	= 'data-staticz="';
		$slp	= $static_slide->get_param(array('static', 'position'), 'front');
		$staticZ = $this->get_val($layer, array('position', 'staticZ'), $slp);
		$html .= ($staticZ !== $slp) ? $staticZ : '';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-staticz=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get the html layer trigger
	public function get_html_trigger(){
		$layer			= $this->get_layer();
		$has_trigger	= $this->check_if_trigger_exists();
		$trigger_memory	= ($has_trigger) ? $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'triggerMemory'), 'reset') : 'keep';
		return ($has_trigger && $trigger_memory !== 'reset') ? 'data-triggercache="'.$trigger_memory.'"' : '';
	 * init variables for get_frames
	public function init_get_frames_vars(){
		$this->_base = array(
			'grayscale'	 => array('n' => 'gra', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('filter', 'grayscale')), //0
			'brightness' => array('n' => 'bri', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 100, 'frame_1' => 100, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('filter', 'brightness')), //100
			'blur'		 => array('n' => 'blu', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('filter', 'blur')), //100
			'bGrayscale' => array('n' => 'bG', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('bfilter', 'grayscale')), //0
			'bBrightness' => array('n' => 'bR', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 100, 'frame_1' => 100, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('bfilter', 'brightness')), //100
			'bBlur'		 => array('n' => 'bB', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('bfilter', 'blur')), //0
			'bInvert' => array('n' => 'bI', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('bfilter', 'invert')), //0
			'bSepia'	=> array('n' => 'bS', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('bfilter', 'sepia')), //0
			'color'		 => array('n' => 'c', 'd' => 'inherit', 'depth' => array('color', 'color')), //'#ffffff'
			'backgroundColor' => array('n' => 'bgc', 'd' => 'inherit', 'depth' => array('bgcolor', 'backgroundColor')), //'transparent'
			'x'			=> array('n' => 'x', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'x')), //0
			'y'			=> array('n' => 'y', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'y')), //0
			'z'			=> array('n' => 'z', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'z')), //0
			'scaleX'	=> array('n' => 'sX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 1, 'frame_1' => 1, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'scaleX')), //0
			'scaleY'	=> array('n' => 'sY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 1, 'frame_1' => 1, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'scaleY')), //0
			'opacity'	=> array('n' => 'o', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 1, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'opacity')), //1
			'rotationX'	=> array('n' => 'rX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'rotationX')), //0
			'rotationY'	=> array('n' => 'rY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'rotationY')), //0
			'rotationZ'	=> array('n' => 'rZ', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0deg', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'rotationZ')), //0
			'skewX'		=> array('n' => 'skX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'skewX')), //0
			'skewY'		=> array('n' => 'skY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'skewY')), //0
			'originX'	=> array('n' => 'oX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => '50%', 'frame_1' => '50%', 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'originX')), //'50%'
			'originY'	=> array('n' => 'oY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => '50%', 'frame_1' => '50%', 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'originY')), //'50%'
			'originZ'	=> array('n' => 'oZ', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'originZ')), //'0'
			'transformPerspective' => array('n' => 'tp', 'd' => true, 'depth' => array('transform', 'transformPerspective')), //'600px'
			'clip' 		=> array('n' => 'cp', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 100, 'frame_1' => 100, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'clip')), //100
			'clipB' 	=> array('n' => 'cpb', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 100, 'frame_1' => 100, 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('transform', 'clipB')), //100
			'ease' => array('n' => 'e', 'd' => array('frame_0' => false, 'default' => 'power3.inOut'), 'depth' => array('timeline', 'ease')), //'power3.inOut'
			'start' => array('n' => 'st', 'd' => array('frame_0' => false, 'frame_1' => 10, 'default' => true), 'depth' => array('timeline', 'start')), //0
			'speed' => array('n' => 'sp', 'd' => array('frame_0' => false, 'default' => 300), 'depth' => array('timeline', 'speed')), //300
			'startRelative' => array('n' => 'sR', 'd' => 0, 'depth' => array('timeline', 'startRelative')) //0
		$this->_split = array(
			'ease'		=> array('n' => 'e', 'd' => array('frame_0' => false, 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'direction'	=> array('n' => 'dir', 'd' => array('frame_0' => false, 'default' => 'forward')), //'forward'
			'delay'		=> array('n' => 'd', 'd' => array('default' => 5)), //5 //, 'default' => 5 // array('frame_0' => false, 'frame_1' => 5, 'frame_999' => 5)
			'x'			=> array('n' => 'x', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'y'			=> array('n' => 'y', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'z'			=> array('n' => 'z', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'scaleX'	=> array('n' => 'sX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 1, 'frame_1' => 1, 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'scaleY'	=> array('n' => 'sY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 1, 'frame_1' => 1, 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'opacity'	=> array('n' => 'o', 'd' => 'inherit'),
			'rotationX'	=> array('n' => 'rX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'rotationY'	=> array('n' => 'rY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'rotationZ'	=> array('n' => 'rZ', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'skewX'		=> array('n' => 'skX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'skewY'		=> array('n' => 'skY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'originX'	=> array('n' => 'oX', 'd' => array('frame_0' => '50%', 'frame_1' => '50%', 'default' => 'inherit')), //'50%'
			'originY'	=> array('n' => 'oY', 'd' => array('frame_0' => '50%', 'frame_1' => '50%', 'default' => 'inherit')), //'50%'
			'originZ'	=> array('n' => 'oZ', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit')),
			'fuse'		=> array('n' => 'fuse', 'd' => array('default' => false)),
			'grayscale'	=> array('n' => 'gra', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit')), //0
			'brightness'=> array('n' => 'bri', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 100, 'frame_1' => 100, 'default' => 'inherit')), //100
			'blur'		=> array('n' => 'blu', 'd' => array('frame_0' => 0, 'frame_1' => 0, 'default' => 'inherit')) //100
		$this->_mask = array(
			'x'	=> array('n' => 'x', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('mask', 'x')),
			'y' => array('n' => 'y', 'd' => array('frame_0' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'frame_1' => array(0, '0', '0px', ''), 'default' => 'inherit'), 'depth' => array('mask', 'y'))
		$this->_sfx = array(
			'effect' => array('n' => 'se', 'd' => '', 'depth' => array('sfx', 'effect')),
			'color'	 => array('n' => 'fxc', 'd' => '#ffffff', 'depth' => array('sfx', 'color'))
		$this->_reverse = array(
			'x'				 => array('n' => 'x', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'x')),
			'y'				 => array('n' => 'y', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'y')),
			'rotationX'		 => array('n' => 'rX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'rotationX')),
			'rotationY'		 => array('n' => 'rY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'rotationY')),
			'rotationZ'		 => array('n' => 'rZ', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'rotationZ')),
			'skewX'			 => array('n' => 'sX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'skewX')),
			'skewY' 		 => array('n' => 'sY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'skewY')),
			'maskX' 		 => array('n' => 'mX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'maskX')),
			'maskY' 		 => array('n' => 'mY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'maskY')),
			'charsX'		 => array('n' => 'cX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'charsX')),
			'charsY'		 => array('n' => 'cY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'charsY')),
			'charsDirection' => array('n' => 'cD', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'charsDirection')),
			'wordsX'		 => array('n' => 'wX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'wordsX')),
			'wordsY'		 => array('n' => 'wY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'wordsY')),
			'wordsDirection' => array('n' => 'wD', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'wordsDirection')),
			'linesX'		 => array('n' => 'lX', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'linesX')),
			'linesY'		 => array('n' => 'lY', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'linesY')),
			'linesDirection' => array('n' => 'lD', 'd' => false, 'depth' => array('reverseDirection', 'linesDirection'))
		$this->hv = array(
			'opacity'		=> array('n' => 'o', 'd' => 1),
			'scaleX'		=> array('n' => 'sX', 'd' => 1),
			'scaleY'		=> array('n' => 'sY', 'd' => 1),
			'skewX'			=> array('n' => 'skX', 'd' => 0),
			'skewY' 		=> array('n' => 'skY', 'd' => 0),
			'rotationX'		=> array('n' => 'rX', 'd' => 0),
			'rotationY'		=> array('n' => 'rY', 'd' => 0),
			'rotationZ'		=> array('n' => 'rZ', 'd' => 0),
			'x'				=> array('n' => 'x', 'd' => 0),
			'y'				=> array('n' => 'y', 'd' => 0),
			'z' 			=> array('n' => 'z', 'd' => 0),
			'color'			=> array('n' => 'c', 'd' => '#fff'),
			'backgroundColor' => array('n' => 'bgc', 'd' => 'transparent'),
			'gradientStyle' => array('n' => 'gs', 'd' => 'fading'),
			'borderColor'	=> array('n' => 'boc', 'd' => 'transparent'),
			'borderRadius'	=> array('n' => 'bor', 'd' => '0,0,0,0', 'depth' => array('borderRadius', 'v')), //check further as it is stored in v
			'borderStyle'	=> array('n' => 'bos', 'd' => 'none'),
			'borderWidth'	=> array('n' => 'bow', 'd' => '0,0,0,0'),
			'transformPerspective' => array('n' => 'tp', 'd' => '600'),
			'originX'		=> array('n' => 'oX', 'd' => '50%'),
			'originY'		=> array('n' => 'oY', 'd' => '50%'),
			'originZ'		=> array('n' => 'oZ', 'd' => '0'),
			'textDecoration'=> array('n' => 'td', 'd' => 'none'),
			'speed'			=> array('n' => 'sp', 'd' => 300),
			'ease'			=> array('n' => 'e', 'd' => 'power3.inOut'),
			'zIndex'		=> array('n' => 'zI', 'd' => 'auto'),
			'pointerEvents'	=> array('n' => 'pE', 'd' => 'auto'),
			'grayscale'		=> array('n' => 'gra', 'd' => 0, 'depth' => array('filter', 'grayscale')),
			'brightness'	=> array('n' => 'bri', 'd' => 100, 'depth' => array('filter', 'brightness')),
			'blur'			=> array('n' => 'blu', 'd' => 0, 'depth' => array('filter', 'blur')),
			'usehovermask'	=> array('n' => 'm', 'd' => false)
	 * get the finished layer frame object
	public function get_frames(){
		$layer	 = $this->get_layer();
		$type	 = $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$frames	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'frames'), false);
		$_frames = array();

		 * frame_0
		 * inherit || default -> ignore/dont write
		 * frame_1
		 * default -> ignore/dont write
		 * frame_2 - frame_999
		 * default -> ignore/dont write

			foreach($frames as $fk => $frame){
				$_frames[$fk] = array('base' => array());
				$split	= array();
				$mask	= false;
				$push	= array();

				 * push the normal values of a frame
				$use = array(
					'x' => $this->_base['x'],
					'y' => $this->_base['y'],
					'z' => $this->_base['z'],
					'scaleX' => $this->_base['scaleX'],
					'scaleY' => $this->_base['scaleY'],
					'opacity' => $this->_base['opacity'],
					'rotationX' => $this->_base['rotationX'],
					'rotationY' => $this->_base['rotationY'],
					'rotationZ' => $this->_base['rotationZ'],
					'skewX' => $this->_base['skewX'],
					'skewY' => $this->_base['skewY'],
					'originX' => $this->_base['originX'],
					'originY' => $this->_base['originY'],
					'originZ' => $this->_base['originZ'],
					'transformPerspective' => $this->_base['transformPerspective'],

					'ease' => $this->_base['ease'],
					'start' => $this->_base['start'],
					'speed' => $this->_base['speed'],
					'startRelative' => $this->_base['startRelative']

				if($this->get_val($frame, array('filter', 'use')) === true){
					$use['grayscale']	= $this->_base['grayscale'];
					$use['brightness']	= $this->_base['brightness'];
					$use['blur']		= $this->_base['blur'];

				if($this->get_val($frame, array('bfilter', 'use')) === true){
					$use['bGrayscale']	= $this->_base['bGrayscale'];
					$use['bBrightness']	= $this->_base['bBrightness'];
					$use['bBlur']		= $this->_base['bBlur'];
					$use['bInvert']	= $this->_base['bInvert'];
					$use['bSepia']		= $this->_base['bSepia'];

				if($this->get_val($frame, array('color', 'use')) === true){
					$use['color'] = $this->_base['color'];
				if($this->get_val($frame, array('bgcolor', 'use')) === true){
					$use['backgroundColor'] = $this->_base['backgroundColor'];
				if($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'clipPath', 'use')) === true){
					$use['clip'] = $this->_base['clip'];
					$use['clipB'] = $this->_base['clipB'];


				foreach($use as $key => $v){
					$_key = (isset($v['depth'])) ? $v['depth'] : $key;

						$a = (isset($v['d'][$fk])) ? $v['d'][$fk] : $v['d']['default'];
						if($a === false) continue; //if false, ignore the value
						$a = $v['d'];
					$nv = $this->get_val($frame, $_key, $a);

					if($_key === 'ease' || (is_array($_key) && in_array('ease', $_key, true))){
						$this->easings[$nv] = $nv;

					if(is_object($nv) || is_array($nv)){
						if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
							$b = (!is_array($a)) ? array($a) : $a;
							$nv = $this->normalize_device_settings($nv, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $b);
							$nv = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($nv, $this->enabled_sizes);
						// need to process colors here
						// frame colors are always only one level
						if($key === 'color' || $key === 'backgroundColor'){
							$nv = RSColorpicker::get($nv);

					if($fk === 'frame_0' && $nv === 'inherit') continue; //inherit is ignored in frame_0

					if(is_array($nv)) $nv = implode(',', $nv);

						if(!in_array($nv, $a, true)){
							$_frames[$fk]['base'][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);
						if((string)$nv !== (string)$a){
							$_frames[$fk]['base'][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);

				 * check if we have to add split
				if($this->get_val($frame, array('chars', 'use')) === true) $split[] = 'chars';
				if($this->get_val($frame, array('words', 'use')) === true) $split[] = 'words';
				if($this->get_val($frame, array('lines', 'use')) === true) $split[] = 'lines';

					foreach($split as $splt){
						$push[$splt] = array(
							'ease'		=> $this->_split['ease'],
							'direction'	=> $this->_split['direction'],
							'delay'		=> $this->_split['delay'],
							'x'			=> $this->_split['x'],
							'y'			=> $this->_split['y'],
							'z'			=> $this->_split['z'],
							'scaleX'	=> $this->_split['scaleX'],
							'scaleY'	=> $this->_split['scaleY'],
							'opacity'	=> $this->_split['opacity'],
							'rotationX'	=> $this->_split['rotationX'],
							'rotationY'	=> $this->_split['rotationY'],
							'rotationZ'	=> $this->_split['rotationZ'],
							'skewX'		=> $this->_split['skewX'],
							'skewY'		=> $this->_split['skewY'],
							'originX'	=> $this->_split['originX'],
							'originY'	=> $this->_split['originY'],
							'originZ'	=> $this->_split['originZ'],

						if($this->get_val($frame, array($splt, 'fuse'), false) === true){
							$push[$splt]['fuse']		= $this->_split['fuse'];
							$push[$splt]['grayscale']	= $this->_split['grayscale'];
							$push[$splt]['brightness']	= $this->_split['brightness'];
							$push[$splt]['blur']		= $this->_split['blur'];

						foreach($push[$splt] as $k => $v){
							$push[$splt][$k]['depth'] = array($splt, $k);

				 * check if we have to add mask
				if($this->get_val($frame, array('mask', 'use')) === true){
					$push['mask'] = array(
						'u' => 't', //will set always u:t; as we need it
						'x'	=> $this->_mask['x'],
						'y' => $this->_mask['y']

				 * check if we have to add effect
				if(!in_array($this->get_val($frame, array('sfx', 'effect')), array('', 'none'), true)){
					$push['sfx'] = array(
						'effect' => $this->_sfx['effect'],
						'color'	 => $this->_sfx['color']

				 * check if we have to add reverse
				if($fk === 'frame_0' || $fk === 'frame_999'){
					$push['reverse'] = array(
						'x' => $this->_reverse['x'],
						'y' => $this->_reverse['y'],
						'rotationX' => $this->_reverse['rotationX'],
						'rotationY' => $this->_reverse['rotationY'],
						'rotationZ' => $this->_reverse['rotationZ'],
						'skewX'	 => $this->_reverse['skewX'],
						'skewY'  => $this->_reverse['skewY'],
						'maskX'  => $this->_reverse['maskX'],
						'maskY'  => $this->_reverse['maskY'],
						'charsX' => $this->_reverse['charsX'],
						'charsY' => $this->_reverse['charsY'],
						'charsDirection' => $this->_reverse['charsDirection'],
						'wordsX' => $this->_reverse['wordsX'],
						'wordsY' => $this->_reverse['wordsY'],
						'wordsDirection' => $this->_reverse['wordsDirection'],
						'linesX' => $this->_reverse['linesX'],
						'linesY' => $this->_reverse['linesY'],
						'linesDirection' => $this->_reverse['linesDirection']

					foreach($push as $zone => $values){
						foreach($values as $key => $v){
								$_frames[$fk][$zone][$key] = $v;
								$_key = (isset($v['depth'])) ? $v['depth'] : $key;
								if(!isset($_frames[$fk][$zone])) $_frames[$fk][$zone] = array();
									$a = (isset($v['d'][$fk])) ? $v['d'][$fk] : $v['d']['default'];
									if($a === false) continue; //if false, ignore the value
									$a = $v['d'];

								$nv = $this->get_val($frame, $_key, $a);

								if($_key === 'ease' || (is_array($_key) && in_array('ease', $_key, true))){
									$this->easings[$nv] = $nv;

								if(is_object($nv) || is_array($nv)){
									if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
										$b = (!is_array($a)) ? array($a) : $a;
										$nv = $this->normalize_device_settings($nv, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', $b);
										$nv = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($nv, $this->enabled_sizes);

								if(is_array($nv)) $nv = implode(',', $nv);

								if(isset($_key[1]) && $_key[1] === 'delay'){
									$_frames[$fk][$zone][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);
										if(!in_array($nv, $a, true)){
											$_frames[$fk][$zone][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);
										if((string)$nv !== (string)$a){
											$_frames[$fk][$zone][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);

		 * check if we have to add hover frame
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === true || $this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'true' || $this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'desktop'){
			$_frames['frame_hover'] = array('base' => array());

			$idle_v = $this->get_val($layer, 'idle', array());
			$hover_v = $this->get_val($layer, 'hover', array());

			$hv = $this->hv;
			if ($this->get_val($layer, array('hover', 'usehover'), false) === 'desktop') $hv['instantClick'] = array('n' => 'iC', 'd' => 'true');

			$devices = array('d', 'n', 't', 'm');

			foreach($hv as $key => $v){
				$_key = (isset($v['depth'])) ? $v['depth'] : $key;
				$nv = $this->get_val($hover_v, $_key, $v['d']);

				if($_key === 'ease') $this->easings[$nv] = $nv;

				if(is_object($nv) || is_array($nv)){

					// (all?) hover styles in the admin are currently global for all devices
					// this solves an issue with borderWidth and borderRadius hovers (which have a "top/right/bottom/left" array)
					foreach($devices as $device){
						$devices_exist = $this->get_val($nv, $device);
						if($devices_exist) break;
						if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
							$nv = $this->normalize_device_settings($nv, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array($v['d']));
							$nv = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($nv, $this->enabled_sizes);

					Hover values need to be compared to Idle values in order to print correctly
					Example case:
						1. Idle Color = red
						2. Hover Color = #ffffff
						Hover Color will not print because it equals the Hover Color default (#ffffff),
						.. and because it wasn't printed it will not animate
				$hover = $nv;
				$idle = $this->get_val($idle_v, $_key, $v['d']);
				if(is_object($idle) || is_array($idle)){
					$devices_exist = false;
					foreach($devices as $device){
						$devices_exist = $this->get_val($idle, $device);
						if($devices_exist) break;
						if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
							$idle = $this->normalize_device_settings($idle, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array($v['d']));
							$idle = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($idle, $this->enabled_sizes);

				// sanitize values for comparison
				$lowkey = strtolower($key);
				if(strpos($lowkey, 'color') !== false){
					$hover = RSColorpicker::normalizeColors($hover);
					$idle = RSColorpicker::normalizeColors($idle);

					// this is important in case the color is a gradient
					// .. "normalizeColors" also converts JSON string value to printable CSS gradient
					$nv = $hover;
					// sometimes a value can exist as "10" or "10px" (also strips "ms", "%" and "deg" for comparison), 
					// so this new function gets the raw number so they can be compared accurately
					$hover = $this->strip_suffix($hover);
					$idle = $this->strip_suffix($idle);

