[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/wordfenceClass.php');
class wordfenceHash {

	const KNOWN_FILE_CORE = 'core';
	const KNOWN_FILE_PLUGIN = 'plugins';
	const KNOWN_FILE_THEME = 'themes';
	const KNOWN_FILE_OTHER = 'other';
	const MAX_QUEUED_RECORDS = 500;

	private static $KNOWN_FILE_TYPES = [

	private $engine = false;
	private $db = false;
	private $startTime = false;
	private $currentFile = null;
	private $scanFileLogger;
	private $knownFileExclude;
	private $fileRecords = [];
	private $fileRecordCount = 0;

	//Begin serialized vars
	public $totalFiles = 0;
	public $totalDirs = 0;
	public $totalData = 0; //To do a sanity check, don't use 'du' because it gets sparse files wrong and reports blocks used on disk. Use : find . -type f -ls | awk '{total += $7} END {print total}'
	public $stoppedOnFile = false;
	private $coreEnabled = false;
	private $pluginsEnabled = false;
	private $themesEnabled = false;
	private $malwareEnabled = false;
	private $coreUnknownEnabled = false;
	private $knownFiles = false;
	private $malwareData = "";
	private $coreHashesData = '';
	private $haveIssues = array();
	private $status = array();
	private $possibleMalware = array();
	private $scannedFiles;
	private $totalForks = 0;
	private $alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion = false;
	private $foldersEntered = array();
	private $foldersProcessed = array();
	private $suspectedFiles = array();
	private $indexed = false;
	private $indexSize = 0;
	private $currentIndex = 0;
	private $coalescingIssues = array();
	private $pathMap = array();

	 * @param string $path
	 * @param array $only
	 * @param array $themes
	 * @param array $plugins
	 * @param wfScanEngine $engine
	 * @throws Exception
	public function __construct($scannedFiles, $engine, $malwarePrefixesHash, $coreHashesHash, $scanMode) {
		$this->scannedFiles = $scannedFiles;
		$this->engine = $engine;

		$this->startTime = microtime(true);

		$options = $this->engine->scanController()->scanOptions();
		if ($options['scansEnabled_core']) { $this->coreEnabled = true; }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_plugins']) { $this->pluginsEnabled = true; }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_themes']) { $this->themesEnabled = true; }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_malware']) { $this->malwareEnabled = true; }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_coreUnknown']) { $this->coreUnknownEnabled = true; }

		$this->db = new wfDB();

		//Doing a delete for now. Later we can optimize this to only scan modified files.
		//$this->db->queryWrite("update " . wfDB::networkTable('wfFileMods') . " set oldMD5 = newMD5");
		$fetchCoreHashesStatus = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Fetching core, theme and plugin file signatures from Wordfence", 'wordfence'));
		try {
			$this->knownFiles = $this->engine->getKnownFilesLoader()->getKnownFiles();
		} catch (wfScanKnownFilesException $e) {
			throw $e;
		wfIssues::statusEnd($fetchCoreHashesStatus, wfIssues::STATUS_SUCCESS);
		if ($this->malwareEnabled) {
			$malwarePrefixStatus = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Fetching list of known malware files from Wordfence", 'wordfence'));
			$stored = wfConfig::get_ser('malwarePrefixes', array(), false);
			if (is_array($stored) && isset($stored['hash']) && $stored['hash'] == $malwarePrefixesHash && isset($stored['prefixes']) && wfWAFUtils::strlen($stored['prefixes']) % 4 == 0) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Using cached malware prefixes", 'wordfence'));
			else {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Fetching fresh malware prefixes", 'wordfence'));
				$malwareData = $engine->api->getStaticURL('/malwarePrefixes.bin');
				if (!$malwareData) {
					throw new Exception(__("Could not fetch malware signatures from Wordfence servers.", 'wordfence'));
				if (wfWAFUtils::strlen($malwareData) % 4 != 0) {
					throw new Exception(__("Malware data received from Wordfence servers was not valid.", 'wordfence'));
				$stored = array('hash' => $malwarePrefixesHash, 'prefixes' => $malwareData);
				wfConfig::set_ser('malwarePrefixes', $stored, true, wfConfig::DONT_AUTOLOAD);
			$this->malwareData = $stored['prefixes'];
			wfIssues::statusEnd($malwarePrefixStatus, wfIssues::STATUS_SUCCESS);
		if ($this->coreUnknownEnabled) {
			$coreHashesStatus = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Fetching list of known core files from Wordfence", 'wordfence'));
			$stored = wfConfig::get_ser('coreHashes', array(), false);
			if (is_array($stored) && isset($stored['hash']) && $stored['hash'] == $coreHashesHash && isset($stored['hashes']) && wfWAFUtils::strlen($stored['hashes']) > 0 && wfWAFUtils::strlen($stored['hashes']) % 32 == 0) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Using cached core hashes", 'wordfence'));
			else {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Fetching fresh core hashes", 'wordfence'));
				$coreHashesData = $engine->api->getStaticURL('/coreHashes.bin');
				if (!$coreHashesData) {
					throw new Exception(__("Could not fetch core hashes from Wordfence servers.", 'wordfence'));
				if (wfWAFUtils::strlen($coreHashesData) % 32 != 0) {
					throw new Exception(__("Core hashes data received from Wordfence servers was not valid.", 'wordfence'));
				$stored = array('hash' => $coreHashesHash, 'hashes' => $coreHashesData);
				wfConfig::set_ser('coreHashes', $stored, true, wfConfig::DONT_AUTOLOAD);
			$this->coreHashesData = $stored['hashes'];
			wfIssues::statusEnd($coreHashesStatus, wfIssues::STATUS_SUCCESS);

