[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
;(function ($, undef) {

var defaults, gm,
  gId = 0,
  isFunction = $.isFunction,
  isArray = $.isArray;

function isObject(m) {
  return typeof m === "object";

function isString(m) {
  return typeof m === "string";

function isNumber(m) {
  return typeof m === "number";

function isUndefined(m) {
  return m === undef;

 * Initialize default values
 * defaults are defined at first gmap3 call to pass the rails asset pipeline and jasmine while google library is not yet loaded
function initDefaults() {
  gm = google.maps;
  if (!defaults) {
    defaults = {
      verbose: false,
      queryLimit: {
        attempt: 5,
        delay: 250, // setTimeout(..., delay + random);
        random: 250
      classes: (function () {
        var r = {};
        $.each("Map Marker InfoWindow Circle Rectangle OverlayView StreetViewPanorama KmlLayer TrafficLayer BicyclingLayer GroundOverlay StyledMapType ImageMapType".split(" "), function (_, k) {
          r[k] = gm[k];
        return r;
      map: {
        mapTypeId : gm.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        center: [46.578498, 2.457275],
        zoom: 2
      overlay: {
        pane: "floatPane",
        content: "",
        offset: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      geoloc: {
        getCurrentPosition: {
          maximumAge: 60000,
          timeout: 5000

 * Generate a new ID if not defined
 * @param id {string} (optional)
 * @param simulate {boolean} (optional)
 * @returns {*}
function globalId(id, simulate) {
  return isUndefined(id) ? "gmap3_" + (simulate ? gId + 1 : ++gId) : id;

 * Return true if current version of Google Maps is equal or above to these in parameter
 * @param version {string} Minimal version required
 * @return {Boolean}
function googleVersionMin(version) {
  var i,
    gmVersion = gm.version.split(".");
  version = version.split(".");
  for (i = 0; i < gmVersion.length; i++) {
    gmVersion[i] = parseInt(gmVersion[i], 10);
  for (i = 0; i < version.length; i++) {
    version[i] = parseInt(version[i], 10);
    if (gmVersion.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
      if (gmVersion[i] < version[i]) {
        return false;
    } else {
      return false;
  return true;

 * attach events from a container to a sender
 * td[
 *  events => { eventName => function, }
 *  onces  => { eventName => function, }
 *  data   => mixed data
 * ]
function attachEvents($container, args, sender, id, senders) {
  var td = args.td || {},
    context = {
      id: id,
      data: td.data,
      tag: td.tag
  function bind(items, handler) {
    if (items) {
      $.each(items, function (name, f) {
        var self = $container, fn = f;
        if (isArray(f)) {
          self = f[0];
          fn = f[1];
        handler(sender, name, function (event) {
          fn.apply(self, [senders || sender, event, context]);
  bind(td.events, gm.event.addListener);
  bind(td.onces, gm.event.addListenerOnce);

 * Extract keys from object
 * @param obj {object}
 * @returns {Array}
function getKeys(obj) {
  var k, keys = [];
  for (k in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
  return keys;

 * copy a key content
function copyKey(target, key) {
  var i,
    args = arguments;
  for (i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
    if (key in args[i]) {
      if (args[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        target[key] = args[i][key];

 * Build a tuple
 * @param args {object}
 * @param value {object}
 * @returns {object}
function tuple(args, value) {
  var k, i,
    keys = ["data", "tag", "id", "events",  "onces"],
    td = {};

  // "copy" the common data
  if (args.td) {
    for (k in args.td) {
      if (args.td.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        if ((k !== "options") && (k !== "values")) {
          td[k] = args.td[k];
  // "copy" some specific keys from value first else args.td
  for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
    copyKey(td, keys[i], value, args.td);

  // create an extended options
  td.options = $.extend({}, args.opts || {}, value.options || {});

  return td;

 * Log error
function error() {
  if (defaults.verbose) {
    var i, err = [];
    if (window.console && (isFunction(console.error))) {
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      console.error.apply(console, err);
    } else {
      err = "";
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        err += arguments[i].toString() + " ";

 * return true if mixed is usable as number
function numeric(mixed) {
  return (isNumber(mixed) || isString(mixed)) && mixed !== "" && !isNaN(mixed);

 * convert data to array
function array(mixed) {
  var k, a = [];
  if (!isUndefined(mixed)) {
    if (isObject(mixed)) {
      if (isNumber(mixed.length)) {
        a = mixed;
      } else {
        for (k in mixed) {
    } else {
  return a;

 * create a function to check a tag
function ftag(tag) {
  if (tag) {
    if (isFunction(tag)) {
      return tag;
    tag = array(tag);
    return function (val) {
      var i;
      if (isUndefined(val)) {
        return false;
      if (isObject(val)) {
        for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
          if ($.inArray(val[i], tag) >= 0) {
            return true;
        return false;
      return $.inArray(val, tag) >= 0;

 * convert mixed [ lat, lng ] objet to gm.LatLng
function toLatLng(mixed, emptyReturnMixed, noFlat) {
  var empty = emptyReturnMixed ? mixed : null;
  if (!mixed || (isString(mixed))) {
    return empty;
  // defined latLng
  if (mixed.latLng) {
    return toLatLng(mixed.latLng);
  // gm.LatLng object
  if (mixed instanceof gm.LatLng) {
    return mixed;
  // {lat:X, lng:Y} object
  if (numeric(mixed.lat)) {
    return new gm.LatLng(mixed.lat, mixed.lng);
  // [X, Y] object
  if (!noFlat && isArray(mixed)) {
    if (!numeric(mixed[0]) || !numeric(mixed[1])) {
      return empty;
    return new gm.LatLng(mixed[0], mixed[1]);
  return empty;

 * convert mixed [ sw, ne ] object by gm.LatLngBounds
function toLatLngBounds(mixed) {
  var ne, sw;
  if (!mixed || mixed instanceof gm.LatLngBounds) {
    return mixed || null;
  if (isArray(mixed)) {
    if (mixed.length === 2) {
      ne = toLatLng(mixed[0]);
      sw = toLatLng(mixed[1]);
    } else if (mixed.length === 4) {
      ne = toLatLng([mixed[0], mixed[1]]);
      sw = toLatLng([mixed[2], mixed[3]]);
  } else {
    if (("ne" in mixed) && ("sw" in mixed)) {
      ne = toLatLng(mixed.ne);
      sw = toLatLng(mixed.sw);
    } else if (("n" in mixed) && ("e" in mixed) && ("s" in mixed) && ("w" in mixed)) {
      ne = toLatLng([mixed.n, mixed.e]);
      sw = toLatLng([mixed.s, mixed.w]);
  if (ne && sw) {
    return new gm.LatLngBounds(sw, ne);
  return null;