				// convert hover value to arrays if needed so they can be compared
						$hover = array($hover);
						for($i = 1; $i < count($idle); $i++){
							$hover[] = $hover[0];
						while(count($hover) < count($idle)){
							$hover[] = $hover[count($hover) - 1];


				// If iC (instanc Click) is available, we must write it ! 
				if ($v['n'] === 'iC') $idle = 'false';

				if(is_array($hover)) $hover = implode(',', $hover);
				if(is_array($idle)) $idle = implode(',', $idle);
				if(is_array($nv)) $nv = implode(',', $nv);

				// if value doesn't equal default OR Hover value doesn't equal Idle
				if((string)$nv !== (string)$v['d'] || (string)$hover !== (string)($idle)){
					$_frames['frame_hover']['base'][$v['n']] = $this->transform_frame_vals($nv);

		 * add tloop frame
		 * since 6.0
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'use'), false) === true){
			$_frames['tloop'] = array('base' => array());
			$t_from		= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'from'), 'frame_1');
			$t_to		= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'to'), 'frame_999');
			$t_repeat	= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'repeat'), -1);
			$t_keep		= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'keep'), true);
			$t_child	= $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'tloop', 'children'), true);
			if($t_from !== 'frame_1') $_frames['tloop']['base']['f'] = $t_from;
			if($t_to !== 'frame_999') $_frames['tloop']['base']['t'] = $t_to;
			if($t_keep === false) $_frames['tloop']['base']['k'] = 'false';
			if(!in_array($t_repeat, array(-1, '-1'))) $_frames['tloop']['base']['r'] = $t_repeat;
			if($t_child === false && in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('group', 'row', 'column'), true)) $_frames['tloop']['base']['c'] = $t_child;

			if(empty($_frames['tloop']['base'])) $_frames['tloop']['base']['u'] = true; //if empty, set u to true so that frontend knows that it is set

		 * Add modifications here
			//if endWidthSlide is true, set st to w
			$start_cache_999 = $this->get_val($_frames, array('frame_999', 'base', 'st'));
			if($this->get_val($frames, array('frame_999', 'timeline', 'endWithSlide'), false)){
				$_frames['frame_999']['base']['st'] = 'w';

			$start_cache = array();

			$uid = $this->get_val($layer, 'uid');
			foreach($frames as $frame => $zone){
				$start_cache[$frame] = $this->get_val($_frames, array($frame, 'base', 'st'));

				$at = $this->get_val($zone, array('timeline', 'actionTriggered'), false);
				$trg = $this->layer_frame_triggered($uid, $frame);
				$ign = !in_array($frame, array('frame_hover', 'frame_0'), true);
				if($at === true && $trg === true && $ign === true){
					$_frames[$frame]['base']['st'] = 'a';

			foreach($_frames as $frame => $zone){
				if($frame !== 'frame_0' && in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('group', 'row', 'column'), true)){
					if(!isset($start_cache[$frame])) $start_cache[$frame] = $this->get_val($_frames, array($frame, 'base', 'st'));

					if(isset($_frames[$frame]['base']['st']) && !is_numeric($_frames[$frame]['base']['st'])){
						$_frames[$frame]['base']['sA'] = ($frame !== 'frame_999') ? $start_cache[$frame] : $start_cache_999;

			//if Out Animation set to "auto reverse" 
			if($this->get_val($frames, array('frame_999', 'timeline', 'auto'), false)){
				$_frames['frame_999']['base'] = array(
					'st'	=> $this->get_val($_frames, array('frame_999', 'base', 'st')),
					'sp'	=> $this->get_val($_frames, array('frame_999', 'base', 'sp')),
					'sR'	=> $this->get_val($_frames, array('frame_999', 'base', 'sR')),
					'auto'	=> 'true'

			//st is only available in frame_1 ... 999, so remove it from frame_0 if it exists
			if(isset($_frames['frame_0']) && isset($_frames['frame_0']['base'])){


		 * as we only show the layer on slide hover
		 * set the frame_1 and frame_999 st to 'a'
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'onlyOnSlideHover'), false) === true){
			if(!isset($_frames['frame_1'])) $_frames['frame_1'] = array();
			if(!isset($_frames['frame_999'])) $_frames['frame_999'] = array();
			if(!isset($_frames['frame_1']['base'])) $_frames['frame_1']['base'] = array();
			if(!isset($_frames['frame_999']['base'])) $_frames['frame_999']['base'] = array();

			$_frames['frame_1']['base']['st'] = 'a';
			$_frames['frame_999']['base']['st'] = 'a';

		return $_frames;
	 * transform certain values into a different format for output
	public function transform_frame_vals($nv){
		if(strpos($nv, '{') !== false){
			$nv = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $nv);
			$nv = str_replace(',', '|', $nv);
			$nv = 'ran('.$nv.')';
		if(strpos($nv, '[') !== false){
			$nv = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $nv);
			$nv = str_replace(',', '|', $nv);
			$nv = 'cyc('.$nv.')';
		return $nv;
	 * get the layer frames HTML
	public function get_html_clip(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$html = 'data-clip="';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'clipPath', 'use')) === true){
			$html .= 'u:true;';
			$type = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'clipPath', 'type'), 'rectangle');
			$origin = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'clipPath', 'origin'), 'l');
			$html .= ($type !== 'rectangle') ? 't:'.$type.';' : '';
			$html .= ($origin !== 'l') ? 'o:'.$origin.';' : '';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-clip=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get the layer frames HTML
	public function get_html_frames($frames){
		$html = '';
			foreach($frames as $base => $_frame){
					foreach($_frame as $_base => $values){
						$s = '';
						if(empty($values)) continue;
						foreach($values as $k => $v){
								$v = ($v === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
							$s .= ($v !== '') ? $k.':'.$v.';' : '';
						if($s !== ''){
							$_base = ($_base === 'base') ? '' : '_'.$_base;
							if($html !== '') $html .= $this->ld().RS_T8;
							$html .= 'data-'.$base.$_base.'="'.$s.'"'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * add html blendmode
	public function get_html_blendmode(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$blendmode = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'filter', 'blendMode'), 'normal');
		return ($blendmode !== 'normal') ? 'data-blendmode="'.$blendmode.'"' : '';
	 * add the spike html data
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function get_html_spike_data(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$html = 'data-spike="';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'spikeUse'), false) === true){
			$l = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'spikeLeft'), 'none');
			$r = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'spikeRight'), 'none');
			$lw = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'spikeLeftWidth'), 10);
			$rw = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'spikeRightWidth'), 10);
			if($l !== 'none') $html .= 'l:'.$l.';';
			if($r !== 'none') $html .= 'r:'.$r.';';
			if(!in_array($lw, array(10, '10', '10%'), true)) $html .= 'lw:'.$lw.';';
			if(!in_array($rw, array(10, '10', '10%'), true)) $html .= 'rw:'.$rw.';';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-spike=""') ? $html : '';
	 * add the text stroke html data
	 * @since: 6.1.2
	public function get_html_text_stroke(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$html = 'data-tst="';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textStroke', 'inuse'), false) === true){
			if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
				$w = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textStroke', 'width')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('1px'));
				$w = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textStroke', 'width')), $this->enabled_sizes, '1px');
			$c = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'textStroke', 'color'), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)');
			if(!in_array(trim($w), array(1, '1', '1px', ''), true)) $html .= 'w:'.$w.';';
			if($c !== 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)') $html .= 'c:'.$c.';';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-tst=""') ? $html : '';
	 * add frameorder
	public function get_html_frameorder(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$frameorder = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'frameOrder'), '');
		if($frameorder !== ''){
			$fo = '';
			foreach($frameorder as $frames){
				$fo .= $this->get_val($frames, 'id').';';
			$frameorder = $fo;
		return ($frameorder === 'frame_1;frame_999;' || $frameorder === 'frame_0;frame_1;frame_999;' || $frameorder === '') ? '' : 'data-ford="'.$frameorder.'"';

	 * add html hideunder
	public function get_html_hideunder(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		return ($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'hideunder')) === true) ? 'data-layeronlimit="on"' : '';
	 * add audio html params here
	public function get_html_audio_data(){
		$data	= array('video' => array());
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'audio') return '';
		$vw	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'width'));
		$vh	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'height'));
		$vpl = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'preload'), 'auto');
		$sta = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'startAt'), -1);
		$end = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'endAt'), -1);
		$mp4 = esc_attr($this->remove_http($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'audioUrl'))));
		$vl	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'loop'), true);
		$vpt = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'pausetimer'), false);
		$vpt = (in_array($vl, array('loop', 'none'), true)) ? true : $vpt;
		$ap	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'autoPlay'), 'true');
		$frw = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'forceRewind'), true);
		$vc	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'controls'), false);
		$nse = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'nextSlideAtEnd'), true);
		$sav = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'stopAllVideo'), true);
		$volume	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'volume'), 100);
		$mute	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mute'), true);
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$data['video']['w'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($vw, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(54));
			$data['video']['h'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($vh, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(54));
			$data['video']['w'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($vw, $this->enabled_sizes);
			$data['video']['h'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($vh, $this->enabled_sizes);
		//if(!in_array($vpl, array('', 'auto'), true)){
			$data['video']['p'] = $vpl;
			//$plw = intval($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'preloadWait'), 5));
			//if(!in_array($plw, array('5', 5), true)) $data['video']['pw'] = $plw;
		if(!in_array($sta, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['sta'] = $sta;
		if(!in_array($end, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['end'] = $end;
		if(!empty($mp4))	$data['mp4'] = $mp4;
		if(!in_array($ap, array('true', true), true)) $data['video']['ap'] = $ap;
		if($frw === false)	$data['video']['rwd'] = false;
		if($vc === true)	$data['video']['vc'] = true;
		if($nse === false)	$data['video']['nse'] = false;
		if($sav === false)	$data['video']['sav'] = false;
		if($mute !== true)	$data['video']['v'] = $volume;
		$data['video']['l'] = $vl;
		$data['video']['vd'] = $volume;
		$data['video']['ptimer'] = $vpt;

		$html = '';
			foreach($data as $k => $d){
				if(empty($d)) continue;
				$html .= $this->ld().RS_T8.'data-'.$k.'="';
					foreach($d as $kk => $dd){
						$html .= $kk.':';
						$html .= $this->write_js_var($dd, '');
						$html .= ';';
					$html .= $this->write_js_var($d, '');
				$html .= '"'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the HTML video data attributes
	public function get_html_video_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$data	= array('video' => array());
		if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') !== 'video') return '';
		$video_type = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mediaType')));
		$video_type = ($video_type === '') ? 'html5' : $video_type;
		if(!in_array($video_type, array('streamyoutube', 'streamyoutubeboth', 'youtube', 'streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth', 'vimeo', 'streaminstagram', 'streaminstagramboth', 'html5'), true)) return '';
		if($video_type === 'html5') $data['video']['vfc'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'fitCover'), true);
		$http	 = (is_ssl()) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
		$vid	 = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'id')));
		$mute	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mute'), true);
		$volume	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'volume'), 100);
		$vargs	 = trim($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'args')));
		$control = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'controls'), false);
		$sta	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'startAt'));
		$end	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'endAt'));
		$vl		 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'loop'), true);
		$vpt	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'pausetimer'), false);
		$vpt	 = (in_array($vl, array('loop', 'none'), true)) ? true : $vpt;
		$autoplay	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'autoPlay'), 'true');
		$nextslide	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'nextSlideAtEnd'), true);
		$poster	 = $this->remove_http($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'posterUrl'), ''));
		$poster_change = $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'imageSourceType'), 'full');
		$poster_id	= $this->remove_http($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'posterId')));
		if($mute !== true) $data['video']['twa'] = $mute; // Set twa before checking autoplay
		$mute	 = (!in_array($autoplay, array('false', false), true)) ? true : $mute;
		if(!in_array($autoplay, array('true', true), true)) $data['video']['ap'] = $autoplay;
		if($mute !== true) $data['video']['v'] = $volume;
		$data['video']['vd'] = $volume;
		if(!in_array($sta, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['sta'] = $sta;
		if(!in_array($end, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['end'] = $end;
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'posterOnPause'), false) !== false) $data['video']['scop'] = 't';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'forceRewind'), true) !== true) $data['video']['rwd'] = 'f';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'nointeraction'), false) !== false) $data['video']['noint'] = 't';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'covermode'), 'custom') === 'cover-proportional'){
			$ratio = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'ratio'));
			$data['video']['fc'] = true;
			if(!in_array($ratio, array('16:9', ''), true)) $data['video']['ar'] = $ratio;

		$dotted	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'dotted'));
		if(!in_array($dotted, array('none', ''), true)){
			$data['video']['do'] = $dotted;
			$doca	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'dottedColorA'), 'transparent');
			$docb	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'dottedColorB'), '#000000');
			$dos	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'dottedSize'), 1);
			if($doca !== 'transparent') $data['video']['doca'] = $doca;
			if(!in_array($docb, array('', '#000000', '#000'), true)) $data['video']['docb'] = $docb;
			if(!in_array($dos, array('', '1', 1), true)) $data['video']['dos'] = $dos;
		$data['video']['l'] = $vl;
		$data['video']['ptimer'] = $vpt;
		if($nextslide === false) $data['video']['nse'] = 'f';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'stopAllVideo'), true) === false) $data['video']['sav'] = 'f';
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'allowFullscreen'), true) === false) $data['video']['afs'] = 'f';
			if($poster_change !== 'full' && $poster !== false && !empty($poster)){
				$_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($poster, $poster_change);
				$poster = ($_img !== false) ? $_img[0] : $poster;
			$data['poster'] = $poster;
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'disableOnMobile'), false) === true) $data['video']['npom'] = 't';
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'posterOnMobile'), false) === true) $data['video']['opom'] = 't';
			case 'streamyoutube':
			case 'streamyoutubeboth':
			case 'youtube':
				$vid	= (in_array($video_type, array('streamyoutube', 'streamyoutubeboth'), true)) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '') : $vid; //change $vid to the stream!
				$vid	= ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '') : $vid;
				$vargs	= (empty($vargs)) ? RevSliderFront::YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS : $vargs;
				$sp		= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'speed'), 1);
				$inl	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'playInline'), true);
				if(!$mute) $vargs = 'volume='.intval($volume).'&'.$vargs;
				if($sta !== ''){
					$start_raw = explode(':', $sta);
					if(count($start_raw) == 2){
						$sta = (intval($start_raw[0]) > 0) ? $start_raw[0]*60 + $start_raw[1] : $start_raw[1];
					$vargs .= ($sta !== '') ? '&start='.$sta : '';
				if($end !== ''){
					$end_raw = explode(':', $end);
					if(count($end_raw) == 2){
						$end = (intval($end_raw[0]) > 0) ? $end_raw[0]*60 + $end_raw[1] : $end_raw[1];
					$vargs .= ($end !== '') ? '&end='.$end : '';
				$vargs .= '&amp;origin='.$http.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].';';
				if($control === true) $data['video']['vc'] = 't';
				if(strpos($vid, 'http') !== false){ //check if full URL
					parse_str(parse_url($vid, PHP_URL_QUERY), $my_v_ret); //we have full URL, split it to ID
					$vid = $my_v_ret['v'];
				$this->youtube_exists = (empty($vid)) ? $this->youtube_exists : true;
				$data['ytid'] = $vid;
				$data['vatr'] = 'version=3&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;html5=1&amp;'.$vargs;
				if(!in_array($sp, array('1', 1), true)) $data['video']['sp'] = $sp;
				if($inl === false) $data['video']['inl'] = 'f';
			case 'streamvimeo':
			case 'streamvimeoboth':
			case 'vimeo':
				$vid = (in_array($video_type, array('streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth'), true)) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '') : $vid;
				$vid = ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '') : $vid;
				$vid = (strpos($vid, 'http') !== false) ? (int) substr(parse_url($vid, PHP_URL_PATH), 1) : $vid; //check if full URL //we have full URL, split it to ID
				$vargs = (empty($vargs)) ? RevSliderFront::VIMEO_ARGUMENTS : $vargs;
				$vargs = (!$control) ? 'background=1&'.$vargs : $vargs;
				$data['vimeoid'] = $vid;
				$data['vatr'] = $vargs;
			case 'streaminstagram':
			case 'streaminstagramboth':
			case 'html5':
				$ogv = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'ogvUrl'), '');
				$webm = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'webmUrl'), '');
				$mp4 = $this->remove_http($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'mp4Url'), ''));
				$mp4 = ($this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'videoFromStream'), false) === true) ? $this->slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), '') : $mp4;
				$vpr = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'preload'), 'auto');
				$inl = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'playInline'), true);

				if($control === true) $data['video']['vc'] = 't';
				if(!empty($ogv))$data['videoogv'] = $ogv;
				if(!empty($webm)) $data['videowebm'] = $webm;
				if(!empty($mp4)) $data['mp4'] = $mp4;
				if(!in_array($vpr, array('', 'auto'), true)) $data['video']['p'] = $vpr;
				if($inl === false) $data['video']['inl'] = 'f';
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace(';&amp;', '&amp;', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace(';;', ';', $data['vatr']);
		$html = '';
			foreach($data as $k => $d){
				if(empty($d)) continue;
				$html .= $this->ld().RS_T8.'data-'.$k.'="';
					foreach($d as $kk => $dd){
						$html .= $kk.':';
						$html .= $this->write_js_var($dd, '');
						$html .= ';';
					$html .= $this->write_js_var($d, '');
				$html .= '"'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the column HTML data
	public function get_html_column_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$data	= 'data-column="';
		if($type == 'column'){
			$size_raw = explode('/', $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'columnSize'), '1/3'));
			$size	= (count($size_raw) !== 2) ? '100' : round(100 * ((int)$size_raw[0] / (int)$size_raw[1]), 2);
			$va		= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'verticalAlign'), 'top');
			$data .= (!in_array($size, array('', '33,33', '33.33', 33.33), true)) ? 'w:'.$size.'%;' : '';
			$data .= ($va !== 'top') ? 'a:'.$va.';' : '';
		$data .= '"';
		return ($data !== 'data-column=""') ? $data : '';
	 * check if in the layer actions an action has an trigger
	public function get_html_margin_data($row_group_uid){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$data	= 'data-margin="';
		//add margin data attributes
		if($type == 'row' || $type == 'column' || $row_group_uid !== false){
			$margins	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'margin'));
			$rl_margin	= array();
			$margin_vals = $this->normalize_device_settings($margins, $this->enabled_sizes, 'obj', array(0));
			foreach($margin_vals as $margin){
					foreach($margin as $mkey => $mar){
						$rl_margin[$mkey][] = $mar;
				$mnames = array('t', 'r', 'b', 'l');
				for($i=0; $i<4; $i++){
							if(count(array_unique($rl_margin[$i])) === 1){
								$m = reset($rl_margin[$i]);
								$mm = str_replace(array('%', 'px'), '', $m);
								if($mm !== '0' && $mm !== ''){
									$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.$m.';';
								$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.implode(',', $rl_margin[$i]).';';
							$mm = str_replace(array('%', 'px'), '', $rl_margin[$i]);
							if($mm !== '0' && $mm !== ''){
								$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.$rl_margin[$i].';';
		$data .= '"';
		return ($data !== 'data-margin=""') ? $data : '';
	 * get padding html data
	public function get_html_padding_data(){
		$layer		= $this->get_layer();
		$paddings	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'padding'));
		$data		= 'data-padding="';
		$rl_padding = array();
		$padding_vals = $this->normalize_device_settings($paddings, $this->enabled_sizes, 'obj', array(0));
		foreach($padding_vals as $padding){
				foreach($padding as $mkey => $mar){
					$rl_padding[$mkey][] = str_replace(array('px', '%'), '', $mar);
			$mnames = array('t', 'r', 'b', 'l');
						if(count(array_unique($rl_padding[$i])) === 1){
							$m = reset($rl_padding[$i]);
							$mm = str_replace(array('%', 'px'), '', $m);
							if($mm !== '0' && $mm !== ''){
								$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.$m.';';
							$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.implode(',', $rl_padding[$i]).';';
						$mm = str_replace(array('%', 'px'), '', $rl_padding[$i]);
						if($mm !== '0' && $mm !== ''){
							$data .= $mnames[$i].':'.$rl_padding[$i].';';
		$data .= '"';
		return ($data !== 'data-padding=""') ? $data : '';
	 * get padding html data
	public function get_html_border_data(){
		$layer		= $this->get_layer();
		$data		= 'data-border="';
		$style		= array();
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$style['bos'] = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'borderStyle'), 'none'), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('none'));
			$style['bos'] = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'borderStyle'), 'none'), $this->enabled_sizes);
		$style['boc'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'borderColor'));
		$style['bow'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'borderWidth'), '0px');
		$style['bow'] = (is_array($style['bow']) || is_object($style['bow'])) ? implode(',', (array)$style['bow']) : $style['bow'];
		$style['bor'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'borderRadius', 'v'));
		$style['bor'] = (is_array($style['bor']) || is_object($style['bor'])) ? implode(',', (array)$style['bor']) : $style['bor'];
		if(in_array($style['bow'], array(0, '0px', '0px,0px,0px,0px', '0', '0,0,0,0'), true) || $style['bos'] === 'none'){
		if(in_array($style['bor'], array(0, '0px', '0px,0px,0px,0px', '0', '0,0,0,0'), true)){
			foreach($style as $k => $v){
				if(trim($v) !== ''){
					$data .= $k.':'.$v.';';
		$data .= '"';
		return ($data !== 'data-border=""') ? $data : '';
	 * get the background image
	public function get_background_image(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$add	= '';
		$image	= '<rs-bg-elem style="';
		//check for background images
		if(in_array($type, array('shape', 'row', 'group'), true)){
			$url_image = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundImage'), '');
			// Replace image when featured image is in use
			if($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'bgFromStream')) === true){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background
				$stream_background_image = $this->get_stream_background_image($layer);	
				$url_image = $stream_background_image['url'] ;

			if($url_image !== ''){ //add background image
				$objlib = new RevSliderObjectLibrary();
				if(in_array($type, array('group', 'shape', 'row'))){
					$global = $this->get_global_settings();
					$lazyloadbg = $this->get_val($global, 'lazyonbg', false);
					if($lazyloadbg !== false && $lazyloadbg !== 'false'){
						$add .= ' data-bglazy="'. $this->remove_http($url_image) .'"';
						$url_image = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/dummy.png';