		$this->haveIssues = array(
			'core' => wfIssues::STATUS_SECURE,
			'coreUnknown' => wfIssues::STATUS_SECURE,
			'themes' => wfIssues::STATUS_SECURE,
			'plugins' => wfIssues::STATUS_SECURE,
			'malware' => wfIssues::STATUS_SECURE,
		if($this->coreEnabled){ $this->status['core'] = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Comparing core WordPress files against originals in repository", 'wordfence')); $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES); } else { wfIssues::statusDisabled(__("Skipping core scan", 'wordfence')); }
		if($this->themesEnabled){ $this->status['themes'] = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Comparing open source themes against WordPress.org originals", 'wordfence')); $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES); } else { wfIssues::statusDisabled(__("Skipping theme scan", 'wordfence')); }
		if($this->pluginsEnabled){ $this->status['plugins'] = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Comparing plugins against WordPress.org originals", 'wordfence')); $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES); } else { wfIssues::statusDisabled(__("Skipping plugin scan", 'wordfence')); }
		if($this->malwareEnabled){ $this->status['malware'] = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Scanning for known malware files", 'wordfence')); $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_MALWARE_SCAN); } else { wfIssues::statusDisabled(__("Skipping malware scan", 'wordfence')); }
		if($this->coreUnknownEnabled){ $this->status['coreUnknown'] = wfIssues::statusStart(__("Scanning for unknown files in wp-admin and wp-includes", 'wordfence')); $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES); } else { wfIssues::statusDisabled(__("Skipping unknown core file scan", 'wordfence')); }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_fileContents']) { $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_MALWARE_SCAN); }
		if ($options['scansEnabled_fileContentsGSB']) { $this->engine->scanController()->startStage(wfScanner::STAGE_CONTENT_SAFETY); }
		if ($this->coreUnknownEnabled && !$this->alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion && empty($this->knownFiles['core'])) {
			require(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php'); /* @var string $wp_version */
			$this->alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion = true;
			$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
				'coreUnknown' . $wp_version,
				'coreUnknown' . $wp_version,
				sprintf(/* translators: WordPress version. */ __('Unknown WordPress core version: %s', 'wordfence'), $wp_version),
				__("The core files scan will not be run because this version of WordPress is not currently indexed by Wordfence. This may be due to using a prerelease version or because the servers are still indexing a new release. If you are using an official WordPress release, this issue will automatically dismiss once the version is indexed and another scan is run.", 'wordfence'),
			if ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_ADDED || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_UPDATED) { $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] = wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM; }
			else if ($this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] != wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM && ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREP || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREC)) { $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] = wfIssues::STATUS_IGNORED; }
	private function initializeProperties() {
		$this->scanFileLogger = $this->getScanFileLogger();
		$this->knownFileExclude = wordfenceScanner::getExcludeFilePattern(wordfenceScanner::EXCLUSION_PATTERNS_KNOWN_FILES);
	public function __sleep(){
		return array('totalFiles', 'totalDirs', 'totalData', 'stoppedOnFile', 'coreEnabled', 'pluginsEnabled', 'themesEnabled', 'malwareEnabled', 'coreUnknownEnabled', 'knownFiles', 'haveIssues', 'status', 'possibleMalware', 'scannedFiles', 'totalForks', 'alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion', 'foldersProcessed', 'suspectedFiles', 'indexed', 'indexSize', 'currentIndex', 'coalescingIssues', 'pathMap');
	public function __wakeup(){
		$this->db = new wfDB();
		$this->startTime = microtime(true);
		$stored = wfConfig::get_ser('malwarePrefixes', array(), false);
		if (!isset($stored['prefixes'])) {
			$stored['prefixes'] = '';
		$this->malwareData = $stored['prefixes'];
		$stored = wfConfig::get_ser('coreHashes', array(), false);
		if (!isset($stored['hashes'])) {
			$stored['hashes'] = '';
		$this->coreHashesData = $stored['hashes'];
	public function getSuspectedFiles() {
		return array_keys($this->suspectedFiles);
	public function run($engine) {
		if($this->totalForks > 1000){
			throw new Exception(sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Wordfence file scanner detected a possible infinite loop. Exiting on file: %s", 'wordfence'), $this->stoppedOnFile));
		$this->engine = $engine;
		if (!$this->indexed) {
			$start = microtime(true);
			$indexedFiles = array();
			foreach ($this->scannedFiles as $file) {
				$this->_dirIndex($file, $indexedFiles);
			$this->_serviceIndexQueue($indexedFiles, true);
			$this->indexed = true;
			unset($this->foldersEntered); $this->foldersEntered = array();
			unset($this->foldersProcessed); $this->foldersProcessed = array();
			$end = microtime(true);
			wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: Time in seconds. */ __("Index time: %s", 'wordfence'), ($end - $start)));
		wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Beginning file hashing", 'wordfence'));
		while ($file = $this->_nextFile()) {

