[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
/*Font WooCommerce*/

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.input-text {
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  // Disabled and read-only inputs
  // HTML5 says that controls under a fieldset > legend:first-child won't be
  // disabled if the fieldset is disabled. Due to implementation difficulty, we
  // don't honor that edge case; we style them as disabled anyway.
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  // [converter] extracted textarea& to textarea.form-control
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.form-row {
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	width: 100%;
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/* Wooecommerce - Button - Input Submit
.button, #submit {
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/* End
        text-decoration: none !important;

/* End

p.demo_store {
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	right: 0;
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.admin-bar {
	p.demo_store {

.wc-forward, .wc-forward a {
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.wc-backward, .wc-backward a {
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    woocommerce tabs
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               color: $black;
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        margin: 0;
      padding: 15px 0 0;
      text-align: left;
    	font-size: 22px;
    	text-transform: capitalize;
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	.star-rating {
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		overflow: hidden;
		position: relative;
		font-size: 1.1em;
		font-family: 'star';
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			left: 0;
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				content: "\53\53\53\53\53";
				top: 0;
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
	#reviews {
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			line-height: 21px;
			margin: 10px 0 0 0;
			a {
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         width: 100%;
         font-size: 14px;
         color: $black;
         display: inline-block;
         margin-bottom: 8px;
           display: none;
         p.stars a{
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            font-size: 14px;
            font-weight: 500;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            letter-spacing: 1px;
            color: $black;
            min-height: 120px;
		#comments {
         margin: 0;
			> h2{
				font-size: 16px;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            letter-spacing: 2px;
			.add_review {
				@include clearfix();
			ol.commentlist {
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				margin: 0;
				width: 100%;
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						background: $white;
						border: 1px solid $border-color;
                  position: absolute;
                  left: 0;
                  top: 50%;
                  margin-top: -40px;
					.comment-text {
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						p {
							margin: 0 0 1em;
				ul.children {
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					.star-rating {
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					@include border-radius(4px);
					padding: 1em 1em 0 0;
					margin: 20px 0 0 50px;
          display: block;
            @include square(percentage(1));
			.commentlist > li:before {
				content: "";

      font-size: 14px;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      margin: 10px 0 20px;
   .star-rating {
      @include size(6em, 1.2em);
      float: right;
      overflow: hidden;
      position: relative;
      font-size: 1.1em;
      font-family: 'star';
      &:before {
         top: 0;
         content: "\73\73\73\73\73";
         color: darken($border-color, 10);
         float: left;
         left: 0;
         position: absolute;
      span {
         overflow: hidden;
         float: left;
         left: 0;
         top: 0;
         position: absolute;
         padding-top: 1.5em;
         &:before {
            content: "\53\53\53\53\53";
            top: 0;
            position: absolute;
            left: 0;
   #reviews {
      h2 small {
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         line-height: 21px;
         margin: 10px 0 0 0;
         a {
      #comment {
         height: 75px;
         width: 100%;
      #comments {
         margin: 0;
         > h2{
            @extend .tab-title;
         .add_review {
            @include clearfix();
         ol.commentlist {
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                  border: 1px solid $border-color;
                  position: absolute;
                  left: 0;
                  top: 50%;
                  margin-top: -40px;
               .comment-text {
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                  @include border-radius(4px);
                  padding: 1em 1em 0;
                  @include clearfix();
                  p {
                     margin: 0 0 1em;
            ul.children {
               list-style: none;
               margin: 20px 0 0 50px;
               .star-rating {
                  display: none;
            #respond {
               border: 1px solid darken($border-color, 3);
               @include border-radius(4px);
               padding: 1em 1em 0 0;
               margin: 20px 0 0 50px;
                        @include square(percentage(1));
                    display: block;
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   margin: 0;
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               color: #858585;

#respond {
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					left: 0;

			&.star-1 {
				width: 2em;
				&:after {
					content: "\e021";
				&.active:after {
					content: "\e020";

			&.star-2 {
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				&.active:after {
					content: "\e020\e020";

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				&.active:after {
					content: "\e020\e020\e020";

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				&:after {
					content: "\e021\e021\e021\e021";
				&.active:after {
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				&:after {
					content: "\e021\e021\e021\e021\e021";
				&.active:after {
					content: "\e020\e020\e020\e020\e020";

    Quantity inputs
.quantity {
	width    : auto;
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	margin   : 0 auto;
	overflow : hidden;
	zoom     : 1;
   display: inline-block;
   float: left;
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			@include form-control-focus();
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	.qty-plus, .qty-minus {
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	.qty-plus {
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.form-row {
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    label.hidden {
    label.inline {
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    	display: block;
    select {
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    	width: 47%;
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    Sale Label
	top: 10px;
	right: 10px;
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	background: $sale-label-bg;
  font-size: 12px;
	font-weight: 600;
	padding: 0 10px;
	text-transform: $sale-label-transform;
	position: absolute;
    Star rating
.star-rating {
	margin: auto;
	overflow: hidden;
	position: relative;
	@include size(6em, 1.2em);
	line-height: 1.2em;
	font-family: 'star';
   font-size: 1.1em;
	&:before {
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		letter-spacing: 3px;
	span {
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	span:before {
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		top: 0;
		position: absolute;
		left: 0;
		color: $star-rating-active-color;
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    Mini Cart
   position: relative;
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      display: inline-block;
      margin-bottom: -5px;
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            font-size: 18px;

   .minibasket {
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      top: -38px;
      display: block;
      left: 0;

      color: $black;
      background: url(#{$image-theme-path-base}icon-cart-white.png) no-repeat center center $nocolor;

.rtl .minibasket .dropdown-menu{
   left: 0!important;
   right: auto;
/** Plugins  add to wishlist, compare **/

	padding: 30px;
	margin: 0!important;

.yith-wcwl-add-button > a i, .wishlist_table .add_to_cart.button i{
	margin: 0!important;

.woocommerce table.wishlist_table, .woocommerce table.wishlist_table .wishlist-in-stock{
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