[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * List View Single Event
 * This file contains one event in the list view
 * Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at [your-theme]/tribe-events/list/single-event.php
 * @version 4.6.19
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

$excerpt_words = 20;

// Setup an array of venue details for use later in the template
$venue_details = tribe_get_venue_details();

// The address string via tribe_get_venue_details will often be populated even when there's
// no address, so let's get the address string on its own for a couple of checks below.
$venue_address = tribe_get_address();

// Venue
$has_venue_address = ( ! empty( $venue_details['address'] ) ) ? ' location' : '';

$thumbnail = 'thumbnail';
if(isset($image_size) && $image_size){
   $thumbnail = $image_size;


<div class="tribe-event-list-block v2 clearfix">
	<div class="tribe-event-left">
		<div class="content-inner">
			<?php echo tribe_event_featured_image( null, $thumbnail ); ?>
			<div class="tribe-start-date">
				<div class="day"><?php echo tribe_get_start_date(get_the_ID(), false, 'd'); ?></div>
				<div class="month"><?php echo tribe_get_start_date(get_the_ID(), false, 'M'); ?></div>
			<?php if ( tribe_get_cost() ) : ?>
				<div class="tribe-events-event-cost hidden">
					<span class="ticket-cost"><?php echo tribe_get_cost( null, true ); ?></span>
					<?php do_action( 'tribe_events_inside_cost' ) ?>
			<?php endif; ?>

	<div class="tribe-event-right">
		<div class="clearfix">
			<div class="content-inner">
				<!-- Event Meta -->
				<div class="tribe-events-event-meta">
					<div class="author <?php echo esc_attr( $has_venue_address ); ?>">

						<!-- Schedule & Recurrence Details -->
						<span class="tribe-event-schedule-details">
							<span class="icon"><i class="far fa-clock"></i></span><?php echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details(null) ?>

						<?php if ( $venue_details ) : ?>
							<!-- Venue Display Info -->
							<span class="tribe-events-venue-details">
								<span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i></span>
									$address_delimiter = empty( $venue_address ) ? ' ' : ', ';

									// These details are already escaped in various ways earlier in the process.
									echo wp_kses( $venue_details['address'], false);

									if ( tribe_show_google_map_link() ) {
										echo tribe_get_map_link_html();
						<?php endif; ?>


				<!-- Event Title -->
				<h3 class="tribe-events-list-event-title">
					<a class="tribe-event-url" href="<?php echo esc_url( tribe_get_event_link() ); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute() ?>" rel="bookmark">
						<?php the_title() ?>

				<!-- Event Content -->
				<div class="entry-summary">
					<?php echo zilom_limit_words($excerpt_words, get_the_excerpt(), get_the_content()); ?>


				<div class="event-action">
					<a class="btn-theme" href="<?php echo esc_url( tribe_get_event_link() ); ?>"><span><?php echo esc_html__('Join Event', 'zilom') ?></span></a>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
event.php File 3.13 KB 0644