		$this->processFileRecords(); // Ensure all file records have actually been inserted before processing pending issues
		wordfence::status(4, 'info', __("Processing pending issues", 'wordfence'));
		wordfence::status(2, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: 1. Number of files. 2. Data in bytes. */ __('Analyzed %1$d files containing %2$s of data.', 'wordfence'), $this->totalFiles, wfUtils::formatBytes($this->totalData)));
		if($this->coreEnabled){ wfIssues::statusEnd($this->status['core'], $this->haveIssues['core']); $this->engine->scanController()->completeStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES, $this->haveIssues['core']); }
		if($this->themesEnabled){ wfIssues::statusEnd($this->status['themes'], $this->haveIssues['themes']); $this->engine->scanController()->completeStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES, $this->haveIssues['themes']); }
		if($this->pluginsEnabled){ wfIssues::statusEnd($this->status['plugins'], $this->haveIssues['plugins']); $this->engine->scanController()->completeStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES, $this->haveIssues['plugins']); }
		if($this->coreUnknownEnabled){ wfIssues::statusEnd($this->status['coreUnknown'], $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown']); $this->engine->scanController()->completeStage(wfScanner::STAGE_FILE_CHANGES, $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown']); }
		if(sizeof($this->possibleMalware) > 0){
			$malwareResp = $engine->api->binCall('check_possible_malware', json_encode($this->possibleMalware));
			if($malwareResp['code'] != 200){
				throw new Exception(__("Invalid response from Wordfence API during check_possible_malware", 'wordfence'));
			$malwareList = json_decode($malwareResp['data'], true);
			if(is_array($malwareList) && sizeof($malwareList) > 0){
				for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($malwareList); $i++){ 
					$file = $malwareList[$i][0];
					$md5 = $malwareList[$i][1];
					$name = $malwareList[$i][2];
					$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('This file is suspected malware: %s', 'wordfence'), $file),
						sprintf(/* translators: Malware name/title. */ __("This file's signature matches a known malware file. The title of the malware is '%s'. Immediately inspect this file using the 'View' option below and consider deleting it from your server.", 'wordfence'), $name),
							'file' => $file,
							'realFile' => array_key_exists($file, $this->pathMap) ? $this->pathMap[$file] : null,
							'cType' => 'unknown',
							'canDiff' => false,
							'canFix' => false,
							'canDelete' => true
					if ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_ADDED || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_UPDATED) { $this->haveIssues['malware'] = wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM; }
					else if ($this->haveIssues['malware'] != wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM && ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREP || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREC)) { $this->haveIssues['malware'] = wfIssues::STATUS_IGNORED; }
		if($this->malwareEnabled){ wfIssues::statusEnd($this->status['malware'], $this->haveIssues['malware']); $this->engine->scanController()->completeStage(wfScanner::STAGE_MALWARE_SCAN, $this->haveIssues['malware']); }
		unset($this->knownFiles); $this->knownFiles = false;
	private function _dirIndex($file, &$indexedFiles) {
		$realPath = $file->getRealPath();
		//Applies to files and dirs
		if (!is_readable($realPath))
		if (!$this->_shouldProcessFile($file))
		if (is_dir($realPath)) {
			if (isset($this->foldersEntered[$realPath]))
			$this->foldersEntered[$file->getRealPath()] = 1;
			try {
				foreach (wfFileUtils::getContents($realPath) as $child) {
					if (wfFileUtils::isCurrentOrParentDirectory($child)) {
					try {
						$child = $file->createChild($child);
					catch (wfInvalidPathException $e) {
						wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(__("Ignoring invalid scan file child: %s", 'wordfence'), $e->getPath()));
					if (is_file($child->getRealPath())) {
						$relativeFile = $child->getWordpressPath();
						if ($this->stoppedOnFile && $child->getRealPath() != $this->stoppedOnFile) {

						if (preg_match('/\.suspected$/i', $relativeFile)) { //Already iterating over all files in the search areas so generate this list here
							wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Found .suspected file: %s", 'wordfence'), $relativeFile));
							$this->suspectedFiles[$relativeFile] = 1;

						$this->_checkForTimeout($child, $indexedFiles);
						if ($this->_shouldHashFile($child)) {
							$indexedFiles[] = $child;
						else {
							wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Skipping unneeded hash: %s", 'wordfence'), (string) $child));
					elseif (is_dir($child->getRealPath())) {
						$this->_dirIndex($child, $indexedFiles);
			catch (wfInaccessibleDirectoryException $e) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Skipping inaccessible directory: %s", 'wordfence'), (string) $file));
			$this->foldersProcessed[$realPath] = 1;
		else {
			if (is_file($realPath)) {
				$relativeFile = $file->getWordpressPath();
				if ($this->stoppedOnFile && $realPath != $this->stoppedOnFile) {
				if (preg_match('/\.suspected$/i', $relativeFile)) { //Already iterating over all files in the search areas so generate this list here
					wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Found .suspected file: %s", 'wordfence'), $relativeFile));
					$this->suspectedFiles[$relativeFile] = 1;
				$this->_checkForTimeout($file, $indexedFiles);
				if ($this->_shouldHashFile($file)) {
					$indexedFiles[] = $file;
				else {
					wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Skipping unneeded hash: %s", 'wordfence'), (string) $file));
	private function _serviceIndexQueue(&$indexedFiles, $final = false) {
		$files = array();
		if (count($indexedFiles) > 500) {
			$files = array_splice($indexedFiles, 0, 500);
		else if ($final) {
			$files = $indexedFiles;
			$indexedFiles = array();

