* Template for displaying student & instructor Public Profile.
* It is used for both of instructor and student.
* Separate file has not been introduced due to complicacy and backward compatibility.
* @package Tutor\Templates
* @author Themeum <support@themeum.com>
* @link https://themeum.com
* @since 1.0.0
use TUTOR\Input;
use Tutor\Models\CourseModel;
// Get the accessed user data.
$user_name = sanitize_text_field( get_query_var( 'tutor_profile_username' ) );
$get_user = tutor_utils()->get_user_by_login( $user_name );
// Show not found page if user not exists.
if ( ! is_object( $get_user ) || ! property_exists( $get_user, 'ID' ) ) {
wp_safe_redirect( get_home_url() . '/404' );
// Prepare meta data to render the page based on user and view type.
$user_id = $get_user->ID;
$is_instructor = Input::has( 'view' ) ? 'instructor' === Input::get( 'view' ) : tutor_utils()->is_instructor( $user_id, true );
$layout_key = $is_instructor ? 'public_profile_layout' : 'student_public_profile_layout';
$profile_layout = tutor_utils()->get_option( $layout_key, 'private' );
$user_type = $is_instructor ? 'instructor' : 'student';
if ( 'private' === $profile_layout ) {
// Disable profile access then.
wp_safe_redirect( get_home_url() );
// Prepare social media URLs od the user.
$tutor_user_social_icons = tutor_utils()->tutor_user_social_icons();
foreach ( $tutor_user_social_icons as $key => $social_icon ) {
$url = get_user_meta( $user_id, $key, true );
$tutor_user_social_icons[ $key ]['url'] = $url;
// Rating content.
if ( $is_instructor ) {
$instructor_rating = tutor_utils()->get_instructor_ratings( $user_id );
<div class="tutor-rating-container">
<div class="ratings">
<span class="rating-generated">
<?php tutor_utils()->star_rating_generator( $instructor_rating->rating_avg ); ?>
<span class='rating-digits'>
<?php echo esc_html( number_format( $instructor_rating->rating_avg, 2 ) ); ?>
<span class='rating-total-meta tutor-fs-7 tutor-color-muted'>
(<?php echo esc_html( number_format( $instructor_rating->rating_count, 2 ) ); ?>)
$rating_content = ob_get_clean();
$allowed_html_for_rating = array(
'div' => array( 'class' => true ),
'span' => array( 'class' => true ),
'i' => array( 'class' => true ),
// Social media content.
foreach ( $tutor_user_social_icons as $key => $social_icon ) {
$url = $social_icon['url'];
echo ! empty( $url ) ? '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" class="' . esc_attr( $social_icon['icon_classes'] ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( $social_icon['label'] ) . '"></a>' : '';
$social_media = ob_get_clean();
$allowed_html_for_social = array(
'a' => array(
'href' => true,
'class' => true,
'target' => true,
'rel' => true,
'title' => true,
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores
do_action( 'tutor_profile/' . $user_type . '/before/wrap' );
<?php $user_identifier = $is_instructor ? 'tutor-instructor' : 'tutor-student'; ?>
<div <?php tutor_post_class( 'tutor-wrap-parent tutor-full-width-student-profile tutor-page-wrap tutor-user-public-profile tutor-user-public-profile-' . $profile_layout . ' ' . $user_identifier ); ?> >
<div class="tutor-container photo-area">
<div class="cover-area">
<div style="background-image:url(<?php echo esc_url( tutor_utils()->get_cover_photo_url( $user_id ) ); ?>)"></div>
<div class="pp-area">
<div class="profile-pic" style="background-image:url(<?php echo esc_url( get_avatar_url( $user_id, array( 'size' => 300 ) ) ); ?>)"></div>
<div class="profile-name tutor-color-white">
<div class="profile-rating-media content-for-mobile">
<?php echo wp_kses( $rating_content, $allowed_html_for_rating ); ?>
<div class="tutor-social-container content-for-desktop">
<?php echo wp_kses( $social_media, $allowed_html_for_social ); ?>
<h3><?php echo esc_html( $get_user->display_name ); ?></h3>
if ( $is_instructor ) {
$course_count = CourseModel::get_course_count_by_instructor( $user_id );
$student_count = tutor_utils()->get_total_students_by_instructor( $user_id );
<span><?php echo esc_html( $course_count ); ?></span>
<?php $course_count > 1 ? esc_html_e( 'Courses', 'tutor' ) : esc_html_e( 'Course', 'tutor' ); ?>
<span><?php echo esc_html( $student_count ); ?></span>
<?php $student_count > 1 ? esc_html_e( 'Students', 'tutor' ) : esc_html_e( 'Student', 'tutor' ); ?>
} else {
$enrolled_course = tutor_utils()->get_enrolled_courses_by_user( $user_id );
$enrol_count = is_object( $enrolled_course ) ? $enrolled_course->found_posts : 0;
$complete_count = tutor_utils()->get_completed_courses_ids_by_user( $user_id );
$complete_count = $complete_count ? count( $complete_count ) : 0;
<span><?php echo esc_html( $enrol_count ); ?></span>
<?php $enrol_count > 1 ? esc_html_e( 'Courses Enrolled', 'tutor' ) : esc_html_e( 'Course Enrolled', 'tutor' ); ?>
<span><?php echo esc_html( $complete_count ); ?></span>
<?php $complete_count > 1 ? esc_html_e( 'Courses Completed', 'tutor' ) : esc_html_e( 'Course Completed', 'tutor' ); ?>
<div class="tutor-social-container content-for-mobile">
<?php echo wp_kses( $social_media, $allowed_html_for_social ); ?>
<div class="profile-rating-media content-for-desktop">
<?php echo wp_kses( $rating_content, $allowed_html_for_rating ); ?>
<div class="tutor-social-container content-for-desktop">
<?php echo wp_kses( $social_media, $allowed_html_for_social ); ?>
<div class="tutor-container" style="overflow:auto">
<div class="tutor-user-profile-sidebar">
<div class="tutor-user-profile-content tutor-d-block tutor-mt-72">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Biography', 'tutor' ); ?></h3>
<?php tutor_load_template( 'profile.bio' ); ?>
if ( $is_instructor ) {
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Courses', 'tutor' ); ?></h3>
function() {
return 3;
tutor_load_template( 'profile.courses_taken' );
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores
do_action( 'tutor_profile/' . $user_type . '/after/wrap' );
* If user not logged in load tutor login modal.
* It will appear on enroll btn click.
* @since 2.1.3
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
$login_modal = tutor()->path . '/views/modal/login.php';
if ( file_exists( $login_modal ) ) {
tutor_load_template_from_custom_path( $login_modal );