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5.13-6.87.24-.46-.44-.86-.68-.4-1.33 2.59-3.4 4.82-5.27 7.02-1.85 2.17-3.86 4.3-5.36 6.75-."/><path fill="#7F514B" d="M314.62 170.96s-6.05 8.8-3.11 17.31c0 0 1.46 4.9 5.14 5.53 0 0 5.74 1.78 8.54-2.16 0 0-.51-.37-.16-.5s2.95-3.48 3.1-3.9c.15-.44 2.3 1.17 3.1-2.32.82-3.48-2.68-3.6-3.38-1.96 0 0-.22 2.58-.27 2.6-.05.01-1.48.32-1.61-.35-.13-.67 2-5.71 1.43-8.47-.54-2.76-2.2-4.04-2.2-4.04s-1.68 5.65-6.37 2.12c-4.7-3.52-4.21-3.86-4.21-3.86Z"/><path fill="#181238" d="M311.23 180.28s-2.09-1.79-1.1-4.85c0 0 .29-.51-.08-1.12-.38-.6-2.36-4.85-.84-6.47 1.51-1.65 6.01-5.28 15.62-4.36 0 0 5.9-.4 5.2 3.29 0 0 4.94-1.15 7.06 3.47 2.13 4.61.39 10.12-1.4 12.65-1.79 2.54-8.8 9.24-8.8 9.24l-1.7-.5s-.45-.23-.3-.36c.13-.13 1.48-1.39 3.23-4.04 0 0-.01-.2.67-.03.69.18 2.19-.25 2.52-2.77.32-2.56-1.85-2.44-1.85-2.44s-1.18.03-1.6.97c0 0-.14 2.55-.26 2.6-.15.05-1.46.33-1.62-.35-.17-.69 1.49-4.22 1.53-7.7 0 0-.14-2.67-2.3-4.81 0 0-1.29 4.77-5.2 2.87 0 0-4.16-2.02-5.36-4.48-.03 0-3.46 5.6-3.42 9.19Z"/><path 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d="M310.66 243.48c-.1-.01.96-4.3 2.34-9.57a160.4 160.4 0 0 1 2.67-9.5c.1.02-.96 4.31-2.35 9.58-1.37 5.26-2.57 9.52-2.66 9.5ZM326.67 218.85c.05-.08 3.99 1.8 8.8 4.23 4.83 2.4 8.7 4.43 8.68 4.51-.05.08-4-1.8-8.81-4.22-4.82-2.4-8.7-4.42-8.67-4.52Z"/><path fill="#366268" d="m386.22 214.43-32.75-9.46a4.98 4.98 0 0 1-3.4-6.17l10-34.54a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 6.17-3.4l32.75 9.46a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 3.4 6.18l-9.99 34.53a5 5 0 0 1-6.18 3.4Z"/><path fill="#52A7B4" d="m388.06 214.77-32.75-9.46a4.98 4.98 0 0 1-3.4-6.18l9.99-34.53a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 6.18-3.4l32.75 9.46a4.98 4.98 0 0 1 3.4 6.17l-10 34.54a4.98 4.98 0 0 1-6.17 3.4Z"/><path fill="#E5B795" d="m370.64 173.32-4.74 18.66 4.29 4.45-19.58-19.56-4.45Z"/><path fill="#F2DBC9" d="m388.5 178.3-19.55-6.92-5.98 16.83 1.9 3.73 16.7 5.92 6.94-19.56Z"/><path fill="#E5B795" d="m364.87 191.94-1.9-3.73 2.87 1.02-.97 2.7Z"/><path fill="#211F47" d="m387.3 0-.11-.86-.98-1.09a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.6.63l-1.75 2.63s-.33.5-.03.99a.92.92 0 0 0 1.56.03c.56-.73 1.66-2.58 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d="M384.77 71.85S411 99.02 419.28 147.8l-29.47.15s.56-14.44-.84-19.35l-39.29.14 2.81-8.4s-18.8 11.35-36.76 6.87l3.37-26.5s22.03 3.08 33.1-7.7c0 0 8.67-6.24 14.23-26.12l18.34 4.95Z"/><path fill="#0F2D70" d="m366.44 66.87-13.95 53.46s-19.65 12.06-36.76 6.87l3.37-26.5c.02 0 36.12-.73 47.34-33.83Z"/><path fill="#171336" d="M366.16 39.47s-3.26-2.78-.72-7.18 10.98-3.54 10.63 4.67c0 0 13.55 1.39 13.15 10.86 0 0 10-2.55 16.29.72 6.29 