* Check Exist Dom
wps_js.exist_tag = function (tag) {
return (jQuery(tag).length);
* Loading button
wps_js.loading_button = function (btn) {
* Jquery UI Picker
wps_js.date_picker = function () {
const datePickerField = jQuery('input[data-wps-date-picker]');
if (datePickerField.length) {
singleDatePicker: true,
showDropdowns: true,
minYear: 1998,
drops: 'up',
opens: document.getElementById('TB_window') ? 'center' : 'right',
maxYear: parseInt(new Date().getFullYear() + 1),
locale: {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
datePickerField.on('show.daterangepicker', function (ev, picker) {
const correspondingPicker = picker.container;
wps_js.formatNumber = function (num, fixed = 0) {
if (num === null) {
return null;
num = parseFloat(num.toString().trim().replace(/[, ]/g, ''));
if (isNaN(num)) {
return null;
if (num === 0) {
return '0';
fixed = (!fixed || fixed < 0) ? 0 : fixed;
var b = (parseInt(num)).toPrecision(2).split("e"),
k = b.length === 1 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.min(b[1].slice(1), 14) / 3),
c = k < 1 ? num.toFixed(0 + fixed) : (num / Math.pow(10, k * 3)).toFixed(1 + fixed),
d = c < 0 ? c : Math.abs(c),
e = d + ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'][k];
return e;
* Set Select2
wps_js.select2 = function () {
const wpsSelect2 = jQuery('.wps-select2');
const wpsBody = jQuery('body');
const wpsDropdown = jQuery('.wps-dropdown');
if (wpsSelect2.length) {
const wpsFilterPage = jQuery('.wps-filter-page');
const wpsFilterVisitor = jQuery('.wps-filter-visitor');
const dirValue = wpsBody.hasClass('rtl') ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
const dropdownParent = wpsFilterPage.length ? wpsFilterPage : wpsFilterVisitor;
const initializeSelect2 = (parentElement, ajaxAction) => {
dropdownParent: parentElement,
dir: dirValue,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
dropdownCssClass: 'wps-select2-filter-dropdown',
minimumInputLength: 1,
ajax: {
delay: 500,
url: wps_js.global.ajax_url,
dataType: 'json',
data: function (params) {
const query = {
wps_nonce: wps_js.global.rest_api_nonce,
search: params.term, // The term to search for
action: ajaxAction,
paged: params.page || 1
if (wps_js.isset(wps_js.global, 'request_params')) {
const requestParams = wps_js.global.request_params;
if (requestParams.author_id) query.author_id = requestParams.author_id;
if (requestParams.page) query.page = requestParams.page;
if (requestParams.pt) query.post_type = requestParams.pt;
if (requestParams.pid) query.post_id = requestParams.pid;
return query;
processResults: function (data) {
if (data && Array.isArray(data.results)) {
return {
results: data.results.map(item => ({
id: item.id,
text: item.text
pagination: {
more: false
} else {
console.error('Expected an array of results but got:', data);
return {results: []};
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
console.error('AJAX request error:', status, error);
// Initial select2 setup without AJAX
dropdownParent: dropdownParent,
dir: dirValue,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
dropdownCssClass: 'wps-select2-filter-dropdown'
// Event listeners
wpsSelect2.on('select2:open', () => wpsDropdown.addClass('active'));
wpsSelect2.on('select2:close', () => wpsDropdown.removeClass('active'));
wpsSelect2.on('change', function () {
const selectedOption = jQuery(this).find('option:selected');
const url = selectedOption.val();
if (url) {
window.location.href = url;
// Conditional initialization based on filter page or visitor
if (wpsFilterPage.length) {
initializeSelect2(wpsFilterPage, 'wp_statistics_get_page_filter_items');
wpsFilterPage.on('click', () => wpsSelect2.select2('open'));
if (wpsFilterVisitor.length) {
initializeSelect2(wpsFilterVisitor, 'wp_statistics_search_visitors');
wpsFilterVisitor.on('click', () => wpsSelect2.select2('open'));
* Set Tooltip
wps_js.tooltip = function () {
theme: 'tooltipster-flat',
contentCloning: true
jQuery('body').on('mouseenter touchstart', '.wps-tooltip:not(.tooltipstered)', function () {
theme: 'tooltipster-flat'
* Execute Tooltip
