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hmhc3928@ ~ $
// Gradients

// scss-docs-start gradient-bg-mixin
@mixin gradient-bg($color: null) {
  background-color: $color;

  @if $enable-gradients {
    background-image: var(--#{$variable-prefix}gradient);
// scss-docs-end gradient-bg-mixin

// scss-docs-start gradient-mixins
// Horizontal gradient, from left to right
// Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
@mixin gradient-x($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $start-percent: 0%, $end-percent: 100%) {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $start-color $start-percent, $end-color $end-percent);

// Vertical gradient, from top to bottom
// Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
@mixin gradient-y($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $start-percent: null, $end-percent: null) {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $start-color $start-percent, $end-color $end-percent);

@mixin gradient-directional($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $deg: 45deg) {
  background-image: linear-gradient($deg, $start-color, $end-color);

@mixin gradient-x-three-colors($start-color: $blue, $mid-color: $purple, $color-stop: 50%, $end-color: $red) {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $start-color, $mid-color $color-stop, $end-color);

@mixin gradient-y-three-colors($start-color: $blue, $mid-color: $purple, $color-stop: 50%, $end-color: $red) {
  background-image: linear-gradient($start-color, $mid-color $color-stop, $end-color);

@mixin gradient-radial($inner-color: $gray-700, $outer-color: $gray-800) {
  background-image: radial-gradient(circle, $inner-color, $outer-color);

@mixin gradient-striped($color: rgba($white, .15), $angle: 45deg) {
  background-image: linear-gradient($angle, $color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, $color 50%, $color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
// scss-docs-end gradient-mixins


Name Type Size Permission Actions
_alert.scss File 268 B 0644
_border-radius.scss File 1.98 KB 0644
_box-shadow.scss File 398 B 0644
_breakpoints.scss File 4.38 KB 0644
_buttons.scss File 4.13 KB 0644
_caret.scss File 1.44 KB 0644
_clearfix.scss File 147 B 0644
_color-scheme.scss File 167 B 0644
_container.scss File 265 B 0644
_deprecate.scss File 613 B 0644
_forms.scss File 3.8 KB 0644
_gradients.scss File 1.92 KB 0644
_grid.scss File 3.88 KB 0644
_image.scss File 395 B 0644
_list-group.scss File 509 B 0644
_lists.scss File 168 B 0644
_pagination.scss File 741 B 0644
_reset-text.scss File 495 B 0644
_resize.scss File 202 B 0644
_table-variants.scss File 980 B 0644
_text-truncate.scss File 168 B 0644
_transition.scss File 661 B 0644
_utilities.scss File 2.23 KB 0644
_visually-hidden.scss File 1011 B 0644