 * resolveLatLng
function resolveLatLng(ctx, method, runLatLng, args, attempt) {
  var latLng = runLatLng ? toLatLng(args.td, false, true) : false,
    conf = latLng ?  {latLng: latLng} : (args.td.address ? (isString(args.td.address) ? {address: args.td.address} : args.td.address) : false),
    cache = conf ? geocoderCache.get(conf) : false,
    self = this;
  if (conf) {
    attempt = attempt || 0; // convert undefined to int
    if (cache) {
      args.latLng = cache.results[0].geometry.location;
      args.results = cache.results;
      args.status = cache.status;
      method.apply(ctx, [args]);
    } else {
      if (conf.location) {
        conf.location = toLatLng(conf.location);
      if (conf.bounds) {
        conf.bounds = toLatLngBounds(conf.bounds);
        function (results, status) {
          if (status === gm.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
            geocoderCache.store(conf, {results: results, status: status});
            args.latLng = results[0].geometry.location;
            args.results = results;
            args.status = status;
            method.apply(ctx, [args]);
          } else if ((status === gm.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) && (attempt < defaults.queryLimit.attempt)) {
              function () {
                resolveLatLng.apply(self, [ctx, method, runLatLng, args, attempt + 1]);
              defaults.queryLimit.delay + Math.floor(Math.random() * defaults.queryLimit.random)
          } else {
            error("geocode failed", status, conf);
            args.latLng = args.results = false;
            args.status = status;
            method.apply(ctx, [args]);
  } else {
    args.latLng = toLatLng(args.td, false, true);
    method.apply(ctx, [args]);

function resolveAllLatLng(list, ctx, method, args) {
  var self = this, i = -1;

  function resolve() {
    // look for next address to resolve
    do {
    } while ((i < list.length) && !("address" in list[i]));

    // no address found, so run method
    if (i >= list.length) {
      method.apply(ctx, [args]);

      function (args) {
        delete args.td;
        $.extend(list[i], args);
        resolve.apply(self, []); // resolve next (using apply avoid too much recursion)
      {td: list[i]}

 * geolocalise the user and return a LatLng
function geoloc(ctx, method, args) {
  var is_echo = false; // sometime, a kind of echo appear, this trick will notice once the first call is run to ignore the next one
  if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
      function (pos) {
        if (!is_echo) {
          is_echo = true;
          args.latLng = new gm.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude);
          method.apply(ctx, [args]);
      function () {
        if (!is_echo) {
          is_echo = true;
          args.latLng = false;
          method.apply(ctx, [args]);
  } else {
    args.latLng = false;
    method.apply(ctx, [args]);

 * Return true if get is a direct call
 * it means :
 *   - get is the only key
 *   - get has no callback
 * @param obj {Object} The request to check
 * @return {Boolean}
function isDirectGet(obj) {
  var k,
    result = false;
  if (isObject(obj) && obj.hasOwnProperty("get")) {
    for (k in obj) {
      if (k !== "get") {
        return false;
    result = !obj.get.hasOwnProperty("callback");
  return result;
var services = {},
  geocoderCache = new GeocoderCache();

function geocoder(){
  if (!services.geocoder) {
    services.geocoder = new gm.Geocoder();
  return services.geocoder;
 * Class GeocoderCache
 * @constructor
function GeocoderCache() {
  var cache = [];

  this.get = function (request) {
    if (cache.length) {
      var i, j, k, item, eq,
        keys = getKeys(request);
      for (i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
        item = cache[i];
        eq = keys.length === item.keys.length;
        for (j = 0; (j < keys.length) && eq; j++) {
          k = keys[j];
          eq = k in item.request;
          if (eq) {
            if (isObject(request[k]) && ("equals" in request[k]) && isFunction(request[k])) {
              eq = request[k].equals(item.request[k]);
            } else {
              eq = request[k] === item.request[k];
        if (eq) {
          return item.results;

  this.store = function (request, results) {
    cache.push({request: request, keys: getKeys(request), results: results});
 * Class Stack
 * @constructor
function Stack() {
  var st = [],
    self = this;

  self.empty = function () {
    return !st.length;

  self.add = function (v) {

  self.get = function () {
    return st.length ? st[0] : false;

  self.ack = function () {
 * Class Store
 * @constructor
function Store() {
  var store = {}, // name => [id, ...]
    objects = {}, // id => object
    self = this;

  function normalize(res) {
    return {
      id: res.id,
      name: res.name,
      object: res.obj,
      tag: res.tag,
      data: res.data

   * add a mixed to the store
  self.add = function (args, name, obj, sub) {
    var td = args.td || {},
      id = globalId(td.id);
    if (!store[name]) {
      store[name] = [];
    if (id in objects) { // object already exists: remove it
    objects[id] = {obj: obj, sub: sub, name: name, id: id, tag: td.tag, data: td.data};
    return id;

   * return a stored object by its id
  self.getById = function (id, sub, full) {
    var result = false;
    if (id in objects) {
      if (sub) {
        result = objects[id].sub;
      } else if (full) {
        result = normalize(objects[id]);
      } else {
        result = objects[id].obj;
    return result;

   * return a stored value
  self.get = function (name, last, tag, full) {
    var n, id, check = ftag(tag);
    if (!store[name] || !store[name].length) {
      return null;
    n = store[name].length;
    while (n) {
      id = store[name][last ? n : store[name].length - n - 1];
      if (id && objects[id]) {
        if (check && !check(objects[id].tag)) {
        return full ? normalize(objects[id]) : objects[id].obj;
    return null;

   * return all stored values
  self.all = function (name, tag, full) {
    var result = [],
      check = ftag(tag),
      find = function (n) {
        var i, id;
        for (i = 0; i < store[n].length; i++) {
          id = store[n][i];
          if (id && objects[id]) {
            if (check && !check(objects[id].tag)) {
            result.push(full ? normalize(objects[id]) : objects[id].obj);
    if (name in store) {
    } else if (isUndefined(name)) { // internal use only
      for (name in store) {
    return result;

