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hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Theia Sticky Sidebar v1.7.0
 * https://github.com/WeCodePixels/theia-sticky-sidebar
 * Glues your website's sidebars, making them permanently visible while scrolling.
 * Copyright 2013-2016 WeCodePixels and other contributors
 * Released under the MIT license

(function ($) {
    $.fn.theiaStickySidebar = function (options) {
        var defaults = {
            'containerSelector': '',
            'additionalMarginTop': 0,
            'additionalMarginBottom': 0,
            'updateSidebarHeight': true,
            'minWidth': 0,
            'disableOnResponsiveLayouts': true,
            'sidebarBehavior': 'modern',
            'defaultPosition': 'relative',
            'namespace': 'TSS'
        options = $.extend(defaults, options);

        // Validate options
        options.additionalMarginTop = parseInt(options.additionalMarginTop) || 0;
        options.additionalMarginBottom = parseInt(options.additionalMarginBottom) || 0;

        tryInitOrHookIntoEvents(options, this);

        // Try doing init, otherwise hook into window.resize and document.scroll and try again then.
        function tryInitOrHookIntoEvents(options, $that) {
            var success = tryInit(options, $that);

            if (!success) {
                console.log('TSS: Body width smaller than options.minWidth. Init is delayed.');

                $(document).on('scroll.' + options.namespace, function (options, $that) {
                    return function (evt) {
                        var success = tryInit(options, $that);

                        if (success) {
                }(options, $that));
                $(window).on('resize.' + options.namespace, function (options, $that) {
                    return function (evt) {
                        var success = tryInit(options, $that);

                        if (success) {
                }(options, $that))

        // Try doing init if proper conditions are met.
        function tryInit(options, $that) {
            if (options.initialized === true) {
                return true;

            if ($('body').width() < options.minWidth) {
                return false;

            init(options, $that);

            return true;

        // Init the sticky sidebar(s).
        function init(options, $that) {
            options.initialized = true;

            // Add CSS
            var existingStylesheet = $('#theia-sticky-sidebar-stylesheet-' + options.namespace);
            if (existingStylesheet.length === 0) {
                $('head').append($('<style id="theia-sticky-sidebar-stylesheet-' + options.namespace + '">.theiaStickySidebar:after {content: ""; display: table; clear: both;}</style>'));

            $that.each(function () {
                var o = {};

                o.sidebar = $(this);

                // Save options
                o.options = options || {};

                // Get container
                o.container = $(o.options.containerSelector);
                if (o.container.length == 0) {
                    o.container = o.sidebar.parent();

                // Create sticky sidebar
                o.sidebar.parents().css('-webkit-transform', 'none'); // Fix for WebKit bug - https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20574
                    'position': o.options.defaultPosition,
                    'overflow': 'visible',
                    // The "box-sizing" must be set to "content-box" because we set a fixed height to this element when the sticky sidebar has a fixed position.
                    '-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box',
                    '-moz-box-sizing': 'border-box',
                    'box-sizing': 'border-box'

                // Get the sticky sidebar element. If none has been found, then create one.
                o.stickySidebar = o.sidebar.find('.theiaStickySidebar');
                if (o.stickySidebar.length == 0) {
                    // Remove <script> tags, otherwise they will be run again when added to the stickySidebar.
                    var javaScriptMIMETypes = /(?:text|application)\/(?:x-)?(?:javascript|ecmascript)/i;
                    o.sidebar.find('script').filter(function (index, script) {
                        return script.type.length === 0 || script.type.match(javaScriptMIMETypes);

                    o.stickySidebar = $('<div>').addClass('theiaStickySidebar').append(o.sidebar.children());

                // Get existing top and bottom margins and paddings
                o.marginBottom = parseInt(o.sidebar.css('margin-bottom'));
                o.paddingTop = parseInt(o.sidebar.css('padding-top'));
                o.paddingBottom = parseInt(o.sidebar.css('padding-bottom'));