		$fileCount = count($files);
		if ($fileCount > 0) {
			$payload = array();
			foreach ($files as $file) {
				$payload[] = (string) $file;
				$payload[] = $file->getWordpressPath();
			global $wpdb;
			$table_wfKnownFileList = wfDB::networkTable('wfKnownFileList');
			$query = substr("INSERT INTO {$table_wfKnownFileList} (path, wordpress_path) VALUES " . str_repeat("('%s', '%s'), ", count($files)), 0, -2);
			$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($query, $payload));
			$this->indexSize += $fileCount;
			wordfence::status(2, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: Number of files. */ __("%d files indexed", 'wordfence'), $this->indexSize));
	private function _loadFileBatch() {
		global $wpdb;
		$table_wfKnownFileList = wfDB::networkTable('wfKnownFileList');
		$rows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, path, wordpress_path FROM {$table_wfKnownFileList} WHERE id > %d ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 500", $this->currentIndex));
		while (($row = prev($rows)) !== false) {
			$this->currentFile = new wfScanFileListItem($row->id, $row->path, $row->wordpress_path, $this->currentFile);
	private function _nextFile() {
		if ($this->currentFile !== null)
			$this->currentFile = $this->currentFile->getNext();
		if ($this->currentFile === null) {
		if ($this->currentFile !== null)
			$this->currentIndex = $this->currentFile->getId();
		return $this->currentFile;
	private function _checkForTimeout($file = null, $indexQueue = false) {
		$realPath = $file ? $file->getRealPath() : null;
		if (($this->stoppedOnFile !== $realPath) && $this->engine->shouldFork()) { //max X seconds but don't allow fork if we're looking for the file we stopped on. Search mode is VERY fast.
			if ($indexQueue !== false) {
				$this->_serviceIndexQueue($indexQueue, true);
				$this->stoppedOnFile = $realPath;
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Forking during indexing: %s", 'wordfence'), (string) $file));
			else {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: PHP max execution time. */ __("Calling fork() from wordfenceHash with maxExecTime: %s", 'wordfence'), $this->engine->maxExecTime));
		if ($this->stoppedOnFile && $realPath != $this->stoppedOnFile && $indexQueue !== false) {
		else if ($this->stoppedOnFile && $realPath == $this->stoppedOnFile) {
			$this->stoppedOnFile = false; //Continue indexing
	private function _shouldProcessFile($file) {
		$excludePatterns = wordfenceScanner::getExcludeFilePattern(wordfenceScanner::EXCLUSION_PATTERNS_USER);
		if ($excludePatterns) {
			foreach ($excludePatterns as $pattern) {
				if (preg_match($pattern, $file->getWordpressPath())) {
					return false;
		$realPath = $file->getRealPath();
		if ($realPath === '/') {
			return false;
		if (isset($this->foldersProcessed[$realPath])) {
			return false;
		return true;
	private function getScanFileLogger() {
		if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
			return function($realPath) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: 1. File path. 2. Memory in bytes. */ __('Scanning: %1$s (Mem:%2$s)', 'wordfence'), $realPath, sprintf('%.1fM', memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024))));
		else {
			return function($realPath) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Scanning: %s", 'wordfence'), $realPath));
	private function isKnownFileScanAllowed($realPath) {
		if ($this->knownFileExclude) {
			foreach ($this->knownFileExclude as $pattern) {
				if (preg_match($pattern, $realPath)) {
					return false;
		return true;
	private function getKnownFileType($properties) {
		if ($this->isKnownFileScanAllowed($properties->realPath)) {
			foreach (self::$KNOWN_FILE_TYPES as $type) {
				if (isset($this->knownFiles[$type][$properties->wordpressPath]))
					return $type;
			if ($this->coreUnknownEnabled && !$this->alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion)
				return self::KNOWN_FILE_OTHER;
		return null;
	private function checkKnownCoreFile($properties) {
		if (strtoupper($this->knownFiles['core'][$properties->wordpressPath]) == $properties->shac) {
			return true;
		else {
			if ($this->coreEnabled) {
				if ($properties->loadContent() && (!preg_match('/<\?' . 'php[\r\n\s\t]*\/\/[\r\n\s\t]*Silence is golden\.[\r\n\s\t]*(?:\?>)?[\r\n\s\t]*$/s', $properties->content))) {
						'coreModified' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'coreModified' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('WordPress core file modified: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
						__("This WordPress core file has been modified and differs from the original file distributed with this version of WordPress.", 'wordfence'),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'core',
							'canDiff' => true,
							'canFix' => true,
							'canDelete' => false,
							'haveIssues' => 'core'
			return false;
	private function checkKnownPluginFile($properties) {
		if (in_array($properties->shac, $this->knownFiles[self::KNOWN_FILE_PLUGIN][$properties->wordpressPath])) {
			return true;
		else {
			if ($this->pluginsEnabled) {
				$options = $this->engine->scanController()->scanOptions();
				$shouldGenerateIssue = true;
				if (!$options['scansEnabled_highSense'] && preg_match('~/readme\.(?:txt|md)$~i', $properties->wordpressPath)) { //Don't generate issues for changed readme files unless high sensitivity is on
					$shouldGenerateIssue = false;