3.27 6.19 9.59 2.23 13.95-3.96 4.35-10.82 4.06-14.8-3.56-3.97-7.63-4.42-6.75-4.42-6.75s-1.37 11.52-10.4 11c0 0-4.81-4.3-4.04-6.95 0 0 4.85-1.2 4.2-4.2-.66-3-3.74-4.06-5.05-2.61 0 0 1.74-5.87 1.28-6.19-.48-.35-2.17.37-8.35-3.76ZM389.32 128.08c-.05-2.82-.2-5.65-.42-8.47-.43-5.82-1.1-11.66-2.3-17.39a52.63 52.63 0 0 0-2.7-9.31c-.13-.3-.65-.18-.52.14 2.25 5.47 3.27 11.44 4.06 17.28a164.31 164.31 0 0 1 1.35 17.73c."/><path fill="#4380F6" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M294.47 36.91a30.45 30.45 0 0 1 30.46 30.44 30.45 30.45 0 0 1-30.46 30.44 30.43 30.43 0 1 1 0-60.87Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><path fill="#B8E4FF" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M294.47 36.91c7.89 0 15.07 2.99 20.48 7.92l-1.12.44-. 1.12 1.28-.51.2 1.5h-.38l-1.03-.16-1.17.2-1.13 1.59-1.62.24-.22 1.46-.02.97-.1.3-.78 1.52-1.98 1 .21.98-.88.2.69 2.42 1.64-.29.38-1.1-. 1.17 1 .03 1.2 1.2 1.28.46-1.75.83-.47.16 1.7.88 2.6h-1.42l-1.52-1.14-1.6.16v.97h-.5l-.53-.38-2.77-.7V55.9l-3.5.27-1.08.59h-1.37l-.69-.07-1.67.95v1.75l-3.43 2.49.28 1.05h.69l-.18 1-.5.18v2.63l2.96 3.4h1.3l.06-.2h2.33l.67-.63h1.32l.72.72 1.97.2-.27 2.6 2.18 3.85-1.15 2.2.07 1.6v1.59a30.51 30.51 0 0 1-23.74 11.34 30.46 30.46 0 0 1-30.31-27.33l-.05-.71c-.06-.8-.1-1.6-.1-2.38v-1.04l.02-.44.02-.28c.01-.19.01-.38.03-.55l.01-.15c.28-3.41 1.1-6.65 2.38-9.65v1.66l1.3.62v2.47l1.23 2.11 1 .16.14-.72-1.2-1.83-.22-1.79h.7l.3 1.84 1.72 2.5-.45.81 1.09 1.66 2.71.69v-.45l1.1.16-. 1.3.36 1.87 2.13 1.95-1.63 1.13-.06 1.72-.23 1.06 2.35 2.95.18 1s. 0 1.93 1.38 1.93 1.38v5.3l.64.18-.44 2.46 1.1 1.45-.21 2.44 1.45 2.5 1.84 1.62 1.21-.17 1.85-.88.63-1.15 1.94-2.47-.44-1.95.59-1.02 1.79.05 1.2-.96.38-3.75 1.32-1.69.24-1.08-1.21-.39-.82-1.32-2.74-.02-2.16-.83-.1-1.54-.73-1.26-1.96-.04-1.15-1.78-1-.5-.05.55-1.84.1-.67-.93-1.91-.39-1.58 1.84-2.5-.43-.17-2.81-1.8-.3.71-1.38-.2-.78-2.38 1.6-1.49-.2-.54-1.16.34-1.2.83-1.51 1.88-.97h3.67l-.01 1.13 1.32.6-.11-1.9.96-.97 1.91-1.26.14-.87 1.92-2 2.03-1.13-.18-.14 1.38- 1.13-.37.05-1.1-1.18-.71-.1-1.84-1.63.82h-.59l.15-1.4-2.2-.52-.93.69v2.12l-1.64.5-.68 1.38-.7.13v-1.8l-1.55-.21-.78-.51-.3-1.13 2.78-1.63 1.34-. 2.03-.26.9.77-2.37 1.26 3 .72.4-1h1.31l.48-.88-.94-.23v-1.11l-2.92-1.3-2.02.23- 1.45-1.2-.18-.18-.8 1.15-1.03-2.08-.11-.6.19-. 1.15-1.12-.62-.31-.83.8-1.37-.05-.82-1.15h-1.77l-1.84 1.37h1.68l.16.48-.45.43 31.09 0 0 1 17.37-5.32Zm14.93 10.36.28-.43 1.02-.21.28 1.94.62-.99.85-.19.6.24-.06.69-1.28.9h-.71v-.65h-.02Zm-16.89 3.83-.65.05.03-.46.3-.35.39.3-.07.46Zm2.29-.78-.45.03-.1.43-.35.21-.54.05-.02-.23h-.2v-.46h.87l.18-.48h.35l.4.07-.14.38Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><g filter="url(#b)"><path 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