   * hide and remove an object
  function rm(obj) {
    // Google maps element
    if (isFunction(obj.setMap)) {
    // jQuery
    if (isFunction(obj.remove)) {
    // internal (cluster)
    if (isFunction(obj.free)) {
    obj = null;

   * remove one object from the store
  self.rm = function (name, check, pop) {
    var idx, id;
    if (!store[name]) {
      return false;
    if (check) {
      if (pop) {
        for (idx = store[name].length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
          id = store[name][idx];
          if (check(objects[id].tag)) {
      } else {
        for (idx = 0; idx < store[name].length; idx++) {
          id = store[name][idx];
          if (check(objects[id].tag)) {
    } else {
      idx = pop ? store[name].length - 1 : 0;
    if (!(idx in store[name])) {
      return false;
    return self.clearById(store[name][idx], idx);

   * remove object from the store by its id
  self.clearById = function (id, idx) {
    if (id in objects) {
      var i, name = objects[id].name;
      for (i = 0; isUndefined(idx) && i < store[name].length; i++) {
        if (id === store[name][i]) {
          idx = i;
      if (objects[id].sub) {
      delete objects[id];
      store[name].splice(idx, 1);
      return true;
    return false;

   * return an object from a container object in the store by its id
   * ! for now, only cluster manage this feature
  self.objGetById = function (id) {
    var result, idx;
    if (store.clusterer) {
      for (idx in store.clusterer) {
        if ((result = objects[store.clusterer[idx]].obj.getById(id)) !== false) {
          return result;
    return false;

   * remove object from a container object in the store by its id
   * ! for now, only cluster manage this feature
  self.objClearById = function (id) {
    var idx;
    if (store.clusterer) {
      for (idx in store.clusterer) {
        if (objects[store.clusterer[idx]].obj.clearById(id)) {
          return true;
    return null;

   * remove objects from the store
  self.clear = function (list, last, first, tag) {
    var k, i, name,
      check = ftag(tag);
    if (!list || !list.length) {
      list = [];
      for (k in store) {
    } else {
      list = array(list);
    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
      name = list[i];
      if (last) {
        self.rm(name, check, true);
      } else if (first) {
        self.rm(name, check, false);
      } else { // all
        while (self.rm(name, check, false)) {

   * remove object from a container object in the store by its tags
   * ! for now, only cluster manage this feature
  self.objClear = function (list, last, first, tag) {
    var idx;
    if (store.clusterer && ($.inArray("marker", list) >= 0 || !list.length)) {
      for (idx in store.clusterer) {
        objects[store.clusterer[idx]].obj.clear(last, first, tag);
 * Class Task
 * @param ctx
 * @param onEnd
 * @param td
 * @constructor
function Task(ctx, onEnd, td) {
  var session = {},
    self = this,
    resolve = {
      latLng: { // function => bool (=> address = latLng)
        map: false,
        marker: false,
        infowindow: false,
        circle: false,
        overlay: false,
        getlatlng: false,
        getmaxzoom: false,
        getelevation: false,
        streetviewpanorama: false,
        getaddress: true
      geoloc: {
        getgeoloc: true

  function unify(td) {
    var result = {};
    result[td] = {};
    return result;

  if (isString(td)) {
    td =  unify(td);

  function next() {
    var k;
    for (k in td) {
      if (td.hasOwnProperty(k) && !session.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        return k;

  self.run = function () {
    var k, opts;
    while (k = next()) {
      if (isFunction(ctx[k])) {
        current = k;
        opts = $.extend(true, {}, defaults[k] || {}, td[k].options || {});
        if (k in resolve.latLng) {
          if (td[k].values) {
            resolveAllLatLng(td[k].values, ctx, ctx[k], {td: td[k], opts: opts, session: session});
          } else {
            resolveLatLng(ctx, ctx[k], resolve.latLng[k], {td: td[k], opts: opts, session: session});
        } else if (k in resolve.geoloc) {
          geoloc(ctx, ctx[k], {td: td[k], opts: opts, session: session});
        } else {
          ctx[k].apply(ctx, [{td: td[k], opts: opts, session: session}]);
        return; // wait until ack
      } else {
        session[k] = null;
    onEnd.apply(ctx, [td, session]);

  self.ack = function(result){
    session[current] = result;
    self.run.apply(self, []);

function directionsService(){
  if (!services.ds) {
    services.ds = new gm.DirectionsService();
  return services.ds;

function distanceMatrixService() {
  if (!services.dms) {
    services.dms = new gm.DistanceMatrixService();
  return services.dms;

function maxZoomService() {
  if (!services.mzs) {
    services.mzs = new gm.MaxZoomService();
  return services.mzs;

function elevationService() {
  if (!services.es) {
    services.es = new gm.ElevationService();
  return services.es;

   * Usefull to get a projection
   * => done in a function, to let dead-code analyser works without google library loaded
  function newEmptyOverlay(map, radius) {
    function Overlay() {
      var self = this;
      self.onAdd = function () {};
      self.onRemove = function () {};
      self.draw = function () {};
      return defaults.classes.OverlayView.apply(self, []);
    Overlay.prototype = defaults.classes.OverlayView.prototype;
    var obj = new Overlay();
    return obj;

 * Class InternalClusterer
 * This class manage clusters thanks to "td" objects
 * Note:
 * Individuals marker are created on the fly thanks to the td objects, they are
 * first set to null to keep the indexes synchronised with the td list
 * This is the "display" function, set by the gmap3 object, which uses theses data
 * to create markers when clusters are not required
 * To remove a marker, the objects are deleted and set not null in arrays
 *    markers[key]
 *      = null : marker exist but has not been displayed yet
 *      = false : marker has been removed
function InternalClusterer($container, map, raw) {
  var timer, projection,
    ffilter, fdisplay, ferror, // callback function
    updating = false,
    updated = false,
    redrawing = false,
    ready = false,
    enabled = true,
    self = this,
    events =  [],
    store = {},   // combin of index (id1-id2-...) => object
    ids = {},     // unique id => index
    idxs = {},    // index => unique id
    markers = [], // index => marker
    tds = [],   // index => td or null if removed
    values = [],  // index => value
    overlay = newEmptyOverlay(map, raw.radius);


  function prepareMarker(index) {
    if (!markers[index]) {
      delete tds[index].options.map;
      markers[index] = new defaults.classes.Marker(tds[index].options);
      attachEvents($container, {td: tds[index]}, markers[index], tds[index].id);

