[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Plugin Name: Tutor LMS
 * Plugin URI: https://tutorlms.com
 * Description: Tutor is a complete solution for creating a Learning Management System in WordPress way. It can help you to create small to large scale online education site very conveniently. Power features like report, certificate, course preview, private file sharing make Tutor a robust plugin for any educational institutes.
 * Author: Themeum
 * Version: 3.2.1
 * Author URI: https://themeum.com
 * Requires PHP: 7.4
 * Requires at least: 5.3
 * Tested up to: 6.7
 * License: GPLv2 or later
 * Text Domain: tutor
 * @package Tutor

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

 * Constants for tutor plugin.
define( 'TUTOR_VERSION', '3.2.1' );
define( 'TUTOR_FILE', __FILE__ );

 * Load tutor text domain for translation
add_action( 'init', fn () => load_plugin_textdomain( 'tutor', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' ) );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tutor' ) ) {
	 * Tutor helper function.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @return object
	function tutor() {
		if ( isset( $GLOBALS['tutor_plugin_info'] ) ) {
			return $GLOBALS['tutor_plugin_info'];

		$path    = plugin_dir_path( TUTOR_FILE );
		$has_pro = defined( 'TUTOR_PRO_VERSION' );

		// Prepare the basepath.
		$home_url  = get_home_url();
		$parsed    = parse_url( $home_url );
		$base_path = ( is_array( $parsed ) && isset( $parsed['path'] ) ) ? $parsed['path'] : '/';
		$base_path = rtrim( $base_path, '/' ) . '/';
		// Get current URL.
		$current_url = trailingslashit( $home_url ) . substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen( $base_path ) );//phpcs:ignore

		$info = array(
			'path'                   => $path,
			'url'                    => plugin_dir_url( TUTOR_FILE ),
			'icon_dir'               => plugin_dir_url( TUTOR_FILE ) . 'assets/images/images-v2/icons/',
			'v2_img_dir'             => plugin_dir_url( TUTOR_FILE ) . 'assets/images/images-v2/',
			'current_url'            => $current_url,
			'basename'               => plugin_basename( TUTOR_FILE ),
			'basepath'               => $base_path,
			'version'                => TUTOR_VERSION,
			'nonce_action'           => 'tutor_nonce_action',
			'nonce'                  => '_tutor_nonce',
			'course_post_type'       => apply_filters( 'tutor_course_post_type', 'courses' ),
			'bundle_post_type'       => apply_filters( 'tutor_bundle_post_type', 'course-bundle' ),
			'lesson_post_type'       => apply_filters( 'tutor_lesson_post_type', 'lesson' ),
			'instructor_role'        => apply_filters( 'tutor_instructor_role', 'tutor_instructor' ),
			'template_path'          => apply_filters( 'tutor_template_path', 'tutor/' ),
			'has_pro'                => apply_filters( 'tutor_has_pro', $has_pro ),
			// @since v2.0.6.
			'topics_post_type'       => apply_filters( 'tutor_topics_post_type', 'topics' ),
			'announcement_post_type' => apply_filters( 'tutor_announcement_post_type', 'tutor_announcements' ),
			'assignment_post_type'   => apply_filters( 'tutor_assignment_post_type', 'tutor_assignments' ),
			'enrollment_post_type'   => apply_filters( 'tutor_enrollment_post_type', 'tutor_enrolled' ),
			'quiz_post_type'         => apply_filters( 'tutor_quiz_post_type', 'tutor_quiz' ),
			'zoom_post_type'         => apply_filters( 'tutor_zoom_meeting_post_type', 'tutor_zoom_meeting' ),
			'meet_post_type'         => apply_filters( 'tutor_google_meeting_post_type', 'tutor-google-meet' ),

		$GLOBALS['tutor_plugin_info'] = (object) $info;
		return $GLOBALS['tutor_plugin_info'];

if ( ! class_exists( 'Tutor' ) ) {
	include_once 'classes/Tutor.php';

 * Get all helper functions/methods
 * @return \TUTOR\Utils

if ( ! class_exists( '\TUTOR\Utils' ) ) {
	include_once 'classes/Utils.php';

if ( ! function_exists( 'tutor_utils' ) ) {
	 * Access tutor utils functions
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @return \TUTOR\Utils
	function tutor_utils() {
		if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['tutor_utils_object'] ) ) {
			// Use runtime cache.
			$GLOBALS['tutor_utils_object'] = new \TUTOR\Utils();

		return $GLOBALS['tutor_utils_object'];

if ( ! function_exists( 'tutils' ) ) {
	 * Alias of tutor_utils()
	 * @since 1.3.4
	 * @return \TUTOR\Utils
	function tutils() {
		return tutor_utils();

 * Do some task during activation
 * @since 1.5.2
 * @since 2.6.2 Uninstall hook registered
register_activation_hook( TUTOR_FILE, array( '\TUTOR\Tutor', 'tutor_activate' ) );
register_deactivation_hook( TUTOR_FILE, array( '\TUTOR\Tutor', 'tutor_deactivation' ) );
register_uninstall_hook( TUTOR_FILE, array( '\TUTOR\Tutor', 'tutor_uninstall' ) );

if ( ! function_exists( 'tutor_lms' ) ) {
	 * Run main instance of the Tutor
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @return null|\TUTOR\Tutor
	function tutor_lms() {
		return \TUTOR\Tutor::instance();

$GLOBALS['tutor'] = tutor_lms();


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assets Folder 0755
cache Folder 0755
classes Folder 0755
ecommerce Folder 0755
helpers Folder 0755
includes Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
models Folder 0755
restapi Folder 0755
templates Folder 0755
traits Folder 0755
tutor-droip Folder 0755
vendor Folder 0755
views Folder 0755
readme.txt File 35.26 KB 0644
tutor.php File 4.83 KB 0644