* Manage Checkout
* @package Tutor\Ecommerce
* @author Themeum
* @link https://themeum.com
* @since 3.0.0
namespace Tutor\Ecommerce;
use Tutor\Helpers\ValidationHelper;
use TUTOR\Input;
use Tutor\Models\BillingModel;
use Tutor\Traits\JsonResponse;
use Tutor\Models\CartModel;
use Tutor\Models\CouponModel;
use Tutor\Models\OrderModel;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Checkout Controller class
* @since 3.0.0
class CheckoutController {
use JsonResponse;
* Page slug for checkout page
* @since 3.0.0
* @var string
const PAGE_SLUG = 'checkout';
* Page slug for checkout page
* @since 3.0.0
* @var string
const PAGE_ID_OPTION_NAME = 'tutor_checkout_page_id';
* Pay now error transient key
* @since 3.0.0
* @var string
const PAY_NOW_ERROR_TRANSIENT_KEY = 'tutor_pay_now_errors_';
* Pay now alert transient key
* @since 3.0.0
* @var string
const PAY_NOW_ALERT_MSG_TRANSIENT_KEY = 'tutor_pay_now_alert_msg_';
* Coupon model instance.
* @since 3.0.0
* @var CouponModel
public $coupon_model;
* Constructor.
* Initializes the Checkout class, sets the page title, and optionally registers
* hooks for handling AJAX requests related to cart data, bulk actions, cart updates,
* and cart deletions.
* @param bool $register_hooks Whether to register hooks for handling requests. Default is true.
* @since 3.0.0
* @return void
public function __construct( $register_hooks = true ) {
$this->coupon_model = new CouponModel();
if ( $register_hooks ) {
add_action( 'tutor_action_tutor_pay_now', array( $this, 'pay_now' ) );
add_action( 'tutor_action_tutor_pay_incomplete_order', array( $this, 'pay_incomplete_order' ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'restrict_checkout_page' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_tutor_get_checkout_html', array( $this, 'ajax_get_checkout_html' ) );
* Get cart page url
* @since 3.0.0
* @return string
public static function get_page_url() {
return get_post_permalink( self::get_page_id() );
* Get cart page ID
* @since 3.0.0
* @return string
public static function get_page_id() {
return (int) tutor_utils()->get_option( self::PAGE_ID_OPTION_NAME );
* Create checkout page
* @since 3.0.0
* @return void
public static function create_checkout_page() {
$page_id = self::get_page_id();
if ( ! $page_id ) {
$args = array(
'post_title' => ucfirst( self::PAGE_SLUG ),
'post_content' => '',
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_status' => 'publish',
$page_id = wp_insert_post( $args );
tutor_utils()->update_option( self::PAGE_ID_OPTION_NAME, $page_id );
* Get checkout HTML
* @since 3.0.0
* @return void
public function ajax_get_checkout_html() {
tutor_load_template( 'ecommerce/checkout-details' );
$content = ob_get_clean();
__( 'Success', 'tutor' ),
* Prepare items
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $item_ids items.
* @param string $order_type order type.
* @param object|null $coupon coupon.
* @return array
private function prepare_items( $item_ids, $order_type = OrderModel::TYPE_SINGLE_ORDER, $coupon = null ) {
$items = array();
$plan_info = null;
foreach ( $item_ids as $item_id ) {
$item_name = get_the_title( $item_id );
$course_price = tutor_utils()->get_raw_course_price( $item_id );
if ( OrderModel::TYPE_SINGLE_ORDER !== $order_type ) {
$plan_info = apply_filters( 'tutor_get_plan_info', null, $item_id );
if ( $plan_info ) {
$item_name = $plan_info->plan_name;
$course_price->regular_price = $plan_info->regular_price;
$course_price->sale_price = $plan_info->in_sale_price ? $plan_info->sale_price : 0;
$regular_price = $course_price->regular_price;
$sale_price = $course_price->sale_price;
$item = array(
'item_id' => (int) $item_id,
'item_name' => $item_name,
'regular_price' => $regular_price,
'sale_price' => $sale_price ? $sale_price : null,
'is_coupon_applied' => false,
'coupon_code' => null,
$is_coupon_applicable = false;
if ( Settings::is_coupon_usage_enabled() && is_object( $coupon ) ) {
$is_coupon_applicable = ! $sale_price && $this->coupon_model->is_coupon_applicable( $coupon, $item_id );
if ( $is_coupon_applicable ) {
$item['is_coupon_applied'] = $is_coupon_applicable;
$item['coupon_code'] = $coupon->coupon_code;
$items[] = $item;
return array( $items, $plan_info );
* Calculate discount.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $items item array.