                // Add a temporary padding rule to check for collapsable margins.
                var collapsedTopHeight = o.stickySidebar.offset().top;
                var collapsedBottomHeight = o.stickySidebar.outerHeight();
                o.stickySidebar.css('padding-top', 1);
                o.stickySidebar.css('padding-bottom', 1);
                collapsedTopHeight -= o.stickySidebar.offset().top;
                collapsedBottomHeight = o.stickySidebar.outerHeight() - collapsedBottomHeight - collapsedTopHeight;
                if (collapsedTopHeight == 0) {
                    o.stickySidebar.css('padding-top', 0);
                    o.stickySidebarPaddingTop = 0;
                else {
                    o.stickySidebarPaddingTop = 1;

                if (collapsedBottomHeight == 0) {
                    o.stickySidebar.css('padding-bottom', 0);
                    o.stickySidebarPaddingBottom = 0;
                else {
                    o.stickySidebarPaddingBottom = 1;

                // We use this to know whether the user is scrolling up or down.
                o.previousScrollTop = null;

                // Scroll top (value) when the sidebar has fixed position.
                o.fixedScrollTop = 0;

                // Set sidebar to default values.

                o.onScroll = function (o) {
                    // Stop if the sidebar isn't visible.
                    if (!o.stickySidebar.is(":visible")) {

                    // Stop if the window is too small.
                    if ($('body').width() < o.options.minWidth) {

                    // Stop if the sidebar width is larger than the container width (e.g. the theme is responsive and the sidebar is now below the content)
                    if (o.options.disableOnResponsiveLayouts) {
                        var sidebarWidth = o.sidebar.outerWidth(o.sidebar.css('float') == 'none');

                        if (sidebarWidth + 50 > o.container.width()) {

                    var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
                    var position = 'static';

                    // If the user has scrolled down enough for the sidebar to be clipped at the top, then we can consider changing its position.
                    if (scrollTop >= o.sidebar.offset().top + (o.paddingTop - o.options.additionalMarginTop)) {
                        // The top and bottom offsets, used in various calculations.
                        var offsetTop = o.paddingTop + options.additionalMarginTop;
                        var offsetBottom = o.paddingBottom + o.marginBottom + options.additionalMarginBottom;

                        // All top and bottom positions are relative to the window, not to the parent elemnts.
                        var containerTop = o.sidebar.offset().top;
                        var containerBottom = o.sidebar.offset().top + getClearedHeight(o.container);

                        // The top and bottom offsets relative to the window screen top (zero) and bottom (window height).
                        var windowOffsetTop = 0 + options.additionalMarginTop;
                        var windowOffsetBottom;

                        var sidebarSmallerThanWindow = (o.stickySidebar.outerHeight() + offsetTop + offsetBottom) < $(window).height();
                        if (sidebarSmallerThanWindow) {
                            windowOffsetBottom = windowOffsetTop + o.stickySidebar.outerHeight();
                        else {
                            windowOffsetBottom = $(window).height() - o.marginBottom - o.paddingBottom - options.additionalMarginBottom;

                        var staticLimitTop = containerTop - scrollTop + o.paddingTop;
                        var staticLimitBottom = containerBottom - scrollTop - o.paddingBottom - o.marginBottom;

                        var top = o.stickySidebar.offset().top - scrollTop;
                        var scrollTopDiff = o.previousScrollTop - scrollTop;

                        // If the sidebar position is fixed, then it won't move up or down by itself. So, we manually adjust the top coordinate.
                        if (o.stickySidebar.css('position') == 'fixed') {
                            if (o.options.sidebarBehavior == 'modern') {
                                top += scrollTopDiff;

                        if (o.options.sidebarBehavior == 'stick-to-top') {
                            top = options.additionalMarginTop;

                        if (o.options.sidebarBehavior == 'stick-to-bottom') {
                            top = windowOffsetBottom - o.stickySidebar.outerHeight();

                        if (scrollTopDiff > 0) { // If the user is scrolling up.
                            top = Math.min(top, windowOffsetTop);
                        else { // If the user is scrolling down.
                            top = Math.max(top, windowOffsetBottom - o.stickySidebar.outerHeight());

