<?php /** * Tutor taxonomies * * @package Tutor\Taxonomies * @author Themeum <support@themeum.com> * @link https://themeum.com * @since 1.0.0 */ namespace TUTOR; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Manage taxonomies * * @since 1.0.0 */ class Taxonomies { /** * Register hooks * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { add_action( 'course-category_add_form_fields', array( $this, 'add_category_fields' ) ); add_action( 'course-category_edit_form_fields', array( $this, 'edit_category_fields' ) ); add_action( 'created_term', array( $this, 'save_category_fields' ), 10, 3 ); add_action( 'edit_term', array( $this, 'save_category_fields' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'manage_edit-course-category_columns', array( $this, 'course_category_columns' ) ); add_filter( 'manage_course-category_custom_column', array( $this, 'course_category_column' ), 10, 3 ); } /** * Add category fields * * @return void */ public function add_category_fields() { ?> <div class="form-field term-thumbnail-wrap"> <label><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail', 'tutor' ); ?></label> <div id="course-category_thumbnail" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( tutor_placeholder_img_src() ); ?>" width="60px" height="60px" /></div> <div style="line-height: 60px;"> <input type="hidden" id="course-category_thumbnail_id" name="course_category_thumbnail_id" /> <button type="button" class="upload_image_button button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Upload/Add image', 'tutor' ); ?></button> <button type="button" class="remove_image_button button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Remove image', 'tutor' ); ?></button> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Only show the "remove image" button when needed if ( ! jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val() ) { jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).hide(); } // Uploading files var file_frame; jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.upload_image_button', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( file_frame ) { file_frame.open(); return; } // Create the media frame. file_frame = wp.media.frames.downloadable_file = wp.media({ title: '<?php esc_html_e( 'Choose an image', 'tutor' ); ?>', button: { text: '<?php esc_html_e( 'Use image', 'tutor' ); ?>' }, multiple: false }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. file_frame.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = file_frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); var attachment_thumbnail = attachment.sizes.thumbnail || attachment.sizes.full; jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val( attachment.id ); jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', attachment_thumbnail.url ); jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).show(); }); // Finally, open the modal. file_frame.open(); }); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.remove_image_button', function() { jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', '<?php echo esc_js( tutor_placeholder_img_src() ); ?>' ); jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).hide(); return false; }); </script> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } /** * Edit category fields * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param mixed $term term. * * @return void */ public function edit_category_fields( $term ) { $thumbnail_id = absint( get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ) ); if ( $thumbnail_id ) { $image = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $thumbnail_id ); } else { $image = tutor_placeholder_img_src(); } ?> <tr class="form-field term-thumbnail-wrap"> <th scope="tutor-row" valign="top"><label><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail', 'woocommerce' ); ?></label></th> <td> <div class="form-field term-thumbnail-wrap"> <div id="course-category_thumbnail" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( $image ); ?>" width="60px" height="60px" /></div> <div style="line-height: 60px;"> <input type="hidden" id="course-category_thumbnail_id" name="course_category_thumbnail_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $thumbnail_id ); ?>" /> <button type="button" class="upload_image_button button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Upload/Add image', 'tutor' ); ?></button> <button type="button" class="remove_image_button button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Remove image', 'tutor' ); ?></button> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Only show the "remove image" button when needed if ( ! jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val() ) { jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).hide(); } // Uploading files var file_frame; jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.upload_image_button', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( file_frame ) { file_frame.open(); return; } // Create the media frame. file_frame = wp.media.frames.downloadable_file = wp.media({ title: '<?php esc_html_e( 'Choose an image', 'tutor' ); ?>', button: { text: '<?php esc_html_e( 'Use image', 'tutor' ); ?