* Redirect To Custom Url
* @param url
wps_js.redirect = function (url) {
* Create Horizontal Bar Chart
wps_js.horizontal_bar = function (tag_id, labels, data, imageUrls) {
// Get Element By ID
let element = document.getElementById(tag_id);
if (element) {
let parent = element.parentNode;
let nextSibling = element.nextSibling;
let total = data.reduce((sum, data) => sum + data, 0);
let blockDiv = document.createElement('div');
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// Calculate percentage as a float with two decimal places
let percentage = total ? ((data[i] / total) * 100) : 0;
// Format the percentage
let percentageText = percentage % 1 === 0 ? percentage.toFixed(0) : percentage.toFixed(1);
// If percentage ends with .0, remove it
if (percentageText.endsWith('.0')) {
percentageText = percentageText.slice(0, -2);
let itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
let labelImageDiv = document.createElement('div');
if (imageUrls && imageUrls[i] && imageUrls[i] !== 'undefined') {
let img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = imageUrls[i];
img.alt = labels[i];
let labelDiv = document.createElement('div');
labelDiv.innerHTML = labels[i];
labelDiv.setAttribute('title', labels[i]);
let dataPercentDiv = document.createElement('div');
let dataDiv = document.createElement('div');
dataDiv.innerHTML = `<span>${wps_js.formatNumber(data[i])}</span><span>${percentageText}%</span>`;
let backgroundDiv = document.createElement('div');
backgroundDiv.style.width = `${percentage}%`; // Set width according to percentage
if (nextSibling) {
parent.insertBefore(blockDiv, nextSibling);
} else {
* Create Chart ID by Meta Box name
* @param meta_box
wps_js.chart_id = function (meta_box) {
return 'wp-statistics-' + meta_box + '-meta-box-chart';
* Enable/Disable WordPress Admin PostBox Ajax Request
* @param type
wps_js.wordpress_postbox_ajax = function (type = 'enable') {
let wordpress_postbox = jQuery('.postbox .hndle, .postbox .handlediv');
if (type === 'enable') {
wordpress_postbox.on('click', window.postboxes.handle_click);
} else {
wordpress_postbox.off('click', window.postboxes.handle_click);
* Isset Property in Object
* @param obj
wps_js.isset = function (obj) {
let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (!obj || !obj.hasOwnProperty(args[i])) {
return false;
obj = obj[args[i]];
return true;
* Number Format
* @param number
* @param decimals
* @param dec_point
* @param thousands_point
* @returns {*}
wps_js.number_format = function (number, decimals, dec_point, thousands_point) {
if (number == null || !isFinite(number)) {
throw new TypeError("number is not valid");
if (!decimals) {
let len = number.toString().split('.').length;
decimals = len > 1 ? len : 0;
if (!dec_point) {
dec_point = '.';
if (!thousands_point) {
thousands_point = ',';
number = parseFloat(number).toFixed(decimals);
number = number.replace(".", dec_point);
let splitNum = number.split(dec_point);
splitNum[0] = splitNum[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, thousands_point);
number = splitNum.join(dec_point);
return number;
* Set Equal Bigger Div Height For WordPress PostBox
* @param Dom_1
* @param Dom_2
wps_js.set_equal_height = function (Dom_1, Dom_2) {
let tbl_h = jQuery(Dom_1).height();
let ch_h = jQuery(Dom_2).height();
let ex = Dom_2;
let val = tbl_h;
if (tbl_h < ch_h) {
ex = Dom_1;
val = ch_h;
jQuery(ex).css('height', val + 'px');
* Create Half WordPress Post Box
* @param div_class
* @param div_id
* @returns {string}
wps_js.Create_Half_PostBox = function (div_class, div_id) {
return `<div class="postbox-container wps-postbox-half ${div_class}"><div class="metabox-holder"><div class="meta-box-sortables"> <div class="postbox" id="${div_id}"> <div class="inside"></div></div></div></div></div>`;
* Check IS IP
* @param str
* @returns {boolean}
wps_js.isIP = function (str) {
const octet = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)';
const regex = new RegExp(`^${octet}\\.${octet}\\.${octet}\\.${octet}$`);
return regex.test(str);
* Get Link Params
wps_js.getLinkParams = function (param, link = false) {