				if ($shouldGenerateIssue) {
					$itemName = $this->knownFiles['plugins'][$properties->wordpressPath][0];
					$itemVersion = $this->knownFiles['plugins'][$properties->wordpressPath][1];
					$cKey = $this->knownFiles['plugins'][$properties->wordpressPath][2];
						'modifiedplugin' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'modifiedplugin' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('Modified plugin file: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
							/* translators: 1. Plugin name. 2. Plugin version. 3. Support URL. */
							__('This file belongs to plugin "%1$s" version "%2$s" and has been modified from the file that is distributed by WordPress.org for this version. Please use the link to see how the file has changed. If you have modified this file yourself, you can safely ignore this warning. If you see a lot of changed files in a plugin that have been made by the author, then try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin to force an upgrade. Doing this is a workaround for plugin authors who don\'t manage their code correctly. <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More<span class="screen-reader-text"> (' . esc_html__('opens in new tab', 'wordfence') . ')</span></a>', 'wordfence'),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'plugin',
							'canDiff' => true,
							'canFix' => true,
							'canDelete' => false,
							'cName' => $itemName,
							'cVersion' => $itemVersion,
							'cKey' => $cKey,
							'haveIssues' => 'plugins'
			return false;
	private function checkKnownThemeFile($properties) {
		if (in_array($properties->shac, $this->knownFiles[self::KNOWN_FILE_THEME][$properties->wordpressPath])) {
			return true;
		else {
			if ($this->themesEnabled) {
				$options = $this->engine->scanController()->scanOptions();
				$shouldGenerateIssue = true;
				if (!$options['scansEnabled_highSense'] && preg_match('~/readme\.(?:txt|md)$~i', $properties->wordpressPath)) { //Don't generate issues for changed readme files unless high sensitivity is on
					$shouldGenerateIssue = false;

				if ($shouldGenerateIssue) {
					$itemName = $this->knownFiles['themes'][$properties->wordpressPath][0];
					$itemVersion = $this->knownFiles['themes'][$properties->wordpressPath][1];
					$cKey = $this->knownFiles['themes'][$properties->wordpressPath][2];
						'modifiedtheme' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'modifiedtheme' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('Modified theme file: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
							/* translators: 1. Plugin name. 2. Plugin version. 3. Support URL. */
							__('This file belongs to theme "%1$s" version "%2$s" and has been modified from the original distribution. It is common for site owners to modify their theme files, so if you have modified this file yourself you can safely ignore this warning. <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More<span class="screen-reader-text"> (' . esc_html__('opens in new tab', 'wordfence') . ')</span></a>', 'wordfence'),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'theme',
							'canDiff' => true,
							'canFix' => true,
							'canDelete' => false,
							'cName' => $itemName,
							'cVersion' => $itemVersion,
							'cKey' => $cKey,
							'haveIssues' => 'themes'
			return false;
	private function checkKnownFileOther($properties) {
		$restrictedWordPressFolders = array(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/');
		$added = false;
		foreach ($restrictedWordPressFolders as $path) {
			if (strpos($properties->realPath, $path) === 0) {
				if ($this->isPreviousCoreFile($properties->shac)) {
					$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('Old WordPress core file not removed during update: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
						__('This file is in a WordPress core location but is from an older version of WordPress and not used with your current version. Hosting or permissions issues can cause these files to get left behind when WordPress is updated and they should be removed if possible.', 'wordfence'),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'core',
							'canDiff' => false,
							'canFix' => false,
							'canDelete' => true,
				else if (preg_match('#/php\.ini$#', $properties->wordpressPath)) {
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('Unknown file in WordPress core: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
						__('This file is in a WordPress core location but is not distributed with this version of WordPress. This scan often includes files left over from a previous WordPress version, but it may also find files added by another plugin, files added by your host, or malicious files added by an attacker.', 'wordfence'),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'core',
							'canDiff' => false,
							'canFix' => false,
							'canDelete' => true,
							'coalesce' => 'php.ini',
							'learnMore' => wfSupportController::supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_SCAN_RESULT_UNKNOWN_FILE_CORE),
							'haveIssues' => 'coreUnknown',
				else {
					$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath,
						'coreUnknown' . $properties->wordpressPath . $properties->md5,
						sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __('Unknown file in WordPress core: %s', 'wordfence'), $properties->wordpressPath),
						sprintf(/* translators: Support URL. */ __('This file is in a WordPress core location but is not distributed with this version of WordPress. This scan often includes files left over from a previous WordPress version, but it may also find files added by another plugin, files added by your host, or malicious files added by an attacker. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More<span class="screen-reader-text"> (' . esc_html__('opens in new tab', 'wordfence') . ')</span></a>', 'wordfence'), wfSupportController::esc_supportURL(wfSupportController::ITEM_SCAN_RESULT_UNKNOWN_FILE_CORE)),
							'file' => $properties->wordpressPath,
							'realFile' => $properties->realPath,
							'cType' => 'core',
							'canDiff' => false,
							'canFix' => false,
							'canDelete' => true,