					$image .= "background: url('".$this->remove_http($url_image)."')";
					$image .= ' '.$this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundRepeat'), 'no-repeat');
					$image .= ' '.$this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundPosition'), 'center center');
					$image .= ';';
					$bgs	= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSize'), 'cover');
					$bgs	= ($bgs === 'percentage') ? $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSizePerc'), '100').'%' : $bgs;
					$bgs	= ($bgs === 'pixel') ? $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundSizePix'), '100').'px' : $bgs;
					$image .= ' background-size: '.$bgs.';';
		$image .= '"'. $add .'></rs-bg-elem>';
		return ($image !== '<rs-bg-elem style=""></rs-bg-elem>') ? $image : '';

	 * get stream background image for layer
	 * @since: 6.2.0
	public function get_stream_background_image($layer){
		$bgi = array('id' => '', 'size' => '', 'url' => '');
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		if($this->slider->get_param('sourcetype') !== 'gallery'){
			if(in_array($this->slider->get_param('sourcetype'), array('post', 'woo', 'woocommerce'), true)){
				$bgi['id'] = get_post_thumbnail_id($slide->get_id());
					$bgi['size']	= $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'streamSourceType'), 'full');
					$thumbnail_url	= wp_get_attachment_image_src($bgi['id'], $bgi['size']);
					$bgi['url']		= ($thumbnail_url !== false) ? $this->get_val($thumbnail_url, 0) : $bgi['url'];
				$bgi['id']	 = $slide->get_id();
				$bgi['size'] = 'full';
				$bgi['url']	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl'), '');
		return $bgi;

	 * get the layer loop animation data
	public function get_loop_data(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$loop	= array('loop_0' => '', 'loop_999' => ''); //needs to be pushed as loop_* in frontend
		$loop_keys	= array('frame_0' => '', 'frame_999' => ''); //stored as frame_* in database
		if($this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'use'), false) === true){
			$e	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'ease'), 'none');
			$this->easings[$e] = $e;
			$sp	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'speed'), 1000);
			$rA	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'radiusAngle'), 0);
			$crns = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'curviness'), 2);
			$crd = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'curved'), false);
			$yym = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'yoyo_move'), false);
			$yyr = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'yoyo_rotate'), false);
			$yys = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'yoyo_scale'), false);
			$yyf = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'yoyo_filter'), false);
			$rep = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'repeat'), '-1');
			$st	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'start'), 740);
			$aR	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'autoRotate'), false);
			$oX	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'originX'), '50%');
			$oY	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'originY'), '50%');
			$oZ	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', 'originZ'), '0');
			//every loop frame needs this
			$all_keys = array(
				'xr'		 => array('n' => 'xR', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0px', '')),
				'yr'		 => array('n' => 'yR', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0px', '')),
				'zr'		 => array('n' => 'zR', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0px', '')),
				'x'			 => array('n' => 'x', 'd' => array(0, '0px', '', '0', '0%')),
				'y'			 => array('n' => 'y', 'd' => array(0, '0px', '', '0', '0%')),
				'z'			 => array('n' => 'z', 'd' => array(0, '0px', '', '0', '0%')),
				'scaleX'	 => array('n' => 'sX', 'd' => 1),
				'scaleY'	 => array('n' => 'sY', 'd' => 1),
				'opacity'	 => array('n' => 'o', 'd' => 1),
				'rotationX'	 => array('n' => 'rX', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0deg')),
				'rotationY'	 => array('n' => 'rY', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0deg')),
				'rotationZ'	 => array('n' => 'rZ', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0deg')),
				'skewX'		 => array('n' => 'skX', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0px', '')),
				'skewY'		 => array('n' => 'skY', 'd' => array(0, '0', '0px', '')),
				'blur'		 => array('n' => 'blu', 'd' => 0),
				'brightness' => array('n' => 'bri', 'd' => 100),
				'grayscale'	 => array('n' => 'gra', 'd' => 0)
			if($crd === false){
			foreach($loop_keys as $l => $lv){
				$_l = str_replace('frame_', 'loop_', $l);
				foreach($all_keys as $key => $v){
					$d = (is_array($v['d'])) ? $v['d'][0] : $v['d'];
					$nv = $this->get_val($layer, array('timeline', 'loop', $l, $key), $d);
						if(!in_array($nv, $v['d'], true)){
							$loop[$_l] .= $v['n'].':'.$nv.';';
						if((string)$nv !== (string)$v['d']){
							$loop[$_l] .= $v['n'].':'.$nv.';';
			//these are the special settings for certain loop frames only
			$loop['loop_0'] .= ($oX !== '50%') ? 'oX:'.$oX.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_0'] .= ($oY !== '50%') ? 'oY:'.$oY.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_0'] .= ($oZ !== '0') ? 'oZ:'.$oZ.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($aR !== false) ? 'aR:t;' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($crd !== false) ? 'crd:t;' : '';
			if($crd !== false){
				$loop['loop_999'] .= ($crns !== 2 && $crns !== '') ? 'crns:'.$crns.';' : '';
				$loop['loop_999'] .= ($rA !== 0 && $rA !== '') ? 'rA:'.$rA.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($sp !== 1000 && $sp !== '') ? 'sp:'.$sp.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($st !== 740 && $st !== '') ? 'st:'.$st.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($e !== 'none' && $e !== '') ? 'e:'.$e.';' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($yym !== false) ? 'yym:t;' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($yyr !== false) ? 'yyr:t;' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($yys !== false) ? 'yys:t;' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($yyf !== false) ? 'yyf:t;' : '';
			$loop['loop_999'] .= ($rep !== '-1' && $rep !== '') ? 'rep:'.$rep.';' : '';
		return $loop;
	 * get layer toggle data
	 * @change 6.2.16:
	 *	- added idle -> whiteSpace setting
	 *	- added moved do_shortcode() to a later step
	public function get_toggle_data(){
		$layer			 = $this->get_layer();
		$toggle			 = array();
		$type			 = $this->get_val($layer, array('type', 'text'));
		$text_toggle	 = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'text'));
		$toggle['allow'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'set'), false);
		$toggle['inverse_content'] = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'inverse'), false);
		$toggle['html']	 = '';
		if(!in_array($type, array('shape', 'svg', 'image'), true)){
			if(function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate
				$text_toggle = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text_toggle);
			}elseif(function_exists('ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate plus
				$text_toggle = ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text_toggle);
			}elseif(function_exists('qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate X
				$text_toggle = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text_toggle);
			$toggle['html'] = $text_toggle;
		global $fa_icon_var, $fa_var, $pe_7s_var;
		foreach($this->icon_sets as $is){
			if(strpos($toggle['html'], $is) !== false){ //include default Icon Sets if used
				$font_var = str_replace('-', '_', $is).'var';
				$$font_var = true;
				$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
				$cache->add_addition('special', 'font_var', $font_var);
		//Replace Placeholders
		$toggle['html'] = $this->set_placeholders($toggle['html']);
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$ws = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('nowrap'));
			$ws	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace'), 'nowrap'), $this->enabled_sizes);
		//replace new lines with <br />
		$toggle['html'] = (strpos($ws, 'content') !== false || strpos($ws, 'full') !== false) ? nl2br($toggle['html']) : $toggle['html'];
		//do shortcodes here, so that nl2br is not done within the shortcode content
		$toggle['html'] = (!in_array($type, array('image', 'svg', 'column', 'shape'), true)) ? do_shortcode(stripslashes($toggle['html'])) : $toggle['html'];
		return $toggle;
	 * get layer HTML corners
	public function get_html_corners(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= 'data-corners="';
		if(in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('text', 'button','shape'), true)){
			$cl = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'cornerLeft'), 'none');
			$cr = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'cornerRight'), 'none');
			$html .= (!in_array($cl, array('', 'none'), true)) ? $cl.';' : '';
			$html .= (!in_array($cr, array('', 'none'), true)) ? $cr.';' : '';
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-corners=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get layer HTML disp
	public function get_html_disp(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$type	= $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$html	= 'data-disp="';
		if($this->container_mode === 'column' && $type !== 'row' && $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'display'), 'block') !== 'block'){
			$html .= $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'display'));
		$html .= '"';
		return ($html !== 'data-disp=""') ? $html : '';
	 * get layer HTML layer additions
	public function get_html_layer_additions(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$html	= '';
			foreach($this->layer_additions as $data => $value){
				$html .= $this->ld().RS_T8.$data.'="';
				$html .= (is_array($value)) ? json_encode($value) : $value;
				$html .= '"'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the HTML layer
	public function get_html_layer(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		$html = '';
		$type = $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text');
		$text = $this->get_val($layer, 'text');
		if(function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate
			$text = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text);
		}elseif(function_exists('ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate plus
			$text = ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text);
		}elseif(function_exists('qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate X
			$text = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text);
			case 'shape':
			case 'svg':
			case 'column':
			case 'text':
			case 'button':
				// this filter is needed for the weather AddOn
				$html = apply_filters('revslider_modify_layer_text', $text, $layer);
				global $fa_icon_var, $fa_var, $pe_7s_var;
				foreach($this->icon_sets as $is){
					if(strpos($html, $is) !== false){ //include default Icon Sets if used
						$font_var = str_replace('-', '_', $is).'var';
						$$font_var = true;
						$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
						$cache->add_addition('special', 'font_var', $font_var);
			case 'image':
				$additional	= '';
				$cover_mode	= $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'covermode'), 'custom');
				$urlImage	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl'));
				$cur_img_id	= $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageId'));
				$img_change	= $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'imageSourceType'), 'auto');
				$img_size	= 'full';
				$img_w		= '';
				$img_h		= '';
				$alt		= '';
				$alt_option	= $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'altOption'), 'media_library');
				$do_ll		= $this->get_val($layer, array('behavior', 'lazyLoad'), 'auto');
				$lazyLoad	= $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'lazyLoad'), false);
				$img_size	= ($img_change !== 'auto') ? $img_change : $this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'imageSourceType'), 'full');
				$class		= 'tp-rs-img';
				if(empty($cur_img_id) || intval($cur_img_id) == 0){
					$cur_img_id	= $this->get_image_id_by_url($urlImage);
					if(!empty($cur_img_id) && intval($cur_img_id) !== 0){
						 * we could save the value into the layer
						 * but this part should never be called as the img id never is empty
				if($img_size !== 'full' && $cur_img_id !== false && !empty($cur_img_id)){
					$_urlImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cur_img_id, $img_size);
					$urlImage = ($_urlImage !== false) ? $_urlImage[0] : $urlImage;
				if($cur_img_id !== false && !empty($cur_img_id)){
					$img_data = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $cur_img_id );
					if($img_data !== false && !empty($img_data)){
						if($img_size !== 'full'){
							if(isset($img_data['sizes']) && isset($img_data['sizes'][$img_size])){
								$img_w = $this->get_val($img_data, array('sizes', $img_size, 'width'));
								$img_h = $this->get_val($img_data, array('sizes', $img_size, 'height'));
						if($img_w == '' || $img_h == ''){
							$img_w =  $this->get_val($img_data, 'width');
							$img_h =  $this->get_val($img_data, 'height');
						$additional.= ' width="'.$img_w.'" height="'.$img_h.'"';
				}else{ //we might be from image library
					$objlib = new RevSliderObjectLibrary();
					//redownload if possible
					case 'media_library':
						if($cur_img_id !== false){
							$alt = get_post_meta($cur_img_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
					case 'file_name':
						$info = pathinfo($urlImage);
						$alt = $info['filename'];
					case 'custom':
						$alt = $this->get_val($layer, array('attributes', 'alt'));
				if(isset($this->slide->ignore_alt)) $alt = '';
				if($lazyLoad === false){ //do fallback checks to removed lazy_load value since version 5.0 and replaced with an enhanced version
					$old_ll = $this->slider->get_param('lazy_load', 'off');
					$lazyLoad = ($old_ll == 'on') ? 'all' : 'none';
				if($lazyLoad != 'none' || $do_ll == 'force' && $do_ll !== 'ignore'){
					$seo_opti = $this->get_val($layer, 'seo-optimized', false);
					if($seo_opti === 'false' || $seo_opti === false){
						$additional .= ' data-lazyload="'.$this->remove_http($urlImage).'"';
						$class .= ' rs-lazyload';
						$urlImage = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/dummy.png';
				$additional .= ($cover_mode !== 'custom') ? ' data-c="'.$cover_mode.'"' : '';
				if($urlImage !== ''){
					//$urlImage = str_replace(array('https://', 'http://'), '//', $urlImage);
					$html = '<img src="'.$this->remove_http($urlImage).'"';
					$html .= ' alt="'.$alt.'" class="'.$class.'"';
					$html .= $additional.' data-no-retina>';
		//Replace Placeholders
		$html = $this->set_placeholders($html);
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$ws = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace')), $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array('nowrap'));
			$ws	= $this->get_biggest_device_setting($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'whiteSpace'), 'nowrap'), $this->enabled_sizes);
		//replace new lines with <br />
		$html = (strpos($ws, 'content') !== false || strpos($ws, 'full') !== false) ? nl2br($html) : $html;
		//do shortcodes here, so that nl2br is not done within the shortcode content
		$html = (!in_array($type, array('image', 'svg', 'column', 'shape'), true)) ? do_shortcode(stripslashes($html)) : $html;
		return $html;
	 * General Placeholders for all slider types
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	public function set_placeholders($text){
		global $post;
		$text = str_replace(array('%home_url%', '{{home_url}}'), esc_url(home_url( '/' )), $text);
		if(isset($post->ID)) $text = str_replace(array('%current_page_link%', '{{current_page_link}}'), get_permalink($post->ID), $text);
		if(isset($post->ID)) $text = apply_filters('revslider_gallery_set_placeholders', $text, $post->ID);
		return $text;
	 * return the layer visibility dependency of devices
	public function get_html_layer_device_visibility(){
		$layer			= $this->get_layer();
		$vis_desktop	= ($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'd'), true) === true) ? 't' : 'f';
		$vis_notebook	= ($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'n'), true) === true) ? 't' : 'f';
		$vis_tablet		= ($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 't'), true) === true) ? 't' : 'f';
		$vis_mobile		= ($this->get_val($layer, array('visibility', 'm'), true) === true) ? 't' : 'f';
		$visible		= ($vis_notebook == 'f' || $vis_desktop == 'f' || $vis_tablet == 'f' || $vis_mobile == 'f') ? 'data-vbility="'.$vis_desktop.','.$vis_notebook.','.$vis_tablet.','.$vis_mobile.'"' : '';
		return $visible;
	 * check if in the layer actions an action has an trigger
	public function check_if_trigger_exists(){
		$layers		 = $this->get_layers();
		$uid		 = $this->get_layer_unique_id();
		$has_trigger = false;
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			if($has_trigger) break;
			$actions = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'));
				foreach($actions as $action){
					switch($this->get_val($action, 'action')){
						case 'start_in':
						case 'start_out':
						case 'toggle_layer':
						case 'toggle_frames':
						case 'next_frame':
						case 'prev_frame':
						case 'start_frame':
							if($uid == $this->get_val($action, 'layer_target')){
								$has_trigger = true;
		return $has_trigger;
	 * check if the current layer is a full width video
	public function is_full_width_video(){
		$layer = $this->get_layer();
		return $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') == 'video' && $this->get_val($layer, array('size', 'covermode')) == 'cover-proportional';
	 * Check if the layer is on a group or a row
	 * @since: 5.3.0
	public function is_in_group_or_row(){
		$layer	= $this->get_layer();
		$puid	= $this->get_val($layer, array('group', 'puid'));
		return intval($puid) > 0;
	 * check if a stream video exists
	 * @since: 5.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::checkIfStreamVideoExists()
	public function check_if_stream_video_exists(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$vid	= '';
		switch($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans')){
			case 'streamyoutubeboth'://youtube
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '');
			case 'streamvimeoboth'://vimeo
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '');
			case 'streaminstagramboth'://instagram
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), '');
			case 'streamtwitterboth'://instagram
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), '');
				if($vid !== '') return true;
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '');
				if($vid !== '') return true;
				$vid = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '');
				if($vid !== '') return true;
		return ($vid == '') ? false : true;
	 * add background video layer
	 * @since: 5.0
	 * @before putBackgroundVideo()
	public function add_html_background_video(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$data = array('video' => array());
		$mute_video = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'mute'), true);
		$volume = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'volume'), '100');
		$video_type = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans');
		$http = (is_ssl()) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
			case 'streamtwitter':
			case 'streamtwitterboth':
			case 'twitter':
				$youtube_id	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '');
				$vimeo_id	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '');
				$html_mpeg	= $this->remove_http($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), ''));
				if($youtube_id === '' && $vimeo_id === '' && $html_mpeg === '') return false;
				if($youtube_id !== ''){
					$this->youtube_exists = true;
					$arguments = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'args'), RevSliderFront::YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS);
					$arguments = (empty($arguments)) ? RevSliderFront::YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS : $arguments;
					if($mute_video === false){
						$data['video']['v'] = intval($volume);
						$arguments	= 'volume='.intval($volume).'&amp;'.$arguments;
					$arguments .= '&amp;origin='.$http.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].';';
					$data['vatr'] = 'version=3&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;html5=1&amp;'.$arguments;
					$data['ytid'] = $youtube_id;
					$sp = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'speed'), 1);
					if(!in_array($sp, array(1, '1'), true)) $data['video']['sp'] = $sp;
					$data['video']['vc'] = 'none';
				}elseif($vimeo_id !== ''){
					$arguments = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'argsVimeo'), RevSliderFront::VIMEO_ARGUMENTS);
					$arguments = (empty($arguments)) ? RevSliderFront::VIMEO_ARGUMENTS : $arguments;
					$data['vatr'] = $arguments;
					if($mute_video === false){
						$data['video']['v'] = intval($volume);
					if(strpos($vimeo_id, 'http') !== false){ //check if full URL
						//we have full URL, split it to ID
						$video_id = explode('vimeo.com/', $vimeo_id);
						$vimeo_id = $video_id[1];
					$data['vimeoid'] = $vimeo_id;
					$data['video']['vc'] = 'none';
				}elseif($html_mpeg !== ''){
					//$data['video']['p'] = 'auto'; //auto is default, so dont write it
					$data['mp4'] = $html_mpeg;
			case 'streamyoutube':
			case 'streamyoutubeboth':
			case 'youtube':
				$youtube_id = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), '');
				if($youtube_id == '') return false;
				$this->youtube_exists = true;
				if(strpos($youtube_id, 'http') !== false){ //check if full URL
					parse_str(parse_url($youtube_id, PHP_URL_QUERY), $my_v_ret); //we have full URL, split it to ID
					$youtube_id = $my_v_ret['v'];
				$arguments = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'args'), RevSliderFront::YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS);
				$arguments = (empty($arguments)) ? RevSliderFront::YOUTUBE_ARGUMENTS : $arguments;
				if($mute_video === false){
					$data['video']['v'] = $volume;
					$arguments = 'volume='.intval($volume).'&amp;'.$arguments;
				$data['ytid'] = $youtube_id;
				$data['vatr'] = 'version=3&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;html5=1&amp;'.$arguments;
				$sp = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'speed'), 1);
				if(!in_array($sp, array(1, '1'), true)) $data['video']['sp'] = $sp;
				$data['video']['vc'] = 'none';
			case 'streamvimeo':
			case 'streamvimeoboth':
			case 'vimeo':
				$vimeo_id = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), '');
				if($vimeo_id == '') return false;
				$arguments = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'argsVimeo'), RevSliderFront::VIMEO_ARGUMENTS);
				$arguments = (empty($arguments)) ? RevSliderFront::VIMEO_ARGUMENTS : $arguments;
				$arguments = 'background=1&'.$arguments;
				if($mute_video == false) $data['video']['v'] = intval($volume);
				if(strpos($vimeo_id, 'http') !== false){ //check if full URL
					$video_id = explode('vimeo.com/', $vimeo_id); //we have full URL, split it to ID
					$vimeo_id = $video_id[1];
				$data['vimeoid'] = $vimeo_id;
				$data['vatr'] = $arguments;
				$data['video']['vc'] = 'none';
			case 'streaminstagram':
			case 'streaminstagramboth':
			case 'html5':
				$html_mpeg = $this->remove_http($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), ''));
				if($video_type == 'streaminstagram' || $video_type == 'streaminstagramboth'){
					$html_webm	= '';
					$html_ogv	= '';
					$html_webm = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'webm'), '');
					$html_ogv = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'ogv'), '');
				//$data['video']['p'] = 'auto'; //default is auto, so do not write
				if(!empty($html_ogv))	 $data['videoogv'] = $html_ogv;
				if(!empty($html_webm))	 $data['videowebm'] = $html_webm;
				if(!empty($html_mpeg))	 $data['mp4'] = $html_mpeg;
				if($mute_video === false) $data['video']['v'] = intval($volume);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace(';&amp;', '&amp;', $data['vatr']);
			$data['vatr'] = str_replace(';;', ';', $data['vatr']);
		$data['video']['w'] = '100%';
		$data['video']['h'] = '100%';
		$ratio	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'ratio'), '16:9');
		$loop	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'loop'), true);
		$vpt 	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'pausetimer'), false);
		if($loop === 'loop') $vpt = true;