* @param string $discount_type discount type. like percentage or fixed.
* @param float $discount_value value of discount.
* @return array
public function calculate_discount( $items, $discount_type, $discount_value ) {
// Filter products without a sale price.
$items_without_sale = array_filter(
function( $item ) {
return empty( $item['sale_price'] );
// Calculate the total regular price of products without a sale price.
$total_regular_price = array_sum( array_column( $items_without_sale, 'regular_price' ) );
$final = array();
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
// If product already has a sale price, no discount is applied.
if ( ! empty( $item['sale_price'] ) || ( isset( $item['is_coupon_applied'] ) && ! $item['is_coupon_applied'] ) ) {
$item['discount_amount'] = 0;
$final[] = $item;
} else {
if ( 'percentage' === $discount_type ) {
// Apply percentage discount.
$discount = $item['regular_price'] * ( $discount_value / 100 );
$discount_price = $item['regular_price'] - $discount;
$item['discount_amount'] = round( $discount, 2 );
$item['discount_price'] = $discount_price;
} elseif ( 'flat' === $discount_type && $total_regular_price > 0 ) {
// Apply a proportional fixed discount based on the regular price.
$proportion = $item['regular_price'] / $total_regular_price;
$discount = $discount_value * $proportion;
$discount_price = $item['regular_price'] - $discount;
$item['discount_amount'] = round( $discount, 2 );
$item['discount_price'] = round( $discount_price, 2 );
$final[] = $item;
return $final;
* Prepare checkout item with applying coupon if required.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param int|array $item_ids Required, course ids or plan id.
* @param string $order_type order type.
* @param string $coupon_code coupon code.
* @return object
public function prepare_checkout_items( $item_ids, $order_type = OrderModel::TYPE_SINGLE_ORDER, $coupon_code = null ) {
$item_ids = is_array( $item_ids ) ? $item_ids : array( $item_ids );
$response = array();
$coupon_type = empty( $coupon_code ) ? 'automatic' : 'manual';
$is_coupon_applied = false;
$coupon_title = '';
$total_price = 0;
$subtotal_price = 0;
$coupon_discount = 0;
$sale_discount = 0;
$coupon = null;
$is_coupon_applied = false;
$is_meet_min_requirement = false;
$selected_coupon = null;
if ( Settings::is_coupon_usage_enabled() ) {
$selected_coupon = $this->coupon_model->get_coupon_details_for_checkout( $coupon_code );
$is_valid = is_object( $selected_coupon ) && $this->coupon_model->is_coupon_valid( $selected_coupon );
if ( $is_valid ) {
$is_meet_min_requirement = $this->coupon_model->is_coupon_requirement_meet( $item_ids, $selected_coupon, $order_type );
if ( $is_meet_min_requirement ) {
$coupon = $selected_coupon;
$is_coupon_applied = true;
list($items, $plan_info) = $this->prepare_items( $item_ids, $order_type, $coupon );
if ( $is_coupon_applied ) {
$items = $this->calculate_discount( $items, $coupon->discount_type, $coupon->discount_amount );
$coupon_title = $coupon->coupon_title;
// Keep calculated price for each item.
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$discount_amount = isset( $item['discount_amount'] ) ? $item['discount_amount'] : 0;
$has_discount_amount = $discount_amount > 0;
$item['discount_price'] = $has_discount_amount ? max( 0, $item['discount_price'] ) : null;
$display_price = isset( $item['sale_price'] ) ? $item['sale_price'] : $item['regular_price'];
$display_price = $has_discount_amount ? $item['discount_price'] : $display_price;
$item['display_price'] = $display_price;
$sale_discount_amount = isset( $item['sale_price'] ) ? $item['regular_price'] - $item['sale_price'] : 0;
$item['sale_discount_amount'] = $sale_discount_amount;
$response['items'][] = (object) $item;
$subtotal_price += $item['regular_price'];
$coupon_discount += $discount_amount;
$sale_discount += $sale_discount_amount;
if ( $plan_info && $plan_info->enrollment_fee > 0 ) {
$subtotal_price += $plan_info->enrollment_fee;
$total_price = $subtotal_price - ( $coupon_discount + $sale_discount );
$tax_rate = Tax::get_user_tax_rate();
$tax_amount = Tax::calculate_tax( $total_price, $tax_rate );
$total_price_without_tax = $total_price;
if ( ! Tax::is_tax_included_in_price() ) {
$total_price += $tax_amount;
// Total price should not negative.