   * return a marker by its id, null if not yet displayed and false if no exist or removed
  self.getById = function (id) {
    if (id in ids) {
      return  markers[ids[id]];
    return false;

   * remove one object from the store
  self.rm = function (id) {
    var index = ids[id];
    if (markers[index]) { // can be null
    delete markers[index];
    markers[index] = false;

    delete tds[index];
    tds[index] = false;

    delete values[index];
    values[index] = false;

    delete ids[id];
    delete idxs[index];
    updated = true;

   * remove a marker by its id
  self.clearById = function (id) {
    if (id in ids){
      return true;

   * remove objects from the store
  self.clear = function (last, first, tag) {
    var start, stop, step, index, i,
      list = [],
      check = ftag(tag);
    if (last) {
      start = tds.length - 1;
      stop = -1;
      step = -1;
    } else {
      start = 0;
      stop =  tds.length;
      step = 1;
    for (index = start; index !== stop; index += step) {
      if (tds[index]) {
        if (!check || check(tds[index].tag)) {
          if (first || last) {
    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

  // add a "marker td" to the cluster
  self.add = function (td, value) {
    td.id = globalId(td.id);
    ids[td.id] = markers.length;
    idxs[markers.length] = td.id;
    markers.push(null); // null = marker not yet created / displayed
    updated = true;

  // add a real marker to the cluster
  self.addMarker = function (marker, td) {
    td = td || {};
    td.id = globalId(td.id);
    if (!td.options) {
      td.options = {};
    td.options.position = marker.getPosition();
    attachEvents($container, {td: td}, marker, td.id);
    ids[td.id] = markers.length;
    idxs[markers.length] = td.id;
    values.push(td.data || {});
    updated = true;

  // return a "marker td" by its index
  self.td = function (index) {
    return tds[index];

  // return a "marker value" by its index
  self.value = function (index) {
    return values[index];

  // return a marker by its index
  self.marker = function (index) {
    if (index in markers) {
      return  markers[index];
    return false;

  // return a marker by its index
  self.markerIsSet = function (index) {
    return Boolean(markers[index]);

  // store a new marker instead if the default "false"
  self.setMarker = function (index, marker) {
    markers[index] = marker;

  // link the visible overlay to the logical data (to hide overlays later)
  self.store = function (cluster, obj, shadow) {
    store[cluster.ref] = {obj: obj, shadow: shadow};

  // free all objects
  self.free = function () {
    var i;
    for(i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
    events = [];

    $.each(store, function (key) {
    store = {};

    $.each(tds, function (i) {
      tds[i] = null;
    tds = [];

    $.each(markers, function (i) {
      if (markers[i]) { // false = removed
        delete markers[i];
    markers = [];

    $.each(values, function (i) {
      delete values[i];
    values = [];

    ids = {};
    idxs = {};

  // link the display function
  self.filter = function (f) {
    ffilter = f;

  // enable/disable the clustering feature
  self.enable = function (value) {
    if (enabled !== value) {
      enabled = value;

  // link the display function
  self.display = function (f) {
    fdisplay = f;

  // link the errorfunction
  self.error = function (f) {
    ferror = f;

  // lock the redraw
  self.beginUpdate = function () {
    updating = true;

  // unlock the redraw
  self.endUpdate = function () {
    updating = false;
    if (updated) {

  // extends current bounds with internal markers
  self.autofit = function (bounds) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
      if (tds[i]) {

  // bind events
  function main() {
    projection = overlay.getProjection();
    if (!projection) {
      setTimeout(function () { main.apply(self, []); }, 25);
    ready = true;
    events.push(gm.event.addListener(map, "zoom_changed", delayRedraw));
    events.push(gm.event.addListener(map, "bounds_changed", delayRedraw));

  // flush overlays
  function flush(key) {
    if (isObject(store[key])) { // is overlay
      if (isFunction(store[key].obj.setMap)) {
      if (isFunction(store[key].obj.remove)) {
      if (isFunction(store[key].shadow.remove)) {
      if (isFunction(store[key].shadow.setMap)) {
      delete store[key].obj;
      delete store[key].shadow;
    } else if (markers[key]) { // marker not removed
      // don't remove the marker object, it may be displayed later
    delete store[key];

   * return the distance between 2 latLng couple into meters
   * Params :
   *  Lat1, Lng1, Lat2, Lng2
   *  LatLng1, Lat2, Lng2
   *  Lat1, Lng1, LatLng2
   *  LatLng1, LatLng2
  function distanceInMeter() {
    var lat1, lat2, lng1, lng2, e, f, g, h,
      cos = Math.cos,
      sin = Math.sin,
      args = arguments;
    if (args[0] instanceof gm.LatLng) {
      lat1 = args[0].lat();
      lng1 = args[0].lng();
      if (args[1] instanceof gm.LatLng) {
        lat2 = args[1].lat();
        lng2 = args[1].lng();
      } else {
        lat2 = args[1];
        lng2 = args[2];
    } else {
      lat1 = args[0];
      lng1 = args[1];
      if (args[2] instanceof gm.LatLng) {
        lat2 = args[2].lat();
        lng2 = args[2].lng();
      } else {
        lat2 = args[2];
        lng2 = args[3];
    e = Math.PI * lat1 / 180;
    f = Math.PI * lng1 / 180;
    g = Math.PI * lat2 / 180;
    h = Math.PI * lng2 / 180;
    return 1000 * 6371 * Math.acos(Math.min(cos(e) * cos(g) * cos(f) * cos(h) + cos(e) * sin(f) * cos(g) * sin(h) + sin(e) * sin(g), 1));

  // extend the visible bounds
  function extendsMapBounds() {
    var radius = distanceInMeter(map.getCenter(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast()),
      circle = new gm.Circle({
        center: map.getCenter(),
        radius: 1.25 * radius // + 25%
    return circle.getBounds();