if (!link) {
link = window.location.href;
let v = link.match(new RegExp('(?:[\?\&]' + param + '=)([^&]+)'));
return v ? v[1] : null;
* Sum array Of Item
* @param array
* @returns {*}
wps_js.sum = function (array) {
return array.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
* Show empty data
wps_js.no_results = function () {
return '<div class="o-wrap o-wrap--no-data wps-center">' + wps_js._('no_result') + '</div>';
wps_js.hex_to_rgba = function (hex, opacity) {
const defaultColor ='#3288D7';
if (typeof hex !== 'string' || hex[0] !== '#' || (hex.length !== 7 && hex.length !== 4)) {
hex = defaultColor;
if (hex.length === 4) {
hex = '#' + hex[1].repeat(2) + hex[2].repeat(2) + hex[3].repeat(2);
hex = hex.replace('#', '');
let hex_to_rgba_r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16);
let hex_to_rgba_g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16);
let hex_to_rgba_b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16);
return wps_js.rgba_to_hex(hex_to_rgba_r, hex_to_rgba_g, hex_to_rgba_b, opacity);
wps_js.rgba_to_hex = function (r, g, b, a) {
let hex_r = r.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
let hex_g = g.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
let hex_b = b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
let hex_a = Math.round(a * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
return `#${hex_r}${hex_g}${hex_b}${hex_a}`;
const getOrCreateTooltip = (chart) => {
let tooltipEl = chart.canvas.parentNode.querySelector('div');
if (!tooltipEl) {
tooltipEl = document.createElement('div');
tooltipEl.style.opacity = 1;
tooltipEl.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
tooltipEl.style.position = 'absolute';
tooltipEl.style.transition = 'all .1s ease';
const table = document.createElement('table');
table.style.margin = '0px';
return tooltipEl;
wps_js.setTooltipPosition =function(tooltipEl , chart , tooltip) {
const {offsetLeft: chartLeft, offsetTop: chartTop, clientWidth: chartWidth, clientHeight: chartHeight} = chart.canvas;
const {caretX, caretY} = tooltip;
const tooltipWidth = tooltipEl.offsetWidth;
const tooltipHeight = tooltipEl.offsetHeight;
const margin = 16;
let tooltipX = chartLeft + caretX + margin;
let tooltipY = chartTop + caretY - tooltipHeight / 2;
if (tooltipX + tooltipWidth + margin > chartLeft + chartWidth) {
tooltipX = chartLeft + caretX - tooltipWidth - margin;
if (tooltipX < chartLeft + margin) {
tooltipX = chartLeft + margin;
if (tooltipY < chartTop + margin) {
tooltipY = chartTop + margin;
if (tooltipY + tooltipHeight + margin > chartTop + chartHeight) {
tooltipY = chartTop + chartHeight - tooltipHeight - margin;
tooltipEl.style.opacity = 1;
tooltipEl.style.left = tooltipX + 'px';
tooltipEl.style.top = tooltipY + 'px';
const externalTooltipHandler = (context, dataset, colors, data, unitTime, dateLabels , prevDateLabels, monthTooltip ,prevMonthTooltip) => {
const {chart, tooltip} = context;
const tooltipEl = getOrCreateTooltip(chart);
if (tooltip.opacity === 0) {
tooltipEl.style.opacity = 0;
if (tooltip.body) {
const titleLines = tooltip.title || [];
const dataIndex = tooltip.dataPoints[0].dataIndex;
const datasets = chart.data.datasets;
let innerHtml = `<div>`;
titleLines.forEach(title => {
const {date, day} = (data.data) ? data.data.labels[dataIndex] : data.labels[dataIndex];
if (unitTime === 'day') {
const phpDateFormat = wps_js.isset(wps_js.global, 'options', 'wp_date_format') ? wps_js.global['options']['wp_date_format'] : 'MM/DD/YYYY';
let momentDateFormat = phpToMomentFormat(phpDateFormat);
innerHtml += `<div class="chart-title">${moment(date).format(momentDateFormat)} (${day})</div>`;
} else if (unitTime === 'month') {
innerHtml += `<div class="chart-title">${monthTooltip[dataIndex]} </div>`;
} else {
innerHtml += `<div class="chart-title">${dateLabels[dataIndex]} </div>`;
// Iterate over each dataset to create the tooltip content
datasets.forEach((dataset, index) => {
const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(index);
// const metaPrevious = chart.getDatasetMeta(index + 1);