$total_price = max( 0, $total_price );
$response['coupon_type'] = $coupon_type;
$response['coupon_title'] = $coupon_title;
$response['is_coupon_applied'] = $is_coupon_applied;
$response['subtotal_price'] = $subtotal_price;
$response['coupon_discount'] = $coupon_discount;
$response['sale_discount'] = $sale_discount;
$response['tax_rate'] = $tax_rate;
$response['total_price_without_tax'] = $total_price_without_tax;
$response['tax_amount'] = $tax_amount;
$response['total_price'] = $total_price;
return (object) $response;
* Pay now ajax handler
* Create pending order, prepare payment data & proceed to payment gateway
* @since 3.0.0
* @return void
public function pay_now() {
$errors = array();
$order_data = null;
$billing_model = new BillingModel();
$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
$request = Input::sanitize_array( $_POST ); //phpcs:ignore --sanitized.
$billing_fillable_fields = array_intersect_key( $request, array_flip( $billing_model->get_fillable_fields() ) );
$order_payment_fields = array(
$request = array_intersect_key( $request, array_flip( $order_payment_fields ) );
// Set required.
foreach ( $order_payment_fields as $field ) {
if ( ! isset( $request[ $field ] ) ) {
$request[ $field ] = '';
// Validate data.
$validate = $this->validate_pay_now_req( $request );
if ( ! $validate->success ) {
foreach ( $validate->errors as $error ) {
if ( is_array( $error ) ) {
foreach ( $error as $err ) {
array_push( $errors, $err );
} else {
array_push( $errors, $error );
// Return if validation failed.
if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) {
set_transient( self::PAY_NOW_ERROR_TRANSIENT_KEY . $current_user_id, $errors );
$object_ids = array_filter( explode( ',', $request['object_ids'] ), 'is_numeric' );
$coupon_code = isset( $request['coupon_code'] ) ? $request['coupon_code'] : '';
$payment_method = $request['payment_method'];
$payment_type = $request['payment_type'];
$order_type = $request['order_type'];
if ( empty( $object_ids ) ) {
array_push( $errors, __( 'Invalid cart items', 'tutor' ) );
// if ( ! Ecommerce::is_payment_gateway_configured( $payment_method ) ) {
// array_push( $errors, Ecommerce::get_incomplete_payment_setup_error_message( $payment_method ) );
// }
$billing_info = $billing_model->get_info( $current_user_id );
if ( $billing_info ) {
$update_billing = $billing_model->update( $billing_fillable_fields, array( 'user_id' => $current_user_id ) );
if ( ! $update_billing ) {
array_push( $errors, __( 'Billing information update failed!', 'tutor' ) );
} else {
// Save billing info.
$billing_fillable_fields['user_id'] = $current_user_id;
$save = $billing_model->insert( $billing_fillable_fields );
if ( ! $save ) {
array_push( $errors, __( 'Billing info save failed!', 'tutor' ) );
$checkout_data = $this->prepare_checkout_items( $object_ids, $order_type, $coupon_code );
$items = array();
foreach ( $checkout_data->items as $item ) {
$items[] = array(
'item_id' => $item->item_id,
'regular_price' => $item->regular_price,
'sale_price' => $item->sale_price,
'discount_price' => $item->discount_price,
'coupon_code' => $item->is_coupon_applied ? $item->coupon_code : null,
$args = array(
'payment_method' => $payment_method,
'coupon_amount' => $checkout_data->coupon_discount,
'discount_amount' => $checkout_data->sale_discount,
if ( empty( $errors ) ) {
$order_data = ( new OrderController( false ) )->create_order( $current_user_id, $items, OrderModel::PAYMENT_UNPAID, $order_type, $coupon_code, $args, false );
if ( ! empty( $order_data ) ) {
if ( 'automate' === $payment_type ) {
try {
$payment_data = self::prepare_payment_data( $order_data );
$this->proceed_to_payment( $payment_data, $payment_method, $order_type );
} catch ( \Throwable $th ) {
tutor_log( $th );
tutor_redirect_after_payment( OrderModel::ORDER_PLACEMENT_FAILED, $order_data['id'], $th->getMessage() );
} else {
// Set alert message session.