		$nsae	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'nextSlideAtEnd'), false);
		$sat	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'startAfterTransition'), false);
		$vsa	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'startAt'), '');
		$vea	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'endAt'), '');
		if(!in_array($vsa, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['sta'] = $vsa;
		if(!in_array($vea, array('', '-1', -1), true)) $data['video']['end'] = $vea;
		if(!in_array($ratio, array('', '16:9'), true)) $data['video']['ar'] = $ratio;
		if($nsae === false) $data['video']['nse'] = 'false';
		if($sat === true) $data['video']['sat'] = 'true';
		if($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'forceRewind'), true) === false)
			$data['video']['rwd'] = false;
		$data['video']['l'] = $loop;
		$data['video']['ptimer'] = $vpt;
		//$data['video']['autoplay'] = 'true'; //default, so dont write
		//$data['video']['apf'] = false; //default, so dont write
		if($video_type === 'html5') $data['video']['vfc'] = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'fitCover'), true); //video fit cover
		$do	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'dottedOverlay'), 'none');
		if($do !== 'none'){
			$data['video']['do'] = $do;
			$doca	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'dottedColorA'), 'transparent');
			$docb	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'dottedColorB'), '#000000');
			$dos	= $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'dottedOverlaySize'), 1);
			if($doca !== 'transparent') $data['video']['doca'] = $doca;
			if(!in_array($docb, array('', '#000000', '#000'), true)) $data['video']['docb'] = $docb;
			if(!in_array($dos, array('', '1', 1), true)) $data['video']['dos'] = $dos;

		//echo $this->ld().RS_T7."<!-- BACKGROUND VIDEO LAYER -->\n";
		echo $this->ld().RS_T7.'<rs-bgvideo '."\n";
			foreach($data as $k => $d){
				if(empty($d)) continue;
				echo $this->ld().RS_T8.'data-'.$k.'="';
					foreach($d as $kk => $dd){
						echo $kk.':';
						echo $this->write_js_var($dd, '');
						echo ';';
					echo $this->write_js_var($d, '');
				echo '"'."\n";
		echo $this->ld().RS_T7.'></rs-bgvideo>'."\n";
	 * get slide style
	public function get_html_slide_style(){
		$style = array('position' => 'absolute');
		$style = apply_filters('revslider_get_html_slide_style', $style, $this);

		$style_html = ' style="';
			foreach($style as $_style => $_value){
				$style_html .= $_style.': '.$_value.';';
		$style_html .= '"';

		return ($style_html !== ' style=""') ? $style_html : '';
	 * get slide key
	public function get_html_slide_key(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		return ' data-key="rs-'.preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "", $slide->get_id()).'"';
	 * get slide title
	public function get_html_slide_title($raw = false){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		if($this->slider->is_posts()){ //check if we are post based or normal slider
			$title = @get_the_title($slide->get_id());
			$title = $slide->get_param('title', 'Slide');
		$pre = ($raw === false) ? ' data-title="' : '';
		$post = ($raw === false) ? '"' : '';
		return ($title !== '') ? $pre.stripslashes(esc_attr($title)).$post : '';
	 * get slide description
	public function get_html_slide_description(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		if($this->slider->is_posts()){ //check if we are post based or normal slider
			$the_post = get_post($slide->get_id());
			$description = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($the_post->post_excerpt));
			$description = $slide->get_param(array('info', 'description'), '');
		$description = trim(str_replace(array("\'", '\"'), array("'", '"'), esc_attr($description)));
		return ($description !== '') ? ' data-description="'.$description.'"' : '';
	 * get the thumb url for the slide (navigation may need it)
	public function get_thumb_url(){
		$active	 = ($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'set'), false) == true || $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'set'), false) == true || $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'set'), false) == true || $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'set'), false) == true) ? true : false;
		$special = (
			in_array($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'style'), 'round'), array('preview1', 'preview2', 'preview3', 'preview4', 'custom'), true) ||
			in_array($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'style'), 'round'), array('preview1', 'preview2', 'preview3', 'preview4', 'custom'), true)
		) ? true : false;
		if($active === false && $special == false) return '';
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$url	= ($this->slider->is_posts() && $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'imageFromStream'), false) === true) ? '' : $slide->get_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), '');
			$slide->get_param(array('thumb', 'dimension'), 'slider') == 'slider' &&
			(in_array($this->slider->get_param('sourcetype'), array('youtube', 'vimeo'), true) || 
			in_array($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans'), array('image', 'vimeo', 'youtube', 'html5', 'streamvimeo', 'streamyoutube', 'streaminstagram', 'streamtwitter', 'streamvimeoboth', 'streamyoutubeboth', 'streaminstagramboth', 'streamtwitterboth'), true))
		){ //use the slider settings for width / height
			$w = intval($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'preview', 'width'), $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'width'), 100)));
			$h = intval($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'preview', 'height'), $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'height'), 50)));
			if($w == 0) $w = 100;
			if($h == 0) $h = 50;
			if(empty($url)){ //try to get resized thumb
				$url = rev_aq_resize($slide->image_url, $w, $h, true, true, true);
				$url = rev_aq_resize($url, $w, $h, true, true, true);
					$url = $slide->image_url;
					$url = rev_aq_resize($url, $w, $h, true, true, true);
		$url = (empty($url)) ? $slide->image_url : $url; //if empty - put regular image
		$url = trim($this->remove_http($url));
		$url = ($this->check_valid_image($url)) ? $url : '';
		return ($url !== '') ? ' data-thumb="'.$url.'"' : $url;
	 * get slide link if set in slide settings
	public function get_slide_link(){
		$link	= '';
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$params	= $slide->get_params();
		if($slide->get_param(array('seo', 'set'), false) == true){
			switch($slide->get_param(array('seo', 'type'), 'regular')){
				default: //---- normal link
				case 'regular':
					$target	= ' data-tag="'.$slide->get_param(array('seo', 'tag'), 'l').'" data-target="'.$slide->get_param(array('seo', 'target'), '_self').'"';					
					$http	= $slide->get_param(array('seo', 'linkHelp'), 'auto');
					$l		= $this->remove_http($slide->get_param(array('seo', 'link'), ''), $http);
					$link	= ($l !== '') ? ' data-link="'.do_shortcode($l).'"'.$target : $link;
				case 'slide': //---- link to slide
					$slide_link = $this->get_val($params, array('seo', 'slideLink'), 'nothing');
					if(!empty($slide_link) && $slide_link != 'nothing'){
						//get slide index from id
						$slide_link	= (is_numeric($slide_link)) ? $this->get_val($this->get_slides_num_index(), $slide_link) : $slide_link;
						$link		= (!empty($slide_link)) ? ' data-linktoslide="'.$slide_link.'"' : $link;

			//set link position:
			$link .= ' data-seoz="'.$this->get_val($params, array('seo', 'z'), 'front').'"';
		return $link;
	 * get slide delay as html
	public function get_html_delay(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$delay = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'delay'), 'default');
		$delay = strtolower($delay);
		return (!in_array($delay, array('default', ''), true)) ? ' data-duration="'. $delay .'"' : '';

	 * get the html slide scroll based data
	public function get_html_scrollbased_slidedata(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();	
		$html = 'data-sba="';
		$sd = $this->slider->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'set'), false);
		$es = $this->slider->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'set'), false);

		//$s = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'scrollBased'), 'default');
		//if ($s !== 'default' && $sd != false) $html .='t:'.($s=='true' ? 'true' : 'false').';';
		if($es === true){
			$fa = $slide->get_param(array('effects', 'fade'), 'default');
			$bl = $slide->get_param(array('effects', 'blur'), 'default');
			$gr = $slide->get_param(array('effects', 'grayscale'), 'default');
			if($fa !== 'default'){
				$html .= 'f:';
				$html .= ($fa === 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
				$html .= ';';
			if($bl !== 'default'){
				$html .= 'b:';
				$html .= ($bl === 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
				$html .= ';';
			if($gr !== 'default'){
				$html .= 'g:';
				$html .= ($gr === 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
				$html .= ';';
		$html .='"';

		return ($html !== 'data-sba=""') ? $html : '';

	 * get stop slide on purpose as html
	public function get_html_stop_slide(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		return ($this->_truefalse($slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'stopOnPurpose'), false)) === true) ? ' data-ssop="true"' : '';
	 * get slide invisible as html
	public function get_html_invisible(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		return ($this->_truefalse($slide->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideFromNavigation'), false)) === true) ? ' data-invisible="true"' : '';

	 * get slide animation IN/OUT attribute
	public function get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, $inout, $attribute, $default, $short, $force){
			$result = ($inout !== false) ? $this->get_val($data, array($inout, $attribute), $default) : $this->get_val($data, array($attribute), $default);
			$slide = $this->get_slide();
			$result = ($inout !== false) ? $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', $inout, $attribute), $default) : $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', $attribute), $default);
		$_result = ($result === false) ? 'false' : $result; 
		$_result = ($_result === true) ? 'true' : $_result; 
		$_result = $this->shorten($_result, 'default', 'd');
		$_result = $this->transform_frame_vals($_result);
		if($force === true){
			if($attribute === 'e' || $short === 'e') $this->easings[$result] = $result;
			return ($result !== '') ? $short.':'. $result.';' : '';
			if($attribute === 'e' || $short === 'e') $this->easings[$_result] = $_result;
			return ($result !== '' && $result !== $default) ? $short.':'. $_result.';' : '';

	 * get slide animation attribute
	public function get_slide_some_attribute($attr){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$result = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', $attr), 1);
		if(is_array($result) || is_object($result)) $result = implode(',', (array)$result);
		$result = $this->shorten($result, 'default', 'd');
		return ($result !== '' && $result != 1) ? $result : '';
	 * get slide rotation as html
	public function get_html_anim(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$transition = $this->get_html_first_transition();
		$transition = (empty($transition) && $slide->get_param(array('slideChange'), false) === false) ? 'fade' : $transition;
		$base_transitions = $this->get_base_transitions();
		$data = array();
		$preset = $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', 'preset'), false);
		$rnd_transition = '';
		if(is_string($transition) && in_array($transition, array('random', 'random-static', 'random-premium'), true)){
			$duration = $this->get_html_slide_anim_duration(); //get duration and set it to 1000 if smaller than 500
			if(intval($duration) < 300) $duration = 750;
			$preset = 'rndany';
			$transition = '';
		if($preset !== false && strpos($preset, 'rnd') === 0){
			$rnd_main = $this->get_val($base_transitions, array('random', $preset, 'rndmain'), '');
			$rnd_grp = $this->get_val($base_transitions, array('random', $preset, 'rndgrp'), '');
			$rnd_transition = $this->get_random_slide_transition($rnd_main, $rnd_grp, $base_transitions);
			//get values for the random transition and store it in $data
				$data = $this->get_slide_transition_values($rnd_transition, $base_transitions);
				$this->frontend_action = true;
		$anim = ' data-anim="';
		$slots = false;
		if(!empty($transition)){ /* FALLBACK TO OLD OUTPUT */
			foreach($base_transitions as $_type => $_transition){
				if(empty($_transition) || !is_array($_transition)) continue;
				foreach($_transition as $_values){
					if(empty($_values) || !is_array($_values)) continue;
					foreach($_values as $_name => $_v){
						if($_name !== $transition) continue;
						$data = $_v;
						if($_type === 'basic') $slots = '1'; //set slots to 1 as a fallback
			if(!is_array($data)) $data = array();
			$duration = (!isset($duration)) ? $this->get_html_slide_anim_duration() : $duration;
			if(in_array($transition, array('3dcurtain-vertical', '3dcurtain-horizontal'), true)){
				$duration = (empty($duration) || $duration == '') ? 500 : intval(intval($duration) / 3);
			}elseif($duration == '' && strpos($transition, 'slidingoverlay') !== false){				
				$duration = 2000;
			$anim .= ($duration === '') ? '' : 'ms:'.$duration.';';
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_rotation();
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'adpr', false, 'adpr', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'd', 15, 'd', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'e', 'basic', 'e', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'p', 'none', 'p', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'f', 'start', 'f', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'o', 'inout', 'o', false);
			//move slots if exists to the $data
			$slots = ($slots === false) ? $this->get_slide_some_attribute('slots') : $slots;
			if(!empty($slots) && !in_array($slots, array('default', 'd'), true)){ //
				if(!isset($data['in'])) $data['in'] = array();
				if(!isset($data['in']['row'])) $data['in']['row'] = $slots;
				if(!isset($data['in']['col'])) $data['in']['col'] = $slots;

			$easin = $this->get_slide_some_attribute('easeIn');
			$easout = $this->get_slide_some_attribute('easeOut');

			if(!empty($easin) && !in_array($easin, array('default', 'd'), true)){ //
				if(!isset($data['in'])) $data['in'] = array();
				if(!isset($data['in']['e'])) $data['in']['e'] = $easin;
				$this->easings[$easin] = $easin;

			if(!empty($easout) && !in_array($easout, array('default', 'd'), true)){ //
				if(!isset($data['out'])) $data['out'] = array();
				if(!isset($data['out']['e'])) $data['out']['e'] = $easout;
				$this->easings[$easout] = $easout;

		}else{ /*CANVAS*/
			/* Animate Defaults */
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'eng', 'animateCore', 'eng', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'adpr', false, 'adpr', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'd', 15, 'd', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'e', 'basic', 'e', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'speed', 1000, 'ms', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'p', 'none', 'p', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'f', 'start', 'f', false);
			$anim .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, false, 'o', 'inout', 'o', false);
		$anim .= '"';

		/* Animates 3D */
		$anim_ddd = ' data-d3="';
		$dddf = $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'f', 'none', 'f', false);
		if($dddf !== 'f:none'){
			$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'f', 'none', 'f', false);
			$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'd', 'horizontal', 'd', false);
			$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'z', '300', 'z', false);
			if($dddf === 'fly'){
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'fz', '0', 'fz', false);
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'fdi', '1.5', 'fdi', false);
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'fdo', '2', 'fdo', false);
			if($dddf !== 'turn'){
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 't', '0', 't', false);
			$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'c', '#ccc', 'c', false);
			$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'e', 'power2.inOut', 'e', false);
			$shad = $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'su', 'false', 'su', false);
			if($shad === 'su:true;'){
				$anim_ddd .= 'su:true;';
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'sc', '#000', 'sc', false);
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'smi', '0', 'smi', false);
				$anim_ddd .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'd3', 'sma', '0.5', 'sma', false);
		$anim_ddd .= '"'; 
		/* Animates In */
		$anim_in = ' data-in="';
		if(!empty($rnd_transition)) $anim_in .= 'prst:'.$preset.';';
		$motion = (empty($data)) ? $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', 'in', 'mou'), false) : $this->get_val($data, array('in', 'mou'), false);
		if($motion === true) $anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'mo', '80', 'mo', true);
		if($motion === true) $anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'moo', 'none', 'moo', true);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'o', '1', 'o', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'x', '0', 'x', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'y', '0', 'y', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'r', '0', 'r', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'sx', '1', 'sx', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'sy', '1', 'sy', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'm', false, 'm', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'e', 'power2.inOut', 'e', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'row', '1', 'row', false);
		$anim_in .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'in', 'col', '1', 'col', false);
		$anim_in .= '"'; 

		/* Basic Filters */
		$anim_filters = ' data-filter="';
		$slide_filters = (empty($data)) ? $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', 'filter', 'u'), false) : $this->get_val($data, array('filter', 'u'), false);		
		if($slide_filters === true){		
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'e', 'default', 'e', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'm', '0', 'm', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'b', '0', 'b', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'g', '0', 'g', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'h', '100', 'h', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 's', '0', 's', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'c', '100', 'c', false);
			$anim_filters .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'filter', 'i', '0', 'i', false);
		$anim_filters .= '"'; 
		$slide_out = (empty($data)) ? $slide->get_param(array('slideChange', 'out', 'a'), true) : $this->get_val($data, array('out', 'a'), true);
		/* Animates Out */
		$anim_out = ' data-out="';
		if($slide_out === false){
			$_anim_out = $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'o', '1', 'o', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'x', '0', 'x', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'y', '0', 'y', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'r', '0', 'r', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'sx', '1', 'sx', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'sy', '1', 'sy', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'm', false, 'm', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'e', 'power2.inOut', 'e', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'row', '1', 'row', false);
			$_anim_out .= $this->get_html_slide_anim_attribute($data, 'out', 'col', '1', 'col', false);
			$anim_out .= ($_anim_out === '') ? 'a:false;' : $_anim_out;
		$anim_out .= '"';
		if($anim === ' data-anim=""') $anim = '';
		if($anim_filters !== ' data-filter=""') $anim .= $anim_filters;
		if($anim_in !== ' data-in=""') $anim .= $anim_in;
		if($anim_out !== ' data-out=""') $anim .= $anim_out;
		if($anim_ddd !== ' data-d3=""') $anim .= $anim_ddd;
		return $anim;
	 * get slide duration as html
	public function get_html_slide_anim_duration(){
		$slide		= $this->get_slide();
		$duration	= $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'duration'), ''); //$this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'transitionDuration'), '')
		$duration	= ((is_array($duration) || is_object($duration)) && !empty($duration)) ? implode(',', (array)$duration) : $duration;
		if(in_array($duration, array('default', 'd'), true)) $duration = '';
		return (!empty($duration)) ? $duration : '';