  // return an object where keys are store keys
  function getStoreKeys() {
    var k,
      keys = {};
    for (k in store) {
      keys[k] = true;
    return keys;

  // async the delay function
  function delayRedraw() {
    timer = setTimeout(redraw, 25);

  // generate bounds extended by radius
  function extendsBounds(latLng) {
    var p = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(latLng),
      ne = projection.fromDivPixelToLatLng(new gm.Point(p.x + raw.radius, p.y - raw.radius)),
      sw = projection.fromDivPixelToLatLng(new gm.Point(p.x - raw.radius, p.y + raw.radius));
    return new gm.LatLngBounds(sw, ne);

  // run the clustering process and call the display function
  function redraw() {
    if (updating || redrawing || !ready) {

    var i, j, k, indexes, check = false, bounds, cluster, position, previous, lat, lng, loop,
      keys = [],
      used = {},
      zoom = map.getZoom(),
      forceDisabled = ("maxZoom" in raw) && (zoom > raw.maxZoom),
      previousKeys = getStoreKeys();

    // reset flag
    updated = false;

    if (zoom > 3) {
      // extend the bounds of the visible map to manage clusters near the boundaries
      bounds = extendsMapBounds();

      // check contain only if boundaries are valid
      check = bounds.getSouthWest().lng() < bounds.getNorthEast().lng();

    // calculate positions of "visibles" markers (in extended bounds)
    for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
      if (tds[i] && (!check || bounds.contains(tds[i].options.position)) && (!ffilter || ffilter(values[i]))) {

    // for each "visible" marker, search its neighbors to create a cluster
    // we can't do a classical "for" loop, because, analysis can bypass a marker while focusing on cluster
    while (1) {
      i = 0;
      while (used[i] && (i < keys.length)) { // look for the next marker not used
      if (i === keys.length) {

      indexes = [];

      if (enabled && !forceDisabled) {
        loop = 10;
        do {
          previous = indexes;
          indexes = [];

          if (previous.length) {
            position = bounds.getCenter();
          } else {
            position = tds[keys[i]].options.position;
          bounds = extendsBounds(position);

          for (j = i; j < keys.length; j++) {
            if (used[j]) {
            if (bounds.contains(tds[keys[j]].options.position)) {
        } while ((previous.length < indexes.length) && (indexes.length > 1) && loop);
      } else {
        for (j = i; j < keys.length; j++) {
          if (!used[j]) {

      cluster = {indexes: [], ref: []};
      lat = lng = 0;
      for (k = 0; k < indexes.length; k++) {
        used[indexes[k]] = true;
        lat += tds[keys[indexes[k]]].options.position.lat();
        lng += tds[keys[indexes[k]]].options.position.lng();
      lat /= indexes.length;
      lng /= indexes.length;
      cluster.latLng = new gm.LatLng(lat, lng);

      cluster.ref = cluster.ref.join("-");

      if (cluster.ref in previousKeys) { // cluster doesn't change
        delete previousKeys[cluster.ref]; // remove this entry, these still in this array will be removed
      } else { // cluster is new
        if (indexes.length === 1) { // alone markers are not stored, so need to keep the key (else, will be displayed every time and marker will blink)
          store[cluster.ref] = true;

    // flush the previous overlays which are not still used
    $.each(previousKeys, function (key) {
    redrawing = false;
 * Class Clusterer
 * a facade with limited method for external use
function Clusterer(id, internalClusterer) {
  var self = this;
  self.id = function () {
    return id;
  self.filter = function (f) {
  self.enable = function () {
  self.disable = function () {
  self.add = function (marker, td, lock) {
    if (!lock) {
    internalClusterer.addMarker(marker, td);
    if (!lock) {
  self.getById = function (id) {
    return internalClusterer.getById(id);
  self.clearById = function (id, lock) {
    var result;
    if (!lock) {
    result = internalClusterer.clearById(id);
    if (!lock) {
    return result;
  self.clear = function (last, first, tag, lock) {
    if (!lock) {
    internalClusterer.clear(last, first, tag);
    if (!lock) {

 * Class OverlayView
 * @constructor
function OverlayView(map, opts, latLng, $div) {
  var self = this,
    listeners = [];


  self.onAdd = function () {
    var panes = self.getPanes();
    if (opts.pane in panes) {
    $.each("dblclick click mouseover mousemove mouseout mouseup mousedown".split(" "), function (i, name) {
        gm.event.addDomListener($div[0], name, function (e) {
          gm.event.trigger(self, name, [e]);
      gm.event.addDomListener($div[0], "contextmenu", function (e) {
        gm.event.trigger(self, "rightclick", [e]);

  self.getPosition = function () {
    return latLng;

  self.setPosition = function (newLatLng) {
    latLng = newLatLng;

  self.draw = function () {
    var ps = self.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(latLng);
      .css("left", (ps.x + opts.offset.x) + "px")
      .css("top", (ps.y + opts.offset.y) + "px");

  self.onRemove = function () {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {

  self.hide = function () {

  self.show = function () {

  self.toggle = function () {
    if ($div) {
      if ($div.is(":visible")) {
      } else {

  self.toggleDOM = function () {
    self.setMap(self.getMap() ? null : map);

  self.getDOMElement = function () {
    return $div[0];

function Gmap3($this) {
  var self = this,
    stack = new Stack(),
    store = new Store(),
    map = null,

   * if not running, start next action in stack
  function run() {
    if (!task && (task = stack.get())) {

   * called when action in finished, to acknoledge the current in stack and start next one
  function end() {
    task = null;
    run.call(self); // restart to high level scope

// Tools

   * execute callback functions
  function callback(args) {
    var params,
      cb = args.td.callback;
    if (cb) {
      params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
      if (isFunction(cb)) {
        cb.apply($this, params);
      } else if (isArray(cb)) {
        if (isFunction(cb[1])) {
          cb[1].apply(cb[0], params);

   * execute ending functions
  function manageEnd(args, obj, id) {
    if (id) {
      attachEvents($this, args, obj, id);
    callback(args, obj);

   * initialize the map if not yet initialized
  function newMap(latLng, args) {
    args = args || {};
    var opts = args.td && args.td.options ? args.td.options : 0;
    if (map) {
      if (opts) {
        if (opts.center) {
          opts.center = toLatLng(opts.center);
    } else {
      opts = args.opts || $.extend(true, {}, defaults.map, opts || {});
      opts.center = latLng || toLatLng(opts.center);
      map = new defaults.classes.Map($this.get(0), opts);