                        top = Math.max(top, staticLimitTop);

                        top = Math.min(top, staticLimitBottom - o.stickySidebar.outerHeight());

                        // If the sidebar is the same height as the container, we won't use fixed positioning.
                        var sidebarSameHeightAsContainer = o.container.height() == o.stickySidebar.outerHeight();

                        if (!sidebarSameHeightAsContainer && top == windowOffsetTop) {
                            position = 'fixed';
                        else if (!sidebarSameHeightAsContainer && top == windowOffsetBottom - o.stickySidebar.outerHeight()) {
                            position = 'fixed';
                        else if (scrollTop + top - o.sidebar.offset().top - o.paddingTop <= options.additionalMarginTop) {
                            // Stuck to the top of the page. No special behavior.
                            position = 'static';
                        else {
                            // Stuck to the bottom of the page.
                            position = 'absolute';

                     * Performance notice: It's OK to set these CSS values at each resize/scroll, even if they don't change.
                     * It's way slower to first check if the values have changed.
                    if (position == 'fixed') {
                        var scrollLeft = $(document).scrollLeft();

                            'position': 'fixed',
                            'width': getWidthForObject(o.stickySidebar) + 'px',
                            'transform': 'translateY(' + top + 'px)',
                            'left': (o.sidebar.offset().left + parseInt(o.sidebar.css('padding-left')) - scrollLeft) + 'px',
                            'top': '0px'
                    else if (position == 'absolute') {
                        var css = {};

                        if (o.stickySidebar.css('position') != 'absolute') {
                            css.position = 'absolute';
                            css.transform = 'translateY(' + (scrollTop + top - o.sidebar.offset().top - o.stickySidebarPaddingTop - o.stickySidebarPaddingBottom) + 'px)';
                            css.top = '0px';

                        css.width = getWidthForObject(o.stickySidebar) + 'px';
                        css.left = '';

                    else if (position == 'static') {

                    if (position != 'static') {
                        if (o.options.updateSidebarHeight == true) {
                                'min-height': o.stickySidebar.outerHeight() + o.stickySidebar.offset().top - o.sidebar.offset().top + o.paddingBottom

                    o.previousScrollTop = scrollTop;

                // Initialize the sidebar's position.

                // Recalculate the sidebar's position on every scroll and resize.
                $(document).on('scroll.' + o.options.namespace, function (o) {
                    return function () {
                $(window).on('resize.' + o.options.namespace, function (o) {
                    return function () {
                        o.stickySidebar.css({'position': 'static'});

                // Recalculate the sidebar's position every time the sidebar changes its size.
                if (typeof ResizeSensor !== 'undefined') {
                    new ResizeSensor(o.stickySidebar[0], function (o) {
                        return function () {

                // Reset the sidebar to its default state
                function resetSidebar() {
                    o.fixedScrollTop = 0;
                        'min-height': '1px'
                        'position': 'static',
                        'width': '',
                        'transform': 'none'

                // Get the height of a div as if its floated children were cleared. Note that this function fails if the floats are more than one level deep.
                function getClearedHeight(e) {
                    var height = e.height();

                    e.children().each(function () {
                        height = Math.max(height, $(this).height());

                    return height;

        function getWidthForObject(object) {
            var width;

            try {
                width = object[0].getBoundingClientRect().width;
            catch (err) {

            if (typeof width === "undefined") {
                width = object.width();

            return width;

        return this;

//# sourceMappingURL=maps/theia-sticky-sidebar.js.map


Name Type Size Permission Actions
custom.js File 14.8 KB 0644
custom.min.js File 8.9 KB 0644
html5shiv.js File 10.41 KB 0644
html5shiv.min.js File 2.58 KB 0644
jquery.slicknav.js File 21.15 KB 0644
jquery.slicknav.min.js File 8.22 KB 0644
navigation.js File 5.92 KB 0644
skip-link-focus-fix.js File 716 B 0644
theia-sticky-sidebar.js File 16.36 KB 0644
theia-sticky-sidebar.min.js File 5.3 KB 0644