	 * get slide rotation as html
	public function get_html_slide_anim_rotation(){
		$slide		= $this->get_slide();
		$rotation	= (array)$slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'rotation'), '');
		$html_rotation = '';
			$rot_string = '';
			foreach($rotation as $rkey => $rot){
				if(intval($rot) !== 0){			
					$rot = intval($rot);			
					if($rot != 0){
						if($rot > 720 && $rot != 999)
							$rot = 720;
						if($rot < -720)
							$rot = -720;
				if(in_array($rot, array('random', 'ran', 'rand'), true)) $rot = 'ran(-20|20)';
				$rot = $this->shorten($rot, 'default', 'd');
				$rot = $this->transform_frame_vals($rot);
				if(in_array($rot, array('default', 'd'), true)) continue;
				if($rkey > 0) $rot_string .= ',';
				$rot_string .= $rot;
			if($rot_string !== ''){
				$html_rotation = 'r:'.$rot_string.';';
		return $html_rotation;
	 * get slide ease in as html
	public function get_html_slide_anim_ease_in(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$easein	= $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'easeIn'), array('default'));
		if((is_array($easein) || is_object($easein)) && !empty($easein)){
			foreach($easein as $ei){
				$this->easings[$ei] = $ei;
			$this->easings[$easein] = $easein;
		$easein = (!empty($easein) && (is_array($easein) || is_object($easein))) ? 'ei:'.implode(',', (array)$easein).';' : '';

		return str_replace('default', 'd', $easein);
	 * get slide ease out as html
	public function get_html_slide_anim_ease_out(){
		$slide	 = $this->get_slide();
		$easeout = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'easeOut'), array('default'));
		if((is_array($easeout) || is_object($easeout)) && !empty($easeout)){
			foreach($easeout as $eo){
				$this->easings[$eo] = $eo;
			$this->easings[$easeout] = $easeout;
		$easeout = (!empty($easeout) && (is_array($easeout) || is_object($easeout))) ? 'eo:'.implode(',', (array)$easeout).';' : '';
		return str_replace('default', 'd', $easeout);
	 * prepare the transition data attribute
	public function get_html_first_transition(){
		$slide		= $this->get_slide();
		$transition	= $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'transition'), '');
		if((is_array($transition) || is_object($transition)) && !empty($transition)){
			$transition = (array)$transition;
			$transition = array_shift($transition);
		$transition = (empty($transition)) ? '' : $transition;
		return (trim($transition) !== '') ? $transition : '';
	 * prepare the transition data attribute
	public function get_html_random_animations(){
		$sl	= $this->get_slide();
		$t	= $sl->get_param(array('timeline', 'transition'), 'fade');
		$_t = (!is_array($t)) ? explode(',', $t) : $t;
		$random = '';
		if(is_array($_t) && !empty($_t)){
			$random = (in_array('random-selected', $_t, true)) ? ' data-rndtrans="on"' : $random;
		return $random;
	 * prepare the alternate transition data attribute
	public function get_html_alt_transitions(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$alt_trans	= ' data-alttrans="';
		$alt		= (array)$slide->get_param(array('slideChange', 'alt'), array());
		if(empty($alt)){ //check for fallback of the old output, remove first entry
			$alt = (array)$slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'transition'), array());
			if(!empty($alt)) array_shift($alt);
		$alt_trans .= implode(',', $alt);
		$alt_trans .= '"';
		$this->frontend_action = ($alt_trans !== ' data-alttrans=""') ? true : $this->frontend_action;
		return ($alt_trans !== ' data-alttrans=""') ? $alt_trans : '';

	 * get slide loop
	public function get_html_slide_loop(){
		$html = '';
		$slide = $this->get_slide();	
		if($slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'loop', 'set'), false) === true){
			$html .= 's:'.$slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'loop', 'start'), '2500').';';

			$lend = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'loop', 'end'), '4500');
			if(!empty($lend) && is_numeric($lend)) $html .= 'e:'.$lend.';';

			$rpt = $slide->get_param(array('timeline', 'loop', 'repeat'), 'unlimited');
			if(!empty($rpt) && $rpt !== 'unlimited') $html .= 'r:'.$rpt.';';
		return ($html !== '') ? ' data-sloop="'.$html.'"' : '';

	 * the first transition can be changed through Slider settings, so check here
	public function js_get_first_anim_data(){
		$html = '';
		if($this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'set'), false) == true && $this->slider->get_param('type') !== 'hero'){
			$base_transitions = $this->get_base_transitions();
			$transition = $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'type'), 'fade');
			$data = array();
			foreach($base_transitions as $_transition){
				if(empty($_transition) || !is_array($_transition)) continue;
				foreach($_transition as $_values){
					if(empty($_values) || !is_array($_values)) continue;
					foreach($_values as $_name => $_v){
						if($_name !== $transition) continue;
						$data = $_v;
			$duration = str_replace('ms', '', $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'duration'), '300'));
			if(!empty($duration) && is_numeric($duration)) $data['speed'] = $duration;
			if(isset($data['title'])) unset($data['title']);

			$data = apply_filters('revslider_disable_first_trans', $data, $this->slider);
				$ff = true;
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'fanim: {'."\n";
				foreach($data as $k => $v){
					$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
					$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
							$html .= json_encode($v);
							$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
					$ff = false;
				$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * return the media filter settings
	public function get_html_media_filter(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$filter = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'mediaFilter'), 'none');
		return ($filter != 'none') ? ' data-mediafilter="'.$filter.'"' : '';
	 * return the slide class html
	public function get_html_slide_class(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$class = $slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'class'), '');
		return ($class != '') ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '';
	 * return the slide id html
	public function get_html_slide_id(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$id		= $slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'id'), '');
		return ($id != '') ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '';
	 * return the extra data html
	public function get_html_extra_data(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$data	= stripslashes($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'data'), ''));
		$deeplink = stripslashes($slide->get_param(array('attributes', 'deeplink'), ''));
		if (!empty($deeplink)) {
			$data = $data.' data-deeplink="'.$deeplink.'" ';

		return ($data != '') ? ' '.$data : '';
	 * return the hide after loop html
	public function get_html_hide_after_loop(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$hal = $slide->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideAfterLoop'), 0);
		return ($hal !== 0) ? ' data-hal="'.$hal.'"' : '';
	 * return the hide slide if we are mobile html
	public function get_html_hide_slide_mobile(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$hsom	= $slide->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideOnMobile'), false);
		return ($hsom === true) ? ' data-hsom="on"' : '';
	 * get extra params that can be set
	public function get_html_extra_params(){
		$params	= '';
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		for($mi = 0; $mi < 10; $mi++){
			$pa = $slide->get_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'v'), '');
			if($pa !== ''){
				$pa_limit = $slide->get_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'l'), 10);
				$pa = strip_tags($pa);
				$pa = mb_substr($pa, 0, $pa_limit, 'utf-8');
			$mm = $mi + 1;
			$params .= ($pa !== '') ? ' data-p'.$mm.'="'.stripslashes(esc_attr($pa)).'"' : '';
		return $params;
	 * get the image or video ratio data attribute
	 * only for carousel sliders that are set to justify
	public function get_html_image_video_ratio(){
		$slide = $this->get_slide();
		$s = $this->slider;
		$ratio = '';
		if($s->get_param('type', 'standard') !== 'carousel') return '';
		if($s->get_param(array('carousel', 'justify'), false) !== true) return '';
		switch($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans')){
			case 'image':
				$src = $slide->image_url;
				$id	 = $slide->image_id;
				$data = array();
				if(!empty($id) && intval($id) !== 0){
					$data = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
				if(empty($data) && $src !== false){
					$id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($src);
					$data = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
					$size = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), 'full');
					if($size !== 'full'){
						if(isset($data['sizes']) && isset($data['sizes'][$size])){
							$width	= $this->get_val($data, array('sizes', $size, 'width'), '1');
							$height = $this->get_val($data, array('sizes', $size, 'height'), '1');
							$ratio	= round($width / $height, 5);
						$width	= $this->get_val($data, 'width', '1');
						$height = $this->get_val($data, 'height', '1');
						$ratio	= round($width / $height, 5);
			case 'html5':
			case 'vimeo':
			case 'youtube':
				switch($slide->get_param(array('bg', 'video', 'ratio'), '16:9')){
					case '16:9':
						$ratio = round(16 / 9, 5);
					case '4:3':
						$ratio = round(4 / 3, 5);
		return ($ratio !== '') ? ' data-iratio="'.$ratio.'"' : '';
	 * remove the navigation, as for example we are on a single slide
	public function remove_navigation(){
		$this->slider->set_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'set'), false);
		$this->slider->set_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'set'), false);
		$this->slider->set_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'set'), false);
		$this->slider->set_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'set'), false);
	 * set the slides to hold the gallery images
	public function set_gallery_slides($slides){
		//check if we have at least one slide. If not, then it may result in errors here
		if(count($slides) > 0){
			$gallery_ids = $this->get_gallery_ids();
			if(count($gallery_ids) !== count($slides)){ //set slides to the same amount as
				if(count($gallery_ids) < count($slides)){
					$slides = array_slice($slides, 0, count($gallery_ids));
				}else{ // >
					while(count($slides) < count($gallery_ids)){
						foreach($slides as $slide){
							$new_slide = clone $slide;
							array_push($slides, $new_slide);
							if(count($slides) >= count($gallery_ids)) break;
					if(count($gallery_ids) < count($slides)){
						$slides = array_slice($slides, 0, count($gallery_ids));
			$post_slide	= $this->slider->is_posts();
			$size	= $this->slider->get_param(array('def', 'background', 'imageSourceType'), 'full');
			$gi		= 0;
			foreach($slides as $skey => $slide){ //add gallery images into slides
				//set post id to imageid
				//check if slider is Post Based, if yes use $slide->get_id(); else use $gallery_ids[$gi]
					$ret = $slide->set_image_by_id($slide->get_id(), $size);
					$ret = $slide->set_image_by_id($gallery_ids[$gi], $size);
				if($ret === true){ //set slide type to image instead of for example external or transparent
					 * If a "Specific Posts" Slider doesn't have a 'bg' param, create it
					$bg = $slide->get_param('bg', array());
					if(empty($bg)) $slide->set_param('bg', array());
					 * Changed to 'image' for WP Gallery AddOn compatibility
					$slide->set_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'image');
		return $slides;
	 * remove Slides that should be hidden on mobile
	public function remove_slide_if_mobile($slides){
		//check if mobile, if yes, then remove certain slides
		$usragent = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
		$mobile = (wp_is_mobile() || strstr($usragent,'Android') || strstr($usragent,'webOS') || strstr($usragent,'iPhone') ||strstr($usragent,'iPod') || strstr($usragent,'iPad') || strstr($usragent,'Windows Phone')) ? true : false;
		if($mobile && !empty($slides)){
			foreach($slides as $ss => $sv){
				if($sv->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideOnMobile'), false) === true){
		return $slides;
	 * Get the Hero Slide of the Slider
	 * @since: 5.0
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::getHeroSlide();
	private function get_hero_slide($slides){
		if(empty($slides)) return $slides;
		$hero_id = $this->slider->get_param(array('hero', 'activeSlide'), -1);
		foreach($slides as $slide){
			if($slide->get_id() == $hero_id){
				return $slide;
			if($this->get_language() !== 'all'){
				if($slide->get_param(array('child', 'parentId'), '') == $hero_id){
					return $slide;
		//could not be found, use first slide
		foreach($slides as $slide){
			return $slide;
	 * reorder the slides by the given order
	public function order_slides($slides, $order){
		$temp_slides = $slides;
		$slides = array();
		foreach($order as $order_slideid){
			foreach($temp_slides as $temp_slide){
				if($temp_slide->get_id() == $order_slideid){
					$temp_slide->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); //set to published
					$slides[] = $temp_slide;
		return $slides;
	 * check the add_to
	 * return true / false if the put in string match the current page.
	 * @before isPutIn()
	public function check_add_to($empty_is_false = false){
		$add_to = $this->get_add_to();
		if($empty_is_false && empty($add_to)) return false;
		if($add_to == 'homepage'){ //only add if we are the homepage
			if(is_front_page() == false && is_home() == false) return false;
			$add_to_pages = array();
			$add_to = explode(',', $add_to);
				foreach($add_to as $page){
					$page = trim($page);
					if(is_numeric($page) || $page == 'homepage') $add_to_pages[] = $page;
			//check if current page is in list
				$cp_id = $this->get_current_page_id();
				if(array_search($cp_id, $add_to_pages) === false) return false;
				return false;
		return true;
	 * get the current page id
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function get_current_page_id(){
		$id = '';
		if(is_front_page() == true || is_home() == true){
			$id = 'homepage';
			global $post;
			$id = (isset($post->ID)) ? $post->ID : $id;
		return $id;
	 * set general values that are needed by layers
	 * this is needed to be called before any layer is added to the stage
	public function set_general_params_for_layers(){
		$this->enabled_sizes = array(
			'd' => true,
			'n' => $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'n'), false),
			't' => $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 't'), false),
			'm' => $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'm'), false)
		$this->adv_resp_sizes = $this->enabled_sizes['n'] == true || $this->enabled_sizes['t'] == true || $this->enabled_sizes['m'] == true;
		$this->icon_sets = $this->set_icon_sets(array());
	 * modify slider settings through the shortcode directly
	private function modify_settings(){
		$settings = $this->get_custom_settings();
		$settings = apply_filters('revslider_modify_slider_settings', $settings, $this->get_slider_id());
		if(empty($settings)) return;
		$params = $this->slider->get_params();
		foreach($settings as $handle => $setting){
			$params[$handle] = $setting;
	 * modfy slide and layer settings by a selected skin
	private function modify_slide_by_skin(){
		 * 1. check if the skin exists
		 * 2. check if the skin is loaded
		 * 3. push the data to the layers by certain routines
		if(empty($this->custom_skin)) return true;
		//1 + 2
		if(!isset($this->custom_skin_data[$this->custom_skin])) $this->custom_skin_data[$this->custom_skin] = array();
		$_mod = $this->get_val($this->custom_skin_data, array($this->custom_skin, 'slide'), array());
			$slide = $this->get_slide();
			$_p = $slide->get_params();
			$_p = array_replace_recursive($_p, $_mod);
	 * modfy slide and layer settings by a selected skin
	private function modify_layers_by_skin(){
		 * 1. check if the skin exists
		 * 2. check if the skin is loaded
		 * 3. push the data to the layers by certain routines
		if(empty($this->custom_skin)) return true;
		//1 + 2
		if(!isset($this->custom_skin_data[$this->custom_skin])) $this->custom_skin_data[$this->custom_skin] = array();
		$_mod = $this->get_val($this->custom_skin_data, array($this->custom_skin, 'layers'), array());
			$slide = $this->get_slide();
			$layers = $slide->get_layers();
			foreach($layers as $lk => $lv){
				$layers[$lk] = array_replace_recursive($layers, $_mod);
	 * modify slider settings for preview mode
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::modifyPreviewModeSettings
	private function modify_preview_mode_settings(){
		$js_to_body = apply_filters('revslider_modify_preview_mode_settings', false);
		$this->slider->set_param(array('troubleshooting', 'jsInBody'), $js_to_body);
	 * set the fonts to be added right before the slider from slider and layers
	 * @since: 6.0
	private function set_fonts(){
		//add all google fonts of layers
		$gfsub	= $this->slider->get_param('subsets', array());
		$gf		= $this->slider->get_used_fonts(false);
		foreach($gf as $gfk => $gfv){
			$variants = array();
				foreach($gfv['variants'] as $mgvk => $mgvv){
					$variants[] = $mgvk;
			$subsets = array();
				foreach($gfv['subsets'] as $ssk => $ssv){
					if(array_search(esc_attr($gfk.'+'.$ssv), $gfsub) !== false){
						$subsets[] = $ssv;
			$url = (isset($gfv['url'])) ? $gfv['url'] : '';
			$this->set_clean_font_import($gfk, '', $url, $variants, $subsets);
	 * set the font clean for import
	 * @before: RevSliderOperations::setCleanFontImport()
	public function set_clean_font_import($font, $class = '', $url = '', $variants = array(), $subsets = array()){
		global $revslider_fonts;
		if(!isset($revslider_fonts)) $revslider_fonts = array('queue' => array(), 'loaded' => array()); //if this is called without revslider.php beeing loaded
		if(!empty($variants) || !empty($subsets)){
			if(!isset($revslider_fonts['queue'][$font])) $revslider_fonts['queue'][$font] = array();
			if(!isset($revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['variants'])) $revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['variants'] = array();
			if(!isset($revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['subsets'])) $revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['subsets'] = array();
				foreach($variants as $k => $v){
					//check if the variant is already in loaded
					if(!in_array($v, $revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['variants'], true)){
						$revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['variants'][] = $v;
					}else{ //already included somewhere, so do not call it anymore
				foreach($subsets as $k => $v){
					if(!in_array($v, $revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['subsets'], true)){
						$revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['subsets'][] = $v;
					}else{ //already included somewhere, so do not call it anymore
			if($url !== ''){
				$revslider_fonts['queue'][$font]['url'] = $url;
	 * add all options that change the slider here, for the cache to properly work
	 * @since: 6.4.6
	public function get_transient_alias(){
		global $rs_slider_serial, $rs_wmpl;
		$gs = $this->get_global_settings();
		$transient = 'revslider_slider';
		$transient .= '_'.$this->get_slider_id();
		$args = array(
			'fontdownload' => $this->get_val($gs, 'fontdownload', 'off'),
			'serial'	=> $rs_slider_serial,
			'admin'		=> is_admin(),
			'settings'	=> $this->custom_settings,
			'order'		=> $this->custom_order,
			'usage'		=> $this->usage,
			'modal'		=> $this->modal,
			'layout'	=> $this->sc_layout,
			'skin'		=> $this->custom_skin,
			'offset'	=> $this->offset,
			'mid_content' => $this->gallery_ids,
			'export'	=> $this->markup_export,
			'preview'	=> $this->preview_mode,
			'published'	=> $this->only_published
		if($this->get_preview_mode() == false){
			$args['lang'] = $rs_wmpl->get_slider_language($this->slider);
		$transient .= '_'.md5(json_encode($args));
		return $transient;
	 * push the needed JavaScript into the footer
	 * @since: 6.0
	private function add_javascript_to_footer(){
		$slver = apply_filters('revslider_remove_version', RS_REVISION); //allows to remove slider version at the JavaScript and CSS inclusions
		$ret = RS_T3.'<script src="'.RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN.'public/assets/js/rbtools.min.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.main.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			//if on, load all libraries instead of dynamically loading them
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.actions.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.carousel.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.layeranimation.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.navigation.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.panzoom.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.parallax.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.slideanims.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/dev/rs6.video.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
			$ret .= RS_T3.'<script src="'. RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/assets/js/rs6.min.js?rev='.$slver.'"></script>'."\n";
		return $ret;
	 * print the HTML markup if no Slides are found in Slider
	public function add_no_slides_markup(){
			$text = __('No slides found, please add at least one Slide Template to the choosen language.', 'revslider');
			$text = __('No slides found, please add some slides', 'revslider');
		throw new Exception($text);
	 * sets the Slide into a loop
	public function set_slide_loop($slides){
		$loop = $this->slider->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'loopSingle'), true);
		if(($loop == 'loop' || $loop == true) && count($slides) == 1){
			$new_slide = clone reset($slides);
			$new_slide->ignore_alt = true;