		if ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_ADDED || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_UPDATED) { $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] = wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM; }
		else if ($this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] != wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM && ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREP || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREC)) { $this->haveIssues['coreUnknown'] = wfIssues::STATUS_IGNORED; }
		return false;
	private function checkKnownFile($properties, $type) {
		switch ($type) {
		case self::KNOWN_FILE_CORE:
			return $this->checkKnownCoreFile($properties);
		case self::KNOWN_FILE_PLUGIN:
			return $this->checkKnownPluginFile($properties);
		case self::KNOWN_FILE_THEME:
			return $this->checkKnownThemeFile($properties);
		case self::KNOWN_FILE_OTHER:
			return $this->checkKnownFileOther($properties);
	private function recordFile($properties) {
		$this->fileRecords[$properties->wordpressPathMd5] = $properties;
		if ($this->fileRecordCount >= self::MAX_QUEUED_RECORDS)
	private function processFileRecords($check = true) {
		if ($this->fileRecordCount == 0)
				'filename' => '%s',
				'real_path' => '%s',
				'filenameMD5' => 'UNHEX(%s)',
				'knownFile' => '%d',
				'newMD5' => 'UNHEX(%s)',
				'SHAC' => 'UNHEX(%s)',
			array_map(function($properties) {
				return [
					(int) $properties->known,
			}, $this->fileRecords),
		$this->fileRecords = [];
		$this->fileRecordCount = 0;
	private function processFile($file) {
		$properties = $file->initializeProperties();
		try {
			$properties->realPath = $file->getRealPath();
			$wordpressPath = $file->getWordpressPath();
			if (wfUtils::fileTooBig($properties->realPath, $fileSize, $properties->handle)) {
				wordfence::status(4, 'info', sprintf(/* translators: File path. */ __("Skipping file larger than max size: %s", 'wordfence'), $properties->realPath));

			call_user_func($this->scanFileLogger, $properties->realPath);

			$knownFileType = $this->getKnownFileType($properties);
			$allowKnownFileScan = $knownFileType !== null;

			$hashed = self::hashFile($properties->realPath, $properties);
			if (!$hashed) {
				//wordfence::status(2, 'error', "Could not gen hash for file (probably because we don't have permission to access the file): $properties->realPath");

			$properties->known = $allowKnownFileScan && $this->checkKnownFile($properties, $knownFileType);

			if($this->malwareEnabled && $this->isMalwarePrefix($properties->md5)){
				$this->possibleMalware[] = array($properties->wordpressPath, $properties->md5);
				$this->pathMap[$properties->wordpressPath] = $properties->realPath;


			$this->totalData += $fileSize;
			if($this->totalFiles % 100 === 0){
				wordfence::status(2, 'info', sprintf(
					/* translators: 1. Number of files. 2. Data in bytes. */
					__('Analyzed %1$d files containing %2$s of data so far', 'wordfence'),
		finally {
	private function flagSafeFiles($filenames) {
		$fileModsTable = wfDB::networkTable('wfFileMods');
		$allSafeFiles = [];
		$existingSafeFiles = $this->db->selectAll(
				'filename' => $filenames,
				'isSafeFile' => '1'
		foreach ($existingSafeFiles as $row) {
			$allSafeFiles[$row[0]] = true;
		$remainingFilenames = [];
		foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
			if (!array_key_exists($filename, $allSafeFiles))
				$remainingFilenames[] = $filename;
		$filenames = $remainingFilenames;
		do {
			$results = $this->db->select(
					'filename' => $filenames,
					'isSafeFile' => '?'
			$hashes = array_column($results, 1);
			$safeHashes = array_flip($this->engine->isSafeFile($hashes));
			$safeFiles = [];
			$unsafeFiles = [];
			foreach ($results as $row) {
				$filenameMD5Hex = $row[0];
				if (array_key_exists($row[1], $safeHashes)) {
					$safeFiles[] = $filenameMD5Hex;
					$allSafeFiles[$row[2]] = true;
				else {
					$unsafeFiles[] = $filenameMD5Hex;
			foreach (['1' => $safeFiles, '0' => $unsafeFiles] as $safe => $files) {
				if (count($files) == 0)
						'isSafeFile' => [ '%s', $safe ]
						'filenameMD5' => $files
						'filenameMD5' => 'UNHEX(%s)'
		} while (!empty($results));
		return $allSafeFiles;
	private function _processPendingIssues() {
		$count = $this->engine->getPendingIssueCount();
		$offset = 0;
		while ($offset < $count) {
			$issues = $this->engine->getPendingIssues($offset);
			if (count($issues) == 0) {