   * store actions to execute in a stack manager
  self._plan = function (list) {
    var k;
    for (k = 0; k < list.length; k++) {
      stack.add(new Task(self, end, list[k]));

   * Initialize gm.Map object
  self.map = function (args) {
    newMap(args.latLng, args);
    attachEvents($this, args, map);
    manageEnd(args, map);

   * destroy an existing instance
  self.destroy = function (args) {
    if (map) {
      map = null;
    manageEnd(args, true);

   * add an overlay
  self.overlay = function (args, internal) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.td.values = [{latLng: args.latLng, options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    if (!OverlayView.__initialised) {
      OverlayView.prototype = new defaults.classes.OverlayView();
      OverlayView.__initialised = true;
    $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
      var id, obj, td = tuple(args, value),
        $div = $(document.createElement("div")).css({
          border: "none",
          borderWidth: 0,
          position: "absolute"
      obj = new OverlayView(map, td.options, toLatLng(td) || toLatLng(value), $div);
      $div = null; // memory leak
      if (!internal) {
        id = store.add(args, "overlay", obj);
        attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    if (internal) {
      return objs[0];
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * Create an InternalClusterer object
  function createClusterer(raw) {
    var internalClusterer = new InternalClusterer($this, map, raw),
      td = {},
      styles = {},
      thresholds = [],
      isInt = /^[0-9]+$/,

    for (k in raw) {
      if (isInt.test(k)) {
        thresholds.push(1 * k); // cast to int
        styles[k] = raw[k];
        styles[k].width = styles[k].width || 0;
        styles[k].height = styles[k].height || 0;
      } else {
        td[k] = raw[k];
    thresholds.sort(function (a, b) { return a > b; });

    // external calculator
    if (td.calculator) {
      calculator = function (indexes) {
        var data = [];
        $.each(indexes, function (i, index) {
        return td.calculator.apply($this, [data]);
    } else {
      calculator = function (indexes) {
        return indexes.length;

    // set error function
    internalClusterer.error(function () {
      error.apply(self, arguments);

    // set display function
    internalClusterer.display(function (cluster) {
      var i, style, atd, obj, offset, shadow,
        cnt = calculator(cluster.indexes);

      // look for the style to use
      if (raw.force || cnt > 1) {
        for (i = 0; i < thresholds.length; i++) {
          if (thresholds[i] <= cnt) {
            style = styles[thresholds[i]];

      if (style) {
        offset = style.offset || [-style.width/2, -style.height/2];
        // create a custom overlay command
        // nb: 2 extends are faster self a deeper extend
        atd = $.extend({}, td);
        atd.options = $.extend({
            pane: "overlayLayer",
            content: style.content ? style.content.replace("CLUSTER_COUNT", cnt) : "",
            offset: {
              x: ("x" in offset ? offset.x : offset[0]) || 0,
              y: ("y" in offset ? offset.y : offset[1]) || 0
          td.options || {});

        obj = self.overlay({td: atd, opts: atd.options, latLng: toLatLng(cluster)}, true);

        atd.options.pane = "floatShadow";
        atd.options.content = $(document.createElement("div")).width(style.width + "px").height(style.height + "px").css({cursor: "pointer"});
        shadow = self.overlay({td: atd, opts: atd.options, latLng: toLatLng(cluster)}, true);

        // store data to the clusterer
        td.data = {
          latLng: toLatLng(cluster),
        $.each(cluster.indexes, function(i, index){
          if (internalClusterer.markerIsSet(index)){
        attachEvents($this, {td: td}, shadow, undef, {main: obj, shadow: shadow});
        internalClusterer.store(cluster, obj, shadow);
      } else {
        $.each(cluster.indexes, function (i, index) {

    return internalClusterer;

   *  add a marker
  self.marker = function (args) {
    var objs,
      clusterer, internalClusterer,
      multiple = "values" in args.td,
      init = !map;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.opts.position = args.latLng || toLatLng(args.opts.position);
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    if (init) {
    if (args.td.cluster && !map.getBounds()) { // map not initialised => bounds not available : wait for map if clustering feature is required
      gm.event.addListenerOnce(map, "bounds_changed", function () { self.marker.apply(self, [args]); });
    if (args.td.cluster) {
      if (args.td.cluster instanceof Clusterer) {
        clusterer = args.td.cluster;
        internalClusterer = store.getById(clusterer.id(), true);
      } else {
        internalClusterer = createClusterer(args.td.cluster);
        clusterer = new Clusterer(globalId(args.td.id, true), internalClusterer);
        store.add(args, "clusterer", clusterer, internalClusterer);

      $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
        var td = tuple(args, value);
        td.options.position = td.options.position ? toLatLng(td.options.position) : toLatLng(value);
        if (td.options.position) {
          td.options.map = map;
          if (init) {
            init = false;
          internalClusterer.add(td, value);

      manageEnd(args, clusterer);

    } else {
      objs = [];
      $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
        var id, obj,
          td = tuple(args, value);
        td.options.position = td.options.position ? toLatLng(td.options.position) : toLatLng(value);
        if (td.options.position) {
          td.options.map = map;
          if (init) {
            init = false;
          obj = new defaults.classes.Marker(td.options);
          id = store.add({td: td}, "marker", obj);
          attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
      manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * return a route
  self.getroute = function (args) {
    args.opts.origin = toLatLng(args.opts.origin, true);
    args.opts.destination = toLatLng(args.opts.destination, true);
      function (results, status) {
        callback(args, status === gm.DirectionsStatus.OK ? results : false, status);

   * return the distance between an origin and a destination
  self.getdistance = function (args) {
    var i;
    args.opts.origins = array(args.opts.origins);
    for (i = 0; i < args.opts.origins.length; i++) {
      args.opts.origins[i] = toLatLng(args.opts.origins[i], true);
    args.opts.destinations = array(args.opts.destinations);
    for (i = 0; i < args.opts.destinations.length; i++) {
      args.opts.destinations[i] = toLatLng(args.opts.destinations[i], true);
      function (results, status) {
        callback(args, status === gm.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK ? results : false, status);