const metaPrevious = chart.data.datasets.find((dataset, dsIndex) => {
return dataset.label === `${datasets[index].label} (Previous)` && chart.getDatasetMeta(dsIndex);
const value = dataset.data[dataIndex];
const isPrevious = dataset.label.includes('(Previous)');
if (!meta.hidden && !isPrevious) {
innerHtml += `
<div class="current-data">
<span class="current-data__color" style="background-color: ${dataset.hoverPointBackgroundColor};"></span>
<span class="current-data__value">${value.toLocaleString()}</span>
if (data?.previousData && metaPrevious && !chart.getDatasetMeta(chart.data.datasets.indexOf(metaPrevious)).hidden) {
const previousDataset = data.previousData.datasets.find(prev => prev.label === dataset.label.replace(' (Previous)', ''));
// Check if previous period is globally hidden
const previousPeriodElement = document.querySelector('.wps-postbox-chart--previousPeriod');
const isPreviousHidden = previousPeriodElement && previousPeriodElement.classList.contains('wps-line-through');
if (previousDataset !== undefined && previousDataset !== '' && previousDataset.data && !isPrevious && !isPreviousHidden) {
let previousValue = previousDataset.data[dataIndex];
let previousLabel = null;
if (unitTime === 'day') {
const phpDateFormat = wps_js.isset(wps_js.global, 'options', 'wp_date_format') ? wps_js.global['options']['wp_date_format'] : 'MM/DD/YYYY';
let momentDateFormat = phpToMomentFormat(phpDateFormat);
previousLabel = moment(data.previousData.labels[dataIndex].date).format(momentDateFormat)
} else if (unitTime === 'month') {
} else {
previousLabel =prevDateLabels[dataIndex];
innerHtml += `
<div class="previous-data">
<span class="previous-data__colors">
<span class="previous-data__color" style="background-color: ${dataset.hoverPointBackgroundColor};"></span>
<span class="previous-data__color" style="background-color: ${dataset.hoverPointBackgroundColor};"></span>
<span class="previous-data__value"> ${previousValue.toLocaleString()}</span>
innerHtml += `</div>`;
tooltipEl.innerHTML = innerHtml;
wps_js.setTooltipPosition(tooltipEl , chart , tooltip);
// Custom plugin definition
const drawVerticalLinePlugin = {
id: 'drawVerticalLine',
beforeDatasetDraw(chart) {
const {ctx, scales: {x, y}, tooltip, chartArea: {top, bottom}} = chart;
if (tooltip && tooltip._active && tooltip._active.length) {
const xValue = tooltip._active[0].element.x;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#A9AAAE';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.setLineDash([6, 6]);
ctx.moveTo(xValue, top);
ctx.lineTo(xValue, bottom);
const phpToMomentFormat = (phpFormat) => {
const formatMap = {
'd': 'DD',
'j': 'D',
'S': 'Do',
'n': 'M',
'm': 'MM',
'F': 'MMM',
'M': 'MMM',
'y': 'YY',
'Y': 'YYYY'
return phpFormat.replace(/([a-zA-Z])/g, (match) => formatMap[match] || match);
wps_js.new_line_chart = function (data, tag_id, newOptions = null, type = 'line') {
const phpDateFormat = wps_js.isset(wps_js.global, 'options', 'wp_date_format') ? wps_js.global['options']['wp_date_format'] : 'MM/DD/YYYY';
let momentDateFormat = phpToMomentFormat(phpDateFormat);
// Check if chart is inside the dashboard-widgets div
const isInsideDashboardWidgets = document.getElementById(tag_id).closest('#dashboard-widgets') !== null;
const formatDateRange = (start, end, unitTime) => {
const startDateFormat = momentDateFormat.replace(/,?\s?(YYYY|YY)[-/\s]?,?|[-/\s]?(YYYY|YY)[-/\s]?,?/g, "");
if (unitTime === 'month') {
return moment(start).format('MMM YYYY');
} else {
if (isInsideDashboardWidgets) {
return `${moment(start).format(startDateFormat)} to ${moment(end).format(startDateFormat)}`;
} else {
return `${moment(start).format(startDateFormat)} to ${moment(end).format(momentDateFormat)}`;
const setMonthDateRange = (start, end) => {
const startDateFormat = momentDateFormat.replace(/,?\s?(YYYY|YY)[-/\s]?,?|[-/\s]?(YYYY|YY)[-/\s]?,?/g, "");
return `${moment(start).format(startDateFormat)} to ${moment(end).format(momentDateFormat)}`;
const aggregateData = (labels, datasets, unitTime) => {
const aggregatedLabels = [];
let monthTooltipTitle = [];