			$safeFiles = $this->flagSafeFiles(array_map(function($i) { return $i['data']['file']; }, $issues));
			//Migrate non-safe file issues to official issues and begin coalescing tagged issues
			foreach ($issues as &$i) {
				if (!array_key_exists($i['data']['file'], $safeFiles)) {
					$haveIssuesType = $i['data']['haveIssues'];
					if (isset($i['data']['coalesce'])) {
						$key = $i['data']['coalesce'];
						if (!isset($this->coalescingIssues[$key])) { $this->coalescingIssues[$key] = array('count' => 0, 'issue' => $i); }
					else {
						$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
							true //Prevent ignoreP and ignoreC from being hashed again
						if ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_ADDED || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_UPDATED) { $this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] = wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM; }
						else if ($this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] != wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM && ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREP || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREC)) { $this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] = wfIssues::STATUS_IGNORED; }
			$offset += count($issues);
		//Insert the coalesced issues (currently just multiple php.ini in system directories)
		foreach ($this->coalescingIssues as $c) {
			$count = $c['count'];
			$i = $c['issue'];
			$haveIssuesType = $i['data']['haveIssues'];
			$added = $this->engine->addIssue(
				$i['shortMsg'] . ($count > 1 ? ' ' . sprintf(/* translators: Number of scan results. */ __('(+ %d more)', 'wordfence'), $count - 1) : ''),
				$i['longMsg'] . ($count > 1 ? ' ' . ($count > 2 ? sprintf(/* translators: Number of files. */ __('%d more similar files were found.', 'wordfence'), $count - 1) : __('1 more similar file was found.', 'wordfence')) : '') . (isset($i['data']['learnMore']) ? ' ' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn More<span class="screen-reader-text"> (' . esc_html__('opens in new tab', 'wordfence') . ')</span></a>', 'wordfence'), esc_attr($i['data']['learnMore'])) : ''),
				true //Prevent ignoreP and ignoreC from being hashed again
			if ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_ADDED || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_UPDATED) { $this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] = wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM; }
			else if ($this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] != wfIssues::STATUS_PROBLEM && ($added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREP || $added == wfIssues::ISSUE_IGNOREC)) { $this->haveIssues[$haveIssuesType] = wfIssues::STATUS_IGNORED; }
	public static function hashFile($file, &$properties) {
		if (!$properties->resetHandle()) {
			return false;
		$md5Context = hash_init('md5');
		$sha256Context = hash_init('sha256');
		while (!feof($properties->handle)) {
			$data = fread($properties->handle, 65536);
			if ($data === false) {
				return false;
			hash_update($md5Context, $data);
			hash_update($sha256Context, str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t"," "),"", $data));
		$properties->md5 = strtoupper(hash_final($md5Context, false));
		$properties->shac = strtoupper(hash_final($sha256Context, false));
		return true;
	private function _shouldHashFile($file) {
		$wordpressPath = $file->getWordpressPath();