   * add an infowindow
  self.infowindow = function (args) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      if (args.latLng) {
        args.opts.position = args.latLng;
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
      var id, obj,
        td = tuple(args, value);
      td.options.position = td.options.position ? toLatLng(td.options.position) : toLatLng(value.latLng);
      if (!map) {
      obj = new defaults.classes.InfoWindow(td.options);
      if (obj && (isUndefined(td.open) || td.open)) {
        if (multiple) {
          obj.open(map, td.anchor || undef);
        } else {
          obj.open(map, td.anchor || (args.latLng ? undef : (args.session.marker ? args.session.marker : undef)));
      id = store.add({td: td}, "infowindow", obj);
      attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * add a circle
  self.circle = function (args) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.opts.center = args.latLng || toLatLng(args.opts.center);
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
      var id, obj,
        td = tuple(args, value);
      td.options.center = td.options.center ? toLatLng(td.options.center) : toLatLng(value);
      if (!map) {
      td.options.map = map;
      obj = new defaults.classes.Circle(td.options);
      id = store.add({td: td}, "circle", obj);
      attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * returns address structure from latlng
  self.getaddress = function (args) {
    callback(args, args.results, args.status);

   * returns latlng from an address
  self.getlatlng = function (args) {
    callback(args, args.results, args.status);

   * return the max zoom of a location
  self.getmaxzoom = function (args) {
      function (result) {
        callback(args, result.status === gm.MaxZoomStatus.OK ? result.zoom : false, status);

   * return the elevation of a location
  self.getelevation = function (args) {
    var i,
      locations = [],
      f = function (results, status) {
        callback(args, status === gm.ElevationStatus.OK ? results : false, status);

    if (args.latLng) {
    } else {
      locations = array(args.td.locations || []);
      for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
        locations[i] = toLatLng(locations[i]);
    if (locations.length) {
      elevationService().getElevationForLocations({locations: locations}, f);
    } else {
      if (args.td.path && args.td.path.length) {
        for (i = 0; i < args.td.path.length; i++) {
      if (locations.length) {
        elevationService().getElevationAlongPath({path: locations, samples:args.td.samples}, f);
      } else {

   * define defaults values
  self.defaults = function (args) {
    $.each(args.td, function(name, value) {
      if (isObject(defaults[name])) {
        defaults[name] = $.extend({}, defaults[name], value);
      } else {
        defaults[name] = value;

   * add a rectangle
  self.rectangle = function (args) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
      var id, obj,
        td = tuple(args, value);
      td.options.bounds = td.options.bounds ? toLatLngBounds(td.options.bounds) : toLatLngBounds(value);
      if (!map) {
      td.options.map = map;

      obj = new defaults.classes.Rectangle(td.options);
      id = store.add({td: td}, "rectangle", obj);
      attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * add a polygone / polyline
  function poly(args, poly, path) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    $.each(args.td.values, function (_, value) {
      var id, i, j, obj,
        td = tuple(args, value);
      if (td.options[path]) {
        if (td.options[path][0][0] && isArray(td.options[path][0][0])) {
          for (i = 0; i < td.options[path].length; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < td.options[path][i].length; j++) {
              td.options[path][i][j] = toLatLng(td.options[path][i][j]);
        } else {
          for (i = 0; i < td.options[path].length; i++) {
            td.options[path][i] = toLatLng(td.options[path][i]);
      td.options.map = map;
      obj = new gm[poly](td.options);
      id = store.add({td: td}, poly.toLowerCase(), obj);
      attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

  self.polyline = function (args) {
    poly(args, "Polyline", "path");

  self.polygon = function (args) {
    poly(args, "Polygon", "paths");

   * add a traffic layer
  self.trafficlayer = function (args) {
    var obj = store.get("trafficlayer");
    if (!obj) {
      obj = new defaults.classes.TrafficLayer();
      store.add(args, "trafficlayer", obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj);

   * add a bicycling layer
  self.bicyclinglayer = function (args) {
    var obj = store.get("bicyclinglayer");
    if (!obj) {
      obj = new defaults.classes.BicyclingLayer();
      store.add(args, "bicyclinglayer", obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj);

   * add a ground overlay
  self.groundoverlay = function (args) {
    args.opts.bounds = toLatLngBounds(args.opts.bounds);
    if (args.opts.bounds){
    var id,
      obj = new defaults.classes.GroundOverlay(args.opts.url, args.opts.bounds, args.opts.opts);
    id = store.add(args, "groundoverlay", obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj, id);

   * set a streetview
  self.streetviewpanorama = function (args) {
    if (!args.opts.opts) {
      args.opts.opts = {};
    if (args.latLng) {
      args.opts.opts.position = args.latLng;
    } else if (args.opts.opts.position) {
      args.opts.opts.position = toLatLng(args.opts.opts.position);
    if (args.td.divId) {
      args.opts.container = document.getElementById(args.td.divId);
    } else if (args.opts.container) {
      args.opts.container = $(args.opts.container).get(0);
    var id, obj = new defaults.classes.StreetViewPanorama(args.opts.container, args.opts.opts);
    if (obj) {
    id = store.add(args, "streetviewpanorama", obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj, id);

  self.kmllayer = function (args) {
    var objs = [],
      multiple = "values" in args.td;
    if (!multiple) {
      args.td.values = [{options: args.opts}];
    if (!args.td.values.length) {
      manageEnd(args, false);
    $.each(args.td.values, function (i, value) {
      var id, obj, options,
        td = tuple(args, value);
      if (!map) {
      options = td.options;
      // compatibility 5.0-
      if (td.options.opts) {
        options = td.options.opts;
        if (td.options.url) {
          options.url = td.options.url;
      // -- end --
      options.map = map;
      if (googleVersionMin("3.10")) {
        obj = new defaults.classes.KmlLayer(options);
      } else {
        obj = new defaults.classes.KmlLayer(options.url, options);
      id = store.add({td: td}, "kmllayer", obj);
      attachEvents($this, {td: td}, obj, id);
    manageEnd(args, multiple ? objs : objs[0]);