$this->set_pay_now_alert_msg( $order_data );
tutor_redirect_after_payment( OrderModel::ORDER_PLACEMENT_SUCCESS, $order_data['id'] );
} else {
array_push( $errors, __( 'Failed to place order!', 'tutor' ) );
set_transient( self::PAY_NOW_ERROR_TRANSIENT_KEY . $current_user_id, $errors );
$this->set_pay_now_alert_msg( $order_data );
} else {
set_transient( self::PAY_NOW_ERROR_TRANSIENT_KEY . $current_user_id, $errors );
$this->set_pay_now_alert_msg( $order_data );
* Prepare payment data
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $order Order object.
* @return mixed
public static function prepare_payment_data( array $order ) {
$site_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
$order_user_id = $order['user_id'];
$user_data = get_userdata( $order_user_id );
$items = array();
$subtotal_price = $order['subtotal_price'];
$total_price = $order['total_price'];
$grand_total = $total_price;
$order_type = $order['order_type'];
$currency_code = tutor_utils()->get_option( OptionKeys::CURRENCY_CODE, 'USD' );
$currency_symbol = tutor_get_currency_symbol_by_code( $currency_code );
$currency_info = tutor_get_currencies_info_by_code( $currency_code );
$billing_info = ( new BillingModel() )->get_info( $order_user_id );
$country_info = tutor_get_country_info_by_name( $billing_info->billing_country );
$country = (object) array(
'name' => $country_info['name'],
'numeric_code' => $country_info['numeric_code'],
'alpha_2' => $country_info['alpha_2'],
'alpha_3' => $country_info['alpha_3'],
'phone_code' => $country_info['phone_code'],
$billing_name = $billing_info ? trim( $billing_info->billing_first_name . ' ' . $billing_info->billing_last_name ) : $user_data->display_name;
$shipping_and_billing = array(
'name' => $billing_name,
'address1' => $billing_info->billing_address ?? '',
'address2' => $billing_info->billing_address ?? '',
'city' => $billing_info->billing_city ?? '',
'state' => $billing_info->billing_state ?? '',
'region' => '',
'postal_code' => $billing_info->billing_zip_code ?? '',
'country' => $country,
'phone_number' => $billing_info->billing_phone ?? '',
'email' => $billing_info->billing_email ?? '',
$customer_info = $shipping_and_billing;
foreach ( $order['items'] as $item ) {
$item = (object) $item;
$item_name = '';
$enrollment_item = null;
// Support for both item_id & id added.
$item_id = $item->item_id ?? $item->id;
if ( OrderModel::TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION === $order_type ) {
$plan_id = $item_id;
$plan_info = apply_filters( 'tutor_get_plan_info', new \stdClass(), $plan_id );
$item_name = $plan_info->plan_name ?? '';
$items[] = array(
'item_id' => $item_id,
'item_name' => $item_name,
'regular_price' => $item->sale_price > 0 ? $item->sale_price : $item->regular_price,
'quantity' => 1,
'discounted_price' => is_null( $item->discount_price ) || '' === $item->discount_price ? null : $item->discount_price,
if ( $plan_info && property_exists( $plan_info, 'enrollment_fee' ) && $plan_info->enrollment_fee > 0 ) {
$enrollment_item = array(
'item_id' => 0,
'item_name' => 'Enrollment Fee',
'regular_price' => floatval( $plan_info->enrollment_fee ),
'quantity' => 1,
'discounted_price' => null,
$items[] = $enrollment_item;
} else {
// Single order item.