		//Core File, return true
		if ((isset($this->knownFiles['core']) && isset($this->knownFiles['core'][$wordpressPath])) ||
			(isset($this->knownFiles['plugins']) && isset($this->knownFiles['plugins'][$wordpressPath])) ||
			(isset($this->knownFiles['themes']) && isset($this->knownFiles['themes'][$wordpressPath]))) {
			return true;
		//Excluded file, return false
		$excludePatterns = wordfenceScanner::getExcludeFilePattern(wordfenceScanner::EXCLUSION_PATTERNS_USER | wordfenceScanner::EXCLUSION_PATTERNS_MALWARE); 
		if ($excludePatterns) {
			foreach ($excludePatterns as $pattern) {
				if (preg_match($pattern, $wordpressPath)) {
					return false;
		//Unknown file in a core location
		if ($this->coreUnknownEnabled && !$this->alertedOnUnknownWordPressVersion) {
			$restrictedWordPressFolders = array(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/');
			foreach ($restrictedWordPressFolders as $path) {
				if (strpos($file->getRealPath(), $path) === 0) {
					return true;
		//Determine treatment
		$fileExt = '';
		if (preg_match('/\.([a-zA-Z\d\-]{1,7})$/', $wordpressPath, $matches)) {
			$fileExt = strtolower($matches[1]);
		$isPHP = false;
		if (preg_match('/\.(?:php(?:\d+)?|phtml)(\.|$)/i', $wordpressPath)) {
			$isPHP = true;
		$isHTML = false;
		if (preg_match('/\.(?:html?)(\.|$)/i', $wordpressPath)) {
			$isHTML = true;
		$isJS = false;
		if (preg_match('/\.(?:js|svg)(\.|$)/i', $wordpressPath)) {
			$isJS = true;
		$options = $this->engine->scanController()->scanOptions();
		//If scan images is disabled, only allow .js through
		if (!$isPHP && preg_match('/^(?:jpg|jpeg|mp3|avi|m4v|mov|mp4|gif|png|tiff?|svg|sql|js|tbz2?|bz2?|xz|zip|tgz|gz|tar|log|err\d+)$/', $fileExt)) {
			if (!$options['scansEnabled_scanImages'] && !$isJS) {
				return false;
		//If high sensitivity is disabled, don't allow .sql
		if (strtolower($fileExt) == 'sql') {
			if (!$options['scansEnabled_highSense']) {
				return false;
		//Treating as binary, return true
		$treatAsBinary = ($isPHP || $isHTML || $options['scansEnabled_scanImages']);
		if ($treatAsBinary) {
			return true;
		//Will be malware scanned, return true
		if ($isJS) {
			return true;
		return false;
	private function isMalwarePrefix($hexMD5){
		$hasPrefix = $this->_binaryListContains($this->malwareData, wfUtils::hex2bin($hexMD5), 4);
		return $hasPrefix !== false;
	private function isPreviousCoreFile($hexContentsSHAC) {
		$hasPrefix = $this->_binaryListContains($this->coreHashesData, wfUtils::hex2bin($hexContentsSHAC), 32);
		return $hasPrefix !== false;
	 * @param $binaryList The binary list to search, sorted as a binary string.
	 * @param $needle The binary needle to search for.
	 * @param int $size The byte size of each item in the list.
	 * @return bool|int false if not found, otherwise the index in the list
	private function _binaryListContains($binaryList, $needle, $size /* bytes */) {
		$p = substr($needle, 0, $size);
		$count = ceil(wfWAFUtils::strlen($binaryList) / $size);
		$low = 0;
		$high = $count - 1;
		while ($low <= $high) {
			$mid = (int) (($high + $low) / 2);
			$val = wfWAFUtils::substr($binaryList, $mid * $size, $size);
			$cmp = strcmp($val, $p);
			if ($cmp < 0) {
				$low = $mid + 1;
			else if ($cmp > 0) {
				$high = $mid - 1;
			else {
				return $mid;
		return false;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Diff Folder 0755
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.htaccess File 354 B 0644
Diff.php File 5.63 KB 0644
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IPTraf.php File 1.17 KB 0644
IPTrafList.php File 2.98 KB 0644
WFLSPHP52Compatability.php File 1.27 KB 0644
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email_newIssues.php File 8.82 KB 0644
email_unlockRequest.php File 2.34 KB 0644
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menu_firewall_waf_options.php File 11.09 KB 0644
menu_install.php File 1.73 KB 0644
menu_options.php File 24.7 KB 0644
menu_scanner.php File 21.53 KB 0644
menu_scanner_credentials.php File 2.77 KB 0644
menu_scanner_options.php File 8.41 KB 0644
menu_support.php File 17.82 KB 0644
menu_tools.php File 1.49 KB 0644
menu_tools_auditlog.php File 16.43 KB 0644
menu_tools_diagnostic.php File 49.35 KB 0644
menu_tools_importExport.php File 1.28 KB 0644
menu_tools_livetraffic.php File 39.43 KB 0644
menu_tools_twoFactor.php File 19.6 KB 0644
menu_tools_whois.php File 4.61 KB 0644
menu_wordfence_central.php File 9.66 KB 0644
noc1.key File 1.64 KB 0644
sodium_compat_fast.php File 185 B 0644
sysinfo.php File 1.47 KB 0644
viewFullActivityLog.php File 1.47 KB 0644
wf503.php File 9.63 KB 0644
wfAPI.php File 9.73 KB 0644
wfActivityReport.php File 20.45 KB 0644
wfAdminNoticeQueue.php File 5.2 KB 0644
wfAlerts.php File 7.37 KB 0644
wfArray.php File 1.77 KB 0644
wfAuditLog.php File 47.13 KB 0644
wfBrowscap.php File 3.9 KB 0644
wfBrowscapCache.php File 256.83 KB 0644
wfBulkCountries.php File 9.77 KB 0644
wfCache.php File 6.02 KB 0644
wfCentralAPI.php File 25.8 KB 0644
wfConfig.php File 122.49 KB 0644
wfCrawl.php File 6.56 KB 0644
wfCredentialsController.php File 5.16 KB 0644
wfCrypt.php File 4.05 KB 0644
wfCurlInterceptor.php File 1.02 KB 0644
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wfDeactivationOption.php File 2.13 KB 0644
wfDiagnostic.php File 66.87 KB 0644
wfDict.php File 738 B 0644
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wfFileUtils.php File 2.72 KB 0644
wfHelperBin.php File 1.97 KB 0644
wfHelperString.php File 2.13 KB 0644
wfIPWhitelist.php File 1.56 KB 0644
wfImportExportController.php File 3.23 KB 0644
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wfIpLocator.php File 2.74 KB 0644
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wfNotification.php File 6.41 KB 0644
wfOnboardingController.php File 9.22 KB 0644
wfPersistenceController.php File 819 B 0644
wfRESTAPI.php File 377 B 0644
wfScan.php File 15.92 KB 0644
wfScanEngine.php File 133.31 KB 0644
wfScanEntrypoint.php File 1.04 KB 0644
wfScanFile.php File 1.01 KB 0644
wfScanFileLink.php File 403 B 0644
wfScanFileListItem.php File 408 B 0644
wfScanFileProperties.php File 1.07 KB 0644
wfScanMonitor.php File 4.05 KB 0644
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wfSchema.php File 10.91 KB 0644
wfStyle.php File 1.21 KB 0644
wfSupportController.php File 24.18 KB 0644
wfUnlockMsg.php File 1.14 KB 0644
wfUpdateCheck.php File 27.23 KB 0644
wfUtils.php File 124.11 KB 0644
wfVersionCheckController.php File 19.27 KB 0644
wfVersionSupport.php File 535 B 0644
wfView.php File 2.22 KB 0644
wfViewResult.php File 1.42 KB 0644
wfWebsite.php File 1.75 KB 0644
wordfenceClass.php File 435.98 KB 0644
wordfenceConstants.php File 3.56 KB 0644
wordfenceHash.php File 42.7 KB 0644
wordfenceScanner.php File 30.47 KB 0644
wordfenceURLHoover.php File 18.36 KB 0644