   * add a fix panel
  self.panel = function (args) {
    var id, $content,
      x = 0,
      y = 0,
      $div = $(document.createElement("div"));

      position: "absolute",
      zIndex: 1000,
      visibility: "hidden"

    if (args.opts.content) {
      $content = $(args.opts.content);

      if (!isUndefined(args.opts.left)) {
        x = args.opts.left;
      } else if (!isUndefined(args.opts.right)) {
        x = $this.width() - $content.width() - args.opts.right;
      } else if (args.opts.center) {
        x = ($this.width() - $content.width()) / 2;

      if (!isUndefined(args.opts.top)) {
        y = args.opts.top;
      } else if (!isUndefined(args.opts.bottom)) {
        y = $this.height() - $content.height() - args.opts.bottom;
      } else if (args.opts.middle) {
        y = ($this.height() - $content.height()) / 2

        top: y,
        left: x,
        visibility: "visible"

    id = store.add(args, "panel", $div);
    manageEnd(args, $div, id);
    $div = null; // memory leak

   * add a direction renderer
  self.directionsrenderer = function (args) {
    args.opts.map = map;
    var id,
      obj = new gm.DirectionsRenderer(args.opts);
    if (args.td.divId) {
    } else if (args.td.container) {
    id = store.add(args, "directionsrenderer", obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj, id);

   * returns latLng of the user
  self.getgeoloc = function (args) {
    manageEnd(args, args.latLng);

   * add a style
  self.styledmaptype = function (args) {
    var obj = new defaults.classes.StyledMapType(args.td.styles, args.opts);
    map.mapTypes.set(args.td.id, obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj);

   * add an imageMapType
  self.imagemaptype = function (args) {
    var obj = new defaults.classes.ImageMapType(args.opts);
    map.mapTypes.set(args.td.id, obj);
    manageEnd(args, obj);

   * autofit a map using its overlays (markers, rectangles ...)
  self.autofit = function (args) {
    var bounds = new gm.LatLngBounds();
    $.each(store.all(), function (i, obj) {
      if (obj.getPosition) {
      } else if (obj.getBounds) {
      } else if (obj.getPaths) {
        obj.getPaths().forEach(function (path) {
          path.forEach(function (latLng) {
      } else if (obj.getPath) {
        obj.getPath().forEach(function (latLng) {
      } else if (obj.getCenter) {
      } else if (typeof Clusterer === "function" && obj instanceof Clusterer) {
        obj = store.getById(obj.id(), true);
        if (obj) {

    if (!bounds.isEmpty() && (!map.getBounds() || !map.getBounds().equals(bounds))) {
      if ("maxZoom" in args.td) {
        // fitBouds Callback event => detect zoom level and check maxZoom
          function () {
            if (this.getZoom() > args.td.maxZoom) {
    manageEnd(args, true);

   * remove objects from a map
  self.clear = function (args) {
    if (isString(args.td)) {
      if (store.clearById(args.td) || store.objClearById(args.td)) {
        manageEnd(args, true);
      args.td = {name: args.td};
    if (args.td.id) {
      $.each(array(args.td.id), function (i, id) {
        store.clearById(id) || store.objClearById(id);
    } else {
      store.clear(array(args.td.name), args.td.last, args.td.first, args.td.tag);
      store.objClear(array(args.td.name), args.td.last, args.td.first, args.td.tag);
    manageEnd(args, true);

   * return objects previously created
  self.get = function (args, direct, full) {
    var name, res,
      td = direct ? args : args.td;
    if (!direct) {
      full = td.full;
    if (isString(td)) {
      res = store.getById(td, false, full) || store.objGetById(td);
      if (res === false) {
        name = td;
        td = {};
    } else {
      name = td.name;
    if (name === "map") {
      res = map;
    if (!res) {
      res = [];
      if (td.id) {
        $.each(array(td.id), function (i, id) {
          res.push(store.getById(id, false, full) || store.objGetById(id));
        if (!isArray(td.id)) {
          res = res[0];
      } else {
        $.each(name ? array(name) : [undef], function (i, aName) {
          var result;
          if (td.first) {
            result = store.get(aName, false, td.tag, full);
            if (result) {
          } else if (td.all) {
            $.each(store.all(aName, td.tag, full), function (i, result) {
          } else {
            result = store.get(aName, true, td.tag, full);
            if (result) {
        if (!td.all && !isArray(name)) {
          res = res[0];
    res = isArray(res) || !td.all ? res : [res];
    if (direct) {
      return res;
    } else {
      manageEnd(args, res);

   * run a function on each items selected
  self.exec = function (args) {
    $.each(array(args.td.func), function (i, func) {
      $.each(self.get(args.td, true, args.td.hasOwnProperty("full") ? args.td.full : true), function (j, res) {
        func.call($this, res);
    manageEnd(args, true);

   * trigger events on the map
  self.trigger = function (args) {
    if (isString(args.td)) {
      gm.event.trigger(map, args.td);
    } else {
      var options = [map, args.td.eventName];
      if (args.td.var_args) {
        $.each(args.td.var_args, function (i, v) {
      gm.event.trigger.apply(gm.event, options);

$.fn.gmap3 = function () {
  var i,
    list = [],
    empty = true,
    results = [];

  // init library

  // store all arguments in a td list
  for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    if (arguments[i]) {

  // resolve empty call - run init
  if (!list.length) {

  // loop on each jQuery object
  $.each(this, function () {
    var $this = $(this),
      gmap3 = $this.data("gmap3");
    empty = false;
    if (!gmap3) {
      gmap3 = new Gmap3($this);
      $this.data("gmap3", gmap3);
    if (list.length === 1 && (list[0] === "get" || isDirectGet(list[0]))) {
      if (list[0] === "get") {
        results.push(gmap3.get("map", true));
      } else {
        results.push(gmap3.get(list[0].get, true, list[0].get.full));
    } else {

  // return for direct call only
  if (results.length) {
    if (results.length === 1) { // 1 css selector
      return results[0];
    return results;

  return this;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
line-awesome Folder 0755
owl-carousel Folder 0755
skrollr Folder 0755
circle-progress.min.js File 4.34 KB 0644
count-to.js File 2.56 KB 0644
countdown.js File 2.24 KB 0644
gmap3.min.js File 61.38 KB 0644
isotope.pkgd.min.js File 34.67 KB 0644
jquery.appear.js File 4.27 KB 0644
jquery.ui.map.min.js File 3.21 KB 0644
typed.min.js File 11.48 KB 0644