>' }, multiple: false }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. file_frame.on( 'select', function() { var attachment = file_frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); var attachment_thumbnail = attachment.sizes.thumbnail || attachment.sizes.full; jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val( attachment.id ); jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', attachment_thumbnail.url ); jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).show(); }); // Finally, open the modal. file_frame.open(); }); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.remove_image_button', function() { jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src', '<?php echo esc_js( tutor_placeholder_img_src() ); ?>' ); jQuery( '#course-category_thumbnail_id' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '.remove_image_button' ).hide(); return false; }); </script> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * Save Course Category Thumbnail * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $term_id term id. * @param string $tt_id tt id. * @param string $taxonomy taxonomy. * * @return void */ public function save_category_fields( $term_id, $tt_id = '', $taxonomy = '' ) { $thumbnail_id = Input::post( 'course_category_thumbnail_id', 0, Input::TYPE_INT ); if ( Input::has( 'course_category_thumbnail_id' ) && 'course-category' === $taxonomy ) { update_term_meta( $term_id, 'thumbnail_id', absint( $thumbnail_id ) ); } } /** * Course category edit columns * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $columns columns. * * @return array */ public function course_category_columns( $columns ) { $new_columns = array(); if ( isset( $columns['cb'] ) ) { $new_columns['cb'] = $columns['cb']; unset( $columns['cb'] ); } $new_columns['thumb'] = __( 'Image', 'tutor' ); $columns = array_merge( $new_columns, $columns ); $columns['handle'] = ''; return $columns; } /** * Course category columns * * @param array $columns columns. * @param mixed $column column name. * @param int $id term id. * * @return mixed */ public function course_category_column( $columns, $column, $id ) { if ( 'thumb' === $column ) { $thumbnail_id = get_term_meta( $id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); if ( $thumbnail_id ) { $image = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $thumbnail_id ); } else { $image = tutor_placeholder_img_src(); } // Prevent esc_url from breaking spaces in urls for image embeds. Ref: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23605 . $image = str_replace( ' ', '%20', $image ); $columns .= '<img src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" alt="' . __( 'Thumbnail', 'tutor' ) . '" class="wp-post-image" height="48" width="48" />'; } if ( 'handle' === $column ) { $columns .= '<input type="hidden" name="term_id" value="' . $id . '" />'; } return $columns; } }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Addons.php | File | 11.6 KB | 0644 |
Admin.php | File | 21.3 KB | 0644 |
Ajax.php | File | 16.82 KB | 0644 |
Announcements.php | File | 2.67 KB | 0644 |
Assets.php | File | 23.25 KB | 0644 |
Backend_Page_Trait.php | File | 4.39 KB | 0644 |
BaseController.php | File | 1.47 KB | 0644 |
Course.php | File | 85.39 KB | 0644 |
Course_Embed.php | File | 2.55 KB | 0644 |
Course_Filter.php | File | 8.67 KB | 0644 |
Course_List.php | File | 13.7 KB | 0644 |
Course_Settings_Tabs.php | File | 1.16 KB | 0644 |
Course_Widget.php | File | 8.19 KB | 0644 |
Custom_Validation.php | File | 513 B | 0644 |
Dashboard.php | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
Earnings.php | File | 9.53 KB | 0644 |
FormHandler.php | File | 7.16 KB | 0644 |
Frontend.php | File | 2.94 KB | 0644 |
Gutenberg.php | File | 4.62 KB | 0644 |
Input.php | File | 9.08 KB | 0644 |
Instructor.php | File | 12.99 KB | 0644 |
Instructors_List.php | File | 12.97 KB | 0644 |
Lesson.php | File | 17.08 KB | 0644 |
Options_V2.php | File | 63.19 KB | 0644 |
Permalink.php | File | 2 KB | 0644 |
Post_types.php | File | 18.3 KB | 0644 |
Private_Course_Access.php | File | 2.52 KB | 0644 |
Q_And_A.php | File | 10.66 KB | 0644 |
Question_Answers_List.php | File | 2.54 KB | 0644 |
Quiz.php | File | 62.02 KB | 0644 |
QuizBuilder.php | File | 11.5 KB | 0644 |
Quiz_Attempts_List.php | File | 7.32 KB | 0644 |
RestAPI.php | File | 7.97 KB | 0644 |
Reviews.php | File | 2.71 KB | 0644 |
Rewrite_Rules.php | File | 5.18 KB | 0644 |
Shortcode.php | File | 14.22 KB | 0644 |
Singleton.php | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
Student.php | File | 10.18 KB | 0644 |
Students_List.php | File | 2.37 KB | 0644 |
Taxonomies.php | File | 8.2 KB | 0644 |
Template.php | File | 14.18 KB | 0644 |
Theme_Compatibility.php | File | 683 B | 0644 |
Tools.php | File | 3.33 KB | 0644 |
Tools_V2.php | File | 18.18 KB | 0644 |
Tutor.php | File | 36.06 KB | 0644 |
TutorEDD.php | File | 4.63 KB | 0644 |
Tutor_Base.php | File | 1.48 KB | 0644 |
Tutor_Setup.php | File | 33.25 KB | 0644 |
Upgrader.php | File | 7.49 KB | 0644 |
User.php | File | 14.66 KB | 0644 |
Utils.php | File | 263.33 KB | 0644 |
Video_Stream.php | File | 3.94 KB | 0644 |
WhatsNew.php | File | 4.07 KB | 0644 |
Withdraw.php | File | 9.49 KB | 0644 |
Withdraw_Requests_List.php | File | 6.15 KB | 0644 |
WooCommerce.php | File | 23.15 KB | 0644 |