[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Option block for tutor options.
 * @package Tutor\Views
 * @subpackage Tutor\Options
 * @author Themeum <support@themeum.com>
 * @link https://themeum.com
 * @since 2.0.0

// @todo: replace the h4
$block_slug = $blocks['slug'] ?? '';
<?php if ( 'uniform' == $blocks['block_type'] ) : ?>
	<div class="tutor-option-single-item tutor-mb-32 <?php echo isset( $blocks['class'] ) ? esc_attr( $blocks['class'] ) : ( isset( $blocks['slug'] ) ? esc_attr( $blocks['slug'] ) : null ); ?>">
		<?php if ( isset( $blocks['label'] ) ) : ?>
			<div class="tutor-option-group-title tutor-mb-16">
				<div class="tutor-fs-6 tutor-color-muted"><?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['label'] ); ?></div>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php if ( ! empty( $blocks['fields'] ) ) : ?>
			<div class="item-wrapper">
				foreach ( $blocks['fields'] as $field ) :
					$this->generate_field( $field );
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php do_action( 'tutor_after_block_single_item', $block_slug ); ?>
<?php elseif ( 'isolate' == $blocks['block_type'] ) : ?>
	<div class="tutor-option-single-item tutor-mb-32 <?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['slug'] ); ?>">
		<?php if ( isset( $blocks['label'] ) ) : ?>
			<div class="tutor-option-group-title tutor-mb-16">
				<div class="tutor-fs-6 tutor-color-muted"><?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['label'] ); ?></div>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php foreach ( $blocks['fields'] as $field ) : ?>
			<div class="item-wrapper">
				<?php echo $this->generate_field( $field ); //phpcs:ignore -- contain safe data ?>
		<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php elseif ( 'notification' == $blocks['block_type'] ) : ?>

	<div class="tutor-option-single-item tutor-mb-32">
		<div class="tutor-option-group-title tutor-d-flex tutor-align-center tutor-mb-16">
			<div class="tutor-fs-6 tutor-color-muted"><?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['label'] ); ?></div>
			<div class="tutor-fs-6 tutor-color-muted tutor-ml-auto tutor-mr-lg-32"><?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['status_label'] ); ?></div>

		<div class="item-wrapper">
			foreach ( $blocks['fields'] as $field ) :
				echo $this->generate_field( $field ); //phpcs:ignore -- contain safe data

<?php elseif ( 'column' == $blocks['block_type'] ) : ?>
	<div class="tutor-option-single-item tutor-mb-32 item-variation-grid <?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['slug'] ); ?>">
		<!-- @todo: know the use -->
		<?php if ( isset( $blocks['label'] ) ) : ?>
			<div class="tutor-option-group-title tutor-mb-16">
				<div class="tutor-fs-6 tutor-color-muted"><?php echo esc_attr( $blocks['label'] ); ?></div>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<div class="item-grid">
			<?php foreach ( $blocks['fieldset'] as $fieldset ) : ?>
				<div class="item-wrapper">
					<?php foreach ( $fieldset as $field ) : ?>
						<?php echo $this->generate_field( $field ); //phpcs:ignore -- contain safe data ?>
					<?php endforeach; ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>

elseif ( 'color_picker' == $blocks['block_type'] ) :
	//phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
	// Data already escaped.
	echo $this->template(
			'template' => $blocks['block_type'],
			'blocks'   => $blocks,
elseif ( 'custom' == $blocks['block_type'] ) :
	include $blocks['template_path'];
elseif ( 'action_placeholder' === $blocks['block_type'] ) :
	do_action( $blocks['action'] );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
field-types Folder 0755
template Folder 0755
withdraw Folder 0755
option_blocks.php File 3.37 KB 0644
option_field.php File 590 B 0644
settings.php File 5.49 KB 0644
tools.php File 2.4 KB 0644