			$slides[] = $new_slide;
		return $slides;
	 * check if the slide should only be visible in a certain timeframe, and if yes deny the output of the slide
	public function is_in_timeframe(){
		$slide	= $this->get_slide();
		$in		= true;
		if($this->get_preview_mode() === false){ // do only if we are not in preview mode
			$ts = current_time('timestamp');
			//check if date is set
			$date_from = $slide->get_param(array('publish', 'from'), '');
			$date_to = $slide->get_param(array('publish', 'to'), '');
			if($date_from != ''){
				$date_from = strtotime($date_from);
				if($ts < $date_from) $in = false;
			if($date_to != ''){
				$date_to = strtotime($date_to);
				if($ts > $date_to) $in = false;
		return $in;
	 * Output Inline JS
	/*public function add_inline_js(){
		echo $this->rev_inline_js;
	 * Output revslider_showDoubleJqueryError
	public function add_inline_double_jquery_error($do_check = false){
		global $rs_double_jquery_script;
		if($rs_double_jquery_script === false || $do_check === true){
			echo '<script>'."\n";
			echo RS_T2.'if(typeof revslider_showDoubleJqueryError === "undefined") {';
			echo 'function revslider_showDoubleJqueryError(sliderID) {';
			echo 'console.log("You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the Slider Revolution files js inclusion.");';
			echo 'console.log("To fix this, you can:");';
			echo 'console.log("1. Set \'Module General Options\' -> \'Advanced\' -> \'jQuery & OutPut Filters\' -> \'Put JS to Body\' to on");';
			echo 'console.log("2. Find the double jQuery.js inclusion and remove it");';
			echo 'return "Double Included jQuery Library";';
			echo '}';
			echo '}'."\n";
			echo '</script>'."\n";
		$rs_double_jquery_script = (empty($do_check) || $do_check === false) ? true : $rs_double_jquery_script;
	 * set the start size of the slider through javascript
	public function get_html_js_start_size($optFullWidth, $optFullScreen){
		$csizes	= $this->get_responsive_size($this);
		$html_id_trimmed = $this->get_html_id(false);
		$jus = $this->slider->get_param(array('carousel', 'justify'), false);
		$revapi = $this->get_revapi();
		if($jus !== false) $jus="true";
		$html	= '';
		if(!$this->get_markup_export()){ //not needed for html markup export
			$html .= 'setREVStartSize(';
			$html .= "{c: '". $this->get_html_id() ."',";
			$html .= (isset($csizes['level']) && !empty($csizes['level'])) ? 'rl:['. $csizes['level'] .'],' : '';
			$html .= ($csizes['cacheSize'] !== false) ? 'el:['.$csizes['cacheSize'].'],' : '';
			$html .= "gw:[". $csizes['width'] ."],";
			$html .= "gh:[". $csizes['height'] ."],";
			$html .= "type:'";
			$html .= $this->slider->get_param('type', 'standard');
			$html .= "',";
			$html .= "justify:'";
			$html .= $jus;
			$html .= "',";
			$html .= "layout:'";
			$html .= ($optFullScreen == 'on') ? 'fullscreen' : 'fullwidth';
			$html .= "',";
			if($this->slider->get_param('type', 'standard') !== 'hero'){
				$check = array('tab' => 'tabs', 'thumb' => 'thumbs');
				$wpd = array('tabs' => 2, 'thumbs' => 10);
				foreach($check as $nk => $nav){
					$do = false;
					if($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'set'), false) !== true) continue;
					if($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'innerOuter'), 'inner') === 'outer-vertical'){
						$html .= $nk.'w:"'.$this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'widthMin'), 100).'",';
						$do = true;
					if($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'innerOuter'), 'inner') === 'outer-horizontal'){
						$wp = intval($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'padding'), $wpd[$nav]));
						$h = $this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'height'), 50);
						$h = ($wp > 0) ? $h + $wp * 2 : $h;
						$html .= $nk.'h:"'.$h.'",';
						$do = true;
					if($do === false) continue;
					if($this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'hideUnder'), false) === false) continue;
					$html .= $nk.'hide:"'.$this->slider->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'hideUnderLimit'), 0).'",';
			if($this->slider->get_param('layouttype') == 'fullscreen'){
				$html .= "offsetContainer:'". esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'fullScreenOffsetContainer'), '')) ."',";
				$html .= "offset:'". esc_attr($this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'fullScreenOffset'), '')) ."',";
			$mheight = ($this->slider->get_param('layouttype') !== 'fullscreen') ? $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'minHeight'), 0) : $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'minHeightFullScreen'), '0');
			$mheight = ($mheight == '' || $mheight=="none") ? 0 : $mheight;
			$html .= 'mh:"'.$mheight.'"';
			$html .= '}';
			$html .= ');';
			$html .= 'if (window.RS_MODULES!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules["'. $html_id_trimmed .'"]!==undefined) {';
			$html .= 'window.RS_MODULES.modules["'. $html_id_trimmed .'"].once = false;';
			$html .= 'window.'. $revapi .' = undefined;';
			$html .= 'if (window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal!==undefined) window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal()';
			$html .= '}';
		return $html;
	 * add error message into the console
	public function print_error_message_console($message){

		$message = $this->slider->get_title().': '.$message;
		$html = '';
		$html .= '<script>';
		$html .= 'console.log("'.esc_html($message).'")';
		$html .= '</script>'."\n";

		echo $html;

	 * put inline error message in a box.
	 * @before: RevSliderOutput::putErrorMessage
	public function print_error_message($message, $open_page = false){
		global $rs_slider_serial;
		$html_id = $this->get_html_id();
		$id = '';
		$html = '';
			$html_id = 'rev_slider_error_'.$rs_slider_serial;
			$slides = $this->slider->get_slides();
				foreach($slides as $slide){
					$id = $slide->get_id();
		$url = (empty($html_id) || !is_user_logged_in() || $id === '') ? '' : admin_url('admin.php?page=revslider&view=slide&id='.$id);
		$page_url = ($open_page === true && is_user_logged_in()) ? get_edit_post_link() : '';
		$html .= ($this->rs_module_wrap_open === false) ? RS_T3.'<rs-module-wrap id="'.$html_id.'_wrapper">'."\n" : '';
		$html .= ($this->rs_module_open === false) ? RS_T4.'<rs-module id="'.$html_id.'">'."\n" : '';
		$html .= RS_T5.'<div class="rs_error_message_box">'."\n";
		$html .= RS_T6.'<div class="rs_error_message_oops">Oops...</div>'."\n";
		$html .= RS_T6.'<div class="rs_error_message_content">'.esc_html($message);
		$html .= (!empty($url)) ? '<br>'.__('Please follow this link to edit the Slider:', 'revslider') : '';
		$html .= '</div>'."\n";
		$html .= (!empty($url)) ? RS_T6.'<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="rs_error_message_button">Edit Module : "'.$this->slider->get_alias().'"</a>'."\n" : '';
		$html .= (!empty($page_url)) ? RS_T6.'<a href="'.$page_url.'" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="rs_error_message_button">Edit Page</a>'."\n" : '';
		$html .= RS_T5.'</div>'."\n";
		$html .= ($this->rs_module_wrap_closed === false) ? RS_T4.'</rs-module>'."\n" : '';
		$html .= ($this->rs_module_closed === false) ? RS_T3.'</rs-module-wrap>'."\n" : '';
		$html .=  RS_T3.'<script>'."\n";
		$html .=  RS_T4.'var rs_eslider = document.getElementById("'.$html_id.'");'."\n";
			$html .=  RS_T4.'rs_eslider.style.display = "block";'."\n";
			$html .=  RS_T4.'rs_eslider.style.visibility = "visible";'."\n";
			$html .=  RS_T4.'rs_eslider.style.display = "none";'."\n";
			$html .=  RS_T4.'console.log("'.esc_html($message).'");'."\n";
		$html .=  RS_T3.'</script>'."\n";
		echo $html;
	 * add JavaScript
	private function add_js(){
		global $rs_loaded_by_editor;

		$cache			 = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
		$me				 = $this->get_markup_export();
		$this->full_js	 = (($this->usage === 'modal' && $this->ajax_loaded === true) || $me === true || $this->ajax_loaded === true || $rs_loaded_by_editor === true) ? true : false;
		if($this->full_js === false) $this->JTA = ''; //remove 2 tabs to beautify HTML
		$html_start_size = $this->js_get_start_size();
		$html_base_pre	 = $this->js_get_base_pre();
		$html_root		 = $this->js_get_root();
		$html_overlay    = $this->js_get_overlay();
		$html_modal      = $this->js_get_modal();
		$html_carousel	 = $this->js_get_carousel();
		$html_progressbar = $this->js_get_progressbar();
		$html_nav		 = $this->js_get_navigation();
		$html_paralax	 = $this->js_get_parallax();
		$html_first_anim = $this->js_get_first_anim_data();
		$html_scroll	 = $this->js_get_scrolleffect();
		$html_sb_timeline = $this->js_get_scrollbased_timeline();
		$html_view_port	 = $this->js_get_viewport();
		$html_custom_eases = $this->js_get_custom_eases();
		$html_fallback	 = $this->js_get_fallback();		
		$html_custom_css = $this->js_get_custom_css();
		$html_base_post	 = $this->js_get_base_post();
		$html_nav_css 	 = $this->get_navigation_css();
		$html_spinner	 = $this->get_spinner_markup();
		$html_notice	 = $this->get_notices();
		echo $html_start_size;
		$js = ($me === true) ? '<!-- SCRIPT -->' : '';
		//add inline style into the footer
		$js .= $html_base_pre;
		$js .= $html_root;
		$js .= $html_overlay;
		$js .= $html_modal;
		$js .= $html_carousel;
		$js .= $html_progressbar;
		$js .= $html_nav;
		$js .= $html_paralax;
		$js .= $html_first_anim;
		$js .= $html_scroll;
		$js .= $html_sb_timeline;
		$js .= $html_view_port;
		$js .= $html_custom_eases;
		$js .= $html_fallback;		
		$js .= $html_base_post;
		$js .= $html_custom_css;
		$js .= $html_spinner;
		$js .= $html_notice;
		$js .= $html_nav_css;
		$js .= ($me === true) ? '<!-- /SCRIPT -->' : '';
			echo $js;
			global $rs_js_collection;
			//$this->rev_inline_js = $js;
			$rs_js_collection['js'][] = $js;
			if($this->caching) $cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', $js);
			//add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'add_inline_js'), 100);
		if($me === true){ //for html markup export
			if(has_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'add_inline_double_jquery_error')) === false){
					$double_jquery = ob_get_contents();
					$cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_footer', $double_jquery);
				add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'add_inline_double_jquery_error'));
	 * get the start size
	public function js_get_start_size(){
		$layout = $this->slider->get_param('layouttype');
		$fw = ($layout == 'fullwidth') ? 'on' : 'off';
		$fw = ($layout == 'fullscreen') ? 'off' : $fw;
		$fs = ($layout == 'fullscreen') ? 'on' : 'off';
		$html	= '';
		$html	.= RS_T4.'<script>'."\n";
		$html	.= RS_T5.$this->get_html_js_start_size($fw, $fs)."\n";
		$html	.= RS_T4.'</script>'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the JavaScript Pre
	public function js_get_base_pre(){
		global $rs_js_collection, $rs_slider_serial;
		$html	= '';
		$sid	= $this->slider->get_id();
		$html_id = $this->get_html_id();
		$html_id_trimmed = $this->get_html_id(false);
		$revapi = $this->get_revapi();
		$rs_js_collection['revapi'][] = $revapi;
			$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
			if($rs_js_collection['minimal'] === ''){
				$cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', $this->JTA . RS_T2.'var	tpj = jQuery;'."\n", 1);
			$cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', $this->JTA . RS_T2.'var	'. $revapi .';'."\n", 1);
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T.'<script>'."\n";
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'var	tpj = jQuery;'."\n";
			//$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'window.'. $revapi .' = window.'. $revapi .'===undefined || window.'. $revapi .'===null || window.'. $revapi .'.length===0  ? document.getElementById("'. $html_id .'") : window.'. $revapi .';'."\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'if(window.RS_MODULES === undefined) window.RS_MODULES = {};'."\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'if(RS_MODULES.modules === undefined) RS_MODULES.modules = {};'."\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'RS_MODULES.modules["'.$html_id_trimmed .'"] = {once: RS_MODULES.modules["'.$html_id_trimmed .'"]!==undefined ? RS_MODULES.modules["'.$html_id_trimmed .'"].once : undefined, init:function() {'."\n";		
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.'window.'. $revapi .' = window.'. $revapi .'===undefined || window.'. $revapi .'===null || window.'. $revapi .'.length===0  ? document.getElementById("'. $html_id .'") : window.'. $revapi .';'."\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.'if(window.'. $revapi .' === null || window.'. $revapi .' === undefined || window.'. $revapi .'.length==0) { window.'. $revapi .'initTry = window.'. $revapi .'initTry ===undefined ? 0 : window.'. $revapi .'initTry+1; if (window.'. $revapi .'initTry<20) requestAnimationFrame(function() {RS_MODULES.modules["'.$html_id_trimmed .'"].init()}); return;}'."\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.'window.'.$revapi.' = jQuery(window.'. $revapi .');'."\n";
			$html .= ($this->slider->get_param(array('troubleshooting', 'jsNoConflict'), true) === true) ? $this->JTA . RS_T3.'jQuery.noConflict();'."\n" : ''; 
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.'if(window.'.$revapi.'.revolution==undefined){ revslider_showDoubleJqueryError("'.$html_id.'"); return;}'."\n";				
		$html = apply_filters('revslider_fe_before_init_script', $html, $this->slider, $html_id); // needed for AddOns
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.$revapi.'.revolutionInit({'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the JavaScript Post
	public function js_get_base_post(){
		global $rs_js_collection, $rs_slider_serial;
		$revapi = $this->get_revapi();
		$html = '';
		do_action('revslider_fe_javascript_option_output', $this->slider);
		$js_action = ob_get_contents();
		$html .= $js_action;
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3.'});'."\n";
		$html .= (in_array('revapi'.$this->slider->get_id(), $rs_js_collection['revapi'], true) && $revapi !== 'revapi'.$this->slider->get_id()) ? $this->JTA . RS_T3 . 'var revapi'. $this->slider->get_id() .' = '. $revapi .';'."\n" : ''; //added for addons that use the old revapi style
		$html .= $this->js_get_custom_js();
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T3;
		do_action('revslider_fe_javascript_output', $this->slider, $this->get_html_id());
		$js_action = ob_get_contents();
		$html .= $js_action;
		$html .= "\n";
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'}} // End of RevInitScript'."\n";
		$minimal = $this->JTA . RS_T2.'if (window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal!==undefined) { window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal();};'."\n";
			$html .= $minimal;
			global $rs_js_collection;
			if($rs_js_collection['minimal'] === ''){
				$rs_js_collection['minimal'] = $minimal;
					$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
					$cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_print_footer_scripts', $minimal, 99);
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T.'</script>'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the custom js
	public function js_get_custom_js(){
		$html = '';
		$js = $this->slider->get_param(array('codes', 'javascript'), '');
		if($js === '') return '';
		$js = $this->replace_html_ids($js);
		$html .= RS_T7;
		$html .= str_replace('var counter = {val:doctop};', 'var counter = {val:(window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop)  - (document.documentElement.clientTop || 0)};', $js); //stripslashes($js));
		$html .= "\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the custom css
	public function js_get_custom_css(){
		$html = '';
		$css = $this->slider->get_param(array('codes', 'css'), '');
		if($css === '') return $html;
		return $this->get_css_javascript($this->replace_html_ids($css));

	 * get the spinner markup if a spinner was selected
	public function get_spinner_markup(){
		$html = '';

		$spinner = (string)$this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'type'), '0');
		$color	 = $this->slider->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'color'), '#FFFFFF');
			case '1':
			case '2':
				$css_html = "#".$this->get_html_id()."_wrapper rs-loader.spinner".$spinner."{ background-color: ". $color ." !important; }";
				$html = $this->get_css_javascript($css_html);
			case '3':
			case '4':
				$css_html = "#".$this->get_html_id()."_wrapper rs-loader.spinner".$spinner." div { background-color: ". $color ." !important; }";
				$html = $this->get_css_javascript($css_html);
			case '0':
			case '5':
		return $html;
	 * get notices for the console
	 * @since: 6.1.6
	public function get_notices(){
		$html = '';
		if($this->orig_html_id !== false){
			//$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T.'<script>'."\n";
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T2.'console.log("'.sprintf(__('Warning - ID: %s exists already and was converted to: %s', 'revslider'), $this->orig_html_id, $this->get_html_id()).'")'."\n";
			//$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T.'</script>'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * replace the ids in a text/html/css/javascript
	public function replace_html_ids($text, $prefix = '#'){
		return ($this->orig_html_id !== false) ? str_replace($prefix.$this->orig_html_id, $prefix.$this->get_html_id(), $text) : $text;

	 * get the fallback attibutes
	public function js_get_fallback(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$fb	= array();
		$dpz = $s->get_param(array('general', 'disablePanZoomMobile'), false);
		$sii = $s->get_param(array('troubleshooting', 'simplify_ie8_ios4'), true); //was false
		$dfl = $s->get_param(array('general', 'disableFocusListener'), false);
		$urlhash = $s->get_param(array('general', 'enableurlhash'), false);
		$apvom = $s->get_param(array('general', 'autoPlayVideoOnMobile'), true);
		if($dpz !== false) $fb['panZoomDisableOnMobile'] = $dpz;
		if($sii !== false) $fb['simplifyAll'] = $sii;
		if($s->get_param('type', 'standard') !== 'hero'){
			$nsof = $s->get_param(array('general', 'nextSlideOnFocus'), false);
			if($nsof !== false) $fb['nextSlideOnWindowFocus'] = $nsof;
		if($dfl !== false) $fb['disableFocusListener'] = $dfl;
		if($urlhash !== false) {
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'enableDeeplinkHash : true,'."\n";;
		if($apvom !== false) $fb['allowHTML5AutoPlayOnAndroid'] = $apvom;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'fallbacks: {'."\n";
			foreach($fb as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the progressbar attibutes
	public function js_get_progressbar(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$s_type = $s->get_param('type', 'standard');

		if($s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'set'), true) === false || $s_type === 'hero'){
			$html = $this->JTA . RS_T5.'progressBar:{disableProgressBar:true},'."\n";
		} else {
			$pb	= array();
			$pb_basedon = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'basedon'), 'slide');
			$pb_bgcolor = RSColorpicker::get($s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'bgcolor'), 'transparent'));
			$pb_color = RSColorpicker::get($s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'color'), 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'));
			$pb_gapcolor = RSColorpicker::get($s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'gapcolor'), 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'));
			$pb_gap = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'gap'), false);

			$pb_gaps = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'gapsize'), '0');
			$pb_reset = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'reset'), 'reset');
			$pb_horizontal = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'horizontal'), 'left');
			$pb_ond = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'visibility', 'd'), true);
			$pb_onn = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'visibility', 'n'), true);
			$pb_ont = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'visibility', 't'), true);
			$pb_onm = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'visibility', 'm'), true);
			// take care about fall back on old vertical position if still exists
			$pb_vertical = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'vertical'), 'bottom');
			$pb_old_position = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'position'), 'bottom');
			if ($pb_old_position!=="bottom" && $pb_vertical==="bottom") $pb_vertical = $pb_old_position;
			// take care about fall back on old height if still exists
			$pb_size = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'size'), '5px');
			$pb_old_height = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'height'), 5);
			if ($pb_old_height!=="5px" && $pb_size==="5px") $pb_size = $pb_old_height;

			$pb_style = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'style'), 'horizontal');
			$pb_radius = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'radius'), 10);
			$pb_xof = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'x'), '0px');
			$pb_yof = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'y'), '0px');