$items[] = array(
'item_id' => $item_id,
'item_name' => get_the_title( $item_id ),
'regular_price' => tutor_get_locale_price( $item->sale_price > 0 ? $item->sale_price : $item->regular_price ),
'quantity' => 1,
'discounted_price' => is_null( $item->discount_price ) || '' === $item->discount_price ? null : tutor_get_locale_price( $item->discount_price ),
if ( isset( $order['tax_amount'] ) && ! Tax::is_tax_included_in_price() ) {
$grand_total += $order['tax_amount'];
/* translators: %s: tax rate */
$tax_item = sprintf( __( 'Tax (%s)', 'tutor' ), $order['tax_rate'] . '%' );
$items[] = array(
'item_id' => 'tax',
'item_name' => $tax_item,
'regular_price' => $order['tax_amount'],
'quantity' => 1,
'discounted_price' => null,
return (object) array(
'items' => (object) $items,
'subtotal' => floatval( $subtotal_price ),
'total_price' => floatval( $total_price ),
'order_id' => $order['id'],
'store_name' => $site_name,
'order_description' => 'Tutor Order',
'tax' => 0,
'currency' => (object) array(
'code' => $currency_code,
'symbol' => $currency_symbol,
'name' => $currency_info['name'] ?? '',
'locale' => $currency_info['locale'] ?? '',
'numeric_code' => $currency_info['numeric_code'] ?? '',
'country' => $country,
'shipping_charge' => 0,
'coupon_discount' => 0,
'shipping_address' => (object) $shipping_and_billing,
'billing_address' => (object) $shipping_and_billing,
'decimal_separator' => tutor_utils()->get_option( OptionKeys::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, '.' ),
'thousand_separator' => tutor_utils()->get_option( OptionKeys::THOUSAND_SEPARATOR, '.' ),
'customer' => (object) $customer_info,
* Prepare payment data
* @since 3.0.0
* @param int $order_id Order id.
* @throws \Exception Throw exception if order not found.
* @return mixed
public static function prepare_recurring_payment_data( int $order_id ) {
$order_data = ( new OrderModel() )->get_order_by_id( $order_id );
if ( ! $order_data ) {
throw new \Exception( __( 'Order not found!', 'tutor' ) );
$amount = $order_data->total_price;
$order_user_id = $order_data->student->id;
$user_data = get_userdata( $order_user_id );
$currency_code = tutor_utils()->get_option( OptionKeys::CURRENCY_CODE, 'USD' );
$currency_symbol = tutor_get_currency_symbol_by_code( $currency_code );
$currency_info = tutor_get_currencies_info_by_code( $currency_code );
$billing_info = ( new BillingModel() )->get_info( $order_user_id );
$country_info = tutor_get_country_info_by_name( $billing_info->billing_country );
$country = (object) array(
'name' => $country_info['name'],
'numeric_code' => $country_info['numeric_code'],
'alpha_2' => $country_info['alpha_2'],
'alpha_3' => $country_info['alpha_3'],
'phone_code' => $country_info['phone_code'],
$billing_name = $billing_info ? trim( $billing_info->billing_first_name . ' ' . $billing_info->billing_last_name ) : $user_data->display_name;
$shipping_and_billing = array(
'name' => $billing_name,
'address1' => $billing_info->billing_address ?? '',
'address2' => $billing_info->billing_address ?? '',
'city' => $billing_info->billing_city ?? '',
'state' => $billing_info->billing_state ?? '',
'region' => '',
'postal_code' => $billing_info->billing_zip_code ?? '',
'country' => $country,
'phone_number' => $billing_info->billing_phone ?? '',
'email' => $billing_info->billing_email ?? '',
$customer_info = $shipping_and_billing;
return (object) array(
'type' => 'recurring',
'previous_payload' => $order_data->payment_payloads,
'total_amount' => floatval( $amount ),
'sub_total_amount' => floatval( $amount ),
'currency' => (object) array(
'code' => $currency_code,
'symbol' => $currency_symbol,
'name' => $currency_info['name'] ?? '',
'locale' => $currency_info['locale'] ?? '',
'numeric_code' => $currency_info['numeric_code'] ?? '',
'order_id' => $order_id,
'customer' => (object) $customer_info,
'shipping_address' => (object) $shipping_and_billing,
* Proceed to payment
* @since 3.0.0
* @param mixed $payment_data Payment data for making order.
* @param string $payment_method Payment method name.