const aggregatedData = datasets.map(() => []);
let tempData = [];
let tempLabelStart = labels[0]?.date;
labels.forEach((label, i) => {
const currentMoment = moment(label.date);
if (!currentMoment.isValid()) {
console.error(`Invalid date found at index ${i}:`, label.date);
return; // Skip invalid date
const isEndOfPeriod = (unitTime === 'week' && currentMoment.day() === 0) ||
(unitTime === 'month' && currentMoment.date() === currentMoment.daysInMonth());
// Collect data for each week/month
tempData.push({...label, index: i}); // Track index for dataset reference
if (isEndOfPeriod || i === labels.length - 1) {
const tempLabelEnd = labels[i]?.date || tempLabelStart;
aggregatedLabels.push(formatDateRange(tempLabelStart, tempLabelEnd, unitTime)); // Pass unitTime
if (unitTime === 'month') {
monthTooltipTitle.push(setMonthDateRange(tempLabelStart, tempLabelEnd));
datasets.forEach((dataset, idx) => {
const aggregatedValue = tempData.reduce((sum, dataObj) => {
const value = dataset.data[dataObj.index];
return !isNaN(value) && value != null ? sum + value : sum; // Ensure valid number addition
}, 0);
tempData = [];
tempLabelStart = labels[i + 1]?.date || ''; // Prepare for next aggregation
return {aggregatedLabels, aggregatedData, monthTooltipTitle};
// Determine whether to aggregate by day, week, or month
let dateLabels = data.data.labels.map(dateObj => dateObj.formatted_date);
let prevDateLabels = [];
let monthTooltip = [];
let prevMonthTooltip = [];
const length = dateLabels.length;
const containsPostsLabel = type === 'performance' && data.data.datasets.length > 2;
const threshold = type === 'performance' ? 30 : 60;
let unitTime = length <= threshold ? 'day' : length <= 180 ? 'week' : 'month';
if (data.previousData && data.previousData.datasets.length > 0) {
prevDateLabels = data.previousData.labels.map(dateObj => dateObj.formatted_date);
// Aggregate data for week or month view
if (unitTime === 'week' || unitTime === 'month') {
const aggregatedData = aggregateData(data.data.labels, data.data.datasets, unitTime);
dateLabels = aggregatedData.aggregatedLabels;
data.data.datasets.forEach((dataset, idx) => {
dataset.data = aggregatedData.aggregatedData[idx];
if (data.previousData && data.previousData.datasets.length > 0) {
const aggregatedPreviousData = aggregateData(data.previousData.labels, data.previousData.datasets, unitTime);
prevDateLabels = aggregatedPreviousData.aggregatedLabels;
data.previousData.datasets.forEach((dataset, idx) => {
dataset.data = aggregatedPreviousData.aggregatedData[idx];
prevMonthTooltip = aggregatedPreviousData.monthTooltipTitle;
monthTooltip = aggregatedData.monthTooltipTitle;
// Define the colors
let colors = {
'Total': '#27A765',
'Views': '#7362BF',
'Visitors': '#3288D7',
'Posts': '#8AC3D0',
'Other1': '#3288D7',
'Other2': '#7362BF',
'Other3': '#8AC3D0'
const tensionValues = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7];
// Get Element By ID
let ctx_line = document.getElementById(tag_id).getContext('2d');
const datasets = [];
// Dynamically create datasets
Object.keys(data.data.datasets).forEach((key, index) => {
let color = colors[data.data.datasets[key].label] || colors[`Other${index + 1}`];
let tension = tensionValues[index % tensionValues.length]; // Use tension value based on index
if (containsPostsLabel && index === 2) {
type: 'bar',
label: data.data.datasets[key].label,
data: data.data.datasets[key].data,
backgroundColor: color,
hoverBackgroundColor: color,
hoverPointBackgroundColor: color,
yAxisID: 'y1',
} else {
// Main dataset
type: 'line',
label: data.data.datasets[key].label,
data: data.data.datasets[key].data,
borderColor: color,
backgroundColor: color,
fill: false,
yAxisID: 'y',
borderWidth: 2,
pointRadius: 0,
pointBorderColor: 'transparent',
pointBackgroundColor: color,
pointBorderWidth: 2,
hoverPointRadius: 6,
hoverPointBorderColor: '#fff',
hoverPointBackgroundColor: color,
hoverPointBorderWidth: 4,
tension: tension,
hitRadius: 10
if (data?.previousData) {
Object.keys(data.previousData.datasets).forEach((key, index) => {
let color = colors[data.previousData.datasets[key].label] || colors[`Other${index}`];