			$pb_alignby = $s->get_param(array('general', 'progressbar', 'alignby'), 'slider');

			if ($pb_basedon!=="slide") $pb['basedon'] = $pb_basedon;
			if ($pb_alignby!=="slider") $pb['alignby'] = $pb_alignby;
			if ($pb_bgcolor!=="transparent") $pb["bgcolor"] = $pb_bgcolor;
			if ($pb_color!=="rgba(255,255,255,0.5)") $pb["color"] = $pb_color;
			if ($pb_basedon==="module") {
				if ($pb_gaps!==0) $pb['gapsize'] = $pb_gaps;
				if ($pb_gapcolor!=="rgba(255,255,255,0.5)") $pb['gapcolor'] = $pb_gapcolor;
				if ($pb_gap!==false) $pb['gap'] = $pb_gap;
			if ($pb_style!=="horizontal") $pb['style'] = $pb_style;
			if ($pb_horizontal!=="left") $pb['horizontal'] = $pb_horizontal;
			if ($pb_vertical!=="bottom") $pb['vertical'] = $pb_vertical;
			if ($pb_size!=="5px") $pb['size'] = $pb_size;
			if (($pb_style=="ccw" || $pb_style=="cw") && $pb_radius!==10) $pb['radius'] = $pb_radius;
			if ($pb_xof!=="0px") $pb['x'] = $pb_xof;
			if ($pb_yof!=="0px") $pb['y'] = $pb_yof;
			if ($pb_reset!=="reset") $pb['reset'] = $pb_reset;
				$ff = true;
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'progressBar: {'."\n";
				foreach($pb as $k => $v){
					$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
					$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
					$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
					$ff = false;
				if ($pb_ond!==true || $pb_onn!==true || $pb_onm!==true || $pb_ont!==true) {
					$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
					$ff = true;
					$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.'visibility: {'."\n";
					if ($pb_ond!=true) {
						$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
						$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T7.'0:false';
						$ff = false;
					if ($pb_onn!=true) {
						$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
						$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T7.'1:false';
						$ff = false;
					if ($pb_ont!=true) {
						$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
						$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T7.'2:false';
						$ff = false;
					if ($pb_onm!=true) {
						$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
						$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T7.'3:false';
						$ff = false;
					$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T6.'},'."\n";
				$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T6.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the viewport attibutes
	public function js_get_viewport(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$vp	= array();
		$evp = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'viewPort'), false);
		$evpg = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'globalViewPort'), false);
		$vp['global'] = $evpg;
		if($evpg !== "none"){
			$evpgd = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'globalViewDist'), '-200px');
			$vp['globalDist'] = $evpgd;
		if(($evp === false && ($evpg === "false" || $evpg === "none")) || $evpg === "false") return $html;
		$vps = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'viewPortStart'), 'wait');
		$psh = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'presetSliderHeight'), false);
		$vpa = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'viewPortArea'), 200);
		if($this->adv_resp_sizes == true){
			$vpa = $this->normalize_device_settings($vpa, $this->enabled_sizes, 'html-array', array(200));
			if(is_array($vpa) || is_object($vpa)) $vpa = $this->get_biggest_device_setting($vpa, $this->enabled_sizes); //vpa was before only on one level, so it can be a string or integer in the past
		$vp['enable'] = $evp;
		if($vps !== 'wait') $vp['outof'] = $vps;
		if(!in_array($vpa, array(200, '200', '200px'), true)) $vp['visible_area'] = $vpa;
		if($psh !== false) $vp['presize'] = $psh;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'viewPort: {'."\n";
			foreach($vp as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the custom easings
	public function js_get_custom_eases(){
		$html	 = '';
		$easings = array();
		$custom_easings = array('SFXBounceLite', 'SFXBounceSolid', 'SFXBounceStrong', 'SFXBounceExtrem', 'BounceLite', 'BounceSolid', 'BounceStrong', 'BounceExtrem');
			foreach($custom_easings as $ce){
					$easings[] = $ce;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'customEases: {'."\n";
			foreach($easings as $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$v.':';
				$html .= 'true';
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the scrolleffect attibutes
	public function js_get_scrolleffect(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$se	= array();
		$ge = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'set'), false);
		if($ge === false) return $html;
		$fa	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'setFade'), false);
		$bl	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'setBlur'), false);
		$sgs = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'setGrayScale'), false);
		$mb	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'maxBlur'), 10);
		$ol	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'layers'), false);
		$bg	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'bg'), false);
		$d	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'direction'), 'both');
		$mp	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'multiplicator'), '1.35'); //was 1.3
		$mpl = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'multiplicatorLayers'), '0.5'); //was 1.3
		$ti	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'tilt'), '30');
		$dom = $s->get_param(array('scrolleffects', 'disableOnMobile'), false);
		$se['set'] = $ge;
		if($fa !== false) $se['fade'] = $fa;
		if($bl !== false) $se['blur'] = $bl;
		if($sgs !== false) $se['grayscale'] = $sgs;
		if(!in_array($mb, array(10, '10', '10px'), true)) $se['maxblur'] = $mb;
		if($ol !== false) $se['layers'] = $ol;
		if($bg !== false) $se['slide'] = $bg;		
		if($d !== 'both') $se['direction'] = $d;
		if(!in_array($mp, array(1.35, '1.35'), true)) $se['multiplicator'] = $mp;
		if(!in_array($mpl, array(0.5, '0.5'), true))$se['multiplicator_layers'] = $mpl;
		if(!in_array($ti, array(30, '30'), true)) $se['tilt'] = $ti;
		if($dom !== false) $se['disable_onmobile'] = $dom;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'scrolleffect: {'."\n";
			foreach($se as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the scroll based timeline settings
	public function js_get_scrollbased_timeline(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$se	= array();
		$fa	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'set'), false);
		if($fa === false) return $html;
		$pc	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'pullcontent'), false);
		$ol	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'layers'), false);
		$ea	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'ease'), 'none');
		$this->easings[$ea] = $ea;
		$sp	 = $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'speed'), 500);
		$sfix	= $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'fixed'), false);
		$sfixs	= $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'fixedStart'), 0);
		$sfixe	= $s->get_param(array('scrolltimeline', 'fixedEnd'), 0);

		$se['set'] = $fa;
		if($pc !== false) $se['pullc'] = $pc;
		if($ol !== false) $se['layers'] = $ol;
		if($ea !== 'none') $se['ease'] = $ea;
		if($sp !== 500 && $sp !== '500' && $sp !== '500ms') $se['speed'] = $sp;
		if($sfix === true){
			$se['fixed']	= $sfix;
			$se['fixStart']	= $sfixs;
			$se['fixEnd']	= $sfixe;

			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'sbtimeline: {'."\n";
			foreach($se as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the carousel attibutes
	public function js_get_parallax(){
		$html = '';
		$s	= $this->slider; //shorten
		$p	= array();
		if($s->get_param(array('parallax', 'set'), false) === false) return $html;

		$sd = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'setDDD'), false);
		$pt = ($sd === true) ? '3D' : $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'type'), 'off');
		$pl = array();
		for($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++){
			$pl[] = intval($s->get_param(array('parallax', 'levels', $i), ($i + 1) * 5));
		$pl = implode(',', $pl);
		$or = ($sd === true) ? 'slidercenter' : $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'origo'), 'enterpoint');
		$sp = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'speed'), 400);
		$dpm = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'disableOnMobile'), false);
		$bgs = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'bgSpeed'), 0);
		$ls = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'layersSpeed'), 0);
		$p['levels'] = '['.$pl.']';
		if($pt !== 'off') $p['type'] = $pt;
		if($or !== 'enterpoint') $p['origo'] = $or;
		if(!in_array($sp, array(400, '400', '400ms'), true)) $p['speed'] = $sp;
		if($dpm !== false) $p['disable_onmobile'] = $dpm;
		if($pt === '3D'){
			$sh	 = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'ddd', 'shadow'), false);
			$bgf = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'ddd', 'BGFreeze'), false);
			$of	 = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'ddd', 'overflow'), false);
			$lof = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'ddd', 'layerOverflow'), false);
			$zc	 = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'ddd', 'zCorrection'), 400);
			if($sh !== false) $p['ddd_shadow'] = $sh;
			if($bgf !== false) $p['ddd_bgfreeze'] = $bgf;
			if($of !== false) $p['ddd_overflow'] = ($of === false) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
			if($lof !== false) $p['ddd_layer_overflow'] = $lof;
			if(!in_array($zc, array(400, '400', '400px'), true)) $p['ddd_z_correction'] = $zc;
		if(!in_array($bgs, array(0, '0', '0ms'), true)) $p['speedbg'] = $bgs;
		if(!in_array($ls, array(0, '0', '0ms'), true)) $p['speedls'] = $ls;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'parallax: {'."\n";
			foreach($p as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the overlay attributes
	 * @since: 6.4.0
	public function js_get_overlay(){
		$html	= '';
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		$do		= $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'dottedOverlay'), 'none');
		if($do !== 'none'){
			$colora = str_replace(' ', '', $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'dottedColorA'), 'transparent'));
			$colorb = str_replace(' ', '', $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'dottedColorB'), '#000000'));
			$size	= $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'dottedOverlaySize'), 1);
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'overlay: {'."\n";
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.'type: '.$this->write_js_var($do).",\n";
			$html .= ($colora !== 'transparent') ? $this->JTA . RS_T6.'colora: '.$this->write_js_var($colora).",\n" : '';
			$html .= (!in_array($colorb, array('', '#000000', '#000'), true)) ? $this->JTA . RS_T6.'colorb: '.$this->write_js_var($colorb).",\n" : '';
			$html .= (!in_array($size, array('', '1', 1), true)) ? $this->JTA . RS_T6.'size: '.$this->write_js_var($size).",\n" : '';
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * get the Modal Attributes
	public function js_get_modal(){
		$html	= '';
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		if($this->usage !== 'modal') return $html;
		$cover = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'cover'), true);
		$pagescroll = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'allowPageScroll'), true);
		$bodyclass = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'bodyclass'), '');		
		$speed = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'coverSpeed'), 1);
		$color = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'coverColor'), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)');
		$h = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'horizontal'), 'center');
		$v = $s->get_param(array('modal', 'vertical'), 'middle');
		$c['useAsModal'] = true;
		$c['alias'] = esc_attr($this->slider->get_alias());
		if($bodyclass !== '') $c['bodyclass'] = $bodyclass;
		if($cover !== true) $c['cover'] = $cover;
		if($pagescroll === true) $c['allowPageScroll'] = true;
		if($color !== 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)') $c['coverColor'] = $color;
		if($speed !== 1) $c['coverSpeed'] = $speed;
		if($h !== 'center') $c['horizontal'] = $h;
		if($v !== 'middle') $c['vertical'] = $v;
		if ($this->modal !== '') $c['trigger'] = $this->modal;
		$ff = true;
		$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'modal: {'."\n";
		foreach($c as $k => $v){
			$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
			$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
			$ff = false;
		$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get the carousel attibutes
	public function js_get_carousel(){
		$html	= '';
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		$s_type = $s->get_param('type', 'standard');
		if($s_type !== 'carousel') return $html;
		$c = array();
		$ease = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'ease'), 'power3.inOut');
		$this->easings[$ease] = $ease;
		$speed = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'speed'), 800);
		$sal = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'showAllLayers'), false);
		$ha = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'horizontal'), 'center');
		$va = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'vertical'), 'center');
		$in = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'infinity'), false);
		$jus = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'justify'), false);
		$socl = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'stopOnClick'), true);
		$jusmw = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'justifyMaxWidth'), false);
		$snap = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'snap'), true);
		$sp = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'space'), 0);
		$mvi = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'maxItems'), 3);
		$st = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'stretch'), false);
		$fo = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'fadeOut'), true);
		$cr = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'rotation'), false);
		$cs = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'scale'), false);
		$br = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'borderRadius'), 0);
		$pt = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'paddingTop'), 0);
		$pb = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'paddingBottom'), 0);
		$csd = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'scaleDown'), 50);
		$csd = ($csd > 100) ? 100 : $csd;
		if($ease !== 'power3.inOut') $c['easing'] = $ease;
		if(!in_array($speed, array(800, '800', '800ms'), true)) $c['speed'] = $speed;
		if(!in_array($sal, array('false', false), true)) $c['showLayersAllTime'] = $sal;
		if($ha !== 'center') $c['horizontal_align'] = $ha;
		if($va !== 'center') $c['vertical_align'] = $va;
		if($in !== false) $c['infinity'] = $in;
		if($jus !== false) $c['justify'] = $jus;
		if($jusmw !== false) $c['justifyMaxWidth'] = $jusmw;
		if($snap !== true) $c['snap'] = $snap;
		if($socl !== true) $c['stopOnClick'] = $socl;
		if(!in_array($sp, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $c['space'] = $sp;
		if(!in_array($mvi, array(3, '3'), true)) $c['maxVisibleItems'] = $mvi;
		if($st !== false) $c['stretch'] = $st;
		if($fo !== true) $c['fadeout'] = $fo;
		if($cr === true){
			$mr = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'maxRotation'), 0);
			$vr = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'varyRotate'), false);
			if(!in_array($mr, array(0, '0', '0deg'), true)) $c['maxRotation'] = $mr;
			if($vr === true) $c['vary_rotation'] = $vr;
		if($cs === true){
			$vs = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'varyScale'), false);
			$os = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'offsetScale'), false);
			$c['minScale'] = $csd;
			if($os === true) $c['offsetScale'] = $os;
			if($vs === true) $c['vary_scale'] = $vs;
		if($fo === true){
			$vf = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'varyFade'), false);
			if($vf !== false) $c['vary_fade'] = $vf;
			$mo = $s->get_param(array('carousel', 'maxOpacity'), 100);
			$mo = ($mo > 100) ? 100 : $mo;
			if(!in_array($mo, array(100, '100'), true)) $c['maxOpacity'] = $mo;
		if(!in_array($br, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $c['border_radius'] = $br;
		if(!in_array($pt, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $c['padding_top'] = $pt;
		if(!in_array($pb, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $c['padding_bottom'] = $pb;
			$ff = true;
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'carousel: {'."\n";
			foreach($c as $k => $v){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;

	 * get all the basic js keys we need
	public function js_get_root(){
		$html	= '';
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		$js_loc_r = explode('://', RS_PLUGIN_URL);
		$global = $this->get_global_settings();
		$l_type	= $s->get_param('layouttype');
		$s_type = $s->get_param('type', 'standard');
		$DPR = $s->get_param(array('general', 'DPR'), 'x2');
		$csizes = $this->get_responsive_size($this);
		$fw		= ($l_type == 'fullwidth') ? 'on' : 'off';
		$fw		= ($l_type == 'fullscreen') ? 'off' : $fw;
		$fs		= ($l_type == 'fullscreen') ? 'on' : 'off';
		$layout	= 'auto';
		if($fs == 'on'){
			$layout = 'fullscreen';
		}elseif($fw == 'on'){
			$layout = 'fullwidth';
		$hsal = str_replace('px', '', $s->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideSliderUnderLimit'), 0));
		$hlal = str_replace('px', '', $s->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideSelectedLayersUnderLimit'), 0));
		$halul= str_replace('px', '', $s->get_param(array('visibility', 'hideAllLayersUnderLimit'), 0));
		if(!empty($hsal)) $hsal++;
		if(!empty($hlal)) $hlal++;
		if(!empty($halul)) $halul++;
		$start_delay = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'initDelay'), '0');
		$start_delay = apply_filters('revslider_add_js_delay', $start_delay);
		$spinner = $s->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'type'), '0');
		$spinner = (in_array($spinner, array(-1, '-1'), true)) ? 'off' : $spinner;
		$keys = array(
			'revapi' => array(
				'v' => $this->get_revapi(),
                'd' => 'none'
			'sliderType' => array(
				'v' => $s_type,
				'd' => 'standard'
			'DPR' => array(
				'v' => $DPR,
				'd' => 'x2'
			/*'jsFileLocation' => array(
				'v' => '//'.$js_loc_r[1] .'public/assets/js/',
				'd' => ''
			'sliderLayout' => array(
				'v' => $layout,
				'd' => 'auto'
			/*'dottedOverlay' => array( //moved to multidimensional outside of this in 6.4.0
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'dottedOverlay'), 'none'),
				'd' => 'none'
			'duration' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('def', 'delay'), '9000'),
				'd' => array(9000, '9000', '9000ms')
			'visibilityLevels' => array(
				'v' => ($this->get_val($csizes, 'level', '') !== '') ? $this->get_val($csizes, 'level') : $this->get_val($csizes, 'visibilitylevel'),
				'd' => ''
			'gridwidth' => array(
				'v' => $this->get_val($csizes, 'width'),
				'd' => ''
			'gridheight' => array(
				'v' => $this->get_val($csizes, 'height'),
				'd' => ''
			'minHeight' => array(
				'v' => ($l_type !== 'fullscreen') ? $s->get_param(array('size', 'minHeight'), 0) : $s->get_param(array('size', 'minHeightFullScreen'), 0),
				'd' => array(0, '0', '0px')
			'autoHeight' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'respectAspectRatio'), false),
				'd' => false
			'enableUpscaling' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'enableUpscaling'), false),
				'd' => false
			'hideSliderAtLimit' => array(
				'v' => $hsal,
				'd' => array(0, '0', '0px')
			'hideLayerAtLimit' => array(
				'v' => $hlal,
				'd' => array(0, '0', '0px')
			'hideAllLayerAtLimit' => array(
				'v' => $halul,
				'd' => array(0, '0', '0px')
			'startDelay' => array(
				'v' => $start_delay,
				'd' => array(0, '0')
			'lazyType' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'lazyLoad'), 'none'),
				'd' => 'none'
			'spinner' => array(
				'v' => 'spinner'.$spinner,
				'd' => 'spinneroff'
			'fixedOnTop' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('layout', 'position', 'fixedOnTop'), false),
				'd' => false
			'forceOverflow' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'forceOverflow'), false),
				'd' => false
			'overflowHidden' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'overflowHidden'), false),
				'd' => false
			,'useFullScreenHeight' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'useFullScreenHeight'), true),
				'd' => true
			'maxHeight' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'maxHeight'), 'none'),
				'd' => array('', 0, '0', 'none')
			'perspective' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'perspective'), '600px'),
				'd' => '600px'
			'perspectiveType' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'perspectiveType'), 'local'),
				'd' => array('none')
			'keepBPHeight' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'keepBPHeight'), false),
				'd' => false
			'observeWrap' => array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'observeWrap'), false),
				'd' => false
		 * Shortcode Based Layout
		if($this->sc_layout !== ''){
			$keys['sliderLayout']['v'] = $this->sc_layout;

		if($keys['sliderType']['v']!=="carousel" || $keys['sliderLayout']['v']!=='fullscreen') {

		if($keys['minHeight']['v']==="") {

		 * Shortcode based Block Spacing
		if($this->offset !== ''){
			$keys['blockSpacing'] = array(
				'v' => $this->offset,
				'd' => ''
		 * new spinners
		if($spinner !== 'off' && intval($spinner) > 5){
			$keys['spinnerclr'] = array(
				'v' => $s->get_param(array('layout', 'spinner', 'color'), '#ffffff'),
				'd' => '#ffffff'
		$imgcrossOrigin = $this->get_val($global, 'imgcrossOrigin', 'unset');
		if(!in_array($imgcrossOrigin, array('', 'unset'))){
			$keys['imgCrossOrigin'] = array('v' => $imgcrossOrigin, 'd' => 'unset');
		$onedpronmobile = $this->get_val($global, 'onedpronmobile', false);
		if(in_array($onedpronmobile, array(true, 'true'), true)){
			$keys['onedpronmobile'] = array('v' => true, 'd' => false);
		$lazyloaddata = $this->get_val($global, 'lazyloaddata', '');
		if($lazyloaddata !== ''){
			$keys['lazyloaddata'] = array('v' => $lazyloaddata, 'd' => '');
		$lazyloadbg = $this->get_val($global, 'lazyonbg', false);
		if($lazyloadbg !== false && $lazyloadbg !== 'false'){
			$keys['lazyOnBg'] = array('v' => $lazyloadbg, 'd' => false);

		$cache_size = $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache'), false);
		if($cache_size !== false){
			$keys['editorheight'] = array('v' => implode(',', (array)$cache_size), 'd' => '');
		if($this->get_val($csizes, 'level', '') !== ''){
			$keys['responsiveLevels'] = array('v' => $csizes['level'], 'd' => '');
		if($l_type == 'fullscreen'){
			$keys['disableForceFullWidth'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'disableForceFullWidth'), false), 'd' => false);
			$keys['ignoreHeightChange'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'ignoreHeightChanges'), true), 'd' => true);
			$keys['gridEQModule'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'gridEQModule'), false), 'd' => false);
			$keys['fullScreenOffsetContainer'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'fullScreenOffsetContainer'), ''), 'd' => '');
			$keys['fullScreenOffset'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('size', 'fullScreenOffset'), ''), 'd' => '');

		if($s_type !== 'hero'){
			$stopSlider	 = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopSlider'), false);
			$loopSingle	 = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'loopSingle'), true);
			$stopAtSlide = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopAtSlide'), -1);
			$stopAfterLoops = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopAfterLoops'), 0);
			$slideShow	 = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'slideShow'), true);
				if($slideShow === false){
					$stopAtSlide = 1;
					$stopAfterLoops = 0;
				if($slideShow === true && $stopSlider === false){
					$stopAtSlide = -1;
					$stopAfterLoops = -1;

				if($loopSingle === true){
					$stopAtSlide = -1;
					$stopAfterLoops = -1;
			$keys['stopAtSlide'] = array('v' => $stopAtSlide, 'd' => array(-1, '-1'));
			$keys['stopAfterLoops'] = array('v' => $stopAfterLoops, 'd' => array(-1, '-1'));
			$keys['shuffle'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'shuffle'), false), 'd' => false);
		$parallax = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'set'), false);
		$parallax_type = $s->get_param(array('parallax', 'mouse', 'type'), 'mouse');
		if($s->get_param(array('parallax', 'setDDD'), false) == true){
			$parallax_type = '3D';
		if($parallax != true || ($parallax == true && $parallax_type != '3D')){
			$keys['shadow'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('layout', 'bg', 'shadow'), 0), 'd' => array(0, '0'));
		if($s_type !== 'hero'){
			$keys['stopLoop'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopSlider'), false), 'd' => false);
			if($s->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'alternativeFirstSlideSet'), false) === true) 				
				$keys['startWithSlide'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'alternativeFirstSlide'), 1), 'd' => '9999');
		$keys['waitForInit'] = array('v' => $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'waitForInit'), false), 'd' => false);
			$keys['ajaxUrl'] = array('v' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'd' => '');
			//$keys['ajaxNonce'] = ($this->caching) ? array('v' => '##NONCE##', 'd' => '') : array('v' => wp_create_nonce('RevSlider_Front'), 'd' => '');
			foreach($keys as $k => $v){
					if(in_array($v['v'], $v['d'], true)) continue;
					if($v['v'] === $v['d']) continue;
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.$k.':';
				$html .= $this->write_js_var($v['v']);
				$html .= ','."\n";
		return $html;