* @param string $order_type Order type.
* @throws \Throwable Throw throwable if error occur.
* @throws \Exception Throw exception if payment gateway is invalid.
* @return void
public function proceed_to_payment( $payment_data, $payment_method, $order_type ) {
$payment_gateways = apply_filters( 'tutor_gateways_with_class', Ecommerce::payment_gateways_with_ref(), $payment_method );
$payment_gateway_class = isset( $payment_gateways[ $payment_method ] )
? $payment_gateways[ $payment_method ]['gateway_class']
: null;
if ( $payment_gateway_class ) {
try {
function ( $url ) use ( $payment_method ) {
$url = add_query_arg( array( 'payment_method' => $payment_method ), $url );
return $url;
function ( $args ) use ( $payment_data ) {
$args['order_id'] = $payment_data->order_id;
return $args;
function ( $args ) use ( $payment_data ) {
$args['order_id'] = $payment_data->order_id;
return $args;
$gateway_instance = Ecommerce::get_payment_gateway_object( $payment_gateway_class );
$gateway_instance->setup_payment_and_redirect( $payment_data );
} catch ( \Throwable $th ) {
throw $th;
} else {
throw new \Exception( 'Invalid payment gateway class' );
* Restrict checkout page
* @return void
public function restrict_checkout_page() {
$page_id = self::get_page_id();
$plan_id = Input::get( 'plan' );
if ( is_page( $page_id ) && ! $plan_id ) {
$cart_controller = new CartController();
$cart_model = new CartModel();
$user_id = tutils()->get_user_id();
$has_cart_item = $cart_model->has_item_in_cart( $user_id );
if ( ! $has_cart_item ) {
wp_safe_redirect( $cart_controller::get_page_url() );
* Set alert message on the session based on
* order data
* @since 3.0.0
* @param mixed $order_data Order data or null. If order
* data is falsy then failed message will be set.
* @return void
private function set_pay_now_alert_msg( $order_data ) {
$user_id = $order_data ? $order_data['user_id'] : get_current_user_id();
if ( empty( $order_data ) ) {
'alert' => 'danger',
'message' => __( 'Failed to place order!', 'tutor' ),
} else {
'alert' => 'success',
'message' => __( 'Your order has been placed successfully!', 'tutor' ),
* Pay for the incomplete order
* Redirect to the payment gateway to complete the order
* After completing the process it will redirect user to
* order placement page
* @since 3.0.0
* @return void
public function pay_incomplete_order() {
$order_id = Input::post( 'order_id', 0, Input::TYPE_INT );
if ( ! tutor_utils()->is_nonce_verified() ) {
tutor_utils()->redirect_to( tutor_utils()->tutor_dashboard_url( 'purchase_history' ), tutor_utils()->error_message( 'nonce' ), 'error' );
if ( $order_id ) {
$order_data = ( new OrderModel() )->get_order_by_id( $order_id );
if ( $order_data ) {
try {
$payment_data = $this->prepare_payment_data( (array) $order_data, $order_data->payment_method, $order_data->order_type );
$this->proceed_to_payment( $payment_data, $order_data->payment_method, $order_data->order_type );
} catch ( \Throwable $th ) {
tutor_log( $th );
tutor_redirect_after_payment( OrderModel::ORDER_PLACEMENT_FAILED, $order_data->id, $th->getMessage() );
} else {
$error_msg = __( 'Order not found!', 'tutor' );
tutor_redirect_after_payment( OrderModel::ORDER_PLACEMENT_FAILED, $order_id, $error_msg );
} else {
$error_msg = __( 'Invalid order ID!', 'tutor' );
tutor_redirect_after_payment( OrderModel::ORDER_PLACEMENT_FAILED, $order_id, $error_msg );
* Validate pay now request
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $data The data array to validate.
* @return object The validation result. It returns validation object.
protected function validate_pay_now_req( array $data ) {
$order_types = array(
$order_types = implode( ',', $order_types );
$validation_rules = array(
'object_ids' => 'required',
'payment_method' => 'required',
'order_type' => "required|match_string:{$order_types}",
// Skip validation rules for not available fields in data.
foreach ( $validation_rules as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ) {
unset( $validation_rules[ $key ] );
return ValidationHelper::validate( $validation_rules, $data );