let tension = tensionValues[index % tensionValues.length]; // Use tension value based on index
// Previous data dataset
type: 'line',
label: `${data.previousData.datasets[key].label} (Previous)`,
data: data.previousData.datasets[key].data,
borderColor: wps_js.hex_to_rgba(color, 0.7),
hoverBorderColor: color,
backgroundColor: color,
fill: false,
yAxisID: 'y',
borderWidth: 1,
borderDash: [5, 5],
pointRadius: 0,
pointBorderColor: 'transparent',
pointBackgroundColor: color,
pointBorderWidth: 2,
hoverPointRadius: 6,
hoverPointBorderColor: '#fff',
hoverPointBackgroundColor: color,
hoverPointBorderWidth: 4,
tension: tension,
hitRadius: 10
// Default options
const defaultOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
resizeDelay: 200,
animation: {
duration: 0, // Disable animation
responsive: true,
interaction: {
intersect: false,
mode: 'index'
plugins: {
legend: false,
tooltip: {
enabled: false,
external: (context) => externalTooltipHandler(context, datasets, colors, data, unitTime, dateLabels , prevDateLabels, monthTooltip ,prevMonthTooltip),
callbacks: {
title: (tooltipItems) => tooltipItems[0].label,
label: (tooltipItem) => tooltipItem.formattedValue
scales: {
x: {
offset: dateLabels.length <= 1,
grid: {
display: false,
drawBorder: false,
tickLength: 0,
drawTicks: false
border: {
color: 'transparent',
width: 0
ticks: {
align: 'inner',
autoSkip: true,
maxTicksLimit: isInsideDashboardWidgets ? unitTime === 'week' ? 2 : 4 : unitTime === 'week' ? 3 : unitTime === 'month' ? 7 : 9,
font: {
color: '#898A8E',
style: 'italic',
weight: 'lighter',
size: isInsideDashboardWidgets ? (unitTime === 'week' ? 9 : 11) : (unitTime === 'week' ? 11 : 13)
padding: 8,
y: {
min: 0,
suggestedMax: 4,
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: isInsideDashboardWidgets ? 4 : 7,
fontColor: '#898A8E',
fontSize: 13,
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontWeight: 'lighter ',
padding: 8,
lineHeight: 15,
stepSize: 1
border: {
color: 'transparent',
width: 0
type: 'linear',
position: 'right',
grid: {
display: true,
tickMarkLength: 0,
drawBorder: false,
tickColor: '#EEEFF1',
color: '#EEEFF1'
gridLines: {
drawTicks: false
title: {
display: false,
if (containsPostsLabel) {
defaultOptions.scales.y1 = {
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
border: {
color: 'transparent',
width: 0
grid: {
display: false,
drawBorder: false,
tickLength: 0,
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: 7,
fontColor: '#898A8E',
fontSize: 13,
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontFamily: '"Roboto",-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif',
fontWeight: 'lighter ',
padding: 8,
lineHeight: 15,
stepSize: 1
title: {
display: true,
text: `${wps_js._('published')} Posts`,
color: '#898A8E',
fontSize: 13
defaultOptions.scales.y = {
border: {
color: 'transparent',
width: 0
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: 9,
fontColor: '#898A8E',
fontSize: 13,
fontStyle: 'italic',
fontFamily: '"Roboto",-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif',
fontWeight: 'lighter ',
padding: 8,
lineHeight: 15,
stepSize: 1
position: containsPostsLabel ? 'right' : 'left',
grid: {
display: true,
borderDash: [5, 5],
tickColor: '#EEEFF1',
color: '#EEEFF1'
title: {
display: true,
text: wps_js._('visits'),
color: '#898A8E',
fontSize: 13,
// Merge default options with user options
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, newOptions);
const lineChart = new Chart(ctx_line, {
type: containsPostsLabel ? 'bar' : 'line',
data: {
labels: dateLabels,
datasets: datasets,
plugins: [drawVerticalLinePlugin],
options: options
const updateLegend = function () {
const chartElement = document.getElementById(tag_id);
// Find the legend container that is beside this chart
const legendContainer = chartElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('.wps-postbox-chart--items');
if (legendContainer) {
legendContainer.innerHTML = '';
datasets.sort((a, b) => {
// Move "Total" and "Total (Previous)" to the top
if (a.label === 'Total') return -1;