	 * Generate the Navigation CSS of the chosen Navigations
	public function get_navigation_css(){
		$css = '';
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		$lot	= $s->get_param('type', 'standard');
		$navs	= array('arrows', 'bullets', 'tabs', 'thumbs');
		$_all_navs = array_merge($navs, array('swipe', 'keyboard', 'mouse'));
		$found	= false;
		foreach($_all_navs as $nav){
			if($s->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'set'), false) === true){
				$found = true;
		if($lot === 'hero' || $found === false) return $css;
		$rs_nav = new RevSliderNavigation();
		$all_navs = $rs_nav->get_all_navigations();
		foreach($navs as $n){
			if($s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'set'), true) === true){
				$nar = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'style'), 'round');
					foreach($all_navs as $cur_nav){
						if($cur_nav['id'] == $nar){
							$css .= (isset($cur_nav['css'])) ? $rs_nav->add_placeholder_modifications($cur_nav, $s, $this)."\n" : '';
		$html = '';
		if(trim($css) !== ''){
			$html = $this->get_css_javascript($css);

		return $html;

	 * Generate the Navigation JavaScript
	public function js_get_navigation(){
		$h		= array();
		$s		= $this->slider; //shorten
		$lot	= $s->get_param('type', 'standard');
		$navs	= array('arrows', 'bullets', 'tabs', 'thumbs');
		$_all_navs = array_merge($navs, array('swipe', 'keyboard', 'mouse'));
		$found	= false;
		foreach($_all_navs as $nav){
			if($s->get_param(array('nav', $nav, 'set'), false) === true){
				$found = true;
		$msn = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'set'), false);
		$tod = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'setOnDesktop'), false); 

		if($msn === 'on' || $msn === 'carousel' || $tod === true) $found = true;

		if($lot === 'hero' || $found === false){
			//we still need onHoverStop
			$ohs = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopOnHover'), true);
			if($ohs === false)
				$h['onHoverStop'] = false;
			$rs_nav = new RevSliderNavigation();
			$all_navs = $rs_nav->get_all_navigations();
			$kbn = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'keyboard', 'set'), false);
			$kbd = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'keyboard', 'direction'), 'horizontal');
			$msr = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'reverse'), false);
			$msst = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'target'), 'window');
			$mstr = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'threshold'), 50);
			$mswu = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'viewport'), 50);
			$mscd = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'mouse', 'calldelay'), '1000ms');
			$ohs = $s->get_param(array('general', 'slideshow', 'stopOnHover'), true);
			if($kbn === true)		 $h['keyboardNavigation'] = true;
			if($kbd !== 'horizontal')$h['keyboard_direction'] = $kbd;
			if($msn !== 'off')		 $h['mouseScrollNavigation'] = $msn;
			if($msr !== 'default')	 $h['mouseScrollReverse'] = $msr;
			if($msst !== 'window')	 $h['target'] = $msst;
			if($mstr !== 50)		 $h['threshold'] = $mstr;
			if($mswu !== 50)		 $h['wheelViewPort'] = $mswu;
			if($mscd !== '1000ms')		 $h['wheelCallDelay'] = $mscd;
			if($ohs === false)		 $h['onHoverStop'] = false;
			$ctom = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'setMobileCarousel'), true); 
			$ctod = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'setDesktopCarousel'), true); 
			$te =  ($tod === true) ? true : $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'set'), false);
			if($te === true || ($lot === 'carousel' && ($ctod===false || $ctom===false))){
				$sth = intval($s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'velocity'), 75));
				$smt = intval($s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'minTouch'), '1'));
				$sd	 = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'direction'), 'horizontal');
				$dbv = $s->get_param(array('nav', 'swipe', 'blockDragVertical'), false);
				$h['touch'] = array();
				$h['touch']['touchenabled'] = $te;
				if($tod === true)		 $h['touch']['touchOnDesktop'] = true;
				if($sth !== 75)			 $h['touch']['swipe_threshold'] = $sth;
				if($smt !== 1)			 $h['touch']['swipe_min_touches'] = $smt;
				if($sd !== 'horizontal') $h['touch']['swipe_direction'] = $sd;
				if($dbv !== false)		 $h['touch']['drag_block_vertical'] = $dbv;
				if($lot === 'carousel' && $ctod===false) $h['touch']['desktopCarousel'] = false;
				if($lot === 'carousel' && $ctom===false) $h['touch']['mobileCarousel'] = false;
			$defaults = array(
				'arrows' => array(
					'tmp' => ''
				'bullets' => array(
					'tmp' => '<span class="tp-bullet-image"></span><span class="tp-bullet-title"></span>',
					'space' => 5
				'thumbs' => array(
					'tmp' => '<span class="tp-thumb-image"></span><span class="tp-thumb-title"></span>',
					'space' => 2,
					'wrapper_padding' => 2
				'tabs' => array(
					'tmp' => '<span class="tp-tab-image"></span>',
					'space' => 0,
					'wrapper_padding' => 10
			foreach($navs as $n){
				$as = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'set'), false);
				if($as === true){
					$h[$n] = array();
					$h[$n]['enable'] = $as;
					$nar = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'style'), 'round');
					$tmp = '';
						foreach($all_navs as $cur_nav){
							if($cur_nav['id'] == $nar){
								$nar = $cur_nav['handle'];
								$tmp = $this->get_val($cur_nav, 'markup', $tmp);
					$tmp = preg_replace("/\r|\n/", "", $tmp);
					$tmp = str_replace('"', '\\"', $tmp);
					$hom = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideUnder'), false);
					$ho = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideOver'), false);
					$ao = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'alwaysOn'), true);
					$anim = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'anim'), 'fade');
					$aspeed = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'animSpeed'), '1000ms');
					$adelay = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'animDelay'), '1000ms');
					$rtl = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'rtl'), false);
					if($tmp !== $defaults[$n]['tmp'])	$h[$n]['tmp'] = $tmp;
					if($nar !== '')						$h[$n]['style'] = $nar;
					if($hom === true)					$h[$n]['hide_onmobile'] = $hom;
					if($hom === true){
						$hu = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideUnderLimit'), 0);
						if(!in_array($hu, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $h[$n]['hide_under'] = $hu;
					if($ho === true){
						$hol = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideOverLimit'), 9999);
						if(!in_array($hol, array(9999, '9999', '9999px'), true)) $h[$n]['hide_over'] = $hol;
					if($ao === false) $h[$n]['hide_onleave'] = true;
					if($ao === false){
						$hd = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideDelay'), 200);
						$hdm = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'hideDelayMobile'), 1200);
						if(!in_array($hd, array(200, '200', '200px'), true)) $h[$n]['hide_delay'] = $hd;
						if(!in_array($hdm, array(1200, '1200', '1200px'), true)) $h[$n]['hide_delay_mobile'] = $hdm;
					if($rtl === true) $h[$n]['rtl'] = true;

					if($anim !=='fade') $h[$n]['anim'] = $anim;
					if($aspeed !=='1000ms') $h[$n]['animSpeed'] = $aspeed;
					if($adelay !=='1000ms') $h[$n]['animDelay'] = $adelay;
					//left only at arrows
					if($n === 'arrows'){
						$alc = (in_array($s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left', 'align'), 'slider'), array('layergrid', 'grid'), true)) ? 'layergrid' : 'slider';
						$alha = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left', 'horizontal'), 'left');
						$alva = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left', 'vertical'), 'center');
						$alho = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left', 'offsetX'), 20);
						$alvo = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left', 'offsetY'), 0);
						$anil = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'left',  'anim'), 'fade');
						$arc = (in_array($s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right', 'align'), 'slider'), array('layergrid', 'grid'), true)) ? 'layergrid' : 'slider';
						$arha = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right', 'horizontal'), 'right');
						$arva = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right', 'vertical'), 'center');
						$arho = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right', 'offsetX'), 20);
						$arvo = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right', 'offsetY'), 0);
						$anir = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'right',  'anim'), 'fade');

						$h[$n]['left'] = array();//left only at arrows
						$h[$n]['right'] = array(); //right only at arrows
						if($anil !=='fade') $h[$n]['left']['anim'] = $anil; 
						if($anir !=='fade') $h[$n]['right']['anim'] = $anir; 
						if($alc !== 'slider')	$h[$n]['left']['container'] = $alc;
						if($alha !== 'left')	$h[$n]['left']['h_align'] = $alha;
						if($alva !== 'center')	$h[$n]['left']['v_align'] = $alva;
						if(!in_array($alho, array(20, '20', '20px'), true))	$h[$n]['left']['h_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $alho));
						if(!in_array($alvo, array(0, '0', '0px'), true))	$h[$n]['left']['v_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $alvo));
						if($arc !== 'slider')	$h[$n]['right']['container'] = $arc;
						if($arha !== 'right')	$h[$n]['right']['h_align'] = $arha;
						if($arva !== 'center')	$h[$n]['right']['v_align'] = $arva;
						if(!in_array($arho, array(20, '20', '20px'), true))	$h[$n]['right']['h_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $arho));
						if(!in_array($arvo, array(0, '0', '0px'), true))	$h[$n]['right']['v_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $arvo));
						//these are not in left/right, but directly added
						$arha = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'horizontal'), 'center');
						$arva = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'vertical'), 'bottom');
						$arho = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'offsetX'), 20);
						$arvo = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'offsetY'), 0);
						$dir = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'direction'), 'horizontal');
						$space = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'space'), $defaults[$n]['space']);
						if($arha !== 'center') $h[$n]['h_align'] = $arha;
						if($arva !== 'bottom') $h[$n]['v_align'] = $arva;
						if(!in_array($arho, array(0, '0', '0px'), true)) $h[$n]['h_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $arho));
						if(!in_array($arvo, array(20, '20', '20px'), true)) $h[$n]['v_offset'] = intval(str_replace('px', '', $arvo));
						if($dir !== 'horizontal') $h[$n]['direction'] = $dir; //these exist not in arrows at all
						if(!in_array($space, array($defaults[$n]['space'], (string)$defaults[$n]['space'], $defaults[$n]['space'].'px'), true))
							$h[$n]['space'] = $space;
						//only exist in thumbs and tabs
						if(in_array($n, array('thumbs', 'tabs'), true)){
							$width = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'width'), 100);
							$height = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'height'), 50);
							$mw = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'widthMin'), 100);
							$wp = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'padding'), $defaults[$n]['wrapper_padding']);
							$wc = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'wrapperColor'), 'transparent');
							$va = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'amount'), 5);
							$span = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'spanWrapper'), false);
							$pos = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'innerOuter'), 'inner');
							$mhoff = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'mhoffset'), 0);
							$mvoff = $s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'mvoffset'), 0);
							if(!in_array($width, array(100, '100', '100px'), true)) $h[$n]['width'] = $width;
							if(!in_array($height, array(50, '50', '50px'), true)) $h[$n]['height'] = $height;
							if(!in_array($mw, array(100, '100', '100px'), true)) $h[$n]['min_width'] = $mw;
							if(!in_array($wp, array($defaults[$n]['wrapper_padding'], (string)$defaults[$n]['wrapper_padding'], $defaults[$n]['wrapper_padding'].'px'), true))
								$h[$n]['wrapper_padding'] = $wp;
							if(strtolower($wc) !== '#transparent') $h[$n]['wrapper_color'] = $wc;
							if(!in_array($va, array(5, '5'), true)) $h[$n]['visibleAmount'] = $va;
							if($span === true) $h[$n]['span'] = $span;
							if($mhoff!==0) $h[$n]['mhoff'] = $mhoff;
							if($mvoff!==0) $h[$n]['mvoff'] = $mvoff;
							if($pos !== 'inner') $h[$n]['position'] = $pos;
							if($pos === 'inner'){
								$arc = (in_array($s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'align'), 'slider'), array('layergrid', 'grid'), true)) ? 'layergrid' : 'slider';
								if($arc !== 'slider') $h[$n]['container'] = $arc;
						}else{ //only write in bullets like this
							$arc = (in_array($s->get_param(array('nav', $n, 'align'), 'slider'), array('layergrid', 'grid'), true)) ? 'layergrid' : 'slider';
							if($arc !== 'slider') $h[$n]['container'] = $arc;
		$html = '';
			$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T5.'navigation: {'."\n";
			$ff = true;
			foreach($h as $key => $value){
				$html .= ($ff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
				if($key == 'thumbs') $key = 'thumbnails'; //change thumb to thumbnail here
				$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T6.$key.':';
					$html .= ' {'."\n";
						$f = true;
						foreach($value as $k => $v){
							$html .= ($f === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
							$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T7.$k.':';
								$html .= ' {'."\n";
									$fff = true;
									foreach($v as $kk => $vv){
										$html .= ($fff === true) ? '' : ','."\n";
										$html .= $this->JTA . RS_T8.$kk.':';
										$html .= $this->write_js_var($vv);
										$fff = false;
								$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T7.'}';
								$html .= $this->write_js_var($v);
							$f = false;
					$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T6.'}';
					$html .= $this->write_js_var($value);
				$ff = false;
			$html .= "\n".$this->JTA . RS_T5.'},'."\n";
		return $html;
	 * Adds the Slider content and the additional settings to the transients
	 * @since: 6.4.6
	public function add_slider_transient($transient, $content){
		$sid = $this->slider->get_id();
		$cache = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderCache');
		if($this->ajax_loaded !== true && !$this->get_markup_export()){
				global $revslider_fonts;
				//if doing transient, remove the changes here $revslider_fonts again!
				$temp = $revslider_fonts;
				$cache->add_addition('action', 'wp_footer', $this->print_clean_font_import());
				$revslider_fonts = $temp;
		$cache->set_full_transient($transient, $sid, $content);
	 * Check if a layer frame is triggered by any other layer
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function layer_frame_triggered($uid, $frame){
		$ret = false;
		$uid = (string)$uid;
		$uid = ($this->is_static) ? 'static-'.$uid : $uid;
		if($this->is_static){ //we have to push all layers of all slides
			$layers = array();
			$slides = $this->get_current_slides();
			$static_slide = $this->get_static_slide();
			foreach($slides as $slide){
				$slide_layers = $slide->get_layers();
					foreach($slide_layers as $sl){
						$layers[] = $sl;
				$slide_layers = $static_slide->get_layers();
					foreach($slide_layers as $sl){
						$this->set_val($sl, 'static_layer', true);
						$layers[] = $sl;
			$layers = $this->get_layers();
		if(empty($layers)) return $ret;
		foreach($layers as $layer){
			$actions = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array());
			if(empty($actions)) continue;
			$static_layer = $this->get_val($layer, 'static_layer', false);
			foreach($actions as $action){
				$layer_target = (string)$this->get_val($action, 'layer_target', '');
				$layer_target = ($static_layer === true) ? 'static-'.$layer_target : $layer_target;
				if($layer_target !== $uid) continue;
				$act = $this->get_val($action, 'action', '');
				if($act === 'next_frame' || $act === 'prev_frame'){
					$ret = true; 
				}elseif($act === 'start_frame' && $frame == $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframe', '')){
					$ret = true; 
				}elseif($act === 'start_in' && $frame === 'frame_1'){
					$ret = true; 
				}elseif($act === 'start_out' && $frame === 'frame_999'){
					$ret = true;
				}elseif($act === 'toggle_layer' && in_array($frame, array('frame_1', 'frame_999'))){
					$ret = true;				
				}elseif($act === 'toggle_frames' && ($frame == $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframeM', '') || $frame == $this->get_val($action, 'gotoframeN', ''))){
					$ret = true;
				if($ret === true) break;
		return $ret;
	 * Check if shortcodes exists in the content
	 * @since: 5.0
	public static function check_for_shortcodes($mid_content){
		if($mid_content !== null){ 
			if(has_shortcode($mid_content, 'gallery')){
				preg_match('/\[gallery.*ids=.(.*).\]/', $mid_content, $img_ids);
					if($img_ids[1] !== '') return explode(',', $img_ids[1]);
		return false;
	 * return the responsive sizes
	 * @since: 5.0
	public function get_responsive_size($slider){
		$global = $this->get_global_settings();
		$csn = $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'n'), false);
		$cst = $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 't'), false);
		$csi = $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'm'), false);
		$w = $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'd'), 1240);
		$h = $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'd'), 1240);
		$r = $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'desktop'), 1240);
		$c = $this->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 'd'), false);
		if($csn == true || $cst == true || $csi == true){
			$d = $w;
			$w .= ',';
			$w .= ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
			$d = ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
			$w .= ',';
			$w .= ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 't'), 778) : $d;
			$d = ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 't'), 778) : $d;
			$w .= ',';
			$w .= ($csi == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'width', 'm'), 480) : $d;

			$d = $h;
			$h .= ',';
			$h .= ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
			$d = ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
			$h .= ',';
			$h .= ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 't'), 778) : $d;
			$d = ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 't'), 778) : $d;
			$h .= ',';
			$h .= ($csi == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'height', 'm'), 480) : $d;

			$d = $r;
			$r .= ',';
			$r .= ($csn == true) ? $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'notebook'), 1024) : $d;
			$d = ($csn == true) ? $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'notebook'), 1024) : $d;
			$r.= ',';
			$r .= ($cst == true) ? $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'tablet'), 778) : $d;
			$d = ($cst == true) ? $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'tablet'), 778) : $d;
			$r.= ',';
			$r .= ($csi == true) ? $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'mobile'), 480) : $d;

			if($c !== false){
				$d = $c;
				$c .= ',';
				$c .= ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
				$d = ($csn == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 'n'), 1024) : $d;
				$c .= ',';
				$c .= ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 't'), 778) : $d;
				$d = ($cst == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 't'), 778) : $d;
				$c .= ',';
				$c .= ($csi == true) ? $slider->slider->get_param(array('size', 'editorCache', 'm'), 480) : $d;
			$r .= ',';
			$r .= $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'notebook'), 1024);
			$r .= ',';
			$r .= $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'tablet'), 778);
			$r .= ',';
			$r .= $this->get_val($global, array('size', 'mobile'), 480);
		return array(
			'level' => str_replace('px', '', $r),
			'height' => str_replace('px', '', $h),
			'width' => str_replace('px', '', $w),
			'cacheSize' => str_replace('px', '', $c)
	 * strip suffixes from number values for accurate comparisons
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function strip_suffix_val($val){
		if(!is_string($val)) return $val;
		$val = trim($val);
		$len = strlen($val);
		if($len < 2) return $val;
		$suffix = false;
		$strips = array('ms', 'px', '%', 'deg');
		foreach($strips as $px){
			$chars = strlen($px);
			if($chars > $len) continue;
			if(strpos($val, $px, $len - $chars) !== false){
				$suffix = $chars;
		if($suffix !== false){
			$num = substr($val, 0, -$suffix);
			if(is_numeric($num)) $val = $num;
		return $val;
	 * strip suffixes from number values for accurate comparisons
	 * @since: 6.0
	public function strip_suffix($val){
		if(is_object($val)) $val = (array)$val;
			foreach($val as $key => $v){
				if(is_array($v) || is_object($v)){
					$val[$key] = $this->strip_suffix($v);
					$val[$key] = $this->strip_suffix_val($v);
			$val = $this->strip_suffix_val($val);
		return $val;
	 * shortden values for output
	 * @since: 6.0.0
	public function shorten($s, $f, $t){
		return str_replace($f, $t, $s);
	 * perform checks to see how to write a JavaScript variable
	public function write_js_var($v, $pp = '"'){
		if(is_bool($v)) $v = ($v) ? 'true' : 'false';
		return (is_numeric($v) || substr($v, 0, 1) === '[' || in_array($v, array('true', 'false'))) ? $v : $pp.$v.$pp;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
EspressoDev Folder 0755
external Folder 0755
aq-resizer.class.php File 7.98 KB 0644
backwards.php File 1.5 KB 0644
basic-css.php File 12.19 KB 0644
cache.class.php File 5.98 KB 0644
coloreasing.class.php File 6.68 KB 0644
colorpicker.class.php File 15.88 KB 0644
cssparser.class.php File 25.7 KB 0644
data.class.php File 76.52 KB 0644
em-integration.class.php File 5.94 KB 0644
extension.class.php File 6.59 KB 0644
external-sources.class.php File 56.17 KB 0644
favorite.class.php File 1.29 KB 0644
functions.class.php File 41.37 KB 0644
globals.class.php File 2.59 KB 0644
googlefonts.php File 205.17 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644
navigation.class.php File 19.81 KB 0644
navigations.php File 101.5 KB 0644
object-library.class.php File 52.4 KB 0644
output.class.php File 326.88 KB 0644
page-template.class.php File 4.14 KB 0644
slide.class.php File 115.14 KB 0644
slider.class.php File 81.5 KB 0644
update.class.php File 7.03 KB 0644
woocommerce.class.php File 6.16 KB 0644
wpml.class.php File 5.67 KB 0644