if (b.label === 'Total') return 1;
if (a.label === 'Total (Previous)') return -1;
if (b.label === 'Total (Previous)') return 1;
return 0;
const previousPeriod = chartElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('.wps-postbox-chart--previousPeriod');
if (previousPeriod) {
let foundPrevious = false;
datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
if (dataset.label.includes('(Previous)')) {
foundPrevious = true;
if (foundPrevious) {
previousPeriod.style.display = 'flex';
previousPeriod.style.cursor = 'pointer';
previousPeriod.addEventListener('click', function() {
const isPreviousHidden = previousPeriod.classList.contains('wps-line-through');
datasets.forEach((dataset, datasetIndex) => {
if (dataset.label.includes('(Previous)')) {
const meta = lineChart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
meta.hidden = !isPreviousHidden;
const previousDataElements = legendContainer.querySelectorAll('.previous-data');
previousDataElements.forEach(elem => {
if (isPreviousHidden) {
} else {
datasets.forEach((dataset, index) => {
const isPrevious = dataset.label.includes('(Previous)');
if (!isPrevious) {
const currentData = dataset.data.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b), 0);
let previousData = null;
let previousDatasetIndex = null;
if (data?.previousData?.datasets.length > 0) {
const previousDataset = data.previousData.datasets.find((prev, prevIndex) => {
if (prev.label === dataset.label) {
previousDatasetIndex = prevIndex;
return true;
return false;
if (previousDataset && previousDataset.data) {
previousData = previousDataset.data.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b), 0);
const legendItem = document.createElement('div');
legendItem.className = 'wps-postbox-chart--item';
const previousDataHTML = previousData !== null ? `
<div class="previous-data">
<span class="wps-postbox-chart--item--color" style="border-color: ${dataset.borderColor}"></span>
<span class="wps-postbox-chart--item--color" style="border-color: ${dataset.borderColor}"></span>
</div>` : '';
// Build the legend item HTML
legendItem.innerHTML = `
<div class="current-data">
<span class="wps-postbox-chart--item--color" style="border-color: ${dataset.borderColor}"></span>
// Add click event to toggle visibility of the current dataset only
const currentDataDiv = legendItem.querySelector('.current-data');
currentDataDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
const metaMain = lineChart.getDatasetMeta(index);
metaMain.hidden = !metaMain.hidden;
// Add click event to toggle visibility of the previous dataset
const previousDataDiv = legendItem.querySelector('.previous-data');
if (previousDataDiv && previousDatasetIndex !== null) {
previousDataDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Find the metaPrevious dataset by matching the label with "(Previous)"
const metaPrevious = lineChart.data.datasets.find((dataset, dsIndex) => {
return dataset.label === `${datasets[index].label} (Previous)` && lineChart.getDatasetMeta(dsIndex);
// Toggle visibility of the previous dataset
if (metaPrevious) {
const metaPreviousIndex = lineChart.data.datasets.indexOf(metaPrevious);
const metaPreviousVisibility = lineChart.getDatasetMeta(metaPreviousIndex);
metaPreviousVisibility.hidden = !metaPreviousVisibility.hidden;
// Check if all previous-data elements have wps-line-through class
const allPreviousData = legendContainer.querySelectorAll('.previous-data');
const allHaveLineThrough = Array.from(allPreviousData).every(el =>
// Update the Previous period button class accordingly
if (previousPeriod) {
if (allHaveLineThrough) {
} else {
wps_js.new_line_chart.aggregateData = aggregateData;
return lineChart;
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searchInputs.on("input", function () {
let filter = jQuery(this).val().toLowerCase();
let items = jQuery(this).parent().find(".dropdown-item");
items.each(function () {
let text = jQuery(this).text() || jQuery(this).innerText;
if (text.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
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